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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:14 pm

    Hi investigator. I've finally finished the transcript and sent it off to be reviewed prior to posting so perhaps it can be viewed today or tomorrow.

    As for the hybrid photos I'll check what links you can go to. Some are from the contactees who took the photos and put them in their books. Since Paola Harris did the interviews she may still have some of the photos up on her website. You can always go there to read her interviews and see some of the photos.

    Paola's new book is out. ET COMMUNICATIONS  - Page 4 Newbook

    Go to the archives for past interviews and photos.

    Or just google her name and look at what is posted on the internet.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32367
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:22 am

    Carol: I really was happy to find a couple of ET photos from Cocoon to use as they give
    such a nice touch to the thread and let people have a positive image of a luminous being.

    Ken: This photo is the Elohim that I saw.
    Just like this.

    The other day, I asked Nicholai who and what Elohim was,
    he said, they are angel like beings.
    Thank you for finding this photo, it makes my heart warm just looking at it.
    The encounter with Elohim was so inspirational to me.
    He/she knew everything about me....
    They were there watching over me.

    As for Nicholai, he looks like a pope.
    Bald headed and wears a white robe.
    He looks a bit like Anthony somebody.... the one in "Silence of the lamb".

    Carol: I'm glad you share the info about New Jersey and the wormhole.
    I know there is a wormhole over Big Island as well.

    Ken: Oh really?

    Maybe that's why ET said Big Island instead of New York is possible
    because it will be another ET base (space port where wormhole) later.
    It seemed telepathically, that New York will be in operation before Big Island.
    Considering the timing and collecting the people to be evacuated for my group,
    New York is the best place to start off my mission. I was told that, considering the timing
    and collection of people...

    Ummo told me that I will be back and forth between earth and the other planet, many times.

    Maybe they are going to use Big Island spaceport, later.

    Carol: I don't know if you ever read the Gaia Man thread as he too could look into the future and
    see things. He has been writing about this at GLP for years and many of the things he posted about
    did happen. One of the things he described is how when the time comes people will be exiting through
    portals so your information on a wormhole is confirmation of what Gaia man posted.

    Ken: Interesting!

    Never read Gaia Man but GLP is shut down, isn't it?

    The only thing I've read was the link you sent me regarding Chinese briefcase.
    What happened to that story?

    I was so glad when they said I could take my family.

    Carol: Ken, GLP is back up but I want you to watch this video and ask Nicolai about it.
    The comet passes between the earth and sun 9/11/11

    The portal is on the Kona (west side) of the island.

    Don't know about the brief cases, as I've not been following that. However,
    I do feel like time has been speeded up to fast forward and have the urge to
    purchase 2 bales of hay instead of 1 for the horses along with extra chicken feed.

    Yesterday the U.S. recalled all of its ambassadors from around the globe for a meeting this week.
    This clip is basically providing evidence that there will be a pole shift on March 15th as a result
    of a comet passing close by.

    Ken: When I went to ask Nicholai about the pole shift on 15 March,
    I could not focus on Nicholai's face, I called Ummo for help. I've never done this and
    did not know if it would work but I took my chances.

    Ummo is a light being without a form.

    I've never seen him and he said he never materializes even as a light figure (cocoon) any more...
    the conversation was done Q&A style telepathically so far.

    Right after I called Ummo's name, he appeared immediately.

    Golden light ball, the size of a basketball.

    Wow, I was surprised to see this but at the same time, he emanated so much love that
    I almost cried. It was the same good old familiar Ummo's energy except this time,
    it was much stronger, he even sent the golden light to me, at the same time, St. John
    and Rafael who were sitting on my right and left, started sending the golden light to me,
    as well. It appeared that they were healing and raising my frequency to receive this message.

    Regarding the March 14th pole shift, Ummo said, "Universe never designates a date for a
    certain incident to happen."

    Now I wonder, if it's not universe doing it, who is saying March 15th will being the date for
    the Yellowstone eruption? I was pretty upset to hear this from Nicolai,
    Because Ummo said the above previously.

    I don’t know how to put them in a timely manner so that people will understand.

    Regarding the pole shift on March 14th announce by the lady in the video, I saw the video
    but I do not feel the imminent danger…. strange.

    But that is my personal intuition so I will ask Ummo or Nicholai for further information, if any.

    So it's the comet causing this?
    Is the comet an alien ship of some sort?

    You know I'm quite naive in this field.

    I should contact Ummo if the matter is within this Andromeda
    territory for he is the one who is in charge of a bigger scale of matters.

    Re: Pole shift on March 15 caused by a comet
    Nicholai said, "A comet is near but not so much damage to America, less than Japan. Japan will have some damage."

    He showed me a map - it was a volcano mountain area located in the middle of Japan, but it was not Mt. Fuji.

    He doesn't tell me much, meaning that I don't have to know the details now or
    they are not ready to tell me anything because the incident is not set in stone yet.

    I just googled the mountain that I saw yesterday.

    Guess what? It seems it is MT. ONTAKE!
    It's in the middle of Japan as shown in this link.

    This is not good.
    Let's hope I've got trash info on this.

    At least, no news about Mt. Ontake so far.

    Carol: They are talking of either the Cascade Volcanoes or Yellowstone
    going off. Of course if it is Yellowstone it will destroy a major part of the US.

