Nowhere in the history of the universe is there any doubt about the Earths planetary ascension.
This event is imminent and you each are awakening and participating as is perfectly aligned with your own soul directives and your alignment with theses inner urgings. The path you walk is a difficult one; fraught with rocks, dry and at times without water, lonely and even when you do meet one another, there is simply, even, much commiserating about your painful experiences and the endlessly challenging symptoms your bodies are experiencing. Nonetheless, I come to reassure you and to remind you...don't miss out on the fun!
Soon the movement within and without will move beyond coalescing to the creating of new relationships, dialogues and structures which will enable a new culture to emerge and go mainstream! Many of you have noticed that as you withdrew your energies from the collective old-state institutions and modes of being that they gradually fell away from prominence not just in your life, but in general. Those who try to keep their structures, relationships, organizations and processes in place with no regard for harmonizing and indeed, becoming an innate and organic part of the emergent new, will find it impossible to sustain what they hold up--despite their passion and their work. Never, have organizations, processes, beliefs or ways of being been sustained by only an individual; they have always been aligned with the collective and as such emerged as a self-sustaining whole because of their alignment with what is the natural, authentic mode of those they serve. Remember this as you create anew!
In regards to your current challenges, believe me my love-filled and amazingly courageous beings: what you experience is well known by those who watch from other points in space. There is a sense of admiration and a desire in many of us to support and encourage you, to enfold you in our arms and assert with profound certainty: you will make it! You are loved! All is well! Hang in there! For we see how much this requires of you.
How hard it is for you to be separated from your eternally valid perspective which is without the limited visibility of your earth vessel. But such is the unique challenge which you have collectively undertaken: to find your way, together, to ascend with your entire planet, energetically, and to do so from a human perspective. Thus bringing the god-consciousness into the human form without veil. To elevate the creative playground of the earth-plane to a new level. One that re-instates the awareness of unity of your earlier incarnations, but moves beyond that, through the third dimensional polarity consciousness and into a dimension which is new in the experience of this playground and which will provide endless and amazing opportunities for divine creativity for all-that-is.
Your roles are enormously important in all-that-is.
21 posters
Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates
JesterTerrestrial- Posts : 1766
Join date : 2010-04-11
Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Michael April 27 2010
JesterTerrestrial- Posts : 1766
Join date : 2010-04-11
Location : INNOVATION STATIONS !SCHOOL much is said in these messages...of events that i have no knowledge of. i can not verify this message and or its source. POSTED AS IS!!! PEACE JT!
Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle April 27 2010
Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle April 27 2010
Selamat Jarin! We come with more information about what is taking place on your world. This final phase of your dark cabal's efforts to forestall the inevitable is concluding. We are busy drawing up the proposals that are to constitute the first agreements between the new caretaker governments and this first contact team, and are selecting the personnel who can best represent us at these initial meetings. We are using the knowledge accumulated from our observations of you over time to put together a three-step move that will allow these new governments to formally acknowledge our presence. Once this is done, we intend to make our own announcements so that you can know directly who we are and why we are here. First contact can then proceed in a more normal fashion. We want to give you a range of technologies that will dovetail easily with the devices to be made public by the caretaker regimes. Under the provisions of an exchange contract, the "black projects" directorates of your secret government received a number of devices from members of the former Anchara Alliance.
These technologies can swiftly transform the way your sciences and their outdated frameworks view the workings of your reality. In fact, your world has been greatly limited by their pronouncements of what is possible and what is not, and these antiquated boundaries need to be expanded to include concepts like dark energy and dark matter, as well as broader notions of what constitutes "physical" and "spiritual." As you begin to integrate these new concepts into your worldview, you become capable of entertaining ideas that had previously seemed fantastic. This is when our technology can begin to make sense to you. We live in a very different realm from yours and would like you to experience some of what our reality is like. This will allow you to compare both worlds and to revel in just how easy it is to adapt to and welcome all we have to offer you. Our technology can form the first support of a bridge between us, and the second support will be your growing consciousness. Consciousness is basic, as our tools are predicated on telepathy and telekinesis and on the mutual interplay this provides between our tools and us.
From our perspective there is no real separation between our technology and us. Whether the device is a ship, a transporter, or a replicator, all are living entities which merge their sentient potential with our own to create something. This something can be a trip through the universe, the invention of a special implement to make life easier, or dinner! The point is to move beyond your present notion that there are living and non-living states. Your planet and your Sun are alive! And as you progress into the sciences of nanotechnology, nanobiology, and artificial intelligence, new definitions of sentiency are sure to come up. What we are doing is jump-starting these concepts and demonstrating their potential. The use of a technology such as ours relies on your as-yet untapped mind-consciousness link, and our purpose is to bring forth this now latent ability in you, as it constitutes one of the stepping-stones on your road back to full consciousness. Then, as you blend your technologies with ours, something wonderful happens.
Balance- Posts : 113
Join date : 2010-04-11
Dearest Jester,
Your positive energy and LOVE is greatly appreciated. I feel your Love energy xoxox, and I like it.
Your positive energy and LOVE is greatly appreciated. I feel your Love energy xoxox, and I like it.
UncleJohn- Posts : 40
Join date : 2010-04-10
Age : 80
Location : Los Altos California
Does Commander Sohin of Alpha Spaceship, Light SaLuSa, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael, Sheldan Nidle, Uriel, Master Hilarion, Council of Twelve, Arcturian Group, Ashtar, Pan, Saul, Kuthumi, Mira Pleiadian High Council and "Ashtar, Sheran and Intergalactic Fleet" all speak for the Galactic Federation of Light?
I doubt it.
Whomever is posting these youtube readings is doing us all a disservice by implying that they are speaking for the GFL when they are not IMO. I'm not referring to JT and thanks JT for posting them here.
I doubt it.
Whomever is posting these youtube readings is doing us all a disservice by implying that they are speaking for the GFL when they are not IMO. I'm not referring to JT and thanks JT for posting them here.
mp3- Posts : 174
Join date : 2010-04-09
If I'm chatting with Archangel Michael, or Metatron, or my Arcturian guides, or my 9th dimensional Pleiadian guides, they have never once mentioned the GFL or even of being a part of anything you could construe as political in nature. The only one I've personally encountered who did claim big titles and membership in what I'd call an organization as we think of it, Is Kuthumi. And that really is sort of a turn off for me personally, although I'm prepared to explore that this might be my issue and prejudice. but I still like the bulk of Kuthumi's messages when I come across them. Just not where I get the feeling of an implied mission or instructions. That to me is always a red flag. No being purely of higher light, will give an assignment. In fact my guides almost pour into the space created by a request or question from me. They are so firm about non-interference, that it acts as a strong red flag when I hear messages of what we must now do, or when they speak in hierarchical terms. I asked Metatron once, whether he went by Lord or Archangel, and he (they - it's not an individuated being like our 3D conception assigns.) said it doesn't matter. That he will answer to anything that matches his energy signature. If we know his energy, all we have to do is place our awareness there, and he enters into communication, whether we hear back or not. They love it when someone hears them back. It's a total joy for them to interact directly.
hippihillbobbi- Posts : 138
Join date : 2010-04-18
Dear JT and everyone else following this thread --
JT ..... recently i listened to several of the tapes you've embedded in this thread and thought they were Very Interesting. since i'm a "politically junkie" myself, i was especially interested in the comments of the various Federation members re: the global political deceptions perpetrated on "everyday" humans for so many, many years by the PTB. since i didn't have time to listen to ALL the tapes you have so generously posted, i "reserved judgement," i.e., decided it wasn't necessary to decide then (or i wasn't yet capable of discerning) whether i thought the messages were "of the light" or what.
Oddly enough .....soon thereafter i watched/listened to several other tapes ..... which had the effect of making me reflect on the GFL material. One was a channeling of the Pleidians done by Wendy Kennedy ( and several others were done by George Kavassilas called "Our Journey and the Great Deception." I found the Kavassilas tapes on SuiG's thread (the Galactic Confederation of Worlds, i think) and perhaps even the channeling of the Pleidians too (i forget...but if so, it was a tape from a radio program). in this channeling, we were reminded how the Pleidians and any benevolent ETs would never intefere here on earth in any way .... other than giving us general spiritual advice, etc. ..... since then they would be depriving us of the critical opportunities we chose to give ourselves here before we came ..... choices re: discernment, specific actions to take to remedy our political problems, etc. After that, i watched Part 2 of the Kavassilas videos (embedded below.) i liked these so well that today i went on youtube and listened to Parts 1 & 3 of this same series. All were done in 2009.
the "upshot" of what i'd like to share with you about these videos, JT et al, is that -- as far as Kavassillas is concerned -- the Galactic Federation of Light is a group of Nordic beings who are very beautiful and very adept at emanating vibrations of love and light. But their purpose, he adamantly contends, is to deceive as many people as they can into a "false ascension" which will actually amount to a soul-havest wherein they will entice humans who are afraid of fearful events happening on earth at the time of their arrival .... entice us onto their spaceships and take us to Mars where we will be in their ultimate control (like others before us from other planets). All of this, of course, will be done under the guise of love and light, and deep discernment will be required to resist their seemingly benevolent offers ..... they will insist they are "saving" us.
This was my introduction to Mr. Kavassilas, but my discernment in this case was clearer than with the GFL tapes. The overall breadth, depth, and quality of his experience and knowledge on MANY subjects convinced me that he was someone who deserved my respect and attention. Hence, i felt justified in spending the time it took to watch Parts 1 & 3 of the series as well.
Perhaps you and others in the Mists might like to watch some of these also, since there has been so much controversy over this topic ...... apparently starting awhile back on PA 1 (??). i embedded Part 2, as it is in this portion that Kavassilas speaks directly about the GFL.
with much respect and love to you, JT, and each of the Mister-ers. may our inner discernment continue to grow in depth and sophistication ..... so that we may all realize our desire to effectively discern truth from lies or disinformation.
much love,
yout sister
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JT ..... recently i listened to several of the tapes you've embedded in this thread and thought they were Very Interesting. since i'm a "politically junkie" myself, i was especially interested in the comments of the various Federation members re: the global political deceptions perpetrated on "everyday" humans for so many, many years by the PTB. since i didn't have time to listen to ALL the tapes you have so generously posted, i "reserved judgement," i.e., decided it wasn't necessary to decide then (or i wasn't yet capable of discerning) whether i thought the messages were "of the light" or what.
