It's out:
Rare Sunday Update
Urgent Matters
1. The new predictive linguistics report from is now available. Sorry for having to hint for so long, but it's out.
2. Using that crackpot theory (Clif's too sensible for this kind of thing, lol so this is my own monster) I alluded to in this weekend's Peoplenomics, I've been poring over charts all day and if my eyes aren't deceiving me, the earthquake around 05:30-06:00 UTC time tomorrow morning may be the hint where the Big One will be. If Arkansas bumps and the levy is blown this afternoon, odds favor New Madrid, but if somewhere else, Nevada, for example, hasta la California or some such sneaks back into the cards - or the Pacific Northwest. More in the morning per usual, whatever that is anymore.
A Quake Watch Update
I want to again repeat that I am NOT saying HAARP has anything to do with any possible pending earthquake! The University of Alaska's magnetometer chain is only a convenient data source.
Today on the subscriber site, a discussion of [a crackpot] earthquake theory and a new dart is thrown toward early-mid morning on 5/3 since at this point, as the newer magnetometer data seems pressing that way, and the levee up north hasn't been blown yet, but that could happen any time.
And if one more person says "yeah, that would put it on 5/3/11 which adds up to 19..." I'm gonna pull my hair out. Yeah, I know, I know....but just because the magnetometers are moving doesn't mean it's causative or even coincident - got it?
We're just watching things, like we watch the markets and such, too.