    Ken: During a session last year, I saw a big eruption on Mt. St. Helena.
    I haven't seen any eruption of Yellowstone.

    When I asked Nicholai about a comet the other day,
    I felt telepathically that the world economic crash is more imminent
    than a comet - economic crash in U.S.A first

    As you say, I don't have any pre warning dreams regarding pole shift or a comet.

    Nonetheless, I was surprised to find that Mt. Ontakesan's location was exactly at the same
    spot as they showed me as I always thought it was located below Mt. Fuji, but I was wrong.
    That is the next one to erupt according to them.

    Also, I strongly feel that sun has a lot to do with upgrading our DNA.
    One's intuition and psychic level goes up, that I found out with my experience.
    Sun has some strong effect to our psyche, especially now.

    I stayed up till 1:30 watching CNN re President Mubarack's announcement of stepping down.
    I went to bed calling all the beings that I know of... every being, asking them to show me
    what I need to know for future, in the dream land.

    I've asked them to show me what I can do to prepare for future happenings on this planet.

    It's my first time doing this, last night.

    I woke up this morning feeling totally different.
    I never asked them anything for my personal business matters, yet,
    this brand new energy was so strong that it surprised me.

    Then I read your post,
    In real life I'm noticing that when I go to bed at night the world, along with world events
    are progressing along one time line and when I wake up in the morning it's different.

    We are experiencing the same thing!
    Time line shift or what?

    I had an interesting dream.

    I was with someone. I don't know who this person was.
    We both were experiencing time shift, one after another, multiple times.
    Every time we had a shift and lived in that time line, we’d have to pay more tax.
    It seemed like we were going to an upgraded world at each time shift and
    the tax was being used to accommodate upgraded atmosphere for everybody.
    The world became a better place as time shifts.

    We were creating an upgraded (better) world at each time shift,
    and everybody was helping (by paying tax) and sharing without any ego.
    And we were to continue time shifting until we create an ultimate world for all humanity.

    What a nice world would that be!
    I thought in my dream that if that is the purpose of paying more tax, I wouldn't mind it at all.

    Carol: I've been busy these past few days purchasing supplies, working in the garden. I've also
    had trouble with my computer as the cord to recharge it has been defective so I'd been using my
    husband's computer which isn't set up for my email.

    Ken: Same with me.
    Something to do magnetic density?
    I copied all my documents onto a hard disc, just in case.

    Carol: I've also been following more increased volcanic activity around the globe and looking at
    the quake areas. When the whole planet shuddered earth entered into a different type of space
    (not sure what), yet it seems there are more stressors now as this is also the closest time period
    the planet is to the moon that triggers more quakes.

    Ken: Indeed, I don't know what type of space we are in now. Now volcanoes are
    going to erupt more and more according to ETs. Earth changes will continue.

    But meantime we, humans can go on creating our ideal world, can't we

    Carol: Have you seen this yet Ken?

    Ken: I've read it.
    It's always good to be prepared but whenever natural disasters happen,
    no one knew about it before hand.

    The Shinmoedake was totally unmarked by volcano specialists or psychics.
    No one thought it would erupt - it erupted multiple times.

    This person may be right in that something will happen very soon but
    who knows when?

    At least, I haven't been told a definite date of a definite incident in the future.
    If they do, you are the first person to know about it.

    Carol: You were right about there being a volcano in GOP as that was confirmed in
    a recent youtube video I just watched.

    Ken: I was wondering how you were doing with this solar flare, as well.
    Anyway, I asked Nicholai about pole shift again.

    He said, “Yellowstone will have a small eruption from 15 March to the end of March.
    It starts with a very small eruption and it will increase in sizes as it continues.”


    I did 3 sessions asking him about this information.
    All 3 of them were Affirmative!

    Then I asked him about Kilauea.

    He said Kilauea will erupt long after Yellowstone, so watch out for a small eruption
    at Yellowstone and when it happens, start preparing for Kilauea's eruption but you
    will still have a plenty of time.

    Carol, I'm still suspicious of the above information. That is why I did not tell you.
    I will have another session today and really ask him and other ETs if Yellowstone's
    eruption is a set-in stone event or not.

    After all, I don't want to say anything that might provoke fear.
    That is the very last thing I would do.

    So please wait till I get a real confirmation of the above information, I'm working hard on it.

    Yeah, I read Instigator's earthquake thread.

    It's Japan in the next few days, right?

    Personally, I don't feel it yet… not in Tokyo, maybe in Ryukyu Island as
    Instigator says.

    Before I forget, I tell you something else that I saw and heard.

    Nicholai said, “In the beginning of March, some financial means or actions will be taken
    in the U.S which will seem to be the beginning of the world economical crash.”

    I saw a really huge round craft or a planet hovering (stationary) on the top of the earth.

    It was emitting some energy of sort to earth.

    Comet Elenin?

    I don't know but it really looked like a huge craft, much, much bigger than sun.

    Carol: Thanks Ken.

    Ken: On 17th (February), I went to see Nicholai again to ask him about the March 15th Yellowstone eruption.

    Unfortunately, he said, it will most likely happen.

    Then I told him to give me a sign or confirmation because ETs designating a date for a big incident like this,
    is very unusual and I did not want to believe it.

