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    New economics? or no economics?


    Posts : 174
    Join date : 2010-04-09

    New economics? or no economics? Empty New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mp3 Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:22 am

    Economics have replaced the whip in the enforcement of slavery.

    slavery, in reality, is an impossibility. You can't enslave a spirit, who doesn't want to be enslaved, or who hasn't agreed to it through some inducement, or trickery. And you can't keep them enslaved unless they continue to uphold the agreement, or remain hoodwinked.

    So then how can we account for the fact that virtually all beings incarnated on earth are to some degree slaves to the economic prison which has been put in place, one brick at a time over centuries? Why should we feel trapped within this system? Why have we permitted the "service to self" team to convince us we have no choice but to continue to play along with their silly games?

    My recent round of processing has left me with some personal clarity in this area I'd like to share.

    I think many of us are aware of the general outline of the trap we've fallen into, and are somewhat familiar with the mechanics of how it works, but that doesn't make it easy to escape, once you are in it.

    The things we have to clear out as we raise the frequency of our consciousness do not all originate with us. Others like to get their own thoughts and ideas and attempts at describing how we can better adapt to their perspectives planted in our heads. Parents are a big source of this. They are always placing their thoughts into their children's heads. It can be a bigger chore to sort through other peoples thoughts we are holding, than to sort through our own, for what we still find resonant and in service to our higher good.

    The thought forms which keep us entrapped are of a type which is easy to recognize. Those which promote or support service to self, are an obvious one, and a primary one used to trick us into enslaving ourselves. Another obvious and primary thought form which is used to maintain the bars on our cage is the broader perspective group we call polarity/duality. Together, these thought forms, if they can be kept in our heads, are quite up to the task of maintaining our enslavement. This also makes them the tools of choice of the enslavers.

    A side note here is that I don't see the separation anymore. I don't see enslavers/slaves as different, separate, and opposed. I'm just using the terms as a frame of reference, or context for this article.

    If you trace it all the way back up the line to where we are all one, none of those structures survive. There is no, can be no, service to self or polarity, because there is no separation. There isn't even any such thing as service to others, because that presupposed a separate self from which to serve. But this isn't a practical level from which to work, because we can't experience it from here. We can leave here to experience it, and come back here to revel in the experience of remembered oneness, but since we can't bring that state here, and can't experience it where it is, from here, there's no sense in bringing it into the discussion, except as a theoretical.

    Following the introduction of the idea of separation, you get the possibility of Polarity/duality, and a separate self which needs service. These then permeate all the subsequent developments which are added to flesh out the game we are playing. It's a game which actually has a whole universe devoted to it, so anything imaginable can have a part in the game.

    Polarity then, is basic to all experiences in this game. And polarity requires separate and opposed "things, ideas, beings" etc, in order to exist. Being so basic, if you operate at that level of play, that of the basic polar opposites, you can enter criteria into the game which then permeates all subsequent levels of play as they are developed. And this is what has happened, and this has happened to the absolute, outside extreme, here on the Earth we call home, and Gaia.

    The next level down, is choosing sides. If the fact of polarization is a given, then the next choice will always be the selection of which side of any of the myriad issues created as the actual playing field, you choose to play on. The game becomes healing, balancing, and harmonizing these polar opposites to where they cease to be separate and opposed. They don't appear to be able to be healed and harmonized from the playing field, or the game wouldn't be very interesting. So if we think about Good vs bad, it's very difficult to view them as the same idea, split in half and held apart as separate things, but anytime you move out of 3D environment and view those things from another dimensional reality, like say the 5th dimension, these things are not polarized. It's only 3D which permits that view. That's it. Nowhere else does that perception exist. 3D is the playing field of polarity, and it became possible when we decided we could be a separate part of "All That Is".

    So just as you prepare a childs game of cowboys and indians by choosing who will get to be the cowboys, and who will get to be the indians, we chose which team in the game of polarity we would play on. Remember that polarity assumes opposition. Separate and opposite. Without one or the other, there is no such thing as polarity/duality. In this way, there are no bad guys. There are no evil doers, unless you are on the separate and opposing team. That is the only possible distinction. Being on the other team. Because if you conceive of a polarized situation, you are on one team or the other, and opposed to the team you are not on. There is no other choice, except leaving the game. You are on one team, or the other, or simply not playing and watching from another vantage point, outside the field of play. In the game = on a side.

    This already points to the solution to any polarized condition. Step outside and look from there. Have you ever seen to people fighting viciously over something you couldn't care less about? It's kind of like that. You simply sit on a point of harmony or balance in regards to the issue they take opposite stances on.

    The prize in this game isn't winning for your side. The prize is coming away from the encounters with a greater understanding of what unity consciousness is, by having examined it all broken down into components (sides). The often used analogy of "what is colour to a blind man?" is pretty apt in looking at this. what is light, if you've never experienced dark? Can you gain greater appreciation for harmony, if you've never experienced disharmony? What does wealth mean to someone born with a silver spoon in their mouth, if they've never known otherwise? What we are doing here, is a bit like tossing ourselves out of our mansion, with instructions to those staying behind there to not let us back in until we've experienced all there is to experience of abject poverty and total homelessness, and having to eat from dumpsters, and hide from the gangs and cops, and etc and etc, until we get as good as being the underbelly as we were at wearing the crown. And then they let us back in the gates of the mansion, wiser, and richer in ways we could never have been had we just led the comfortable life of wealth, leisure, and having on demand.

    So "The Other Team", or TOTs ( I like that much better than TPTB. much less menacing ) is not evil, any more than you were evil when you were playing that role. And any of us who've been at this for a while, which is almost all of us, have played all the roles, been on all the teams, tried on both hats in each polar dressing room. We've been there, done that, got the T-shirt, and the hat, but we've been out on the streets so long, that we've forgotten the directions back to the mansion. So our friends who never descended into the game are now on the job reminding us of who we are in reality, so we can start to scrape all the bric-a-brac from the playing, off of ourselves in preparation for going home. They are not going to let us back into the mansion with all that smelly 3D still all over us. That's what we are in the process of handling right now. The Shower. The removing of the dirt we got all over us. The tending to the cuts and scrapes and bruises we brought home to show off. The mansion is not the place for that stuff, so we have to leave it at the gates. We can't take the baggage with us. The shopping cart full of treasures we've accumulated over our time in the underbelly, has to be left outside the gates, even if we've become quite attached to it.

