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B.B. Baghor
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    Thoughts are alive


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    Thoughts are alive Empty Thoughts are alive

    Post  Beren Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:21 am

    Thoughts are alive

    What are thoughts? Certainly as many thoughts that exist there is as well the numbers of answers about the question. But when we go deeper than usual we find that all is energy hence thoughts are form of energy – unlimited faster than anything in physical and boundless.

    Now the main question which can alter our way of understanding of all is this;
    Do you believe or perceive that every thought that ever existed in your mind or dwelt in your mind is actually ALIVE thing somewhere in vastness of universe?
    One of the reasons universe is beyond comprehension of our minds here is exactly our vast potential for creating and space to fill in with our creations. Only thing here which is a bit mind boggling is that we in this level of living and experiencing are not aware of what we created from the day one in this world.
    We are aware of a tiny speck of what we created with our powers.
    I`d throw a wild guess of 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 %
    of awareness of our creation.

    But here is the next beautiful thing, our awakening to our place in the grand scheme of life. Creator’s children. Future creators. Why future? Because we are not aware of all that is. And we are not currently on the level of God. That being said, it is not undermining when stated that we are not there yet.
    It is simply an observation.

    Vehicle that is bringing us home is Love. And it is Love. And it can only be Love. And nothing but Love.
    It`s simple yet the most complicated thing in existence. It is the divine dichotomy.
    Love is the only thing that will make us understand life and universe as our playground.
    And all that we experience here on this Earth is variations of life and lack of the ultimate Love.

    Ultimate Love which is above our current understanding and comprehension of the same.

    Again back to thoughts. Start with simple things like what is the most common thing that is occupying you for years.
    If it is images of struggles or on the other hand any particular thing then analyze it and see the connection of that thought creation. Either by you or someone else for you.

    On the highest level nothing can be done to you or for you if you do not want it as experience.
    On the lower levels we do not understand this as it is. We often strife and fight over many things simply because we lack the ultimate understanding. We will reach it but for now we are trying to grasp over it.

    For example let`s take any familiar writer and its work of fiction.
    Now in the light of this theme, is it a fiction?
    I do not think so. It exists somewhere in the vastness of unbelievable size and trillions of dimensions of universe.

    Say whom ever got the idea of creating a character of Superman had to have an originating thought about it. Something had to inspire him or her. A thought about this superhuman from another planet had to enter the mind of particular writer.

    From where it came to the writer?

    We are multi dimensional beings and who knows where we experienced this character.
    No one can pin point it but it must had a beginning somewhere in universe.

    So back again to thoughts, they are alive my friends. Set back and analyze your thinking, see where those energies start with and by whom, you or others.

    And on this cruise never forget about Love.
    For Love is the dance of eternity.


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    Location : Belgrade, Serbia

    Thoughts are alive Empty Re: Thoughts are alive

    Post  Beren Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:30 pm

    An interesting connection to this tragedy in Japan is actually where the thought about nuclear started.Who was the first to hatch the thought that we need nuclear energy while we have abundant energy all around us?
    Tesla anyone???
    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Thoughts are alive Empty The practice of living our ideas and words, bringing them alive....

    Post  B.B. Baghor Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:22 pm

    Beren: On the highest level nothing can be done to you or for you if you do not want it as experience.
    On the lower levels we do not understand this as it is. We often strife and fight over many things simply because we lack the ultimate understanding. We will reach it but for now we are trying to grasp over it.

    Thanks for this great post, Beren, I resonate with this a lot. Nothing can be done to me, unless I invite it in my life. I always believe in compassion as the greatest power, towards oneself and all life. I am beginning to meet people who start living on sunlight, leaving posessions and home, cutting bankcards and living on the "horn of plenty" that is present around us, if your state of consciousness is in synchronisation with it. It's a creation, actually, to decide to grow towards such a way of BEING, in the heart, mind and chi area.

    These people,appearing in my life, are open to "havingness" and through their serving leadership they receive food and a roof above their head. There seems to be a tendency to start living that way, going wherever people feel the call, to serve and contribute, globally. It's similar to the way Jesus traveled with his apostles.

    I wonder what will happen, when I decide to leave my home, without money and posessions, walking on my two feet, knocking on a door at mealtime, offering a story for a meal and bed? Or work as volunteer in a former French monastery, in a community that provides my meals and a bed? Even loving companionship?

