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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 6 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  Mercuriel Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:06 am

    Ferryman to the Dead wrote:I don't want to sound stupid having just got here and all but what exactly is this Galactic Federation of Light deal ? confused

    Uhhhmmm - Jester ?


    We'll see if He gravitates into His own Thread to answer You and if no answer is forthcoming by tomorrow - I'll point You onto some Information that describes Them in some detail...


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 6 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:18 pm

    Mercuriel wrote:
    Ferryman to the Dead wrote:I don't want to sound stupid having just got here and all but what exactly is this Galactic Federation of Light deal ? confused

    Uhhhmmm - Jester ?


    We'll see if He gravitates into His own Thread to answer You and if no answer is forthcoming by tomorrow - I'll point You onto some Information that describes Them in some detail...

    I like to gravitate... but to anit gravitate would be much better... lets hope that After Disclosure we get to build and utilize gravity defying flying machines UFO2 Sorry was busy doing some more of my own research :) but would love to see the information. I think that these messages are channeled...and i do not claim to be a channeler...but from what I can make of it is that the information is coming form higher dimensional consciousness and being translated into english through the mind filter and the 3d filter so this must be taken into consideration when listening/reading/seeing/hearing. And even what i just said is something i have concluded through a few conversations with others on my team so i would suggest you use your own intuition all the time.

    I personaly have enjoyed much of the positive and "spirtualy" tuned information that seems to have benifit. There are other parts that I can not verify such as specific details of world events and ancient records that are just presently out of my ability to verify true or false. But i still listened. Thubs Up

    Dear Ferryman to the Dead. What the GFL is, is contained within the message itself and you can follow the youtube link to the source websites hope that helps!

    OH YES!!! Wingman! I liked that message too...something seems to be brewing and these events have to happen some time!!! SOON!!! LOL


    Last edited by JesterTerrestrial on Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 6 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  Mercuriel Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:20 pm

    There He is - TY JT...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...
    wingmanof light
    wingmanof light

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 6 Empty re

    Post  wingmanof light Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:15 pm

    from what I know. This is my feel on them . They are from what their is many levels of beings sort of like a building more advanced are from higher up.we atm are at the bottom end of it. this world has its own group some more advanced and older then we are. them are who we Chanel to.They give us updates what they know.


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    Post  bobhardee Wed Dec 25, 2013 1:30 pm

    I know that this is the same old same old....but its interesting reading.

    Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

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    5 Lamat, 11 Mol, 10 Caban

    Dratzo! We return again bringing more news as you settle in for the holiday season and the start of your Gregorian New Year. This time is noted on your world for many beginnings and endings, and those who have run your world for millennia are preparing to exit and accept their fate. This of course is being done very grudgingly. The dark is used to having its way, but their time is now passing. The secret sacred societies and their associates are preparing destinations for those who are close to being arrested. They are also setting up the procedures that will bring new governance to all of you. In addition, the new monetary and financial systems are readying to manifest and by so doing will deliver a grand prosperity to this realm. Our liaisons are finishing agreements that will become a number of announcements that transform national and personal debt into prosperity and put aside the debt that has troubled nations and individuals for far too long. This will be replaced by a forgiveness that is the harbinger of a new epoch for humanity.

    This new epoch will transform your view of physicality. You are to finally reunite with us and recognize who you really are. The announcement of our existence by your new governance will create an end to your feeling that somehow you are both alone and unique. The Creator has spread life of all types and varieties throughout this galaxy and indeed throughout the whole of physicality. As your isolation ends, you will recognize that this sector of reality has many who have come to celebrate this, and to allow you to complete your journey back to full consciousness. This odd path that you were given put you at the mercy of the dark for over 15 millennia. Your trek began with the deceptions of the Atlantean priests and priestesses; saw you nearly perish when Atlantis went down, and finally cast you in the role of confused amnesiac. Yet in spite of all this, you survived and now you are to be returned to a state where you can at last remember what happened to you. This is indeed a time for your rejoicing.

    This operation for a first contact with you has been unique and its parameters quite odd. Gaia is a very special and extremely honored Being. She now graces this solar system and by so doing enables this system to receive an exceptional makeover. Gaia wishes for her stepsisters to be returned to their former pristine state. She asks the Elohim and their various brethren to assist in this sacred task. This they are to do. First, this divine world needs to be restored and become the united home for humanity. Then, the restoration operation can formally begin. The remaining three water worlds are to again have oceans both above and below the surface, and life is once more to teem in a multitude of forms. The incredible beauty of this planetary system is to be manifested. The grand energies of this mighty star that you call your Sun will shine in all its magnificence as you joyfully call this collection of wonders your home. This new star nation will possess a most unique destiny.

    Your first task is to secure the galactic peace. Your next set of tasks is to become a most gracious and sought-after host of many inter-galactic conferences. These duties will permit you to meet a vast slice of the life forms that populate physicality. Right now, you are xenophobic and seemingly a most unqualified host for these proceedings. Nonetheless you will transform and in full consciousness evolve into the grand host that we have been alluding to. Gaia left her wanderings some six billion years ago and joined this planetary system for a reason. She knew the prophecies and chose this place in our galaxy for what was to happen. Heaven had asked her to join this solar system and to carry out her fate here. This is now occurring as foretold. Surface humanity has done its due diligence and is to be gifted by the Divine with the full consciousness that was taken from it so long ago. In its new consciousness, surface humanity will reunite with its Agarthan past. A new joint history will then joyously be born.

    Namaste, dear Hearts! We are your Ascended Masters! We come now with some information on what is happening to you and to this changing reality. Those who control it have noticed over the past few weeks that their greedy schemes are beginning to implode. They also understand that their many frauds that have so far kept them in business are failing. The Light is simply winning by the fact that this reality does not "work" the same as before. Massive reforms are required. These reforms play into the hand dealt by Heaven for the Light's victory. This ever-growing situation makes it even more inevitable that the divine victory that is our goal is a near reality. The legal and financial reasons for these immense changes are ones that our special compadres have put into place. Market actions and certain legalities are ready to consume the dark and permit a new reality to manifest!

    This new reality can then rid this realm of the dark and its numerous tentacles in finance and government. In addition, it allows our sacred associates to force the "outing" of various laws such as N.E.S.A.R.A. This will lead to a new prosperity and a massive transformation of not only governance, but how the global economy functions. This will bring you an opportunity to see a formal disclosure of our brothers and sisters in Space and in Inner Earth. With this in hand, the rule of the dark truly ends. A new realm will be born to take you to prosperity and to full consciousness. This coming Ascension of the surface realm will transform Gaia and permit each of you to blessedly rediscover who you really are. During this operation we will come forth and instruct you on these subjects that are vital to what everyone needs to know!

    As a fully conscious Being you will need to understand a number of fundamental principles. Each of us, when we achieved immortality, was instructed on this by a special group of Ascended Masters. Our mission is to replicate this aspect of our trainings. We intend for you to become a full participant in the Light once this transition is complete. After that is done, we need to prepare you for how we are to work together on the many sacred tasks given us by Heaven. We are all to be in divine service to the Light. This will be done in a number of special ways, and we are going to achieve this compatibility swiftly. Each of you is a special Soul that comes here for a most special set of divine reasons. These blessed reasons are what make it possible for this group to learn, adhere and then carry out the various missions assigned to us by the Creator. It all shall be done!

    Today, we continued our messages on what is happening here. We also wish to give each of you a sacred blessing. May this year-end holiday season be the start of a series of minor and major miracles that quickly manifest this new epoch for all! We are close to disclosure and the grand reunion of all Humanity! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


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    Post  bobhardee Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:31 pm

    According to Sheldan Nidal the following is in store:
    All the important warrants needed to arrest and/or confine the major members of the dark cabal are in order; what is left is to execute these in the proper sequence. In addition, the various operations to bring out the global currency reset are concluding, as are the numerous resolutions needed to return your world to a new gold standard. These are to be interim steps as a worldwide prosperity is put into place. Money is an instrument toward a specific end. A time of prosperity will reorder this and transform intention into the powerful position now held by money. In short, your values are to redirect to transforming your beliefs in finite ends, and to alter them to what your Higher Self really desires. These things will mirror your true higher values and encourage the unity with others and the personal sovereignty that lies within. This next period will be a quick transition to bring you from the current morass that you live in to one that will prepare you for contact and a rise of a new consciousness.

    12 Men, 18 Mol, 10 Caban

    Selamat Balik! We return with more information on the ongoing transformation of your world. This present situation is playing out as this Gregorian year of 2013 AD comes to a close. The dark cabal is flustered as it is forced to concede area after area of its former unfettered areas of power. This dynamic process is ongoing and is to be concluded shortly. The various elements of the Light have completed a number of vital agreements that truly “seal the deal.” The dark cabal realizes this and understands that its long reign in this realm is coming to an end. Not only are they to taste the rigor of a broad legal confinement, but they will also be put in a position to watch much of their wealth and former special privileges fade away. This is just the beginning of what is to happen. The new governance, as we stated previously, will transform your current non-disclosure of our presence into a formal declaration of recognition. A new gold-based currency and new global banking laws will lead to the breakup of most super-large banking institutions. The near future for this reality is indeed bright!

    All the important warrants needed to arrest and/or confine the major members of the dark cabal are in order; what is left is to execute these in the proper sequence. In addition, the various operations to bring out the global currency reset are concluding, as are the numerous resolutions needed to return your world to a new gold standard. These are to be interim steps as a worldwide prosperity is put into place. Money is an instrument toward a specific end. A time of prosperity will reorder this and transform intention into the powerful position now held by money. In short, your values are to redirect to transforming your beliefs in finite ends, and to alter them to what your Higher Self really desires. These things will mirror your true higher values and encourage the unity with others and the personal sovereignty that lies within. This next period will be a quick transition to bring you from the current morass that you live in to one that will prepare you for contact and a rise of a new consciousness.