    The TOTs are not menacing. They are you and me, and we are them. They are simply holding one side of us so we can play "here", just as we are holding the other side for them, so that they can play "there". That's all. We've all been TOTs at some point. Just like we sometimes got to be cowboys on one day, and indians on another. Or cops on one day, and robbers on another. It's no more serious than kids games.

    So what have these rambunctious little TOTs been up to? They've been busy, and been playing their parts oh so well. They've really given us something to do, haven't they? Each team plays to win, when they play. Otherwise it's not much of a game. It's how it's set up. Win or lose, on which ever side in some issue in polarity you are engaged with.

    Here's what I see the TOTs as having done. I've noticed that a main tool Nega-tots use against the posi-tots, is to pretend to be giving something while actually taking it away, or taking away something of greater value. They may say "I'm going to give you money you can use to buy anything you like or need", while creating an atmosphere of worry over lack. They create money on the pretext it will make things easier and better, and then move it slowly away from convenience, and into necessity, and eventually into survival dependence. It's not done accidentally. It's a move in the game. We all know on some level that there is nothing we can do to one another that isn't temporary, so everything is on the table. we can do literally anything in this game, as long as we respect free will. Which is to say free will can not be taken as a move, but only be given away. So the TOTs try to trick us into giving up our free will. It's why you hear the illuminati always announce their moves. They have to, if they don't want to be disqualified.

    There is always an out. Always, and without exception. If we were ever completely trapped, with no way out, the game would be over. The game is essentially over, but not because anyone has won. It's never been about winning, but about the playing with a purpose of learning from our experiences.

    Now here we are, back at the gates of our mansions, dirty, smelly, injured, shopping cart full of our little treasures, scratching our heads that the gate doesn't respond to our command that it opens. we just need to take the shower, and clean up, because we have to leave the baggage behind. The experience is what we can bring. The growth in understanding of higher realities. The full embracing of unity, because we've had every heart wrenching experience in separation we could conceive of.

    The TOTs have a clever scheme going. They've tricked us into using the money they've created out of nothing, and convinced us we can't get along without it. They've highlighted at ever turn how necessary it is to focus on service to self, because everybody else is, and we'll be left doing without if we don't play. They've conned us into believing we have nothing, naturally, and that the only things worth having, can only be had through the chasing and capturing of their money. This was early on. Now it's gotten even farther from reality. Now it's not even money anymore. It's significances stored in computers, which tell us what we are worth. The game has become "How can I get more for me??" And then "how can I get enough to be safe and comfortable??" And then "How can I get enough to survive and take care of my family???"

    The TOTs are trying to extend it even further by having our only access to the things our physical selves need to survive go through some little device they can shut off at their whim, like a card or a chip. Their game is "all for me, and nothing for you".

    They are not bad, and it's not that we're good. We've all taken on the role of the other team at point in the past, if you want to put it in linear time terms. Or we are all having all of these various experiences at once in quantum terms. Doesn't much matter how you give context. In the higher realities we have access to at times of quiet and peace, or while in dream states, we know it's all illusion. We know it's all just an experiment we set up to teach ourselves more of who we are and what we're about.

    At the end of the day, we'll all be back home with fond recollections of our various adventures in polarity consciousness, and sitting in deep gratitude to our friends who put on the uncomfortable costumes necessary to sit in opposition to us. It's like this funny picture I saw on the website "Lolcats". There is a picture of a cat sprawled on the floor, with a funny look on it's face, and the caption read something like "Good one. I wasn't expecting that!!! Land mines in the litter box. well played, dog.....well played". (Oh, my spine... )

    Now what about the economic system we have on earth? It's the single biggest control point the TOTs have to use against us. It's the place we fee most helpless to do anything about. And they've attached so much other controls on top, like all the taxing, and filing, and applying, and registering, and charging, and billing, and granting, and licensing, and control, control, control, until we can't see straight anymore. It's really well played, isn't it? We'll have a good chuckle over it all soon enough. But for now, it seems we're nursing a broken spine, at least. Here we stand, in front of the gates to our mansions, nursing a broken spine, all dirty, and upset and angry, and fearful, with a measly shopping cart filled with broken discards of others, and bags full of bags, and a not too moldy sandwich we lucked onto. We're still watching over our shoulders for the gangs and cops to jump out, when all we need to do at this point, is hop into the shower and rinse all that stuff off.

    The game is over, basically, but we're still playing, because the other side is still playing, because they see us as still playing, and around it goes. Nobody wants to declare the game over, because it can't ever be over at this level of play. That's the catch. The game was set up to be interminable. It was set up to play until we decide it would end. Well the finish bell has been ringing away for a while now, and we're too busy watching the other team and digging through the litter box for more land mines to hear it.

    Actually, we knew full well we would forget it was a game. We couldn't bring our full power and perception here because no game at this level could interest us, and we'd blow up the entire playing field with one beam of our attention. We are enormous beings of great power and light, and we use only the tiniest portion of our full potential to play here, or it would be no contest. So we shut most of that off from use and awareness, to make the experience seem real here in 3D. It's not real and has never been real. It's illusion. And we've come to the point, many of us that we've now got it backwards. To where we feel this 3D junk is real, and our higher perceptions and awareness are fantasy. That's fine. Having forgotten, and having known at the start that we would, we placed reminders for ourselves, to bring us out of the slumber. And the reminders have been going on for some time now. If you haven't changed dramatically over the last couple of years, then you haven't been here and alive, incarnated in a body. Because we've been waking up and the changes are profound, if you notice them.

