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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:10 pm

    I have never knowingly met an alien (of the abducting kind). I expect many of us have ET origins - don't mean that.

    If you ever consciously meet an alien can you please ask them this question:

    "If you guys can time travel, how come you have not completed your mission yet?"

    I mean if they need to do research on us and plan, what is so special about the current moments, that they can't use time travel to really screw us over in short order.

    I am tempted to conclude that aliens operating at our density level, cannot in fact time travel!

    Additionally I have been struck recently by reading stories and information about the way aliens work etc that there are very definite parallels between alien interference and astral attack/interference.

    I present no facts here, but I see the aura of power that people project onto "Aliens". The law of attraction dictates that focussed thought will lead to manifestation. In my interpretation, at the very least, as some kind of persistent thought form. Such that can even accrete to itself, at the very least some form of astral body or impression - free to impress weak minds harboring vibrationally similar thought-forms. This to my mind is astral pollution. Associated fears can only make such a situation worse.

    Astral hygiene can be achieved by anyone with the correct intent.


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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:11 pm


    Very good point Anchor.

    This would go along with the thinking that these manevolant ET's could be fallen angels and are thus trapped here in this time.

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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:12 pm


    That's why, AJ, in my mind, that it is vital that we hold the light and not fear. It's fine to know what is in the hearts and minds of those that perpetrate the NWO agenda, ETs and harmful entities but to be in fear of it only feeds the problem. Knowledge is power for the betterment of mankind but fear is also power to fuel careless agendas.

    I think they are so deep into it now that they might even think that what they are doing is right. They have justified it in their minds.

    We are what we allow our minds and hearts to dwell on and the more of us that dwell on the benevolence of our Universe the more the scales are tipped in our favor. We are not sticking our heads in the sand and denying that malevolence exists, but rather we are raising the vibrations to such a positive critical mass that, if we keep at it, malevolence cannot thrive but will die off. We will deprive them of the energy they need to operate. We need to keep our light saber at the ready at all times.

    What do ya think?

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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:12 pm

    imo a lot of what many people assume is ET based activity is actualy UT based.

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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:13 pm

    This is just a brief reply. (c: More later . . .

    In my experience, both physical and, for lack of a better term, astral abductions occur - with the astral being most prevalent. Usually if you are taken physically you are rarely returned.

    What happens is this: the greys and reptilians etc. are located on fourth density, and have the ability to temporarily visit the third density (us). This is different than the 'bloodlines' information as presented by Icke and many other researchers. The DNA anchors the entity in that case and various rituals keep 'the door open' so to speak, such as SRA and using human blood etc.

    What happens on an astral abduction is that your essence, a template if you will, is taken from your third density form and moved to fourth density where 'time' is totally different. (Time is an illusion anyway). They do whatever it is they do, such and insert implants, do the usual exams, create screen memories, and so forth. Then you are returned to your third density body which incorporates the changes made while you were 'gone.' Occasionally the 'timing' is off and you might experience missing time in your perception. Wow, what a weird dream! Why is my right nostril bleeding onto my pillow? This has happened to me countless times. I have also had visits in the night, complete with physical paralysis and the horrific pervading evil (there is no other way to describe the feeling). Later I'll get into some of the specific abduction memories I have, including meeting a baby, grabbing something by my bed (I broke the paralysis) and all hell broke loose. Something flew, with a loud flapping sound around my bedroom knocking things over and hissing. My dogs never moved. The next morning I awakened with the usual first thought: what a weird dream! Then I sat up and looked around and my end table and lamp were smashed on the floor, my dresser was knocked sideways with everything else on the floor! I can't help but think that was a winged Draco. I'm glad I avoided THAT little adventure (or did I). I'm rambling now so I'll stop. Sorry to stick so many things into one paragraph, but I have a lot to say and honestly I'm not sure where to say it. Here? AV1 is out - I got invited to AV2 but I'm testing the waters. So far it 'feels' ok to me. But I read everything and am aware of what happened so caution is a key word.

    I started posting in 1997 and wrote a lot on forums and in email lists. After a certain debacle regarding the Cassiopaea Saga, and the attacks on me by the originators of that material (excluding Fred, the original channel - and my friend by IM, IRC, and telephone) who is conveniently left out of the 'current' transcripts, with L claiming it was ALL HER - (yeah right I was in the middle of it and it was Fred who channeled it) I stopped posting in 2005 though I was on all the GLP splinter groups - and on GLP from the beginning until the Christmas Massacre when we were all banned . . . - ah s**t I'm babbling again. So much to say! Where to say it?