    This move toward full consciousness will permit you to better understand the complex nature of the divine plan, and to graciously accept the sacred decrees of the Creator. As you live in a new sacred realm, you begin to accept the responsibilities that encompass your divine service. We are deeply involved with the special edicts that govern this galaxy and physicality. Our galactic society models are founded upon realities that best reflect each of our many star nations. We see ourselves as colors of a vast multitudinous rainbow. Each of us has those interlocking elements to produce this most gracious whole. Our galaxy, in turn, likewise interlocks with others to forge a grand whole that permits the sacred to manifest among us. It is this manifestation of Spirit that both drives and excites us. This Galactic Federation exists to serve Heaven and to unfold the grand divine plan throughout physicality. This operation is one that you are to embrace when you have taken new duties as fully conscious Beings of Light!

    The amount of integration and transformation that Gaia and her sister worlds are to undertake is quite astounding. The Sun also has numerous duties that she needs to perform to bring this reality into its full potential. Every day, we monitor this solar system and aid her in the great feat of transformation. Think of it! You are witnessing not only a momentous set of alterations on this world but also a series of unique changes happening to each planet. When these numerous changes are finished, you are to be a part of a system that contains five habitable water worlds teeming with diverse ecosystems that extend both to regions in outer and inner realms. Your responsibilities as stewards of these many worlds are indeed immense. These efforts are to be coordinated by your governing councils with the advice of your Ascended Masters. Each of you is to possess talents that will enable all of this to happen easily and naturally. This divine flow comes from the divine plan and the qualities divinely put in you!

    Hosanna! We are your Ascended Masters! We come here with some good news to relay to you. At present, our associates are working diligently to prepare the final elements for rolling out your new reality. The first of these includes a global currency reset mixed in with new stricter banking regulations and the beginnings of a worldwide “gold-backed” financial system. This reset will eventually force the re-chartering of this globe’s major banks. It will also limit how currency is exchanged for various large marketing programs that exist between banks in many European and American “money markets.” The point made here is simply that a new system will replace the present one and allow for prosperity to flow to all. This will end the dark’s many financial machinations that kept most of you poor and hence easily manipulated. Money will quickly fall by the wayside as a new consciousness rises everywhere.

    These blessed changes will transform how you live your daily life. In addition, you will see the rise of new governance and the emergence of a slew of now suppressed technologies. This, along with a coming first contact, will permit us to start a whole series of divine consciousness lessons. These lessons will allow you to look carefully at what constitutes this reality and what full consciousness truly implies. Much needs to be explained and much needs to be learned by you. Each lesson in this special syllabus will consist of examples, stories and simple exercises. We further intend to demonstrate a number of things that you will encounter when you return to full consciousness. Each of you has many past lives that you will need to examine and process. You will also require an oral manual on what will be happening to you.

    Heaven has methodically orchestrated the means by which this transformation is to be carried out. Our part in this sacred schedule is to teach and supervise. We have for millennia watched over and advised you. A more comprehensive mode will presently be required. This, we do in Joy! You are here to alter the very nature of this reality and to assist Gaia in her transition to full consciousness. Moreover, we are all to be tasked by Heaven with the fruitful transition of this solar system to its former glories. The resulting new star nation will be greatly sought after by many in this galaxy. Thus, each of you came here only after passing special spiritual tests given you by Heaven. This makes our sacred duties extremely important to the unfolding of the divine plan. We accept our responsibilities graciously and prepare for our mutual success! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

    Today, we carried on with our messages. We explained briefly what is now happening around this globe. These wonderful events will set the stage for your new prosperity and your new governance. They bring new devices and new responsibilities. We are indeed in the time of “Miracles and Wonders!” Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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    Post  bobhardee Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:43 pm

    There is a lot of uplifting type information in this report, and I felt very drawn to do a full read. There’s so many things here, I’m going to pass on highlights, except for the ones below. Enjoy!!

    “The global reset is scheduled for February and will mean the complete revamp of the financial system. It is to be backed by metal. This is why the Basel III protocols have been developed, and why gold has been moved to every central bank to support the reset. This was done by the family, and all credit goes to the plan they hold to be accomplished for us all.”

    “The cabal has struck a deal as I said a few weeks back. This deal is to allow the RV, the global reset, and all changes to move forward now, including the F&P and the PP packs. Yes, they are all coming out. For the next 2 months, everything is being allowed to move forward. At the end of these 2 months, the global reset will effect. When it effects, the financial system will be forever changed. All funds meant for our humanity are coming out and being put to use. All trading (as we know it in respect of MTN trades) will disappear, and just the usage of the matrix funds for the right reasons will be allowed. That means reconstruction projects. This information here is the single most important information in my message this week.”

    Tue, 31 Dec 2013 20:46:35 -0500

    Please click on the link:‎;

    Greetings and Salutations

    Something to think about when you contemplate your New Year: At 211 degrees water is hot, at 212 degrees it boils and, with boiling water comes steam. Steam can power a locomotive. Are you prepared to make 2014 your BEST year ever? Without a target, you will never hit a bulls-eye. So, if YOU don’t plan on making it happen in 2014, who will? Just changing water temperature one lousy degree can make the difference between being stagnant and powering a locomotive. What could changing YOU by one degree do after one year of BELIEF, FOCUS, and ACTION? Susan

    Poof said, “The time has come to pay more attention to what one has to do in order to be conscious of the changes essential for keeping one’s goods. Buckminster Fuller said it well when he noted that if all the money in the world were divided evenly that it would be back where it was before within a few months. That is true. One has to raise one’s consciousness to be responsible with money. That is why I have said repeatedly get ready – be ready – do the internal work and preliminary banking work. Money is a responsibility. Choose wisely. Notice all your baggage and your attitudes around money. Preparation has not happened for most folks. They think they can do it later; no, not so. The time is now to prepare for having resources and acting like a responsible adult

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    Post  bobhardee Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:58 pm

    In order to make the year 2014 the year of final defeat for the fascist Sabbatean cabal, relentless pressure has to continue to be applied until their final defeat is certain. Over the New Year’s holidays US militia types, Italian P2 lodge honchos, pentagon officials, CIA officials and others made it clear in contacts to the White Dragon Society that they intend to do just that.

    The problem many face is that they do not know specifically where to direct their anger or legal action. For that reason the first newsletter of 2014 will try to pinpoint some specific individuals and organizations that need to be removed from power and influence.

    For example, one obvious soft target is the Sulzberger family that owns the New York Times. By refusing to write the truth or let their reporters write the truth about murder of close to 3000 New York residents on September 11, 2001, they made themselves criminal accessories to mass murder. Forcing them to start reporting the truth about that event would be one way to break the corporate media denial about this atrocity.

    Other media moguls who can be found criminally guilty as accessories to mass murder include Walt Disney chairman Michael Eisner, Time Warner chairman Gerald Levin, Viacom head Sumner Redstone and Washington Post head Katherine Meyer Graham. These people need to be told in no uncertain terms to either start reporting the truth or go to jail; if judicial authorities are too corrupt to act, the extra-judicial action is justified.

    Then there is a group of known terrorist masterminds including former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, former Pentagon advisor Richard Perle and other top neocons such as William Kristol, Elliott Abrams, Kenneth Adelman and Robert Kagan. These men are a menace to humanity and need to be removed.

    These are just a few examples of the sort of people who no decent civilized nation should allow to be free. From a military and strategic point of view, in addition to this, to liberate the United States from Sabbatean mafia fascist control the following actions are required:

    Occupy and nationalize the 12 Federal Reserve Board Bank branches
    Audit the Senate and Congress and arrest all who have been bribed
    Replace the Supreme Court judges who allowed the fraudulent election of George Bush Jr. to take place
    Shut down the United States of America Corporation and restore the Republic of the United States of America
    Nationalize any bank that has been carrying out fraudulent derivatives trading
    Remove all military and agency personnel who have been bribed
    Write off all debts public and private
    Start rebuilding the United States with government issue currency (no taxes, no debt needed)

    That is all that is needed to free the people of the United States of America from a regime that is run through debt slavery, bribery, blackmail and murder by a family mafia.

    If President Barack Obama fails to do this, then he will go down, that is a mathematical certainty.
    It has been calculated that every person on earth is connected to each other via 8 people, through friends of friends so we can make this happen by directly contacting people we know and trust and forming action networks.

    Remember the only relatively safe form of communications is hand-written, hand-delivered messages. Nothing digital is safe and most verbal conversations are also now monitored. If you want to talk in relative privacy, get out of mobile phone range sit by a waterfall or in the middle of a very loud and crowded public space. Your credit cards, bank cards and mobiles can all serve as listening devices so leave them behind.

    Finally, remember the illegal mafia occupiers of the United States Government are concentrated in New York, Washington, Los Angeles and Chicago.

    The cornered cabal is still capable of doing dangerous and nasty things and extreme vigilance is needed. The most realistic threats of a mass terrorist attack are now being directed against Tokyo and against the upcoming Sochi Olympics in Russia.

    The government of the United Kingdom and the Obama regime have both ordered their agents to cooperate with Russia to prevent terrorist attacks against the Olympics. The British, having experienced nuclear terror threats against the London Olympics, seem to be sincere in helping Russia. However, since much of the terrorism against Russia has been orchestrated by the Nazi faction within the US government, it is unclear how welcome US help should be.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 6 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:06 pm

    The Galactic Federation of Light
    Just a reminder of what the GFL promised, starting at 1996...

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    Post  bobhardee Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:30 pm

    For What its worth: Jan 30, 2014 Meditate for the next 72 hours. Of course don't forget to pick up the kids at school.

    According to Ann Merkaba

    Based on the information that I have received from Andromeda and Pleiades, the visions that I was pulled into and the channeling that I have received, a major wave of new information and the destruction of the matrix energies in those who are still sleeping is about to occur which will allow for major intergalactic events to take place.

