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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner


    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Guest Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:29 pm

    Very logical series

    rest of the playlist

    Love The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Alien The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Alien The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Alien

    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Guest Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:23 pm

    I listened to the 12 parts of the video posted above and I find it the most unbias, balanced and well documented account of alien abductions. Well worth spending the time listening to the video.

    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Icon_cool

    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Guest Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:45 am


    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Guest Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:45 am


    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Guest Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:04 am

    Before I post this next video, that gives an executive summary of what happens in abductions, and presents questions of extreme validity. I want to say that we can say no to whoeve is trying to abduct you, even mentally. There are techniques that can be used to protect oneself from unwanted visitation too

    There are three techniques that are very effective at protecting ones auric field and disengaging unwanted visitor manipulation , they are the Maharic Seal, Astral Body Seal and Epsilon sequence they are simple and once one gets the hang of it by practicing regularly they pop up automatically in dream state. I myself have many of this occassions and since I started practicing these techniques I have not have any alien incident

    We do not have to fear, but do we have to be aware. These beings are what they are because they have lost themselves and degradated to a point in which there is no love or empathy. They do what to do out of fear of anihilation and disconection from their own spirit. We should not pitty them or fear them, just undertand that this is part of a much bigger drama and that we have the power to protect and defend ourselves but we can't is we deny what it is happening


    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Guest Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:49 am

    I found this from the discovery channel?????

    Could this be real?

    From my own research and study I know that frequencies change perception, maybe one of the most common changes in perception is the effect of seeing energy auras around people or things in the right conditions. Most people have had this experience one time or another and implies a change of frequency from beta to apha waves

    Food for thought

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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  devakas Fri Apr 16, 2010 11:11 pm

    Thanks for the videos Stardustaquarion
    hope it is related to the thread...
    recent mutilations. aware or disturbing images.

    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Guest Sat Apr 17, 2010 4:32 am

    devakas wrote:Thanks for the videos Stardustaquarion
    hope it is related to the thread...
    recent mutilations. aware or disturbing images.

    Yes it is, thank you Devakas for your contribution

    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Herz

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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty UFO Masquerade

    Post  Aquaries1111 Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:16 am


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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Aquaries1111 Mon May 05, 2014 12:11 am

    I wasn't quite sure where to put this post, so I put it here.  I haven't posted on many Alien message boards here nor anywhere, which I find surprising, to myself. I just wanted to share an out of body experience I had on May 4th (yesterday).  It might not seem a big deal to many who "read" this but when having an experience, it seems and is much much more than just a "read".  It is an experience.

    I had an out of body experience within an out of body experience, if this makes sense? Or was it?  I'm not quite sure.  I knew I was out of body and within that state I found myself in a bed awake.  I could see red and green lights coming in through the window.  I could also see a "reflection" of what looked like a round shaped disc hovering outside, reflecting off some piece of furniture in the bedroom.  I was then levitated into a place full of human beings.  I rarely see such a mass of human's in my experiences.  It was as if they were being "gathered" up.  There was a woman there who was talking about some of her beliefs, and then one of the workers said "I'll take this one".  She whisked this woman away from the group, as I noticed.  The impression I got there was not good.  It was as if all of us had been rounded up to be killed.  I wonder if there is such a thing as "paranoia" in these experiences?  Well of course, I wasn't going to be sticking around there.  I used my Mantra, which I always do when I need to get out of experiences I might not want to continue.  So here is the Mantra, I use and still use, which always works for me.  "I am Divinely Protected and Divinely Connected".  What else, what else? There's always something going on.. here... and there....

    Are we in a black hole?


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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Brook Sun May 18, 2014 9:08 am


    May the fourth be with you!

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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Sanicle Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:14 pm

    This is part of a treatise written by James Bartley, one of those who has carried on the work that Karla Turner was pursuing before her untimely death.  Their work is still very, very relevant to all of us IMO.

    Common Sense II
    Rebuttal to a Reptile in Human Clothing

    This Treatise is called "More Common Sense" in memory of Thomas Paine when he tried to explain the facts of life to the colonists prior to the Revolutionary War.

    This letter is in rebuttal to the one Dr. Richard Boylan gave to a female abductee in a recent Contact Forum letter. Boylan's letter was a classic example of a reptilian propagandist and apologist's lame efforts to justify evil perpetrated upon an innocent person.

    My name is James Bartley and I am a close associate and colleague of Barbara Bartholic of Tulsa Oklahoma. Barbara is the most knowledgeable Reptilian researcher on this planet. There is no one on this planet who knows more about the Alien Abduction phenomena than Ms. Bartholic. She has worked with over seven hundred abductees over a span of two decades. I also work closely with Eve Frances Lorgen of San Diego county, California who is also a protege of Ms. Bartholic. I am an abductee myself and speak from the standpoint of Wisdom, which is knowledge gained through experience. I'm not interested in endless conjecture and speculation.

    It IS About Spiritual Warfare

    I have the maturity to recognize that what we are involved with is spiritual warfare on a cosmic multi-dimensional scale. The reader simply must be aware that the first line of defense for the dark gods is the so-called UFO research community itself. There is nothing simpler than activating the ego of the so- called UFO researcher. It has long been a part of their Modus Operandi. Richard Boylan, Steven Greer and the rest of the Muppet Show are classic examples of manipulated and programmed Muppets who have had their puny egos activated and who have been sent out into the world to impose their wills upon abductees and "experiencers" who are still seeking the approval of others.

    Boylan used the usual canned responses in his absurd letter. Namely: 1) The ludicrous notion that the woman was merely suffering from spiritual retardation and was mentally incapable of understanding the "benevolent" nature of the horrific and unwanted experimentation that was being conducted on her.

    Witnesses to the Alien Lies

    Right now Barbie and I are working with a woman who is literally having her nerve tissues harvested by the aliens. They are replacing her nerve endings with alien nerve endings and are plying this woman with chemicals to promote the growth of the alien nerve tissue.

    This woman is eminently qualified to discuss what is happening to her. She is an Electron Microscopist and has spent over ten years working in Tissue Culture Research and Dermatology. She has worked for 23 years in Cancer Research.

    This woman is in constant pain and has contemplated suicide on a number of occasions. What has happened to her has absolutely nothing to do with spiritual evolution.

    We have also worked with countless women who have suffered painful and bloody hemorrhages, sometimes lasting for days, after the "benevolent ET" doctors had made an unwanted housecall. What, the discerning human must ask, does profuse and painful bleeding have to do with "spiritual evolution." Whatever sophistry of reasoning Boylan uses to justify all of this just gives the reader an excellent opportunity to study the language of a Perpetrator.

    Blame it all on Human Military/Industrialists

    The second familiar excuse Boylan uses is to heap all of the blame upon "the Global Industrialist and Militarist." This is one of the most insidious methods the dark side is using against the human race.