    Give me a sign. Whatever is fine, I said.

    Then I saw a flash of a vision - three people covered with black cloth from head to toes -
    something that I saw when terrorists take hostages and put black cloth over them like an execution style.

    Some place like Iran?

    At least, that's the only knowledge I had at that time, about people covered in black cloth.


    That's the place this incident will happen.

    Bahrain? I asked him - and he said yes.
    Is this a sign? ...yes, it seemed to be.
    and I will see the same picture on TV or something?

    Three people covered in black cloth at Bahrain...three, I thought.
    I hadn't seen this picture yet at that time, so I figured it is a future event to be taken place.
    If I see this, it will be a confirmation of the Yellowstone's eruption on March 15th.

    OK, that is fine, I thought.
    I probably won't see this anyway.
    Because our media was not covering Bahrain's unrest yet, only CNN was.
    And all I saw was people in normal clothes rioting in Bahrain.
    Never in black costumes, so I stopped watching TV.

    Why should I look for the sign?
    It should manifest when I'm least expecting it.

    It hadn't happened yet, since they were showing me the future event.
    I figured it will come into my sight naturally, somehow.

    So I took it easy the next day not worrying about having session or anything.
    I fell a sleep on my couch.

    When I woke up, my partner was watching news on TV.

    Our country’s media was showing the Bahrain's unrest on TV for the first time at last.
    It was showing a group of people in black costume (women) doing a protest.


    There were a lot of people in black costume, and I saw one person was covered in black
    from her head to toes. Exactly like my vision!

    My partner said, "Look, that's what you saw, isn't it? It's a group of Bahrain women."

    I checked CNN hoping to find the same video that I saw on TV, but I could not find it.

    I googled Bahrain's costume. They don't have to wear the black or white costumes whenever
    they go outside like the countries such as Saudi Arabia and etc. They have a freedom of wearing
    their own clothes, women wear black costumes only when they have a women's get together.

    The picture was what I saw in my vision, except that I only saw one person who had her whole
    body covered in black, not three.

    That's the only difference.

    I don't know if this is strong enough to be a confirmation.
    I just wanted to let you know what is going on.
    Tell me what you think, Carol.

    WHY MARCH 15th?

    I don't like this turn out.
    I hope everyone (including me) is wrong about this.

    I sure wondered about the huge round craft like object that I saw during the session.

    Was it a Nibiru, I wonder?
    It really looked like a huge craft.

    I don't know what to think anymore.

    I asked Nicholai about Kilauea's possible eruption in the future
    because you live there.

    These are what I heard and felt so I'm not forcing you to believe in any way,
    I'm not perfect and I don't know if this is accurate, but let me share this with you.

    He said to wait till March 15th and witness Yellowstone's small eruption,
    and then make actions, you will still have a plenty of time to prepare.
    Somehow, he sounded like to watch what happens to the earth first
    and then decide the best place for yourself.

    It may mean relocation to another place... not necessarily in Big Island.
    So, I thought you would be moving to somewhere, eventually, but
    before I tell you this, I needed to get a confirmation.

    It's so strange that you lost trees around your house and got upset,
    and started looking for another location... how synchronistic it is,
    only you did not know that I knew you may be moving.

    This is just how I felt when I was talking to Nicholai.
    But Nicholai is not god; he is a heavenly being, but not God.

    I know one thing for sure.


    Meanwhile, let's see how things will turn out.
    Whatever happens, it will be for the best for all of us.

    Carol: I don't expect the pole shift, I do expect Yellowstone.

    Ken: Have you checked this?

    Richard Hoagland thinks it's an ancient spacecraft @ 04:00.

    I agree, I think that is what I saw.
    I think it's a spacecraft coming towards earth.

    Carol: Ken, Perhaps what the Sign was and what you were to see was that in the Cataclysmic
    Timeline - you and others would see a Woman in Black divided into 3 Avatars - Positive -
    Negative - And Integrated - Signifying Division and a Negative Outcome in terms of what
    is to occur. As the woman in black was very notable and in a sea of Black where it would
    be hard to see the 3 in contrast - perhaps the following has occurred...

    As the Woman in Total Black was NOTABLE (I mean nothing but Black was visible on Her -
    She was entirely covered Head to Toe - Not even Eyes) - And all the rest of the Women
    were Indistinct from Her - the Sign had emphasis on Her...

    In terms of this Information and seeing the Integrated Avatar distinct from all other in
    that Crowd - That what We saw was the Sign indeed - But It was of Integration and an
    easing of the Harshness / Earth Changes that WOULD HAVE occurred with Non-Integration
    or in the Timeline of Choices supporting that timeline.

    Ken: Carol, the vision itself lasted 2 or 3 seconds at most,
    but I can still play it back on my mental screen.

    When I saw this vision, there were 3 people who were in black clothes.
    I zoomed in on this person on the left to get the details.
    It looked as if someone put a black cloth over her/his head and
    covered the whole body.

    I couldn't tell if this person was a male or female.
    I did not have enough to time to zoom in on other two people.
    But they obscurely looked black.

    On TV, they were showing a group of women from the back shot,
    I only saw black things (bodies) at first, and they zoomed in on
    this particular woman from front who was covered in black from her head to toe,
    including eyes... all of her head, face and body was covered in black cloth.