    The way it's been going for me, is I've been using the tips my higher self has left in my path to access reminders. The reminders have been in the form of encountering information about home, what it's like there, how to start to rebuild the geometries I need to access it again, how to rebuild my fields that can bring more of myself here with me, in my conscious awareness here. I've been encountering descriptions of what we have agreed will be our next playing field to continue our learning about the fullness of who and what we are. Which in our case now, is reality within the 5th dimension. We're going from the 3rd, through the 4th, which is basically the shower, and into the 5th. We straddle all 3 dimensions right now. We've been very tuned into the 3rd, and are very used to those structures. They were never comfortable, and still aren't but they are what we've known, and habit keeps them alive. There isn't choice. You are on a side, and you oppose it's opposite. That's 3D. It's not us. We have choice. Always. We can access 4D structures, which present choice as an option in all things. In 4D it's never about a lack of choice. Of course in the lower 4th, we'd be well advised to watch what we wish for, because we can choose the manifestation of our nightmares, but that's another story. And in the 5th dimension, we'll have seen the cessation of time. The actuality has been misinterpreted as the end times, but that's not it. It's the end of actual linear time. We will no longer perceive time as a linear, sequential construct, where past, present, and future have their own existence. And that's another story too. But for this story, what it's important to know about, is which 3rd, 4th, and 5th Dimensional structures we have available to us now. We all have some access to all 3. And many more, but those are the ones we as a loose collective have online right now.

    We have a mixture of these dimensions, and as we've been spending time in the shower, some of us have been washing away the 3D structures and learning of what's to come by accessing the precursors in 4D existence, where we begin to access choice once again, and where paradox means something different. In 4D, we are relearning that we create our existence, and back-create a past to support our present, and pre-create a future to slip into. It's much more fluid as it's based on choice, instead of the 3D solid structures of outside reality being senior to our own creations. And 5th D reality is starting to come available on a collective basis now as well. We have individually, many of us, had more or less full access to 5D for a while now, restricted by the pull of our tethers to 3D. And many of our eternal friends, are here now, right on cue, dropping the reminders we all agreed would start to show us the way out of our habitual reality in polarized 3D universe. They are describing life in 5D, and what the structures are that are the basis of reality in that dimension. They point out the structures that are strictly of 3D, and describe how things will work in 5D for comparison. It's up to us to take those clues and start to use those new structures. The sooner the more of us adopt them, the more they will seat themselves in our collective consciousness, and the sooner, we will migrate out of the old 3D structures and into the new ways available for us to interact.

    I know many reject this out of hand. And that's fine. We're all exiting 3D in the near future, but those shooting low will find little difference between the old 3D structures they are still attached to and fond of playing in, and the now available lower 4D structures of choice. Lower 4TH is what we know of as the astral realm. Thoughts don't cease when they are abandoned. They take the energy used to launch them, and drift off into the astral. And there they sit, until they are encountered again. The lower 4th, or astral realm contains all these thought forms we don't hold within, but which we never dissolved. Nightmares are there. fears are there. all the unconfrontable thoughts are there, and carry much more weight there because of the amount of energy put into them when created. Another aspect of the lower 4th, is form. Form will appear much as it does in 3D, except for it's being less dense. So our disembodied thoughts will exist in form, in the lower 4th dimension. Unfortunately, this is where many who refuse to shower will end up to drain their fields of all the garbage which they can't bring to 5D with them. It's not going to be pretty. The shower is there waiting. There is no need to hang onto what can not be taken along. It's like putting a favourite gargoyle into the back seat when moving to a new home, despite the fact that it is Chained to the old house. When you try to drive away, it will be ripped from your car. It's basically the same with all of the polarized thought forms we are holding onto. If we refuse to shower, we will be hosed down. Because 3D is dissolving, so we can't stay there, but we can't take the 3D structures with us, because they can't pass through the filter between the 3rd and 5th dimensions. One good analogy I heard from Jim Self, is that the train is leaving. We can embrace the process, and do our clearing work, and ride first class, or we can be dragged along behind the train. Same train, same station we're getting off at, but the journey will be more enjoyable for some than for others.

    So about the economics situation. Money is the primary control structure in place on present time 3D earth. It's got us tricked into believing it's needed and can't be escaped. that's the view from within the polarity that contains it. It's a view from inside that game. Of course it can't be exited from within. The polarities are designed to persist any attempt to slip out one side or the other. They can only be exited from the point of balance and harmony. So where money is concerned, you can't set about gathering it all to yourself, and consider yourself to have won. Just like you can't completely walk away from money in the middle of this game which has money as the overriding control factor. So what is the solution?

    The solution, as with each of the polarities of 3D, is to start to use the 5D structures now available. Our friends have been describing the 5D structures for a long time now. And many of us have found them extremely refreshing and resonant with our own perspectives. A breath of fresh air, after the heaviness and division of the 3D structures we're habituated to the use of. We've been hearing about these universal laws, variously described by our different friends. Service to others, instead of service to self. The Law of allowance. The law of attraction. The laws of creation. The law of deliberate intent. and many more examples. When you read them, you know it's not the same old structure we've grown up with here. It's a different perspective, and one many, if not most find desirable. The more we embrace these 5D structures, the more we let go of the 3D structures, because they can't harmonize. We can't embrace unity consciousness, while thinking in polarized terms. We migrate from one to the other, instead of trying to hold both at once. Back and forth, trying the new, and going back and revisiting the old. Back and forth, until we decide where we want to be. as we move up in frequency, we hit a little higher each time, and fall a little less far back down into the old structures, until the higher ones start to become the default modus of interaction, and lower structures become so disharmonious to the new vibratory frequency we find ourselves in, that we must migrate and close the door behind us. No more trips to the basement. It's just feel so wrong, once we've gotten used to the new harmonious ways of interacting.

    This has been happening all over the planet lately. We've been finding ourselves having to decide where we will place our energy, because if our old places of play don't keep pace as we rise in frequency, we must leave them behind, or stay behind ourselves. They can no longer be overlooked where they are disharmonious. There is a lot of moving out of one group and entering others, or marriages coming apart, or jobs being switched, etc.