    One of the main planks of the Reptilian Agenda has been to heap all of the blame upon the apparent humans who are merely the errand boys of the reptilian overlords of this world. I say "apparent" because many of the "Illuminated" members of the human race are actually high ranking Adepts, well versed in the Black Arts.

    See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

    The New Age La-Dee-Dahs claim that there is no such thing as Evil or Demons, which makes these same New Age La-Dee-Dahs the butt of endless jokes by Witches, Warlocks and Satanists throughout the world because the latter derive their power from demonic entities. An Adept who invokes the power of the dark side and conjures up malevolent non-human entities know more about the paranormal in general and about UFO's in particular than the densest UFO researcher will ever know.

    Blame Game Creates More Human Conflict

    By constantly blaming "the military" and the "globalist industrialist" the reptilian propagandists condition the abductees into believing that ALL human institutions are bad and that the only hope one has to reach the chimerical ": next level of consciousness, evolution, vibratory frequency" et al is to look to the skies towards the same dark gods who are responsible for their current state of spiritual enslavement.

    Never mind that for the most part these "Globalist and Militarist" are part of the same old fraternal orders which worship the patriarchal serpent gods and in many cases are Hosts for Reptilian entities themselves. (We know people who can actually SEE the reptilian image superimposed upon the features of apparent "people" whether the latter are in public or on CSPAN. Some of them can also "sniff out" shape shifting reptilians because they simply don't smell the way normal humans do. I can feel negative reptilian energy when it's in my presence and I can tell you that Boylan has abusive and nauseating reptilian energy in god-awful abundance)

    Indwelling Reptilian Beings in Humans or Hosts

    These hosts and their fellow travelers operate as a Fifth Column here on Earth to set the stage for the return of the Dark Reptilian Gods. The so-called UFO Research Community is awash with these "Muppets." Even I have to laugh at the irony of it: Literal hosts for reptilian entities facilitating abductee support groups, lecturing at so called "UFO Conferences" and speaking on the Art Bell Show. This is so because of the long term genetic and soul.matrix manipulation of the human race.

    At a recent conference in San Diego an abductee was regressed "live" in front of all the other conferees in a closed session. When her memory of a benevolent childhood ET encounter transformed into a frightening encounter with a claw-handed reptilian, Boylan asked her after the regression if she had heard "the sound of helicopters" prior to the encounter.

    The implication of his question is apparent to anyone who can still think: It wasn't nasty and harmful ET's abducting the was "the military in their helicopters."

    First of all, I have no beef against mind controlled and perhaps cloned out military security thugs. (They do exist. Ask survivors of Hurricane Andrew in the horrific devastation) It's questionable whether the latter even have souls as we have come to know them.

    Infestation of Reptilian Astral Pod-like Entities

    Another irony about that conference was that the individual at the situation desk at the register was a Host for a Reptilian Entity. This particular entity is summoned by her "Spirit Guides" to visit Sedona Arizona at intervals throughout the calendar year to take part in "Rebirthing Exercises."

    During one of these exercises reptilian astral pods (very dark smoky reptilian shaped astral entities) were seen by numerous witnesses to enter and exit the abdomen of the host whilst the latter growled and hissed as if in a state of possession. The host was merely being "re-infested" and this is done at intervals. This host has all the facial and physical characteristics that mark it as a reptilian hybrid and yet to the unsuspecting "contactee" or "experiencer" she merely comes off as a ditzy New Age La Dee Dah.

    This entity has facilitated a number of support groups in the southwest and has left scores of psychologically and physically wrecked "contactees" in its wake over the years. (There are harmful side effects from being in too close proximity to a reptilian host over an extended period of time. The reptilian energy/essence, which oozes out of these containers, seeks to enter through holes in our light body and will eventually corrupt us from within if we hang around them for too long.

    An Occult Connection

    It may seem somewhat paradoxical that Sedona Arizona is a "New Age Mecca" when at the same time it is a major hub of Satanic Ritual Activity. Also places like Salt Lake City. (Black magicians who have defected from the craft have stated this) There is also a large underground reptilian base beneath Boynton Canyon where much work is done jointly by the ET's and their human military vassals because the entire region is a dimensional vortex area which explains why there is so much Satanic Ritual Activity there. There is a FUNDAMENTAL CONNECTION BETWEEN THE OCCULT AND THE UFO PHENOMENON. THATS IT, PERIOD.

    Now, back to the "globalist and industrialist." Mind controlled security thugs are not the problem and anyone with the proper amount of maturity will understand that. And I speak as an authority on the subject because *I've been run off the highway by them, dosed with powerful infections by them, dosed with powerful drugs by them etc, etc, etc. My beef is not against the human vassals of the dark gods. My beef is against the dark gods themselves. I'm not interested in the third team.

    Time and again abductees accept at face value what is presented to them. If they "see" men in military attire, they automatically assume that what they are looking at are human beings when in some cases the latter have proven to be shape shifting reptilians. Unlike the surface world, sensitive information is not limited to levels of classification or "Need to Know" but rather to Levels of Awareness.

    All that is required of a mind controlled security thug is to apply muscle when needed. It doesn't have the luxury of Independent Thought. It is a tragic mistake for abductees to assume that the "Military" is responsible for high level policy making in the underground bases. The latter presupposes that humans are in charge and that the human/non-human interaction is a relatively new phenomenon, which it is most certainly not. The interaction between human and non-human intelligences has an Occult basis and was thousands if not millions of years in the making.

    Who Benefits From This New Social Movement?

    The discerning abductee must ask the question: Who benefits by making abductees believe that everything negative about the UFO subject is due to the Military? Why, the "Benevolent ET's" of course. At this point the abductee should be asking, "Why does Boylan and Greer and the rest of the Muppet Show hate the human race so much? (Greer says people who call themselves "abductees" have an inferiority complex and just want people to feel sorry for them) More to the point, why do these Muppets want Humans in general and abductees in particular to fear and to loathe "the Military?" Again, who or what stands to benefit by this? Who indeed.

    Apocalyptic Disaster Scenes

    Yet another phony apology the reptilian apologists come up with is "how mankind is responsible for ruining the ecology of the planet." It is very common for abductees to be shown horrific scenes of climactic and ecological catastrophes in holographic or virtual reality scenarios sometimes to the point where the abductee breaks down in tears.

    Question to all of the experiencers out there who have been shown these types of visions: Why are they trying to lay this ecological guilt trip on you? Were you responsible for running the Exxon Valdez aground in Alaska and spewing millions of barrels of crude oil into the ocean? Were you responsible for setting the oil rigs on fire in Kuwait or releasing all that oil in the Persian Gulf? Then why do you allow this very basic psychological warfare strategy to work on you to the point where you start crusading against the human race for "our collective mismanagement of this planet" instead of the aliens who are experts in weather weaponry?

