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    Ik Geloof Alles!, Website


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    Ik Geloof Alles!, Website Empty Ik Geloof Alles!, Website

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:37 pm

    TRANCOSO, Mar 20 2010, 01:19 AM

    n.b. The stories on this website are in Dutch, but the graphics are worth a quick visit.

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    Ik Geloof Alles!, Website Empty Re: Ik Geloof Alles!, Website

    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:44 pm

    Did you have a look at it, Sui?
    Than you'll know what TRANCOSO looks like.

    If not, do.
    You'll be in for quite a surprise! Ik Geloof Alles!, Website 849210

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    Ik Geloof Alles!, Website Empty Re: Ik Geloof Alles!, Website

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:53 pm

    TRANCOSO wrote:Did you have a look at it, Sui?
    Than you'll know what TRANCOSO looks like.

    If not, do.
    You'll be in for quite a surprise! Ik Geloof Alles!, Website 849210

    The gnome with the blue hat??? Blink


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    Ik Geloof Alles!, Website Empty Re: Ik Geloof Alles!, Website

    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:01 pm

    The gnome with the blue hat & the big, smoking gun, Sui! I told you, you'd be surprised!

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    Ik Geloof Alles!, Website Empty Re: Ik Geloof Alles!, Website

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:33 pm

    TRANCOSO wrote:The gnome with the blue hat & the big, smoking gun, Sui! I told you, you'd be surprised!

    So.....uhm...... mean.......that's you?? ?

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    Ik Geloof Alles!, Website Empty Re: Ik Geloof Alles!, Website

    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:52 pm

    Well, yes & no. Actually the character that bears most resemblance to me is 'IK'.

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    Ik Geloof Alles!, Website Empty Re: Ik Geloof Alles!, Website

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:48 pm


    Although Charlotte de la Bombonniere has absolutely no problem with the fact that I call her my ‘Guardian Angel’, she actually is a ‘Spirit Guide’. In an interview with TRUTH, a popular esoteric ‘Lifestyle Gossip Glossy’, Charlotte shines a light on the role that Spirit Guides play, in the life of humans.

    - Charlotte, what exactly is a Spirit Guide?

    - Spirit Guides are entities - physical and non-physical - who have chosen to aid others on the path to spiritual enlightenment as we are about to ascend. Most spirit guides have had incarnations on the physical Earth plane, as well as other realms.

    They, like yourself, may exist there multi dimensionally, at this time. Spirit guides can be aspects of yourself. Spirit Guides have a personality of their own, often talk a lot & are humorous. Spirit Guides may remain with you for a lifetime, or may come and go depending on your needs and theirs.

    They are beings of light that may physically appear to you in humanoid form so you mind can conceptualize them better. You can ask a spirit guide to leave, and they must comply. You can request additional guides and/or angels if you want to work with guides on higher levels Spirit guides travel inter dimensionally. They travel with us at night when we sleep. They teach us at that time. Most can not manifest into physical form, as they are pure energy, but will present you with a likeness of themselves as best they can.

    - Does everybody ‘have’ Spirit Guides?

    - The average number of guides is 5, usually a mix of male and female. Each guide generally comes in for a specific purpose in our lives. Other aspects of your soul, spiritual guardians, healers, to help with your creative work, those who have a past life connection to you, deceased relatives or close friends and even extraterrestrials. Many guides are our soul mates which is why we can not find our true physical love. Some guides stay with you for your entire lifetime. Others stay for many years, then leave. You can ask a spirit guide to leave if you so chose. You can also ask to have another brought to help.

    - In which way(s) do Spirit Guides communicate with us?

    - Sometimes they are the little voice you hear in your head or thoughts. Often times they speak to you in dream state, altered states of consciousness, through the synchronistic things that occur in your life, through art, music, dance or acting, or through meditation. If they really want to make a point they will drop something on you like a book, as if to say, 'Pay attention!'

    - Do Spirit Guides have hobbies?

    - Hobbies? God, no! I have a business to run, girl. As above, so below, you know. What kind of business? Well, & this is off the record, the crop formation construction business is my main source of income.

    - Truth is stranger than fiction, it seems …

    - My dear, you ain’t seen nothing yet! By far!

    - Charlotte, is there anything else you would like to share with us?

    - Mmmmm… O, what the hell, why not! Okay, I’ll tell you which country is gonna win the World Championship soccer in South Africa, next year. But promise me one thing: No gambling!

    - Promise!

    - Liar! Nevermind, I won’t hold it against you. Anyway, it starts with an ‘S’ and it ends on ‘pain’.


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    Ik Geloof Alles!, Website Empty Re: Ik Geloof Alles!, Website

    Post  Floyd Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:50 am

    I checked this out Tranc but I have to say Ive no idea what it was about. Did you do the art work for the little people?

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    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:14 am

    No, those are the main characters of my book 'Ik Geloof Alles!' (I Believe Anything!)

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    Ik Geloof Alles!, Website Empty Re: Ik Geloof Alles!, Website

    Post  Floyd Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:22 am

    TRANCOSO wrote:No, those are the main characters of my book 'Ik Geloof Alles!' (I Believe Anything!)

    Whats the book about then mate

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    Ik Geloof Alles!, Website Empty Re: Ik Geloof Alles!, Website

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:59 pm

    Floyd wrote:
    TRANCOSO wrote:No, those are the main characters of my book 'Ik Geloof Alles!' (I Believe Anything!)

    Whats the book about then mate
    It's an observation of life in general through the eyes of a human who is surrounded by his Spirit Guide & her friends/soulmates.

    Charlotte, the Guardian Angel & her (girl)friends Pamela B, Zeeuws Mutsje & Grootbekje represent the 'light' side of the (any) human character, & the gnomes - Trancoso & Haagse Sjonnie - represent his dark side. (Gnomes shoot first, talk later & than they shoot again.)

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