    Just like my vision.

    I think she was making a special kind of protest or appeal of some kind by doing this.

    I'm learning ETs way of showing a sign and how to accurately receive it.

    As simple as I am, I don't think there's any other deeper meaning.
    After all, I'm the one who asked for a sign and they are just going along with my way of doing things.

    So if this a sign of a confirmation, other than the Yellowstone,
    they told me the following. I'm writing this before I forget.

    I saw another vision of solar system disappearing - they told me this would happen in 2012.

    I asked him "How would this happen?"

    Nicholai said, "Teleportation."


    The whole solar system?

    You've got to be kidding me!

    He said, "Yes."

    How would that be possible?
    I cannot imagine that the whole solar system can be teleported...

    I asked them, "To where?"

    "To another universe," he said.

    "Will we live in the same earthly atmosphere?"

    He said, "Not exactly, but similar."

    Then I asked him "How long will we stay here on earth?"

    He said, "2013."

    I said, "Wait a minute, Nicholai, what ever happened to my mission in New York?"

    He said, "New York as you know it might not be there in 2013."

    What???? "Well, when are we leaving here in 2013 then?"

    Nicolai, "In the beginning of 2013. About this time of the year."

    It seemed that earth, as we know it, may not be here after February of 2013.

    Talking about timeline Carol, this info really bothers me.

    They always concurred with me whenever I asked them
    "Are we still going to New York?"

    Obviously, earth is not the only one changing,
    maybe the time line also?

    It's getting weirder and weirder every day.

    Besides, I'm craving for steak and potato with red wine every day.

    Why is that?

    Do I have to get ready to fight with some beasts or what?

    Annoyed. K

    Carol: Ken. You're beginning to sound like an American. What a hoot.
    Your body is going through changes and the steak and carbs help
    ground you while all of this is occurring. Protein to build new cells
    and potatoes are fuel... wine helps you digest it all.

    Ken: My family is very American. I like A-1 sauce with my filet mignon.
    I see. My body is going through changes. That makes sense.
    That is good. I just bought some filet and potatoes for dinner today.

    Carol: I do understand about teleporting the solar system to a new Universe.

    This makes complete sense to me as we undergo this gamma ray bombardment
    it also excites the atoms and accelerate everything to a molecular level where it
    turns into a wave pattern. I remember David Wilcox once talking about how bucky
    balls change from a solid to a wave after being excited. I suspect what this means is
    that our whole physical world (our solar system) is undergoing a transformation.
    I suspect all of us who are receptive to this energy and don't cling to the physical/
    solid material world will be transformed/transfigured.

    Ken: Cool!

    Thank you for explaining it so perfectly.
    You keep me sane.

    When are we going to be completely transformed, I wonder?

    According to my dream, Greg, the mediator to God said that it would happen
    by 21 Dec 2012 and it's already happening.

    In another words, transformation will be completely finished by 21 Dec 2012.

    Carol: I suspect the rescue mission is for those who do not wish to evolve at this level.

    Ken: This makes sense!

    I didn't see myself living on that planet.

    I saw Mr. X (my boss who likes young girls) and his friend,
    Mr. Y (former prime minister) playing a game there.

    And Mr. X does not believe anything in spiritual, metaphysical,
    or esoteric things, I doubt he believes in God either.

    As for Mr. Y, he's a catholic so I don't know his belief but
    I seriously doubt that he's spiritual.

    They both believe heavily in money and power.

    Mr. X is a kind of person who only believes what he can see.
    Whatever invisible - God or holy power - do not exist in his dictionary.
    He's a charming man, though.

    Carol: However those of us around the planet that are aware of what is
    transpiring are assisting in this process by grounding the energy as it comes down.

    Ken: I wish there were more of us now, but I surely hope that more people
    are coming to join us in the near future.

    Carol: My astrology chart is very unusual and I did have a very unusual experience with
    another ET contactee body worker. While she was working on me she began to describe
    this very refined heavenly high energy that was pouring down through me and going down
    into the earth.

    Ken: I'd like to have her work on my body!

    Carol: My chart is all fire and air in trines with the moon as the focal point
    above the horizon and the foundation look a bit like a 3 point pyramid base where the
    other planets are located grounding the energy. I'm was told I'm one of the grid grounding
    transformers and hold (think of a conduit where the energy goes in one end and
    out the other) the higher energy as it comes down from the upper spiritual dimensions
    into the earth. Matter, density is being infused with light.

    It may be that Mercuril is another one as is mudra. Anchor, Brook, Lionhawk, Instigator, burgundia,
    TRANCOSO, Lawless and others.

    Ken: No wonder I like MOA.... but why am I feeling like I'm left out, here.

    Carol: There are others like us place around the grid (but unknown on a conscious level).
    Remember, I'm located at almost exactly 19.5 degrees on the planet. We likely form a planetary
    grid that helps ground and holds the energy to allow for the transformation with very little
    loss of life. We want everyone to evolve. That is why we incarnated at this time.

    Many of us came back to help with this and it is part of our mission for humanity. As humans
    we are connected to matter and can work with this new energy. Many of our friends on the other
    side are also here to help as in this is a joint effort. Our group's spiritual energy is the new grid.

