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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates


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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:00 am

    All unverified by me.

    Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa August 30 2010

    For some time we have been helping you ease your way into thinking along the lines of the new paradigm. Not only will that lift it onto a new level, but you will also be helping to manifest it. The success of it can already be seen around you, as people are following a new way of looking at life. The realization that it can be much better than you are used to is creating demands for changes, which will bring you what you desire. It is course embodied in the heart of what you know as NESARA, and many of those benefits are ready to be passed on to you. You have been thrown into serious difficulties because of the financial meltdown, and although attempts have been made to overcome it the old system cannot be restored. In spite of the enormous bail out it has failed, and a new system is waiting in the wings to replace it. You will by now have heard of plans to go back to one that is based upon precious metals, and that will produce stability and enable debts to be at least reduced if not completely cancelled. You will also most likely have heard that your tax system has also operated in an unlawful and unfair manner, and that too will be addressed.

    You are looking at major changes all around you once the necessary conditions have been set up. We cannot do that directly ourselves but have our many allies who are well aware of what is required of them. Once we have dealt with the problems that beset you on a day-to-day basis, a great feeling of hope will spread amongst you. It will be seen that our promises are truly intended to lift you all up, and return to you that which you have been wrongly denied. All of our actions are set to return you to a point in your evolution that you should have already reached. Those responsible for holding you back will have been removed, and faith in your leaders will have been restored. The dark Ones have reached the end of their reign, and no amount of subterfuge, covert actions or attempts to blackmail or threaten people will restore them to power. The power has always rested with you, and soon you will see your visions of a new world fulfilled. Everything has been carefully planned, and when we move into action it will be swift and very thorough.

    The changes to ensure your promised future will be the fulfillment of all that has been planned, and are overseen by St. Germain and a host of heavenly Beings. It has been brought into place over millennia of time, in anticipation of the end times. It was foreseen that the low vibrations on Earth would attract the dark Ones, and what would result from it. Therefore plans were made to remove them as soon as the Light became the dominant energy, and when their power was diminishing. That time has arrived and with the levels of human consciousness increasing so quickly, there is now a higher vibration that is awakening people to the truth. St. Germain is the Founder of a world trust fund that was set up a long time ago. It will be able to support a new financial system and enable a fair distribution of wealth. St. Germain's message is that you should let Love and Light be your guide as you take your path to freedom, and know that the heavenly hosts are with you all of the time.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:33 am

    Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael August 30 2010

    Dear Ones,

    At this time many of you are at a crossroads. You have opportunities to raise your consciousness, to raise your vibrations to new heights, or you may stay with the status quo you have achieved and continue on in this way. There is no right or wrong Dear Ones; it is a personal choice which each one of you must make. It is a personal choice for each one of you as to how long you choose to remain in the lower vibrations. There comes a time in your spiritual growth when you will reach a plateau, and it is easiest to take the path of least resistance, in this case remaining at the plateau which you have spent much time, much dedication and perseverance, in achieving, and reaching this level of growth. We tell you, Dear Ones, that you must keep on reaching for the higher level. You must polarize the higher level, you must begin to magnetize the next higher lever to you, even as you are achieving, integrating and bringing into balance and harmony, the level at which you now reside. These levels also coincide with the initiations you must pass to continue to new levels of spiritual growth.

    There is a time of integration, balancing, and harmonious acceptance as you settle at a new level of spiritual growth. As you integrate new concepts, new truth, the old truth which was yours, is replaced with a new and higher truth. This is the path of spiritual attainment. One may call it climbing the spiritual ladder; one may call it climbing a spiritual mountain. It matters not, the words used for description. You must understand that you will rise up the path, and you will fall back on the path, you will rise up on the path and fall back. It is as if there is an ebb and flow in your integration, and you must stay focused as you experience the ebb and flow, so that you ultimately move up the path. You must remain in your dedication and your truth and your diligence.

    We ask you now that as you achieve a new level of spiritual growth that you do not "rest on your laurels." We know you are weary, we know you are tired, but we ask you, Dear Ones, to be the greatest and highest version of your Selves that you can possibly be. We ask you to persevere, to stand in your light, and to raise your light quotient to the highest level that you are capable of holding with ease and grace. We ask you to continue on the path, once you have integrated the last segment of truth and wisdom and growth that you have attained.

    Move forward once again, Dear Ones, reach up the spiritual ladder to the next step. The rungs of the spiritual ladder are not linear. You may be on one step of the ladder, yet reaching up into the higher steps, the higher rungs of the ladder for much greater truth and wisdom. Allow yourselves this great movement, Dear Ones. Allow yourselves to step out of linear time, as you see it. Allow your Selves to continue your path, expanding and ever increasing your wisdom and your truth. You must go within your heart center as you become comfortable at a level of attainment. Your will know when this time is. You will instinctively know that you have achieved a new level. You must go within your heart center and be within the love of your Sacred Heart. You must ask for the strength, the courage, the wisdom, and the vigilance, and the dedication to continue on.

    Galactic Federation Of Light Alpha Ship August 28 31 2010

    Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

    Despite the painful events that are occurring in some localized spots on the planet, realize that people of all nations of the world continue with their local festivities, enjoying their family lives, or sharing their leisure time with friends. And those that reflect this attitude are the majority. You can go to a village in Africa, India, including Haiti, after all that has happened, and is happening, but nonetheless still see children playing happily in the streets of their village, their town or their city.

    The sorrows are soon forgotten, and man recovers his joy and spontaneity, because his true nature is to be happy. Nobody wants to suffer in their life for a long time, and people try to shorten any pain and to return to adopt a happy attitude as quickly as possible.

    The human being, once he has harmonized and balanced the scale of all wrong doings with the altruistic actions of his past, of all the lives spent on this planet, takes on the state of bliss that corresponds truly to a human being, because he is a creation of the Divine Creator, made, in essence, in His very image and likeness.

    This Act, valid and applicable to all human beings on the planet, is also reflected in the times that we are now living, in transition towards a New Age of Light. When a human or animal becomes ill, after an incubation period of the illness, there is a small crisis before the body expels of its ailment and recovers its health and well-being again.

    This situation also occurs in Gaia, in your beloved Planet Earth, which is also an intelligent living organism itself.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Thu Sep 02, 2010 9:41 pm

    Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle August 31 2010

    Selamat Balik! We return in the midst of great negotiations that are preparing to bring your world to the point of transformation. The dark cabal has forged its own demise with its relentless greed and hubris. The next financial collapse is approaching unabated, and shows up clearly on the dark's radar screens. All those in the know financially are deeply concerned about the global economy, but their expressions of misgiving merely touch the surface of what lies ahead. The dark cabalists' desire to save their own skins from their fiscal irresponsibility has been dashed by the inescapable fact of their deeply flawed financial constructs. The present monetary and economic system is riddled with fault lines that are now coming apart and a radical fix is the only way forward. Our Earth allies have positioned themselves in such a way that the only way for this fix to manifest is by means of the proposals they first introduced nearly a decade ago. A majority of those in the financial world understand this clearly and very much want to get on with it. An immense force for change is building around the dark's minions.

    The switch to a new system of finance necessitates a commensurate change in who controls government. Over the millennia, the dark cabal's rule has been unchallenged; the obstacles now springing up around them are unprecedented. That their desires are being set aside by various influential players in the global economy is deeply shocking to them, and they are amazed that their tried-and-true tactics for squashing such insolence are unable to prevent a growing rebellion. This inability to maintain a hitherto undisputed preeminence is spreading panic in the ranks of the cabal, as they watch many nations secretly plotting to dethrone the dark's chief instrument, the UN corporatocracy, and they are becoming truly desperate. In the 1940s, this dark ruling cadre set up a world system that is now on the point of collapse, yet it doggedly refuses to yield to new ways or new circumstances. It is this intransigence that has spurred the present series of secret meetings by others in the power elites, and these are producing a cogent strategy for drastically loosening the grip of this still-powerful corporatocracy.

