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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet


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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  horus Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:19 am

    Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Ga-ga is a term that immediately refers to absent mindedness. Here are some synonyms taken from a thesaurus:

    # Given to lighthearted silliness: empty-headed, featherbrained, flighty, frivolous, frothy, giddy, harebrained, lighthearted, scatterbrained, silly. Slang birdbrained, dizzy.

    # Afflicted with or exhibiting irrationality and mental unsoundness: brainsick, crazy, daft, demented, disordered, distraught, dotty, insane, lunatic, mad, maniac, maniacal, mentally ill, moonstruck, off, touched, unbalanced, unsound, wrong

    “Gaga” is probably the easiest word to say in the English language, as it is often the first sound emitted by babies trying to imitate speech. So her name basically says: I’m a lady and I’m empty-headed. This empty head can filled with any crap you want. Imitate me young people. This state of mind is achieved after successful mind control.

    Details of this image I have prepared:
    The top half showing the Ga-Ga egg image that were posted today on the internet and later on in the news I read they called it a ALIEN EGG. I felt as Horus, the draconian-reptilian energy to the woman at the front to her blank look, and was shocked to see her make-up applied showing horns under the skin. If you do a web search on Ga-Ga Egg, the guy behind also has these makeup features. Humanity may well get to witness these shape-shifting beasts reveiling themselves as they trully really are. You can image one at your Wal-Mart super-market and everyone runs out screaming. Is this part of their mind-control conditioning? Maybe it will be a final wake-up-call Creation will allow it to happen when no one whats to listen as the Photon Belt fries them all. And as I was told by my Mother in Creation today in support of my DNA post and she said, "They're more interested in Junk Food, than Junk DNA".

    Humans may become 'take-away food' if they flee to the ships to be saved from the Rapture, which is also the reptile in the image from Jurassic Park, the movie.

    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Gagaegg

    Thoth is the parasitic energy in your body as a single Kundalini snake, and the Kabbalah.

    The movie Black Swan and the Monach Project

    Last edited by horus on Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:38 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  horus Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:57 am

    I want you to read the italic text and view this... webpage, then I will share with you what was a clear cut message showing Thoth is behind everything, shown to me in 'dreamstate' showing he is the brain and to a post I am working on. I came across a video after the beginning of this post with what I heard was subliminal words, 'under alien skin'. That video I cannot find at all, but this one has to be it, I will continue to look in my history folder, but nothing else is there and I did hear subliminal words, because I was wearing earphones, and this dreamstate I was in reflects the 'address' location energy to the BRAIN behind it. If my brother Lionhawk reads this, he knows all about the Brain.

    The Johnson & Johnson video spin-off.

    The gays are organized like never before. Their gay agenda now reaches into every walk of life: music, movies and even the television media. It was only twenty years ago, when gays like Ellen Degeneres announced her gayhood, and therefore, we forced her little sin-hording sitcom off national television. But now the requisite snippy office gay and even a gay judge is a necessity on every television show. Where did we go wrong, America? What scares me more than anything, it’s the fact that the gays are recruiting more and more talent to their agenda. Back when things were more safe, the gays only had musical acts Liberace, Elton John and that one guy from the Three Tenors. Their music was all out of touch, they were either sloppy or sweaty with fat, or in Elton’s case, just too eccentric, to really be a threat to youth.

    But now, we have shows like American Idol who make kids glamorize gays like Adam Lambert. In this year’s America’s Got Talent, we see a opera singer who dresses like a British dandy and calls himself Prince Poppycock. And more dangerously, the new singer who calls himself Lady Gaga and has lushes up front! Lady Gaga is the gay’s ace in the hole, their diamond in the rough. Lady Gaga has the body of a fit woman, all accept in one area that he keeps heavily veiled. The gay’s idea here is to entice boys to think, “Wow, this is making me excited with sin” when they look on Lady Gaga, then they turn on MTV to hear reports, “Gaga may be a man”, which makes them confused and ripe to be dallied by a gay from behind, then think that is normal.

    Some parents out there say I’m being alarmist. I receive emails with such comments every day and even more on my personal site, Twiiters and Myspace. But here you me. I am not! Look, I have gathered evidence. Recently, the gay agenda ordered their prime agent Gaga to strip to his bare body at a concert, and then throw himself into the crowd and let fondling take place. When you look at these pictuers, you can tell some of these children are no more than 12 or 13 year olds. I see even a few elementary school students on there, touching up the bosoms and rump of Gaga. Even copping a feel of his fake milksacks. Now parents, tell me, how is this appropriate? What does all of this and the bad words you hear in the video have to do with good music? You never saw John Denver or Michael Bolton do these things, and they were very popular artists. The only thing going on here is the gay agenda, exposed and raw. I’m not going to issue a warning. I want you parents to take responsibility and sit there, with your wives and children, and explain to them why this is in. Let them just see it and get it out of the way.

    Gay Agenda, Act 1: Lady Gaga Entices With Stripped Crowd Surfing
    Gay Agenda, Act 2: Lady Gaga Lets Children Brush Faux-Whispering Eye/Rump/Satan Scepter
    Gay Agenda, Act 3: Scent of Sin
    Gay Agenda, Act 4: Winning the Crowd

    I am Horus the Egyptian God eons from our past. I have nothing to do with the illuminati, so do not fear me, I came from Love & Light and have a beloved twin-flame on the other side. Let me tell you everything is back to front including religion. My Father is the Creator Ra, my two Mothers are Isis and Mother Sekhment. Watch the behavior of Ga-Ga from this day forward, I'm put her energy on notice and let Creation deal with her. As a front for the NWO she has bent and twisted maybe millions of young minds who are know part of Thoth's programmed illusion like buying mobile phones when we have the ability to talk mind-to-mind while our ethers are polluted with microwave frequencies and the planet is surrounded with space junk looking more like a mind-field around a FEMA CAMP of barbed wire.

    I have codes I will not reveal here, but this deals with gays and lesbians not something designed by Creation. It was also a kick in the face of a Goddess energy to Bast, pronounced as Bust. What I uncovered from these photos disgusted me to how Ga-Ga can behave like a whore that she become, these images will shock you. I said the word 'address', and it also means 'a dress' and this dream was all about fashion and screenprinting a fashion label. It wasn't clear until the end, but let me tell you, its CLEARLY futher proof that the label was not only BLACK but filtered behind a white see-through top only Ga-Ga would wear in public and beneath the left breast cup was the word Truth that can be read as Troth, Throth and Through, all Thoth energies who is behind this veil. This false God has created his own light to fool light workers, he is like one of those prehistoric fish in deep dark waters that have a lantern to catch its prey. It is all becoming so clear to me who this dark energy is, as Enil-Jehovah that has a hold on this part of the cosmos and with Thoth.