    Money and the service to self paradigm which it's been in support of, is ceasing to function as it did. Too many of us are now dissatisfied with all the control points it holds in our space, and would instantly walk away if there was a way to do that. Is there a way? I believe there is. I believe the solution is in seeing it for what it is, and stepping outside of the paradigm it represents. This would have to be done at the collective level of consciousness, which means the new thought form, or meme must have time to go viral and permeate the collective consciousness, but it actually looks like a pretty simple concept to facilitate the putting to rest of the old paradigm.

    To do this, you would simple tap into the 5th D structures which already exist between beings living that reality. And to discover them, it's only necessary to follow the trail left by those who've gone before, or who have never descended from there to 3D in the first place. Our friends from before we came here to play this now tiresome game of polarity acted out in total density and ignorance.

    How do the get by without money in 5D? How do they do it in upper 4D? How can we do it on our way out of 3D? I suggest we do it by adopting the attitudes we will embrace in our new home. You can't fight your way out of polarity. That's what many are trying to do. Resist, resist resist. It doesn't work. That's playing within the game of polarity, which never ends until exited. You can't solve the problem from the problem. Einstein recognized this. You can't solve a problem from the level of consciousness that conceived of it. When you are living in a conundrum, the solution is always by stepping up to the next level of play, at which point the conundrum ceases to exist, because it was a product of the lower playing field.

    Our conundrum is getting out of the money paradigm, without suffering the complete collapse of everything we know. How is that even possible?

    Here's an idea on that. Why should we suppose we don't already own everything we need here? Who's to say we need permission to exist? Who says we need permission to live, and use the resources of the planet? When did we assign ownership to a few elite TOTs? This is all illusion. This is not real. We have full sovereignty, and simply need to declare the fact. They pretend they have all this power, but what do they have? They have our acquiescence. They have us tricked into going along because we don't conceive of having a choice anymore by this time. But that's not true. The second a certain proportion of the sovereign beings incarnated on earth decide it's time to once again exercise that sovereignty, the game ends, and the TOTs control ends in that exact instant.

    They have nothin but fear. We've all heard the numbers. The elites number 10,000 to our 7 billion. I like those odds, myself, not that I consider it a game anymore. But just to illustrate the degree to which this is a matter of us keeping ourselves entrapped in our own considerations. We hold ourselves in check because of the fears which have been attached to the ideas of packing this silly control game up for good. The TOTs have promoted these fears and placed them in our personal spaces, as the sole means of their control over us. That's it. That's all there is holding us in check. The fears the TOTs have snuck into our heads so we wouldn't dare.

    If you step outside of their thought forms for one second, it's so easy to see the way through this. They own and control everything because they say so? What kind of nonsense is that? Yeah. We own everything because we issue the money you use, and our families have always just sort of been entitled and so forth, but out of the goodness of our greedy little TOT hearts, we'll be willing to grant you the illusion that your are free enough to make your own way in this world which belongs to me and my family, by giving you some of this fictitious money we write into existence, and have gotten everybody elses' agreement to use as well, and buy then controlling every single resource and means and right to production and distribution and sale and consumption and disposal and renewal, and then we'll squeeze you smaller and smaller and grant you less and less, while allowing you mind numbing entertainments and mindless distractions and drugs of all sorts to keep you to befuddled to have the time or attention to have a look at us and what we do from behind this curtain, thank you very much, and have a nice day. (big winning smile) And the funny part is, that's not a word of exaggeration. That's it exactly. That's how we've gotten to this point. And as long as we believe any of this nonsense, we hold ourselves in check. They say if you don't play along, food production will stop, trade will cease, war will break out, retirement funds will go bust, pollution will kill us all, we will go back to the stone age, and 7 billion will become a few hundred thousand or a few million. You can actually see the mechanics of how that could be a possible outcome if everyone stopped using money and paper/electronic representations now, today. Everyone becomes instantly worried, about the fears they've had planted in their heads coming true. "I'd lose my jog". "I'd lose my home". "How could I take care of my family?" "the boogiemen will come and haul me away". "I'll go to the fema camps if I don't play". "People will starve". etc.

    Believing any of that supports is. That's the simplicity. If you believe any of that, then it is so. It's the TOTs who have everyone thinking in service to self terms. They've made greed a necessity. They've made it a survival point. "You'd better look out for number one, because nobody else is going to". Says who???? That's what I'd like to know. Who says we can't look after each other exactly the way we are now, without their money? That's an idiotic premise. "If you don't use my money, I won't let you grow food or make good, or build houses and cars anymore". WHAT? TOT says what??? Come on now. Can't we see the lie of that? the land is there. The seeds are there. The farm machinery is there. The sun and rain are there. the know how is there. the man power is there. the willingness is there. Where does money fit into this equation again? That's right. It doesn't!! it's been a lie the whole time. It's been softer chains around our ankles. It's been the whip the stings slowly and in our place of fears, instead of on our backs.

    What if the factory workers simply decided they would go in and do what they've always done, regardless, because they know the grocer will give them what they need to feed their family, and because they know they will not be put out of their house for lack of money changing hands, and because they know that while they are making what they are, someone else is happily making something else that they need or want. The grocer knows the farmer will supply him. Those with the skills to build houses, will simply do that. If some parts of the world have drought, the rest simply plant a little more so they aren't without. And what would be instantly obvious, is that keeping this money game and it's control points in place, has been the largest industry on the planet of late. All the insurance, financial management, banker, tax collector, manager, police/judicial, licensing, lawyer, etc jobs would vanish over night, and all those hundreds of millions of parasites living off the labours of the few could find useful contributions in cleaning up the planet of all the pollution the greed paradigm has permitted to be dumped all over our beautiful Gaia. Money is not required for any of this.

    The way it's been going, it looks like the dissatisfaction with the old paradigm ways are starting to manifest not in higher dimensional solutions like described just above, but in revolution and war and famine and all of the things which are still deeply steeped in the old ways. It's not apparent to those getting themselves all worked up, that they are simply continuing to play within the old structures instead of adopting the new harmonious ways of doing things. A paradigm shift is just that. You are not shifting to a new paradigm if you are continuing to play within the old paradigm. The shift is what we need now. A clean shift to something new. The world is ready and waiting for some ideas which permit this, without bringing the worst of their fears into manifestation.