    In the counterintelligence world, a "sib" is a carefully planted rumor designed to undermine the morale and the will to resist of the enemy. For example, the British political warfare executive, "PWE planted sibs amongst the German soldiers on the Russian front that the German medical establishment was compelled to start using Jewish blood during surgeries and blood transfusions on German soldiers because of the overall shortage of blood products. You can imagine the kind of effect this rumor had on German soldiers imbued with the Aryan superman myth! Likewise, another sib, which was planted amongst the front line German soldiers, was that Jews were responsible for spreading the bubonic plague in certain German cities.

    Please observe how the hard core researchers like the late Karla Turner were constantly slandered and verbally abused by the likes of Boylan and the rest of the Muppet show. Question: What was it about Kandy Turner's research that these Muppets found so threatening that they would heap endless streams of abuse and invective at her? Could it possibly be that there are aspects of this phenomenon that are so terrible that the Muppets of the world would rather have you dwell on the metaphysical and "spiritual" aspects of the experience--rather than the cold hard truth? What is doubly insidious about this form of Muppet propaganda is that it neatly capitalizes on the innate desire of the abductee, that what is happening to them is for their own spiritual evolution as well as for the ultimate benefit of mankind.

    Continue reading here

    And if this resonates with you, I highly recommend reading
    the thread at Avalon named "Horus-Ra as the Archontic Alien Parasite: A Follow-up Interview with Maarat."  Here is a link to that: .  All else follows on from there, including what preceded that interview.

    There are so many answers in this thread about all the ways in which we are being controlled on this planet and who the "bosses" really are and have been for so long, covering where the armed forces fit in, the Illuminati, Christianity (good for Jesus, not so good for Yahweh) and all sorts of things.  So many different elements are brought together in this information and, for me, it has been integrative in a way that little else has.

    I view the fact that some of the people who are working on this 'team' along with James Bartley have actually come up with techniques that prevent further abductions by those who have suffered from such all their lives, including MILABS.  There are testimonies to that on this thread too.  It's all brilliant, if rather heavy, reading. But well, well worth the time IMO.  I love you 

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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The Truth About Alien Abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Jenetta Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:24 pm

    Very interesting Sanicle and thanks for the links. Apparently Barbara Bartholic is deceased and Eve Lorgen is continuing the work along with James Bartley. I never did feel very interested in Greer's work.


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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Sanicle Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:46 am

    Thank you Jenetta.  I hadn’t realized as yet that Barbara Bartholic  had also passed.  I’m still catching up with this information and there’s so much of it.  But Barbara’s is yet another interesting story from what I’ve read about her and her work, life and death so far.
    What I’ve been reading over at Avalon pertains more to the more current work being undertaken by, as you noted, Eve Lorgen ( ....which appears to be the most comprehensive) and James Bartley ( ), who now seem to be heavily involved with the work of the Italian professor and hypnotist Prof. Corrado Malanga (  or better ).  His work in hypnotherapy with abductees appears to be going beyond all that Barbara Bartholic discovered, exposing the deeper ET involvement with the MILAB scenario while also coming up with ways to prevent the abductions, if one reads the accounts of abductees like Maarat for instance.  He even has a new take on Genesis, deduced from the Souls of abductees he’s interrogated during hypnotherapy sessions.  (I’m not too sure on that one as yet but it’s certainly interesting).

    Overall though, I’d recommend following the Avalon thread (link in my last post) as it gradually introduces the core material post by post so you can get to the nitty-gritty faster.  One also learns how the info from the above noted people correlates with Gnosticism and the works of Carlos Castaneda, among others of note.

    What I’ve already read of it so far has given me a few ‘a-ha’ moments already as regards things I’ve seen on my inner journeys, in terms of, “Oh, is that what that was!  Thank God the dragons were with me at the time and shooed it away.”  Given that these people are describing things I’ve never heard of before and I’ve seen them…….well…… you can imagine, the info is having something of an impact on me.
    I’m hoping that posting this here at the Mists will cause those here who think it wise to accept their “shadow” self might think twice about doing so given what it may actually be.  I’m also hoping that the Thubans will think twice about what they are promoting in terms of  who their ‘Dragon’ overlords truly might be and what they're truly saying in their teachings.  And most of all I hope that Oxy will read it and come to realize that he might be a lot closer to having the right answers to all of his questions than he currently might suppose.  It might also explain many of the strange things he experiences plus the fear and misery that pulls him down at times and, with that, know how courageous he truly is to continue so relentlessly with his ‘United States of the Solar System’ goals despite it all.  I love you

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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Sanicle Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:14 am

    How to recognize a reptilian hybrid

    Take my word for it: If someone presents themselves as an expert on reptilians and all they write or lecture about is bland generalities about "The Inner Earth" and "The Golden Age of Reptilianism" when the reptilians supposedly taught advanced sciences to Mankind and also helped to develop Mankind's Spirituality, just know that you, the listener are being fed "Chickenfeed." When you hear these things coming from lecturers I strongly advise you to look at the speaker's facial structure. Does the speaker have "hooded eyelids?" Does he have a pronounced ridge over his eyebrows? Are his eyes sunk deep into his eye sockets? Does his head unnaturally droop forward almost as if he's got an extra vertebrae in his neck? Does he have the ability to manipulate a woman's kundalini from across a dinner table or across a room and cause her libido to skyrocket? All of these things should be common knowledge to other so-called researchers but unfortunately they are not. The reason for that is they can't see the forest for the trees.

    James Bartley


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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:30 pm

    Thank-you Sanicle. A lot of my questioning, joking, and thrashing-around is intended to make all of us think -- rather than getting stuck in some rut. I just seem to exist in a Limbo-Land which either makes me a supernatural-target -- or that because I am one big question-mark, nothing is ever settled or peaceful. I actually have an internal MO which is quite established and consistent -- yet this MO is surrounded with turmoil and contradiction. It might be a bit like a liberal Catholic theologian who attends a Latin-Mass every week -- listens to Sacred Classical Music every day -- reads the Bible and Church-Historians every day -- and argues endlessly and loudly with philosophers and theologians at the local pub!! I often wonder if I was an ancient warrior (human or otherwise) who, at some point, got tired of war, and tried various peaceful alternatives?! Presently, I seem to be drifting toward a warrior mentality (as I contemplate how things might really work throughout the universe). I've been reading Prophets and Kings by Ellen White -- Daniel by Desmond Ford -- Solomon: Falcon of Sheba by Ralph Ellis -- and The Federalist Papers -- while listening to Sacred Classical Music -- as sort of a middle-way between the Bloody-Conquest of the First Few Chapters of the Old Testament -- and the New Testament (with the exception of Revelation). This is not exactly Judaism, Christianity, or the Patriot-Movement (as we know them to be). My Minimalist-Traditionalism is really Uncharted-Territory. I continue to feel VERY miserable and disoriented. This is NOT an act. Consider a Galactic Rachel Constantine who embraced these study-materials -- as being an Idealistic Anna -- if you know what I mean?! I'm not a Queen-Worshipper or a Queen-Basher. I simply think that Royalty (Human and Otherwise) should be looked-at carefully (positively and negatively). I tend to listen to a lot of people repeatedly. I've listened to some lectures at least a dozen times. I also prefer older material -- to see how it's held-up over the years. If a lecture from 1985 still makes sense today, then that's a strong indication that it's legitimate. I'm trying to remain neutral and aloof regarding ET. Who knows what's really going on?? Perhaps ET doesn't even know!! What if ET was created by Humanity?? What if WE are ET?? I trust no one presently. I'm interested in religion and theology -- but I have very little faith. I've been recommending reading the Bible straight-through -- over and over -- without talking about it -- and without following it!! How's that for contradictory and controversial?! What if ET wrote the Bible to control and punish us?? What if Good-ET wrote the Bible to help us -- but Bad-ET rewrote the Bible to screw us??!! What Would the Greys Say?? I once made a comment about Tall Long-Nosed Greys -- and was promptly called a 'Commoner' by an Individual of Interest (who liked the taste of blood)!! You don't suppose....