    The monetary troubles of the US corporate government are a major key to this strategy: over the past few years, the implausible fiscal policies of this government and its associates have brought them to this impasse as a debt of unfathomable proportions becomes due. This debt lacks any legitimate instruments to stay the inevitable, which is why recent machinations on the part of the Federal Reserve Bank have failed to produce any efficacious result. A series of astute legal maneuvers by our Earth allies have led several small nations to seek redress of fiscal grievance for debts accrued at the hands of this invasive corporatocracy, and this adds to the legal prosecutorial portfolio being prepared by our Earth allies. A major bankruptcy and its consequences are anticipated. This lineup of sundry legal actions is to force the illegal US government from power; the world community can no longer afford to tolerate the injurious policies of this rogue regime. An about-face in global fiscal policy is now at the eleventh hour!

    Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa September 1st 2010

    We know that these messages are received mainly by the converted, which have stirred within and sensed the importance of these times. Others take a passing look but if it does not fit in with their present mindset, it will remain outside of their thinking. However, nothing that you read or hear is without its value, and a new idea can lay dormant for a while and then come to life. This is where you all come in, as without being seen to try and impose your views upon others, both your word and actions are subconsciously noted. With the nearness of the end times, such contacts are so necessary to awaken those who still live in the lower vibrations. There is of course the greater awakening that is affecting the Human Race as a whole, but the energies being beamed to Earth take time to lift people up. Before long we will be amongst you, and before our arrival you will have been given much information by way of an introduction to us. This will be yet another means of reaching out to you, and it is difficult to see very many people not responding to the idea that we are All One. Having said that, it will be time to embrace the fact that there is only the one Omnipotent God within which every soul exists. Whatever name you use to call God is unimportant, but there must be a coming together of the different religions. You have much in common, and it will help immensely if God is seen as All Loving where every single life form is concerned. It is only Man who separates and divides, and those differences must be healed.

    If souls still have the desire to remain as separate entities, then that choice will be theirs and accepted. However, it will hold back their evolution, but since life is infinite they will still advance on the path of their choosing. Help will be given to them as all other souls until they have ascended. You are in fact never alone even within the depths of the lower vibrations, although it may seem otherwise. You are never without God at your side, and you often walk in God's footsteps, and if you deny God it makes no difference. When matters get out of hand, God is still there with you trying to lift your spirits with the Love that knows no limit. In the present times you need your faith more than ever to carry you through them. It will be rough for some people, but whatever your experiences they will not remain for much longer.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:03 pm

    Galactic Federation Of Light Ashtar August 24 2010

    Well good evening! We are so pleased to be here! This is a monumental evening, and we want to start by thanking all of you who have come and all of you who will be reading the message who are also invited to join in. We have an opportunity here, an opportunity for Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude -- all in one beautiful gathering of our Beloved Ashtar Family.

    "Now, as we put out the message that was written to all of you inviting you to come and be a part of this special mission, we recognize that there were some things that were perhaps a bit unique, things that we have not done before, such as giving you the link to that beautiful youtubie.* There are many, many, many such videos but we chose that one and we directed the Voice to that particular one, she didn't look at others for that particular song. And for all of those who saw it, we thank you, and for all of those who have yet to see it, we thank you.

    Galactic Federation Of Light Uriel, September 2 2010

    All that comes to you in life is a gift, every person on your path is a giver and love is the in the receiving, the gift and the giver. Receiving helps you close cycles, balance energies, release contracts, love and value yourself, and prepare for new cycles of being. You cannot be an effective giver if you are not also willing to receive for gifts are without value if they cannot be received. There is fear of obligation, unworthiness, owing others and rekindling karma with receiving but in truth, these things are what could happen if you do not receive.

    The gift of love comes to you in many ways, not all of which you would view as love. Often it is disguised in the form of karma, challenge and loss. Other times it appears as lessons in power and commitment, which cause you pain and sorrow. You think of the gift of love as being wonderful, kind, gentle and thoughtful but it is the full measure of the resolution, clearing, forward movement and ascension potential you have asked for.

    The gift is the release from the most dense of third dimensional energies. When you judge the gift because it brings you pain stead of joy, the giver because you feel they are your enemy or the love because it does not make you feel good, you have missed an opportunity for healing. Each gift you accept becomes a light shining in your life to help you achieve your overall goal of release that which limits your soul's healing journey. And within each act of receiving is the closure you need to release fear and other energies that you see as blocks on your healing path. They are not blocks, they are simply energies you agreed to transmute into their higher aspects and release them from the earth's grid.

    Each teacher is someone who loves you, not from your romantic view, but from the position that they have agreed to be the mirror of some aspect of your energy. Those who live through their darkness help you find your light. Those whose actions are abuse, mistrust and powerlessness are giving the gift of peace, freedom, power and joy. Find the gift of love in each thing so you can bless, appreciate and release the giver, know that each gift and giver is love and then receive the gift with gratitude and give yourself the gift of healing and closure.

    Shared with Love

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:00 am


    Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa September 3 2010

    You are moving so far ahead of the dark Ones, that they have no hope of altering the outcome. They have no answers to the growing Light levels, and can only persist with their attempts to stop you reaching Ascension. Their nature is to follow what worked previously, but you have become much wiser and are no longer easily fooled. You now have the power and it cannot be taken from you, providing you continue to keep your focus on the Light. You will be helping create the conditions that will lead to the changes destined to give you to victory over the dark Ones. Already there is confusion in their ranks as it becomes obvious that they are losing their way. There is also a global revolution against them, as the truth about them is becoming known.

    We would ask you not to relax your efforts to bring more Light to Earth, as the more successful you are the sooner our Allies can come to the fore. Although the main focus is upon activities in the U.S., the fact remains that there are other countries that will play an important role at this time. They have had to work in unison to face the might and power of the Illuminati, and have made a stand against them. Fortunately for all concerned, we monitor such events and are able to give assistance when needed. In reality we always have the edge, because of our resources and advanced technologies. We have had to smile at times because of the audacity of the Dark Ones, believing that we would allow them to develop a Space Wars System. Off Earth we have the last word in matters such as this, and we have prevented weapons of mass destruction being positioned in Space.

    We are able to keep one step ahead of the dark Ones because we know of their plans. They have no real answer to the predicament they have landed themselves in. All they can think of is how to escape the inevitable time when they will be ousted. Be assured that there is no escape, even although they have the benefit of advanced technologies that you have little knowledge of. One day they will answer for all of their actions, and it is no different for them to anyone else. That is why we urge you to allow matters to evolve naturally, as your prime concern should be upon your Ascension. You are going to join the company of Beings similar to your ascended selves, and will leave the old dimension behind for good. However, some of you may choose to drop into the lower level again in the interest of serving others, and service is the criterion for all who move into higher dimensions.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:08 am


    Galactic Federation Of Light Alpha Ship September 3 2010

    Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

    September opens its doors, while October will be the month in which many great things will happen in your world. We are anticipating this for you, because maybe this way many people who are doubtful regarding the veracity of our messages could then have a stronger proof that the information we are transmitting to you is authentic.

    October will be a month of much activity, a very 'busy' month -as you would say- and it will be in preparation for the following month, November, which will also be of special relevance because during the month of November new and powerful waves of cosmic energy will arrive on your planet. Their impact on the surface of the Earth will help open more and in a better way many minds to our beneficial influence, ours and that of the White Brotherhood of the planet whose Masters are doing extraordinarily beneficial work on the evolution process of the human race in these current times.