Oddly enough .....soon thereafter i watched/listened to several other tapes ..... which had the effect of making me reflect on the GFL material. One was a channeling of the Pleidians done by Wendy Kennedy ( and several others were done by George Kavassilas called "Our Journey and the Great Deception." I found the Kavassilas tapes on SuiG's thread (the Galactic Confederation of Worlds, i think) and perhaps even the channeling of the Pleidians too (i forget...but if so, it was a tape from a radio program). in this channeling, we were reminded how the Pleidians and any benevolent ETs would never intefere here on earth in any way .... other than giving us general spiritual advice, etc. ..... since then they would be depriving us of the critical opportunities we chose to give ourselves here before we came ..... choices re: discernment, specific actions to take to remedy our political problems, etc. After that, i watched Part 2 of the Kavassilas videos (embedded below.) i liked these so well that today i went on youtube and listened to Parts 1 & 3 of this same series. All were done in 2009.
the "upshot" of what i'd like to share with you about these videos, JT et al, is that -- as far as Kavassillas is concerned -- the Galactic Federation of Light is a group of Nordic beings who are very beautiful and very adept at emanating vibrations of love and light. But their purpose, he adamantly contends, is to deceive as many people as they can into a "false ascension" which will actually amount to a soul-havest wherein they will entice humans who are afraid of fearful events happening on earth at the time of their arrival .... entice us onto their spaceships and take us to Mars where we will be in their ultimate control (like others before us from other planets). All of this, of course, will be done under the guise of love and light, and deep discernment will be required to resist their seemingly benevolent offers ..... they will insist they are "saving" us.
This was my introduction to Mr. Kavassilas, but my discernment in this case was clearer than with the GFL tapes. The overall breadth, depth, and quality of his experience and knowledge on MANY subjects convinced me that he was someone who deserved my respect and attention. Hence, i felt justified in spending the time it took to watch Parts 1 & 3 of the series as well.
Perhaps you and others in the Mists might like to watch some of these also, since there has been so much controversy over this topic ...... apparently starting awhile back on PA 1 (??). i embedded Part 2, as it is in this portion that Kavassilas speaks directly about the GFL.
with much respect and love to you, JT, and each of the Mister-ers. may our inner discernment continue to grow in depth and sophistication ..... so that we may all realize our desire to effectively discern truth from lies or disinformation.
much love,
yout sister
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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JesterTerrestrial- Posts : 1766
Join date : 2010-04-11
hippihillbobbi wrote:Dear JT and everyone else following this thread --
JT ..... recently i listened to several of the tapes you've embedded in this thread and thought they were Very Interesting. since i'm a "politically junkie" myself, i was especially interested in the comments of the various Federation members re: the global political deceptions perpetrated on "everyday" humans for so many, many years by the PTB. since i didn't have time to listen to ALL the tapes you have so generously posted, i "reserved judgement," i.e., decided it wasn't necessary to decide then (or i wasn't yet capable of discerning) whether i thought the messages were "of the light" or what.
Oddly enough .....soon thereafter i watched/listened to several other tapes ..... which had the effect of making me reflect on the GFL material. One was a channeling of the Pleidians done by Wendy Kennedy ( and several others were done by George Kavassilas called "Our Journey and the Great Deception." I found the Kavassilas tapes on SuiG's thread (the Galactic Confederation of Worlds, i think) and perhaps even the channeling of the Pleidians too (i forget...but if so, it was a tape from a radio program). in this channeling, we were reminded how the Pleidians and any benevolent ETs would never intefere here on earth in any way .... other than giving us general spiritual advice, etc. ..... since then they would be depriving us of the critical opportunities we chose to give ourselves here before we came ..... choices re: discernment, specific actions to take to remedy our political problems, etc. After that, i watched Part 2 of the Kavassilas videos (embedded below.) i liked these so well that today i went on youtube and listened to Parts 1 & 3 of this same series. All were done in 2009.
the "upshot" of what i'd like to share with you about these videos, JT et al, is that -- as far as Kavassillas is concerned -- the Galactic Federation of Light is a group of Nordic beings who are very beautiful and very adept at emanating vibrations of love and light. But their purpose, he adamantly contends, is to deceive as many people as they can into a "false ascension" which will actually amount to a soul-havest wherein they will entice humans who are afraid of fearful events happening on earth at the time of their arrival .... entice us onto their spaceships and take us to Mars where we will be in their ultimate control (like others before us from other planets). All of this, of course, will be done under the guise of love and light, and deep discernment will be required to resist their seemingly benevolent offers ..... they will insist they are "saving" us.
This was my introduction to Mr. Kavassilas, but my discernment in this case was clearer than with the GFL tapes. The overall breadth, depth, and quality of his experience and knowledge on MANY subjects convinced me that he was someone who deserved my respect and attention. Hence, i felt justified in spending the time it took to watch Parts 1 & 3 of the series as well.
Perhaps you and others in the Mists might like to watch some of these also, since there has been so much controversy over this topic ...... apparently starting awhile back on PA 1 (??). i embedded Part 2, as it is in this portion that Kavassilas speaks directly about the GFL.
with much respect and love to you, JT, and each of the Mister-ers. may our inner discernment continue to grow in depth and sophistication ..... so that we may all realize our desire to effectively discern truth from lies or disinformation.
much love,
yout sister
Hi hippihillbobbi! thank you. i just watched these videos and found them to be very interesting. I do agree that there has been much manipulation over a long time period and that is why its important to use our own intuition. Some interesting information about the original true anunaki and the ones that liked to fake the funk. :)
Anyway...hmmmm...some good stuff here worth some more research. Peace! JT!
JesterTerrestrial- Posts : 1766
Join date : 2010-04-11
How about this...anybody out there able to prove this truth! Gonna have to use my own intuition!!!
Just like this message says. And as I have said many times!!! PEACE!!! JT!
Part 1 Galactic Federation Of Light Kryon, April 13 30 2010 DNA Revealed
Part 2 Galactic Federation Of Light Kryon, April 13 30 2010 DNA Revealed
Part 3 Galactic Federation Of Light Kryon, April 13 30 2010 DNA Revealed
Just like this message says. And as I have said many times!!! PEACE!!! JT!
Part 1 Galactic Federation Of Light Kryon, April 13 30 2010 DNA Revealed
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This is a family gathering; at least, that is the way I see it. It's a precious gathering, for if you really truly understood what was happening in this moment, I think you would be surprised. However, it seems so linear. A man sits on a stage, the music plays, and Spirit comes forth... and there is reverence, blessed energy, and respect. That's the way you see it.
What is really going on here is so much bigger, for this day there's an allotment, a permission that you have given for this energy to visit you from the other side of the veil. This doesn't happen without people in front of my partner. He cannot do this alone. He cannot speak out loud with the voice of Kryon unless you are here, and he never has. This should tell you that there are some attributes in the process that require a give and take," and there are.
You see, from my perspective, the entourage comes in and waits for permission. It's not a man on a stage. It's not necessarily a presentation. It's a reunion. For in the chairs in front of me, and reading and hearing, are ones I have known for eternity. All of you are eternal in both directions. There is no beginning of you. Think of this! That should tell you the essence and the core of what is inside.
In this moment, in these times, in this brief thing you call channelling, there is energy given. It is information in English, but while it is given and while the energy is there, the third language is above you all. It visits every chair and asks the question, "Do you remember?"
The Human Being is not built for total spiritual recall of who you are on the other side of the veil. If we offered empirical proof that this channelling was true, there would be no test at all. In addition, the crowd would be so much larger, you know? If there was proof, everyone would be here. No, instead it requires individuals to go inside and ask for discernment. "Could it be that all that is being presented here is accurate and true? Could it be that it's exactly what Kryon says it is?" This is the discernment we have spoken of often, which the Human Being has available.
So in these moments, there is, indeed, energy flowing from this crack in the veil that you have given permission to open. From that crack pours the energy of home. Just for a moment, with this third language, just for a moment, let it fill your heart. And if you're paying attention, it ought to fill you up with truth that you're more than you think.
All around this planet there is an awakening going on. It doesn't make a big noise, for there are no advertising campaigns or television shows that announce it. Slow, it is. Since 1987, it has been growing, and you feel it. Humanity is more aware of this shift now than ever before. Many around you are starting to accept what you in this room have accepted. Oh, they may not believe what you believe, but they are seeing who you are. They see a peaceful Human Being sitting among those who are in turmoil. They see the way that you handle life and others around you, how that makes a difference. There's a prophet inside each of you and we want to talk about that tonight. It may not seem like we're going to talk about a prophet inside when I tell you the subject, but there is. The subject is again DNA.
So we would like to explain some things, and continue the teaching of only a few weeks ago that we gave in the top part of Earth [northern hemisphere], which we now bring to the bottom [Australia]. But, of course, that's if you look at Earth in a linear, popular way. For who is to say what is up and down? Perhaps it's even left and right?;
DNA Teaching Continues;
DNA - The very letters ring with the complexity and chemistry of high biological science. In actuality, there is a lot more to it even than science sees, for it is doubtful that science will ever see what I'm about to tell you. There are components of your DNA and attributes that are simply unseeable in 3D. I have told you in the past that what is missing at this moment in scientific endeavor, which would literally change everything, is an instrument that would measure an interdimensional field. Once that instrument or scenario is developed, and it will be, it is the closest thing you'll ever have to proof of all that we speak of. For the instant that instrument is turned upon the various things of the planet, including Human biology, there will be revelation in science, everywhere. Energy that is invisible will appear, or will at least show its shadow. It will then be real, where at the moment it is only conjecture.