    The address was Brains Road where I had a t-shirt screenprinting business back in the early 70's, and this video (above) begins with THE BRAIN of a Blonde Dildo matching a Barbie Doll mentality shown with the make-up videos below by the same person. The word 'troth' means 'truth', and like every lie, its back to front and that was shown to me graphically to my brother actions. This Thoth energy is becoming so up front and blantant since I have exposed it and I could tell you a lot more, but you would not understand my light language. It's a fine web and I its more confirmatiom. Humanity is really going to be so pissed, having been duped by a false god and it all too late, no one believes in the truth anymore.

    For ladies with big beautiful brown eyes make-up

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  horus Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:00 pm

    I did hear the subliminal words repeat, 'under alien skin'

    Ok for the people who don’t know the DEEPER meaning behind this commercial, and think it’s “CUTE” well I think it’s actually quite the opposite and VERY SCARY! Here’s why:

    1. The video title and COMMERCIAL itself is called: THE BRAIN!
    2. Just like I said in my previous posts, “THE OTHERS” aka ILLUMINATI, are using a very hush, hush Government project and strategy that highly works to BRAIN WASH people as you can see in this video.
    3. In the beginning, there are strange frequencies and radio transmitters with visuals that immediately puts you in an induced-like trance and hypnotizes you.
    4. When you hear them speak, it is not at all human form. It is robotic-like to relax your mind, to put you in a state of hypnosis.
    5. When you see Lady GaGa, she is covering one eye (the all seeing eye) in which by now I’m SURE you noticed that she does that quite a LOT in her music video’s as well as all of her pictures. Any other artist you see doing that, are apart of this society as well. There’s too much to name and list!
    6. You notice she is using a “HELLO KITTY BRUSH” that is another symbol. They want to start them young. A lot of them are easier to brainwash when they are children. Believe it or not, DISNEY is actually VERY satanic! Go do research on that and found out about the man who started DISNEY and actually how evil it is really meant to be. This lures the kids in cuz they want to start them young so they are forever slaves, when they grow up. For instance, Britney Spears!
    7. Notice the video keeps flickering and sending out weird noises, which they do in A LOT of pop music video’s today! The man who’s talking to her represents “THE DEVIL” he asks her what does she want in life? She says “I’ve been brushing for hours.” Translate that, it means she’s been working very hard her whole life to be “Famous” so now that they have come to her, she’s trying to brush away “REALITY” as she says “JUST TO MAKE SURE IT’S GONE” meaning, her life before she met the Devil, has to be thrown in the trash, to which she does. There are more symbols at that point that show some of the people involved, all powerful.
    8. The man says “I think it’s safe to say you’ve lost your mind” and she says “I know exactly where it is….in his belly, of course! The HUB OF THE CITY!” That means the big machine, the machine that owns all the mainstream media. The rich and powerful that are all in this Elite Society!
    9. Gaga then continues “I was scared at first” meaning she’s not sure if signing with the DEVIL is OK! I mean, the DEVIL??? Then she continues “POP ATE MY HEART, HE SWALLOWED MY BRAIN” Meaning, the Devil gave her an offer she couldn’t resist! Pop music is her heart and soul. She loves it, but then they “THE OTHERS” the “DEVIL” brainwashed her, and promised her if she signed her soul away, then anything she wanted, she would get it 10 fold! More than she could ever imagine! She would have the world at her fingertips! So how could she say no to that? It’s just her soul she’s giving away to to DEVIL so she could forevver be their puppet!
    10. Then the man asks her “So what else do you have to live for?” Since she has no soul left and nothing about her, heart, brain, soul, does not belong to her anymore. That is what his question means.
    11. Gaga then proceeds to answer his question of what else does she have to live for? And she says “THE FAME, OF COURSE!”

    Ok I hope you all got that now. There was a MUCH deeper message to that commercial, and only the people who know about “THE OTHERS” can totally see right through it, however, the kid’s can’t! They think it’s cool and will now follow and copy whatever she does! And she has to do whatever they tell her and if she does, they will continue to make her take over the world! USING HER as a human tool, a machine in disguise, to rot our brains and turn it to mush. Don’t you guys notice how everyday music video’s are becoming more and more satanic, dark , loads of overly sexual images, and VERY EVIL?? Oh don’t even let me start on deciphering each music video for you and what they all mean! I would have to write a freakin’ BOOK about all this ishh! *shudders*



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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Carol Mon Feb 14, 2011 4:19 pm

    Bazaar and just plain creepy. Thanks Horus from posting this. It's like watching Mad Max unleashed at the lower dungeon. Last night I had a dream where I went underground to warn the workers there about the toxic poisons and tell them to get out. I saw a small group of scientists totally immersed in their work running text on the computers (been having a lot of those type dreams dealing with coding) and ignoring the warning. They didn't plan to get out. Then I saw a small group of gorillas talking among themselves and to a couple of people as they all understood one another. It appeared that the gorillas were going to overtake the scientists and madmen.

    Are the gorillas the freedom fighters? Those beings that are going to help humankind? Or are they the reverse. One thing for sure. Change is imminent.

    Again... first image was volcanoes (explosive, dangerous, life threatening) and concern about toxic contamination to life.

    Second concern was rescue mission to save as many as possible.

    Third was scientists who reused to pay attention and were locked into their game plan but also recording data.

    Fourth was gorilla uprising which may be the masses rising up against the elite.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  CetaceousOne Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:26 pm

    Lady Gaga - Illuminati Puppet?

    That I agree with.

    Gay agenda?

    Please. Rolling Eyes

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Mercuriel Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:29 am

    CetaceousOne wrote:Gay agenda?


    Rolling Eyes

    This is not to say either perspective is correct or one I align with but the following Pic did not help in terms of those Rumors...

    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Ladygagapenispicheykobeteenagerphotopicturebeyonce

    The above Pic is just to promote further Information about this for those Who may not know what Horus was talking about in His Post. I just know that the Symbolism with Her - Rhianna and others to numerous to name is something that - As I see Them using It - Is the reason why I stay away from 'em.



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  LeeEllisMusic Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:17 am

    horus wrote: gays and lesbians not something designed by Creation.
    I need you to be perfectly clear as to what you're saying about gay people, Horus.

    I am sickened and offended by reading this anti-gay rant.

    Please explain yourself.

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Brook Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:44 am

    LeeEllisMusic wrote:
    horus wrote: gays and lesbians not something designed by Creation.
    I need you to be perfectly clear as to what you're saying about gay people, Horus.

    I am sickened and offended by reading this anti-gay rant.

    Please explain yourself.