    As the earth shakes and quakes we are the ones who hold the image of what the world is to become.
    We are the ones who go forth with a vision for this new earth, which is the spiritual nexus point we are
    helping this solar system evolve to.

    Ken: I agree.

    Carol: We are moving towards transfiguration - the sudden emanation of radiance from the solar system
    and all who are on it. This is what it means to have heaven on earth. It means to infuse matter with a different,
    heavenly, vibrational frequency. Hence we cannot stay the same - fixed in the 3rd dimension.

    Ken: I've got it!

    That is why old methods do not appeal to me as a useful tool anymore at this time, it worked before but I know
    they don't any longer.

    Come to think of it, I'm spending most of my time in different dimensions, other than the 3rd.

    Carol: The rescue missions from various ET groups will keep groups in 3rd dimension reality.

    Ken: This really makes sense.

    Some or most of the people around me are stuck living in the 3rd dimension reality.

    Nothing wrong with that, it's by their choice.

    Sometimes I get depressed to know that no one believes in life after death.
    They are so taken into this 3rd reality.

    Most of the people don't understand it and don't want to understand it.
    I wish people will lighten up and learn more about life beyond this 3rd reality.

    Carol: Whereas those who are ready to evolve will have their DNA altered and
    molecular structure altered when the galactic wave passes through all of us.

    Ken: So what will we be?

    Half transparent or light body only?

    Carol: As I understood what you share with me, the ET transports are to happen before
    the galactic wave and it would make sense that some of these humans will be taken to
    other places not affected by the wave.

    Ken: Precisely.

    They said it would start before the galactic wave hits the earth.

    Carol: Even Nicolai can't know what is to happen because of humankind's free will.

    Ken: True.

    He sometimes hesitates to give me a definite answer.

    I'm so persistent in getting answers but if he says something inaccurate,
    even a bit, Oh boy, he knows I will be after his case.

    Carol: As we evolve, ever now in the present we too alter what was, what is
    and what will come via our thoughts and the energy we hold for each
    other and our planet. The more love we can release and pour into the mix
    keeps changing the outcome of future events.

    Ken: I wish there were more in my country that can understand
    what you are saying - all is so true

    Carol: So what you shared made perfect sense to me. Thank
    you Ken for the visions you bring to share.

    Ken: Thank you Carol for making everything clear.

    Carol: Ken, What I see is how we make things clear for each other.
    I feel very grateful that you decided to contact me and trust me
    with your story. We are learning about this together as each
    has different pieces of the puzzle. As we share together the picture
    becomes clearer.

    Ken: Just to clarify one thing regarding Yellowstone.
    You sent me a link - some lady was saying 14th March for pole shift or
    something, so I checked with Nicholai many times "not 14th?"

    He said, "Not 14th but from 15th on towards the end of month,
    during this period of time, an eruption will occur at Yellowstone.
    It starts out as a small eruption first."

    He did not say eruption would occur on March 15th.
    The time frame is 15 ~ 31 March, roughly.

    Also, he said that pole shift has been gradually happening already.

    Here is what I felt during the session, not what Nicholai said.

    I feel - While financial is the main focus for people, Yellowstone will erupt.
    Now, that's how elites planned it. They knew something about Yellowstone.

    Long time ago, when Ummo first told me about this earth change,
    he said everything would happen all at the same time.

    I hope the best for humanity and maybe change this timeline for a better one.

    Carol: The economy issues and Yellowstone/earth changes do all seem to be coming
    to a head, don't they? The people are not going to be happy if there is a bank holiday
    and the Government devalues the dollar. I can see them doing something like this when
    all of these disasters happen because people will be dealing with survival issues and not
    paying attention to the other stuff until it is too late to do anything (protest) about it.

    We worked outside in the garden all day doing some landscaping and replanting the strawberries,
    parsley, rosemary and thyme. I wanted to put weed matting down where the grass was and wood
    chips over that.

    So it was productive but we used to get so much more done. Time is going by faster and we are
    getting less done.

    Ken: Carol, I was just watching part 2 when you sent me part 3.
    It's hard to understand his English so I haven't finished it yet.
    I'm glad to see he's doing well.

    I found a very nice place to do a very effective sun and water meditation.

    Later I found out New Zealand had a big earthquake.
    Japan may be the next.

    One will never know about tomorrow nowadays.

    I don't know which session it was, but before the 17th session.

    When I went to see Ncholai, what I saw was a pattern of flower of life
    like JT' posting - * Post n°261

    Re: What's Coming Our Way

    I saw nothing but a flower of life pattern at first, and Nicholai appeared.
    I didn't know what to make of it but it was so pretty like I was looking into
    a kaleidoscope so I remember.

    Hey, maybe we are being protected by this shield already.
    Otherwise, why would ETs will show that to me?

    I was not even thinking about flower of life at that time.
    That is how they relay their message that will be significant in the future

    Cheer up, Carol.
    We are being guided by God.
    We'll be all fine!!!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Mercuriel Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:05 am


    M - 0 - 0 - N. That spells Upgrade - Lordy it sure does...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Post  solent Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:04 pm

    Thanks for the update Flowers

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    Post  LeeEllisMusic Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:37 pm

    Mercuriel wrote:Oooyeah...