Part 2 Galactic Federation Of Light Kryon, April 13 30 2010 DNA Revealed
That's the truth! Feel it! The imprint of who you really are is in there. You carry with you pieces and parts of the lineage from another planet and other areas of the Universe. The energy of those who helped seed you with humanity's spiritual portion are there as well [Pleiadian]. Appropriate, it is. Beautiful, it is. Loving, it is. All of that is there within your DNA, and in order for it to be there, it has to be a quantum energy.
Now, let us again speak of the 3D biology. When the Human Genome Project was finished, all the chemicals in the double helix had been identified. In that very, very small double helix, three billion chemical parts were then known and identified. It is so small that this DNA molecule must be seen via an electron microscope. So complex it is that it has three billion in chemical parts. Then the task began of identifying what the parts did, and science began to study the enormity of what was there. They were looking, indeed, for that which created more than 23,000 Human genes. So they looked for the coding, the linear protein coding, so that they could understand how these things worked.
Science had waited a long time to see "the blueprint in action," and they did. But the shock came when less than five percent of the DNA created genes. Indeed, they saw linearity and they saw the coding in the protein-encoded portion of DNA. This small portion created the genes, but the rest of it seemed to be random, even chaotic. More than 90 percent of DNA seemed to be scrambled and useless.
My partner talked about that today [in lecture] where a quantum state appears to be chaotic. It appears to be random, for there is no linearity to be discovered in a true quantum reality, none at all. One of the things that keeps you from seeing a quantum state is the linearity bias that you have in your 3D reality. So you, indeed, stare at that which is quantum, but to you the concept of what it might be is invisible. This DNA attribute of randomness could not be taken lightly, for science was looking at something that was unexplainable. Imagine, 90 percent of DNA seemed to do nothing at all! The biologists knew better, but there simply was no explanation at hand;
On to New Information;
So we start from that point in order to reveal a few things that you need to know, many of which will be eventually confirmed. When it is, you'll remember where you heard it.
DNA is far larger than you think, and even today science is starting to acknowledge that the 90 percent of DNA that is seemingly random may not be a language or code at all. Instead, it may be what they would call influential chemistry" that somehow modifies or configures the five percent that is the engine of the genetic blueprint. The irony here is that this is exactly what's happening, but not in the way science is looking at it.
The 90 percent of DNA is a reflection of your spirituality. The Akashic Record, the Higher-Self, that which you seek that you call "a portal to the other side," is there. In a quantum state, these things are not actually in the chemicals at all. Think of all of those chemicals together as a bridge, somehow a pipeline, a portal or quantum pointer to everything. Instead of thinking in a linear way that there is a compartment or a box where your Higher-Self is, think of a doorway. If you could go there and see the quantum state of it, you would enter a pipeline that takes you to everything that is. So understand that this 3D/quantum chemical bridge is a sacred influencer of the genome, and it's very large, containing most of the information in the Human blueprint of life;
DNA is More Than You Think;
Now, let us speak of DNA as you've never heard us speak before. We desire that this is published and is part of the compilation that my partner is putting together. We present it almost last in the three-year series of teaching, in the year of the three, for Kryon Book Twelve, a three in numerology. So there is 333, which represents the completion of the information this year. It is time you knew the rest of the story.
Science considers your brain to be the center of consciousness, but it is not. The brain, the highest ordered neurological group they can see, is filled with a complex synapse. Therefore, it must be responsible for what is called Human consciousness. It is not. The brain is only the 3D engine that responds to the 90 percent quantumness of DNA. It is the engine of the synapse and it's vastly complicated. But the brain is only the receiver of information to create electrical signals that do as they are instructed, as influenced by the DNA.
Part 3 Galactic Federation Of Light Kryon, April 13 30 2010 DNA Revealed
Therefore, your meditations and prayers could be shifted to become wiser as you speak to your own cellular structure, to your own Higher-Self. You might say, "Dear Spirit, dear DNA, examine the life that I have and give me those things which will enhance it." Perhaps that's the healing you came for, dear one? Don't you think I know who's here? Perhaps that's a miracle that will give you joy in the face of the sorrow that you're in right now? Don't you think I know who is here, what you've gone through in these last days? I counted the tears when they fell, and so did the DNA field! You feel so alone, not understanding there's an entourage around you the whole time, and they would love to touch that field that is your DNA! They'd love to touch it. But not unless you say it's OK to do so.
Understand this: DNA is more than chemistry! It is a field and a portal. These things are the mechanics of Spirit. We're starting to give you advanced information and there have been those who have known how this works and assigned sacred geometry to all of it. They're accurate and it's correct. But it's a field;
A Master's Ascension;
Let me review something with you that's ancient, wise, and tells a profound story. In your own scriptures in the western world, there is a story of a master named Elijah. This was the only Human Being in history to select his time of ascension without death and have it recorded by the one who would take his place. Therefore, you could see it within the writings of the one who witnessed it. I want to review it, for even all the way back then, there is proof of the field.
They say Elijah stepped into an opening, asking Elisha to record what was going to happen. Now Elijah was a master with great wisdom and knowledge and he is today what you would call an ascended master, and Elisha loved him. In the linearity of humanism, there is an entire group of people who expect his return. I have some news for them. Get out of your linearity, for he's been back a long time! For the energy of the masters are part of the energy of the great shift that is upon you. They intermingle with the vibration of this planet. They're all back, and it's what you're feeling. In a quantum state, they're in your DNA. Don't you sense this? There is so much expectation around 3D things that were never meant to be 3D. So much information is given in metaphoric terms, so you might understand that perhaps prophesy itself could mean things outside of your linear reality.
Elijah walked into the open with Elisha watching, but he did not die. Instead, he claimed his sacredness. Indeed he left, but not without some fireworks. For Elisha indicated that he turned into a chariot of fire, accompanied by three entities. In the best that he could see and describe in his linearity, Elisha described what it looked like and what it felt like. Now, take a look at this, for you will find that it was not necessarily angels from above who came and got Elijah. Instead, something happened on the ground and Elijah turned into light and he left.
Let me tell you what that was. That was Elijah energizing his field of DNA! This field has a name, the name given at that moment Elijah was riding a chariot of light. The name was given in Hebrew: Merkabah. And I will now reveal to you, as I have before two times, that your DNA field is indeed your Merkabah. It has sacred geometry connected to it, for this interdimensional field has structure. If you could see it, you'd see the structure of the double tetrahedron, and it's beautiful. It's not just a ball of light. The name Merkabah would indicate that something rides within it, and it is the chariot of your divinity. Each Human Being has this, recorded by Elisha watching the master ascend. In addition, the chariot contained three parts, which was the reunion that I have spoken about in the past of the three parts that split from you when you arrive on the earth, and recombine when you leave. I will give more about this in the next channelling. That's what we want to share in these moments, for that's what each one of you has - exactly what Elijah had;
Biology and Intent;
Let's talk more about biology because now it gets a little more complex. There is an intermingling of the 3D and the quantum that we wish to describe to you now. It's something that is new, for the vibration of this planet and of humanity, especially of those who are working with the light, is creating a new tool set. You're going to start to see it and it's going to be visible through examination of the 3D chemistry of DNA, even at the 3D level.
JesterTerrestrial- Posts : 1766
Join date : 2010-04-11
Galactic Federation Of Light St Germain May 02 2010
Let's discuss how to enter the realm of true feeling in the world of illusion, before Earth Changes alter that reality into a hard-working, joyful expression of love.
Your Earth has been printed with 144 crystal quarries that are connected to the Central Earth spiritual kingdom, known as Shambhala.Shambhala receives currents of electromagnetic energy from a primary core collector on the Giza plateau in Egypt. Normally, this energy is diverted to the tectonic plate seams that keep continental land masses in place. As zero point is reached, some of this energy is diverted by Shambhala directly to these 144 crystal quarries, and they are activated.
As the Second Coming occurs and star vessels position themselves within Earth's own merkabah structure, an alignment is created between the 144 star tetrahedrons of Earth's merkabah and these 144 subterrestrial crystal configurations. On the surface of Earth, these quarries create a very special vortex. You have observed some of these vortexes as sacred sites such as Mt. Shasta in California, Sedona in Arizona, and Stonehenge in England, whose last full activation point was about 30,000 years ago.
There exist twelve in the United States and Canada, twelve in Mexico and Central America, and twelve in South America. There are twelve in Africa, western Europe, Sweden and Norway. and twelve in eastern Europe through Turkey and Greece. The Middle East has twelve, including Egypt to the south and southern Russia to the north. The remaining portions of Russia, northern China and Tibet share twelve, as do southern China, India, Cambodia, Viet Nam, and Laos. Twelve serve Australia and Malaysia. Twelve serve the western Pacific including Japan, and twelve serve the eastern Pacific and polar regions.
The final twelve are independent and represent ancient vortexes that are distributed globally as 'time portal' vortexes. These are activated first and handle the beginning of the ascension of the 144.000. The two nearest to your area lie in southwestern Colorado and on the Big Island of Hawaii. All remaining vortexes will be activated as the number of Ascending Masters increases.
Once zero point is achieved, it will become a highly intuitive and frequent impulse within you to travel to one or many of the activated vortexes. You will feel 'true feelings' and realize that this is perhaps your ascension point. You will take these feelings back home with you, but will desire to return as often as possible until you unite with your retribalizing soul group and finally move to your ascension vortex.
Mercuriel- Admin
- Posts : 3497
Join date : 2010-04-07
Location : Walking the Path...
- Post n°35
Zero Point Peer Reviewed Theory
>Merc enters with Package<
Well lets get at 'er then...
Zero Point Peer Reviewed Theory
>Merc exits minus Package<
Well lets get at 'er then...
Zero Point Peer Reviewed Theory
>Merc exits minus Package<
Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...
hippihillbobbi- Posts : 138
Join date : 2010-04-18
Dear JT --
I greatly appreciate your sharing all these tapes with us, and i have read all the transcripts here so far. I ESPECIALLY appreciate your consistent disclaimer, JT, as to parts of the transmissions which you feel you can not "verify" and your continual reminders that we should "take what resonates, and discard the rest." Indeed, that is basic advice that all of us should always be following.