    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  187111
    Coffee by my side, I must reply to this as well. I spent the better part of Valentines day due to this so called "enlightened" person exclaiming "love" and "light", and calls herself a "truth seeker". Her name is Sam Muggzi, and she has this huge following doing radio shows with people such as George Kavasellis (sp). But as I watched her and using my spidy senses, I could tell she was a fraud for one, but had a side to her that was dark and false. Well, someone sent me an email and I finally tore into her yesterday. Produced the "Valentines Day Massacre". I will leave the link below. To sum it up a bit, she was promoting a writer who is openly opposed to Gay lifestyle, and for years has done writing on it. The article she promoted on her 'enlightenment" page at facebook, was one of the worst I've seen in a while. Her comment even worse!

    I'm with you 100% Lee. This kind of archaic thinking has got to stop! Free agency to live your life as you see fit is called Liberty! I think I said that in my editorial. What also needs to stop is the exploitation of lifestyle. It simply is. But it seems much of mankind is swayed by such exploitation. In fact they savor it. Through Videos, and pictures promoting it as a "mantle", when it is simply a lifestyle. A preference. And is your God given right to choose. Did I say God given? I most certainly did! Free will!

    Now we as multidimensional beings, that of light-bodies have several aspects. Some being the Divine Feminine in part, and that of the Masculine. Now there are two things to consider upon coming into this world. What you decided was your contract. To be a man or a woman. But if you carry a polar to your human form that is stronger than the gender, guess what you have? It is simply a state of being. And guess what folks? The creator know of your very existence and is part of that as well. Because there is a part of the creator in everyone. Make no mistake about that! So to make a statement that gays and lesbians are not of the creator, is not correct . Not only that, it denies the creator in us all. Again it is not correct to assume such a bold statement.

    Furthermore there are some beautiful and courageous souls within the people of this lifestyle. Did I say courageous? You try to live an alternative lifestyle in this world of prejudice and intolerance! See if you can cut the mustard! It takes real strength of character to tell the world that you are different, and you count. Not only that you can do better things then they! Take a look at Jane Addams. An openly lesbian woman. She was the first American woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In a long, complex, career, she was a pioneer settlement worker, founder of Hull House in Chicago. A public philosopher (the first American woman in that role), sociologist, author, and leader in woman suffrage and world peace. She was the most prominent woman of the Progressive Era and helped turn the nation to issues of concern to mothers, such as the needs of children, public health and world peace. She emphasized that women have a special responsibility to clean up their communities and make them better places to live, arguing they needed the vote to be effective. Addams became a role model for middle-class women who volunteered to uplift their communities

    Now that took courage to live that lifestyle back then and overcome and do such great work. You know what? They do not teach a word of her in the schools system. That bill in question in that article would allow her works to come to light into the system. And those openly lesbian students would see that is a worthy role model indeed! Unlike the slanderous article of that woman I wrote the article about siting some guy who was a follower of Jim Jones. I lost it yesterday when I saw that article! Now you all know me, I'm not lesbian, nor am I bisexual. But when it comes to intolerance of this nature I get into a frenzy of anger and let it out on this "enlightened" spokesperson who in my mind is full of @#$%!!!!!!!!!!!.

    Now how can we as a society rise to the occasion if we cannot understand these very simple things, and appreciate life for what it is instead of judging? What's it going to take? Do you think those with that mindset are going to make it? I somehow doubt it.

    Okay then, I had my say...if you wish to see the beating I did on one Sam Muggzi Fraud who is running the streets with her 'program" attached to her rear it is...and Horus, you got some explaining to do.

    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  139717 guys...over and out!

    ps; I may as well add the article and the bill in question

    The bill in question

    Now the inflammatory Article written in bias

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Brook Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:09 am

    Darn, thought I was done......but this needs to be said as well. There is an overtly strong agenda of the religious order that would play on this topic as "sin" of the highest order. As such, this same woman is promoting Tim Turner.....a wing nut that states through some loopholes in the constitution he is now the elect president of the United States...and he has "DECLARED" this country a "CHRISTIAN NATION UNDER GOD". I think I did an editorial on that as well. But at the moment don't remember which one. Can you imagine for one moment these bible thumpers in a round up to repent or die by the hand of GOD? Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As of late, I see so much of this "program" I discovered and it is fat with religion, that would turn everyone to get ready for their precious Armageddon! Again I say if that's what it's going to take to wake these people up, give them their damned Armageddon! Maybe they might just wake up to find out some dang truth.

    [youtube]<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/youtube]

    I remembered the editorial..hehe

    Last edited by Brook on Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  HigherLove Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:28 pm

    My dog ate my gay agenda when I was a kid.

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  horus Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:38 pm

    Brook wrote:... and Horus, you got some explaining to do.
    I was expecting this wild reaction; it stirs up the truth no one wants to hear. In the past on other forums I usually detail my dreams in fine detail, but no one listens or understands anyway and this dream needs to be more clarified. This dream was all about the TRUTH and what I have uncovered about THOTH and it was an attack on the feminine goddess, call it a POKE in the FACE = Pokerface, it was a probe energy I took as a insult and went into a defense mode. I retract the lesbian part, that part was entered in error and done to raise the lid here so I could explain, but the gay part sticks because I've have had many remote-viewings showing freemasons poking each other in their rituals with their god in presence as if it was normal and I've questioned this behavior on many occasions. I can have a face-to-face conversation with a gay person and I respect his situation, but that’s all.

    I had an experience that was unexplainable back in the mid-seventies with a woman who looked like Bast (pronounced as 'bust') who is also a sister to Horus, and a bust bra grunge energy was part of it. This young woman looked like Barbara Streisand, and Barbara connects to the Barbie Doll energy. Barbara means 'stranger' or 'foreigner'. The bridge of Streisand's nose looks Mayan that of a American Indian, both those energies reflect Thoth and Chief Sitting Bull. Some people will never get it how this BRAIN has become part of everyone's lives and like a review of my current past, these programs have always been there, and for me to witness all this now in dreams and for it to happen back then, are triggers for me now is to totally expose it evil control.

    Bast was known as the Goddess of Lesbians, and I have no problems with Lesbians, and never had. At least they don't probe other passages. I just don't personally agree with poofs and over the years I encounter a false Christ-God energy as a bum-chum. You can't tell me our Creator designed our genitals to be used in any other manner than what it was designed for with a woman and not goats.

    I haven't finished yet on this subject because it comes back to my inner knowing to both DNA manipulation and when a soul chooses in a physical experience to become a woman or a man, only to be trapped in another body like some beautiful she-males with which have me both fascinated and why the X and Y chromosomes are totally screwed up; again it comes back to human genes and attached hosts during conception, what total screw-up. Some straight guy's jaws would drop to the size of she-male gentitals. I have seen it all in a macro-micro world environment with nano-bots. How do we know if all these chemtrails and genetic-modified foods are responsible for these abominations? And lastly, as far as personal parts on both male and female go, both are very sacred and I have gone to long lengths about this with Mother-Father, and my twinflame over a number of years. If Ga-Ga indeed has a god-given gift between her legs, God Bless her, it's what every woman wants to have a little wiener.