    The Galactic Federation joins forces with the Masters of the White Brotherhood, the pure and pristine hierarchy striving continually to overcome the darkness, not by fighting against it, as that would be absurd and useless (and they know this), but their action is concentrated on fomenting and increasing the Light from the outside, and especially from within the consciousness of all incarnated human beings. The joint action of both sides has become such a powerful astral and luminuos force that it is cornering the retrograde forces, making them recede more and more with great impetus. It is a true battle between good and evil, in order to uproot the evil for a long time at least, if not forever, from the face of the Earth.

    Last edited by JesterTerrestrial on Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  lindabaker Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:24 am

    Thank, JT for your efforts. I have gone back and forth in my skepticism on this communication. While it all seems so encouraging and helpful, I still wonder about the source. The Ashtar Command material that surfaced in the 1990's was highly suspect in origin, so I remain confused. I will listen carefully to these recent transmissions. Wouldn't it be lovely if it were all really true? I'm still having trouble, though, with the original idea from this source, that says Jesus (Sananda)is up in a spaceship watching over us. That seems like it could be manipulative, especially for the "Jesus Is Lord" crowd (I see a lot of them in the South). It would also be a clever manipulation for those who think that our guides Must be embodied, and cannot be in other realms, in order to communicate. Maybe I'm going over an old controversy here, but I still have not figured it out. Maybe we could get lawlessline to dowse these transmissions. There's a new dowsing thread, so should I ask? Or am I stepping on Jester Toes? Linda

    p.s. Archangels really do exist in case anyone has doubt that I believe it. Be-live is the proof.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:44 am

    SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SOON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon! SoOn! SoOn! sOOn! SoON! Soon! sOoN! soon!


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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:26 pm

    I can not prove these messages to be truth or lies. Posted as is! NOW!!! :)

    Galactic Federation Of Light Master Hilarion September 5 2010

    Beloved Ones,

    The coming week will bring much flux in terms of energy flow, with feelings of joy and happiness in the morning followed by moodiness, withdrawal or extreme sensitivity by evening. Try to anticipate this before it occurs by watching for cycles of occurrence and taking note of this and be patient with yourselves and others, for the energies now coming in are re-aligning your energy fields in a way that will bring in more life force energy and this will be felt particularly in the lower chakra regions. Practicing deep breathing to bring balance is very beneficial at this time as well as the drinking of more water so that the energy can flow more harmoniously through you. If you feel the energy being 'stuck' in one particular chakra, getting out in Nature and walking briskly will help to move this energy in a more balanced flow through all your chakras, revitalizing and empowering each chakra as it flows through you. Intending this to happen will make it so.

    This is a testing time for all and will continue to be so in the months ahead. Your bodies are being transformed at an incredible rate, if you could but see it, but as it stands now, you only feel the various discomforts that occur within you such as great heat waves that come suddenly so that you feel that you will combust if you do not cool yourself down in some manner. Most of you are steadily feeling the energy flowing through your feet and have noticed this flow is getting stronger each day. Remember to state your intention to serve as a transducer of the powerful energies that are coming in and that they are grounded into the core of Mother Earth. As you do this, you will begin to feel the pulsation of the Earth and become more attuned to what is happening within her. Many of you have been feeling this for some time now and have sent your energies to the core with the intent that it be used by Mother Earth wherever she's needing it the most and in this way have averted many drastic Earth changes.

    Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa September 6 2010

    The power that you have could not be better illustrated than how the Lightworkers although a minority, have overcome the lower energies. They have also as individuals been able to lift themselves out of their pull, and established the Light. In carrying it with them they have the affect of enlightening others. Such ones are the backbone of our allies, and take much credit for creating the new paradigm. Those dear souls that hover between the Light and dark are awakening, and soon they will have to make a decision as to whether they will evolve into the Light. Certainly the questions are arising in their minds, and as we have noted previously there is a reluctance to move out of their comfort zone. After many lives in a particular mindset, it is difficult for them to change direction. However, there is a plan to ensure that they understand what the choice is, so that there are no regrets once Ascension has taken place. So we must say that you have no need to concern yourselves about souls, as they will ultimately make the correct choice for themselves.

    As you might imagine, once the real changes commence people will be unable to ignore them. They will be so sweeping that it will soon be apparent that a new Earth is being birthed. They will soon receive the support of the majority of them, so that the benefits will be clearly seen. One by one the problems that plague you now will be overcome, and in such a way that it will be obvious that the results are permanent. To root out the corruption that infests most governments will be welcomed, as people are not that blinkered that they cannot see what is going on. That change alone will give them great hope for the future, particularly when they understand that those souls appointed to replace them are of the Light. They will appointed by us as an interim measure, and in due course more candidates of the Light will come forward. Then you shall see what a government for the people can really achieve. It will bring people together and a great community spirit will result, and they will want to play their part in it and bring great happiness into being.

    As more people than at present visualize a new Earth, it will help speed up its manifestation. As we of the Galactic Federation help organize the cleansing of the Earth, a completely new era of cooperation will begin. At last you will see hope for the future, and eagerly work for the changes knowing how wonderful the results will be. Quickly the old vibrations and their influences will begin to disappear, and the truth about your true potential will become known. Arguments and contention between groups with different beliefs will be set aside with revelations about your true selves, and most importantly your godselves. You created the differences between you although it must be said, that you were encouraged to do so by those who gained power by keeping you separated.

    Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle September 7 2010

    Selamat Jaran! We return with more information about your world, Mother Earth, and your ascension into full consciousness. In our last few messages, we focused on the history of the UFO cover-up and the Anglo-American contingent of the dark cabal. We talked about how this group, whose ultimate intention was to become the favorite of their Anunnaki overlords, was following a grand scheme hatched several decades ago. This scheme was to reach maturity in the mid-1990s, but the abrupt switch of the Anunnaki to the Light astonished and shocked the cabalists, compelling them to come up with a new plan to secure a global position of preeminence. After a series of setbacks in the late 1990s, the American election at the millennium gave these power seekers the supremacy they sought, quelling all remaining opposition in both the US and the UK. A new joint policy was now possible. The grand plan also called for a drastic large-scale domestic terror strike as a first step on the road to global domination, and so this was duly carried out.

    In recent decades, the oil industry saw much nationalization and this change in ownership deeply worried the Anglo-American energy cartel. Inroads into the Middle East were required in order to reassert the necessary strong-arm dominance needed for future regional negotiations. The same held true for Asia, the Americas, and Africa. Oil was a convenient global industry that could be used to re-create the power networks abandoned by the Anunnaki, and the dark cabal moved swiftly to execute the strategy drawn up in the final years of the 20th century. At the same time, we were strengthening our relationship with the groups and individuals that were quickly becoming our Earth allies. Together, we gathered the intelligence that illustrated how the dark's grand plan was to unfold. We positioned our craft around New York City and watched the first horrible step of this plan manifest. This 'incident' involved both known and secret technology and was a dry run for an 'event' planned for later in the same decade: a holographic space-invasion display using technology gleaned from their former dark off-world allies.

    The technology used on the World Trade Center was masked by the spectacle of very realistic 3-D airplane holograms (but without the telltale light sources). The effect, though primitive, was enough to fool those not familiar with this technology. This was coupled with a series of doctored videotapes constantly aired by the major TV networks. The use of particle-beam weaponry and preset explosive devices completed the theatrical display, and all went off with only minor glitches. We could see that their level of technology had not progressed much beyond that used in several attempts to stage false UFO invasions in the 1990s. We advised our Earth allies of this and put into effect the means to prevent them from using this technology in the future. After several botched attempts to use holographic technology, the cabalists turned to nuclear conflict as a means to achieve their ends. They focused on the flashpoints in Asia and the Middle East, and so we sent our liaison personnel to these regions to preempt such insanity.