    I guess, when living that truth: the aliveness of our ideas and words, that you mention here, Beren, determines that we are Creators, so there's NO THING, outside of us, deciding for us or our being. Life will provide for all we want, I am beginning to believe this :) Not completely there yet :)
    Anyone having experiences with living that way?
    Be in grace, Victoria Tintagel.
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    Thoughts are alive Empty Re: Thoughts are alive

    Post  Carol Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:30 pm

    Thank you for your attachment BroomBroom.

    This also reminds me of the Secret and how they focused on thought being things and what they do to attract or repel what one has in their life. I've even read where some are looking at the nuclear radiation as an upgrade as they are focused on transmuting it. Indeed, the more JT we can pour into the earth also takes the planet to another level. Radiation by Japan or the Sun, it's happening.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  earthian Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:36 pm

    Thank You Beren! For some reason, after reading your post I remembered a book I've read when I was 17 called "The Rose of The World" by a russian author Daniel Andreev,russian poet and religious thinker of the middle of the XX century.
    Reading books wasn't my favourite things to do at that time but that particular book has captivated my mind from the very first page and the funny thing was I believed it to be a non fiction.

    Here is a link:
    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Thoughts are alive Empty Re: Thoughts are alive

    Post  B.B. Baghor Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:24 am

    Thanks very much, Earthian, for the link to "The Rose of the World" this sounds very truthful, much appreciated!
    Beautiful Avatar tree picture, by the way, Earthian. Be in grace, Victoria Tintagel.

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    Thoughts are alive Empty Re: Thoughts are alive

    Post  Sanicle Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:29 am

    I'd like to add some more thoughts on this, following on from what Carol posted mainly. Hope you don't mind Beren.

    I've believed for a long, long time now the maxim that 'Energy Follows Thought' and have had it proven over and over in my life. For instance, few can understand that my weight remains at around 7 stone and that I (apparently) look 10 years younger than I am when I eat all the 'wrong' things. But I told my body years ago that it will take what it needs out of what I put into it and get rid of the rest and so it does. I also trained myself to keep looking at how lucky I am in life to live in Australia etc and that I have plenty of money (even though I was in a low paying job), having all I need for survival, which makes me wealthy compared to so many other Souls in the World. And now I do have plenty of money and don't have to work, that due to being led to a (perfect at the time) cashier's job in a new business that gave us shares in what ended up being a very successful company. There are other examples but I don't want to bore the reader.

    My thoughts these days have turned to the nuclear threat also and how some say it can be 'good' for you. I've read also that many have learned to block out the bad energy they say comes from mobile phones, towers, etc. And what I've been thinking is that it's like any other 'negative energy' eg negative astral spirits. If you've ever been attacked by them, you'd know how easy it is to just block them out, either in your dreams or awake. I've done it automatically both ways. And why should negative energies on this plane be any different? We do have the power to sheild ourselves. I fully believe that, especially after having had the 'proof' of it with astral energy. It all comes down to 'As above, so below' and 'energy does follow thought'.

    And as per the thoughts being things, I think this is another tactic we can use. When society generally comes up with a huge thoughtform that something is really bad for us, we can find another 'belief' to counter it with and thus build a thoughtform that will protect us, automatically countering the advertising, or whatever, with our own opposed thought which becomes true for us. For instance, smoking. Yes, I'm one of those people lol. Society tells us it's bad for us and causes cancer. I don't believe that. I believe cancer is the outgrowth of bitterness, negative emotions that we hold onto and don't process that 'eat away at us' and this eventually becomes physical. So as long as we process our emotions properly, cancer won't grow. I also believe, and science has now proven, that smoking does help one focus the mind when concentration is needed. So even smoking has its place.

    I'd like to add a little story that made me smile. I remember reading Higher Love's stories about how when he was traveling around one day he found himself on the beginning and tail ends of the minor earthquakes that were happening in the area in which he lives. I admit to having a gentle little giggle and thinking, "Well of course you're right where it's happening sweet man. You're focused constantly on wanting to know where they are happening so you're being shown" lol. And he was at the time, still is really. (Sorry Higher Love, if you don't like my story. If not, let me know and I'll remove this paragraph.)

    And that's another aspect. I think the more 'powerful' our minds become, the more quickly and clearly we are able to draw these experiences to us that we focus on. Sort of like 'proof' in a way....synchronicity if you will. Our Higher Selves saying, "See!! You do create your reality with the thoughts that you hold close."