To me, these transmissions seem to be mostly in line with other channelings i have read and considered to be trustworthy. i.e., the sources seem to be saying all the "right" things and advising us to do the "right" things. the caveat, however, concerns a point MP3 made in one of his posts here -- the "law of non-interference." it's my understanding that a fundamental premise of the communication of the benevolent, higher-level e.t.'s is that they may not give us any precise directives or be involved physically in our (earthlings') quest to rise to higher spiritual levels and/or to "ascend" to higher dimensions. over and over it has been stated that this would not only be a serious violation of our free will, but it would deprive us individually and collectively of the golden opportunity to work-this-out for ourselves, as we supposedly "contracted" to do in our decisions to incarnate on earth at this critical juncture. naturally, then, communications from e.t.s which seem not to be adhering to this "sacred" guideline do and should arouse some suspicion. MP3, as i mentioned earlier, put this very well already. though i realize that channeling is certainly not an "exact science" and that the foibles of the human channel may sometimes result in a less-than-ideal translation of the source's meaning ..... i believe it IS vitally important to take note of instances when the idea of such potential "interference" may seem to be coming-through. in this light, i'm including some such statements from page 1 of this thread which happened to strike me as odd and noteworthy. (emphasis mine)
1st April 14th Transmission--Sheldan Nidle
"Our Earth allies comprehend this and have drawn up a host of new
agreements between various states, the powerful, and our allies. These
rare birds understand how important it is to create a situation in which
the "old ways" are put at risk in order to finally discard them. These
strategies are close to achieving their objective. Many on your world
are truly frustrated at the time this has taken so far. We sympathize
and are using our own plans to hasten the long-overdue end of the old
"Our intervention, meanwhile, strengthens the activities of our Earth
2nd April 14th Transmission--SaLuSa
"While this strange operation is underway, Mother Earth has put us on
notice to accelerate drastically our timetable for first contact."
"Of course we have a great input into such matters, and working with our
allies behind the scenes to speed up matters so that our plan for your
future can fully commence. Have no fear as to the outcome; it has been
decided in the higher dimensions by great Beings who see the whole
picture from their perspective."
Hopefully you can understand, JT, why statements such as the above might be worrisome. who ARE these "earth allies" of theirs who seem to have taken it upon themselves to work out agreements with "states" (nation-states, i presume??) and "the powerful??" and what kinds of agreements are they making on OUR behalf?? why is the GFL interpreting "mother nature's signals" to mean that THEIR timetable should be accelerated?? haven't we heard over and over from other sources that, though the earth's ascension and the opportunity for many of us also to ascend with her is a given, that the details and the timetable are subject to the actions/intentions of we humans? and who are these "Higher Beings" who have supposedly "decided" the outcome???
Perhaps these worrisome words are merely a case of "mis-channeling," but not to question them would be a basic error on our part, imo. i haven't noticed "mistakes" such as these in the other channelings i've been exposed to which i've discerned as trustworthy or higher level. If higher dimensional ets ARE interested in deceiving us for their own ends ..... certainly using a facade of light and love would be the most sophisticated way to go about it.
I don't mean to say, however, JT, that such concerns need necessarily totally invalidate these transmissions, as you and i and others here have felt uplifted by much of the communications which appear consistent with our inner discernment and other information we've come across. But ..... in light of what George Kavassilas said in the videos you & i both watched concerning the GFL, i think we should at the very least "Proceed with Caution." if it weren't for these somewhat subtle wordings mixed in with the transmissions, i would think that everyone who has been attacking you over this had completely lost their minds! but i seriously DO think they have "lost their way" in using such hostile and childish language to express their opinions. and, i AM sorry, JT, that you have had to endure that.
with much love and respect,
your sister,
I greatly appreciate your sharing all these tapes with us, and i have read all the transcripts here so far. I ESPECIALLY appreciate your consistent disclaimer, JT, as to parts of the transmissions which you feel you can not "verify" and your continual reminders that we should "take what resonates, and discard the rest." Indeed, that is basic advice that all of us should always be following.
To me, these transmissions seem to be mostly in line with other channelings i have read and considered to be trustworthy. i.e., the sources seem to be saying all the "right" things and advising us to do the "right" things. the caveat, however, concerns a point MP3 made in one of his posts here -- the "law of non-interference." it's my understanding that a fundamental premise of the communication of the benevolent, higher-level e.t.'s is that they may not give us any precise directives or be involved physically in our (earthlings') quest to rise to higher spiritual levels and/or to "ascend" to higher dimensions. over and over it has been stated that this would not only be a serious violation of our free will, but it would deprive us individually and collectively of the golden opportunity to work-this-out for ourselves, as we supposedly "contracted" to do in our decisions to incarnate on earth at this critical juncture. naturally, then, communications from e.t.s which seem not to be adhering to this "sacred" guideline do and should arouse some suspicion. MP3, as i mentioned earlier, put this very well already. though i realize that channeling is certainly not an "exact science" and that the foibles of the human channel may sometimes result in a less-than-ideal translation of the source's meaning ..... i believe it IS vitally important to take note of instances when the idea of such potential "interference" may seem to be coming-through. in this light, i'm including some such statements from page 1 of this thread which happened to strike me as odd and noteworthy. (emphasis mine)
1st April 14th Transmission--Sheldan Nidle
"Our Earth allies comprehend this and have drawn up a host of new
agreements between various states, the powerful, and our allies. These
rare birds understand how important it is to create a situation in which
the "old ways" are put at risk in order to finally discard them. These
strategies are close to achieving their objective. Many on your world
are truly frustrated at the time this has taken so far. We sympathize
and are using our own plans to hasten the long-overdue end of the old
"Our intervention, meanwhile, strengthens the activities of our Earth
2nd April 14th Transmission--SaLuSa
"While this strange operation is underway, Mother Earth has put us on
notice to accelerate drastically our timetable for first contact."
"Of course we have a great input into such matters, and working with our
allies behind the scenes to speed up matters so that our plan for your
future can fully commence. Have no fear as to the outcome; it has been
decided in the higher dimensions by great Beings who see the whole
picture from their perspective."
Hopefully you can understand, JT, why statements such as the above might be worrisome. who ARE these "earth allies" of theirs who seem to have taken it upon themselves to work out agreements with "states" (nation-states, i presume??) and "the powerful??" and what kinds of agreements are they making on OUR behalf?? why is the GFL interpreting "mother nature's signals" to mean that THEIR timetable should be accelerated?? haven't we heard over and over from other sources that, though the earth's ascension and the opportunity for many of us also to ascend with her is a given, that the details and the timetable are subject to the actions/intentions of we humans? and who are these "Higher Beings" who have supposedly "decided" the outcome???
Perhaps these worrisome words are merely a case of "mis-channeling," but not to question them would be a basic error on our part, imo. i haven't noticed "mistakes" such as these in the other channelings i've been exposed to which i've discerned as trustworthy or higher level. If higher dimensional ets ARE interested in deceiving us for their own ends ..... certainly using a facade of light and love would be the most sophisticated way to go about it.
I don't mean to say, however, JT, that such concerns need necessarily totally invalidate these transmissions, as you and i and others here have felt uplifted by much of the communications which appear consistent with our inner discernment and other information we've come across. But ..... in light of what George Kavassilas said in the videos you & i both watched concerning the GFL, i think we should at the very least "Proceed with Caution." if it weren't for these somewhat subtle wordings mixed in with the transmissions, i would think that everyone who has been attacking you over this had completely lost their minds! but i seriously DO think they have "lost their way" in using such hostile and childish language to express their opinions. and, i AM sorry, JT, that you have had to endure that.
with much love and respect,
your sister,
JesterTerrestrial- Posts : 1766
Join date : 2010-04-11
Part 1 Galactic Federation Of Light Blue Star the Pleiadian May 02 2010
Part 2 Galactic Federation Of Light Blue Star the Pleiadian May 02 2010
Galactic Federation Of Light Lady Portia May 02 2010
Galactic Federation Of Light Hilarion May 02 2010
People of all nations, please listen to what I have to say: this year of 2010 is a year that will never be forgotten. Those who are progressing on their own path of Spiritual evolution at their own pace, will be facing many trials and tribulations for a while this year. You are each here on the Earth Star planet for more than 1 reason; all you really need to know about that is that this is the year you all trained for. 2010 is a year to live courageously! All that you know and all that you think you know is being put to the test. How you each handle these tests will be your own measure of greatness, your own meter of your strengths and weaknesses. We will all continue watching over you as will those of the Spirit world. We will aid all those we can. Those who refuse to change, well, their future is now written in stone. The answer to 11 11 is in 2011.
Now, the vast majority of cultural and scientific societies acknowledge that man has evolved from the ape. This theory was debated for many years within the scientific communities. The data amassed to confirm this belief has been structured for the most part, around the physical likeness which exists between ape and mankind. In a very real sense, a post-stone age autopsy had been conducted. One faction who steadfastly refuses to acknowledge this scientific theory is the fundamental religious cults. These groups tend to consider the ape issue as blasphemy. They gravitate towards the theory of mankind as a direct descendant of God. BUT GOD AS THEY CHOOSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE HIM TO BE! Over the last five decades in particular, each group has felt more assured of its own belief system, yet more hostile towards all others belief systems. Evolution has been perceived to be a gradual change occurring throughout the millennia which has resulted in the human appearance as well as the mental evolvement, undergoing a subtle metamorphosis which have now combined and melded into a more refined physical appearance and expansion of mental growth. This hypothesis is non-threatening to many. Those who gravitate toward the "God Theory," believe that man is here to atone for his sins. It has been said among many religions that, the sins of the father are passed on to the Children. It has further been stated that each Child must atone through agony and turmoil for those sins committed against God by the parents.