    What was written by a church website is not my view, I just think her moral behavior acting part-naked in public, feeds the dark agenda and sends out the wrong message to young boys. For me to take this much deeper some people are just not ready for the truth and the content will have me banned immediately and I have more pressing material to cover about Thoth, this is a distraction, that’s all just to delay what needs to be told.

    Ga-Ga is just expressing her own sexuality and fashion gets on the band-wagon. Madonna had her shot at it with her corset under-garments and her pointed bra and it gave woman back some of their suppressed sexuality. It also had Baal energy to the bullet bra fashion from the 50's. This post was directed to how the alien agenda are blatantly becoming open about a draconian-reptilian presence and their puppet manipulation with false idols and looking just like the Black Swan movie with Monarch Mind-control, they are matched.

    What will it take to wake people up, a surprise at your local Wal-Mart store and witness a uncloaked reptilian walking in public, I believe its gong to happen next and when the cops come, the creature has returned to a human form. Believe me, with the energy I carry as V8, the V codes I receive to the V TV-Series might just become a live event, now that’s a wakeup call.

    Ga-Ga is talented and has a beautiful voice, its a shame all videos give out the wrong message, just like the Nazi goose-steps and all the Masonic symbolism. The brain is Baal as Enil-Jehovah, my brother. I touched on this sounding like a Comic Conspiracy, and it was time for me to leave.

    Sodomy is a term used in the law to describe the act of "unnatural" sex, which depending on jurisdiction can consist of oral sex, anal sex, or any non-genital to genital congress, whether heterosexual, homosexual, or with human or animal.

    Sodom and Gomorrah have also been used as metaphors for vice and homosexuality viewed as a deviation. The story has therefore given rise to words in several languages, including the English word "sodomy", used in so-called sodomy laws to mean basically any sexual act deemed unnatural.

    A post on Abundant Dope covered gay material from Christ-Michael. It was totally out of context and a fabricated message typically coming from that website. Who is Candy and sugar coated?

    Last edited by horus on Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:57 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  HigherLove Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:39 pm

    Mercuriel wrote:quote]

    This is not to say either perspective is correct or one I align with but the following Pic did not help in terms of those Rumors...

    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Ladygagapenispicheykobeteenagerphotopicturebeyonce

    The above Pic is just to promote further Information about this for those Who may not know what Horus was talking about in His Post. I just know that the Symbolism with Her - Rhianna and others to numerous to name is something that - As I see Them using It - Is the reason why I stay away from 'em.


    HA! Well, the pic of Britney Spears did far more psychological damage to me than this. I dunno. I have never listened to her.

    She makes me weepy for the innocent days of Madonna and Donna Summer (also accused of being a transvestite). Yikes! Donna sang with Prince Poppycock... lol

    Now I have to throw away reason, and logic, and all that I feel and know in my heart...NOT!

    At least when Donna sings, I hear God.

    So, is the joke in this pic on Gaga, or Kobe?

    Moving on and moving along

    I may actually start a real agenda.

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Brook Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:49 pm

    What was written by a church website is not my view, I just think her
    moral behavior acting part-naked in public, feeds the dark agenda and
    sends out the wrong message to young boys. For me to take this much
    deeper some people are just not ready for the truth and the content
    will have me banned immediately and I have more pressing material to
    cover about Thoth, this is a distraction, that’s all just to delay what
    needs to be told.

    I get it now. I should have taken a better look. For those who do not know Horus, he writes in "dream scape", and you really have to be on it to understand it. Often times written in "layers" as well. The first time he wrote anything here he confused the heck out of everyone. For sure it takes some work. You just have to be able to see it. Not often easy to do.
    I figured as such in the first place, but I felt it was his place to tell you. And I was confident he had an explanation.
    Little clue, you have to think of it like a dream, and in the confusion of dreams comes clarity. Again often times hard to do, but no one I know dreams like Horus.

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Mercuriel Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:41 am

    Yeah I hear Ya about Donna Summer, etc. but please understand that I only posted the Pic to detail what had been said as well as the Controversy and where It originated.

    That stated - Heres something I'll add so as to give an inkling of My Mindset on this Issue...

    > Angelics are Hermaphodites. Arcturans are Hermaphodites and some Pleiadians are Hermaphodites...

    > We are to Intregrate Our Positive and Negative Aspects into a Christ Conscious perspective...

    > Positive in terms of Gender is Male and Negative in terms of Gender is Female. Both are Divine and a true division of what We are before Incarnation...

    > Twin Flames are the division of that Integrated Avatar into both of Its constituent Polarities and They can then Incarnate as a Male and a Female. This does not always occur as One or the other Polarity may elect to stay in Spirit but the Twin Flame is the Idea of Separating Oneself from what was Integrated - Into Two parts of the same Being - Separated...

    So with the above said - If We are to meet up with Our Twin Flames at some point so as to Integrate - And We are to Integrate Our Positive and Negative Natures into a Christ Conscious Nature - And Highly Spiritual and Technologically Advanced Races assisting Us to Evole are Hermaphodites Themselves - Then It seems that Evolution will take Us down a Path in the Future Now where We Integrate and become Hermaphodites...

    1 + 1 + 1 = 3...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  horus Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:43 am

    Mercuriel wrote:> Angelics are Hermaphodites. Arcturans are Hermaphodites and some Pleiadians are Hermaphodites...
    > Twin Flames are the division of that Integrated Avatar into both of Its constituent Polarities and They can then Incarnate as a Male and a Female. This does not always occur as One or the other Polarity may elect to stay in Spirit but the Twin Flame is the Idea of Separating Oneself from what was Integrated - Into Two parts of the same Being - Separated...
    I love the way you replied! I have many dreams where I am in the body of my twinflame as a woman.
    So lets imagine, I'm 6 feet tall, petite and I'm wearing hotpants, but where is my john thomas, its gone! lol!

    Yesterday I had a dream and I was wearing a red object on my head that was gift wrapped with a red Chistmas ribbon. This dream showed I was single and going to a night club and I met a DJ who was called WC who was giving out passes, he held the energies of WC Fields. In this dream I was talking to a stranger about the earth was going to tilt. I knew, but no one else was interested and the sunrise was going to rise up 2 hours earlier than usual at 2:10am instead of 4:10am and it had a PAO {Planetary Activation Organization) energy, but nothing to do with Sheldon Nidle. As I write this here, I'm getting a message to PLO and to ELO (Electric Light Orchestra). If you know the song Mr Blue Sky and the logo of ELO = Elohim. At the end of this dream on my way home I'm walking past a local water-hole and the location energy is Waterview, and Water Street in Fortitude Valley known for night clubs in Brisbane. WC is also short for a Water Closet or a Thunder Box. The common name for WC is a Thomas Crapper. Just what all this means sounds like the recent flooding of the Brisbane river and the Luggage Point Sewerage Plant going under water. Any shift in our axis may displace water.