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    Thoughts are alive Empty Re: Thoughts are alive

    Post  mudra Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:21 am

    You all made wonderfull posts on this thread .
    Thank you Beren for making it happen :)
    I think Sanicle nails it down when she says that where you focus goes energy flows .
    The words that make up our thoughts have little power of their own but what drives them to shape the world is the energy we put into them , our vibrations as translated by our various emotions .
    To me the vibration comes first than it can give birth to ensuing thoughts and effects .
    There is plane of existence where thoughts don't even seem to exist anylonger.
    This became obvious when I painted.I trust every artist could testify to this.
    My paintings just appeared as if my hands where guided where they needed to creating shapes and forms out of pure bliss and a sense of deep connection with Spirit.
    It is not that this is special to artists but if there is something I am certain of it is that this has to do with being in the Heart.
    We are then a canal for Consciousness to express itself and everything then falls into place harmoniously .

    Love from me

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    Post  Sanicle Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:31 am

    Mudra!!! Are any of your paintings shown here at the Mists??? I'd JT to see some of them. Goodness. You are one multi-talented lady.


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    Post  Carol Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:50 am

    Actually, mudra, I would love to sit alongside of you and paint while listening to beautiful music. Hmmm, bliss.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Post  B.B. Baghor Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:18 pm

    Carol: This also reminds me of the Secret and how they focused on thought being things and what they do to attract or repel what one has in their life

    Yes, Carol, I agree to the similarity of the creation principle of the Secret film.
    At the time The Secret was "rolled out" into the world, on the red carpet.....almost as a business formula:).... and of course this line of thinking is relatively new to most of us, including naivity and inexperience,learning our way through this Creation process, from a toddler's mind-position: like Beren's statement: us being.... many zero's and 1% consciously creating, many people looking at the Secret film, were thinking that once you have a clear wish, you simply manifest that in a physical form. Making money by visualising having money in abundance, for example.

    Some of the speakers in this film projected that idea in such simplicity. Another speakers in this film, Angel, one of the workers at the twintower disaster area, presented a much more subtle point of view: projecting compassionate love towards others and all life, like he expressed in that same disaster area, creating a field of divine energy, supporting everybody to do their job and maintain serenity and focus. He told about the atmosphere of total respect and honor towards each other, while doing the rescue work. Well, this is my point of view of course, as I perceived Angel's testimony.

    Angel's creation is probably close to your vision about creation, if I am right, Mudra? And my vision is that the vibration that underlies the state of mind, and thoughts presented by that same mind, is the starting point of our creations. To me this feels like the merging of compassionate love and the fire of divine will, transcending the personal Self.

    There is, to me, an aspect of will that is merged with love. In that merging there is a quality of discernment that is transpersonal and belongs to serving leadership or serving rulership, combined with vertical mediation, or the use of intuition. I think it's the essence of royalty, like in ancient Sumer and Egypt. A pharao had passed a training of many years and a 3 days initiation in the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, experiencing the spirit world and her wisdom.
    He used that wisdom in his job of being a pharao.

    In Sumer, the word for "king" was the same as for "sheperd". With that I mean to say that service to others was equal to kingdom. We may bring back this quality into our creations,
    when we experience the wholesome state of awakening to Oneness.

    Liberte, egalite and fraternite..... were slogans at the time of the French revolution, while noble heads rolled off the guillotines. Such is the state of affairs in modern times, look at Egypt, Libia, Iran.....when leadership is equal to dictatorship, life itself will determine what's being created by that vibration of ego and selfservice.

    Hmmmm, I didn't intend to write such a long post, Avaloneans, I am sorry if this is too long a sermon :)Be in grace, Victoria Tintagel.


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    Post  Sanicle Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:44 pm

    Victoria that was beautifully expressed, putting it all into the best context. Thank you. Flowers

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    Thoughts are alive Empty Re: Thoughts are alive

    Post  mudra Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:45 pm

    Sanicle wrote:Mudra!!! Are any of your paintings shown here at the Mists??? I'd JT to see some of them. Goodness. You are one multi-talented lady.


    I searched for a program to make thumbnails of these paintings that you could then enlarge but I was unable to.
    All I could do is reduce their size .
    I'll post a bigger one on your profile Sanicle.

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    With Love for You


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    Thoughts are alive Empty Re: Thoughts are alive

    Post  Beren Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:44 pm

    Thank you people for good contributes here!

    I see in my life many good fruits of my thought changing in these last few years. On the other hands people around us are deeply disconnected.
    Right now I am in LA visiting friends... I still can not believe how bad and heavy the energy is here. Sun is shining and all seems great, beautiful houses and trees, nice lawns... but try to look at people or worse, try to talk with them... goodness...

    Disconnection. And I can almost touch it...Sticky in the air...

