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    Age of Discovery march 26 ET Treaties and Hidden Agendas affecting the Earth

    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    Age of Discovery  march 26 ET Treaties and Hidden Agendas affecting the Earth Empty Age of Discovery march 26 ET Treaties and Hidden Agendas affecting the Earth

    Post  B.B. Baghor Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:53 pm

    Hey Avaloneans, this story was sent to me, by Jon Kelly, on Facebook today, with the link to access the video presentation, which is free of charge. You need to register though, hope that doesn't bother you? Jon Kelly is a clinical and forensic speech analyst, he is at The link is at the bottom of this message, be in grace, Victoria Tintagel.

    Ufology: ET Treaties and Hidden Agendas affecting the Earth
    Special guest Jim Nichols joined Age of Discovery on March 26, 2011 at 7:00 pm PST (10:00 pm EST) on Since 1980, the noted artist, lecturer and investigator Jim Nichols has produced an extraordinary body of UFO illustrations that has been published internationally in books and magazines and on the Internet. His art has been regularly featured on The History Channel’s UFO Hunters. In addition, Jim is a prolific writer with 21 blog essays on his website that examine exopolitics — the political and social dimension of human-ET contact. In Case Files Revealed, Jim shares the untold stories behind 40 of his most dramatic UFO illustrations, based on actual accounts, that are available at his website
    Jim won two EBE awards at the International UFO Conference in Laughlin, Nevada in 2010 for his documentary about Nazi saucers entitled The Aldebaran Mystery
    For further reading:
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    Age of Discovery  march 26 ET Treaties and Hidden Agendas affecting the Earth Empty Re: Age of Discovery march 26 ET Treaties and Hidden Agendas affecting the Earth

    Post  Sanicle Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:19 am

    Just checking out the website. Looks like lots of interesting reading there. Thanks for the link Broombroom. Very Happy

    Posts : 2228
    Join date : 2011-02-28
    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    Age of Discovery  march 26 ET Treaties and Hidden Agendas affecting the Earth Empty Re: Age of Discovery march 26 ET Treaties and Hidden Agendas affecting the Earth

    Post  Sanicle Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:05 pm

    My goodness, there are some great threads on Jim Nichols site! Very Happy

    I've just read Blog "#08 - Goddess:Secrets of Gnostic Cosmology" in which he talks about what's been discovered in the Nag Hammadi Scrolls, describing the Archons. I've heard the name before but hadn't caught up with this teaching. And from there he talks about what the Archons influence has led to on this planet. He has some interesting theories. Here are a few excerpts for those that might be interested to read more.

    "Gnostic (from the Greek gnosis, meaning ‘knowledge’) thought insisted upon direct and personal, first-hand religious or mystical experience with Deity, and vehemently rejected dogmas, creeds and clerics or any superfluous intercessors between man and God—an unwelcome posture for Vatican authority.
    Yet contained within these lost texts is an exotic description of the origins of Earth and the human species that serious religious and Gnostic scholars dismiss as mythological ‘science –fiction’—a fantastic and disturbing description of cosmology that reveals an intrusion upon Earth humanity by malevolent, parasitic extraterrestrial invaders, who use Earth humans as puppets in a vast, unseen game of deception and domination."

    "Planet Earth first originated as a ‘metamorphosis’ of an intelligent stream of light plasma extending from the central sun. That stream of light was SOPHIA—a feminine emanation. Impulsive Sophia was so enraptured by her dream of creation that she plunged into the realm of physical matter alone, without her balancing male consort. In doing so, an accidental aberration occurred. Within Sophia’s dream of creation was an ideal ‘intention’ for living, intelligent creatures that would become humans. For that intention to properly manifest, it needed to blend with organic matter. However, in her brash impulsive plunge, the sheer force of plasmic outpouring impacted inorganic matter, creating an aberrant species that could never properly manifest Sophia’s vision for the human species!

    The original intention of Sophia’s dream did successfully blend with organic matter and proper humans came into being, yet they were now challenged to confront their aberrant cousins who use subterfuge to divert humans from their true potential on planet Earth. And Sophia, not only formed Earth from her dream—she actually became Earth. Goddess Sophia literally morphed into the living planet herself. Earth is Sophia! In other words, Earth is the living mother of all humanity!

    What has subsequently unfolded as human history is the conflict drama between Sophia’s intention for human expression and its accidental, mirror competitors. Only when humans ultimately discover this vital truth and overcome their adversary will they achieve Sophia’s divine dream for their destiny."

    "“At first the Archons have no habitat. They swarm around like an insect colony blown savagely across interstellar space…This anomalous species comes into existence prior to the time when the earth emerges by direct transformation of Sophia’s own divine substance. Archon’s are Sophia’s offspring in a sense, but in an entirely different way than humanity and other organic species are. They do not emerge from her divine substance, Organic Light, but from [relatively inert, not inherently alive matter]. They are a freak species of inorganic composition, but they are alive and conscious in their own way.”
    “From among the Archons a reptilian leader ultimately emerges, who “is androgynous [and] rapidly assumes a markedly male, macho posture. He now takes charge of the extraordinary situation produced by Sophia’s plunge…Arrogant by nature [this] Demiurge deems himself to be at the center of creation, lord of all he beholds. Gnostic texts state plainly that [Demiurge]is insane, a demented god, or imposter deity. The Demiurge is indeed a sort of god, a cosmic entity in his own right…but he is a self-deified inorganic phantom deluded about his own identity. This is not meant as a figure of speech or a mythological trope. Not by a long shot, for the Gnostic materials clearly show…the Archons as real, physically existent inhabitants of our planetary system, who wrongly attempt to penetrate our biosphere. God exists, but he is insane. And he works against humanity…Gnostics warned that we coexist in a planetary system with a demented entity who can access our world through our minds.”

    "It may be curious to note that when threatened by a toxic virus, a living creature will develop a fever to kill the invading bacteria. Perhaps the true cause of global warming is not ‘greenhouse gas emissions’ at all, but the planet’s natural immune system preparing to rid itself of the malignant infection that the Archons have introduced here through human ‘carriers’, and has, after centuries, spread unchecked to such overwhelming proportion that it threatens the very life of the planet itself–Sophia’s fever!"

    "Perhaps the promised Armageddon looming on the horizon will not be a religious slugfest to determine Islamic or Judeo/Christian supremacy, but humanity’s last chance to reclaim its very soul!"

    Here's the link for anyone who wants to read more: And I recommend other threads on his blog too.

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