    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Pyramid9

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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  mudra Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:12 am

    Sanicle wrote:Thank you Jenetta.  I hadn’t realized as yet that Barbara Bartholic  had also passed.  

    UFO investigator Barbara Bartholic dies
    Posted by: Jason McClellan November 22, 2010

    UFO investigator Barbara Simon Bartholic died November 10th after suffering a stroke.

    Bartholic followed in her family’s footsteps and began her career as a fashion model at age 17. After marrying, she transitioned into the art scene, and she and her husband ran two art galleries in downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma. Her interest in UFOs took priority in the 1970s, and she began investigating the phenomenon.

    Bartholic worked closely with French astronomer and UFO researcher Jacques Vallee for many years, and considered him a good friend. Bartholic was a consultant on the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind, ” while Vallee inspired the Close Encounters character of Claude Lacombe.

    Her research in the field of UFOs led to several speaking engagements on the subject. She also wrote about UFOs, including a book detailing some of her experiences entitled Barbara: The Story of a UFO Investigator.

    Bartholic had been working on a documentary film about extraterrestrial life before she passed away at the age of 71.

    Love Always

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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Sanicle Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:40 pm

    ^^^ Thank you Mudra.  I love you 


    by James Bartley

    ASSESSMENT--Intentions and Capabilities of the Reptilians
    THE X FACTOR – Resilience to manipulation and mind control
    Spiritual Warfare is Control of the Mind

    This is a paper written in order to elaborate on themes I had brought up in my previous papers "The Grand Strategy of the Reptilians" and "Common Sense II- Rebuttal To A Reptile In Human Clothing." It will be a regular feature meant to disseminate hard core information to abductees which is sadly lacking within the so-called UFO Research Community.

    This information is not for those who are having to retake "Alien Abductions 101." If you desire information about "Grays" or "Missing Time" or "Hybrids" than you are in the wrong website. Likewise manipulated abductees i.e. Muppets would not be allowed by their reptilian and alien handlers to read this treatise in its entirety. They would likely develop a headache, nausea, sleepiness, extreme anger and the like which would compel them to stop reading it. This is predictable.

    This paper is meant for readers with a heightened sense of Awareness about the Alien Abduction Syndrome and who have taken their personal quest for the truth to the next level. To all of you who have done so or have made the decision to move on to a higher state of awareness I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I've always been of the opinion that when you treat people as if they are intelligent they will act as if they are intelligent. Now more than ever we need people like yourselves who are willing to stand in the gap.


    I use the mindset of an Intelligence Analyst when studying the Alien Abduction Syndrome. There is much confusion within the UFO Research Community as to the exact definition of terms such as "Intelligence" "Counterintelligence" and of course "Disinformation."

    It seems to me that for the most part there is complete ignorance as to what the latter truly means. Time and again I hear accusations of "disinformation" bandied about the internet and UFO Research Community as if the accusers actually understood the meaning of the terms. I will clear this up once and for all.

    In the first place, having had a security clearance or prior involvement within the Surface Intelligence/Security and Aerospace communities does not an authority on the UFO subject make.

    There are many individuals around today who make much of having had Top Secret Clearances or involvement in the Aerospace or Psychic Warfare communities and use their backgrounds (or alleged backgrounds) as justification to speak as an authority on the UFO subject.

    To the gullible and impressionable, an individual possessed of a Top Secret Clearance spends all their days reading Top Secret documents. This is patently absurd. The only reason one would have such a clearance is in the event he or she is ever required to witness or read Top Secret Information or Technology.

    In the day to day operational world unclassified and confidential classifications on documents are the norm even for those involved in Elint (Electronic Intelligence Collection) with NSA.

    There are people in the Cryptologic Community who have Top Secret Crypto level clearances merely because they are required to carry a small piece of equipment which is necessary for them to do their jobs. In the military world every last piece of equipment is accounted for when working with crytologic or communications related equipment and the users are held to strict accountability for their safety.

    (In the strictest sense "Cryptologic" is not the same as "Cryptanalysis." The former involves the art of encrypting or enciphering ones own ciphers. The latter involves the art of deciphering or reading the ciphers of other nations. There are some who perform both task. People involved in this line of work are known as "Creeps" or "Crippies" in certain branches of the armed forces.)

    The aforementioned individuals who carry the special equipment seldom if ever see real classified documents. Typically it is the finished product i.e. the Intelligence Summary which is Top Secret or above and distribution of the latter is limited only to those with an absolute "Need to Know" in the form of briefings from intelligence personnel (junior officers, non-coms and even enlisted men) or in an Intelligence Summary Briefing document which the officer will read privately. Any real "Insider" will tell you that.

    I'm sure that is a severe disappointment for all those caught up in the phony intrigue of the UFO Community where every researcher is so important that they simply must have a separate agency spying on them personally.

    And that is another point I want to make. There is a fundamental difference between Intelligence on the one hand and Security on the other. Most tend to regard them as one and the same which they are most certainly not. One does not get "spied" upon by "intelligence agents." That is to presuppose the researcher or abductee knows more about the UFO phenomenon than the deep black Aerospace/Intelligence apparatus which is not the case.

    Even those who were utilized as operatives within deep black mind control programs involving aliens and have broken free are still trying to piece their fragmented memories together because at that level knowledge is limited by Levels of Awareness and not by clearances. Moreover the deep black manipulators are loathe to allow these special individuals to slip from their grasp and will strive at all hazards to bring them back under their control. There is a WAR going on.

    Why should you stamp a document top secret within a secure underground facility where selective mind control is enforced and alien beings make up part of the environment?

    Who are you trying to safeguard the information from within the confines of an underground facility? Let me guess: Abductees in a trance state who will probably think they had a strange dream if they remember anything at all.

    Simple common sense is in order here but unfortunately common sense is very uncommon.

    One is "spied" upon by security elements tasked with either determining the quality or the sources of information of a given individual or with undermining their efforts to exploit the information through various and sundry means.