    One last thought - one mans demon is another mans reptilian. One persons angel is another persons 'Nordic' or Pleiadian (or whatever). I personally believe it's all the same thing - the names change to fit the 'times' in which we live.

    My experiences started when I was a small child. They have continued since. I was in Military Intelligence with a TS clearance from 1974 until 1980. There are whole stretches of that time that I DO NOT RECALL.

    Thanks for the Mysts of Avalon. It feels pretty good here. Sorry my first post was so disjointed. I'm trying to say everything at once!

    Then there are the MILABS . . .

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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:14 pm

    The way I see time travel is this.

    In order to move either backwards or forwards in time everything must have already happened.
    If you travel back in time you are from the future and are travelling into a past that has already happened,
    if you travel forward in time you are from the past and you are travelling into a future that must have already happened.

    This means everything past or present has already happened therefore it cannot be changed.

    So time travel maybe possible but changing time is not.

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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:14 pm

    Welcome Wyzyrd.

    I see you have lots to bring to the table.

    Hopefully, more of us will soon feel comfortable enough to share our unusual experiences on this great forum.

    Then we WILL be able to connect some more dots.


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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:15 pm

    You might be right Swanny , but it is hard for my 3d brain to get around

    Welcome btw!

    Welcome Wyzyrd,

    I would be interested in hearing more about the Cassiopaea Saga, among other things.

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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:16 pm


    Hi anchor!

    Can I ask you a question? if thought forms can be seen or made manifest....then does that mean that aliens do not exist?

    or lets ask the question in some other way... If there are aliens in 4 dimension...does that mean that they cannot be seen?....

    If you see someone that it is not supposed to be there....does that mean that it is just a thought?

    Seriously I have never thought about aliens...till I saw them....There are so many around that it is increadible...Well it is better if we call them entities because I could not check their fact, we are also aliens in a broad sense...

    The problem comes in trying to discern who is who in this game....
    YOu have discarnate entities, you have multidimensional cracks in the fabric of space time, you have aliens of all sizes and shapes and basically anything you can imagine exists...The problem is that we usually are not tuned to those frequencies...

    thoughtforms exist and aliens also exist...I have no doubts about it whatsoever. The problem comes when you are giving them a label: that is the problem and a bit of an issue.....because sometimes you do not have a name/category for them....



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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:17 pm

    I dont like the concept of Alien. Alien is a pejorative term that seens to me to be a sort of inter planetary racism. I prefer the term entities. My answers below are my opinions and conclusions based on what I have learned/remembered so far and could be wrong.

    > Does that mean aliens do not exist.

    No, I did not mean that.

    > does that mean that they cannot be seen?....

    Depends on who is looking. If they are vibrating within your field of perception you will see them. The expansion of conciousness allows a person to be aware of a wider range of "frequencies" - seeing with the third eye etc. The dark forces have used techniques to suppress this expansion of awareness in earthbound/incarnate humans - so a lot of people (myself included) have not developed this awareness. However, opportunities now exist for very rapid progress. Many people are seeing more and more "stuff" as the river of time flows by at an increasing rate.

    >If you see someone that it is not supposed to be there....does that mean that it is just a thought?

    In a literal sense this is in fact true. Thoughts are things. We are all "thought" in the "mind" of the one infinite creator. Your response to perception is most ofthen a stream of thought (potentially feeding your own thought-form thereby created). The real question to be answered is what did you really perceive ? It is possible to perceive the thoughtform of another, just as it is possible to see the impression of another entity. Telepathy works this way (resonance between thoughtform tied to thinker, creating similar thoughtform in receiver).

    >Seriously I have never thought about aliens...till I saw them....There are so many around that it is increadible...Well it is better if we call them entities because I could not check their fact, we are also aliens in a broad sense...

    I totally agree with this statement - for obvious reasons. I feel like an alien a lot of the time. I cannot open up to people around me very often, otherwise I would be forced into restrictive clothing in a padded cell in short order.

    You make some statements in the closing paragraphs that make a lot of sense to me. I do not agree with the "multi-dimensional cracks" because that implies the universe is broken in some way, and it is not. It is, as a whole, complete and perfect. I feel that it is important to be mindful of this ultimate perfection, as we progress through the distortions we have created in this perfection.

