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    Way To Utopia: Asking the Impossible!


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    Way To Utopia: Asking the Impossible! Empty Way To Utopia: Asking the Impossible!

    Post  Oliver Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:43 pm

    Dear friends,

    "Let's be real -- let's ask for the impossible" - this is an old say/quote. The paradox inside was always inspiring me, as I believe the truth can be most successfully expressed by paradoxes. I am a passionate collector of paradoxes. And a passionate Utopian. Meaning, paradoxically of course, that I am very real.

    When Thomas More, the Holly Man, published his far reaching work "Utopia" in 15th century, he just opened the door for what is an immense and most profound (and most real)human dream -- to live in perfect society of love, freedom, beauty, justice, and truth. Many concepts of Utopian societies have followed More's founding principles. Many authors and dreamers created beautiful worlds of possible future solution for humanity in this dimension, they gave us their unconditional love, for dreaming for a perfect world for all people is a manifestation of pure love.

    I want us to be grateful to them. They have built the positive legacy of humanity for future generations. Many of concepts of past Utopians have become true. Utopia is not an illusion -- it is very constructive and practical approach, as our dreams are the basics of our relation to reality.

    So I would like to see you here constructive, building your Utopian dreams and being real in a most realistic way. I would like to see your thinking about the possibility to have an Utopian society. How do you imagine it? What is your Utopia? This way, we will also radiate a highly positive, constructive and loving energy out of our forum. Creation is probably the essence of our existence. Being creative is being human in an ultimate way.

    Let us be builders for a while; let us be the engineers who will manifest the power of the above mentioned paradox. Let us ask for the impossible as nothing is impossible.

    With love and respect for all of you, I am posting here one of the Utopian approaches (close to me) -- a link to a beautiful (conceptual) book by John Will generalizing some of the most common Utopian approaches to life. Get inspired.

    Way To Utopia: Asking the Impossible! Picart-icarus

    Posts : 562
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    Age : 55
    Location : on the other side of the mirror

    Way To Utopia: Asking the Impossible! Empty Re: Way To Utopia: Asking the Impossible!

    Post  malletzky Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:45 pm

    A very hard task here, my dear friend. I might even not be able to come up with an appropriate answer (appropriate for, me, other ???)

    I will have to think hard, very hard in order to find the right words. I can't promise I can.

    Anyway, I know a better way to tell you about how I see my own creation, my utopia...but will have to be able to read my heart.

    much respect to you


    Posts : 439
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    Age : 49
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    Way To Utopia: Asking the Impossible! Empty Re: Way To Utopia: Asking the Impossible!

    Post  ClearWater Sat Mar 05, 2011 7:14 pm

    To me, it is quite simple. A utopia is a space in which we can each be our selves.
    Outer circumstances are inconsequential. Utopia is an inner state.

    And certainly utopia is paradoxical.
    If we want "to live in perfect society of love, freedom, beauty, justice, and truth", then it can be realized through the acceptance of imperfection, hate, restriction, ugliness, injustice, and lies.

    Posts : 5520
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    Location : Poland

    Way To Utopia: Asking the Impossible! Empty Re: Way To Utopia: Asking the Impossible!

    Post  burgundia Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:34 am

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