    We are asked to once again regroup. What this means is to enter a meditative state for the next 72 hours. This means not to actually sit in the meditation, but become completely balanced and completely aware of every single second, to fully and completely be in the NOW as each and every single one of you will be receiving information from your respective galactic links. This energy influx is to come from those stationed above GAIA, the planetary alignments and the energies from our divine higher selves.

    Many of key ground crew light workers are going to be tested. Pay attention and know that no matter what is happening, you are NOT to react. Do not allow yourself to react in the negative way. Keep your vibrations high, as hard as it might be for you, you must remove yourself psychologically from the negative situations and rise above.

    You need to keep your tranquility and balance and light, and unconditional love for the next 72 hours.

    Please understand and remember that you as light workers hold tremendous powers and sphere of influence. You are here to anchor the light and it’s incredibly important to do so in the next 72 hours.

    The reason is as I’ve mentioned above, much cleansing energy is about to enter our planet yet again. And as you all already know that awaking to the truth of who we are is not an easy thing. Many people get scared when they begin to experience ascension symptoms, they begin to panic and that energy of fear is exactly the energy that we are trying to transform into a light and love.

    Please pay attention to everything that goes on around you, as most of you will be visited, and you will need to discern whom you are visited by. That is why it’s important to keep your vibrations high. If you begin to feel anything but love or density in the air around you which is not coming from love, instead of getting frightened, think love, and only love. Activate the ultraviolet light all around you, and your whole area of influence.

    I was told that 1 light worker, has the influence of at least 18 miles radius around them. When you walk around, you are influencing at least 18 miles in any direction.

    Since the energies are going to hit people once again and awaken them from deep sleep, much chaos may unfold. Our light is going to be needed by those who are awakening, by keeping our vibrations high whomever will awaken in our vicinity will not be hit as hard, and the fear will automatically be transformed and leave them faster allowing them to peacefully resolve their awakening instead of trying to hurt themselves or others around them. Thereby influencing you in the process in a negative way. Just think of this like this, when you are walking down the street and you see other people smiling you can’t help but smile yourself. If you see everyone frowning you are going to frown too. So be the one that is smiling as you are walking around your day, and I mean INTERNALLY, ENERGETICALLY, spreading love to ALL who are on your path.

    I know it might not be easy, once again I understand that we are living in a demanding world, BUT I know that we can do it! If we couldn’t we wouldn’t be here! So it’s time for every single one of you reading this message to ACTIVATE YOURSELVES, LIGHT UP THOSE INTERNAL FLAMES. YOU ARE GRATELY NEEDED!

    Please do everything possible to keep your energy in balance, in peace, in harmony, in light, in unconditional love. I As soon as you begin to feel that you are shifting out of balance please find a way to re balance yourself, do whatever works for you.

    A really good way that works for many instantaneously because what it does is aligns every single chakra energy point in your body, is the following:
    •Stand up straight and put your palms together in a “prayer” position with your feet and legs touching each other.
    •Close your eyes and begin to SLOWLY breath in and out, 7 times.
    •As you breath in you are to think of each of the Chakra colors, and breath into the chakra corresponding to each color. So if you begin with your crown chakra breathe in the violet/purple color and feel your chakra activate by fully focusing on it, completely feeling the tingling sensation of activation and peace spread throughout that area of your body, as you breathe out think of everything that is not working for your highest good leaving your body.
    •Continue to do so until you are done with all 7 breath.
    •Then lift your hands up with the palms still touching and spread them open and place your palms on the side of your legs.

    That is all, you should feel your peace and harmony and balance restore!

    Do whatever you must in order to feel only love, light, peace, joy, harmony and BALANCE in the next 72 hours. Thank you !!! I love you all!!! Xoxoxo

    Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 6 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  bobhardee Mon Feb 03, 2014 5:09 pm

    For What its Worth:

    According to Ben Fulford
    Expect the fireworks to begin after the Lunar New Year’s celebrations end
    The Lunar New Year’s holidays have begun and our sources say we can expect fireworks to start in the week starting on February 10th (If you are of the school that believes Monday is the first day of the week). In essence, the new Chinese government recognizes they have created a real estate bubble and have decided to take it down once the New Year’s work starts in earnest. This will have a ripple effect worldwide, especially on commodities markets that have grown dependent on Chinese demand.

    Weather warfare is also continuing with the ongoing cold front in the US and the drought in California devastating US food supplies and bringing the US cattle herd down to its lowest size in 60 years.

    Australia’s cattle herd is also being devastated by a drought and a newsletter reader managed to find proof of HAARP weather modification weaponry being used against Australia.

    There is also a lot of fighting going on under the surface in the banking world and it is connected to a concerted attack against J.P. Morgan, Skull and Bones and the Bush (Scherf, Pierce, Pecce) family. The mysterious deaths of three bankers last week were all connected to this battle, according to MI5 and other sources.

    Gabriel Magee, the J.P. Morgan banker who died in London was an IT specialist dealing with Europe, the Middle East and Africa including Saudi Arabia. He worked on a market ‘predicive’[predictive] program which spots market movements. These are the closest to AI and generate huge profits. UK investigators suspect he was killed to silence him after he spotted and was about to blow the whistle on huge dollar transfers being made out of the BRICS countries

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 6 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  bobhardee Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:03 pm


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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 6 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  bobhardee Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:15 am

    For what its worth:

    Ben Fulford

    Expect the fireworks to begin after the Lunar New Year’s celebrations end

    The Lunar New Year’s holidays have begun and our sources say we can expect fireworks to start in the week starting on February 10th (If you are of the school that believes Monday is the first day of the week). In essence, the new Chinese government recognizes they have created a real estate bubble and have decided to take it down once the New Year’s work starts in earnest. This will have a ripple effect worldwide, especially on commodities markets that have grown dependent on Chinese demand.

    Weather warfare is also continuing with the ongoing cold front in the US and the drought in California devastating US food supplies and bringing the US cattle herd down to its lowest size in 60 years.

    Australia’s cattle herd is also being devastated by a drought and a newsletter reader managed to find proof of HAARP weather modification weaponry being used against Australia.

    There is also a lot of fighting going on under the surface in the banking world and it is connected to a concerted attack against J.P. Morgan, Skull and Bones and the Bush (Scherf, Pierce, Pecce) family. The mysterious deaths of three bankers last week were all connected to this battle, according to MI5 and other sources.

    Gabriel Magee, the J.P. Morgan banker who died in London was an IT specialist dealing with Europe, the Middle East and Africa including Saudi Arabia. He worked on a market ‘predicive’[predictive] program which spots market movements. These are the closest to AI and generate huge profits. UK investigators suspect he was killed to silence him after he spotted and was about to blow the whistle on huge dollar transfers being made out of the BRICS countries.

    William Broeksmit, the Deutschebank banker died after Deutschebank pulled out of the Gold price fixing committee and removed its gold from Paris. Investigators believe the banker was killed because Deutschebank ran for the exits and stopped helping J.P. Morgan in the gold market. J.P. Morgan now owns 60% of all gold derivatives in the US meaning it owns 65 times more paper gold than it has physical gold. The Dragon Family and others are demanding that J.P. Morgan hand over physical gold.

    Which brings us to the third death, that of former Federal Reserve Board economist Michael Dueker, who was working for an outfit known as Russell Investments. Although we are still trying to confirm this, it is likely that Russell Investments is linked to the Russell Trust that controls Skull and Bones and the Council on Foreign Relations. Dueker may have been silenced because he was about to blow the whistle on the looting of pension and insurance funds by the Feds.

    Also last week, a Saudi Prince contacted the White Dragon Foundation to ask about the availability of Chinese gold backed historical bonds.

    Remember that the January 31st settlements date came last week and if any major bank (J.P. Morgan?) was unable to deliver physical gold or make other payments, they will have been given until around mid-February to come up with it before they are liquidated. Remember how US Treasure Secretary Jacob Lew recently warned the US government would run out of money on February 7th and could use tricks to keep it going for a few days beyond that?

    What you can be sure of is that there is going to be some serious horse trading going on behind the scenes between now and mid-February.

    There are also growing indications that along with the efforts to force the Feds bankrupt by demanding physical gold there is a move to cut off their oil and drug money too.

    On the oil front especially there is a lot going on. The biggest development was the defeat of the Rockefeller Brothers attempt to use environmental concerns to prevent construction of the Keystone pipeline that would send Canadian oil to refineries in the Gulf of Mexico. What this means is that a lot less of what Americans pay for gasoline will be recycled to cabal controlled Fed banks via Middle-Eastern slave states.

    These Middle Eastern states are also showing signs of independence from Fed control. The Saudi Arabian government, for example, refused to meet with a congressional delegation that included representatives of the Homeland Security, Armed Forces and Intelligence committees. In diplomatic circles this sort of snub is about as nasty as it gets.

    Saudi anger was no doubt stoked because President Erdogan of Turkey visited Iran last week and both countries announced they would start to integrate their economies and governments at a much higher level than before. This is connected to the plan to make Europe buy gas from Iran and Russia instead of from cabal controlled Gulf monarchies like Saudi Arabia.

    Again that may be another reason why the Saudis are now trying to reach a deal with the WDS. They have been told to cut their links with the war-mongering cabalists and support a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.

    The government of Nigeria also announced last week that it was going to start shifting its oil money out of Federal Reserve Board dollars and into Chinese Yuan.

    The loss of oil revenue to the cabalists is being accompanied by a growing loss of their other big source of income: drug money.

    The move to legalize marijuana (France, Mexico, New York etc. are jumping on the bandwagon), and thus end the cabal marijuana monopoly, is snowballing. The Mexican government’s approval of citizens’ militias to fight against cabal faction CIA drug dealers in Mexico will start hitting their cocaine revenues too. Also, the North Korean Kim Jong-un government has shut down all of its amphetamines factories, shutting off a major source of Bush/Nazi underground money in Asia, North Korean sources say. Let us see if they will also soon be deprived of Afghan heroin revenue.