    Our team takes the viewpoint of an Intelligence Agency when dealing with the subject of alien abductions. We are not interested in "Educating the Public" or any other such nonsense. Simple worldly common sense would dictate that the public is completely disinterested in the subject and even if it had the slightest degree of interest it certainly wouldn't obtain any valid information WHICH WILL PREPARE THEM FOR WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS IN STORE FOR THEM. The people will not obtain this information from the government nor from the feculent cesspool, which passes for the UFO Research Community.

    Our team concentrates on hard core intelligence collection on the Alien Abduction Syndrome. Why? Because everything else, the underground bases, the government mind control programs, the reverse engineering of alien technology et al are but a corollary to the Alien Abduction Experience in the first place.

    The reason why there is so little hard core information available to abductees is because abductees pose a latent threat to the Reptilian Overlords of this world and to their apparent human vassals within the New World Order.

    We are the ones with paraphysical and supernatural abilities. The problem at this time is that it is the Reptilians, their gray minions and human cosmic vassals who seem to be aware of and exploit the full potential of certain abductees as multidimensional operatives. I will elaborate on exactly why this is the case shortly.


    In the strictest sense the craft of "Intelligence" means THE ART OF DIVINING THE INTENTIONS AND CAPABILITIES OF AN ENEMY OR A POTENTIAL ENEMY.

    Please note that I didn't use the words "research" or "investigate." Our team does not view the alien abduction syndrome as some sort of scientific curiosity the knowledge of which will ensure us everlasting fame and popularity. Neither are we interested in knowing about the "good" aliens because "good aliens" are not the problem.

    Unlike the reptilian host Boylan who claims there is not a single negative alien in the universe and is prepared to claw your eyes out in defense of his viewpoint, our team knows there are good aliens. We are simply not interested in them. Maybe if they showed up more often we'd be interested but unfortunately that hasn't been the case.

    I stated that the craft of Intelligence means the art of divining the intentions and capabilities of an enemy or a potential enemy.


    Here is a small sampling of the known capabilities of the Reptilians.

    The reptilians are paraphysical beings who can alter their vibrational density to operate within the confines of our three dimensional world both in and out of the normal visual spectrum.

    The reptilians can manipulate the human "dreamscape" and install all manner of conditioning and programming much of which is erotic or perverse in nature. They specialize in manipulating ones dreamscape with erotic imagery specifically designed to promote certain behaviours and alternative lifestyles within a given abductee population. I know of no one else besides our team who is even aware of this very basic and pervasive reptilian programming agenda.

    The definition of the word "Lifespan" as we understand the term does not apply to these reptilians who live in their own vibrational density long enough to manipulate countless generations of a given genetic/soul matrix population in our dimension.

    The reptilians are master geneticists who have created subserviant races of non-human beings to act as Specialists tasked with furthering certain agendas directly impacting the human race including but not limited to genetic and soul matrix manipulation of the abductee population. It is through the latter program that Hosts are created through apparently normal human childbirth. These reptilian hosts are geared to sow confusion, discordance and disinformation amongst the abductee population.

    Dr. Richard Boylan amongst others is a Host for a reptilian entity. Make no mistake about it. I have lost count of the number of websites placed on the internet by reptilian hosts. There is a new one that was put in place quite recently.

    The reptilians do not need spaceships to travel in. They merely create a portal entry in the house of the abductee they need to work with. They literally walk through this space/time opening and appear in your bedroom in full physical density.

    There is a whole subcategory of abductees, especially female abductees who have been genetically altered to accommodate the needs of their particular reptilian handler. The relationship of the reptilian handler and the female abductee can be likened to that of the Master Adept and the female "Scarlet Woman" within the context of a tantric sexual magickal working.

    Women who have been genetically altered by reptilians have certain attributes unique to them. Some of them may develop an acute sense of smell which makes them extremely sensitive to human male pheromones. In some extreme cases they may have been conditioned by their reptilian handlers to lose all sexual interest in human males to the point where they feel nothing but contempt for them. Women having reptilian experiences may go through periods of time when they are craving Vitamin C and will even binge on Tomatoes or Citrus Fruits.

    A natural consequence of the sexual encounters between the reptilians and women (some of which have been extremely brutal with the women having their hair pulled and their faces and bodies clawed at and bruised) is that the libido of some women is heightened to an extraordinary degree to the point where their every waking thought is consumed with the notion of sexual intercourse. In some cases this may cause the women to become extremely promiscuous.

    In the case of those who do not have partners or are unable to find them they may be compelled to resort to compulsive self-gratification i.e. masturbation. In both instances the aliens "harvest" the sexual energy from these women.

    It is not uncommon for light phenomena or even portals to manifest during these women's sexual encounters with men. If the woman is a host for an entity the consciousness of the human female (what’s left of it anyway) may depart during sexual intercourse and view the scene from above whilst the reptilian entity takes complete control of the female host.

    The latter example gives us an example of the androgynous nature of the phenomenon because the reptilian entity or entities within the host are often as not male reptilians and it does not matter in the slightest that the entity is having sex with a human male.

    A friend of mine will shortly be going public with information about the sadomasochistic and bondage and discipline aspects of the reptilians vis a vis a particular category of abductees. Barbara Bartholic has known of this aspect of the syndrome for many years. My friend's book will set the research world on its collective ear.

    Likewise, a male abductee who is hosted will sometimes have his consciousness exit his body prior to or during sex. Many women have described how their boyfriends or husbands "changed" during or after camping trips and that the person they came back home was not her husband or boyfriend but someone or something else. This is especially the case with those abductees who have a history of substance abuse especially with methamphetamines and in particular, crank.

    In the case of those females who have been "turned off" from the notion of sex with human males they become for all intents and purposes the sexual property of their reptilian handler. The reptilian may make an appearance to frighten or even attack the men who are potential partners in their lives.

    I've known personally the husband of a woman who had been "turned" in this fashion who was attacked by his wife's reptilian handler. Her lover whom she had had an affair with was also attacked. This woman has only recently regained an interest in sexual intercourse with human males.

    The reptilians promote the use of certain methamphetamines in particular "Crank" or "Crystal Methedrine" in order to better control and in some cases, to ultimately utilize the abductee as a Host. The latter types of amphetamines have a "sympathetic resonance" to the reptilians and some of their gray workers. Barbara Bartholic has documented dozens of such cases going back to the 1970's whilst most abduction researchers were still learning about "Grays" and "Missing Time" and "Hybrids". In fact most abduction researchers are still stuck in "The Gray Areas."

    There is a historical basis for the utilization of potions and drugs by countless cultures ancient and modern in order to establish long term contact with non-human intelligences despite what the reptilian host Boylan would have you believe. There is nothing new about this, it is merely another facet albeit a profoundly disturbing one, of the reptilian agenda. I strongly recommend reading "Drugs and Magic" by my friend George Andrews.