This ill-birthed rhetoric has no validity! Statements concerning atonement have been attributed to the Creator as well as to the God of this Universe. This is not true either. Mankind has Created words that are a part of the practical world in an attempt to explain, to rationalize, what they deem to be illogical musings. Even though in actuality those musings are the true facts which they themselves are unaware of. It is in this manner that these ones do this to explain to this world in general all that really needs no explanation. For those ones among you who ponder the issue of how it came to pass that fact and myth have become so intertwined as to make separation virtually impossible I shall give to you the key to the answer. Now, thousands of years ago, prior to the arrival of the Soul who would then become known as Jesus, many of the Earthizens were Neanderthal TYPES, much as you still have today. These ones did indeed remember their forefathers' stories of the arrivals of the gods from the stars. These simple Souls too had BIBLES. Theirs were carved into stone using the hieroglyphics of their times to tell a fascinating never-ending story. They labored patiently at their chosen task; the much beloved etching of the truth into stone. This consumed months and years of their lifetimes. Their pictographs were seen and cherished by each succeeding generation of their people. Each of these beloved Children had been given the knowledge that all that would remain for them to do was for them to wait, be patient and the gods would return. No, these ones did not realize that those of us they considered gods were Star Keepers from other planets. All they knew was that we descended from the stars.
Part 2 Galactic Federation Of Light Blue Star the Pleiadian May 02 2010
Each element was believed to be a harbinger of dire times or conversely, a herald of prosperity. So, we educated these little ones, being certain that we only imparted knowledge which they were mentally capable of understanding. In return they gave us their affection and their unwavering loyalty. In truth what we could not do was to share with them the REALITY of the future regarding advanced technology. It was not their time to know. Now, due in some respects to their Child-like innocence, when their trust was earned it was a lifelong experience. They, like the dinosaurs, were vegetable and root eaters for the most part. Their basic survival instincts assisted them in living in extremely cold temperatures and foraging for food. Over the years as we further gained their loyalty we shared with them more new ways of enriching their food supply. They learned the most basic farming techniques using implements of stone, clay and wood. Even in those times however there existed warring factions among mankind. Many but not all, hostile situations were settled through bartering and, or the exchanging of gifts of food. These times were the original birth throes of the Olympics. We initiated these types of challenges as a feasible means of ending grudge matches." The loser of the physical encounter invariably respected the winner. The winners learned to respect the loser. Much bloodshed was averted in this manner.
Thus as a part of our teachings these simple persons did learn that they must avoid murdering their brethren, when at all possible. Sadly, over the many eons since those beginning times, man has become "too" smart. As he has progressed both physically and mentally he has regressed on the Spiritual plane. In today's civilizations, many whose partners are in a pregnant state await sophisticated and expensive tests to reveal the nature of the sex of the unborn child. Why? Do you not yet understand that each who is born among you is born as each has already chosen to be born? What does it matter if it is a boy-Child or a girl-Child? What DOES matter is that it is a CHILD OF GOD! What logical sense does it make to plan for the birth of a Child if the plans center on its upbringing and education? If the Child will be denied the EDUCATION OF HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS then the family planning is a sham! The true reality of conception is to produce God among you. Obviously there is also this state that is relative for your own reincarnational process as well. Your various established religions are quite incomprehensible in the Spiritual sense, in their views of conception. Many of you have the belief that God will save you from your sins; many among you ones believe that through the propagation and rearing of Children that you are also honoring Him. Then there are those who have been patiently awaiting His arrival so they may receive a penance for having studiously taught their Children that God is not only watching, but keeping score of their child's transgressions.
"NOW, FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO PIOUSLY" CHOOSE TO SIT AND WAIT FOR HIM OR JESUS THE CHRIST, TO DESCEND AND SAVE YOU, I SAY TO YOU ... YOU WOULD BE WISE NOT TO HOLD YOUR BREATH WHILE WAITING. NEITHER GOD NOR JESUS SHALL SAVE YOU: YOU EACH SAVE YOURSELVES ... OR BE PREPARED TO SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES." Those consequences will be Created by you, yourselves. Now, I wish to make a point; as a mote of dust drifts aimlessly in the air, so do many of you also. You ones heedlessly ignore the prophecies of yesterday and today. Thus when it was written, "The Sons of God did descend to save mens Souls," what was mis-translated was done so through erroneous TEACHING. Many of those long ago teachers who KNEW the truth have returned HERE and NOW, even as I SPEAK. The SPEAKERS have indeed ARRIVED. You may rejoice and pay heed or be as a mote of dust, but whatever your choice, do not place the responsibility of decisions you yourselves make, on God. Now, the dual nature of Spirituality lies in the division between those who choose to harmonize their lives while trusting that a leap into the void is both necessary and a required element of trust and those who choose not to leap. Instead they choose to sleep away this life experience as well as many other lives in their upcoming futures. Your organized religions, cults commenced as offshoots of mis-interpreted teachings and the deliberate contrivance of the Illuminati and their hordes. Great fear was instilled into the hearts, minds and Spirits of the Earthizens by those who used hellfire and damnation as a tool to inflict their own beliefs upon those whose minds were weak and pliable. As I have told you before, the Catholic church is but one of those who chose to exercise CONTROL,
Galactic Federation Of Light Lady Portia May 02 2010
My beloved friends, a wealth of unconditional love is expressed from my energy and soul and the vast team of light beings that I work alongside to aid the advancement and awakening of humanity. We unite our energies now to bring forth this communication which is focused upon cleansing and purifying of the energies. Cleansing or clearing energies, emotions and thoughts from your being is so very important as it allows you to continue to hold a clarity within your mind and energy. On the Earth you all experience so much, your senses are overloaded with images, thought, sounds, situations, emotions and the projections of others. In many ways you have a marvellous ability of taking on so much information and holding it within your aura, even energies or ideas that you had not observed within your reality. This means that your energies can become confused and unsettled; you may find that the information or ideas held within your being become stagnant because they have not been recognized, used or released. You could be compared to a room that you are constantly filling with new objects without clearing away old objects or litter first. I know that you are all aware of the importance of cleansing your energy and releasing old habits or emotions especially when you feel ill or low in vibration, but I wish to remind you that cleansing and healing is needed more frequently. It is beneficial to devote some time each day to asking for purification of your energy or a cleansing of your energy because as you travel through your reality it is almost as if you are collecting dust and it is this dust that can hinder the radiance of your soul and natural Creators light.
If you are constantly collecting information and ideas throughout your day without realizing it, then you will find that there are aspects of your energy that you are unaware of, which have a lower vibration or a separation from your true existence. In my opinion cleansings and healing must become your key focus even if you are feeling in perfect radiant health because by reducing the clutter within your aura and body you are bringing a balanced high vibrational energy to your being that becomes extremely strong and a powerful foundation. Through constant cleansing and healing you begin to examine yourself more fully and understand your energies as well as embarking on a journey where your energy vibration is constantly being heightened. Cleansing and healing will also create a sacred space that allows your soul to become more present and evident within your energy, blending to become one with your being. When you do not cleanse your being and do not add new healing energies to your current energy vibration then your soul can become lost or unrecognized in a sea of confusion. This means that the power of the soul within your reality is diminished.
When we allow our energy to remain of a high vibration and quickly clear away unneeded thoughts, emotions or the projections and ideas of others then we are preparing ourselves for a complete and absolute integration with the Creator. If you were to have an important person visiting your home, you would most probably tidy and clean in respect for yourself and the person but to also create a space that is happy and joyous for the occasion. It is the same when wishing to connect with the Creator and your soul, there is a need for you to create an energy within and around you that is sacred. This may not always be possible as situation and experiences on the Earth throw up new challenges but when you have a focus that is devoted to constant cleansing and healing of yourself and energies you will find that you remain balanced and are able to deal with situations with greater ease.
Galactic Federation Of Light Hilarion May 02 2010
Beloved Lightworkers,
The times that are now upon you require great focus and concentration on the Light that you are. Each of you are being tested in many diverse ways and much of this comes from the area of discernment, for there are many things taking place in each of your lives that have you wondering if you are losing it. We say to you, Dear Ones, that the veils are lifting and all that was illusion in your lives is being shattered and what you are now seeing is the effects of this, painful as it may be, realize that it is all for a higher purpose, a greater movement into the higher dimensional reality. Each of you may feel that this is not so, that you are stuck and wallowing in the mud of the past and the illusions of the present and will never see the Light you have worked so faithfully and diligently for.
Beloved Ones, keep up the good work by raising your vibrational frequency each day. You know by now that decreeing, mantras, affirmations and meditation serve to attract the higher energy flow to you and through you to the center of the Earth and beyond and that this is the Great Work for which you came. Do not give up hope of a better life for yourselves and all of your loved ones, including those that are testing you greatly in this present moment, for they are also Awakening to their greater potential, and as each of you know, this is sometimes accomplished through friction and tension. The growth of Awareness within a Soul comes by experiencing the nature of duality so that a clear choice can be made in the direction of the Light.
Each of you have already chosen this Path and have been embarked upon it for many, many lifetimes. This is the lifetime where the momentum of all that you have strived for is upon us all, this is the moment in Cosmic time when all the great forces of Light are gathering and integrating into the wholeness of Oneness, into remembrance of all that you truly are. This process is ever unfolding and your task now is to stay the course, no matter what. Daily send your blessings of Love and Light to those in your immediate circle of influence and have patience with their actions and activities. All is not as it seems for there are a great many forces at work in each situation and all is being brought forth for resolution, healing and integration with your Higher Selves.
hippihillbobbi- Posts : 138
Join date : 2010-04-18
Dear JT--
I found these to be exceptionally instructive and encouraging transmissions. thanks for sharing. two small points:
1) atonement = at-one-ment
2) Can you or anyone explain to me the meaning of the sentence below (found in Part1--GFL Blue Star the Pleiadian May 02, 2010)?? i'm not very good with numerology, so i've never really "gotten" the significance of 11 11 etc.
"The answer to 11 11 is in 2011."
thanks so much!
I found these to be exceptionally instructive and encouraging transmissions. thanks for sharing. two small points:
1) atonement = at-one-ment
2) Can you or anyone explain to me the meaning of the sentence below (found in Part1--GFL Blue Star the Pleiadian May 02, 2010)?? i'm not very good with numerology, so i've never really "gotten" the significance of 11 11 etc.
"The answer to 11 11 is in 2011."
thanks so much!
mp3- Posts : 174
Join date : 2010-04-09
That Hilarion message was fantastic, JT. Thanks for digging these out and sharing them. Very timely.
