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anomalous cowherd
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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet


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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  HigherLove Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:27 pm

    For my friends, Jason ("Robbie") and deMarco -

    "We're All Angels"

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:47 pm

    These two men are fortunate on multiple levels. First that they found each other. Next, that they share a passion for music and can sing together and even more special is that they can take what they love as their work in life out into the public. Not that many are so blessed. :heart2:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  HigherLove Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:08 pm

    Carol wrote:These two men are fortunate on multiple levels. First that they found each other. Next, that they share a passion for music and can sing together and even more special is that they can take what they love as their work in life out into the public. Not that many are so blessed. :heart2:

    I know. For some, "It gets better", and for others, it gets REALLY better (i.e. Dan Savage and his partner). lol

    It is difficult even to be jealous of them, because they are very nice/kind people, in person.

    They are also quite cute. As such, they travel with a female chaperone for ALL of their concerts. hehe

    Of course, the Abercrombie & Fitch poses for "The Advocate" are another matter.


    At some point in the 70s, when it was realized "we" had disposable incomes, the Matrix took over and decided to market our image to us. I will certainly concede that.

    There are many Gay men who look perfect and make great money, but there is an emptiness inside.

    Where society goes wrong is when they assume it is the orientation causing the symptoms, and not the trauma of growing with such rampant covert cultural sexual abuse.

    Even so, healthy happy couples like Jason and deMarco abound (I met Jason while house sitting for a couple of friends; one of them is a chaplain for the forestry department).

    For those who would like to learn more, I highly recommend the work of Dr. Joe Kort:

    Allyson Books is having some trouble with finances right now, so it might be difficult to get some of his stuff, but it is really good.

    I think he went to the same marketing school as David Wilcock, because he gives away a ton of free stuff, reels ya in, and gets you to buy the premium content (FYI: I like David Wilcock, and he said this is what he did during a C2C interview).

    Okay. Gotta go.

    Deep breaths...

    Bear Hugs!


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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  mudra Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:02 pm

    I am asking what good is there in the knowledge we believe in if it does'nt open the doors to greater understanding , respect and Love for our fellow human beings.

    Belief systems may carry us away on separate paths but Heart is the place where we are able to recognize we are all One .

    There are two things important that I am seeing in this thread :

    One is the legitimate question that one of our gay and beloved brother Lee had for you Horus and your avoidance to explain yourself directly with him.

    and two is the empathy from other members in attempt to raise the energy to a higher state of grace.

    Imagine we were all blind and would then only have our Heart to see with . How simple would life be.

    I think this is what we have to practice ... with eyes open.

    And yes Troy forgiveness is the key ...

    Forgiveness and the Freedom of Letting go

    Love from me

    anomalous cowherd
    anomalous cowherd

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  anomalous cowherd Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:15 pm

    Homosexuality in homeopathy is seen as the outward expression of the syphilitic miasm which makes sense in one way, mainly to do with the inherent difficulty of reproduction. One would have to understand the various miasms and their origins and signiture qualities. Everyone has miasms,so there is no judgement involved on which ones are better or worse than others.

    Interestingly enough when my homeopath has treated homosexuals for any number or variety of presenting conditions within two years sexual orientation changes.

    I honestly don't care what people get up to, I'm just adding another take, make of it what you will.

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  HigherLove Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:24 pm

    mudra wrote:
    Forgiveness and the Freedom of Letting go

    Love from me
    mudra sweet.

    Thank you.

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Carol Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:31 pm

    I've had gay friends who switch sexual orientation as well after years of living a particular life style. Ironically, the soul mate was of the opposite sex and they came together in the second half of their lives. It really boils down to compatability at multiple levels doesn't it? Meaning the more someone is compatable with someone else the easier it is to move through life relationship wise.

    Sexuality is an important part of life and offers one many avenues for experience. I think the most important part is experience that state of oneness with the energy released with someone else as sublime. Sharing that experience with someone one loves is truly remarkable.

    And as we move into the higher spiritual dimensions sexual orientation is let go of. One just is.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  HigherLove Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:59 am

    I work with a woman who realiized she is a Lesbian, in her 60s. Pun intended: I suppose it goes both ways.

    I do not feel a need to be cured of anything (why?), but I do get that at some point, sexual orientation becomes meaningless.