    Recently I heard a story that the only beach in North America where seals are naturally breeding and comming in big way is in San Diego. And because there was a wall that was made for kids so they can learn to swim without waves , seals saw that and came in big numbers for their cause. It was beautiful until some local residents sued Mad the seals (weird) and court decided that seals have to be humanely removed from the only beach in NA where they come freely to bread and lay down...

    After all the beaches people have from Seattle to SD , they decided to take away even that tiny one so that their kids can swim there...I do not know, maybe some local mom hates to walk 300 meters more...

    Sheer pathetic situation ,showing how big is the disconnection with our planet and life on it.

    Shows us how badly we need to generate gppd thoughts and vibes!


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    Post  Sanicle Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:20 am

    mudra wrote:
    Sanicle wrote:Mudra!!! Are any of your paintings shown here at the Mists??? I'd JT to see some of them. Goodness. You are one multi-talented lady.


    I searched for a program to make thumbnails of these paintings that you could then enlarge but I was unable to.
    All I could do is reduce their size .
    I'll post a bigger one on your profile Sanicle.

    Thoughts are alive Survol13 Thoughts are alive Contem13 Thoughts are alive Rondor10

    Thoughts are alive Rondo10

    With Love for You


    Mudra, they are truly beautiful! Thank you sooo much!! The Winner LOVE the symbology!! Hugs

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    Post  Sanicle Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:24 am

    Beren wrote:Thank you people for good contributes here!

    I see in my life many good fruits of my thought changing in these last few years. On the other hands people around us are deeply disconnected.
    Right now I am in LA visiting friends... I still can not believe how bad and heavy the energy is here. Sun is shining and all seems great, beautiful houses and trees, nice lawns... but try to look at people or worse, try to talk with them... goodness...

    Disconnection. And I can almost touch it...Sticky in the air...

    Recently I heard a story that the only beach in North America where seals are naturally breeding and comming in big way is in San Diego. And because there was a wall that was made for kids so they can learn to swim without waves , seals saw that and came in big numbers for their cause. It was beautiful until some local residents sued Mad the seals (weird) and court decided that seals have to be humanely removed from the only beach in NA where they come freely to bread and lay down...

    After all the beaches people have from Seattle to SD , they decided to take away even that tiny one so that their kids can swim there...I do not know, maybe some local mom hates to walk 300 meters more...

    Sheer pathetic situation ,showing how big is the disconnection with our planet and life on it.

    Shows us how badly we need to generate gppd thoughts and vibes!

    Beren, I'm absolutley floored that they wouldn't want the seals there!! Shocked I just do not get so many people on this planet. scratch
    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Thoughts are alive Empty Re: Thoughts are alive

    Post  B.B. Baghor Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:24 am

    Beren:Thank you people for good contributes here!

    I see in my life many good fruits of my thought changing in these last few years. On the other hands people around us are deeply disconnected.
    Right now I am in LA visiting friends... I still can not believe how bad and heavy the energy is here. Sun is shining and all seems great, beautiful houses and trees, nice lawns... but try to look at people or worse, try to talk with them... goodness...

    Disconnection. And I can almost touch it...Sticky in the air...

    Recently I heard a story that the only beach in North America where seals are naturally breeding and comming in big way is in San Diego. And because there was a wall that was made for kids so they can learn to swim without waves , seals saw that and came in big numbers for their cause. It was beautiful until some local residents sued the seals (weird) and court decided that seals have to be humanely removed from the only beach in NA where they come freely to bread and lay down...

    After all the beaches people have from Seattle to SD , they decided to take away even that tiny one so that their kids can swim there...I do not know, maybe some local mom hates to walk 300 meters more...

    Sheer pathetic situation ,showing how big is the disconnection with our planet and life on it.

    Shows us how badly we need to generate gppd thoughts and vibes

    Thanks Beren, for this compassionate post, I think I can feel your pain: the disconnection on several levels. It's a subject in my mind and heart too. Yesterday I was in an "experience theatre, with a group of 45 people, dancing and expressing the Mayan calendar Solar Seals..... no, not the ones in your story :) and Galactic Tones, on music, the codes of creation the Maya left for us, experiencing the energies and using them for the restorement of ourselves and lady Gaia. At the end of the day, at the closing Tone of 13, there was a lady who began to speak some words.

    She had been crying through the dancing and now spoke in an angry tone and in the emotional closing of the Cosmic tone 13, where a woman surrendered herself, sitting on the floor, blessed by 2 men standing by her, holding their hands above her, this lady stood on a few meters distance, opening her hands to this trio. And she said "For God's sake, start with your work, don't sit there, jump into action, it is time!"