    What I have envisioned, is a shift by way of a leap of faith. Faith in others to also do their part. Faith that others have also been searching for some way out of this trap which doesn't require the old paradigm tools of conflict, side taking, fighting, winning, overcoming, undermining, service to self (selves), etc. If a new meme hit the net running and went viral, this could literally heal the planet and close off the old 3D game in style, and set the stage for a wonderful stroll into the most beautiful 5D world we can envision.

    The shift would kick off on a simple idea. That being that the way to shift to the new paradigm is by using the tools already available from the new paradigm. Our friends have been handing us the tools for many years now. It's time to start to use them globally, instead of personally. Service to others, is one such tool. It's a 5th dimensional way. It abandons the necessity of looking from a me first viewpoint. It says you first, and everything else falls into place from that point forward. That singular change, creates the new world we are looking for. You first. It's simple. Easy to understand. Fun to look at and practice. It feels good. It's just right. It requires no apology. It's just the thing which can permit the leap of faith we can use to jump out of the old and into the new. It could never be stopped once it started. Just look at all the smaller examples of it's already having worked. Look at the habitat for humanity initiative. People get together and volunteer their time, and suppliers donate the materials, and together they build someone a home, who could not have otherwise owned one. Of course their are strings attached, like the beneficiary must then help in turn to volunteer to help others, which is not simply a service to others situation anymore. It's more of an exchange thing, which is in part service to self. I'll give you, if you give me. But it's a start. and all the videos of people standing around on the street giving hugs, and others catching on. These things are noticed and embraced when initiated.

    The old paradigm is going down. It can go down kicking and screaming, and fighting with lots of death and destruction all the way into oblivion, or we can choose another way, and step out of it, and into a new and harmonious structure and show All That Is that we were the right ones for the job after all.

    the activity I've envisioned is simple. We just start to give. We simply give to others, what we would like for them to have, because we can see it's what they need or want, and the rest takes care of itself. The concept of exchange becomes antiquated. Exchange occurs, but not as a requirement, as it is now. We just give, and the Universal laws take care of the rest. The Law of attraction says you'll get back what you put out. You put out care and kindness for others, and the universe will send you back the same. You send out love, and you get it back. You make sure others are safe and secure, and your safety and security are ensured. You make sure others are happy and healthy, and you experience the same.

    Where this usually breaks down for people or appears not to work, is when it's not a pure service to others activity. If you say, I'll apply this so I can be looked after and have my needs met, then it's not really purely service to others, is it. It's more I'll serve others so my needs can be met. It doesn't reduce the value of your service to others, but it sends the universe a certain type of signal via the law of attraction, which will come back as others presenting you with something while expecting from you at the same time. Kind of an offset takes place. Universe, or the divine, reads the thoughts and emotions received, and answers with the same. vibratory match.

    We don't have to change the whole planet to implement this. We only have to implement it ourselves, and the rest is covered. What I'm thinking of doing, is starting a network, locally. It's basically a gift network. Anyone who wants to, can simply start to give. I plan to promote the idea, maybe set up a website, or blog or something to promote it, and invite others to promote the idea and use it as well. It's a leap of faith to believe all of our needs and wants will somehow magically be provided, if we just selflessly give to others.

    The idea of the gift is also an integral part of this. As far as I know, gifts are not part of the theft ring of taxation. There would therefore be no forced interest in the activities of such a network. It would operate completely outside of any such controls. You don't need to register, apply, be licensed, get permission, or anything like that, to give a gift.

    Gifts become the new currency, and if the TOTs decided to try to change the rules and make gifts taxable, well they'd just be ignored, because those participating in this new way of existing, would be well aware of the con job the TOTs have perpetrated and simple gift them with a reality check. Which is to say, "go away and stop bothering people".

    It changes the whole dynamic instantly. If you go up to somebody with the intention "I'll give you what you need, if you'll give me what I need", it sets a tone of what's in it for me. Service to others, even while potentially providing a service to others. Where as if you simply go up and say, "I have this thing here, and I believe you would like it. Am I correct? Yes? Ok then it's yours. Here ya go. Have a great day", it sets up a condition where the recipient now wants to give. It's all give. Nothing to do with get. If everyone is giving, everyone is getting. If everyone has looking out for the other guy as his focus, then all the other guys will be very well looked after indeed. Certainly orders of magnitude better than in the current paradigm. It will literally become impossible for anyone to be in want. It would be instantly recognized and remedied as an unconscionable situation, for someone to be in want, or need. The whole way we interact would move up in frequency to where the old ways died completely away. quickly.

    To fight the old ways, and try to change them, only prolongs them and delays what could be done almost over night, by simply changing our own participations with the world around us, instead of spending our time fighting other people participation that have leaked into our space, but accident or no accident.

    On a local level, I see it starting with a group which would quickly use frequency matching to find each other. The group just starts giving, and that's all the planning thats necessary. It'll be quickly noticed, and catch on, and emulated, and duplicated. The only rule is "give". The rest is nature taking it's course.

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty (Originally posted by Tatiana)

    Post  mp3 Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:24 am

    Oh my oh my - have you ever said a mouthful here MP3!!!!

    You know I have been trying to figure out how to get from here to there for quite some time. I heartily resonate with everything you have said in this post! It has bothered me for some time that with the kinds of numbers I was seeing while trying to understand the paradigm I find myself in, that we haven't put them out to pasture long ago!

    When I see figures such as 5% of the planet's population owns 95% of the wealth, or put in a different way, 95% of the planets human beings try to make do with 5% of the planet's wealth and the 5% are still busily scheming to get the rest of the loot -

    When I see around me people slaving their life away for a tiny corner to enjoy their golden years in only to spend them in a daze filled up with medications, too sick to enjoy anything while their nest egg disappears into the ozone -

    When I see people sacrificing their children in wars whose sole purpose is to enrich those 5% even more while they wash their hands of any and all consequences of their exploits (whether from industry or warfare) and sneer contemptuously at those whom they rob -

    When I think of those numbers 5% to 95% I see a tiny minority who has enslaved the majority with nary a whimper, in fact the majority is absolutely certain that they are free -



    We are the ones who do all the work - that means we know how things are done!

