Whoa! I love that song, and that post brought a tear to my eye. Which brings to me the longing to just go home. It's so long overdue.
A long journey indeed!
A long journey indeed!
horus wrote:Thank you Brook for your words of encouragement and support, I have a lot to share but sometimes very hard to transcribe. In the last 24 hours I have encountered energies never felt or witnessed in my journey that started out from my awakening in 1995 to the All-Seeing-Eye appearing at the foot of my bed, which is part of my life story I have not yet shared. Back in 1995 did I ever think I had Egyptians connection, the thought was so distant and it was a program that kept me at a distance so I could not discover who I was and who I am.
What I have to share with you now are energies from a mother and you projected it so, as if I know you from the heart. For me to tell this, it came from my heavenly mother also. This post is a wake up call to what I share as the truth and nothing more. We are all ONE LOVE, its just the mutation of everything in the 3D that has us all hot-wired into these freak-side-show-mutation programs and I have some heavy stuff that will shake the mindset of Zombieland, a title given to me because that’s what this planet has become in a Western World. To so many in the past I have shared my dreams on forums beginning with Starship Capricorn back in 2005 and I gave it all a big flick when no one was listening. What I share with you 'all now' are not my nightmares, they are yours, and when I say yours, I mean everyone on this planet. Let’s say, the demons are coming out to play with you to all those who are lost who continue to live on the outside with their faith with religious beliefs, rather than find it within. In fact, it’s easier living within, life is less complicated there, so you ask me who is controlling you, you are with head logic instead of heart logic, so let it all go. You must chose your god that is only within, listen to him, he never left you at all. The one you know as Jehovah, and what Lionhawk is saying is true. I have experience his behavior by some of his 'jolly-men’, a name just given to me. They wanted to screw me as a male in a woman's body. I replied; I only do it with woman. When I woke up I was so pleased to know both our twin-souls a very balanced. It proved to me you can stand up to this false god who projects himself as a pedophile and reflects the behavior of freemasons in their rituals, even with whores.
Yesterday, I was shown to post these big words to everyone, GO WITHIN NOW, BEFORE ALL IS LOST!
Okay, I have a visitor and who is it this time, its The Joker. He showed his face at 90 degrees and then left as quickly as he came. 90 degrees is also the Masonic right-angle. Do you know who the joker is, it's the buffoon-baboon called Thoth. What he does is eves-drop, that how the dark agenda get all information that stalls the ascension process, it’s also a signature of a passing fart coming from a ‘whoopee cushion’. He is just a sticky beak (someone who is too interested in other people’s private activities) and a busy-body at that with the long beak of a Ibis taking your chi nectar like a humming bird does to a flower. He also comes up your back passage and departs the same way, I know it so, he tried to finger my anal passage.
Before I continue, I always double check my spelling on these posts because words can be spelt nearly the same, but mean something else, its another topic altogether. So checking this word 'mutation' opens energies I am working on.
Mutation:In molecular biology and genetics, mutations are changes in a genomic sequence: the DNA sequence of a cell's genome or the DNA or RNA sequence of a virus. Mutations are caused by radiation, viruses, transposons and mutagenic chemicals, as well as errors that occur during meiosis or DNA replication. They can also be induced by the organism itself, by cellular processes such as hypermutation.
Mutation can result in several different types of change in DNA sequences; these can either have no effect, alter the product of a gene, or prevent the gene from functioning properly or completely. Studies in the fly Drosophila melanogaster suggest that if a mutation changes a protein produced by a gene, this will probably be harmful, with about 70 percent of these mutations having damaging effects, and the remainder being either neutral or weakly beneficial. Due to the damaging effects that mutations can have on genes, organisms have mechanisms such as DNA repair to remove mutations.