    Somewhere in the Law of One Study Guide (Divine Cosmos), I read an excerpt that advanced beings (5 or 6D?) were "studying sexual energies". I am not sure where in the galaxy...

    Hmmm... starts to sound dogmatic...

    This will all be irrelevant some day.

    I look forward to the time when answers are not saught because the questions themselves are laughable.

    In one of his books, Joe Kort devotes several pages to Gay men and "Diva Worship". He explores it from a psychoanalytic perspective.

    I will have to ask him how much of his work I may quote.

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    So thanks to my diva: LaDonna Gaines, aka "Donna Summer". She knows I would take a bulllet for her (she also knows I will not sing when she points the mic at me lol). Oh wow -- more memories of little things that are starting to add up... what?


    And Lee....YO!

    You brought me here.

    Booger. lol


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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  burgundia Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:53 am

    I really do not care what people's sexual orientations are. I'd rather spend my time talking to an "awakened" gay person than a devout religious hetero. Somehow I have been getting along quite well with gay men.I even went to the cinema with one not such a long time ago..:)

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  horus Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:58 am

    burgundia wrote:I really do not care what people's sexual orientations are. I'd rather spend my time talking to an "awakened" gay person than a devout religious hetero. Somehow I have been getting along quite well with gay men.I even went to the cinema with one not such a long time ago..:)
    I understand what you are saying, 'talking to an "awakened" gay person' is company was more equal. I talk to many woman at their level, call it girlie-talk. Men who are gay reconize the feminine side and closer to a woman like a brother and has trust. You have all heard of that degrading expession, 'Don't be a sissy'. I was very close to my own guardian mother, my guardian father used to beat me with his belt when my brother was the trouble-maker. My father right up to his death might as well, have crawled up his backside while my brother has no compassion as he was dying from cancerm and dumped his memories at a 'second hand shop' for cold cash.

    I was a 'peace lover' while my brother shagged anything that stood on two legs, and fits nicely with the mind-set of Brad Pitt in 'Fight Club' to using his nuckles. Being closer to my celestial mother is the same, I fight for what is right for the feminine, so to gay men who are 'close to the heart' have nothing really to worry about, I'm after the evil arse-bandits of freemasonary. They know who they are, and are listening right now, I just had a stray vistor energy matching Alister Crowley, shown as Lord Blackwood in Sherlock Holmes, the movie which matchs Johnny Depp in 'From Hell'. This actor reminds me of Count Dracula. Both of these movies have a signature, listen to the voice at the end of the second video matching Blackwood. I worked with a freemason, he let the cat out of the bag and when I asked him about freemasons, he told me his life would be in danger if he told me, all he said it was a secret society. Who was that man, he looked a double of Chief Sitting Bull and that energy is a Thoth Program. To those who have no idea what I'm talking about with programs, please read this post sting

    This freemason energy has just been disabled oddly enough, thats how the Thoth program works!
    Try it works, same address. You try and figure, some one here is a freemason.

    Once again I say, I have no problems with gay friends, I once counseled a young male gay and showed him the Light he was looking for, he was a talented musician. As I have already mentioned, I find myself in spirit dressed in a woman's body in my dreams, but would I broadcast it out loud to everyone if it was in 3D and say, "I'm gay, I'm gay?" Is the soul deep within, crying out for attention to be identified? The pain of being cheated at conception when you chose your next incarnation as an expercience. I've talked on many occasions to Mother-Father and asked,'Why?' All this has led me back to discover we have a false god that rules over our lives and I have discovered the truth, that so many Christians live in fear of knowing.

    I'm total androgynous in spirit with my twin-flame, we are opposite to each other both ways and shown to me about ten years ago, its 50-50 both ways. I have a post coming on this to my crossing the finishing line, and finally going home.

    Most of the close friends my twinflame had in Hollywood before she married RJ were all gay, she obviously prefered the softer side of their personality for company, and not always someone trying to 'score a screw' like Kirk Douglas who raped her. James Dean was gay, and shown to me by my twin in a dream, she really admired him and like me, I am a rebel with a cause. I have other material about the X-Y chomosomes, it will posted on my DNA post string.