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:25 am

    Galactic Federation Of Light Uriel September 08 2010

    Now that you are aware of your role as co-creator and how you create your life you are intent on embracing your power to create the reality you wish for yourself, one that mirrors your divinity and connection. Through your willingness to partner with Source and the light you have opened the doorway to instant manifestation, where you can experience the results of your intention as you move with the flow of Universal energy. But leave room in your creation for miracles, the things you cannot see with your eyes but know within your hearts are possible for you.

    Creation is not hard work, it is an effortless flow that occurs when you are working through intention in the present moment. The past cannot be changed and it is an important aspect of your journey. When you create from the point of not wanting to re-create the past you are not acknowledging your power and miss the beauty and gift of each experience. Each level of creation exists at your energetic vibration. When you shift your vibration you move into new energetic levels that allow more light to be present in your reality.

    As you flow into manifestation you allow Spirit to reward you with blessings you cannot know are possible. These are the miracles which confirm your transformation and are within the highest levels of your field of potential. They acknowledge your power and respond to your beliefs about what you deserve, are prepared to receive and allow in your reality. Are you prepared to live a joyful, fulfilling, abundant life? Then you need to allow Spirit to be your partner in bringing to you the things your heart desires that your third dimensional thinking cannot imagine.

    Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa September 8 2010

    You have climbed the mountain and are now ready to step onto the summit. The journey of life in the lower vibrations has all but finished, and that means for every soul that is presently on Earth. By your actions and deeds you have reached a certain pinnacle in your evolution, which now requires you to move onto yet another cycle of experience. You will commence it with all of the spiritual knowledge gained as it remains with you forever. Those who remain in the 3rd. dimension are no lesser Beings than any other soul. It is simply that there is still more for them to learn, before they choose to move on. You should not therefore try to coerce others into following your path if they are not ready. All will eventually reach their goal, and your paths will often meet on that journey.

    The bonding that has taken place between many of you will ensure that you can always reach each other, regardless of the level of consciousness that you have achieved. Beyond your present dimension you will be able to use your power of thought to contact another soul with distance as no obstacle. For the same reason, you will also be able to move from one location to another instantly. Gone will be all of the time consuming efforts you have to put in on Earth to achieve the same results. Already some of you are developing your telepathic abilities, and as the vibration increases you will find it becoming more commonplace. Dear Ones, you are returning to a state of being that is yours by rights, one that you left to enter the present cycle of duality.

    It must seem like a dream when you learn of what lies ahead, but the dream is the one you are leaving which is the world of illusion. It is your creation but was never going to hold the higher vibrations for any length of time. There have been phases of both darkness and Light, and you are just leaving the Dark Ages that have taken you to levels almost devoid of Light. The dark Ones are now having to relinquish their power in the face of the changes that are restoring the Light upon Earth. You will find the blossoming of the first real signs of change, although in reality it has been slowly taking place for a very long time. It has been about raising the Light levels to release you from the hold the dark Ones have had on you. That has been remarkably successful, and clearly helped by those souls of the Light incarnating upon Earth. Spirit does not fall asleep and allow the darkness to totally control you. So you can be sure as now, that there is continuous help being given to you.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sat Sep 11, 2010 5:37 am

    Galactic Federation Of Light Master Kuthumi September 10 2010

    Beloved Lightworkers,

    I come forth this day to give a message of gratitude to all of you for the willingness you have shown in working with the Higher realms these past months. We know that this is a testing time for each of you and that makes your willingness to work with us even more appreciated because of this. There are so many energies at work at this time and it is difficult to assimilate so many energies at one time. We understand that you have many duties to fulfill in your everyday existence and want you to know that the efforts you make to anchor and hold the Light and the vision of the Ascended Earth reality no matter what is transpiring in your personal lives is an even greater gift to those around you.

    As you continue to hold and anchor the Light, remember that you are also creating a new way of Being in your daily existence and this is creating some resistance and opposition from those around you, for it is difficult for them to rise up to the challenge of seeking higher ground, so to speak. Stand firm, Dear Ones, and know that this is part of the Plan, that your Light held steady is creating ripples of change all around you and that these changes are ultimately for the highest good of all, no matter what surfaces in the interim. Change is the constant in your World and in this current time, is unavoidable, so it behooves everyone to learn to adapt and go with the flow of these changes and to surrender to what seems to be occurring. In time, all will be revealed and understood, for it is in hindsight that we learn thoroughly the lessons that we are currently facing.

    Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa September 10 2010

    Let no one deny you your rights to your own beliefs, but honor another soul who has chosen a different path. It should be possible to exist side by side, without causing issues that bring about confrontation. It may be hard at times to observe others who follow their faith that involves persecution of their own kind. However, it must be borne in mind, that all souls are following a path that they have chosen for themselves. It is therefore important that you do not interfere with them, even although your motives may be of the highest order. You experience what is necessary for your spiritual evolution, and there are no exceptions to it. So Dear Ones, you may ask how are you to deal with such a situation, and the answer is simply by example. If you believe that by doing so you can influence another person for the better, that is as much as you can do.

    Man has perpetually interfered with other races and groups, and it has led to wars and hatred that has continued for millennia of time. You can apply the same observations where individuals are involved, and resentment and outright hostility can result. Now clearly young people need guidance, but when they come of age they will seek their own expression of what life means to them. As any parent knows, it can be a very difficult period for everyone involved. Parents have a great responsibility to guide their children, in such a way that they become worthy citizens. If you apply that thinking to a more spiritual level, you will understand that there is little if any difference in your responsibilities.

    Taking it all even to a higher level, you will see that God is like a parent, indeed do you not refer to having a Father/Mother God. God takes loving care of you, but at the same time grants you freewill to experience exactly as you wish. If you stray from the Light there are no recriminations or punishment, as some believe. God will time and time again bless you, and surround you with love knowing that in time you will return to the Light. If you consider the present situation on Earth, you will realize that freewill has led you to this period in your growth. It could have been left to continue with the prospect of Man's demise, but with divine decree you are being given the opportunity of Ascension. That we would say is an indication of the outpouring of love that the Creator has for all of you. We are referring to Unconditional Love, and that is the goal of very single soul as they evolve back to the Source. To reach such a level whilst on Earth is indeed most difficult because of the conditions created by duality. However, if it is your intent to live that way as far as possible, then you are well on your way to ascending. The lower vibrations cannot keep you back, and at a certain point you would in any event ascend.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:59 am




    Galactic Federation Of Light Uriel September 17 2010

    Your consciousness is the awareness you hold, the light ray you travel on which attracts other lights that vibrate at its frequency. You may believe that your consciousness is a fixed point in your soul's evolution but your soul, like all else in the Universe, is on an expanding path of ascension. At each level of completion it is ready to attract a new level of consciousness that you can attract when the ego is partnered with Spirit and you allow your divinity to lead your understanding.

    The soul is the ego's reminder of its potential which is why your journey moves as you become aware of a different levels of consciousness that require you to heal and release all that limits you. The soul's gift to the ego is closure and release as each phase of healing is completed. You have created this paradigm within the third dimension to help you release the layers of consciousness whose density hold you imprisoned by and limited in fear.

    As you move into higher dimensions you attract new levels of consciousness. The soul brings their energies to your awareness by revealing them as beacons of hope to keep you moving forward on your journey. Then as you achieve these new levels, you are made aware of the next one and so the path continues, each level of ascension leading to another. This is not a punishment or burden you have undertaken in this lifetime, it has been the path all of your lifetimes have taken. It is in this lifetime that humanity has the ability to complete all cycles, close all connections to fear and release all dense energies to the light of understanding and truth.