    I liked the questions - it would be fun for me if you asked more with narrower scope so I can delve deeper. I find questions very helpful for me, especially quality ones that are well thought out like yours.


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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:18 pm


    Good one!
    Who can open up to people? one!...If you mention any of this issues to anyone out there they will certainly send you to a cheap and horrid psyquiatric unit or alternatively they will burn you alive...ejem ejem. Those are the only options available....

    So it is better to login into the mists of avalon and talk to people like us....

    does that mean that they cannot be seen?....
    Depends on who is looking. If they are vibrating within your field of perception you will see them. The expansion of conciousness allows a person to be aware of a wider range of "frequencies" - seeing with the third eye etc. The dark forces have used techniques to suppress this expansion of awareness in earthbound/incarnate humans - so a lot of people (myself included) have not developed this awareness. However, opportunities now exist for very rapid progress. Many people are seeing more and more "stuff" as the river of time flows by at an increasing rate.

    they are certainly visible! mainly at night....but sometimes they are appearing during the day..but is less common....I see them with my third eye basically...However during the can feel them energetically...and it is possible to identify energy signatures
    from those very same entities.

    My theory is that some of these VISIBLE entities are coming from the 4th dimension because they have a rather solid feel to them....the more etheric ones are not easy to see...they are lighter/more etheric!

    Other theory is that some of those entifies may be our parallel selves?

    If I am sincere I think there is a mixture of entities around...with different energy qualities,origins and forms.

    What is your opinion on the above?
    Thank you!

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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:18 pm

    Admiral, I think that somewhere in the distant future, we should tell these brave & persistent, 'Uninvited' outlaws & mis(t)fits here at MoA, that there are no simple solutions for complicated problems.

    Meanwhile, I channeled High Priestesse Guineavera,
    NPA's First Lady of Love, Light, Truth & Tolerance,
    checking her 'sticky' ANALOVEGY DONATIC$ thread ...

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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:19 pm


    I agree with what you have said (though I dont use the term 4th dimension) I am more comfortable with the Theosophist/Esoteric Christian Orders style terminology "Astral" "Etheric" such as you used, as they have meaning that is often well understood on forums like this.

    To me dimension is a physic's idea that describes univers mechanics in a concrete way whereas Densisty is more absract refering to both and evolutionary strata and different domains of existence. These terms are all linked though - you cant have one without the others.

    Asides from one very early and poorly remembered incident when I was a child I saw an imp like child at the end of my bed. Did not scare me. I cant rememeber much more than that, I told my much and she said if you dont like them, ask them to leave. The only other "entity" that I personally have any direct experience of is my own "higher-self" - not something I have seen, but have been in communication with (via a kind of channeling). Originally the channelling was confined to private moments of contemplation/meditation. More recently (on PA1) I was been "assisted" in composing posts and replys to people this way - it is my hope that I can clarify this connection and be able to bring through it greater knowledge than I presently have.

    Just because I have not seen these things, I have no problem understanding that people do however see them.


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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:21 pm

    Being AWARE is the only thing that will stop the control of these parasites.

    Sometimes the truth can be an ugly thing.
    But knowledge is POWER.

    What we really need to know is WHO is behind everything.....

    Here are a few statements James Bartley makes about what is really going on in the background.

    We can't put our heads in the sand because time is running out.
    Some will reject this informatiion and others will be ready to deal with it.
    We all have different roles for what is to come and that is our destiny.


    by James Bartley


    The people will not obtain this information from the government nor from the feculent cesspool, which passes for the UFO Research Community.

    Our team concentrates on hard core intelligence collection on the Alien Abduction Syndrome.

    Because everything else, the underground bases, the government mind control programs, the reverse engineering of alien technology et al are but a corollary to the Alien Abduction Experience in the first place.

    The reason why there is so little hard core information available to abductees is because abductees pose a latent threat to the Reptilian Overlords of this world and to their apparent human vassals within the New World Order.

    We are the ones with paraphysical and supernatural abilities.

    They specialize in manipulating ones dreamscape with erotic imagery specifically designed to promote certain behaviours and alternative lifestyles within a given abductee population.

    I know of no one else besides our team who is even aware of this very basic and pervasive reptilian programming agenda.