    When Douglas finally mets his maker, the American Press will have a field day to this rape claims, and Lana Wood knows everything, thats what sisters are for. She wants to see justice served. Hollywood looks after its own when it comes to legal representation, they are so corrupt and get away with murder! The mystery into Natalie Wood's death is another one, another complete coverup. The gay rumors about Christophor Walken and Robert Wagner, and what Natalie saw them both doing, something about a blow job. If that was made public. both careers of Christophor Walken and Robert Wagner would be finished long ago.

    Goodbye Natalie Goodbye Splendour
    Lana Wood Interview in 2010


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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Brook Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:45 am

    The title of the Thread.....Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga the Illuminati Puppet. this thread is about the subject of mind control by Horus. Now how many time have YOU woken from a dream only to think..I had a really strange dream, but I don't remember it. Some dreams you remember but often times you do not. Horus remembers EVERYTHING. What he presents are "dream scapes". And you too get them, you just do not remember them as well, or completely.
    Several times now I have seem him say in this thread this is not his view. And several times it has been ignored. In fact just the opposite to what has been inferred, you probably have deeper feelings in this area with his statement here......and I would hope it needs to be his final statement.

    Once again I say, I have no problems with gay friends, I once counseled a young male gay and showed him the Light he was looking for, he was a talented musician. As I have already mentioned, I find myself in spirit dressed in a woman's body in my dreams, but would I broadcast it out loud to everyone if it was in 3D and say, "I'm gay, I'm gay?" Is the soul deep within, crying out for attention to be identified? The pain of being cheated at conception when you chose your next incarnation as an experience. I've talked on many occasions to Mother-Father and asked,'Why?' All this has led me back to discover we have a false god that rules over our lives and I have discovered the truth, that so many Christians live in fear of knowing.

    Now I have personally see some of the writings of Horus on the Divine Feminine....I wager he has more intimate knowledge of the Divine Feminine than many gay men. Because you see...I've see his writings. And they are beautifully written. Very few men could write like that.

    What is being sidetracked here is the very point he is trying to make. Now it brings me to a time when Lionhawk decided to start a thread on Reptilians at Avalon. And a member posted a "cute" little dragon cartoon and thought it amusing. A Disney character in fact. This brings me to the point were I will try to get this thread back on track.

    Disney has successfully with all of his "CUTE" little innuendos of how women should act, and behave like a little "Princess", and let the male oriented gender go out and slay the mighty dragon, or ogre under the bridge or what ever. So the woman sits at home making dinner and cleaning house while the man does all the work.

    Cinderella a very good example of how being poor and dressed in rags makes you less that a princess. So you need a fairy Godmother to wave a wand to give you what you need to get your Prince Charming. Now that's SICK!!!!!!!!!! Held back by evil step sisters.....what kind of perversion is that? What's more, you had to be "pretty" to get a Prince Charming! Have you once thought how the not so pretty girls who got picked on in school felt? They were most likely devastated, and thought they would never find happiness. You see, I was one of those children..I was an "ugly duckling"....and thank God my mother told me the story of the ugly duckling that grew to be a swan.....Otherwise I would have grown to never believe I could achieve such "heights" as Cinderella. Not with out a "fairy Godmother" to wave a "wand", which is another avenue of thought to bring to light.

    I could go on and on and on about Disney and his sick perverted mind-controlled versions of how our children look at things through his eyes. Just pick one story, and you can see it. It's subliminal, but ever so present.

    So the title of this tread's about "Mind-Control" and the program that runs it. Not about the personal preferences of Horus, who I believe has made himself quite clear.
    And as he stated, is about energy "reads"....many cannot fathom or understand that. To those who cannot. I think he made it clear as well. Everyone has choices.

    Just remember when you have a dream, many times it comes in the form of "symbols". And it's the decipher of that that is being expressed here.

    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Cinderella
    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Mute%20swan

    Words of my mother that still ring in my ears....

    "Pretty is as Pretty does...."

    Last edited by Brook on Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:11 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Brook Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:38 am

    [youtube]<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/youtube]

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Brook Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:43 am

    [youtube]<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/youtube]

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Brook Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:29 am

    Now as this thread is about "mind-Control" it has also caused a "knee jerk" reaction. One that needs to be addressed by some , and explored to the depths of existence and as such would most likely be an outstanding thread if one were to start it. I'm sure at some point you might get a taste of that "Divine Feminine" that Horus has written about. That which very few men can even come in touch with or acknowledge. If they have , an even greater thing to bring to the surface. If so, it would be a great thing to get started.