    Open your awareness to a new light ray to attract a new consciousness, a new vibration with all of its blessings, learning and healing. With Spirit as your guide, expand your light and human bodies to ground this consciousness and allow a new potential to become your energetic vibration. Draw upon your soul's desire for wholeness and integrity of spirit and human to be the light which guides you to fulfillment of your contract with Source to become spiritual humans and bring heaven on earth.

    Shared with Love

    Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa September 17 2010

    As you must imagine many events are lining up that will bring you freedom, they will follow in a sequence that will make good sense and quickly open up the path to Ascension. Looking back you will find that our projections of when to expect developments, have been quite accurate. At the time you often do not know what to look for, and it is only later that you can see how certain events are linked together. You are well aware that when you look for results events appear to have moved slowly, yet it takes many pieces to complete the jigsaw. Right now, we approach the well deserved victory that will see the first of many major changes. We are well ready as ever, having rehearsed for this time with meticulous planning. We know about the personal hardships many of you are suffering, but please realize that it will not be for much longer. We can assure you that we have the answers to your worldwide problems. Not only that, we also have the technologies and personnel to carry them out.

    We wish to quickly transform your society's ability to cater for your needs, so that in a relatively short time no one need go short food or water. There are priorities that we will address immediately, so as to lift up the deprived people of the poorer countries. The major ones have a great responsibility to others, and by the time their help is needed they will be under new leadership. The old brigade can hardly be trusted with the future of you all, and they will be kept out of positions of power. Law and order will also be reviewed to ensure it operates in a fair and just manner. We know by name all of those people who have been falsely imprisoned, and they shall be promptly released. Those guilty of crimes will be treated more humanely, and with advanced techniques that will remove such tendencies. From this you will realize that we have given much thought and planning to the upliftment of Man. All shall share in the new wealth which is to be created, and at a stroke it will remove many of the problems that beset you.

    We want you to understand how much will done for you as part of the general upliftment. When the changes are well advanced, your reliance upon the old forms of energy will have been removed. No more shall you be restricted and live only on what you can afford, and free energy will supply all of your needs to give you comfort and warmth when required. We are talking about creating a new civilization that will be ready to take a quantum leap into the future. You are indeed privileged to be on Earth at this time, and to be part of such experiences. Many souls would gladly exchange positions with you, to see the end of duality and experience the joys that are yet to come.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:00 am

    Well there sure is some very interesting information in this update. Can I verify it Nope!!! :)

    Part 1 Of 4 Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Metatron September 16 2010

    Part 2 Of 4 Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Metatron September 16 2010

    Part 3 Of 4 Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Metatron September 16 2010

    Part 4 Of 4 Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Metatron September 16 2010


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    Post  Carol Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:13 pm

    I have no idea how I end up in the middle of some of these links but here is one I thought you might enjoy JT.

    Message from SaLuSa for 8 October 2010
    By Galactic Messages on October 8, 2010

    SaLuSa ctober-2010 What shall you do as the changes commence in such a way that they begin to affect your daily life. We would say carry on as normal as far as you can, and know that at the right time you will be advised as to what action to take. You will certainly be well informed as to the nature of the changes, and at some stage they will affect everyone. You cannot go through the remaining period before Ascension, except that much of what you now have is moved into its higher expression. You cannot take anything with you and it is totally unnecessary, as all that you will need will be provided. In fact your needs will be considerably less, as you will experience the joys of having a new body. It will be lighter and more of energy rather than physicality. Consequently much of your bodily input will come directly from the energy around you. Also with an ever-healthy body you will not need to replenish it as you do now. Since you will eventually create through the power of thought, you will not be wanting for anything at all.

    As you are realising, the changes are not coming to simply restore the status quo. The old paradigm is finished and has all but served its purpose. It is only those who benefit from the old ways, that will try their hardest to cling onto what they have now. These are mainly those who have built up vast wealth and also wielded it to gain power over others. It matters not what they do as the alternative to Ascension for them is more of the same. It comes by starting again in another location, and it has happened before and proved to be an excellent way of bringing home some very hard lessons. There is no on else responsible for them, as you attract to yourself exactly what you focus upon. If therefore friends or family do not share your intent to ascend, it is clearly right to allow for different choices to be made.

    Stand by your decisions where your future is concerned, as by now you should have found your path to the next cycle. Some souls may awaken rather dramatically at the last moment, but by and large the choices have already been made. Whatever direction you go into, one thing is for sure, that you will be greatly affected by your experiences at this time. Even those who profess to have no interest in Ascension, are nevertheless observing what is going on around them, and it will be valuable sometime in their future. Much lays at a subconsciousness level that surfaces from time to time, as you never lose your memories of previous experiences. For example at this time many who desire to ascend, are subconsciously aware that in their past they failed to take such an opportunity. They are mostly souls that were present when Atlantis sank below the waves.

    When you realise that your lives have a plan and a purpose to lift you up, your experiences become so important because they are not random or by chance. It is therefore essential that in the run in to the end of the cycle, you pay attention to what happens in your life. You are clearing your remaining karma, and as a result new people may enter your life. Look at everything in terms of how you can apply the Light, to ensure you do not create further instant karma. In the end you will leave the present Earth with a clean slate, and certainly minor karmic debts will be foregone through the Law of Grace.

    If we suggested you enjoy yourself just now, you may wonder what there is to be happy about. However we look at you finally leaving duality behind, knowing that a great future beckons that promises everything you could possibly want. We say, live that dream now and create around you an aura of happiness that allows you to sail through life. That will also help others who travel along with you, as the higher vibrations are extremely uplifting. Notice the difference in people’s re-actions to you, and how interested they will become in you. You will have something they would like and are not quite sure how you achieved it, or they can too.

    The mere promise of action at long last has greatly lifted the vibrations on Earth, and we do not want you to lose that excitement and energy of anticipation. It will carry you right past any attempts to pull you back, as you will no doubt you will have noticed a sudden flurry of negative outbursts calculated to bring back fear and uncertainty. Just keep your eyes directly ahead and do not lose sight of the reason you came to Earth at this time.

    After millennia of time and in some cases hundreds of lives, you are ready to put your feet up and take an enjoyable rest and break from the rigours and demands of duality. It is well deserved, and you will be well rewarded in many ways. Perhaps the most important aspect is the valuable experience you will have gained. It will serve others in the future, as you may well take your place in the Galactic Federation. Once ascended you will have much more say in your future lives, and the focus will be upon what can best further your spiritual evolution. As you begin to understand more about life and Universal Laws, you will be quite clear as to the goals that lie ahead of you.

    Clearly it will not be too long before we can arrange sightings for you, rather than what appear as chance ones. The sooner your hearts can resonate and accept our vibrations, it will allow us to be far more open and contact will be possible. That is a time we greatly look forward to, and it will help release any doubts that may be held about our intentions. A full explanation of our presence will in any event be given and we know it will satisfy the majority of the people. Others will be won over once they see the assistance we will provide, to remedy the damage to Mother Earth and the widespread pollution. It is course wider than that, as we will also instigate plans to give you the advantages of our futuristic technologies. The sooner you become independent of others for the essential tools of life, the quicker you will become self-supporting.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel that our venture with you is now only just beginning. There is so much we can do together, and life will become a delightful experience. For a time it will seem unreal after all you have gone through, but we know you will quickly adapt to your new roles as Galactic Beings. First however, stay firmly on your path to the Light and the freedom it offers. You are to claim back what is rightly yours, and is due to you.

    Thank you SaLuSa.

    Mike Quinsey.