Raven- Posts : 513
Join date : 2010-04-10
Age : 57
Location : The Emerald City
- Post n°40
11 11
9+2=11 there for 2011=9+2+11=11 11 and this summary below is better still...Raven
The Maria Number Matrix of the 33-Summation-Tier
The 'Perennial Philosophy' or the 'Wisdom of the Ancients' often points to what is commonly termed as 'Sacred Geometry', based on the Platonic Solids (of five regular polyhedra: Tetrahedron, Cube; Octahedron; Dodecahedron and Icosahedron) and the Tetraktys of Pythagoras (for the minimum mathematical points to define the four dimensions of 0D=1 Point; 1D=2 Points for a Line; 2D=3 Points for a Plane and 3D= 4 Points for a Space).
Also invoked is the pentagonal supersymmetry of quasiperiodicity as 'Nature's Preferred maximisation of 'packing efficiency' known as the Fibonacci Series and the 'Perfect Numbers' of Euclid and the 'Harmony of Numbers and the Spheres' of Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci and Kepler.
In Pythagoraen Numerology, the 'masternumbers' 11, 22 and 33 are often emphasised and this post shall introduce some relatively rigorous number theory (of the so called 'pure' mathematics) to validate the significance of the 'masternumbers' from frst principles.
The alphanumeracy of the Arabic-Hebrew semiotiks then is bounded in say 22 or 26 letters of alphabets, which can attain numerical values in the decad of three triplicities:
Round or Curved 'Mental Numbers' {3-6-9} characterised by masternumber 33;
Mixed or Discontinuous 'Emotional Numbers' {2-5-8} characterised by masternumber 22 and
Linear or Straight 'Physical Numbers' {1-4-7} characterised by masternumber 11.
The Maria-Code in the Riemann Analysis specifies the partitioning of the decimal monad around the primary Maria-Number and SEps-Constant '11'.
This generates the Prime Number Algorithm: +1+11+10+11 as 33-tiered segments, which transform the mechanics of SEps into the 64-codex of the DNA/RNA code for its eventual quadrupling as the 256-codex incorporative of dormant intron/intein codings.
The Maria-Code is based on the distribution of the Maria-Numbers (MN)given by:
M(p)+99=M(p+12); n=[√(264k+1)-1]/2 by n2+n-66k=0.
Maria Numbers are those IntegerCounts, which contain all previously counted integers as mod33.
Example: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11=66 = 2x33 → '11' is MN#1 for k=2 11love65use110love164use209love263use......Archetype 2 (rootreductive) 21use66love120use165love219use264love......Archetype 3 (rootreductive) 32use77love131use176love230use275love......Archetype 5 (rootreductive) 33love87use132love186use231love285use......Arcgetype 6 (rootreductive) 44love98use143love197use242love296use......Archetype 8 (rootreductive) 54use99love153use198love252use297love......Archetype 9 (rootreductive) 65use110love164use209love263use308love....Archetype 2*... ...
Archetypes 2+3+5+6+8+9=33 and Archetypes 1+4+7+0=12 then define the imaginary time-dimensions as the archetypes not in the Sequence for Eps=1/e* Coefficients used in the application of the seven fundamental principalities to define the F-Space.
We have used the (Hebrew-Isaac-encoding): 54=LOVE=12+15+22+5 with 45=USE=21+19+5; USELOVE=99 as the Maria-Code connectors.
The first 10 MN's are: 11, 21, 32, 33, 44, 54, 65, 66, 77 and 87.
One can use the Maria-Code to establish a redefinition of infinity by defining a transfinite mapping Aleph-All from 12D-Omnispace as Cantorian transform of Cardinality Aleph-Null.
Limit (T(n)) for n→Infinity = Infinity {Cantor Cardinality Aleph-Null}
Limit (T(n)) for n→X = 1 {Cantor Cardinality Aleph-All}
This maps the Riemann pole about z=1 in the Functional-Riemann-Bound (FRB=-1/2) in the gaussian universal wavefunction B(n)=(2e/hA).exp(-Alpha.T(n)), T(n)=n(n+1) as the Feynman-Path-Integral. This becomes the Riemann-Euler-Harmonic, defining the Gamma-Function geometrically in its nth Term T and nth Sum S and mapping the factotrial function onto the positive integer count: Tk(En) = nk.Tk(En-1) + [(n-1)!]k and Sk(En) = Tk(En)/(n!)k
This uses the Harmonic Series in the Zeta-Function ζ(z) with constant p.
The Sum (1 to Infinity) Σ(1/np)= 1/1p+1/2p+1/3p+...+1/np and converges for any p>1, since for even terms: 2.2-p ≥ 2-p+3-p, with geometric series 11-p+21-p+41-p+...summing to
(1-2[1-p]^n)/(1-21-p)=1/[1-21-p] in the limit for n→Infinity.
Since every Maria Number contains all numbers before it as a sum, it is given that all the prime numbers must eventually crystallise out of the Maria Count.
Define a general number count n and a 'Mersenne-Count' 8n-1=M*.
For a number to be prime this number must be born in the Maria Code.
M* is either a prime or a product of primes in the immediate neighbourhood of the count # or its mapping to M*, which in a sense 'counts' the primes it generates.
This is the finestructure as octaves derived from integer n.
To test a number for primeness, so amounts to a testing for Marianess.
If the number is a member of the Maria-Matrix, then it must be denumerable in the form of M*.
This is the meaning behind the Mersenne-Code (for n prime) M(p)=2p-1 and the Fermat-Code F(n)=22^n+1 and the 'Perfect Numbers' depicted as the Mersenne Numbers (Mp), as a subset of M*.
For the Mersenne Numbers, the exponent p is defined to be prime.
M2=22-1=3; M3=23-1=7; M5=25-1=31; M7=27-1=127; M11=211-1=2047=23x89 and so is not a Mersenne Prime - yet M13=213-1=8191; M17=217-1=131,071;
M19=219-1=524,287 are prime and M23=223-1=8,388,607=47x178,481 and
M29=229-1=536,870,911=233x1103x2089 are not and M31=231-1=2,147,483,647 is prime again in the 33-tier count.
The 'uniqueness' of the prime number 11 (and esoteric masternumber) recrystallizes in Mersenne primes as the (first) 'odd one out'.
But it gets better. First we notice that there are just five 'perfect Fermat Primes'.
F0=21+1=3; F1=22+1=5; F2=24+1=17; F3=28+1=257 and F4=216+1=65,537 are all 'perfect' Fermat Primes, but F5=232+1=4,294,967,297=641x6,700,417 and following are not. Only these five Fermat primes are known to date.
From wiki:
Euclid discovered that the first four perfect numbers are generated by the formula 2p-1(2p - 1):
for p = 2: 21(22 - 1) = 6
for p = 3: 22(23 - 1) = 28
for p = 5: 24(25 - 1) = 496
for p = 7: 26(27 - 1) = 8128.
Noticing that 2p - 1 is a prime number in each instance, Euclid proved that the formula 2p-1(2p - 1) gives an even perfect number whenever 2p - 1 is prime (Euclid, Prop. IX.36).
Ancient mathematicians made many assumptions about perfect numbers based on the four they knew, but most of those assumptions would later prove to be incorrect. One of these assumptions was that since 2, 3, 5, and 7 are precisely the first four primes, the fifth perfect number would be obtained when p = 11, the fifth prime. However, 211 - 1 = 2047 = 23 × 89 is not prime and therefore p = 11 does not yield a perfect number. Two other wrong assumptions were:
The fifth perfect number (33550336 = 212(213 - 1)) has 8 digits, thus refuting the first assumption. For the second assumption, the fifth perfect number indeed ends with a 6. However, the sixth (8 589 869 056) also ends in a 6. It is straightforward to show that the last digit of any even perfect number must be 6 (when p = 2 or 4k+1) or 8 (when p = 4k-1).
In order for 2p - 1 to be prime, it is necessary but not sufficient that p should be prime. Prime numbers of the form 2p - 1 are known as Mersenne primes, after the seventeenth-century monk Marin Mersenne, who studied number theory and perfect numbers."(end wiki)
The 'Perfect Numbers' relate (for prime p) as 2p-1.Mp :
P5=24.(25-1)=496=1+2+3+...+30+31=[31x32]/2 =16x31=13+33+53+73=1+27+125+343;
All 'Perfect Numbers' so are EVEN (it is hitherto unknown if any ODD 'Perfect Numbers' exist); and EXCEPT the basic 'First Perfect Number' 6=1+2+3=1x2x3, they all are the sums of the ODD NUMBERS CUBED.
Bluey TonyLove
The Maria Number Matrix of the 33-Summation-Tier
The 'Perennial Philosophy' or the 'Wisdom of the Ancients' often points to what is commonly termed as 'Sacred Geometry', based on the Platonic Solids (of five regular polyhedra: Tetrahedron, Cube; Octahedron; Dodecahedron and Icosahedron) and the Tetraktys of Pythagoras (for the minimum mathematical points to define the four dimensions of 0D=1 Point; 1D=2 Points for a Line; 2D=3 Points for a Plane and 3D= 4 Points for a Space).
Also invoked is the pentagonal supersymmetry of quasiperiodicity as 'Nature's Preferred maximisation of 'packing efficiency' known as the Fibonacci Series and the 'Perfect Numbers' of Euclid and the 'Harmony of Numbers and the Spheres' of Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci and Kepler.
In Pythagoraen Numerology, the 'masternumbers' 11, 22 and 33 are often emphasised and this post shall introduce some relatively rigorous number theory (of the so called 'pure' mathematics) to validate the significance of the 'masternumbers' from frst principles.
The alphanumeracy of the Arabic-Hebrew semiotiks then is bounded in say 22 or 26 letters of alphabets, which can attain numerical values in the decad of three triplicities:
Round or Curved 'Mental Numbers' {3-6-9} characterised by masternumber 33;
Mixed or Discontinuous 'Emotional Numbers' {2-5-8} characterised by masternumber 22 and
Linear or Straight 'Physical Numbers' {1-4-7} characterised by masternumber 11.
The Maria-Code in the Riemann Analysis specifies the partitioning of the decimal monad around the primary Maria-Number and SEps-Constant '11'.
