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    USA Government Shutdown?


    Posts : 2357
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    USA Government Shutdown? Empty USA Government Shutdown?

    Post  HigherLove Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:10 pm

    House GOP members instructed to stay in D.C., budget talks continue

    From NBC's Shawna Thomas, Kelly O'Donnell, and Carrie Dann
    As talks continue on an eleventh-hour budget deal that could forestall a government shutdown, House Republican members have been given guidance to stick around this weekend rather than leave Washington for their home districts, a House aide tells NBC News.

    The instructions mean that House leaders could be planning for a weekend session of Congress to pass some form of compromise legislation to keep a potential government shutdown from spilling into the work week next Monday.

    But, while House and Senate aides say that talks are still ongoing, a concrete plan to avoid a shutdown is far from in place. The administration and congressional leaders scuttled a potential White House meeting this morning until after further negotiations.

    The president, who is traveling to Philadelphia and New York today, may call congressional leaders back to the White House late tonight, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told NBC News.

    House Speaker John Boehner and Obama spoke by phone this morning. During the call, which lasted about three minutes, the speaker told the president that he "remains hopeful a deal can be reached," according to Boehner's office.

    Reid also spoke to Obama shortly before noon today.

    Reid told NBC that there could be room for compromise on the issue of policy “riders” – Republican add-ons to the budget bill that have proved sticky for negotiators trying to reach a deal.

    Democrats could be amenable to riders related to the maintenance of the detention center at Guantanamo Bay and a scholarship program for D.C. schools favored by House Speaker John Boehner, Democratic aides say.

    But, Reid reiterated, GOP riders that would defund Planned Parenthood or pull funding for the implementation of the health care law are still flatly unacceptable to Democrats.

    Even as the details of a deal continue to be hashed out, it’s unclear what form a bill to keep funding the government would take.

    There appears to be no movement on one previously-floated idea on the House side -- a two or three day continuing resolution that would keep the government running for a handful of extra days as talks continue. Republicans have also not determined whether or not to bring a proposal to the House floor that would cut $12 billion from current levels – an offer that was rejected by the White House earlier this week.

    The current government funding measure runs out on Friday, April 8.

    *** UPDATE *** NBC's Luke Russert reports that House GOP leaders, accusing the president of "not leading" on the budget, now say that they will call for a vote tomorrow on the one-week budget extension that cuts $12 billion and extends DoD funding for the rest of the fiscal year.

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    USA Government Shutdown? Empty Re: USA Government Shutdown?

    Post  HigherLove Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:13 pm



    I don't like dropping dates, but April 8th is going to be a very, very interesting day. This has gotten a bit long, so I will save the bulk of this argument for an update that will emerge by or before this date.

    Three different massive events all coalesce on this one focal-point -- just a week before taxes are due in the US:

    SUPREME COURT RULES AGAINST THE FED: The Supreme Court has given the Federal Reserve a two-week deadline to reveal where the money went -- as of Monday, March 21st. This decision is one of the most significant events in American history. That brings us to April 4th -- four days before the 8th.

    GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: The Democrats and Republicans in Congress cannot agree on a budget. The US government will therefore shut down as of April 8th -- and there is no indication anyone will stop it. That means no paychecks, no services, et cetera -- for an indeterminate time.

    NEW BRETTON WOODS: On this very same day, the first meeting to completely overhaul the world's financial system will take place. Other countries will now have much more of a say. This is the literal fulfillment of everything Fulford and I have been saying for so long.

    This will create a massive wave of prosperity and directly pave the way for the release of clean, 'free' energy technology.


    The final 'endgame' plan of the insiders, as I understand it, is to hit the US with a massive earthquake along the New Madrid fault line during the same approximate time that the government goes into shutdown.

    Then, they hope, all the welfare recipients and government employees stop getting their money due to the shutdown. Society quickly disintegrates as all the services stop happening. Meanwhile, the perpetrators flee, or have already fled the country.

    I'm frankly amazed the conspiracy media hasn't put all this together yet, but they will soon enough. We'll get to that in Part Two. Suffice it to say I do not believe these events will unfold as they are planning...

    Last edited by HigherLove on Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Add quote feature)

    Posts : 2357
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    Age : 59

    USA Government Shutdown? Empty Re: USA Government Shutdown?

    Post  HigherLove Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:19 pm

    Christie Says Obama Must ‘Get In and Lead’ to Stop Shutdown


    New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said President Barack Obama needs to “get in and lead” to avert a U.S. government shutdown as Congress grapples over a spending plan.

    Christie, a first-term Republican who prodded the state’s Democratic-led Legislature to make $10 billion in cuts in the current budget, said any disruption in the federal government would be a failure by the president and lawmakers.

    “It would be a failure of everyone involved, of the Congress and the president, if they don’t get this done,” Christie, 48, said in excerpts of an interview with “ABC World News” scheduled to air today. “I have a particular message for the president: He should get in and lead and bring them together.”

    Republicans and Democrats in Congress are seeking to avoid a budget impasse that may lead to the first closure of U.S. government agencies in 15 years at the end of this week...

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    USA Government Shutdown? Empty Re: USA Government Shutdown?

    Post  HigherLove Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:21 pm

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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    USA Government Shutdown? Empty Re: USA Government Shutdown?