    We are the ones who do all the fighting for them - that means we do their dirty work for them, we suffer and even die for them!

    And we do all of this for an ever smaller compensation and despite the fact that we are the overwhelming majority we allow this unequal exchange to continue unchallenged!

    There is a poem that dates from the time of the labor movement which I have always loved.

    We the Willing
    Led by the Unknowing
    Are doing the Impossible
    For the Ungrateful.

    We have done So Much
    With So Little
    For So Long
    We are now Qualified
    To do Anything
    With Nothing.

    I think you are onto something with your gifting idea! I would love to explore this further and join in your efforts to expose people to this way of thinking. We can't go on like this that is certain.

    I like this idea because it is non-violent. I totally agree with your point that you cannot solve a problem with the same thinking which created it. Common sense tells you that it makes no sense for us to 'fight' them - they sit on the greatest pile of weapons the world has ever seen and there are still too many of us who haven't understood some basic truths yet and who would think it noble to keep fighting for them even against us. Besides, if you choose to fight, if you choose to create change through using violence, you will be very surprised to find that the new world you are trying to create will be just like the old one, maybe even worse!

    No, we have to find a better way and your idea is heading in the right direction. Bravo!

    I will have to check out Jim Self - I have never heard of him until now.

    Btw - we desperately need a good applause icon (and a peace icon while I'm at it) I would have loved to use a few of them right about now!

    Applause - Applause - Applause

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Re: New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mp3 Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:25 am

    Thanks for reading through that mini book, Tatiana. I can see you see the TOTs as I do. Not some big ominous monster, watching every move, and ready to pounce.

    I have a great deal of circumstantial info that they are grasping at straws no to even hold onto what little power they can still wield. If even 10 to 15% of the people would stand up and simply apprise them of the fact that the jig is up and they have been found out for the fraud they are, they'd simply run away and hide.

    If we change our conscious attitude towards them, it will be felt throughout the collective consciousness, and all of those who feel trapped as minions of the TOTs will feel safe in simply walking away. They are sitting on the fence right now, being unsure whether the TOTs still have as much power as they pretend they do, or whether their intuitive pointers that the TOTs have lost much of their power is correct.

    The minions are made to do horrible things, which go against their nature. well...Not made to. They have choice as well, but they are used by the TOTs and would certainly act differently in a different environment. I don't think the soldiers would continue to shoot innocents, if they didn't feel the looming threat of retribution, should they mutiny.

    If we simply stop playing the money game, the TOT resources dry up, and they can't keep buying the support of the minions. It goes very quickly down hill for them from there.

    You asked about Jim Self. He does a lot of free webinars where he shares his knowledge and I consider him a mentor to myself. I recorded his webinar from Mar 25, where he covers much about what we are experiencing now, as our consciousness changes, and has some nice tools for coping with the changes. If you're interested, you can download my recording of his webinar from last night, on this link.

    I'd love to explore how we can get people interested in giving as a new way of getting along in our lovely world.

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Re: New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mp3 Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:25 am

    I've recently received a link to this wonderful lady's blog, where she has a series of truly inspiring articles which cemented my thinking as outlined in the opening post.

    She's been through the whole gamut from having been messed with, to researching how the few have come to wield such power, to outrage over the con involved, to learning about how to beat them at their own game, to arriving at the point of realizing that there is no way to beat them at their own game without first beating your own principles and integrity into submission. And finally that living in the high frequency love and compassion which are the hallmarks of the new game we are heading towards would solving everything in peace.

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty (originally posted by Mudra)

    Post  mp3 Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:27 am

    That's an awesome post MP3. I like its dynamic and transcending perspective

    I found this nice text that enlightens so well your words :

    The power of giving

    The power of giving comes from a selfless act - where you simply give from your heart. This act of giving is not tied to any special event, holiday or celebration - it is merely a time when you give from the heart because you want to share what you have, show your appreciation and give because you truly care. There should not be any other motive behind it. You don't give so that you can get something in return.

    When you give simply from the heart you are saying to the universe, your higher powers and you are also sending out energy that others pick up - this message that you communicate by the selfless act of giving is that you truly care and want to share what you have. You also say that you don't care if you don't get anything in return, you don't care if no one notices or if no one thanks you. After all that's not why you are doing it.

    When you do this - the response that you get can be quite overwhelming. It will be as though a thousand hands came to help you even when you didn't ask for help. Things start to fall into place - because those who give from the heart - will get a thousand times the amount that they give.

    Remember - I said that you give from the heart. You don't give with the expectation of something in return. You can give with the thought that you are sharing - that you are giving because you have so much. You are giving because you know and trust that you will always have what you want so you can afford to give something even before you receive what you seek.

    This mere act of giving from the heart and with the full knowledge that you have plenty and with the trust that you will always have more than enough - creates a bond between you and your higher power, spirit, universe, God or whatever you want to call that part of us that we feel is connected to a higher entity. That bond is a trust - in which you are saying "I know I will always have more than I want so I am now giving something because I want to - fully trusting that I will always have more than what I want - and therefore I can share because I want to."

    When you do this the universe or the higher power responds by saying - "ah-ha - ___ believes they have so much that they are already willing to share - let's give him/her some more so that they can continue to share." It really does work that way.

    ClearWater left these pearls on my Heart thread this morning :

    'Heart' is not a separate center within each individual, it is the core which unites.
    'My' heart is no longer 'mine'. It is the one heart, undivided.

    I Love therefore I AM

    Love from me

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty (Originally posted by Tacodog)

    Post  mp3 Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:28 am

    MP3: BRAVO! WOW - Loved your post - that truly hit home. Tatiana: Mudra DITTO
    Years ago money disgusted me. I always thought - why can't we have a world just as you described. No money. People just do the things they can do for each other, and all needs would be met.
    I do what I can for others - no fee. They usually feel it necessary to give back because they do not feel comfortable in receiving something for nothing, and I have to admit, someone does something for me, I do feel that I should return something in kind. I really do not want/expect anything back, but something always comes back, but not in the right light, I fear. Bartering is kind of what I do then. That is one hurdle, but it is a beginning. I, and I think many others, have to learn how to receive something without the expectation that in kind has to be given back. Perhaps a way around this is your gifting idea. Joe gives to Jane, Jane gives to Paul, and eventually someone gifts Joe. Great Idea.