    The reptilians and their gray minions can control and manipulate abductees to a startling degree. They have a profound influence on abduction researchers in particular. They first strive to activate the ego of the abduction researcher and once that is accomplished the researcher becomes a black hole in regards to information he or she has obtained from abductees and it becomes an impossibility to obtain meaningful hardcore information from them.

    I must stress that our team is not interested in the "Gray Areas."

    These manipulated researchers will seem completely oblivious to the significance of hard core information given to them by abductees. If they run a support group they will ensure that no hardcore information is discussed in group by moving the discussion away from those who are willing to share the hard core information. This is done in conjunction with "Neutralist- Positivist" elements within the group who consistently and persistently downplay and marginalize testimony from abductees who have a better understanding of the alien abduction syndrome, thus quashing any meaningful discussion on the subject. Much better to talk about the Aquarian Age than what the reptilians are doing to the abductees.

    Manipulated abduction researchers become very territorial and view themselves as clearing houses of all abduction related data arbitrarily deciding what "their" abductees or "their cases" should and should not believe or whom they may even speak with about the subject.

    This form of control is especially evident within the internet where "moderators" or "facilitators" of UFO discussion groups set the tone and agenda for what is or is not posted onto the 'net. Again, Neutralist- Positivist elements assist in "shouting down" or marginalizing any meaningful discussion until what is left are abstract discussions about "raising ones vibrations" or meaningless diatribes about "polarities." These positivist- neutralist abductees have been in effect, NEUTRALIZED.

    The UFO research community at large is a self regulating feculent mess. The government doesn't even need to send in agent provocateurs although they do so just to stir up the pot and whip up various elements into a frenzy over "hoaxes," "frauds," "imminent landings" all of which aren't even worth expending mental energy on. It never ceases to amaze me how little it takes to generate a firestorm of controversy amongst the UFO research community.


    The reptilians and their gray vassals promote love obsessions and other emotional dramas between abductees beginning at a very early age. Barbara Bartholic has documented dozens of such cases as has her protégé Eve Frances Lorgen. Barbara and Eve have collaborated on a book that will blow the lid off the whole Love Obsession syndrome. This information is not for the squeamish. This aspect of the syndrome is much more pervasive amongst abductees than previously realized.

    Unless you have gone through the emotional anguish and upheaval of the "Alien Love Bite" (a term coined by a Bay Area abductee) then you are not qualified to even venture an opinion about it. This is a fundamental aspect of the emotional and energetic harvesting of abductees.

    The reptilians are masters of frequency and resonance and can shape shift at will. They have often appeared to abductees as "Nordics" or "Blondes" or "Spirit Guides" and have conveyed to them much neutralist-positivist information. Throughout history the reptilians have used the image of Nordics as a screen to carry out their nefarious activities.

    By that I do not mean that there are no "Nordics" as such. Please do not hear what I didn’t say. I am merely saying that for their own reasons the reptilians have consistently and persistently utilized the "Blond Aryan" or "Nordic" image as a smokescreen to further their own agenda at the expense of the human race and may even be using captive or genetically engineered elements of Nordic beings as subject races within their spheres of influence.

    Nowhere was this more evident than with the Nazi regime where the ideal of the Aryan Nordic was carried out to the nth degree with selective breeding programs on the one hand and the genocide of "Sub-human races" on the other.


    At the very deepest darkest core of the Nazi Regime was the Thule Gesellschaft. An occult organization which venerated the image of the serpent and practiced sacrificial blood rituals and tantric magickal sexual workings. The two men who had the most influence on Adolf Hitler were Karl Haushofer and Dietrich Eckart both of whom were hardcore black magicians.

    I cannot stress enough the fundamental connection between Black Magick and Sorcery (The Ritualistic Utilization of mind altering drugs to contact non- human intelligences) on the one hand and the Reptilian Over-lordship on the other.


    Reptilians have a profoundly disturbing ability to manipulate the health of abductees especially those who are striving to obtain hard core information about them and their nefarious activities. They will even inflict physical pain upon abductees who "don't go along with the program." Once again Barbara Bartholic has done pioneering work in this regard having known first hand of a number of deaths, which stemmed from research related activities. These "reprisals" have caused people to give up their investigations. Moreover, the health of certain members of the abductee's family is often targeted for reprisals.
    Many abductees who have had consciously remembered reptilian encounters are victims of extreme back pain which was instigated by the reptilians. This form of back pain results in extreme emotional and physical anguish, which is harvested by the reptilians as an energy source. I know personally a woman who is in her sixties and who refused to cooperate in a love-bonding scenario( a love bite set up by the aliens) with a twenty two year old male and was subsequently punished for her transgressions. She was immobilized on her back for several days with excruciating back pain.


    If these types of physical manipulations were not so common I would not suggest they are part of the modus operandi of the reptilians, but they are in fact very common. They represent a patterned data correlation, which cannot be ignored by "researchers." It is not surprising when you consider that some of these abductees have extra vertebrae, extra ribs, major organs shifted around to off the wall places etc.

    The reptilians manipulate specific parts of the abductees body such as the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, sexual organs and so forth for the express purpose of depriving them of good health, which is one of the most insidious forms of control and manipulation that I can conceive of. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, allergies, Candidiasis, Yeast Infections, Fibromyalgia and numerous other illnesses and the whole gamut of gynecological problems are common amongst female abductees. Regarding the gynecological problems, Barbara Bartholic says "sooner or later it will sink in why that part of the female anatomy keeps breaking down."

    Unfortunately, when women seek relief for illnesses from male physicians ignorant of the unique problems women have, these abduction related illnesses are not understood by many researchers to be related to the abduction syndrome.

    Often times the abductees will undergo extensive physical examinations only to be told by their physicians that there is nothing wrong with them. If anything they find the by-products of the illnesses such as infections and the like but seldom find the root source of the problem let alone a cure. These types of imposed illnesses can plague abductees for years. These illnesses come up again and again within the life experience of countless abductees and yet for the most part they are not considered to be an aspect of the abduction syndrome.

    When the reptilians have decided that an abductee has gone "too far" they will exact their preferred method of retribution which is Cancer. It is an excruciating way to die and the reptilians extract every last iota of physical and emotional anguish from their victim until their demise.


    If you haven't guessed by now, the control and domination of human females is THE primary objective of reptilian operations vis a vis the human race, because women--through their creative, intuitive and nurturing nature--have a direct connection to the Divine and are therefore a threat to the reptilian overlords of this world.

    This subjugation of women and the feminine principle in general has filtered down via the reptilian inspired secret societies and fraternal orders to become a fundamental aspect of most religions on this planet.

    Ironically the use (or misuse as it were) of Tantric Sexual Magick is a fundamental part of Black Magick. In other words the Black Magicians know that the feminine generative principle is an immensely powerful force which they exploit for their own evil purposes at the expense of the human race in general and human women in particular.

    That is what the "V" symbol is all about. A common symbol found on abductees appears to be the Triangle and most so-called abduction researchers regard it as such which again reveals their collective ignorance about these matters. What they are actually looking at is the Trikona.