    M - 0 - 0 - N. That spells Upgrade - Lordy it sure does...


    M- O - O - N ~ That spells "You all come see me now - You and all your friends" :)

    Holding the energy here in Boulder :)

    Feels like upgrade it is, and not to worry about getting on any ships~ which has been my instinct all along...

    But still, be prepared with cash, supplies etc, while TPTW do their end game shenanigans...

    And... KEEP THE FAITH!!! I love you

    ET COMMUNICATIONS  - Page 4 AttachmentET COMMUNICATIONS  - Page 4 Attachment
    Thank You Carol, Ken, Nikolai and Ummo :)

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    Post  mudra Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:42 pm

    Thanks for the update Carol and thank you Ken for all those informations you share with us. It's much appreciated.
    As I was reading about the portals part where you mention New York and Big Island it made me think of this vid that Gridkeeper posted lately .
    Very interesting and well worth watching . When you follow this guy's presentation you 'll see that there are many portals that sprung up in the last decades over major cities .

    Vortex Energy 24 - Urban Stargates USA Part 1 of 2

    Love Always

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    Post  Carol Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:39 pm

    Your welcome Solent.

    Hi Lee. I thought your mind would be at peace after reading this last section. It does seem we are going for the upgrade.

    Hi mudra. I saw that youtube video that gridkeeper posted and will watch it later today. It looks very interesting.

    Here is some more follow-up on what we discussed. Again this is a personal communication between us that we elected to share. Enjoy.

    Carol: This last week has been very busy as I've been out a lot trying to get as much
    done before March 4th as possible. The weather here has been very strange. Last week
    on Wednesday at around 3 pm we started having thunder and lightening storm that lasted
    until 6 or 7 am the next morning. That was a good 15 hours of lights in the sky but little
    thunder. Then the next day someone posted a youtube video (not sure what the link is) of
    UFOs in the sky with also the backdrop of lightening. I didn't make the connection until
    yesterday after reading about this other contactee who described these wars going on in
    the heavens between the different ET groups (something you had described ET communicated
    with you.) This past weekend was also very strange. I was all gung ho to go out and pull fire
    weeds in the pastures and work in the garden. After about an hour I became completely exhausted
    and had to go in. I felt like I was getting sunstroke. I was so tired I just stayed in my chair at my
    computer for most of the day and watched a movie. My husband also said he was exhausted and
    we both thought it was the suns new solar flare. Only then the sky got strange. What was a clear
    hot sky turned to gray as fog rolled in later followed by a drizzle and rain with more thunder. The
    same thing happened on Sunday. I went out to pull some weeds but could only be in shade. As
    soon as I was in direct sun light I felt zapped and had to go in for the day again. A few hours later
    the sky clouded up it poured rain.

    Anyway, I keep thinking there must be some major ET warfare going on over Hawaii with all of the
    thunder and lightening. It's all clouded up this morning and I'm debating as to work in the garden
    or make a Costco run to get the rest of my food supplies (chocolate and jelly beans). I already got
    the coffee last Thursday and additional staples on our list. As Costco is on the other side of the island
    it's a long day for me with traveling. I feel the need to get what we can while we can because when
    TSHTF, it's going to be a mad rush for those who realize what's up and chaos. Gas is expensive as well
    so I have to make the most of the trip and do other errands as well.

    Ken: Is there a possibility that ET's are trying to activate a wormhole at Big Island?

    I don't feel like they are having a war above your sky, but rather activating and conditioning the
    land for securing a ET base?

    They have told me that Big Island will be the another ET base aside from New York.

    Feb 22nd, I did sessions with Nicholai.

    I felt so sorry and bad for those who are passed without knowing this.
    And later, I read Astralwalker's 2012 Equasion - he says if you die before
    the galactic wave, head for Sig A to catch the galactive wave.

    I believe this is basically the same thing what Nicholai is saying.

    Wow, every beings are designed to be shifted and transfigured!!!
    At least good ETs are making sure to help all souls on earth.

    Last Friday, Feb 25th, I went to communicate with Nicholai. I wanted to stay out in sun
    and in touch with water at the same time, so that I would get connected to this universe
    and ETs at a grander scale.

    I stayed in the hot spring for 5 hours communicating with Nicholai.

    Here's what Nicholai said:

    “The sign of economical crash will be most likely happen on 3rd – 5th March.
    The most dangerous dates for Yellowstone is 15th -17th March.

    Strange but glad that I can do my mission as required now.
    Things are happening very fast now.

    It seems like I'm told things one day and the next day I get the confirmation.
    This is too fast. It usually took some months or years even till I get the confirmation.

    Carol: Basically if what ET and Astralwalker are telling us is true this
    means we just have two years to go.

    Ken: Another thing I found was that Astralwalker was told by ETs
    that New York will be destroyed by nuke - gray consciousness in 2012.

    Oddly enough, this confirms with what Nicholai said the other day.
    "There may not be New York as we know it in 2013."

    I was really shocked when Nicholai said this.
    Now there's no New York?

    So where?

    Big Island???

    Carol, things are changing and this is the first time that
    ETs denied about New York.

    Carol: I do feel calm about all of this and have decided
    not to invest energy in worrying. I'll just put my attention
    on the garden, home and the forum for as long as we can use it.