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Re: New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mp3 Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:28 am

    It's pretty basic, and not well developed yet, but I've thrown up a free site with some of the ideas in this thread.

    I've got lots of links to add to the links section, and maybe it'll attract a bit of participation?

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Re: New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mp3 Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:30 am

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty (originally posted by Mudra)

    Post  mp3 Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:38 am

    Dama: A Vibrant Gift Economy in Mali
    <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

    Gifts economies, in which human beings are worth more than the market, are fundamental to most traditional and indigenous peoples. Here is a case where a just alternative already exists, and has for thousands of years.

    In its purest form, the gift economy is about the collective, allocation based on need, and abundance. Behind gifting is human relationship, solidarity, generation of goodwill, and attention to the nurturance of the whole society, and not just one,s immediate self and family. Maintaining economic and social relations outside of the market keeps respect, cooperation, and ethics thriving.

    One of these gift systems is alive and well in Mali, West Africa.

    Called dama, this is a vibrant economy and culture propagated primarily through a strong, though informal, women's social network. Gift-giving is not based on exchange or equivalence between giver and receiver. She who receives a gift will probably pass it on to someone else. Another person entirely, somewhere down the line, will give back to the original giver. Dama involves return, but from within a broadly defined community to which the gift has moved on. Gift-giving holds the expectation that just as you care for and provide for others, someone else altogether will care and provide for you or your family.

    The circulation of gifts acts as the warp and weft of community, weaving together multiple layers of loyalty and history. A gift is a string that creates and strengthens friendships, family, regional community, religious grouping, and other social networks. At its best, gifting reflects a worldview that society, indeed the world, is a web of relationships - not just between individuals, but among elements of an inseparable whole. Irreducible to give and take, gifting continually reinforces interconnectedness and the collective.

    A second purpose of gifting is to sustain and celebrate the values of humanity - what is known in Mali as maaya, human-ness or being human. Djingarey Maga, director of Women and Human Rights, says, - It's the link with your neighbors, your parents, your relatives. If you can't keep that link, you are not a human being. A common Malian expression explains maaya:

    Life is a cord. We make the cord between ourselves, and you have to hold on to it. One should not drop the cord.

    Thirdly, dama is an essential strategy for keeping the community well. Gifting is a time-honored means of keeping away hunger, prolonged illness, and early death. Malians understanding of community is that it is only as strong as its parts, only as healthy as its members, so that only by all providing for each other will all survive and thrive. Wherever your gift ends up will be an important contribution toward everyone's welfare.

    Lastly, since one can't simultaneously pass on and hoard (what many of us call save), giving also keeps inequality relatively flattened. While in the U.S. there is social reinforcement to accumulate as much as possible, with wealth and the wealthy often being revered, in Mali the cultural norm is to give away as much of your accumulation as possible, with generosity and the generous being most respected. The only way you get to be rich is by disassociating yourself from other people. There's no way to live in community, have family in the way that we understand family, and still be rich. There are so many children that you have to pay for schooling for, so many people that you have to buy medicines for,11 says popular educator Coumba Toure. People really start worrying about what kind of person you've become.

    Beyond Africa, gifting thrives in many parts of the underdeveloped and developed world usually below the radar, unnoticed, non-quantified, and unarticulated.

    And some excellent gift-economy quotes too:

    Love Always

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty (originally posted by Mudra) (images didn't copy)

    Post  mp3 Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:39 am

    read the book online here :

    Read the book online here ( available in deutsch, italian, spanish and english )

    read online here :

    read online here :

    Love Always

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Re: New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mp3 Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:40 am

    The Gift
    By Susan Bright

    The Gift

    how light spins out of stars
    and falls into the ravenous caw of life,
    the way a parent feeds a child, coaches children's soccer,
    runs for office, works for the Sierra Club,
    a Dispute Resolution Center -
    the way one finds the quiet revolution of a Quaker meeting,
    the free salvation of a twelve step program,
    social action follows need.

    Women, like the essential spin of gravity,
    form in circles, say our names, name
    our expertise, no one greater than the other, we come -
    not for profit, or out of fear, but to create relationship,
    community, to become the change we seek.
    This is how we do things - a circle, not a ladder,
    a seed, not a patent, many truths instead of one.

    Our truths are diverse, contradictory, and non-linear.
    One has the gift of science, one of art, one of native plants,
    one organized the World Court for Women,
    one says the million people who marched peacefully
    through the open air museum of Florence
    demanded corporate accountability.
    There is a better way.
    The gift informs it.

    But it's been plundered -
    See how the resource gifts of Africa,
    for instance, or South America
    by limited liability giant corporations.
    Half the labor gifts of the world, women's work,
    are unpaid, marginalized, or invisible,
    even in movements for social change -
    which is unfortunate, because
    there is a better
    way and women are the map of it.

    We rise as if from sleep.
    Have you noticed how many people
    know the logic of the warrior/robber barons is false?

    How often does a parent, seeing children squabble,
    encourage them to kill each other? For profit?

    There is a better way
    and women are the map of it.

    Love Always

    Last edited by mp3 on Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:45 am; edited 2 times in total

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty (originally posted by Mudra)

    Post  mp3 Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:44 am

    The perfect one dollar gift? Wink

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Re: New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mudra Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:41 am

    Partnering Creates Miracles:

    According to Lynne McTaggart, author of The Intention Experiment, the newest scientific research in the field of "Group Intention" reveals that the person receiving positive group intentions gets unbelievable changes and immediate improvements: one person with daily headaches suddenly woke up the next day without one, while another person with an eye problem reported being healed with 80% of her sight returned.

    The most interesting finding of this research is that the persons SENDING the intentions have reported RECEIVING permanent improvements and positive changes in their lives.