    The definition of the word "Lifespan" as we understand the term does not apply to these reptilians who live in their own vibrational density long enough to manipulate countless generations of a given genetic/soul matrix population in our dimension.

    The reptilians are master geneticists who have created subserviant races of non-human beings to act as Specialists tasked with furthering certain agendas directly impacting the human race including but not limited to genetic and soul matrix manipulation of the abductee population.

    It is through the latter program that Hosts are created through apparently normal human childbirth.

    These reptilian hosts are geared to sow confusion, discordance and disinformation amongst the abductee population.

    Dr. Richard Boylan amongst others is a Host for a reptilian entity. Make no mistake about it. I have lost count of the number of websites placed on the internet by reptilian hosts. There is a new one that was put in place quite recently.

    The reptilians are masters of frequency and resonance and can shape shift at will.

    They have often appeared to abductees as "Nordics" or "Blondes" or "Spirit Guides" and have conveyed to them much neutralist-positivist information.

    Throughout history the reptilians have used the image of Nordics as a screen to carry out their nefarious activities.

    By that I do not mean that there are no "Nordics" as such. Please do not hear what I didn't say.

    I am merely saying that for their own reasons the reptilians have consistently and persistently utilized the "Blond Aryan" or "Nordic" image as a smokescreen to further their own agenda at the expense of the human race and may even be using captive or genetically engineered elements of Nordic beings as subject races within their spheres of influence.

    Nowhere was this more evident than with the Nazi regime where the ideal of the Aryan Nordic was carried out to the nth degree with selective breeding programs on the one hand and the genocide of "Sub-human races" on the other.

    At the very deepest darkest core of the Nazi Regime was the Thule Gesellschaft.
    An occult organization which venerated the image of the serpent and practiced sacrificial blood rituals and tantric magickal sexual workings.

    The two men who had the most influence on Adolf Hitler were Karl Haushofer and Dietrich Eckart both of whom were hardcore black magicians.

    I cannot stress enough the fundamental connection between Black Magick and Sorcery (The Ritualistic Utilization of mind altering drugs to contact non- human intelligences) on the one hand and the Reptilian Over-lordship on the other.


    Reptilians have a profoundly disturbing ability to manipulate the health of abductees especially those who are striving to obtain hard core information about them and their nefarious activities.

    They will even inflict physical pain upon abductees who "don't go along with the program."
    Once again Barbara Bartholic has done pioneering work in this regard having known first hand of a number of deaths, which stemmed from research related activities.

    These "reprisals" have caused people to give up their investigations.


    If you haven't guessed by now, the control and domination of human females is THE primary objective of reptilian operations vis a vis the human race, because women--through their creative, intuitive and nurturing nature--have a direct connection to the Divine and are therefore a threat to the reptilian overlords of this world.

    This subjugation of women and the feminine principle in general has filtered down via the reptilian inspired secret societies and fraternal orders to become a fundamental aspect of most religions on this planet.

    Ironically the use (or misuse as it were) of Tantric Sexual Magick is a fundamental part of Black Magick.

    In other words the Black Magicians know that the feminine generative principle is an immensely powerful force which they exploit for their own evil purposes at the expense of the human race in general and human women in particular.

    I should remind the reader that to her dying day Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great insisted that her son was conceived during sexual intercourse between herself and what she described as a python.

    Olympia was an initiate of the Dionysian Mystery Schools and had frequently inbibed in hallucinogenics during these rituals many of which involved blood sacrifices, contrary to what some would have you believe.

    It has also been alleged that Julius Caesar was the product of a union between his mother and an Incubi.


    Aleister Crowley called the kundalini energy released through tantric magickal sex the most powerful force known to Mankind.

    And where does this force come from?
    Human women!
    The K at the end of Magick (the correct spelling) is a glyph for the Yoni.
    The female sexual organ.

    In 1871 Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a member of the English Parliament and a Rosicrucian, published a book entitled "The Coming Race" which was rife with hidden occult meaning.

    The "Coming Race" referred to a Matriarchal Nordic Subterranean race known as the Vril-ya.

    The Vril-ya are an advanced race of seven foot tall Nordic beings that have harnessed an energy source known as Vrill and with it have subdued other subterranean beings in order to survive--including reptilians.

    Indeed the very first creature, the main character, a surface dweller, encounters a man-eating reptilian being who carries off his friend, a mining engineer who was killed in an underground accident which led to the surface dweller being trapped underground.