    I played some WC Fields video's and everything is about WC Fields drinking water and spirits. I don't know what it all means but when I got home in this dream, this object was still on my head like a small red hat, and then I got a message, above this gift wrapped object was a medicine bottle that was carrying the WAIT BELOW and had to be taken with water. Was this a hangover cure from the night before and a ICE PACK MELT-DOWN? As a overview to all this wrap-up energy, it reminded me of a Stork carrying a parcel from above.

    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Preachingtothepreverted Helen means 'light' and I'm reddy!

    WC Fields Quotes

    UPDATE: The PLO-ELO connection. P sounds like E. During Cyclone Yesi I was given the name Yasser Arafat

    If these are starships, they are huge when you compare with the round-shaped Cyclone Yasi

    And 'Out of the Blue' was a message I recived from Mother on Sunday 13,
    'Out of the Blue, Nine will come and Nine will make it'
    When I recived this message, it felt like huge UFO's.

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Reunite Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:09 pm

    I think you still need to clarify because this doesn't make sense.

    horus wrote:What was written by a church website is not my view

    But you write this

    horus wrote:
    Bast was known as the Goddess of Lesbians, and I have no problems with Lesbians, and never had. At least they don't probe other passages. I just don't personally agree with poofs and over the years I encounter a false Christ-God energy as a bum-chum. You can't tell me our Creator designed our genitals to be used in any other manner than what it was designed for with a woman and not goats.

    So you don't have a problem with female on female, but don't agree with 'poofs' ( quite an offensive word for some BTW). As you claim having personal experience with false like Christ God energy, why place judgement on those who just share a similar sexual preference. Lesbians are still gay. Why have a different opinion on 'male' gays because of their physical body part? Especially since being in a dream state removes all physical illusions. I believe our creator designed our consciousness to experience any 'passage' we choose to. I have met plenty of gay men in my life to know most of them come from the heart centre.

    People who express their gay agenda are just projecting out their own insecurities.


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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  horus Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:26 am

    Reunite wrote:I think you still need to clarify because this doesn't make sense.
    Embrace these thoughts, has anyone really examined why there are gays in both genders. This may be a challenge to discuss, but out of it all may bring some revelations. I don’t wish to be disrespectful to gay men; I will retract that energy and hope this reply covers everything. My time limit is short here. I’m not here to judge you; I’m just trying to break this spell the illuminati had on young minds with marketing everything that conditions a slave race and unfortunately all aspects of humans are part of it. In many broken marriages; without a father figure can alter a young boy’s behavior, and likewise what makes girls vice versa, I personally know a situation. I am glad this post was placed; expressing thoughts of love can bring healing will come from it to what I will now cover. I’m bringing in some energy that will help me and I ask all those to open your hearts and tell your own story to him, Creator loves each one of us, but we must go really deep and make an effort.

    About a week ago I watched the movie called Unconditional Love. Please read

    You are who you are, and I have no problems with that. Women have always expressed deeper emotion than men, only because a man’s masculinity rules over his feminine side and spiritual ascension is about finding that balance. Some women are in dire straits also, no one escapes. To view two women sharing love in deep embrace is beautiful in my eyes, I’m not talking about penetration or hard porn. I’m talking about the romantic view of naked love. If I was a portrait painter, I would create such beauty on a canvas. Homosexual acts of love have to be part of our conditioning by a 3D program that dates back eons ago. I’ve had deep visions of groups of spiritual woman being taken by the Catholic Church and tortured during the religion inquisitions, and I’ve seen the instruments on the internet they used, so barbaric. I know what I am taking about because this post is stirring this up Dracula = Draconian.

    In my view, conception in 3D is seeding a incubator for the slave trade on this planet and contributed to the ‘downfall of man’. I have gone at long lengths discussing love at the point of conception with my twin-flame and I feel the true love that has been missing that is shared within and it brings a beautiful soul into this world. The Sacred Yoni and the Wand of Light is for procreation. God gave us pleasure centers, then we have some woman with their libido problems are so wound up with careers and the daily tread mill, and I’ve got a headache tonight love. Tantric Love between loving partners is pleasure and stimulates the Cosmic Orgasm. I believe twin-flames don't always need to engage physical contact; I’ve experienced it from the other side of the room. The love is so deep, it surrounds you. It all comes from within and you are both in that Cosmic Egg like one of those egg chairs. For eons of time human males have been conditioned like cold fish, leaving their wives to fight someone else’s bloody war as a puppet for a Draconian-Reptilian deity. Today, it’s fashionable male statement conquest to wham-bam-thank-you ma’am sort of thing and win so many fly-bye points to boost the male ego!

    How you feel about yourself within is more important and you have discovered it. Have you ever thought while you are a male, your boyfriend could be your twin-soul, now that’s puts a new twist on things, lesbians may be twin-souls and like so many, they properly haven’t even touched on this side of spirit or their sexuality.

    What would happen if every male in the armed forces embraced the way you feel right now, there would be no wars and everyone would embrace this love? In a sense, you have come out of your own shell, like thousands of others are doing it quietly. Homosexuality is now a marketing commodity creating a windfall of profit by these greedy illuminati and freemason factions. Ga-Ga has sold her soul totally, and from the little bit I have read, she does it for fame, and when she has burnt herself out, they properly have cloned copies of her. I know this false god Thoth. and when I touched on the Truth that Ga-G is part of a cover up, I picked up the subliminal voice of that BRAIN video saying ‘alien under my skin“, I’m saying that without a lie. Some people have discovering back-masking, all Satanic tones.

    So what is my view on prostitution then? I have no problems with them either. All I know is that in our past it was probably sacred in Temples. If I had too council a prostitute, she is still a goddess. Some of these women are healers in society, some woman love having babies, everyone to its own, as they say. My axe to grind is how the illuminati and the freemason secret societies have turned the Goddess into a whore for profit. Look how the Church treated Mary Magdalena.

    XXX Modern man: Wham bam thank you ma'am = the act of having sex without even bothering to try to get the woman to orgasm. Usually lasts for about five seconds.