    Is this a hoax or real? And it is real who is to say the being from Sirius is isn't a trickster Grey? Sometimes I'm so confuse I just don't know what to think about these types of channelings.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  Carol Fri Nov 05, 2010 10:21 pm

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:13 pm


    Thubs Up


    Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle December 1st 2010

    Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

    4 Muluc, 7 Yaxk'in, 7 Ik

    Dratzo! We come again with much to say about happenings on your world. At this time a pall has descended over the dark cabal. Suddenly, these smug and superior Beings are beginning to realize that their long reign over you is coming to an end. An aura of melancholy pervades their very being, and our diplomats are finding it difficult to carry on conversations with these individuals appointed by the cabal to work with us on the logistics of the power transfers to the caretaker regimes. This clearly indicates that these former world bullies are becoming more resigned to their impending fate. Our Earth allies, on the other hand, are sensing that their hard-won victory is truly upon them. This realization has put a bounce in their step and raised their spirits, making their outlook and attitudes much more amenable to work with. We are excitedly looking forward to a whole raft of astonishing changes in the way your world operates. The first item on the agenda is, of course, the prosperity deliveries, followed swiftly by sudden regime changes, the key catalyst being the major shake-up in the US government in Washington.

    Regime change is a tricky business. Historically, such an event has invariably been accompanied by wars, revolutions, or a ruinous economy. Indeed, many of these conditions are skyrocketing around your world, and you are now watching most of the globe's major economies hurtling toward a worldwide meltdown that is to affect national currencies, national viability, and even the sustainability of national treasure. These calamitous events are the cumulative result of outrageous malfeasance at the highest level, and are terrifying to anyone who sees the global suicide that the world is teetering on the brink of. Our Earth allies are wholly focused on completing the preliminaries that can avert this grim scenario, and these requisites are ready to manifest. We therefore expect you to be regaled with startling news at any moment. Our liaison groups are working out what our own part in these exciting activities is to be, and we cannot overemphasize the need for those of you who are more than ready to lend your assistance to these festivities to get ready for your vital role in this cosmic play.

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:32 am

    Galactic Federation Of Light Master Hilarion December 5 2010

    Beloved Lightworkers,

    The great cleansing continues and each of you is making great gains and headway even though you may not be seeing this manifest in your daily life as yet. Be assured that this is taking place and your ascension process continues unabated. The Cosmic energies being beamed to the Earth and everything and everyone upon Her continues relentlessly and all is being cleansed, healed and recalibrated to Wholeness and the perfection of their original blueprint. This will continue, Beloved Ones, and believe it or not, it will become easier for you, simply because you have persisted in your disciplines and determination to be the highest and best that you can be.

    Your brothers and sisters around you will find it somewhat more difficult as they Awaken further but the path of Light and purification that you have cut, that you have blazed goes before them and makes easier their way than it might have been. Truly you are mighty warriors of Light and you are the mighty forces of the greatest power in the Universe and that power is Love. As the holiday season comes forth, take this time to just BE and enjoy the energies and the peace and goodwill that abounds during this time of the year. It is a time of the joyful celebration of the greater Light coming more fully back onto the Earth and into the hearts of all of Humanity.

    Trust the guidance and the intuitive impulses that come to you. Know that you are each Divinely guided to walk your Path in the highest integrity and moral standard that will become the moral signpost in the days to come, for no matter how much you have been tested, your deep and abiding love for the Creator and the Divine Plan for the Earth has always been your driving force and motivation. You will soon feel a lightness of Being and the feelings of joy will be your daily companion as you walk your spiritual journey into the adventure of a thousand lifetimes! The Universe is watching with wonder and awe at the glory that is now unfolding, and will continue unfolding in the months ahead.

    Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa December 6 2010

    We and other sources work hard to prepare you for all eventualities, but even so as the changes commence the extent of them will come as a surprise to most of you. The reason is because they are so far reaching, as ultimately the whole world will be involved. If the Earth is to be cleansed then it is obvious that all areas will be covered. The most heavily polluted, and the war torn ones will be major areas of concentration. The waters of Earth will also be a top focus, and in all instances we are fully ready to put our plan into action. We shall make short work of projects that would otherwise take you many years to complete, and they will run up to and beyond the end of 2012. Our immediate concern is where your civilization will have advanced to by the time we have contact with you. Although millions of people believe and trust in us, there are nevertheless many that have taken little or no interest in the possibility that we exist. We will therefore need a great deal of cooperation from you, if we are to participate together and successfully get all projects started on time. Certain requirements such as cleansing the atmosphere have been underway for many years, as we have had to keep you as safe as possible from the dangers to your health and environment. It means that our final actions can be carried out directly by our craft over the Earth.

    One thing you do not have to concern yourselves about too much is raising your levels of consciousness. As time passes the amount of energies reaching the Earth are increasing exceptionally fast, and those who are attracting them will rise up to such levels. Your object should be to go along with them and let the changes be reflected in your daily living. If you intend to be one who is of Love and Light, allow it to shine forth in all you do, and by the end of next year you should be well along the path to Ascension. When the opposition and their cohorts are restrained, they will have little or no power left with which to hold up your evolution. That time is reaching a point of manifestation, and our allies are strongly involved in bringing it about. Few can go openly about their business, but will emerge once it is safe to do so. We cannot give names if only to protect them, and their best work can be performed when there is no fear of detection. Our ways are nevertheless perfectly above board, which is why once we can communicate with you we will ensure that you are kept well informed about what is happening.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:30 am

    I have posted many messages from the GFL and can not verify any of it for you this requires your own intuition to be tuned up to discern truth from lies.


    Peace! JT! IFFW

    Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle December 7 2010

    Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

    Selamat Jarin! We return to tell you about some interesting developments! At present, we are working with our Earth allies to secure the formal release of the deliveries. We have also set up the final procedures for the switch from the present corporate de facto US regime to the new caretaker one. This particular scenario has been revised to accommodate many among the Earth allies who feel that a slightly different type of government change is essential, as a result of a series of final discussions with the dark cabal. We are considering these developments within the context of our preparations for our first global announcements, as these last-minute changes may be much more lengthy than expected. The purpose of these final diplomatic exchanges is to toughen up the accords to ensure that the government changeover goes smoothly and without major hitches. These agreements include several separate financial packages that are also receiving some final adjustments. An initial four-month segment is being added to the banking accords that lead to the break-up of the world's largest banking institutions.

    These additions in no way alter what is to happen. What they represent is the need for this financial package to be a true indicator of the Earth allies' determination to establish a universally prosperous, hard currency financial system. The precise logistics of this are something that the new President and his new cabinet are to discuss at length with the American people and the peoples of your world. It is to be a decentralized, regional system and will be partially reliant on the spread of the abundance funds that are to be issued on the same day as the temporary regime takes over the reins of power. The exigencies of this timing make it essential that we do what is necessary to ensure that the deliveries go off as planned, and so we have initiated a series of actions using our technology and the expertise of our technical personnel. Hence, these critical disbursements, when finally okayed by our Earth allies, will be done swiftly and easily by our designated personnel. This task is receiving its final prerequisites even as we speak. The drive behind all this is to complete these pivotal tasks as quickly as possible.

    This first-contact mission has become fully tasked with setting up global governments that are qualified to receive our contact, although we have already had much interaction with several major and minor governments throughout your world. These diplomatic pursuits have given us a comprehensive understanding of how your global power structure operates. This construct has spawned regimes that are deeply entwined in the wealth creation process of this global structure, and the only solution to our dilemma is to procure basic changes to the very foundation of this power construct. To this end we have recruited powerful groups and individuals seriously committed to an entirely new way of putting wealth and power together. Our growing mutual friendships with these people have resulted in what is about to happen, rendering the dark cabal and its dogged obstinacy expendable. This first-contact mission is about returning you to full consciousness, not assuaging a pampered and hubristic few! This objective was made more difficult by the appearance here of members of the Anchara Alliance.

    Galactic Federation Of Light Uriel December 7 2010

    Just as your forgiveness should be unconditional, given generously to all without judgment and flowing from you to others in an effortless stream, so should you love others with the unconditional love that resides within you. You often share this love in controlled, measured ways, giving to those who have proven they deserve it or whose love you are grateful for but it should be shared fully, generously and without limitation, to everyone. Do not judge who you should love, be willing to love everyone so that love can be returned to you.