This generates the Prime Number Algorithm: +1+11+10+11 as 33-tiered segments, which transform the mechanics of SEps into the 64-codex of the DNA/RNA code for its eventual quadrupling as the 256-codex incorporative of dormant intron/intein codings.
The Maria-Code is based on the distribution of the Maria-Numbers (MN)given by:
M(p)+99=M(p+12); n=[√(264k+1)-1]/2 by n2+n-66k=0.
Maria Numbers are those IntegerCounts, which contain all previously counted integers as mod33.
Example: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11=66 = 2x33 → '11' is MN#1 for k=2 11love65use110love164use209love263use......Archetype 2 (rootreductive) 21use66love120use165love219use264love......Archetype 3 (rootreductive) 32use77love131use176love230use275love......Archetype 5 (rootreductive) 33love87use132love186use231love285use......Arcgetype 6 (rootreductive) 44love98use143love197use242love296use......Archetype 8 (rootreductive) 54use99love153use198love252use297love......Archetype 9 (rootreductive) 65use110love164use209love263use308love....Archetype 2*... ...
Archetypes 2+3+5+6+8+9=33 and Archetypes 1+4+7+0=12 then define the imaginary time-dimensions as the archetypes not in the Sequence for Eps=1/e* Coefficients used in the application of the seven fundamental principalities to define the F-Space.
We have used the (Hebrew-Isaac-encoding): 54=LOVE=12+15+22+5 with 45=USE=21+19+5; USELOVE=99 as the Maria-Code connectors.
The first 10 MN's are: 11, 21, 32, 33, 44, 54, 65, 66, 77 and 87.
One can use the Maria-Code to establish a redefinition of infinity by defining a transfinite mapping Aleph-All from 12D-Omnispace as Cantorian transform of Cardinality Aleph-Null.
Limit (T(n)) for n→Infinity = Infinity {Cantor Cardinality Aleph-Null}
Limit (T(n)) for n→X = 1 {Cantor Cardinality Aleph-All}
This maps the Riemann pole about z=1 in the Functional-Riemann-Bound (FRB=-1/2) in the gaussian universal wavefunction B(n)=(2e/hA).exp(-Alpha.T(n)), T(n)=n(n+1) as the Feynman-Path-Integral. This becomes the Riemann-Euler-Harmonic, defining the Gamma-Function geometrically in its nth Term T and nth Sum S and mapping the factotrial function onto the positive integer count: Tk(En) = nk.Tk(En-1) + [(n-1)!]k and Sk(En) = Tk(En)/(n!)k
This uses the Harmonic Series in the Zeta-Function ζ(z) with constant p.
The Sum (1 to Infinity) Σ(1/np)= 1/1p+1/2p+1/3p+...+1/np and converges for any p>1, since for even terms: 2.2-p ≥ 2-p+3-p, with geometric series 11-p+21-p+41-p+...summing to
(1-2[1-p]^n)/(1-21-p)=1/[1-21-p] in the limit for n→Infinity.
Since every Maria Number contains all numbers before it as a sum, it is given that all the prime numbers must eventually crystallise out of the Maria Count.
Define a general number count n and a 'Mersenne-Count' 8n-1=M*.
For a number to be prime this number must be born in the Maria Code.
M* is either a prime or a product of primes in the immediate neighbourhood of the count # or its mapping to M*, which in a sense 'counts' the primes it generates.
This is the finestructure as octaves derived from integer n.
To test a number for primeness, so amounts to a testing for Marianess.
If the number is a member of the Maria-Matrix, then it must be denumerable in the form of M*.
This is the meaning behind the Mersenne-Code (for n prime) M(p)=2p-1 and the Fermat-Code F(n)=22^n+1 and the 'Perfect Numbers' depicted as the Mersenne Numbers (Mp), as a subset of M*.
For the Mersenne Numbers, the exponent p is defined to be prime.
M2=22-1=3; M3=23-1=7; M5=25-1=31; M7=27-1=127; M11=211-1=2047=23x89 and so is not a Mersenne Prime - yet M13=213-1=8191; M17=217-1=131,071;
M19=219-1=524,287 are prime and M23=223-1=8,388,607=47x178,481 and
M29=229-1=536,870,911=233x1103x2089 are not and M31=231-1=2,147,483,647 is prime again in the 33-tier count.
The 'uniqueness' of the prime number 11 (and esoteric masternumber) recrystallizes in Mersenne primes as the (first) 'odd one out'.
But it gets better. First we notice that there are just five 'perfect Fermat Primes'.
F0=21+1=3; F1=22+1=5; F2=24+1=17; F3=28+1=257 and F4=216+1=65,537 are all 'perfect' Fermat Primes, but F5=232+1=4,294,967,297=641x6,700,417 and following are not. Only these five Fermat primes are known to date.
From wiki:
Euclid discovered that the first four perfect numbers are generated by the formula 2p-1(2p - 1):
for p = 2: 21(22 - 1) = 6
for p = 3: 22(23 - 1) = 28
for p = 5: 24(25 - 1) = 496
for p = 7: 26(27 - 1) = 8128.
Noticing that 2p - 1 is a prime number in each instance, Euclid proved that the formula 2p-1(2p - 1) gives an even perfect number whenever 2p - 1 is prime (Euclid, Prop. IX.36).
Ancient mathematicians made many assumptions about perfect numbers based on the four they knew, but most of those assumptions would later prove to be incorrect. One of these assumptions was that since 2, 3, 5, and 7 are precisely the first four primes, the fifth perfect number would be obtained when p = 11, the fifth prime. However, 211 - 1 = 2047 = 23 × 89 is not prime and therefore p = 11 does not yield a perfect number. Two other wrong assumptions were:
- The fifth perfect number would have five digits in base 10 since the first four had 1, 2, 3, and 4 digits respectively.
- The perfect numbers' final digits would go 6, 8, 6, 8, alternately.
The fifth perfect number (33550336 = 212(213 - 1)) has 8 digits, thus refuting the first assumption. For the second assumption, the fifth perfect number indeed ends with a 6. However, the sixth (8 589 869 056) also ends in a 6. It is straightforward to show that the last digit of any even perfect number must be 6 (when p = 2 or 4k+1) or 8 (when p = 4k-1).
In order for 2p - 1 to be prime, it is necessary but not sufficient that p should be prime. Prime numbers of the form 2p - 1 are known as Mersenne primes, after the seventeenth-century monk Marin Mersenne, who studied number theory and perfect numbers."(end wiki)
The 'Perfect Numbers' relate (for prime p) as 2p-1.Mp :
P5=24.(25-1)=496=1+2+3+...+30+31=[31x32]/2 =16x31=13+33+53+73=1+27+125+343;
All 'Perfect Numbers' so are EVEN (it is hitherto unknown if any ODD 'Perfect Numbers' exist); and EXCEPT the basic 'First Perfect Number' 6=1+2+3=1x2x3, they all are the sums of the ODD NUMBERS CUBED.
Bluey TonyLove
hippihillbobbi- Posts : 138
Join date : 2010-04-18
Raven --
I really appreciate "the effort" in putting Tony's explanation here to answer my question about 11 11. But -- sad to say -- ya'll lost me at the first "9!" guess my brain's just not stretched enough yet to get it! though, i really would like to!!!
much love,
I really appreciate "the effort" in putting Tony's explanation here to answer my question about 11 11. But -- sad to say -- ya'll lost me at the first "9!" guess my brain's just not stretched enough yet to get it! though, i really would like to!!!
much love,
JesterTerrestrial- Posts : 1766
Join date : 2010-04-11
Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldon Nidle May 4 2010
Galactic Federation Of Light Lady Master Nada May 4 2010
Greetings! We come again with much to discuss with you. The old reality structures of your world are crumbling, and because these structures constitute the foundations of your realm, their destruction threatens everything that you have come to trust and believe in on your world. This process can easily be perceived going on around you and foreshadows what is about to happen. Our Earth allies are in the last phase of an endgame that has gone on for far too long. The dark is using every last trick to maintain its nefarious creations. We are monitoring closely what these dark ones intend to do, and although their magic is swiftly fading, they are still intent upon not giving up. We continue to meet with their puppet governments to install some sense into these arrogant leaders' heads. Meanwhile, the disintegration proceeds at an ever-greater pace and is reaching a point of no return. All the negative financial schemes begun in the past few decades are now proving to be the dark's undoing as it tries in vain to sustain these unviable underpinnings. A fundamental change in your reality is now truly inevitable.
While all this works itself out, Mother Earth is keeping to her time schedule. She dearly wishes you to become fully conscious and allow her to complete her own vast transformation. At present, her realm is divided in two: an outer, limited-conscious 3-D surface realm; and an inner, much-longed-for 5-D world. Merging these two realms is of utmost importance to her, which is why she now warns the surface dwellers to heed her and get on with their transformation. She longs for and needs you to return to your 5-D fully conscious state, which can now easily and swiftly be attained. To this end, the Agarthan ruling council has upped the number of its personnel imbedded in the surface world, and these envoys emphasize this need to everyone they encounter. They come to observe, as well as to nudge their surface cousins to spread the fact that a huge change is coming and that it is wonderful! Your awakening is bringing out a more activist mode in the Agarthans and they are determined to "light a fire" on the surface that can burn away the manipulation that prevents a true, quiet revolution from happening.
Networks exist in your societies which are oriented toward replacing the present financial and political systems with more community-based banking and political groups that can help their respective communities grow and prosper. These networks are communicating with each other, creating organizations that are ready to join our Earth allies. These groups possess people-power capabilities that are essential for transforming your reality. When grassroots begin to interact with those seeking drastic reform, a movement takes form whose power is unlimited. However, it is essential that these movements remain peaceful yet able to make their points clearly and decisively. Our Earth allies welcome these developments as they attest to the rising tide of a new global reality. This upwelling energizes local communities and makes it possible for many to regain hope and envision what is needed for their communities and for the world. This is the energy that the Agarthans are encouraging and using to manifest a new reality.