    The P2 Lodge also contacted the WDS last week to reveal the names of several more hitherto secret power brokers who have been blocking the new financial system. These are Franco Rienzi (Mossad Spy), Giuseppe di Antonio (Mossad Rome), Lemue dico Mannucci (Banker), a Mafia laywer by the name of Mastroianni and Anglican Pastor Mossad agent Claudio Zappala. This writer was unable to reach these people to get their comment but they are welcome to contact us if they feel wrongly named.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 6 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  bobhardee Mon Feb 17, 2014 8:42 pm

    02 16 2014
    For what its worth:)

    Cobra Update 2-17-14… “Window Of Opportunity 2014″
    by kauilapele

    portal2012_logo_vertical38This update from Cobra points out some key alignments which occur during the next 3 months. In particular, this statement resonated...

    "The ships of the Galactic Confederation have already begun to reposition themselves closer to the surface of planet Earth to be able to transmit and align intense energies that will be released within this Window of Opportunity towards the planetary surface."

    Why this resonated? Well, Inger, Anna, and myself were at Kilauea Volcano yesterday, and, above the plume at Halema'uma'u, a stationary craft had shown itself. It was even shaped like the classical "dome-topped" UFO often seen in science fiction movies. (see the following post)

    I take that as a type of confirmation that "the Galactic Confederation have... begun to reposition themselves closer to the surface of planet Earth". We're seeing it.


    Window Of Opportunity 2014

    A new Window of Opportunity of a great importance is about to open on the surface of this planet soon.

    Galactic forces of Light are looking towards this Window of Opportunity with great excitement. The ships of the Galactic Confederation have already begun to reposition themselves closer to the surface of planet Earth to be able to transmit and align intense energies that will be released within this Window of Opportunity towards the planetary surface. As a consequence of my nearspace flight beyond the Veil few weeks ago and of other operations of the Light forces, large portions of the etheric Archon grid have been already removed to the point that some people are beginning to reinstate genuine telepathic contact with the Confederation and many are beginning to have profound positive spiritual experiences with them.

    Of all timeframes given until now, this time window for the Event has the greatest chance of success. The planetary situation is much more ready than it was a few years and even a few months ago. You need to understand that we still live in a free will universe and therefore no guarantees can be given about the timing of the Event.

    The Window of Opportunity will open at the time of spring equinox and will be triggered by a sensational occultation of the royal star Regulus by an asteroid 163 Erigone on March 20th, just a few hours before the equinox:

    The occultation path will go precisely through New York City and bankers from New York Federal Reserve will be able to see the Regulus star disappear for about 10 seconds, hidden behind the body of a 50 mile wide asteroid, as they will watch that event from the windows of their building on 33 Liberty Street. This will be a very powerful omen which will portend the demise of the Federal Reserve, as Erigone (the Goddess of Justice) occults Regulus (the Princely King of the Old World Order):

    One day later, right after the equinox, the Moon will occult Saturn. This event is another very powerful sign which indicates Moon (the Goddess) overshining Saturn (the dark forces), heralding a new cycle when the Goddess energy will gain in importance:

    We will be having our Portal conference in Mojiko, Japan, from March 21st to March 23rd, anchoring the powerful energies which will be present around the spring equinox. You can register here (text is in English and Japanese):

    The second Portal conference will be in Taiwan from March 28th to March 30th. On this conference we will make a special connection with a certain Dragon society. You can register here:

    People interested in the conferences can get more information about my work in English, Chinese and Japanese language here:

    The total lunar eclipse on April 15th will signify the opening of the inner Window of Opportunity which will be open from April 15th to April 29th. This inner time window will actually be a portal within a portal and will be a time of extreme energetic intensity that can potentially trigger drastic changes on the surface of this planet and beyond. Complexity wave analysis shows that this time frame is the most complex period in the known history, greatly surpassing the famous December 21st, 2012. This means that it will be the most volatile, unpredictable time with greatest potential ever. It represents the most probable time when the consequences of the Galactic Central Sun activation by G2 cloud will reach our planet:

    The total lunar eclipse on April 15th will begin the famous lunar tetrad of 2014/15 which has deep significance in Jewish prophecy. Jewish Passover feast begins on that day and ends one week later, on April 21.

    April 21st (Easter Monday) will be the day of the IS:IS portal activation, the turning point of this Window of Opportunity. Due to the importance of that portal I will dedicate a separate blog post to it. We will organize a major planetary vortex activation at that time. Details will be announced on my blog soon.

    On April 29th, there will be an annular solar eclipse which will complete the inner portal within the Window of Opportunity.

    The Window of Opportunity will close on May 17th, the day of the Pleiadian Alignment. There will be a special activation organized on a certain vortex point at that time. More intel about the Pleiadian Alignment will be released when the time is right


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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 6 Empty Re: Galactic Federation

    Post  Jenetta Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:55 am

    March 10, 2014


    It is safe now to release certain intel that will bring much clarity to the whole situation concerning the Event and the dynamic tension between the Light and the dark forces. Although this intel may be shocking for some people, time has come for people to know the truth because only when the truth is known can situations be resolved.

    To completely understand the situation on this planet we need to go back to a specific period of the Galactic history when the dark forces were created. They have chosen Rigel star system in the Orion constellation as their main stronghold from where they controlled their galactic empire.

    They have soon discovered that taking hostages gave them the most efficient leverage against the Light forces because the Light forces cared about their people and have hindered their actions many times so that the Light beings which were taken hostage by the dark would not get hurt.

    The dark forces have been developing their hostage leverage mechanisms and at the same time developing exotic weaponry technologies that were wreaking havoc across the Galaxy, destroying entire planets, erasing entire civilizations.

    At a certain point they developed their most efficient hostage leverage mechanism. They have demanded that the Source stops giving intel to the Ascended Masters and to the Galactic Confederation about the clandestine activities and plans of the dark forces or they threatened to destroy large sectors of the Galaxy.
    Since then, the Light forces stopped receiving intel about a certain part of activities of the dark forces. This has created a cosmic energy split between Light and dark throughout all dimensions and was the beginning of duality. On the fifth dimension and above, darkness manifested simply as absence of intel and lack of understanding how to resolve the cosmic situation. From then on, certain races have begun to believe that darkness and suffering are a necessary ingredient of life experience, as night follows the day and day follows the night.

    This allowed the dark forces to turn their Rigel stronghold into the first true quarantine where no Light could enter since the Ascended Beings did not receive intel about the activities going on Rigel and therefore could not send Light and Love to heal situations there. In secret, the dark forces have developed their most deadly weapon there, the strangelet bomb.

    Strangelet bomb is a conglomerate of heavy quarks, called strange quarks:

    When this conglomerate is put under extreme pressure and temperature it begins a chain reaction of changing ordinary matter into strange matter:

    If such a chain reaction would not be stopped, just one stangelet bomb could annihilate the whole known universe. Fortunately, the Light forces always had technology to drastically limit the radius of a strangelet bomb. Still a strangelet bomb is a much more deadly weapon than a thermonuclear bomb.

    Through millions of years, the dark forces have produced a few physical and quite many more etheric strangelet bombs and stored them on Rigel.

    25,000 years ago they have created their second quarantine stronghold on planet Earth and transported part of their strangelet bombs and other exotic weaponry there. This weaponry was the real reason why the Galactic Confederation has not intervened during the Nazi holocaust, Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear explosions, Stalinist purges or the Rwanda genocide. At that time the Galactic Confederation did not know exactly what weaponry the dark have on their disposal, they only knew that if they intervened it could lead to disastrous consequences.

    Throughout the 20th century, the Confederation has been removing obstacles to the First Contact one after the other until in 1995 they were ready to make their move. This triggered a red alert among the top Archons on Earth at that time and they have decided to call in all remaining dark forces of the Galaxy to defend quarantine Earth. This resulted in the so-called Congo Archon invasion of 1996.

    For a brief period of a few years, the dark forces have managed to control most star systems in radius of 1000 light years around planet Earth, except from Sirius star system. They have even managed to invade the Pleiadian star cluster in 1996 and this is how it looked like:

    This was a great shock for the Pleiadian race as they have spent hundreds of thousands of years in peace before the invasion.

    Rigelians have even taken a a small number of Pleiadians hostage, transported them to Earth into deep military underground bases under Southwest and microchipped them. This is how it could actually look like in Dulce base somewhere in 1996 or 1997:

    The Galactic Confederation has liberated Pleiades in 1999 and the Resistance has liberated Pleiadian captives from Dulce and other bases in 2001, but the Pleiadian race needed almost a decade to recover from shock completely and to be able to fully participate in the Galactic Confederation operations for the liberation of planet Earth.

    In the time period between 1996 and 1999, all Rigelian strangelet bombs and other exotic weaponry was transferred to planet Earth. The vast majority of the physical exotic weaponry was removed by the Resistance until 2004, but a great portion on etheric exotic weaponry remained until very recently.

    Among other exotic weapons I would mention physical antigravity scalar weapons. All of them were removed by 2004 and the Resistance does not allow any such weapons to be developed by military industrial complex ever again. The Resistance does however support the development of antigravity technology for peaceful purposes:

    Since 1999, the Ascended Masters, the Galactic Confederation and the Resistance Movement are actively removing layers upon layers of exotic etheric technologies from quarantine Earth. Each time one layer is removed, the Ascended Master receive intel about the next layer from the Source. Then Confederation and Resistance personnel removes that next etheric layer. This process was ongoing in the same way until a few weeks ago when a drastic breakthrough was made.

    The Ascended Masters have then receive intel from the Source about ALL remaining etheric dark forces and their technologies. This has effectively dissolved the basic foundation of the reality system of duality and removed the foundation of power of the top Archons on this planet. The insane reality of dark opposing the Light will soon collapse and then only Light will remain and all suffering will be gone forever.