Therefore, the optimal mutation rate for a species is a trade-off between costs of a high mutation rate, such as deleterious mutations, and the metabolic costs of maintaining systems to reduce the mutation rate, such as DNA repair enzymes. Viruses that use RNA as their genetic material have rapid mutation rates,[6] which can be an advantage since these viruses will evolve constantly and rapidly, and thus evade the defensive responses of e.g. the human immune system. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutation
What did mother say and give as a message to me, the attached 'picture lyrics were', "Its been a long journey but I'm right belong beside you". Her title message (to me) was "You've rising from great depths" and I saw what is best described as rays of light that went back to the source of creation, and what did she say of you Brook? She said to me after, you've rising from great depths, "Isn't she beautiful" That came from our Mother-Creator Sekhmet. Enjoy the song from the Seekers. Study the words and her hairstyle that is you all over, and listen to the words from 1:05 which is 15, a energy protocol to the 15th letter O. This singer reflects energies to someone I personally met called Terry. In dreams I see feminine energies as both my sister and my mother. My guardian mother’s pet name was called Cissy for short. Her birth name was Celia which means 'heavenly' and you can see the word corruption with 'sissy' which really means sister and where the "mummy's boy" originated and why I am very distant to masculine energies for my entire journey, I don't trust male energy, just like Sananda period. I was a mummy's boy in this incarnation but retained my balance as a male; it must reflect those times when I was Horus with a mother-sister, that was Isis a surrogate mother for the Lion Goddess. I have never met Osiris, so what does that tell you, he was not my father by sperm count, if you get my drift!.
Terry looked like these two actresses combined (I’ve added this image, the energy is very high as a match, I did not realize it!) Terry had the elements of Mary and I adore short woman. My twin is only 5’ tall and a heart full of joy.
Sorry to disappont you, Karmic issues were cleared many years ago, I jusy show how 3D reality is! If there was any Karma, I may be releasing some for my dearly beloved also, something to consider when I feel like a woman. Some close friends just do not understand why I even bother with all of this stuff as if I'm attracting them, but I tell you this, its because I am a BEACON OF LIGHT. Remember who I am with Creation as Horus and my ties to Enki, no one else can do what I do best, stir the Thomas Crapper because no one else won't get off their backsides who day dream thinkings its all going away, meanwhile the dark are plotting against you 24/7 while you meditate in your comfort zone. Believe me, I don't meditate at all, thats a comfort zone in 3D, and I learnt the ego self will tell you what you want to hear, thats why I have these dreams, I'm totally knocked out, and my conscious self has been disabled, we may find out the program has ways to enter a meditation, now thats another brain-wash program. In my view meditation is about stilling the mind to find inner peace in a world totally reckless, and I can not remember what was said to me word-by-word unless I channelled for others to hear. Meditation to some may be getting away from the problem and living in la-la land. When its all over, I will be with my twin and will be tripping over each other and levitating with meditations, but for now, its not the time for me to daydream.Carol wrote:Horus, have you ever thought about what is happening with you? With all of these images pouring past your minds eye perhaps this is the unwinding process of karma.
Don't take my words too seriously friend, when I used to meditate I got some good material. Just protect yourself thats all, even now like tonight I went into a sleppy meditive state just talking, and a silly message comes through more or less telling me to piss off savinf 'bad, dead, chop suey'. It only happened because I did not recite words for protection. In my dream state I just get a lot more material 'in the now' (so to speak) and if I may correct myself here, what happened to me 18 months ago, and one part of my healing was talking to a angelic who gave me his name spoke to me and assisted in reconnecting me back to my twin. So I do apolyize, my words were out of text, I should have remembered that with my post reply. So don't be discouraged, otherwise you are living in your own fear. In my absence also of not thinking after not sleeping for 33 hours and just caught some sleep today, I'm also capped on the cable for a few days, we have three users in this house, and trying to make corrections to my grammer, it was slow to refresh. If anyone else was here was offended, I do apolygize.burgundia wrote:thanks Horus..it partially explains why I have always been so reluctant to meditate.