    This caused some turmoil in the group and one lady shared with us, that she felt shocked by these words. "I don't agree with the old ways anymore, I am fed up with all this "you must" and speaking in terms of I and you, you pluriform, it's WE now, I am working as hard as I can and I won't let anybody tell me what to do!" To me, she made such a great and important point, bringing deep silence in the group.

    Another lady began to speak then, in that silence, and she said "We may learn to trust and love, because LOVE IS TRUST. We may see around us that ALL is GOOD as it IS and as it SHOULD BE. We are amidst LOVE and we have a choice to be in that LOVE" The duality of good and bad... we may leave this behind, we may live in trust and love, all is good, will be good and beneficial"
    Well, that was another huge statement and with this said, we, as a group, closed the day.

    I think, Beren, allthough I, on my part, cannot tell you what to do or how to be, that to be able to see around you, to witness this disconnection in people's faces and circumstances, without feeling bad or negative, emotionally, is one of the most important evolutionary steps we can make, as humans with a heart that learns to open itself towards Christ Consciousness: living with a compassionate heart without giving our power away.

    Now, at this time of year, nearing Pesach, Eastern, on the 24th and 25th of April, the old paradigm of the Christdrama, the drama of suffering, is celebrated on Earth. It's the drama of believing we have to die/suffer for our sins and the sins of others. Like the Church made us believ: Christ died at the Cross of Golgotha for our sins. I truly believe we may leave that behind, as shackles falling off our ankles. I am a preacher's daughter and I know and experienced this old paradigm, deeply embedded even through many of my lives.

    In my view, we may step into the beauty of compassion, our hearts opening and really, like you said, Beren: "Shows us how badly we need to generate gppd thoughts and vibes" live and transform our world with love as the key.

    While the world around us, the mirror of our consciousness as a collective, crumbles in all systems that create separation, the invitation to be able to be amidst great drama and destruction, living from the heart, without the habit or obligation to suffer, is something I personally believe in, very strongly.
    I am no holy saint, on the contrary :) and I am learning in this.

    I believe, in a personal and impersonal way, each of us has to find this in him/herself, deciding from a sovereign state, to choose to live from the heart. By witnessing others doing it, we are and can be supported in making that choice. The old pardadigm of "You must... thou shall...." is really over.
    Be in grace, Victoria Tintagel.

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    Post  mudra Mon Apr 25, 2011 6:41 pm

    Michael Talbot - Hollographic Realities

    Love Always


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    Thoughts are alive Empty Re: Thoughts are alive

    Post  CiaranRT Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:47 am


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    Post  mudra Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:56 pm


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    Post  SpiralOut Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:55 am

    Not only are thoughts alive but they are creation itself! After all nothing comes into this world without being thought of first. We are constantly creating, all day long, every day. Choose to create light and be mindful! If you don't allow darkness to enter your thoughts you're preventing darkness from entering the world.

    What YOU think is YOUR reality.

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    Post  Beren Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:08 pm

    SpiralOut wrote:Not only are thoughts alive but they are creation itself! After all nothing comes into this world without being thought of first. We are constantly creating, all day long, every day. Choose to create light and be mindful! If you don't allow darkness to enter your thoughts you're preventing darkness from entering the world.

    What YOU think is YOUR reality.

    Amen to that!

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    Thoughts are alive Empty Re: Thoughts are alive

    Post  magamud Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:15 pm

    What is the Darkness?

    And if you dont know, would not your light hide the darkness?

    And if the light is indeed the darkness.
    How dark are you then?

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    Post  mudra Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:26 pm

    magamud wrote:What is the Darkness?

    Integral part of a painting.
    Without both light and darkness in synergy nothing would be there to be seen.
    Light and darkness mutually create disambiguation.
    Impressionnists used light in abundance as their guide while Georges de la Tour
    favored darkness.
    What makes these master pieces whose beauty the dephts are lit is
    that third ingredient our heart knows as Source .
    Source hovers over light and darkness and weaves them with Love.

    Love from me

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    Post  Beren Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:51 pm

    mudra wrote:
    magamud wrote:What is the Darkness?

    Integral part of a painting.
    Without both light and darkness in synergy nothing would be there to be seen.
    Light and darkness mutually create disambiguation.
    Impressionnists used light in abundance as their guide while Georges de la Tour
    favored darkness.
    What makes these master pieces whose beauty the dephts are lit is
    that third ingredient our heart knows as Source .
    Source hovers over light and darkness and weaves them with Love.

    Love from me

    Amen again!

    cheers sunny

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