    The surface dweller later discovers that this apparently peace-loving race of Nordics actually intends to invade and conquer the surface of the planet.

    Remember that the reptilians have long utilized the image of Nordics as "front men" in their operations.

    Keep in mind that this book was published in 1871!

    It dealt with matriarchy, subterranean civilizations, an energy source that heals and destroys called Vril, reptilians, conflict between subterranean races and an impending takeover of the surface world by an evil subterranean race.

    And it was written by an occultist of the Rosicrucian Order!

    What was he trying to tell us?

    That maybe it's a waste of time conducting "Blue Book Investigations" seeking witnesses to three week old UFO sightings and learning about "hybrids," "polarities" and "spirituality" within the context of a war scenario?
    To round out this section regarding the capabilities of the reptilians and their probable intentions let us turn to yet another work of "fiction" written more recently than Bulwer-Lytton's "Coming Race."

    Dr. Harry Turtledove is a history professor from UCLA who specializes in writing what he calls "alternative history." One of his alternative histories is about the Confederacy winning the American Civil War and shows General Robert E. Lee sitting atop his famous horse Traveler and holding up an AK-47 assault rifle!

    Dr. Turtledove has also written a four volume series regarding the Second World War, which has caught my attention.

    It is about the allies and the axis joining forces to repel a reptilian invasion from outer space!

    Do you know what the symbol on the covers of these books are?
    An inverted isosceles triangle (a Trikona) within which is the planet Earth!

    Is the connection between Tantric Magick and the Reptilian Overlordship of the planet Earth beginning to sink in yet?

    Some of the underground facilities have been described by those who have defected from the Illuminatti as "waiting rooms for Hell." I cannot think of a more apt description.

    It is the unanimous opinion of our team (of which I am but a small part) that the reptilians intend to maintain control over the human race by continuing their Grand Strategy of Divide and Conquer and by their continuing domination and marginalization of the feminine principle.

    The reptilians are well aware of the the geological calender of the Earth as well as the Apocalyptic Prophecies of numerous religions and have made their plans accordingly.

    They have nothing to gain and everything to lose by allowing humans to attain a heightened level of awareness.

    The latter was one of the reasons why the human life span was artificially shortened by them.

    The various cataclysms and upheavals naturally and artificially contrived, that will annihilate huge segments of the human race is merely the latest installment of a process

    which strives to reduce the human population to manageable levels BEFORE we attain heightened awareness and an understanding of our full potential[/size]

    If this happened on a mass scale ( ie, heightened awareness) the reptilians will no longer be able to control us.[/size]

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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:25 pm


    Yes, I believe that is precisely the race - We are waking up so much faster than they could ever imagine. They are losing ground and we are gaining. Their last failure with the vaccines is one more black mark on them.

    I have NEVER been on the same vibrational level with any other entities on this planet in this lifetime other than humans. I think these 4th dimensional creatures can see the energy levels surrounding and emanating from each of us. I think they can see who they can screw with and who they can't. They can see the cracks in a person's energy field which provides an entry point for their foolish tricks and magick. Those of us who have never had any physical supernatural experiences can count ourselves quite lucky because chances are, they know they can't touch us.

    Think me crazy but ever since I was about 15 years old I have felt that I had a silver cord running straight from heart upwards towards the heavens. I feel connected to all that is divine. Don't get me wrong, I'm no goody goody but I feel that connection - don't ask me how or why, it just is. I do feel I am here to be on the side that brings a balance of light to this planet and to cause the old earth to pass away.

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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:26 pm

    Is it possible for a reptilian type entity to appear to their victim in a good light we�ll say, could they appear as a Holy Spirit? Could they communicate to their victim a doctrine to follow (of course the victim is thinking they are in communication with a holy spirit of God). How would one know if they were communicating with a holy spirit or not?

    How many humans have they already screwed with? How would one even know? If they have been doing this for generations, I would imagine quite a few, leaving what percentage left alone? Or, have we all been screwed with to a certain extent? Why are they allowed to screw around with us in the first place? Should deceit/ignorance be a part of free will? Just how deep is that rabbit hole?

    Would a Creator of all that is allow a part of itself to cease to exist?

