The lizards and grasshoppers are stopping by to say hello (in the garage, of course -- that is my sacred space). Of course, as I have reminded others, if you see lizards, that means the snakes are out.
A lot of this kind of stuff has to be due to location. I am in an agricultural area. What used to be orchards that surrounded us is now a field of hay. We are right in the middle of it, but the house surrounded by pavement. This is a nice buffer until certain critters decide they need shade in the day, or the warmth of the patio/garage at night.
I just remember to stamp my feet when I walk, so they have some time to get away. :op
I was wondering where all of the grasshoppers/crickets have been, and said so, aloud. I could hear them outside, but they have not invaded the house in a while (they come in by the dozen and you just have to let them be; they win). Anyhow, right after I said that, I went into the garage, and a cricket was staring me right in the face. As soon as I saw it, it left.
Grasshopper SymbolismA reader asked me for clarification about grasshopper symbolism and various symbolic/cultural roles this magnificent creature plays within the insect realm.
As a cultural symbol, this insect is a prominent feature in Asian traditions. For instance, the Japanese connect its molting phases with the wax and wane of the moon. Further still, the Japanese cherished the song of this creature (particularly the long-horned grasshopper), and believed the moon coaxed the music from them.
As a Chinese symbol, the grass hopper offers attributes of longevity, happiness, good health, good luck, wealth, abundance, fertility and virtue. In fact, grasshoppers were thought to be fertility symbols; specifically omens of the birth of a son (hence, another reason for its good luck symbol status as sons are considered prized gems within the setting of the family).
In certain regions of China, grasshoppers were kept as family pets and it was believed grasshoppers embodied the personalities of family members who were deceased. Keeping these reincarnate souls in the form of grasshoppers insured prosperity amongst the family members.
In Ancient Greece the grasshopper is a status symbol. Athenians would adorn themselves with golden grasshopper hair combs and brooches as an indication of nobility. The grasshopper is also a symbol of immortality as we see in Greek myth when Zeus grants immortality to Tithonus, who was later transformed into a grasshopper (who of course, lived forever).
In Native American Indian symbology and tribal lore (specifically the Iroquois nation) grasshopper symbolism deals with messages of glad tiding. In this context, the grasshopper is a harbinger of good news. Indeed, when this creature is seen on spirit walks, it is a sign that the seer will receive profoundly joyful news that will benefit the entire community.
Here's a quick-list of grasshopper symbolism:
Forward Thinking
As an, animal totem ( )the grasshopper appeals to artists, musicians and dancers. To wit, the lilting song this creature emits is an inspiration to our muse; its skittering and jumping is divine choreography. The artist within us all easily recognizes the grasshopper making its own dance steps, and grooving to its own special melody.
The grasshopper moves to its own rhythm and tune, indicating this creature is a advocate of intuition and listening to our inner voices. The grasshopper encourages us to listen to our own stirrings – those beautiful chirping lullaby’s that sing in our hearts are indications of our inner beauty and creativity. The grasshopper totem reminds us these inner musings must never be silenced – rather, they should be nurtured, and always remain as the background music to the performance of our lives.
As with most insect totems ( ), the grasshopper keeps itself to the ground. As such, this is a grounding totem, and the grasshopper can teach us stability, patience, security, and solidarity.
The grasshopper chooses those of us who are innovators, forward-thinkers, and those who progress in life by unorthodox methods. This is because grasshopper symbolism recognizes tremendous leaps of faith, impressive jumps in progress and consistent forward momentum. Those with this totem are likely to aim high, and achieve amazing feats – they take great leaps where others fear to tread (or jump, in this case).
Another special feature of the grasshopper totem is that it calls to those who have natural clairvoyant abilities. Just as the grasshopper uses thousands of tiny eyes to formulate the “big picture” so too do those whom the grasshopper is called. In other words, those with this totem are visionaries. They see things intuitively, seeing beyond what the concrete world holds, and they use this special vision to see the world with a childlike wonder.