    Now in expressing that I would hope that Hours keeps it "PG-13" rather then the "X rated" version, as the "cosmic orgasm" has no gender or preference. It is simply shared.
    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Flower_of_Life
    But as Hours also suggested here....for us to "move on" as the subject matter here is after all "mind control" and a "program" called THOTH.


    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Bea1f333-ec0f-4786-9d3b-5807da921299

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Lionhawk Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:56 pm

    You're this or you're that. Through the years, many a campaign stated something along these lines. Whether you're gay, black, Mexican, or whatever. Fighting for certain rights to be. So be it and quit the complaining. I am so sick of those who are this and that who reduce humanity down to a label with an agenda. It is so 3D.

    Your bedroom is your bedroom and it is no one's business what you do in your bedroom.

    But I will tell you what I am really sick and tired of, are those who are this and that, who think you ought to be just like them and will become predators and prey on the innocent. One case and point is the Catholic church. You may hear about it in the media. If you were to track the source of this pedophilia behavior to the source, you would find a so called God name Jehovah. One of the so called Gods of the bible that people have worshiped for eons. So much for being Catholic. If your Catholic, you worship a God who is a pedophile. Does that turn your stomach or what? Now defend your right to be Catholic. Now you can see how these type of things can get really distorted.

    For those of you who are "gay", do us a favor and read the content before making defending comments of your right to be. That isn't a gay issue. It is a common sense issue where you read the content of a post before you stick your foot in your mouth. Because I am tired of the complaints and the twisting of words, so that you are acknowledged as being this or that. Same goes for those who aren't gay.

    Be what you are in any case. It matters not to me. To understand the divine feminine is a separate issue as well. You don't have to be gay to understand it. Anyone can reach that understanding. Simply because it is not a physical state to understand. The physicality is a service to self issue or the service to another. Depends if divine love is being applied. Which the physical acts of love making should enhance that state of divine love. To become it. Everyone's job is to balance what they are on all levels. To unite the divine feminine and divine masculine within your being, is angelic in nature. At least for some, it may be to learn what it is to be to a label and overcome prejudices from a previous lifetime. A balancing of misguided perceptions in the emotional mind, in the karmic processor.

    Be as it may, many don't honor the divine feminine or masculine. There are many abominations and distortions of this dishonoring. Look around. We usually see the extreme behaviors of both. The disharmony of both energies.

    I think what Horus has presented here has been spot on as far as some of these programs have been running right in everyone's face and those who can't or won't recognize these programs and who is behind them, will react in a predictable 3D way. At least that is what has been demonstrated here so far. What I see anyways. Those reactions are caused from insecurities of a soul who at least read what was written or the reactions or a soul who is defending it's right to be no matter what was written.

    I remember when I was young, where I was taught through the media that the Russians were our enemy. Where Blacks were the bottom of the barrel. Where Puerto Ricans were even lower and so on down that road of prejudices. I could never understand why the blacks were looking at me and blaming me for what happened in the 1800's. Or why the Russians hated me so. I had never met them. All of these perceptions were mind control programs being propagated by the PTB. Add everything else to the list.

    Do and be what you may. But remember not to be influenced by a program of any kind. Also make sure you are what you are in harmony with the Universe instead of some twisted predator characterized by dis harmonic behavioral programs created by whomever. That's across the whole board. And if you find yourself defending your identity, you have more work to do.

    So be it!


    P.S. Brook has been prompting me to write something, so I did. If you don't like what I have written, just ignore it and I will go back to what I was doing earlier. I really don't feel the need to write anything. Or respond to if you get my drift.


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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  HigherLove Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:36 pm

    ...You have all heard of that degrading expession, 'Don't be a sissy'. I was very close to my own guardian mother, my guardian father used to beat me with his belt when my brother was the trouble-maker. My father right up to his death might as well, have crawled up his backside while my brother has no compassion as he was dying from cancerm and dumped his memories at a 'second hand shop' for cold cash....

    I knew it.

    Nobody deserves this.

    I appreciate your perseverance, and willingness to be so vulnerable.