    Ken: That is good.
    Strangely, I feel calm also.
    We'll just take a day by day.
    If something happens, we have strength to go through it all safely.
    No worries.

    Carol: I was wondering if you would as Nicolai about the
    Madrid fault as I wonder which will go first. Yellowstone or Madrid?

    Ken: Isn't Madrid fault rumbling preparing for Yellowstone's eruption?
    That's what it seems to me but I will let you know if I hear anything.
    From what I felt telepathically from Nicholai was that,
    Yellowstone will have multiple eruptions for a long period of time.

    I just remembered.

    Mt.Fuji was not steaming any more at the end of January.

    Instead, Hida Caldera where Mt. Ontake is located,
    have been rumbling since last week.

    Never seen Hida Caldera being active before.
    I guess Nicholai is accurate in nature forecasting to say the least.

    Well, I'll talk to you later, Carol.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:23 pm

    From Ken ~

    Mudra, thank you for being Mudra. I've been following you since AV1, always amazed at your super spirituality and your unconditional love for humanity and every beings on this planet. Thank you for all the hard work, it's priceless. Much respect to you, Mudra.

    Mercuriel, I really appreciate your spiritual intellect that supports MOA from the bottom to up. You are keeping MOA a very comfortable place for all of us. I always enjoy your posts. Thank you and much respect to you.

    LeeEllisMusic, thank you for being there, I really like your energy. I haven't got all the answers to your questions yet but when I do,
    they will be posted subsequently....yes, about your dog, Lee.

    TRANCOSO, I enjoy reading your posts, Lord TRANCOSO. Any updates on crop circle yet?

    investigator, good luck with hemisync, muhaha. Looking forward to hearing of your journey into the space, muhaha.

    solen, I help the dead spirits to cross over if not talking to Nicholai. Yes, souls are eternal. I witness this every time. By the way, I love thai food!

    To lindabaker, solent, Blacklight43, malletzky, ClearWater, sabina, gscraig, arctourist, Brook, HigherLove, turaka2012,
    thank you for being there and share this journey with me. May all of you have a safe and adventurous journey.

    CAROL, my soul sister, I can't thank you enough for your friendship. Much respect to you and we all appreciate your hard work.

    In addition here is a link to the UFOs over Hawaii during the electrical storm.<wbr>gallery/cloudcams/index.php?op<wbr>ts=still

    Sheilaaliens — Feb 25, 2011 — The cloudcam: About the cloudcam:<wbr>gallery/cloudcams/index.php?op<wbr>ts=about

    Song: Beaver Blink (Ooah remix) by Fine Cut Bodies<wbr>=nGyJbMCfjRU

    (finally got to do something right for about an hour, got all sorts of gooooodies ! Very Happy) Mew, February 24th @ midnightish - February 25th The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope By far the kewlest webcam I have found that showcases the sky in HD quality with no obtrusions or shame. Also check out the other 4 webcams they have there. They archive every day in-depth (See the time-lapse videos by hour or day or whatev). This I find particularly PiMP of them to do, as there is no need for me to consume my own harddrive with the images. You can simply check on the cams latest archived vids. Yes, as you see - it's pretty badass :p The "cloudcam" shows the space in between the lower layer of clouds and, apparently, a higher layer of clouds. Wherein hella cool weather XXXX goes on. I don't know the proper terminology, sumthin like that thar tropospherez n whathaveyou. "The veil is thin on the Big Island..." some guest on C2C recently... I forget what his name was.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  malletzky Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:08 am

    Ken, thank you so much for your kind words. As I know that there are no coincidences, it is pretty clear for me that our journeys had to come along to a specific point, even if that means that it's Carol who's doing the mediator job here. Thanks a lot to you too Carol for doing this.

    During the recent years I have come to learn the most important fact: all individual souls are on their individual awakening paths and these paths only merge here on earth in this particular 3D environment. I understand (even if not completely) the neccesity of comming here, lower our own frequencies in order to transform ourself from being a pure light and press ourselves into this painful, heavy and dense material vesel and environemt here on earth. So I understand that each one of us must go thru this basicly on his/her own.

    Only, we've learned long ago that it might be easier to gather on some special places and unite again with our soul family. This is why we're all here in the mists, this is why so many other precious souls gather around on various internet platforms as well as out there in the "real life".

    Reading all the recent transcripts posted here from Carol, I have come to the conclusion that my understandings of our human existence now and ever remained as it was. It's now...and don't worry. Or as Carol put it beautifully:

    I do feel calm about all of this and have decided not to invest energy in worrying...

    Well...I realy do not worry at all too.

    Thankfully to many factors, but mostly learning from others like you Ken and all other dear souls that I've had a pleasure to interact with, I can say that I realy do not worry at all any more.

    I'm prepared for whatever is meant to be...prepared spiritualy, not "earthly". I just don't feel the urge to prepare for going into a "survival" modus at all.