    The Trikona (an inverted three sided pyramid or a V) symbolizes the Yoni or the female sexual organ which is the abode of the sleeping fire snake and the source of the kundalini (serpent) energy generated through the Tantric Kaula rites.

    What salient point do women most often report regarding sexual intercourse with reptilians? They experience the most powerful full body orgasms they have ever had sometimes lasting for hours!

    In a Tantric Magickal Working the Adept seeks to activate the kundalini chakra of the female "Scarlet Woman." Once the kundalini is activated and forcefully propels itself through the other chakras finally exiting the crown chakra, the resultant "Ojas" or electromagnetic energy is magickally imbued into metal discs laid atop the middle chakras in order to store the electromagnetic energy.

    These metal discs are stored in hermetically sealed containers for later use. These ojas are then imbued into the Adept so at a later time he may impregnate a woman with semen which in turn has been imbued with the power of these ojas in order to procreate a child of special qualities for special purposes.

    The latter is just one example of the various usages of the ojas generated by the activation of the kundalini energy by a human Adept. Never mind what the reptilians can do, we're just talking humans here.

    I should remind the reader that to her dying day Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great insisted that her son was conceived during sexual intercourse between herself and what she described as a python. Olympia was an initiate of the Dionysian Mystery Schools and had frequently inbibed in hallucinogenics during these rituals many of which involved blood sacrifices, contrary to what some would have you believe. It has also been alleged that Julius Caesar was the product of a union between his mother and an Incubi.

    I shouldn’t have to add anything about the impact these two men had on history in general and western civilization in particular.


    Aleister Crowley called the kundalini energy released through tantric magickal sex the most powerful force known to Mankind. And where does this force come from? Human women! The K at the end of Magick (the correct spelling) is a glyph for the Yoni. The female sexual organ.

    Much of the latter information comes from the Adept Kenneth Grant's outstanding book "Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God" which is essential reading for anyone interested in the abduction syndrome.

    The V for Victory sign was actually originated by Crowley not Winston Churchill. Can you see now why the series about flesh eating reptilians invading this planet from outer space was called "V"?

    In 1871 Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a member of the English Parliament and a Rosicrucian, published a book entitled "The Coming Race" which was rife with hidden occult meaning.

    The "Coming Race" referred to a Matriarchal Nordic Subterranean race known as the Vril-ya. The Vril-ya are an advanced race of seven foot tall Nordic beings that have harnessed an energy source known as Vrill and with it have subdued other subterranean beings in order to survive--including reptilians.

    Continue reading here

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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  mudra Wed Jun 25, 2014 5:10 pm

    Ages I read this book but I believe it fits well into this thread

    The Pied Pipers
    of Heaven

    Who calls the tune? by L. Kin

    "In this book you will find a story that encompasses hell and heaven, gods and demons, secret societies, UFOs and alien influences, lizard men , UF0 maneuvers ,implants ...- a science fiction cosmology beyond your wildest dreams, yet presented by L. Kin as a convincing and serious possibility.
    Certain closely guarded "upper levels" of initiation are revealed, and of methods to take the battle telepathically to the stars to contend with hidden influences that have guided our evolution and our cultures from the beginning."

    Link to the Pdf of that book Arrow

    Love Always

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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Sanicle Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:25 pm

    ^^^^^^^^^ Well, thanks for that Mudra.  I love you 

    Must admit, I never thought the reptilians would turn up in Scientology literature as well. They really seem to have made their presence felt in lots of peoples' minds and experiences, don't they.  Crying or Very sad 

    Mind you, I think the much larger picture that Hubbard promotes puts us all in a much worse position than many of us think of ourselves as being already! It's not really a very pleasant read, is it. Not pleasant at all. But, for myself, I'm still just taking it all in, seeing how it all integrates (or not) and trusting in my Self to show me the way home when the time comes. I really can't fully believe we are all truly trapped here, no matter the stories the 'other realms' come up with for us to peruse and learn from. All very interesting though and, even if some of it it true, at least I'll know what I'm dealing with when the time comes. Better to be prepared, eh?  Surprised 

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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  mudra Sun Jul 06, 2014 4:31 pm

    Sanicle wrote:^^^^^^^^^ Well, thanks for that Mudra.  I love you 

    Must admit, I never thought the reptilians would turn up in Scientology literature as well.  They really seem to have made their presence felt in lots of peoples' minds and experiences, don't they.  Crying or Very sad 

    Mind you, I think the much larger picture that Hubbard promotes puts us all in a much worse position than many of us think of ourselves as being already!  It's not really a very pleasant read, is it. Not pleasant at all.  But, for myself, I'm still just taking it all in, seeing how it all integrates (or not) and trusting in my Self to show me the way home when the time comes.  I really can't fully believe we are all truly trapped here, no matter the stories the 'other realms' come up with for us to peruse and learn from. All very interesting though and, even if some of it it true, at least I'll know what I'm dealing with when the time comes.  Better to be prepared, eh?  Surprised   

    No we are not all trapped here in the same degree as outlined in that book. There are quite a few people around who are able to think outside the " box ". These are "natural Clears " as Hubbard would call them. I have come to that understanding quite to my amazement over the years. I believe you are doing pretty well yourself Sanicle :) . I think the book gives a good grip of what the mind and body are all about and what their pitfalls maybe. I should really read it again to keep level with you. The Being, the soul is immortal but the mind and the body , these tools the soul uses to play and have experiences in a universe can be subject to manipulation though. Better be Clear about it all indeed. :)

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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Sanicle Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:30 am

    Commentary by Jay Weidner during a Rense interview:
    We must realize that we can tell which ideas are the truest by how much they are repressed. When they are suppressing an idea, a language, or individuals [or a way of being] you know you have accessed the truth or that individual is portraying the truth. The Gnostics were completely wiped out. One group of people that were exposing that they were being invaded by these duplicators, these Archons – were wiped out of history. They were wiped out completely. They called them pagans and other names but that is not what they named themselves, which was Gnostics who were very knowledgeable. They knew at the center of the galaxy were millions of stars, they knew how far the sun was from the earth. They were incredibly advanced people and the undertow of this one war-god religion spread across the entire world and now it’s going to burn itself up in a conflagration where all the Jehovah worshiping religions are going to murder each other – which has always been the point.

    I really hate to say this but we have all been fooled. The whole idea that some kind of messiah is going to come to save us is an Archon trick to make you think you don’t have to do anything about your present situation, no accountability. Maybe some supernatural force will come but I think you have to look at how this oppression occurred and why it was written out of history. When you begin to look back, you realize the early Christian, from the time of Jesus to the time of Constantine in 310 AD, they were preaching that they did not worship Jehovah; they worshiped the one true God. It could be argued that the early Christians were actually Gnostic followers of Jesus instead of what we, today, call Christians. The entire New Testament was completely rewritten by Constantine and all of the information on the Archons was removed and the ideas of Jehovah being a cruel god were lessened. This is a fact. The Nag Hammadi texts are older than the New Testament by 400 years. The New Testament that we have today wasn’t concocted until about 350 AD. When you go back to the Nag Hammadi, it doesn’t have the sin factor; they say what they really think.

