Mercuriel wrote:
OK - Check this out. Einstein Theorized a Universe in a Balanced State while the other Priests of Science saw a System of Entropy where Energy over time loses It's ability to do work (
From a Cup of cooling Tea can if Ya can believe It ?). They then followed on from that Epiphany and declared that the Universe was Dying or moving into Death / Entropy. I mean what about - Energy is never created nor destroyed - Merely transformed ?
This meant that Einstein had proposed a Strong Force (
Black Holes at the Center of Galaxies which has now been borne out in Satellite Scans now) in Balance behind the Universe and the other Camp proposed a Universe governed by the Weak Force - Chaotic - Darwinian and Dying...
Now apparently - Their own Interior Thinktank postulated that @ 7TeV (
7 Trillion electron Volts) - They had a 70% chance or producing
"Strangelets". Note - This is coming from Their own Physicists...
We all can remember if We try that They went with a 3TeV "
Shot" first off and what happened ?
IIRC - There was a "
Glitch" caused by outside Influences that made Them power down on that "
Shot". I think They've hit that Test since and completed It though. I do believe and someone can correct Me if I'm wrong on where They're @ in Energy for the "
Shot" - But I think They may have a "
Shot" coming up soon @ the postulated - 7TeV (
See "Stangelets" above)...
Now here is the premise and I didn't really think of It as such until I watched the Video so I really have to thank
TRANC for Posting It.
When I watched this Video - I began to think of -
"OK - What is a Big - Bang (IE How Big was this Energetic Explosion of Everything coming into Existence)"I then looked at WMAP and saw a Creation that We cannot see 80% of. This means We are in the Minority of Life in the Creation.
And Man thinks It is All (
Anywhoos - This then promted Me to think
conservatively that what is now known about the size of what We are a Subset of - It resets the Gauge to many Trillions of Light Years and likely many Quadrillions of Light Years if We could see past some things that even looking at the known Creation as We do now (In Gamma) - Is still hidden as of yet from Our gaze.
So now if They say -
"We only want to make a Little Big - Bang" (
And They have said exactly that) - Doesn't that Imply an Inherent Danger that the Experiment may produce just
THAT but perhaps at a Rate They cannot scale to Their Control ?
Additionally when taken as a sample against the "
now" known Creation at Trillions of Light Years across -
AT LEAST - Should We (
Humans that is) even
AT ALL be doing this
It can be done by Telescopes both Land and Space as well as Satellites and has been) when there is the
Slightest Danger
OF Extinction of the Planet VIA turning It into a Neutron Star as the "
Strangelets" feed - Finally collapsing into a Nova...
BUT WAIT - It gets better...
If They prove Their Theory correct (
That Hawking is essentially correct and It is the Weak Force) Eventually Earth is toast and so is Everything on It due to "
Stangelet" spillage from Their experiments @ CERN looking for the
Little Big - Bang...
Now - If They prove Their Theory is incorrect (
That Einstein was essentially right and It is the Strong Force) - They will create a Top Level Quark - Esssentially a Singularity / Black Hole and Earth is toast and so is Everything on It from Their experiments @ CERN looking for the
Little Big - Bang...
Now - What the premise of the Video is, and this is perhaps the hardest for One such as I to deal with of It All - Is that
ALL of this is being done to settle that Argument between the two Theories...
IE - Who is right. The
Quantum Priests of Entropy - Or - Einstein...
The absolute Arrogance...
ALL to prove an Idea... And in the Doing - Death slowly or Death at Light Speed Escape Velocity...
BUT WAIT - It gets better...
Apparently - If at 7TeV - They're unable to find Their
Little Big - Bang, They will then later on - Initiate a Test @ 10 BeV (
10 Billion electron Volts).
Chances of Success ?