    I am sorry, and I humbly ask for forgiveness from any/all who may have stumbled on their journey as a result of anything that I have posted.

    Suddenly the words of an Arapaho friend are quite clear in my mind (I am paraphrasing here): In the rush to save your brother, do not kill your sister. Or, vice-versa.

    Thank your for this lesson.

    And now to address any lingering Freemason energy that I may be putting out there...


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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  mudra Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:37 pm

    Brook wrote:[i][b]
    [i][b]What is being sidetracked here is the very point he is trying to make. Now it brings me to a time when Lionhawk decided to start a thread on Reptilians at Avalon. And a member posted a "cute" little dragon cartoon and thought it amusing. A Disney character in fact. This brings me to the point were I will try to get this thread back on track.

    As you are alluding to it Brook I will clarify that this member was me. I was the first to answer to LH's thread " Have you ever met a reptilian ? " . My answer was no . I have never made such an encounter and I added that the only place I had seen a dragon was in a cartoon and so that my encounter was of a friendly type and I posted the relevant video. This was not meant to be disrespectfull of LionHawk's thread .
    Nor did I think it was funny . It was just my answer. However my reply raised havoc and when I realized I had'nt taken into account the wider picutre I apologized for my lack of discernement publicly to LionHawk. I believe him and I have long overcome this incident.

    My concern on this thread was for our friends here that felt concerned by the words Horus used regarding gays in his first post and that received those as a clash in the face .Even if Horus did'nt mean to be offensive , as I did'nt mean to be offensive when I made my post on LH 's thread , he nevertheless created an embarrassing reaction and these people concerned deserved that clarity be made.

    Now I believe you are right Horus has since made his point .And yes his thread is about mind control, a subject I am interested in and am familiar with myself. I can only encourage him to go on. From my own research on the subject I can say it's a very heavy one and that the Satanists rituals in which these mind control techniques are utilized lay at the very very bottom of inhumanity and soul less behavior.
    Thank you for putting things back in perspective.

    Love from me

    Last edited by mudra on Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:04 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Brook Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:42 pm

    Good point Mudra, and exactly what I was getting your comment and post was misconstrued, so likely was that of Horus in the beginning of this Thread.

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  mudra Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:43 pm

    I appreciated your post LionHawk . I believe it is spot on .
    Thank you

    Love from me

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  mudra Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:57 pm

    Brook wrote:Good point Mudra, and exactly what I was getting your comment and post was misconstrued, so likely was that of Horus in the beginning of this Thread.

    I believe so Brook and for having experienced it myself I know how embarrassing this may feel for all parties concerned . I really believe we are part of the same journey , that we all have a different history that brought us here in the Now with unique personalities and things to share .
    I consider us as a family of souls that decided to come here to understand this planet and human complexities . Every one was set on this course by his own and everyone did what he had to do so that the mystery of this sector would be lifted . And now, in this extraordinary moment in time , we are coming back together each one of us bringing it 's own piece of the puzzle.
    Beyond our differences we have to remember our oneness and the good will that is integral part of our very nature.

    Love from me

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  HigherLove Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:16 pm

    I am not a Freemason, nor have I ever been. However, since I spent time in one of their buildings, I may be putting out some residual energy from the experience, and if there is any confusion, I want to clear it up.

    As part of my journey from a "traditional, Christian" to [hopefully] a somewhat more enlightened being, and finding that even if I did not tell, people would ask, or just knew, I found that I could not "fit in". Coming out was the only way to get people off of me and to leave me alone. And they did!

    Due to so many years of brainwashing (I was baptized Mormon, then later as Pentecostal), I really believed I would go to hell if I "changed" my "faith". I was warned that the one sin God would not forgive is blasphemy to the Holy Spirit.

    As my life progressed, I came out, and accepted myself for who I was.

    I still could not let go of the Christian thing, so I started attending the Metropolitan Community Church (a "Christian" church for the LGBTQ community).

    They could not afford a building of their own.

    The Freemasons let them rent space in their building for us to hold services.

    For a couple of years, I went to that building.

    We covered their symbols with our own.

    I just remember that there was something really creepy about being in their inner chambers (I sat in all of their chairs just to do it).

    We had to move their alter out of the way, every Sunday.