    All I'm doing here is raising the lid on mind-control that is also subliminal by suggestion. Blame this false god and all the genetic X-Y mutations that goes back to our DNA, and the 10 strands of junk DNA that has lain dormant for how long? Image your deepest feeling wanting to be a woman trapped in a male form and vice versa. How disappointing the soul must have felt when puberty arrived, and you felt cheated by God, when it was a false one in the first place who screwed around with our genes. I know the real god, and my wrath towards these ones is going to be felt.
    This following image is Bast the Cat Goddess, she is my twin sister during the incarnation of Horus, I believe she is also a soul fragment of my Mother Sekhmet. Back in the early seventies as a owner of a textile printing business I dealt with many fashion labels. I have included two images of Barb-bra Streisand as look-a-like to Bast. This is what I said, a look-a-like. I employed only young school leavers who learnt to print by hand, textiles. In my ‘dream-state’ their names often pop up because I chose my staff on a spiritual foundation with star signs. The results spoke for themselves with a perfect working harmony; there were no constraints as they worked and chit-chat all together. A clock was never used to clock-in or out, if I ran late to work, they still got paid. I worked along side them as a co-worker and not like some slave drivers in 2011 who sit in an office like a CEO. I had one young lady who looked like Barbara Streisand; very quiet and spiritual and to this day she has been a mystery, but I believe now, its being revealed. I knew she was different from the rest and if I wanted to understand her, I would have to enter her space (aura) and feel her heart, because that’s were she came from. I feel these words are coming out after 40 years. This young woman dressed like a gypsy and on numerous occasions her agenda was seductive with her breasts shown beneath layers of see-through garments and that was the TRUTH energy. Honestly I never saw them, all the other girls did and they were teasing me. So where does all this fit, I believe it was a manifestation of Bast (Bust-Bra) and this dream confirmed it because I found a Egyptian energy to a-past-soul printing medium called plastisol, it was clear and spirit based and I only used it with Egyptian prints with foil.

    This is something like what I produced

    To those who do not understand, Thoth has mind-controlled humanity with a program and he hacks into dreams. In this case he was twisting the light of truth with his cover-up of dark energies.

    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Bastbarbra

    Bast - The Cosmic Orgasm
    The ancient Egyptians had hundreds of creation stories, in part because each of the major regional deities had their own creation myths before Egypt became the world’s first nation, but also because the ancient Egyptians recognized that their creation myths were metaphors for basic truths and they had plenty of room for additional creation truth. One of the major ancient Egyptian creation myths was about the Cosmic Orgasm. Originally there was the Chaos of Nun, a nether void without organization or theme.In the Chaos of Nun, the Cosmic Egg came into existence. The Cosmic Egg was the safe place for the combined deity Sekhmet-Bast. Among their many roles, the Goddesses Sekhmet and Bast represented the dichotomy of creation (Bast) and destruction (Sekhmet). After untold time the combined Goddess Sekhmet-Bast became lonely, so She split into two Goddesses, Sekhmet and Bast. The two Goddesses showered each other with love, engaging in lesbian sex in the Cosmic Egg. Their love was so great that they caused the Cosmic Egg to grow so large that the Cosmic Lotus had to come into existence just to support the weight. As the intensity of their lesbian sex grew, so did the Cosmic Egg and the Cosmic Lotus, emerging from the Chaos of Nun. In a blinding burst of light (Ra), Cosmic Orgasm burst open the Cosmic Egg, parting the Chaos of Nun and creating the universe.
    Kemetic names: Bast, Ba en Aset, Bastet, Pakhet, Pasch, Ubastet, Ubasti
    Greek names: Ailuros, Artemis, Kore Artemis (this energy was presant to Selene, the Moon Goddess).
    The hieroglyphs for Bast’s name are the bas-jar and the feminine ending ‘t’ , meaning “She of the bas-jar”. Bas-jars were heavy perfume jars, typically filled with expensive perfumes. Although Bast originated in ancient Egypt, this goddess was worshipped in a lot of other cultures, including the Greek, Roman (where she was the second most popular goddess among women, after Isis), Germanic, and others. The information on this web page combines variations of Bast from many different cultures, not just the original. For a presentation that sticks to the ancient Egyptian original, try

    Ta-Mera is one of several native names for the Two Lands of the Nile. In ancient artwork, Bast is typically shown as a beautiful girl with the head of a cat. She is commonly shown with black, white, yellow, or glowing skin. Sometimes She is shown as a light-skinned European girl with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She is often shown as fully cat. Bastet is the name of Bast when She is in fully cat form.

    According to E.A. Wallis Budge, Pasch is recorded in extremely ancient documents as being an older version of Her name. Some modern worshippers believe we get the modern English word “passion” from Pasch. Bast is an extremely ancient Goddess, long predating writing. She had many, sometimes contradictory, roles. NB: not all of the following was believed simultaneously. Beliefs about Bast evolved over thousands of years and the views under the Old Kingdom were significantly different than the Greco-Roman views, not to mention a wide variety of modern variations.

    When the people are on their way to Bubastis, they go by river, a great number in every boat, men and women together. Some of the women make a noise with rattles, others play flutes all the way, while the rest of the women, and the men, sing and clap their hands. As they travel by river to Bubastis, whenever they come near any other town they bring their boat near the bank; then some of the women do as I have said, while some shout mockery of the women of the town; others dance, and others stand up and lift their skirts. They do this whenever they come alongside any riverside town. But when they have reached Bubastis, they make a festival with great sacrifices, and more wine is drunk at this feast than in the whole year besides. It is customary for men and women (but not children) to assemble there to the number of seven hundred thousand, as the people of the place say.

    Bast is the Goddess of cats. In early Kemetic history she started as a Lioness Goddess like Sekhmet.
    Bast is the Goddess of the rising sun. When ra became popular Bast became the Eye of Ra (and a daughter of Ra).
    Bast is the Goddess of enlightenment.
    Bast is the Goddess of truth. This was a very early association.
    Bast is the Goddess of lesbians. This is connected to an ancient belief that lesbians were associated with truth.
    Bast is the Goddess of civilization, bounty, and plenty. This is because of an association with Aset (Isis) and became an especially popular view in the Roman Emprie.
    Bast is the Goddess of the household and protector of the home. This view developed in later Egyptian and Greek periods.
    Bast is the enlightened Maiden of the Triple Goddess. This started with the Greeks.
    Bast is the Goddess of Goddess of creation.
    Bast is the Goddess of sex, fertility, and birth. This was a Greek view.
    Bast is the Goddess of physical pleasures. This was a Greek view.
    Bast is the Goddess of bountiful positive energy.
    Bast is the Goddess of music, dance, and the arts. The priestesses of Bast were known for their erotic dance ritual, as part of the introduction of Bes worship and belly dancing into New Kingdom culture..
    Bast is the Goddess of the moon and possessor of the Utchat, the Eye of Her twin brother Heru Sa Aset [Horus]. This belief came from the Greeks and their association of Bast with Artemis.
    Bast is the Goddess of hemp and marijuana. This is a controversial association.