    Unconditional love is more than what you know of romance, it encompasses acceptance, gratitude, divinity, connection and truth. It is mindful of the place of each person in the family of humanity, of the shared experience of suffering and potential for ascension. Love given generously is always returned to you multiplied, but not always from the person to whom it is given. When you judge others' capacity for love and use that to limit how you love them, you also limit the love you can receive in your own life from all sources.

    How can you love those who hurt you? By remembering that they are part of your path because you chose them. Can you love your enemies? Who is your enemy, the one who hurts you? These are often your greatest teachers. Those who remind you of your lessons in power are those who are your most loving teachers, this is how you see them in spirit and this is why you should be generous with your love to everyone.

    Unconditional love is a gift of spirit, not to be confused with the love the ego recognizes as being deserved or owing. When you love generously you are allowing your divinity to shine brightly in your life and allow that light to become a beacon that attracts the love you seek. It will come to you for as you release judgments about love, you remove the blocks to love. Make love your practice with each person, so you give love generously in the spirit of acceptance of who they are, gratitude for their role in your life and you in theirs, see their divinity, remember you are all connected and the only truth that exists is that you are all of spirit.

    Shared with Love

    Galactic Federation Of Light Alpha Ship December 6 / 7 2010

    Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

    Arduous are truly the efforts of the Light Workers who spare no effort to help spread and expand the messages that some of us communicate to you through our channels; and we would like to emphasize as well, the translators' work so that our communiqués can be read in other languages of the planet, and the work of those who publish them on their web pages and through some other means of communication.

    I want you to understand how useful the work of all of you is; each of you is a valuable gear of the 'machine', which is moving the afflicted humanity of this planet towards a better future.

    Without the help and collaboration of each of you, this effort we have made to lead humanity towards the spiritual and material level that they must ascend to Now would have been in vain.

    Thus, we feel we are in debt to all men and women who use their available time -- making space in their private life -- to help the rest of humanity reach the necessary level of consciousness so that the human race is able to make the quantum leap forward to the level that is already appropriate for them, because that is the Will of the Creator and nothing and no one will stop this from happening.

    Nevertheless, you should be very selective with the people you send this information to. Not because you are in danger if you send this information to incredulous people--you are not in danger--know that we are protecting you just like the eyelashes protect the eyes; rather, because those people are not open to this type of information, as their minds are fixed on issues more mundane and selfish.

    You would have wasted your time with these people because they are not willing to believe, even if they were presented with a palpable and irrefutable proof right before them. Simply, this is not the time for them, and they will have to wait for a new cycle of evolution to achieve the step that you will be able to reach, because of your belief in a better world, the effort that you make for this to come true, and the faith you have placed in us.

    We have worked so much with some of those skeptical people that you cannot imagine; nevertheless, we have had to sadly give up and get used to the idea that this is not their time.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  CetaceousOne Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:31 pm

    Thanks, JT! Thubs Up

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 4 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:27 am

    CetaceousOne wrote:Thanks, JT! Thubs Up

    You betcha sunny Big Grin 2

    Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa December 8 2010

    The last big battle between the dark ones and those of the Light was during the times of Atlantis, and it resulted in the demise of what was once a very evolved civilization. You are those same souls that have reached an identical point in this cycle, but this time the past lessons have been learnt and the Light has emerged victorious. It is a battle that has already been won in the higher dimensions, where the energies have a profound affect upon the lower dimension of Earth. Naturally the dark influences still exist, but the levels of Light now far outreach them and are increasing exponentially. So the scene is set for a resounding victory over the dark Ones, and it will be seen and understood for what it is.

    Ascension is therefore on track to take place as always planned, albeit that originally it was to coincide with the end of the last century. The fact that more time has been allowed that carries you to the end of the cycle, is a credit to those who have awakened to their true purpose for being on Earth. It has resulted in more souls reaching consciousness levels, which have enabled them to respond to the Light with an understanding of Ascension. It is a unique opportunity that is available to each and every soul, but it is known that not every one will feel ready to take such a quantum leap forward in their evolution. For them life still proceeds according to their needs, and one day in the future the opportunity to ascend will come by again. There is no shame or guilt connected with the pace of your evolution, as you have total freedom of choice to go along with your desires and wherever your journey takes you.

    The heavenly forces are never far away as you live out your experiences, and always on hand in response to any call you make for help and guidance. You may not realize how often they direct your life in accordance with your wishes, but that does not mean that you always get exactly what you believe you need. For example if you have come into life to experience lack, then it will do no good to press for abundance. Changes only come when you have first successfully learnt the lessons you agreed to undertake. Sometimes they will come back to you many times, until you have overcome the challenges that they present. Even those souls around you are part of those experiences you have undertaken, and you are all in it together often in a family situation. It may appear that you are the victim of circumstances, but nothing happens by chance and is the outworking of your life plan.

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:55 am

    Galactic Federation Of Light The Sirian Councils of Light December 11 2010
    Hello to you,
    We are from the Sirian Councils of Light and Truth Eternal.
    We are here to be with you in sharing of our knowledge together.
    We are here to bring upliftments, it is in order.
    We would like to speak to all of you of this timing that is in your now moments.

    Much change is in your moment, is in your now. Much is changing in how you feel and how you wish to live presently.
    Know in truth all is happening in divine timing, in divine Love for all of you. This timing is rapidly coming to a One tone, a oneness in unity of all.

    We speak from our perspective. From our viewpoint, there is so much to be grateful for. From our viewpoint, much is changing in your ability to be present more often; this is of such joy to us!

    To be present is to be in your natural power and ability.
    We witness all of you coming home unto yourselves; it is here for each of you to be nourished by the love that is your true nature.

    As each of you are rapidly releasing all that no longer fits with this new tide, you are aligning with your soul and your purposes for being present upon the Earth in this timing.

    We want to also speak to you of your Earth's consciousness.
    She is also rapidly coming into alignment with her purposes, for she has also been asleep in many ways. She is becoming aware of all parts of herself. As this happens it helps each of you to become aware of yourself, for you are intricately connected! You are One being!

    We speak to you to help expand your perceptions, for this expansion of all that you are is present, is in this present moment!

    This expansion is leading you all to become aware of the powers within you to accept change. In this acceptance you will be reborn into the light, into the Love of all that is. It is wonderful!

    To us, we know what struggles you face, but come to see each struggle as an opportunity to become more aware. This is a process, this is unfolding now.
    See your personal struggles as gifts that bring you the choices to change your perceptions. As you allow yourself to be present you can perceive the timelines, the choices that will bring you into a more pleasant now.

    We know so many question the moment, how can it be better in the moment, when you have so many struggles?
    Look upon your life as the flow of a river, look upon it and allow it to flow. You do not need to brace yourself for the worst, that narrows your field and you cannot see the better choice in the moment.

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:23 pm

    Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa December 17 2010

    It is darkest before the dawn and you have reached the point of no return for the dark Ones, as the Light is blazing its way into your lives. You have now recognized the changes for what they are, and as being essential if you are to fulfill your dreams and desires. It is necessary to overcome the unsatisfactory way of life, that restricts your free expression of who you really are as sovereign Beings. It is also necessary that the cleansing continues both within and without, until the last remnants of the lower vibrations are removed. For the present your concern should be with Self, and focusing on whatever you need to raise your vibrations. We of the Galactic Federation are handling the bigger picture, and working to change the very foundation of your society. To remove a well established system is not easy, particularly as we plan to do it with as little disruption to your lives as possible. However, the care we have taken to prepare you for the changes is proving successful, and our allies are near to total readiness and go ahead.

