hobbit Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:06 pm
Carol wrote:I do understand Hobbit. The cosmic ocean is the primordial soup that all is created from yet it is composed of NO THING (nothing/energy/space).
I've not thought of time in this way so your input is very valuable as it lends to a broader understanding of what is transpiring.
If You look to revelations ,( edit in) revelations 21. there is a message there saying something like,
The man that see's the house of god will see it is as clear as jasper, and he will have a rod to measure it.
Can't remember the exact words, but,
What I find is that the universe is a solid, but it is composed of perfectly packed geometric substance that has stellated dodechedron form, thus that geometry is scalar , or exists at all scales.
So from been a million times smaller than an atom, out to overall universe, this geometry repeats.
That geometry thus provides infinite pathways and arrangements of variations that all in creation can be.
But the base substance never moves, it allows switching about in this geometry of however anything is arranged, and everything is just local geometriccompounds of time fields.
It is almost enough to send You crazy trying to grasp this, as it is exactly opposite to how we have ASSUMED all mass to be seperate.
Mass is nothing more that a super holographic compound of zillions of time fields locking together.