    Twin sister of Sekhmet and creators/destroyers of time and space. See Cosmic orgasm. Bast was a goddess of Lower Egypt and Sekhmet was a goddess of Upper Egypt and joining the two goddesses mirrors the Pharaoh. The connection between Sekhmet and Het Heret (Hathor) is a stronger connection than the connection between Sekhmet and Bast.


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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  horus Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:50 pm

    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Madonnatruth

    Now you know where the TRUTH is coming from, and THOTH is the VEIL stopping it from getting through!

    Ga-Ga is a porn-star as a 'Wanna-be Madonna' used like a figure head for mind-conditioning and programming. How many musicians and fans do you see using their hands with that horned jesture?

    In the veils of illusion, what you see is not really there, as all is projections created by thought consciousness for experience. The veils of illusion are part of the program of our reality brought forth in the metaphoric symbology. The veils fall away as the truth is revealed. To slowly remove the veils is to raise consciousness, frequency of thought, to come into balance and total awareness. Mysteries are veiled in secrecy. Veils shroud or distort the truth. The 'spaces between' the grid programs of reality are veiled by our thoughts which are bound within physical illusion.

    This image was given to me by Mother while I was preparing the other image. The word TRUTH was written as a fashion label to be seen through the veil I have now penetrated. I was given the word 'grunge' yesterday and it fits with all Madonna's outfits.

    Like a virgin

    Madonna was inspired by the Christian concept of the Virgin Mary for the album cover

    I made it through the wilderness
    Somehow I made it through
    Didn't know how lost I was
    Until I found you

    I was beat incomplete
    I'd been had, I was sad and blue
    But you made me feel
    Yeah, you made me feel
    Shiny and new


    Like a virgin
    Touched for the very first time
    Like a virgin
    When your heart beats
    Next to mine

    Gonna give you all my love, boy
    My fear is fading fast
    Been saving it all for you
    'Cause only love can last

    You're so fine and you're mine
    Make me strong, yeah you make me bold
    Oh your love thawed out
    Yeah, your love thawed out
    What was scared and cold


    Oooh, oooh, oooh

    You're so fine and you're mine
    I'll be yours 'till the end of time
    'Cause you made me feel
    Yeah, you made me feel
    I've nothing to hide


    Like a virgin, ooh, ooh
    Like a virgin
    Feels so good inside
    When you hold me, and your heart beats, and you love me

    Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
    Ooh, baby
    Can't you hear my heart beat
    For the very first time?

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  Reunite Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:40 pm

    Horus for the record I'm straight :)

    I have young parents who had a lot of gay friends who were killed off from the AZT in their medication once diagnosed with HIV. It's sad because the energy they shared was contagious in the right sense, a positive acceptance to all. I also was involved in the dance music industry as a DJ too and once again encountered many great souls from all sexual preferences so my experiences have been nothing but embracing.

    Lady Gaga is another story, looks like you have it covered.

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  horus Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:59 pm

    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Marytruthmadonna

    You want more proof showing the truth?

    In this same dream were other feminine energies. I can read energy signatures to first names. One was Selene and Rita, a graphic artist (Artemis) I knew and looked close to this image of Madonna and serves to identify the energy of Our Virgin Mother-Madonna, and why I was shown the bridal bustier for my last post. The clue was Veritas showing the first Christian name Rita. Singer/Actress Madonna is just a first name protocol energy. She has nothing to do with this dream, or the cult Madonna belongs to, I wish to make that very clear to my readers!

    Amrita is a Sanskrit word that literally means "immortality", and is often referred to in texts as nectar. The word's earliest occurrence is in the Rigveda where it is one of several synonyms of soma, the drink which confers immortality upon the gods.

    Rita as a girl's name is pronounced REE-tah. Short form of Margarita (Spanish), from Margaret (Greek) "pearl". Use in Hindi is from Sanskrit, meaning "right". First used as an independent name a few hundred years ago.

    Madonna as a girls name is pronounced ma-DAH-nah. It is of Italian origin, and the meaning of Madonna is "my lady". A form of respectful address, like the French "madame". Also used by Catholics to signify the Virgin Mary, or a work of art depicting her as a mother. Made familiar in modern times by singer/actress Madonna.

    Artemis was one of the most widely venerated of the Ancient Greek deities. Some scholars believe that the name, and indeed the goddess herself, was originally pre-Greek. Homer refers to her as Artemis Agrotera, Potnia Theron "Artemis of the wildland, Mistress of Animals". In the classical period of Greek mythology, Artemis was often described as the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo. Artemis later became identified with Selene, a Titaness who was a Greek moon goddess, sometimes depicted with a crescent moon above her head. She was also identified with the Roman goddess Diana. Selene was an archaic lunar deity and the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia. In Roman mythology, the moon goddess is called Luna, Latin for "moon".

    The above woodcut in graphic. A beautiful naked woman is holding the sun in her right hand and fixing her eyes on it. In the other hand she holds an open book and a palm leaf, and under her foot the globe of the world. Truth is the custom of the soul to keep the tongue on a right path and to be faithful to the things she is speaking or writing about, that is, to assert always equally and without changing what is or to deny what is not. We represent her naked, thus attesting her natural plainness. Euripides says in the Phoenician women that it is a plain thing to speak about truth, and that she does not need vain discussions, for she is enough for herself. The same is told also by Aeschylus and by Seneca in his fifth letter: that truth is plain speaking. This is why we paint her naked, as we told, and let her wear no ornaments. She holds the sun, thus showing that truth is friend of light, what is more, she is the clearest light which lights everything that exists. We can also say that she beholds the sun like God without whose light there is no truth, and He is the truth itself, as our Lord Christ told: I am the way, truth and life. The open book shows that books speak about the truth of things, and this is also the purpose of scholarship. The palm leaf means the force of truth. As it is well known that palm tree does not bend under any weight, thus neither truth bends under the pressure of opposing things; and even if many attack her, she rises and grows high. Besides, palm leaf is also a sign of steadfastness and victory. The globe of the world under her feet means that she stands above every thing of this world, and being of divine origin, she is more valuable than those.

    In Roman mythology, Veritas, meaning truth, was the goddess of truth, a daughter of Saturn and the mother of Virtue. It was believed that she hid in the bottom of a holy well because she was so elusive. Her image is shown as a young virgin dressed in white.[1] Veritas is also the name given to the Roman virtue of truthfulness, which was considered one of the main virtues any good Roman should possess. In Greek mythology, Veritas was known as Aletheia.

    The word Madonna is a Medieval Italian word for a gracious and a righteous woman. The term has been used in reference to the representation of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.