    We admire your patience and hope that is because you understand what is involved in taking you forward. It will be ongoing until the very end of this cycle, and it is only with Ascension that we will be able to fully relax. There is so much to do and we are clearing the way of obstructions and interference from the dark Ones. Not every one that rejects the plan for Ascension is being negative, and your freewill choice is still the most important decision you will make regarding the end times. Clearly those of you who have an open mind are more likely to see the benefits, of putting in the effort required to take that quantum leap into the future. However, it is your divine right to evolve at a speed that suits you and there is no forcing of Ascension upon anyone. Yet you need to know what it means and be able to make an informed decision. The Law of Attraction works whether you are aware of it or not, and through it you will find yourselves following a path that is suited to your needs.

    Life is so much more than what you have been allowed to experience. You have been kept in the dark about your true selves, and your potential to return to the Light. Yet no matter how much you have been mislead, you have subconsciously known that there is more to life than you have been made aware of. You have never lost your desire for the truth or stopped searching for it, and as more souls of Light have joined you on Earth so the vibrations have slowly been lifted. They have come from various civilizations that have long moved in to the Light, and prepared to experience the darkness that you have dropped into. It has been what you call "a rude awakening" to leave the uplifting energies and harmony that exists on their home planets. That is in service to you as fellow travelers seeking your evolutionary path. Ascended souls are well aware of your great sacrifice in accepting the opportunity to experience duality. They recognize your Light and treat all souls the same without prejudice or judgment.

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:28 pm

    Part 1 Of 2 Galactic Federation Of Light Ashtar December 14 / 17 2010

    Well greetings, Beloved Family! We are triumphant during these Holy Days and we shall go into more detail on that announcement. But first we have some items that might be of interest to you.
    We are moving more and more into the mission for which the Ashtar Command is here. And the ultimate purpose and goal and mission combination you might say, is the Ascension of Planet Earth, but along the way as you know it's been quite a ride, there have been a few bumps along the way, there are still a few more perhaps. But the purpose has always been to move through the process, to be One with the process, to be in understanding of the process, and that means to be One together.
    But it also means that each and everyone of you have your own clearings to do, your own lessons that you have learned or perhaps have still a little bit of graduate studies to master yet, but where we are, Beloved Ones, where we are in relation to you is only that we are not hampered or constrained by the human body, although some of us are making some appearances, we have to be somewhat - well, just figure that this spirit goes into a body and zips it up just like a costume, and there are some of us who are in evidence upon the planet. There are others of us who remain in our spirit bodies. We have an overview. We have a perspective, and we have an overview of everything that's going on below, on and above Planet Earth. And we can promise you that all is well in your kingdom.
    All is more than well, all is beautiful and bright and radiant, never more so than during this Holy Day season. And we are so absolutely ecstatic, dancing if you will, that you are so responsive, that you are welcoming these energies of change. We know it's not easy. We know that it creates some bumps on every path of every one of you. Or we should say on The Path of every one of you. But you are sailing over the bumps, flying over the bumps, moving around them and sort of mashing them down as you go, or whatever, however you want to see that. It's happening because you are doing it. It's happening because you are committed. It's happening because you are waking up to Who You Really Are, and you are starting to understand that you are here to be a part of this Grand Mission and that you committed to it before you zipped into these particular body costumes that you are wearing, and you are starting to take your empowerment to the next level. And what we mean by that is you're getting out of 3D, pretty fast.

    Do you recall that we have occasionally discussed Sexgate upon our programs? Well this is Sexgate in reverse. They are trying to pin something of a Sexgate nature upon the WikiLeaks Guy. Well alright, so he's enjoyed some sex. Be not in judgment of that. And so the country which has now only one accuser may have a law that's a bit strange to the rest of the world. But it matters not because he didn't do anything wrong. And this is all a set-up, and he has been set up. And that's it. And it is transparent even now to the world. So this Sexgate in reverse is really working even more to reveal what is going on behind the scenes. And thus it will be much more believable when the manipulators and the handlers - oh and there are some ones whose names will be somewhat of a shock, but you'll get over it real fast because you've got that tune-in to Truth, and you know what resonates and what does not - and these handlers are being revealed one by one, and the ways in which they used various methods, all of them under the heading of Sexgate, to corrupt and ensnare people in high positions. We don't need to say anything more about that because it's all coming out.
    So we just want you to understand that you can tune-in to the WikiLeaks as much as you choose to. Be absolutely certain within your own being that you are able to take the observer's position and go ahead and dive inn. If you find that it is getting you down, get out. Get back on track with your inner self, with your higher self, with your flowers, with your music, with whatever it is that causes you to vibrate in the higher dimensions because that, Beloved Ones, is how we are accomplishing this. WikiLeaks is a tool just like anything else that we use. Well, what we are really here to do, and this is what Sekhmet was saying earlier to the three women, we have an addition to the mission which should be quite obvious by now, and that addition is to get yourselves up into the highest vibrations possible and stay there as long as you can. Not to strain with it, but to be literally walking on air, or flying if you wish. To be in connection with the other kingdoms of Mother Gaia. To be in connection with the kingdoms of the elementals.

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:44 am

    Galactic Federation Of Light Master Hilarion December 27 2010

    Beloved Ones,

    This week as you bring to a close and completion the year of 2010, we applaud you all for persevering through the most trying tests of faith and trust in holding on to all that you have worked for and believed in. Truly, this has been a year of changes and transformations for all upon the Planet and most especially for, the Beloved Lightworkers around the World. We thank you for holding the Light steady and for the anchoring of the Greater Light through you, into the core of the Earth. This work has enabled a great leap forward for all upon the Planet.

    As you look around you in the coming days you will see evidence of the value of the sacrifices you have made when you see your brothers and sisters Awaken to the greater Life and begin to set their feet firmly upon the Paths that you have cut for them. These Paths are shining with pure Light and those who come after you will widen these Paths so that the multitudes can know which way to go. Those who follow you will hold their vision high and will take the action that is necessary to create the positive changes upon the old outworn systems of this World. The World as you have known it is being changed moment by moment and even we of the Higher realms hold our breath with joyous anticipation.

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    Post  JesterTerrestrial Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:46 am

    Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle December 28 2010

    Selamat Ja! We return during this holiday season with much to tell you. Around you, your reality is changing! Gaia is busy preparing her surface realms for a great transformation. These preparations are still fairly subtle; however, you are now entering a time when these changes are to become much more conspicuous to you. Areas noted for major earthquakes are to become active and minor tremors are already making themselves felt. Volcanoes, both on land and seabed, are also beginning to 'rev up'. Our Earth scientists have been monitoring this increase in seismic activity on all continents. These developments constitute the next bout of warnings from Mother Earth and dovetail with your own quickening toward full consciousness. The old reality, which for millennia has been your residential 'cocoon', has served its purpose. Many dowsers have noticed that the magnetic lines they use to examine your world are changing in strength or position. These phenomena are related to Gaia's shifting gravity fields.

    These magnetic shifts are playing havoc with Earth's electrical fields. In order to ready herself for full consciousness, Gaia is deliberately adapting to the immense amounts of data coming from the Sun, her fellow planets, and the galactic core. It is important to see all this as a living organism in transition. All 3-D realities regularly capture a certain amount of this data stream, and when an entity expands its consciousness the amount of data captured increases extraordinarily. Further, this data needs to be processed differently. To this end your reality is adapting its grid lines to better cope with the heightened influx and is starting to become a monopolar entity. Such change is taking place throughout your solar system, which allows your scientists to observe at close quarters how zero-point energy and matter operate in the galaxy. These observations astound them and demonstrate clearly just how out of phase their scientific paradigm is! It has prompted them to search more diligently for a new operating model, one that can better encompass these recurring phenomena.

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