    Post  HigherLove Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:30 pm

    Poll: Democrats want compromise, Republicans prefer resolve

    Only 19 percent think the current squabble will result in a shutdown


    WASHINGTON — As negotiators in Congress squabble over the size and scope of spending cuts for the remainder of the fiscal year, Democrats and Republicans outside the Beltway differ dramatically in how they want their leaders to handle the budget stalemate, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

    In a contrast that illustrates why the standoff has pushed the federal government to the verge of a shutdown, the poll finds an overwhelming majority of Democrats wanting the leaders of their party in Congress to compromise, and a majority of Republicans wanting theirs to stand firm.

    According to the poll, 68 percent of self-identified Democrats, as well as 76 percent of political independents, say they want Democratic leaders in the House and Senate to make compromises to gain consensus in the current spending debate.

    By comparison, 56 percent of self-identified Republicans — and 68 percent of Tea Party supporters — want GOP leaders to stick to their position, even if it means the inability to achieve consensus.

    Other political news of note

    EPA A guide to government on the brink
    Here’s a look where the budget debate stands when it comes to funding the government for the rest of this fiscal year and why Democrats and Republicans are struggling to strike a deal.
    NBC/WSJ poll: Who would bear the blame for a government shutdown?
    Speaker Boehner: No deal yet on budget
    Obama again calls for budget deal, another meeting of leaders
    In GOP's new plan, big health cost shift to elderly
    . Read the full poll here (.pdf)


    Live updates:


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    USA Government Shutdown? Empty Re: USA Government Shutdown?

    Post  HigherLove Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:13 pm

    Just in: Boehner says no agreement on budget yet, but still working

    Same story for the most part, but the breaking news thing just flashed on

    Posts : 2357
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    USA Government Shutdown? Empty Re: USA Government Shutdown?

    Post  HigherLove Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:44 pm

    Sorry! I just finished some major preparation for an audit (one more office to finish up with on Mon/Fri) and am enjoying the respite:

    Budget talks languish, shutdown looms

    House Republicans defy Obama veto threat, pass stopgap bill to avoid shutdown for a week

    As an aside, Obama announced that his speech about Libya will be scheduled around Dancing with the Stars. We can all rest, now.

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    USA Government Shutdown? Empty Re: USA Government Shutdown?

    Post  Mercuriel Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:51 am

    Oyeah - God forbid that "Dancing with the Stars" should be pre-empted by a Speech from the President. We can't have that - Get FEMA on It - Consult the UN - Etc. - End of Rant...

    Ei Yei Yei - Fer Pete's sake - SMITH (Smaking Myself In The Head)...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

    Posts : 2357
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    USA Government Shutdown? Empty Re: USA Government Shutdown?

    Post  HigherLove Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:13 am

    I have a family member who DVRs that show, and there are times when it is on in the background when I am writing (noise-cancelling headphones help). I can say I hate it, but by the last few weeks I will probably have picked a favorite. I'm still not over Evan Lysacek coming in second, however. Crazy Happy

    So, as we know, the shutdown has been "averted".

    As promised, David has an update, which should keep me from making too many posts, this morning. hehe

    Not an endorsement. Just checking up.

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    USA Government Shutdown? Empty Re: USA Government Shutdown?

    Post  HigherLove Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:40 am

    You can wait for the movie.

    He wrote some of his update just before going on stage. He is certainly dedicated. I think the stage is San Francisco. I should be there, just to see with my own eyes and be fully present. However, there is no discount for Monks. Harumph. It's okay. I have owls and crickets, and nobody I have met seems to know how to make one from scratch-- how cool is that?

    Earth changes are a bit more my thing, anyway. Politics...blech.


    I don't need to be in the city right now, anyway. Perhaps I will go back down in say, 2013?

    Posts : 2228
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    USA Government Shutdown? Empty Re: USA Government Shutdown?

    Post  Sanicle Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:02 am

    Close Cut: US saved from government shutdown by last min deal


    Posts : 2357
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    USA Government Shutdown? Empty Re: USA Government Shutdown?

    Post  HigherLove Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:19 am

    Sanicle wrote:Close Cut: US saved from government shutdown by last min deal

    Thanks. It's all in here. Perfecto!

    Maher on class war -!/video/video.php?v=202538296433072&oid=62507427296&comments

    Oh yeah: GE is not paying any taxes. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!

    Posts : 2228
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    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    USA Government Shutdown? Empty Re: USA Government Shutdown?

    Post  Sanicle Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:38 am

    No probs. Oh and I just posted an article about GE not paying taxes here #69

    Great minds...? Razz

    Posts : 2357
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    Age : 59

    USA Government Shutdown? Empty Re: USA Government Shutdown?

    Post  HigherLove Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:31 pm

    House passes compromise budget bill 260-167

    From NBC's Shawna Thomas and Carrie Dann

    The House has passed a compromise budget bill to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year, with 59 Republicans breaking with House Speaker John Boehner to vote against the measure.

    The vote was 260-167, with 81 Democrats voting for the deal reached by negotiators late last Friday night.

    The bill – which was originally advertised as cutting $38 billion in federal spending – has been criticized by some conservative Republicans who said that the cuts were inadequate to address the government’s ballooning debt.

    The Congressional Budget Office said Thursday that, although it does reduce government agencies’ authority to spend almost $40 billion, CBO estimates that the total savings in the bill are closer to about $20-25 billion for this fiscal year.

    Of the 59 GOP defections, 27 were freshmen members. The number of Republicans who broke with their party is comparable to those who bucked their leaders when the last stopgap “continuing resolution” passed the House on March 15. Fifty-four Republicans opposed that measure.


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