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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:26 pm

    I believe there are many densities, many planets and their own densities. I believe there are higher and lower consciousness levels and yes I believe the matter and consciousness are one and infinite. We call it "matter" only because we can see it? The matter is very subjective definition. I believe there are living entities on other planets and cosmic living entities. It makes sense that there are cosmic races, planetary races, many gods and demigods (good and bad). I believe that some entities physical or ghostly appear here in our physical "matter" to be seen or felt. I believe there are maybe more advanced "technically" but low in consciousness advancement entities in our cosmos. I believe there is a "law of attraction" for those entities to get some experience in our dimension. We as souls have the same attraction to experience this "matter" now. The question is what is the purpose of this experience?

    I only feel not to deal with them and not to wonder our mind about them, nor to be attracted to them is the way to live.
    And be happy...

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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:27 pm

    QUOTE (tacodog @ Mar 25 2010, 02:21 PM)
    Is it possible for a reptilian type entity to appear to their victim in a good light we'll say, could they appear as a Holy Spirit? Could they communicate to their victim a doctrine to follow (of course the victim is thinking they are in communication with a holy spirit of God).

    yes they can

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    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:29 pm

    QUOTE (tacodog @ Mar 25 2010, 03:21 AM)
    Is it possible for a reptilian type entity to appear to their victim in a good light we'll say, could they appear as a Holy Spirit?
    Could they communicate to their victim a doctrine to follow (of course the victim is thinking they are in communication with a holy spirit of God). How would one know if they were communicating with a holy spirit or not?

    How many humans have they already screwed with? How would one even know? If they have been doing this for generations, I would imagine quite a few, leaving what percentage left alone? Or, have we all been screwed with to a certain extent? Why are they allowed to screw around with us in the first place? Should deceit/ignorance be a part of free will? Just how deep is that rabbit hole?

    Would a Creator of all that is allow a part of itself to cease to exist?

    Is it possible for a reptilian type entity to appear to their victim in a good light we'll say, could they appear as a Holy Spirit?
    Could they communicate to their victim a doctrine to follow (of course the victim is thinking they are in communication with a holy spirit of God).

    Yes. Not only the Reptilians, but also the military with the mind control technology.

    How would one know if they were communicating with a holy spirit or not?

    "By their deeds shall ye know them"

    How many humans have they already screwed with? How would one even know?

    Look at the state of the planet, the wars, corruption, murders, etc.
    It is only my opinion, but I don't think humans are born with this destructive evil as an innate tendency. It has to be learned behaviour
    from our environmental processes as we grow and our peers from whom we emulate such traits. If those that were responsible for our welfare and learning whilst we are growing in childhood, were 'tainted' by their own respective upbringing, either by parents, educationalist, politicians, religious 'leaders' or were 'hosted' by entities, then the likelihood is a vast majority will also be 'tainted'. Unless of course, they exert their free-will, listen to their spirit and intuition and choose an alternative path.

    If they have been doing this for generations, I would imagine quite a few, leaving what percentage left alone?

    It's almost impossible to say how long it has been going on. They have taken charge of our education system and history, thereby indoctrinating people to their concepts, telling us what to believe and if you don't fall in line, you will be ostracised.
    With the free flow of information via the internet, (not t.v) more of us are awakening. This is what they fear TRUTH. It is also why they are panicking. In all likelihood, this has happened in the past, perhaps several times, that humanity has been 'culled' by natural means or by
    the other world entities. But with a little help from our spiritual allies and if humanity wakes up faster than they can cope, then with the Creator's blessing this may be the last cycle.

    Or, have we all been screwed with to a certain extent? Why are they allowed to screw around with us in the first place? Should deceit/ignorance be a part of free will? Just how deep is that rabbit hole?

    It sucks., but it's still free will and the hole is very, very deep!

    Would a Creator of all that is allow a part of itself to cease to exist?

    But we never cease to exist, we are eternal. This container called a body will be left behind when it has served it's purpose, but our true
    being which is conscious spirit and part of the Creator lives forever.

    My two pence worth.

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    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:30 pm

    QUOTE (accuracy2 @ Mar 23 2010, 10:04 PM)
    Welcome Wyzyrd,

    I would be interested in hearing more about the Cassiopaea Saga, among other things.

    I second that WyZyrd.

    Very interesting experiences you had . Feel free to tell us .
    I have no experience on the subject matter of this thread but I am open minded and eager to learn .

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 05, 2024 2:17 am