    As of March 8th, 2014, only one last layer of etheric Archons and their exotic etheric weaponry remains. The vast majority of etheric Reptilians are gone, most of their technologies are gone, there is mainly a small group of crazy Archons with their exotic etheric weapons. Whether they have strangelet bombs or something else is unclear as that intel is still withheld for security reasons. This is the only factor remaining which prevents the Event right now. How long will this layer last is also unclear for the same reasons.

    On the physical plane, everything is ready for the Event. There is also a vast fleet of Confederation ships surrounding the Earth. There are about 5 billion cloaked physical ships positioned in the LEO region:

    In addition to that, there are about 120 million cloaked physical Confederation ships in the region between the Karman line

    and the Armstrong limit:

    The number and strategic position of cloaked Confederation ships in the troposphere and on the surface of the planet remains highly classified for now.

    When the first cracks appear in the last etheric defense layer of the Archons, events will then quickly follow. We can expect the following developments popping up in rapid succession, not necessarily in the same order:

    -Disclosure of extremely advanced and efficient medicine technologies through mainstream media

    -Indisputable proof of existence of Atlantis released through mainstream media

    -Indisputable proof of existence of extraterrestrial civilizations released through mass media, most likely from secret NSA files, by Snowden or any other whistleblower

    -Fully functional free energy home units for sale through a public website

    -Arrest or physical removal of the top members of the Cabal, released through mainstream media

    -Worldwide financial Reset

    The Event.

    To speed up the process, the Light forces have asked me to start »pressuring disclosure acupuncture points«. I will first press two of them.

    First, I am in contact with a very strong positive group with substantial financial capability, production infrastructure and strategic plan to start mass production and bring affordable free energy devices to humanity. They are searching for inventors with working overunity devices that can be put into mass production fast. If there are inventors with personal integrity that put liberation of the planet before profit, are not afraid of the Cabal and have working overunity prototypes that are scalable and easily replicated, they can contact me at

    Second, there is a certain project which involves the Resistance and the surface population. If there are any people who had physical contact with the Resistance or the Agartha network since 1996, they can contact me at

    On the physical plane, the situation on the surface of the planet is slowly reaching its climax. The Cabal went too far and ultimatums have been issued by the Light forces. The Cabal needed a demonstration of a mild version of stardust technology and it was freely given:

    Here I need to add that stardust can not be used only to block, disable or off Cabal members, it can also be used to heal people. Stardust can heal most causes of chronic pain in 15 minutes. It is time people DEMAND this technology to be released to help bringing healing to humanity. There will be many other advanced healing technologies released soon and Positive Military in Egypt has made its first step in that direction, despite attempts to discredit them:

    The existence of these devices was confirmed to me directly by Dragon sources and sources within White Nobility of Egypt.

    People are finally becoming aware of the actions of Jesuit-backed Blackwater/Academi mercenaries in Ukraine that want to trick Ukraine and Russia into a military conflict:

    One of the reasons is that Jesuits want to erase Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine and replace it with Jesuit-friendly Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church:

    The other reason is that Jesuits want to add Ukraine to the European Union, which is a Jesuit creation:

    There are many groups with strong military capability that are becoming very angry at the Cabal and the Light forces can not and will not hold them back any longer, so these groups will most likely start removing members of the Cabal from the planet, if they haven't already, and they will not wait for the mass arrest scenario and the Event. Here I need to add that only about 10% of Jesuits belong to the dark forces and many members of the Cabal are within the Illuminati network against their will so I would ask the aforementioned groups to use discernment in their Cabal removal operations.

    One of those groups has communicated that if only one more person dies as a result of Blackwater/Academi mercenary actions in Ukraine, they will begin removing the mercenaries, and if this is not enough, they will begin removing top members of the Cabal one by one.

    Another group has advised Putin that instead of resolving the Ukraine conflict militarily, he should send Spetsnaz agents to start removing members of the Cabal.

    A mysterious »unknown benefactor« has approached certain mafia groups and they have sworn allegiance to him and turned their backs to their previous sponsors, the Illuminazi and the Jesuits.

    There are at least two more groups ready for action and I will not name them specifically.

    As Fulford has said last week: "In the meantime watch as senior cabalists vanish one by one."

    Posted by Cobra



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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 6 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  bobhardee Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:12 am

    If you are new to The Mists of Avalon or some of the cosmic changes, you may want to read the following. It should answer many of your questions and encourage you to join in our conversations.

    Beyond the Horizon Realizing Our Mind’s Eye Skip to contentHomeAbout← What On Earth is Going On?Maarten Horst on the Aion Portal Activation: Transcription →Conversations With Cobra, Chapter One
    Posted on November 17, 2013 by Elizabeth Whitney Interview Transcription: Elizabeth Whitney and Cobra

    Recorded by Skype in Point Reyes Station, November 16, 2013

    Elizabeth: I’d like to start our conversation with a big overview of the Fukushima situation, largely because so many people here on the west coast have expressed a lot of anxiety about it. There was something in our paper today from one of the columnists about not eating seafood. If you could give us a little different perspective on that situation, how it happened and what’s going on now and what the prognosis is, that would be a very helpful way to introduce where you are coming from.

    COBRA: This Fukushima situation is a creation of the Jesuits. [Cobra means a small faction of the Cabal within the Jesuits representing about 10% of the Jesuit community.] The reason they triggered this false flag event was they wanted to exert pressure on Japan to get more funds for their operations. It is interesting to know that this event happened on March 11, 2011, which was one day before Uranus entered a new 84 -year cycle. So the moment of this was chosen according to astrological constellations. The second purpose of this event was to put more fear into the general human population because the vibrational frequency of fear is the frequency that allows the controllers to maintain control over the human population. I would say that most stories about radiation are exaggeration. I have seen reports of actual measurements of radiation exposure in California and they are not above normal. Everything is as it was before the Fukushima event. So this is a short overview of the situation.

    E: When you say this event was created as a retaliation or blackmail, it is hard to absorb that this kind of thing is going on and we don’t see any news about it or investigation or signs of it going on. Is there a way that we can become more conscious of the actual facts of how these things play out?

    C: Most of those pressures are happening behind the scenes and of course they will not be reported in the mainstream media. There are some reports in the alternative media about it, but not much.

    E. Also, you’ve said that after what we are going to talk about as the Event, there will be help, extraterrestrial help, in cleaning up the radiation that exists there. I wonder if you want to talk that a little bit about that and even describe what it would be like to have this kind of participation.

    C: After the Event, and especially after the first contact, the positive extraterrestrial races will use their technology not only to remove excessive radiation from Fukushima, but to actually restore ecological balance throughout the planet. One of the top priorities will be to remove radiation and various poisonous substances from many nuclear power plants in other locations around the planet, not only Fukushima but also Chernobyl and other locations. They will then continue with restoring the ecosystem of the planet and it will be quite a fast operation in human standards. After the First Contact, in a few months, the situation on the planet will be much, much better.

    They have advanced technology. Of course, they have complete control over matter so they can actually disintegrate all harmful substances in a matter of seconds. It is not a problem for them. It is just a matter of humanity having the right consciousness and understanding to accept and receive that technology. That is why the Event needs to happen first, the removal the Cabal needs to happen first, so the Light Forces can then use the mass media to educate the human population, so when these things do happen the human population will have an understanding and also an active participation in that purification process.

    E: So, the Event, which we can begin to talk about now, really is the clearing of the resistance that is within us, through these implants and through this programming, to even imagine this scale of operation and to be emotionally ready to consider that this is an evolution of our own consciousness rather than an outside, kind of overwhelming, influence. Is that a good way to talk about it?

    C: Yes. One of the main factors in the Event will be the education of the masses, because the reality on this planet is so much beyond what is currently being portrayed by the mass media, so human beings will need to have some time to integrate this vast shift of perspective. This will happen especially because it will be done in a positive environment and in a positive environment human beings have a very fast learning curve. It will not be that difficult for most people to accept the reality of those changes. It will be far more difficult for people to comprehend nature of the controlling forces that were controlling humanity and their actions in the past. This will be the most dramatic part of the learning process and it will be very emotional.

    E: OK, I can certainly imagine that. I am wondering what preparation we can make preceding the event. We’re anticipating it, we’re learning about it…How can we begin to help integrate this information and share it in ways that don’t alert everybody’s skepticism and so on? You are perfectly aware of the climate of receptivity that exists to some of this information here. What is a good way to look at building a foundation in which it can happen?

    C: O.K. It would be the best to start with the financial system, because almost everybody on this planet is aware that something is wrong with the current financial system. There is a group of I would call central bankers that control the financial situation on the planet. And I think most of the people will be willing to accept that as a fact. We can start from there. From that point we can educate people on the nature of that control and that it extends beyond the financial system, because the same group that controls the finances controls the mass media and controls the whole information of humanity. We can go from there. So we can then begin to educate people that there are also good forces on the planet that are working to counteract the plan of those controllers, actually to liberate humanity, and the Event is actually the culmination of their plans. And of course it is quite natural to understand that their plans were secret in the past because it is a war between light and dark. And now we are getting closer to the actual liberation itself, that we are getting closer that to the final victory, more and more of this is becoming public. And there will be evidence when the time is right.

    E. Even now, are we beginning to see some previews of this in some of the things that are happening politically? Are there some signs that you can point to that are already in our news?

    C: Most senior government officials on the planet are aware that something is going on. Most of those people are aware of the so-called Eastern Alliance. It is not just the BRICS countries. It is actually an alliance that has its aim of reshaping the future of the planet, restructuring the financial system and getting rid of the Cabal, of the controlling forces. You can see the political actions in many countries on this planet “estio mons” — speak volumes. You can see people are beginning to respond to this new reality. Countries are adapting to this new reality by aligning against the Cabal, aligning against the controlling banking system, creating alternatives all over the planet. For example, Brazil announced the formation of the new independent Internet…encrypted emails for every Brazilian citizen. This is something that is happening right now. Many things like this are happening all over the world right now. This is because the awareness of the citizens is arising and also people are aware that something will happen and they are preparing for it.