    They also have somewhat of a "punishment" room, where any brother who may have committed an offense must be sequestered until they have made things right (I do not know what that is/how it is done).

    After serving for a short time on the MCC Board, I realized that their hierarchy was just as much BS as the mainstream churches.

    I would say that I was completely disillusioned, but at the same time, I discovered the work of Ernest Holmes, and Religious Science/Centers for Spiritual Living.

    I took some of their practitioner classes, and they were wonderful.

    However, once again, the bureaucracy was a real turn-off.

    That ended nearly three years ago.


    In late 2009, I was dating someone who was planning a trip for us to Disneyland. He said he wanted me to think of it as his version of a "promise ring".

    We counted down the days to the trip, and played a Disney Trivia game on the weekends.

    He so wanted to take me to Snow White's wishing well.

    He had Disney everything in his house (lunch boxes, pez dispensers, and so on).

    My best friend was dying from pancreatic cancer at the time.

    I realized he very well may die during my Disneyland trip.

    Well, the Disney trip never happened.

    On the night of Thanksgiving, we called it quits, and the Disney trip was off.

    Two days later my friend died.

    A few days after that the Norway Spiral appeared, and a friend introduced me to Divine Cosmos.

    Then my eyes were opened to what Disney is up to (and now the Pentagon), and who knows who else...

    Just a tad more than a year later, I find myself here.

    Also, for the record (pun NOT intended): Lady Gaga freaks me out.

    I have never felt any positive energy from her. I would not recognize one of her songs if I heard it, because I have gone out of my way to avoid doing so.

    The first time I saw Gaga, she seemed quite homely. I really did think, "She looks like a dude with a lot of makeup".

    I did not know this thread was here until it was brought to my attention and I, too, was asked to respond.

    I am still trying to wake up. I will make mistakes, but will do my best to work through any 3D energy as quickly as possible, just like most others, here.



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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Brook Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:34 pm

    If anyone knows I do how hard it is to grasp the words of Horus. In the beginning I was very lost. As I soon realized, you have to let him go, and bring out the "projections" that are given within the dream state. It will come together. But not always does it reflect "his" words, but rather the state of affairs that are being covered. Again I will say this, it is 'layered", as are many dreams. But never have I seen anyone with the ability to see with such reflection. It truly is the "eye" of Horus speaking. For those who do not's okay. It's not presented for you to believe who he may be, simply see the directed projections is all that is necessary.

    Very keen projections at that, most of it from Hollywood movies.....wonder why that might be? Could that have to do with his twin flame Natalie? Most probably. Understand this...Natalie did exist and she did have a twin flame. I very much believe she is his twin flame. I've been watching him write for some time now and it is quite evident.

    And last I will add, a warmer and kinder heart you will rarely find. I have a special place in my heart for one such as Horus. You'll see what I mean as he goes along. When it comes to this program..he does not relent. So give him the opportunity to express it, you'll see

    Last edited by Brook on Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  burgundia Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:52 pm

    I always knew that Natalie's death was not an accident.

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Brook Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:28 pm

    Horus, all I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to this video. Shocked


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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  horus Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:34 am

    Thank you Brook for your words of encouragement and support, I have a lot to share but sometimes very hard to transcribe. In the last 24 hours I have encountered energies never felt or witnessed in my journey that started out from my awakening in 1995 to the All-Seeing-Eye appearing at the foot of my bed, which is part of my life story I have not yet shared. Back in 1995 did I ever think I had Egyptians connection, the thought was so distant and it was a program that kept me at a distance so I could not discover who I was and who I am.

    What I have to share with you now are energies from a mother and you projected it so, as if I know you from the heart. For me to tell this, it came from my heavenly mother also. This post is a wake up call to what I share as the truth and nothing more. We are all ONE LOVE, its just the mutation of everything in the 3D that has us all hot-wired into these freak-side-show-mutation programs and I have some heavy stuff that will shake the mindset of Zombieland, a title given to me because that’s what this planet has become in a Western World. To so many in the past I have shared my dreams on forums beginning with Starship Capricorn back in 2005 and I gave it all a big flick when no one was listening. What I share with you 'all now' are not my nightmares, they are yours, and when I say yours, I mean everyone on this planet. Let’s say, the demons are coming out to play with you to all those who are lost who continue to live on the outside with their faith with religious beliefs, rather than find it within. In fact, it’s easier living within, life is less complicated there, so you ask me who is controlling you, you are with head logic instead of heart logic, so let it all go. You must chose your god that is only within, listen to him, he never left you at all. The one you know as Jehovah, and what Lionhawk is saying is true. I have experience his behavior by some of his 'jolly-men’, a name just given to me. They wanted to screw me as a male in a woman's body. I replied; I only do it with woman. When I woke up I was so pleased to know both our twin-souls a very balanced. It proved to me you can stand up to this false god who projects himself as a pedophile and reflects the behavior of freemasons in their rituals, even with whores.