    The conclusion is that abundance is about GIVING, and there is a rebound effect that you GET when you simply see and agree with another their heart’s deepest desires.

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Re: New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mudra Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:07 am

    Towards a Gifting Culture
    Timothy Wilken, MD

    Humans are an INTERdependent class of life.
    Interdependence is the human condition. All humans need help unless they wish to live at the level of animal subsistence. Interdependence means some times I depend on others and sometimes others depend on me. Once we acknowledge our interdependence and accept our dependence on others, then there are only three ways that we can get help.

    Humans are INTERdependent. They must exchange food, things, and “knowing” in order to effectively meet their needs. What is changing is not the need for EXCHANGE. It is whether the exchange is adversary, neutral, or synergic.
    Our goal then, is to develop a prototype for a synergic exchange. In a truely synergic exchange where all members are humans committed to win-win relationships, there is no need for accounting. You give to the GiftingNetwork based on your talents and skills, donating whatever action, “knowing”, things, or food you can create. You take from the GiftingNetwork whatever you need. Because all members are committed to having only win-win relationships, the system will work and there will be excess and abundance for all.

    more at the link

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:42 am; edited 1 time in total

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Re: New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mudra Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:17 am

    New economics? or no economics? GiveHelpB

    How a Win-Win Gift Exchange Works
    Timothy Wilken, MD

    Synergic science is the study of how things can best work together. It examines the processes of Light, Particles, Atoms, Molecules, the Plants, the Animals and we Humans. One of the discoveries of synergic science is that the best organizations–most efficient, most productive and most happy–are those where the participants have win-win relationships with each other.
    From synergic science, a tensegrity is the pattern that results when push and pull have a win-win relationship with each other. The pull is continuous and the push is discontinuous. The continuous pull is balanced by the discontinuous push producing an integrity of tension and compression. This creates a powerful self-stabilizing system.
    We humans have needs that are continuously pulling on us to be met. To meet these needs we or an other, working on our behalf, must take actions to meet these needs. While our needs continuously pull on us, actions are discontinuous pushes. Humans as theinterdependent class of life can have positive relationships with each other. We can form a gifting tensegrity, where we are continuously being helped,and where we arediscontinuouslyhelpingothers. For convenience, We can combine the two terms ‘gifting’ and ‘tensegrity’ into a shorter term GIFTegrity.

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:43 am; edited 1 time in total

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Ithaca Hours

    Post  Balance Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:26 am

    Ithaca NY has a long established eco village and has created their own barter/currency exchange:

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Woodstock Time Bank

    Post  Balance Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:29 am


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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Re: New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mudra Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:56 pm

    From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.

    by Arthur Ashe

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty A working example of the Gift Economy

    Post  mp3 Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:50 pm

    Here's an inspiring example of one beautiful young lady, following her heart, and living a rich life without oppressive money matrix driving her vibrations down.

    <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Re: New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mp3 Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:04 am

    Balance wrote:Woodstock Time Bank:

    That timebank idea could actually be an in-between or bridging activity for those who can not yet see how a direct exchange economic system involving money or barter, etc can be escaped. Some may need intermediate steps on the way to gift economy idea.

    Thanks for sharing the link.

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Re: New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mp3 Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:13 am

    mudra wrote:Towards a Gifting Culture
    Timothy Wilken, MD

    Love Always

    Thanks Mudra. Beautiful resource you've shared here.

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Re: New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mudra Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:22 pm


    To bring blessings upon yourself, bless your neighbor.
    To enrich yourself, enrich your neighbor.
    Honor your neighbor and the world will honor you.
    To sorely hurt yourself, hurt your neighbor.
    He who seeks love will find it by giving it.
    The measure of a man's wealth is the measure of wealth he has given.
    To enrich yourself with many friends, enrich your friends with yourself.
    That which you take away from any man, the world will take away from you.
    When you take the first step to give yourself to that which you want, it will also take its first step to give itself to you.
    Peace and happiness do not come to you from your horizon; they spread from you out to infinity beyond your horizon.
    The whole universe is a mirror which reflects back to you that which you reflect into it.
    Love is like unto the ascent of a mountain. It comes ever nearer to you as you go ever nearer to it.

    Lao Russell

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Re: New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mudra Sun Apr 25, 2010 5:09 am

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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Re: New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mudra Sun Apr 25, 2010 5:18 am

    The man who lives without money
    By Mark Boyle
    ABC Environment | 12 Apr 2010

    Mark Boyle has a cuppa out the front of his caravan. He has forgone money and says he has found happiness.

    Irishman Mark Boyle tried to live life with no income, no bank balance and no spending. Here's how he finds it.

    If someone told me seven years ago, in my final year of a business and economics degree, that I'd now be living without money, I'd have probably choked on my microwaved ready meal. The plan back then was to get a 'good' job, make as much money as possible, and buy the stuff that would show society I was successful.

    For a while I did it - I had a fantastic job managing a big organic food company; had myself a yacht on the harbour. If it hadn't been for the chance purchase of a video called Gandhi, I'd still be doing it today. Instead, for the last fifteen months, I haven't spent or received a single penny. Zilch.

    Mark Boyle is the founder of the FreeconomyCommunity . 'The Moneyless Man', a book about his year without money, is out in June.

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:44 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 23317
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 70
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    New economics? or no economics? Empty Re: New economics? or no economics?

    Post  mudra Sun Apr 25, 2010 5:47 am It really works.
    by Lloyd Alter

    We do occasionally try to practice what we preach, and had a basement full of stuff that did not move at our garage sale. Having learned about Freecycle on TreeHugger, we signed up and put up a listing, saying “lots of stuff available, come and get it” . We soon got an email saying, no, that is not how it works. Name each item so that people are not running around for nothing, and negotiate a time with the person responding to each item so that people are not just showing up and finding it has gone to someone else. I do as I am told, and suddenly emails are flying, people are taking old books, printers, stereos and snowboards, arriving on time and thankful to be getting them. (although some don't show- I am still waiting for Theresa) I have found happy good homes for my excess baggage and a lot of stuff has been kept out of the dump. The system works.

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:46 am; edited 1 time in total

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