    E: And how do you see this being played out in the American political system? Do you see some signs that Obama and some of the other light workers in power are feeling more confident that they can proceed, that some of the constraints that have plagued them are being lifted?

    C: The most dangerous faction of the Cabal is located in the United States. The tension between the light forces, which are present inside the government structure everywhere, and the dark forces, which are also present in the United States government structure everywhere–there is a very strong internal tension right now which can be felt. But nothing is coming to the surface because those scenes are happening behind the scenes. Elsewhere in the world you can see many changes. But the United States will be the last country on the planet where those changes will happen, and when they happen in the United States it will be the moment of the breakthrough. Because it is the turning point. The United States is the key trigger point for the Event to happen. When you see changes in the political system of the United States, then you know it is time.

    E. Is there is a reason why the United States had taken this role of the turning point? Is it because the Cabal has been more entrenched here?

    C: Yes, I will explain. It is a historical process. Many souls who are incarnating in this time have chosen to incarnate in the United States. Many of the brightest souls have incarnated in the United States in the span of the last 150 years. In response to their light, the Cabal had to put their strongest control there to prevent a breakthrough. This has been the focal point of this planetary struggle between the light and dark for the last 100 years at least. When the breakthrough happens, it will happen through United States.

    E. When you talk about the war of the light and the dark, was this an inevitable way that this change had to come? Were there circumstances somewhere along the way that shifted us into this high drama version of how we would make an evolutionary change? Will we have a perspective on this at some point — why it had to go through this traumatic cycle?

    C: For most of humanity, it is happening much easier than it was expected. It is because of all the action of light workers that this transition is not as rough as it could be. We have avoided a third world war, which was a possibility, but not any more. We have avoided drastic planetary cataclysms also. None of this is going to happen. Yes, there is some discomfort, there is some struggle, but if there would be more awareness, there would be less of this. The amount of struggle is in direct proportion to the lack of consciousness and awareness.

    E: Then the control of the media, something I observed in my lifetime–the deterioration of responsible media–what I have noticed is that this conditioning through this disinformation is very, very strong in the sense that it has given people no bearings to try to sort out who is telling the truth. I feel that the way you have presented some information, by coupling this with the meditation practices and other ways to get people more connected to their own ability to choose between alterative ideas of what’s going on… Is that how you also see us, struggling to find ourselves emancipated from having outside authority always telling us what is going on and getting more direct connection to truth? So that we can hear truth and go, “That’s true. I don’t know why but I know it.” Is that kind of a goal of our own consciousness?

    C: The key is to go inside for guidance. Inner guidance is key. I would say intuition coupled with highly skilled rational mind that is not blocking the intuition but is supporting and working together with intuition. That can get you much further than the mass media or any other external information source. As you already said, most of those sources have been compromised.

    E: Yes. Let’s go back to your role. It seems to me that you have come forth as a voice of clear information and, of course, a lot of things you have revealed in your interviews and so on are fascinating and mind-boggling. Could you begin by talking about what your perspective is on this planet and your place in it and how you have even evolved as it unfolded? I think people are going to be fascinated by you and then by others who may come forward with their stories.

    C: At this point I am the spokesperson for the Resistance Movement, and I did not become that by choice; actually it was a result of my life situation. Many years ago, I was attacked by the dark forces when I divulged certain information, certain intel, that was obviously…some people reacted quite strongly to that. I didn’t know that at the time. I was protected by the Resistance and they gave me some instructions and this led to a long cooperation. At this point I am representing them on the surface of the planet. I like to do it because those people are my brothers and sisters–they are my only family. Basically, I would say that my position on the surface of the planet is temporary. I am not going to stay here forever. I am just going to be here to fulfill my mission, to complete my mission, and then my path goes beyond the surface of this planet.

    E: You call yourself Pleiadian. I don’t know what that actually means. I don’t know what that identity literally describes.

    C: Every soul begins its life path its evolution path in the center of the galaxy–in this galaxy or some other galaxy. Then it goes from one star system to another to gain experience. My soul, my own presence, my major experience was in the Pleiadian star system, so most of my energy signature is Pleiadian by origin. The only difference from most people is that I am aware of this.

    E: We all have made this kind of a journey, too, though star systems?

    C: Most human beings that are present on the planet have been created in this planetary system, but there are many who have come here to this planet from other star systems, most of them to raise the vibrational frequency on the planet. There also beings who came here from other star systems to assist the controlling forces, so there are a mixture of various races here on the planet.

    E: Was this also a necessity to generate the kind of energy that this transformation needs that it would draw from all of the galaxy to produce? I’m sensing that it is sort of like a thing that has to create a certain kind of dynamic to generate the transformation. So, rather than looking at the whole thing as a drama that is unfortunate because there was so much suffering, do we begin to look at this as a drama that has to do with the operation of energetic forces in creation?

    C: Yes, you can look at it from any perspective you wish. It is the human being that creates the perspective.

    E. OK. It is also for me very interesting that it feels as if we are writing a new story about who we are. We are creating a new collective myth, you could say, a truth that actually does fit a lot of the ways that we have expressed ourselves in the arts. We have been fascinated with this idea of Star Wars. We’ve been fascinated with this idea of the great battle of the light and the dark, as if it was always built into us and that this would come out as an actuality.

    C: This myth is a reflection of the reality of the situation. I understand that we are at the beginning stages of completely new myth, a completely new belief system, a completely new paradigm that will go beyond that. I think 100 years from now nobody will worry about dark forces or even think about it any longer. It will be an obscure notion from the past–a long time ago, things like that happened, but they will be so beyond that. A completely new evolution will open for humanity that nobody will be bothered anymore about the troubled past of humanity. It is a birth of a new renaissance that is happening now. We are at such an early stage of the creation of this new myth that we are not able to comprehend where we are going.

    E: Exactly. I totally concur with that from the information that I have worked with. You’ve said in some of your interviews that this is the last place where this dark energy has anchored in this galaxy, so when it is gone, when it is cleared from here, it’s gone. So, that is also a pretty strong mythic identity, to be holding the last place where this darkness exists, and when it is gone it is released from this whole galaxy. I have heard from people who channel that we are regarded as very heroic here on this planet because of what we have put up with. Is that a good way to look at it? This huge thing is way bigger than our little planet and its fate, allowing the whole galaxy to be free of this…

    C: Yes, yes! It’s true. It’s true. And it’s not just as small planet. We are not just here by chance. We knew that we were going to go here for this particular mission. It was not anticipated it would be last the planet to be liberated. The plan was a little bit different but the reality changed and now we are on the planet that is the last planet to be liberated. So it is a very special place and we are in a very special period of our destiny. And, yes, we are heroes because what we do to form an opposition in the face of all this control is a heroic act. For everybody that is standing against this oppression, he or she is a hero in this space and time.

    E: Do you want describe some of the activations and clearing of these portals that you’ve been working with and how we can also participate in that? That whole scenario of the blocked portals that kept good energies from flowing forth, like the Goddess energy, and how we clear them? I think that’s of interest to a lot of people.

    C: It’s a process. Each portal that we activate brings us closer to the final goal of completely clearing the etheric plane. The Archons had invaded the etheric plane 25,000 years ago and were closing off one vortex after the other. This process was completed about 1,600 years ago when the Roman Catholic cults completely suppressed the Goddess energy on the planet. On each of those vortex points when we had temples of the goddess before there was a catholic church. This was the completion of the dark creed. Then you know what happened; we had the dark ages, the Middle Ages. Then about 500 years ago the first Renaissance brought the beginning of the process of planetary purification. We have now reached a point in the last few years when we are in the final stages of that purification. Each of the portals we activate brings us closer to the final goal of complete liberation of the etheric plane. As soon as the etheric plane is liberated, extremely fast the physical plane is going to follow. And then we are free.

    E: Could you just talk about what these portals are? What is their dynamic? How would we know if we were living near one? What kind of energy is it that that we could discover or is it very esoteric to even try to understand that?

    C: A dimension portal is a double vortex of energy that actually transmits energy between different dimensions. Then the energy can be used. It is a neutral energy. You can use if for good purposes or somebody could use it for not-so-good purposes. When the portal is activated property, it can become a very strong, supportive vortex for the light. It can actually change the energetic signature of that area. It can improve the living conditions of the people, their well-being. This is the reason why we are going from place to place activating those portals. If we have a mass meditation on a certain specific date, that can trigger the opening of that portal, it can have a planetary global effect of improving the planetary situation.

    E: Do you want describe the activation that is coming up on the 23rd [of November], the context of that date and the place that you’ve chosen to do the work?

    C: It is actually the Shift of the Ages. It is the moment astrologically speaking that we are entering a new cycle. The old cycle did not end on December 21 last year as many people have realized. The actual turning point is now in November. It will not manifest outwardly as anything special but energetically speaking it will be the peak of transition. From that point on the light forces will have much more power; they will have much more initiative on this planet and the dark forces will be on retreat from that day on. They will be in defensive from that day on. We have chosen Florence in Italy because we are grounding the energies of the new Renaissance, and Florence was the anchor point for the first Renaissance, where a process of planetary purification started about 500 years ago. Now we are anchoring the same energy on a higher octave in the same place that will allow us to bring this new myth that we were speaking about, this new collective story that will not include the darkness.

    E: It is a pretty exciting opportunity to be conscious of all this! How do you see all of us helping? I know you put on your website the time of a synchronized meditation and so on. Is that the best way to feel connected to this and make your presence felt for as many people we can reach as possible?