    Yesterday, I was shown to post these big words to everyone, GO WITHIN NOW, BEFORE ALL IS LOST!

    Okay, I have a visitor and who is it this time, its The Joker. He showed his face at 90 degrees and then left as quickly as he came. 90 degrees is also the Masonic right-angle. Do you know who the joker is, it's the buffoon-baboon called Thoth. What he does is eves-drop, that how the dark agenda get all information that stalls the ascension process, it’s also a signature of a passing fart coming from a ‘whoopee cushion’. He is just a sticky beak (someone who is too interested in other people’s private activities) and a busy-body at that with the long beak of a Ibis taking your chi nectar like a humming bird does to a flower. He also comes up your back passage and departs the same way, I know it so, he tried to finger my anal passage.

    Before I continue, I always double check my spelling on these posts because words can be spelt nearly the same, but mean something else, its another topic altogether. So checking this word 'mutation' opens energies I am working on.

    Mutation:In molecular biology and genetics, mutations are changes in a genomic sequence: the DNA sequence of a cell's genome or the DNA or RNA sequence of a virus. Mutations are caused by radiation, viruses, transposons and mutagenic chemicals, as well as errors that occur during meiosis or DNA replication. They can also be induced by the organism itself, by cellular processes such as hypermutation.

    Mutation can result in several different types of change in DNA sequences; these can either have no effect, alter the product of a gene, or prevent the gene from functioning properly or completely. Studies in the fly Drosophila melanogaster suggest that if a mutation changes a protein produced by a gene, this will probably be harmful, with about 70 percent of these mutations having damaging effects, and the remainder being either neutral or weakly beneficial. Due to the damaging effects that mutations can have on genes, organisms have mechanisms such as DNA repair to remove mutations.

    Therefore, the optimal mutation rate for a species is a trade-off between costs of a high mutation rate, such as deleterious mutations, and the metabolic costs of maintaining systems to reduce the mutation rate, such as DNA repair enzymes. Viruses that use RNA as their genetic material have rapid mutation rates,[6] which can be an advantage since these viruses will evolve constantly and rapidly, and thus evade the defensive responses of e.g. the human immune system.

    What did mother say and give as a message to me, the attached 'picture lyrics were', "Its been a long journey but I'm right belong beside you". Her title message (to me) was "You've rising from great depths" and I saw what is best described as rays of light that went back to the source of creation, and what did she say of you Brook? She said to me after, you've rising from great depths, "Isn't she beautiful" That came from our Mother-Creator Sekhmet. Enjoy the song from the Seekers. Study the words and her hairstyle that is you all over, and listen to the words from 1:05 which is 15, a energy protocol to the 15th letter O. This singer reflects energies to someone I personally met called Terry. In dreams I see feminine energies as both my sister and my mother. My guardian mother’s pet name was called Cissy for short. Her birth name was Celia which means 'heavenly' and you can see the word corruption with 'sissy' which really means sister and where the "mummy's boy" originated and why I am very distant to masculine energies for my entire journey, I don't trust male energy, just like Sananda period. I was a mummy's boy in this incarnation but retained my balance as a male; it must reflect those times when I was Horus with a mother-sister, that was Isis a surrogate mother for the Lion Goddess. I have never met Osiris, so what does that tell you, he was not my father by sperm count, if you get my drift!.

    Terry looked like these two actresses combined (I’ve added this image, the energy is very high as a match, I did not realize it!) Terry had the elements of Mary and I adore short woman. My twin is only 5’ tall and a heart full of joy.

    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  - Page 2 Monicabelluccimaryisabe

    Last edited by horus on Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:07 am; edited 2 times in total

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