    Read the full article here:

    Obviously I'm aligning the "archons" with the "reptilians" here, as many who study these areas appear to do.

    One more thing.  For anyone else out there who feels they are being abducted by or for the reptilians and is looking for ways to fight back, I've found in my own experiences when dealing with those from the less dense realities that using your Will against them works best.  I don't necessarily agree with causing them harm, as the woman I'm going to quote here tried, although it's probably a tactic they'd respect.  The Will can be used to alter energies also.  For instance last night when I sent my consciousness to 'my place' in the hidden realms, I found a reptilian waiting for me there.  He had both of my tigers in leather harnesses, as a warning to me no doubt.  My reaction was to turn the leather into water so that the harnesses couldn't  hold my tigers anymore and they straight away came to me, removing the reptilians ability to use their capture against me as a threat.  (I then retreated back to my body to figure out a few plans for when I went back there asleep.)

    Anyway, here's the story of the woman from Avalon, wynderer, re how she dealt with another abduction attempt.
    Part 2 [ i edited this to delete the bits where i said i did not think i have been abducted since then -- it seems to be still going on]

    for 3 weeks following the abduction i previously wrote about, i either woke myself at, or stayed awake until, the hour of 3:30 a.m. -- if i fell asleep or could not wake myself up, i would awaken later w/cuts & scratches all over my thighs & lower torso

    one night i woke up to see 4 Grey-looking beings hovering above the end of my bed, all w/a very nasty energy -- i had just found & read a book entitled 'How To Defend Yoursel Against Alien Abductions' -- the 2 suggested ways of defense that i remember were 1] to beam warm fuzzy love at them -- it's probably obvious from my posts that i don't do warm & fuzzy -- the # 2] suggestion was to fight back --by this time i was very tired & grumpy from having my sleep interrupted for so long , so i reached out w/my mind & snapped one of their arms off -- they disappeared [for those who think 'that was not a loving thing to do', i'm sure that he was able to grow a new arm when he got back to his hellish home]

    one night about 3 wks after the abduction, i woke up to find my body paralyzed & some huge very dark being pressing down on my body & going after me sexually somehow -- i think it was the Reptilian -- a Draco , from others' descriptions -- whom i met on the ship -- tho i could not move my body, i threw him off w/the force of my will

    then got out of bed & went into the living room for a smoke -- there were bangings & crashings going on all over the outside of the trailer -- i did NOT look outside -- as i was sitting there smoking & collecting myself, my entire life passed before my inner vision in a flash -- & i shouted out, 'You don't have anything on me! i may not be perfect, but i have always tried to do what's right!'

    then i stood up & shouted [i was living in the country; no near neighbors ] at the top of my voice, 'I CAST YOU OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS!' , turning in a circle & repeating this 7 times [doing this was not a conscious, considered choice -- i was definitely being guided]

    all the noise stopped -- however, life has been quite difficult since -- those who control the Human race -- it is very easy for them to manipulate almost all Human minds -- in the 50 years or so before this abduction & aftermath, i had pretty much a regular human life [tho w/more perceptions of other dimensions than most -- many perceptions of higher dimensional, very loving beings included ] -- like others, i met my share of jerks, but met more of decent Humans

    in the years since, it has been unreal , the number of Humans heavily involved in the darkside who have come barging into my life barging into my life -- i have learned more about satanism than i ever wanted to know, having chosen to stay away from that kind of stuff all my life

    also, i will never again give a home to an animal, tho i had taken in strays all my life -- all of the animals who shared my home at the time of the abduction died very cruel deaths , at the hands of different Humans -- from this & other things, i learned how easy it is for them to control most individual human minds


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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Sanicle Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:23 pm

    This from Stewart Swerdlow.........

    And then check this out as a bit of back up for reptilians working with the military.........

    My husband told me about a reptilian being he saw at Area 51. He has also seen many grays at area 51, both the short and tall grays. He only saw the reptilian being once when he went into someone's office. He didn't ask any questions about it and hasn't told anyone but me about the incident. This happened in the early 80's when he had occasion to go in and out of Area 51 several times while on special missions. My point in mentioning this again is that if his story is true then the reptilians may have agreements with or are controlling parts of the government or hidden parts of the government or military that maybe most in government and military don't know about. My husband was not mind controlled or drowsy. All his faculties were intact. So there are also people who say they have seen reptilians where it was not part of an abduction experience and they were not mind controlled.

    Contributed by NancyV here at Avalon:

    Seem to me from all I've read thus far that the worst damage is done during abductions to those humans who are unfortunate enough to be conscripted into being MILABS by the bloody shadow government/military.  Many abductees who are not a part of the military don't seem to suffer as much, at least not that they consciously remember. 

    Given the evidence in our reality, one could almost say that it's humans who treat other humans far worse than any of the aliens.  They could say, "Oh, the aliens made me do it," but that excuse doesn't wash with me.  One can always say "No", even at the risk of death.  Death is not the end of us after all, and most seem to do it for power in this world, not out of fear.

    Many humans who are not part of the military also treat abductees shamefully, whether the abductors are reptilian or others.  Take this for an example......

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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  Sanicle Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:37 pm

    Apart from the first sentence, I rather like this comment from the poster 'watchZEITGEISTnow' at Avalon.........

    ........I believe even the Draco love nature and this actual planet - they have just let the population get to the point where they now cannot control it. I also believe we are also helped by positive ETs that we are directly related to through our souls - different souls from different galactic planes and dimensions. I even believe at any given point the 'good guys' out there could wipe out the regressives in a matter of micro seconds if they wanted to - but they dont. WHY?

    Why? Because "we" won't learn anything if they do. We are learning to "love thy enemies" and become all forgiving, Christ consciousness (then to God consciousness).

    The question for me is now : How are we as a collective on this planet doing? Are we on the right path for graduation? We are essentially are a micro experiment of what happens when many different species are thrown together - to see if we can all get along and advance not just our individual spirit/soul but to also see how we evolve together in the same way...

    Let's face it.........we've got a looooooooong, long way to go before we learn that lesson, as all the ongoing wars show.  Then there's the way we treat the animals, which is not that different to the way the reptilians et al treat us, as a food source.  As one of my guides once said, "They are only trying to survive too, in the only way they know how."

    I'm not saying I've become a reptilian-lover, definitely not.  But I do wonder how much humanity is to blame, on so many different levels.  Anyone seen "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"?   I love you

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    The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner Empty Re: The truth about alien abductions - Dr. Karla Turner

    Post  mudra Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:03 pm

    From intricacy to simplicity Alan Watts gives his perspective on whats wrong with the human race in general.

    Alan Watts breaks down what's wrong with the world (1970)

    Love from me

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