Galactic Federation Of Light Lady Master Nada May 4 2010
My beloved friends, brothers and sisters of the Creator's light, it is a glorious moment for me to connect with your energies in this way and I send praise to the Creator and your soul for the manifestation of this sacred space that we are now experiencing together. Allow your energies to soften, know that I come with love and the truth of the Creator in my heart as I connect and communicate with your energies.
I am Lady Nada, I am the chohan or overseer of the eighth ray of light known as a sea foam green colour and devoted to cleansing and purification. I am also a member of the Board of Karma assisting in many in resolving their negative actions. I hold the Goddess energy, emanating the Creator's feminine energies to all with the purpose of bringing forth a balance between the feminine and masculine qualities of the Creator especially on the Earth. I have a strong connection with the Christ consciousness and I am the feminine aspect of Master Sananda/ Master Jesus and so assist in the spiritual education of all upon the Earth.
With many aspects and soul influences of the Creator held within my being I have a special ability of viewing the truth of the soul within all. This extends beyond understanding a person's soul or comprehending their truth but allows me to see the origin of their soul, the purest form of the soul before complete integration with the Creator's mighty soul. It is akin to viewing the first extension of an energy or soul from the Creator's soul. This means that I gain a unique perspective of the person or their soul and their true goals, desires and qualities which extend even beyond Monad manifestation. It is because of my ability in recognising the purest source of truth and consciousness within a soul that I have been given the title of `Keeper of the Soul Keys'. This title implies that I hold the key that will allow you to unlock your soul, while there is some truth within this, I do not have a tool that will allow an instant release of your soul into your reality but hold wisdom, energy and consciousness that will allow a gradually understanding, connection and observation of the soul.
I dearly love to work with individuals to allow an expansion of their soul and to assist in their expression of their soul. Many individuals in the past have fondly called upon my energy to assist them with matters of the soul and so I have accepted a vast understanding of how one can reconnect with their soul and develop a manifestation that evolves from a place of pure purity within them. When a person calls upon my energy to assist them in beginning a connection with their soul then I will draw closely to their energy and channel my light deep into their being. This energy wave will consist of my soul light, the light of the eighth ray to cleanse all stagnant or negative thoughts and energies away, the Christ consciousness to anchor love and the highest vibration of Creator light that is appropriate for the individual. I will bathe the individual in this light for some time as purification and to allow the individual to become accustomed to my energies and presence. In many ways this process activates a deeper self realisation as much clutter is cleared allowing a greater sense of clarity to dawn.
As our energies begin to blend I will observe the very essence and truth of the person's soul and may even communicate with the core energy of the person's soul to understand the will and divine path that the soul wishes to enact on the Earth and on the inner planes. This for me is a sacred moment as it is akin to connecting with the Creator, as every person's soul is an aspect of the Creator in manifestation. It is important for you to realise that even as you sit observing my communication, and you imagine the mighty Creator's soul, you actually hold an aspect or element of the purest form of the Creator's light within you but it is hidden by the distractions of your mind, emotions, personality and physical body.
JesterTerrestrial- Posts : 1766
Join date : 2010-04-11
Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa May 5 2010
Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa May 7 2010
Galactic Federation Of Light Saul May 06 2010
Events on Earth are certainly speeding up, and regardless of how great the confrontation between the dark and Light; never lose sight of the fact that the Light has already become the victor in this battle. Of this we are absolutely positive and you can expect to find proof of it, and you are on the verge of receiving such evidence. Steps that will bring the dark Ones under control are reaching a conclusion, and will considerably curtail their influence. They know time is running out for them, and they are lashing out in all directions. As you might say, we have our finger on the pulse and they cannot hide their intentions from us. We cannot necessarily stop all of their actions, but in certain circumstances can prevent them from achieving their purpose.
Meantime our plans are at the ready, and can be easily rearranged to meet whatever is needed in the current situation. We push ahead with our agenda, and we have been set a deadline by which we must act. In view of the likely response of the dark Ones, we are reluctant to give firm predictions. However, when we talk of events moving ever nearer to openly commencing, we mean a relatively short period. 2010 is to be a year that will be remembered for the beginning of the transition from the dark controls, to the energies of Light carried by our allies. Altogether the Light is increasing exponentially, and it is the power behind the cleansing actions that have now begun.
We are excited at the prospect of at last coming out openly, and monitor all matters that are holding it up. We are not however too concerned as we clearly see a favorable outcome. Once certain conditions are met that will take away the last cabals power, we will quickly take up our positions and you will see much more of us in your skies. Your levels of consciousness indicate that the awakening of Humanity is forging ahead, and this very much hastens the changes that are necessary to clear the way for us all. It is well past the time that you should have already been aware of your heritage, and that knowledge will be conveyed to you at the earliest possible moment. So much of your understanding that has dictated the way you live and re-act with each other, is found to be wanting and all of that will have to change in readiness for Ascension.
Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa May 7 2010
The days are flying by and there can be few of you who have not perceived how they have speeded up. It will continue to do so, and from your point of view is most welcome. It means that any hardships or concerns you now have will soon pass by, and bring you more quickly to the important and vital changes that are coming. Once they start you will experience another great expansion of consciousness, as you envision what they will mean to everyone on your world. The thought of being lifted out the gloom and leaving your problems behind, will remove a lot of your worries from your shoulders. Most importantly, the changes will be made so quickly that you will be in no doubt that your future is assured. You will be kept informed of all activities, and where necessary saved from any inconvenience by being moved to safe and comfortable places. In some circumstances that will be on board our larger ships, which have enormous capacity and areas that are cities within them.
It is because we wish to get our message out that we are hastening the announcement of our presence, and our reason for being here. The mood of the people will change dramatically once they are informed of our mission. We offer you release from the thralldom of many centuries of persecution, poverty and wars that have kept you in the control of the dark Ones. That alone will bring joy and hope to those who are still experiencing such conditions, and through the prosperity program will address many current issues. We will be more involved in the bigger ones that have beset your whole world. Pollution is one that must be reversed as soon as possible, and also the lack of basic requirements that have left the poorer people in shanty towns, without proper facilities or medical care. We are well aware of the priorities where you are concerned, and regardless of size our vast fleet and personnel can handle them with ease. Free energy devices will come from us and also many sources on Earth where they have already been developed. Through deliberate policy they have been held back by the Illuminati, to protect their own investment in oil and the utilities.
You should have been able to advance your standard of living much more than it is now. Every civilization is entitled to benefit from new discoveries, that are not given simply to be enjoyed by the privileged few, or your armed forces. The ideas for such devices that already exist were intended for the good of all, and made available to you for your independence and self-sufficiency. The changes will not be imposed for the sake of it, but are part of our plan to bring you the comforts and protection, that will lift your experiences to a new level and bring you joy and happiness. Following that you will be in the right frame of mind to apply yourselves to the business of preparing for Ascension. That is the ultimate goal and it is your choice as to whether you take that path to your future. The alternative is to remain in your present dimension, and continue to experience in a cycle of duality.
Galactic Federation Of Light Saul May 06 2010
The industrialized nations are in a state of turmoil due to the unsustainable debts that some have accrued and that others have enabled. Your currency markets are confused and are unable to decide which currency, if any, is sound. The turmoil will continue for some months, leading to further economic crises before the final collapse of world financial markets later in 2010.
There will be much anger, fear, blame, and general confusion before stability and soundness return to the markets early in 2011, when a new monetary and financial system, which has been carefully designed to provide long-term stability instead of short-term distortion, will come into operation.
Do not become upset as the markets flounder and then founder, as this will only be a temporary destabilization which is a necessary precursor to the establishment of the new worldwide monetary and financial system. The new system will enable the distortions and errors — which the inadequacies of your present system allowed and encouraged — to be set to rights. Then, true global cooperation of a completely harmonious nature, and that is good for all and good for the planet, will be possible and will come into operation.
As economic stability returns, safety valves will be installed to ensure that the liquidity of the financial system can no longer be threatened or drained away by unseen or unexpected leaks. Investment in necessary, environmentally sound industries will grow, while unsustainable and damaging industries will wind down and then cease operations.
With abundant free energy readily available wherever needed, coal mining and oil harvesting and exploration will first be greatly reduced and then finally cease, as the industries that require that kind of energy become obsolescent. Cleaning up and repairing the damage that those basically barbaric industrial conglomerates have caused will be a major task in the next few years, and much, in your terms, technologically very advanced assistance will be provided to ensure that this is done cleanly and efficiently.
hippihillbobbi- Posts : 138
Join date : 2010-04-18
Hey everyone--
I really DON'T want to be negative ..... but i'm just wondering ....does any of this make anyone nervous at all .... or is it just me? seriously! (i'm only talking about parts of the most recent tapes.)
much love,
I really DON'T want to be negative ..... but i'm just wondering ....does any of this make anyone nervous at all .... or is it just me? seriously! (i'm only talking about parts of the most recent tapes.)
much love,
JesterTerrestrial- Posts : 1766
Join date : 2010-04-11
I am not nervous :)
Its gotta change sometime!
Its gotta change sometime!
Carol- Admin
- Posts : 32044
Join date : 2010-04-07
Location : Hawaii
One constant in the universe is that everything changes. Sometimes for the good and sometimes for the not so good.
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
hippihillbobbi- Posts : 138
Join date : 2010-04-18
Hey ya'll --
i guess it's just me being paranoid then ..... i've gotta quit Doin That!!! (too much "V" perhaps?!?)
much love,
i guess it's just me being paranoid then ..... i've gotta quit Doin That!!! (too much "V" perhaps?!?)
much love,
JesterTerrestrial- Posts : 1766
Join date : 2010-04-11
maybe. I don't watch that garbage.
mp3- Posts : 174
Join date : 2010-04-09
As Clif High says, "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to getcha". But seriously, Don't refrain from asking about stuff if you have questions. Why else are we here, but to learn and improve our knowledge?hippihillbobbi wrote:Hey ya'll --
i guess it's just me being paranoid then ..... i've gotta quit Doin That!!! (too much "V" perhaps?!?)
much love,
starsmoonmtns- Posts : 6
Join date : 2010-05-05
Last edited by starsmoonmtns on Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:44 am; edited 1 time in total