    C: Yes. There are a few things that you can do. Number one is to join our weekly meditation group each Sunday, different time zones of course, but each Sunday it is happening around the world at the same moment. The more people who will get into this, the more effect it will have. We not yet reached the critical mass, that’s why we don’t have the result we want. If we get more people, we will be more powerful. Then of course you can join our major planetary activation portals. For example, we had a peace portal activation on August 25. We had masses of people joining; we reached the critical mass. Just the video alone was seen by a quarter of a million people. You can see the results were very, very direct and very dramatic. We have prevented a military invasion in Syria as a result of the activation of the Peace Portal, so this was a huge accomplishment. If people participate in the following activations, the first on 23rd November and there will be more, then we can get more results. And the third thing that is very important at this time is the creation of event support groups. Event support groups are groups that meet physically once a week at least to hold the energy of preparation for the Event, to hold the energy of awareness of the Event, and when the Event happens those groups will serve as communication centers and will give advice to confused human population. There are many things that you can do.

    E. Describe the Event again for those hearing this for the first time…

    C: OK, I will describe this briefly. The first aspect of the Event is the reset of the financial system. The reset of the financial system will end the current imbalances that are one of the major sources of suffering on the planet. The new financial system will be transparent and fair to everybody. The second aspect of this reset is the arrest of the members of the controlling forces of the Cabal, of those people who were actually enslaving humanity for all those centuries. The third aspect of the Event is finally the truth will begin to be released through the mass media, truth about the planetary situation, truth about our history, truth about UFOs, about extraterrestrial contact, about free energy, about true physics, about everything–will be released finally to the mass population. There will also be the non-physical aspect of the Event, which will be a flash, the wave of energy from coming from the galactic central sun. Many people who are more spiritually aware will be able to feel that flash. That will begin a process of mass awakening that will go across humanity after the Event.

    E: So, it is pretty safe to say that none of us will be the same after the Event.

    C: None of us will be the same. It will be beyond our expectations.

    E. It is so remarkable to hear this kind of information. I’m wondering, do you feel supported across the board from other psychic-type people and other people involved in all this supporting this whole scenario? I’ve looked around a lot to see how people are talking about things and I just wonder whether it is something that you feel is being effectively supported or do you feel it is this group that you’ve identified as putting it out. I’m floundering a bit here, but I just wonder how all this is seeming to you?

    C: Well, you see, I create my own reality, and I just connect with people who are understanding this. Most people I am connected with have a similar perspective on this. I don’t have much contact with the general population who might not know about it. Of course, there are many people who are skeptical about this and those people who are skeptical will be more convinced, naturally, when things start to happen, when there will be physical evidence. Of course, most people will believe their own eyes. I would say to most people: wait and see what happens. I’m just giving information in advance so people are prepared; I’m not trying to convince anybody. I’m just presenting information because I have received it.

    E: That’s true. That’s the essence of how it comes. The messengers come and here’s the message. It is another round of information that transforms us to learn a lot more about who we really are and how our roots go into other dimensions and what our potential future is. I’m finding it interesting to be among people who are aware of this and to not be able to look at the world that is being expressed around me, and people’s ideas about what they are going to do next summer and how they are going to do this and that. You sort of can’t go there any more when you know that this incredible change is imminent. It’s an interesting surreal life to lead. I imagine you are hearing that from other people, too.

    C: Yes, yes.

    E: Do you have any advice? For living in this kind of a time? Or just…

    C: Just be in the now. Be in this moment. Of course you can make plans. It’s always in life like this that you can make plans and of course things will happen in completely unexpected ways.

    E: And that’s the advice that we’ve all heard that applies to our life challenges. So much of what we think of as problems are things we think up in our head and haven’t happened yet, so now we are on this other side where we are looking at something that is really positive that’s coming and yet hasn’t quite manifested. I don’t want to be one of these people that talks about the timing of this, because I do understand [the dilemma]. I feel as a woman it is interesting to talk about time as something to be fulfilled, because if we are pregnant we know we are going to have a baby but we don’t know when, but we know we are going to have a baby. So I feel that this Event is in this language of it is definitely going to happen and the timing isn’t really ours to know, but the certainty of it is there within us. It is a sense that when everything converges to be in perfect coordination, then the thing will happen and it will be absolutely the right moment.

    C: Exactly, exactly.

    E: We are conditioned to think of linear time being sort of like the train schedule where we keep looking at our watches and saying, when is it going to happen? But it is not in that framework.

    C: There is a certain moment when it will happen, but even if I would know it, I would not say it, simply because I would not give this information to the Cabal and of course, they are listening to this. They don’t need to know.

    E: They don’t need to know! Well, does it mean that they know all of this that we are talking about, that their portals are being cleared, that there are these dates? It doesn’t give them any benefit to know these specifics at this stage, does it?

    C: You see, I have a very delicate situation. I can just release intel that gives more advantage to the light forces than gives to the dark forces. So there are things I cannot say. It is a very delicate balance. We are still not liberated yet. After that, it is no problem. I can say everything I know but not yet.

    E: Do you want to describe a little bit more about the way the Resistance — you use this phrase compression breakthrough–that’s where your name Cobra comes from–and you’ve talked about how the compression is from the extraterrestrials on one side and the Resistance on the other. Do you want to describe that? So we can picture the Earth in ways we don’t usually do with the underground cities…

    C: This planet is in a sandwich. There are light forces above the surface of the planet in the sky–the positive ETs–who are sending light toward the surface of the planet from above. Then there is a resistance movement underground. All of these forces are holding the light below the surface and sending the light toward the surface. So the surface of the planet is in this compression. All of the darkness that was compressed on the surface needs to come out, because the light is constantly pressuring it to come out, so that it is processed and healed and removed. When the light from below meets the light from above at the surface, that’s the moment of compression breakthrough and that’s the moment of the Event. When this is happening it will be huge, energetically and physically, and everybody will be able to see it.

    E: After the Event, what role do these forces play? The underground culture and resistance…will they become more visible to us? Are these boundaries going to be dissolved and will we have some awareness that this exists?

    C: Gradually, yes. They will not expose themselves directly. First they will just get in there through the mass media, but after sometime when humanity begins its awakening process, there will be direct contact.

    E: Then the future of humanity, I gather, from everything I’m learning, is to have a completely different sense of what is real physically and to travel without airplanes and visit other star systems — all that…

    C: Yes. Yes.

    E: …everything we fantasize in our media. I think it is so interesting that something in us that was captured in the Star Wars movie always wanted this ability to go exploring and go beyond–I guess it is pretty true to call this the prison we have been locked up in–find out what is really going on outside.

    C: We were in the prison for the last 25,000 years and now that the gates will open, we will be able to see what is outside.

    E: I don’t know how to ask these some of these questions because they are so unusual…but could this have all gone another way completely 25,000 years ago?

    C: It could. It could. Things could be different. There are many moments in human history, many key points, when this could go one way or the other.

    E: It was just in these various present moments that a little tipping happened and it slid one direction?

    C: Exactly.

    E: Do we have anything to learn from this, looking back? Do we learn how to be a different kind of human now?

    C: Yes. You see in those critical moments, those tipping moments, there were always individuals who were key individuals and those key individuals made choices, sometimes good choices and sometimes not so good choices. In 1995 there was a big possibility of a breakthrough but the key individuals made the wrong choices and that is why we are here almost 20 years later and still the Event didn’t happened. It could have happened in 1995. It could also have happened last year, in April or May 2012, if certain key individuals had made the right choices but they did not make the right choices. There are always certain moments, certain windows of opportunity, and in those crucial moment it is very important how the key people behave. What decisions do they make? What choices do they make? What actions do they take? That is very important.

    E: Would these be people that had political power?

    C: Not necessarily. You see, the real planetary situation is not decided by the presidents; it is decided by people from behind the scenes.

    E: The Cabal and its script for controlling to planet…to me, it is preposterous that they ever thought they could succeed, just because to manage something on the scale that they wanted…Where would they have found the power to support that, because it was such a self-involved agenda, no spiritual energy behind it, no good in it? How could the Cabal have really believed in their power or were they just psychotically made wrong?

    C: You see, their plan was created–the last phase of their plan was created–more than 200 years ago. At that time they had the support of many negative ET races throughout the galaxy, and that’s where their confidence came from. But now when those races are gone, they are still operating but they know they are on their last plans. They cannot count on any support from beyond this planet any more, and they know it. The top people in the Cabal know that and they are in panic because of this. Because they know the game is over.

    E: You’ve described that there are a variety of ways that they are responding, that they know they can surrender, they can ask for forgiveness and so on and so on. Are we seeing the separation of the hard core from those who aren’t so deeply, darkly inspired?

    C: Yes, there are many various responses, and yes, some of them have surrendered already and many of them will surrender in the future. And also the various factions have different tactics of how to cope with this situation. The Jesuits try to manipulate the situation in their own way; the Rockefeller-Illuminati faction is getting a little bit crazy with all this warmongering in Syria that happened this year, and the Rothschilds are just silent because they don’t want to be exposed too much in the limelight right now.

    E: They must be aware that the financial reset is going to completely take all their power away.

    C: Yes, they are aware of that.

    E: Do you think they believe it?

    C: I would say they are afraid of it. They don’t believe it completely because it hasn’t happened in their own experience. They have generations of experience that they are the top of the food chain regarding money–almost at the top of the food chain–but they are afraid that something will change because they gather more and more evidence that things are going to change.

    E: When you talk about the public arrests of these figures, is it going to include of some of these top dogs?

    C: All of them.

    E: Is that going to happen swiftly, all at once? We will be witnessing this over days?

    C: It will be a global operation throughout the planet that will take maybe between one or three days.

    E: Wow.

    C: …for the key people.

    E: Wow. That’s going to make some interesting television!

    C: Oh, yes. Oh, yes.

    E: For the people who are used to the action movies, they are going to see some action. Are they going to be taken to certain kinds of prisons? Where will they go?