We can call upon the grasshopper when we need a sense of adventure in our lives. When we feel stuck in a rut, the grasshopper can bounce us into magical viridian worlds filled awe and joy.
The grasshopper can also help us when we need a little creative inspiration. If muses kept pets – the grasshopper would certainly be a first choice.
Take the time to connect with the grasshopper. Here are some suggestions in doing so:
Consider the spaces in your life that need a little extra-sensory vision and call upon the eyes of the grasshopper for a grandiose view.
Visualize some amazingly good news hopping your way on the back of the grasshopper
Invoke the grasshopper’s help in making forward-motions in your life with great leaps of courage and faith.
Ask the grasshopper if it might share its antennae with you – see yourself with a pair of antenna – sensing out your environment, detecting the energy around you, and gaining new clarity with your new sensory organs.
Recall the summer songs of the grasshopper that lift from warm grasses like a background fragrance. Tapping into grasshopper song can be incredibly uplifting, as well as inspirational.
Consider the earthy grounded-ness the grasshopper represents when you need some anchoring and stability in your life
I hope you have enjoyed these observations on grasshopper symbolism and grasshopper totems. This is truly a magnificent creature capable of expanding your horizon to new heights.
I've written more about grasshopper symbolism on my blog here.
The appearance of Cricket in your life heralds an awakening of sensitivities and finding light within the dark.
Dreams become more clairvoyant.
Trust in your intuition – it is more accurate than you believe.
Make sure to stay grounded and balanced while exploring your intuition and psychic abilities. The appearance of Cricket might also be a reminder that you are using psychic powers without proper grounding.
In China, the Cricket symbolizes a fighting spirit.
In England, it is considered good luck to find a cricket on the hearth.
Crickets were believes to be familiar who watched over and guarded the home's occupants.
TAGS : totem, medicine, shamanism, cricket
This information is shared by Joe/Bear Smiles, please look into Grasshopper as well if you are interested in this Medicine, they are related.
The Cricket
Crickets are scavengers and feed on organic and decaying plant material. They live under rocks, logs, in meadows, pastures and along roadsides. Because they are active at night, ancient myth associates the cricket with the lunar energies of intuition and sensitivity. When this medicine is fully developed in man logic is balanced with intuition. If underdeveloped the individual takes everything that happens around them to heart and sets them self up to become a victim of circumstance. Emotional discord follows. If the later is true pull in your energy field and do some form of aerobic exercise. This will help strengthen your emotional core and ground your physical body.
Known as natures musicians, crickets can be heard chirping loudly especially during mating season. Their chirping sounds are made by rubbing together their 2 front wings. Attracting a mate with only a chirp can be tricky especially if the females are far away. The cricket not only joins in unison with other males trying to be as loud as possible, but it is also uses its ingenuity to find a mate.
In Africa the tree cricket uses leaves growing on plants to make a megaphone. The cricket chews a pear shaped hole in the leaf and sticks his head through the hold, the leaf bends around his head in a bowl shape like a speaker baffle. Then the cricket presses his sound making wings against the leaf and chirps. These leaf amplifiers increase their sound by up to 10 decibels.
Not only do crickets teach us how to be resourceful and use our ingenuity to acquire a desired outcome they also serve as a weather barometer. Crickets are cold blooded. As the temperature rises on a summer day their metabolism and behavior speed up. The hotter the temperature gets the faster they chirp. When they stop singing altogether it means a storm is approaching. Those with this totem should heed the crickets warning. Storms are symbolic and can indicate that an emotional, mental or physical challenge is coming your way.
The crickets hind legs are modified for jumping. They leap over difficult situations effortlessly always choosing to land in a more pleasing environment and can teach us how to do the same. A powerful ally that embodies the qualities of faith and trust the cricket serves us well. All we need to do is follow its lead.
Sending Smiles
"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star"