    Singer/Actress Madonna
    Madonna wanted the album title to make provocative link between her own religious name—Madonna as the Roman Catholic title for Jesus' mother Mary—and the Christian concept of the virgin birth. With the title song alluding to this concept, Madonna wanted the album cover to have mixed messages as well. Reclining on a silk sheet, with a bouquet on her lap and wearing a wedding dress, a closer inspection reveals Madonna's image as highly fetishized and sexualized. According to Graham Thompson, author of American culture in the 1980s, the heavy make-up, pouting lips, and despoiled hair, along with the tight-fitting bustier and full-length gloves, turned Madonna's image into a figure not of virtue, but of desire. This point, according to Thompson, is further emphasized by the belt she is wearing, the wording on which is just visible as "Boy Toy". He added: "The image was ambiguous and was based upon the fact that Madonna's appeal at that point of her career was not presenting herself just as an object of desire, but also as a desiring female subject". William McKeen, author of Rock and roll is here to stay: an anthology, felt that the image was another trigger and testament to the fact that Madonna was the last word on fashion for women and young girls of that era, the epitome of cool. Madonna herself declared: "I have always loved to play cat and mouse with the conventional stereotypes. My Like a Virgin album cover is a classic example. People were thinking who was I pretending to be—the Virgin Mary or the whore? These were the two extreme images of women I had known vividly, and remembered from childhood, and I wanted to play with them. I wanted to see if I can merge them together, Virgin Mary and the whore as one and all. The photo was a statement of independence, if you wanna be a virgin, you are welcome. But if you wanna be a whore, it's your f--king right to be so.


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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  HigherLove Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:41 pm

    LeeEllisMusic wrote:
    horus wrote: gays and lesbians not something designed by Creation.
    I need you to be perfectly clear as to what you're saying about gay people, Horus.

    I am sickened and offended by reading this anti-gay rant.

    Please explain yourself.

    For the heart:

    Donna Summer: 'The Impossible Dream"

    <object width="480" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="390"></embed></object>
    For the funny bone (this is REALLY Gay!):

    No Homo: That's Gay

    <object width="480" height="390"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="390"></embed></object>

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    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  HigherLove Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:14 pm

    LeeEllisMusic wrote:...I am sickened and offended by reading this anti-gay rant...

    I was reminded that forgiveness is the way out:

    Remembering who we are:

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    Posts : 2357
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    Age : 59

    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  HigherLove Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:47 pm

    Always one of my favorites (although I stopped going to a Pentecostal church and came out shortly after Madonna released "Papa Don't Preach"; I had destroyed my entire collection for my church, and "True Blue" was the first albmum I purchased when I broke free -- that and Janet Jackson's "Control").

    None of these songs or artists made me gay, but they sure know how to get one to accept themselves in a celebratory manner.


    Nothing Really Matters

    When I was very young
    Nothing really mattered to me
    But making myself happy
    I was the only one

    Now that I am grown
    Everything's changed
    I'll never be the same
    Because of you


    Nothing really matters
    Love is all we need
    Everything I give you
    All comes back to me

    Looking at my life
    It's very clear to me
    I lived so selfishly
    I was the only one

    I realize
    That nobody wins
    Something is ending
    And something begins

    [chorus, repeat]

    Nothing takes the past away
    Like the future
    Nothing makes the darkness go
    Like the light

    You're shelter from the storm
    Give me comfort in your arms

    [chorus, repeat and fade]

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    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  HigherLove Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:57 pm



    Don't look at me

    Every day is so wonderful
    Then suddenly, it's hard to breathe
    Now and then, I get insecure
    From all the pain, I'm so ashamed

    I am beautiful no matter what they say
    Words can't bring me down
    I am beautiful in every single way
    Yes, words can't bring me down
    So don't you bring me down today

    To all your friends, you're delirious
    So consumed in all your doom
    Trying hard to fill the emptiness
    The pieces gone, left the puzzle undone
    Is that the way it is

    You are beautiful no matter what they say
    Words can't bring you down
    You are beautiful in every single way
    Yes, words can't bring you down
    Don't you bring me down today...

    No matter what we do
    (no matter what we do)
    No matter what we say
    (no matter what we say)
    We're the song inside the tune
    Full of beautiful mistakes

    And everywhere we go
    (everywhere we go)
    The sun will always shine
    (sun will always shine)
    And tomorrow we might wake on the other side
    All the other times

    We are beautiful no matter what they say
    Yes, words can't bring us down
    We are beautiful in every single way
    Yes, words can't bring us down
    Don't you bring me down today

    Don't you bring me down today
    Don't you bring me down today

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    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet  Empty Re: Mind-Controlled Lady Gaga, the Illuminati Puppet

    Post  HigherLove Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:12 pm

    This could lead to dancing (sorry). :op

    An Easier Affair

    Here comes one for the ladies
    For the ones who love me
    To think I thought I could be some kind of family man
    I told myself I was straight
    But I shouldn’t have worried
    ‘Cos my Maker had a better plan for me

    And I’m dancing with the freaks now
    I'm havin’, I’m havin’ so much fun
    What you sow is what you reap now
    I’ll do my dance with everyone
    I’ve been getting too much Sun
    (Yes I’m dancin’ with the freaks now)
    We’re havin’, we’re havin’ too much fun for them
    Look who’s talking Guilty feet now…

    Well let me tell you people
    It’s an easier affair
    Not living my life with other people on my mind
    No, got nothing to hide from anyone
    Yes, I’m walking on new air
    Just living my life
    Better believe I'm gonna get what’s mine
    See I don’t have the time
    For the haters

    And all the time that I wasted
    How careless of me
    Too young and stupid to see
    I put my life in their hands
    (Gonna look for Cupid, man)
    Oh, and I know that they want me to hate them
    There’s no hurry
    I’ll just have to be the bigger man

    Dancin’ with the freaks now
    I’m havin’, I’m havin’ so much fun
    What you sow is what you reap now
    I’ll do my dance with everyone
    I’ve been getting too much Sun
    If I turn the other cheek now
    Would that be, would that be too much fun for them?
    Look who’s talking
    Guilty feet now…

    Well let me tell you people
    It’s an easier affair
    Not livin’ my life with other people on my mind
    No, got nothing to hide from anyone
    ‘Cos I’m walking on new air
    Just living my life
    Better believe I’m gonna get what’s mine
    See I don’t have the time for the haters

    Don’t let them tell you who you are is not enough
    Don’t let them tell you that it’s wrong
    Or that you won’t find love

    Don’t let them use my life to put your future down
    Don’t let them tell you that happiness can’t be found

    For my life

    Take it to the streets
    There are stories you can keep
    They’re just passing you by

    Don’t let them tell you who you are is not enough
    Don’t let them tell you that it’s wrong
    Or that you won’t find love

    Don’t let them use my life to put your future down
    Don’t let them tell you that happiness can’t be found

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