    C: They will be taken to prisons and they will have a right to have a fair trial because true things need to come out in a balanced way, so there will be no witch-hunts. Human beings will decide their destiny. Humanity will decide their destiny.

    E: So, this is also why this preparation has taken so long, so many years, so that it would run flawlessly when the time came?

    C: We don’t have a second chance. When the Event is triggered, it has to be done perfectly. It has to be done in near-perfect precision to insure the least amount of violence and loss of human life, so that the basic electricity, food-distribution

    chains–all this needs to remain intact. It’s not an easy operation.

    E: Here in America, will we be seeing it happen to the Americans that are involved or is it going to go around the world?

    C: Everywhere.

    E: Wow. That is just going to be staggering, it seems to me. Are some of these figures are going to be people that we have heard of? High-profile people?

    C: Some of those people are in politics, but the topmost people are mostly in Black Nobility families and the Jesuits and are not are not public figures so much. There will be some very well-known names and some completely unknown names.

    E: A lot of names have gotten thrown around over the years about who is part of this and who are the bad ones, but my sense has been that a lot of the most public figures, more politically high profile, they don’t strike me as having the kind of power that the Cabal leaders have had. That they are really more figureheads…

    C: Exactly

    E: They haven’t had the freedom of resisting them or they know the consequences of resisting them…

    C: Exactly.

    E: …but once they are released from that we will see their true character.

    C: Yes. Many truths will come out. People will begin to speak finally freely about what they were involved in, and there are many people who were in the Cabal not because they wanted to but because they were forced to, and they will finally be free to talk about their experience and be healed.

    E: It is phenomenal to imagine this happening so fast, but on the other hand it’s encouraging that something as huge as this can happen to completely turn around the misdirection that we’ve been involved in. I know that everyone who cares about the environment and the health of our food and our oceans–everything that has to do with supporting us–we’ve all been so shocked to see everything going in the wrong direction. The way that we’ll get help changing this, from the ET sources…are we going to be participating and learning from these beings or are we going to be just watching something happen like someone waved a magic wand?

    C: No, it will be active participation. There are many technologies that were developed on the surface of the planet that were suppressed, and these will be the first that are released. And then scientists and engineers will learn from those ETs how to go beyond those Earth-based technologies. It will be a partnership; it will be cooperation. Humanity needs to learn to do this by themselves, of course with instruction and a loving guidance from the positive ETs, but humanity will have a very active role in its own future. Humanity will make the basic decisions, not the ETs.

    E: That’s an encouraging thing for young people, that they would step right into this as what they will do with their lives to be part of this.

    C: They were born for this. This is their destiny.

    E: And the whole education system will be flipped over and made relevant, right? It won’t be all about training people to be in the corporate structures. Do you think that the long-term vision of humanity is to slide completely out of a currency monetary system and just recognize how they can share and not have it all organized by some version of money? A lot of people hope that it is the end of all this.

    C: Yes. It’s very easy because with the available new technology it will be very easy to produce anything people need for their lives. This is the basic reason why the money will become free, because people will not need it any more. They will have a replicator at home and they will be able to create out of etheric substance everything they will need, their food, everything they need for their physical existence. The perspective of people will go beyond the physical plane because when this is taken care of people will begin to ask, What’s more, What’s the real meaning of life? How can I evolve? What can I do?

    E: This applies to the healing arts, too, that we will be shifted to a different whole way of understanding what it means to heal disease or injuries.

    C: It will be a matter of reaching again the inner balance of the human being, because when a human being is in a state of balance, there is no illness possible.

    E: So the first phase is a whole reset and rebalancing of the essential human, who is self-healing and self-evolving and self-expressing.

    C: Of course the technology will support that healing process, but the focal point will be inner balance.

    E: Wow. That’s probably a good way to wind this up this time. It’s been very fascinating to have this kind of conversation with you and I appreciate your making yourself available. If there’s anything else you want to add, that would be fine.

    C: I would just say, do not give up hope. We are in a very exciting time, although it is quite challenging for many people. We have been born for this time, to make this final victory.

    E: That’s true. I feel that way, too. Thank you very much.

    C: You are welcome.

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    Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates - Page 6 Empty Re: Galactic Federation Of Light - Audio Updates

    Post  bobhardee Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:33 pm

    July 6, 2014 Recent Cobra announcement. Please go to his website for the additional pictures

    Fall of the Chimera

    Time has come to release more intel about the Chimera group. Parts of this intel may seem unbelievable for some people, but truth is stranger than fiction.

    This group includes the leaders of the dark forces from the Andromeda galaxy. They came to Earth in humanoid physical bodies 25,000 years ago and quarantined the planet. They have built a scalar electromagnetic fence around the Earth (the Veil), effectively preventing positive ET contact and thus isolating humanity. Then they constructed a vast network of subterranean cities, using Draconians as slave handlers and Reptilians as slaves and controlled the human population on the surface of the planet from there.


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    Their main strongholds at that time were under Africa, China and Tibet. They had no direct contact with the surface civilization until the early 20th century. That timeframe has seen interesting occult developments.

    First, in 1917 the Light forces have formed the Thule society in Germany. Very soon it was infiltrated by the Archon-controlled Rothschild agent named Adolf Schicklgruber (Hitler) and became an instrument of the dark and it further morphed into the Vril society which was developing secret German space program:

    When the Chimera group saw this, they realized that the surface human population has reached sufficient technological development to reach for the stars and pierce the Veil. To suppress that, they have made their first contact with the surface population through Karl Haushofer on his travels to Tibet. After that contact was made, Chimera-controlled Haushofer was the main occult force behind the Nazi Germany:

    After the Nazis have lost WW2, they have been imported into the United States through Operation Paperclip, where they formed the backbone of the military-industrial complex, continued to develop their secret space program and started to build deep underground military bases, financed with Yamashita gold. The Chimera group was behind the scenes, carefully watching the moves of the US military-industrial complex and making sure that the quarantine status of the planet was maintained and kept intact. The growing nuclear arsenal of the Negative Military was a great concern for the Galactic Confederation forces and they made an experiment to minimize the yield of the thermonuclear bomb at the Castle Koon nuclear test in 1954:

    After the Confederation has successfully decreased the yield of the bomb by almost 90%, the military-industrial complex became afraid and united their forces against the perceived threat from the »tall whites« . This was exactly as Chimera wanted, because now they had Negative Military united worldwide, working on the common goal of maintaining the quarantine. Very strict secrecy protocols were established and no leaks about »deep events« which could disrupt the quarantine status were tolerated. This is the reason why you can find no real proof about the existence of ET civilizations anywhere and most »evidence« is fabricated by CIA to further confuse the issue. This is also the reason why you can not find any deep intel on internet but just endless recycling of well-known facts instead. You might already have noticed that almost all intel about UFOs and deep underground military bases is decades old.

    You can find the only mention of the Chimera group in a James Casbolt's interview. He is one of the very few people with access to deep intel who went public. Although not everything in here is correct, it is worth reading:

    The Chimera group worships the Black Sun, which is their symbol for the Galactic Central Sun. Their leader is still in a possession of a single piece of the Black Stone, which is a lump of heavy top/antitop quark condensate. It was brought to Earth from Rigel in 1996. The Black Stone is the center of the primary cosmic anomaly of darkness and is far more dangerous than the strangelet bomb, as top quarks are much heavier than strange quarks:

    Leaders of the Chimera group are the guardians of the electromagnetic null zone.

    The Chimera group had their own network of underground bases until they were recently cleared out by the Resistance. These bases were connected with a high speed train system. To clarify the situation, until recently there were three underground train systems: the one connecting deep underground military bases of the Negative Military, the one connecting the Chimera bases and the one connecting the Resistance bases. The Resistance train system was the one I have seen back in 1977. The existence of the underground train system of the Negative Military has been leaked to the surface population through this RAND document:

    Now only the underground train system of the Resistance is fully operational. The Chimera group is mostly contained in the uppermost underground sections of the surface military bases, closer than 100 feet (30 meters) to the surface. Their main current strongholds, through which they control the surface of the planet, are:

    *Borgo Santo Spirito, Rome, Italy
    *Aviano NATO base, Italy
    *A certain classified location, Central Europe
    *Another classified location, Central Europe
    *Ramstein NATO base, Germany
    *Fairford RAF base, UK
    *Montauk, NY
    *Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
    *Sandia / Los Alamos, NM
    *White Sands / Area 6413, UT
    *Nellis AFB / Area 51, NV
    *Edwards AFB, CA

    Each of those locations has their own strangelet bomb on its territory. Those strangelet bombs are quite dangerous and they are the main reason why the Positive Military is not yet making their move for the Event:

    A location near Montauk entry/exit point is Cold Spring Harbor, a genetics laboratory where the Chimera produces top Cabal members clones, according to some unconfirmed sources:

    Galactic Confederation forces are constantly monitoring the facility and will terminate the cloning program when the situation will be ready for that:

    The Chimera group has hijacked the global financial system from the hands of the central bankers in the last decade through the PROMIS software and through high speed trading programs. The Resistance and the Organization (its forerunner) were aware of those programs for quite some time and were able to siphon off about 70 trillion dollars away from the black funds of the Cabal. That money will be given back to humanity after the Reset through the collateral accounts.


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    The Chimera group must not be confused with the breakaway civilization. The breakaway civilization originated in Nazi occult space program and evolved into a military-industrial complex with many black projects, whereas the Chimera group is the driving force behind the breakaway civilization, manipulating it to help maintaining the quarantine status of planet Earth. The demarcation line between the Chimera group and the breakaway civilization is called the phase boundary, of which nothing more can be said publicly, and the Event / the Compression Breakthrough can also be called the phase transition.

    The Light forces have developed a protocol for the defeat of the Chimera group and the protocol is being carried out.

    The Victory of the Light is near.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 4:15 am