    And my guides and my inner feelings (provided by my higher soul) were allways, allways correct so far.

    much respect


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    Post  lindabaker Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:22 am

    Thank you, Ken. These times are not easy, and that is why we have gathered. Thank you Carol and Mercuriel for this forum. I was told by Unlimited Mind from PA1 that I am "one of the ones holding the grid" in this particular area of the southeast US. Now, I am understanding more. She gave me a crystal orgone device and said to just BE who I am, and it will work. I am thinking more and more about my daily expression of intention, making sure my intentions are as impeccable and as loving as possible. Thank you everyone for the continual reminders to stay aligned with purpose. We know that free will is in play, and it is difficult to be here witnessing a lot of hardship and especially witnessing peoples' confusion and fear. We can't make anyone do anything they don't want to do. As things "go down" it will be necessary for us to remain calm and centered. That is our challenge, and we are all up to it. For some reason we have all found the information we needed to know about what's coming. We have each other to express our worries and fears and grief. That way, we can be who we need to be, for those we will be guiding. Holding the light is not just an expression. The golden light is real. Let us forgive those who scoff at the "love and light" people. We know what we need to do. If communication goes down, I will still be here in the woods, powering up and sending the light to the earth and all around. Anyone who can assist me with the movement and flow of the energy is welcome to assist, if it is for Highest Good from Great Spirit and aligned with the christ energy. Our grid is real, and it is in place. By the way, who is in Florida, or south of me, anybody, anyone down there? The only thing we have to fear is the might of our own power. Let us be discerning. Also, it's totally okay to get angry with others who are attempting to hide information from the public, and to destroy this planet and it's cultures. I was told to move the anger to the dan tien sp? power center and transmute that energy. It might sound corny, but the Force IS with us. If we leave our 3D bodies, that's okay, too. Just a different form of "spiritual warriorship." Thanks everyone for letting me tap these ideas out here. Having to write something condenses the thoughts in the mind, and I appreciate that I am permitted to do that here in the forum. I'm a late bloomer, and I don't understand everything. Your patience has been amazing, everyone! Hold the light. And I don't mean the flashlight, ha ha. Linda

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    Post  LeeEllisMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:06 am

    Ken wrote:
    I felt so sorry and bad for those who are passed without knowing this.
    And later, I read Astralwalker's 2012 Equasion - he says if you die before
    the galactic wave, head for Sig A to catch the galactive wave.

    I believe this is basically the same thing what Nicholai is saying.

    Thank You again, Carol, Ken, Nikolai and Ummo~

    My question concerns those passing before the lifting and/or the galactic wave, whichever you are meant for... My 92 year old Dad is in hospice and will be passing sooner than later. I always thought to lead people to the White Light - but then I read Astralwalker's thread and there was mention of NOT going to the White Light, but to go to the Bluish White Light - now I hear about Sig A as well... What do you all think about this?

    I'm concerned as to what to tell my Dad when I visit next week - or if I even mention it. He's a very good man, but disenchanted with the catholic church and really thinks when the body dies, it's "light's out - end of story." I trust the Angels to guide him to the right place, but then my head fills with this White Light/ Blue Light/ Sig A stuff... and I am a bit confused...

    Can anyone help me through this?

    On another matter, I have for years been told that I was here to hold the energy - to just BE, and that was enough. On top of that, my music has something to do with it, and my musical about Awakening is finally in production and in development for Broadway. So, it would be nice to think that New York wlll still be there :)

    But whatever happens, I am not worried, for me. I do have concerns about taking care of my elderly Mom if the stock market crashes, as the family is making Assisted Living plans for her based on pension and dividends etc... So, that will be a challenge if we bring her to Colorado as planned...

    At any rate, it's a lovely day here in "The People's Republic of Boulder", and I am at peace.

    Well... mostly, given the above questions! I love you

    (Feel free to PM me if that feels better :)

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    Post  lindabaker Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:17 am

    Is "Sig A" a typo? Isn't it Sag like Sagittarius A? The galactic center?

    Lee, my thoughts are with you. I have one step parent who just passed, and three more elderly parents (step parent) to deal with, long distance. Your Dad will find out that he is still conscious when he passes, so give him a way to signal to you that he's still "alive" in spirit. It will be a comfort to you both. Then he can be at peace. My grandmother was an atheist and after she passed, she came to communicate with me three times. She gave me some personal advice and wanted me to know that she was wrong about it being "lights out."

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    Post  HigherLove Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:31 am

    Thanks to all.

    I am very grateful, even though somewhat in a state of amazement-semi-fear/excitement. <br>

    -Finding connections all over this site, and synthesizing things is a challenge (or simply figuring out which category to post in). <br>

    - Still trying to come up with intelligent questions for Ummo. <br>

    -Do not have any sense of urgency, despite warnings that the coasts will be clobbered by waves/water. I am not worried about me, but there is just so much natural beauty here – especially the redwoods. <br>
    Carol: I have been wondering why I have been obsessing over hay, and then I read a post about you putting out hay. And chickens! <br>
    Something was mentioned about Mt. St. HelenS, but the "S" and the "A" are next to each other, so it was typed as “HelenA”. <br>
    The typo to "HelenA" is actually the name of the third large mountain, near me (and these are small mountains compared to others). Just south of the county I am in (Lake), it dominates the skyline, and is the only "barrier" between us and the Napa Valley. When in the right place looking south, one can see Mt. Konocti (volcano) to the west, and Mt. St. Helena, due south (they sort of form a triangle). <br>
    St. Helena looks like a volcano, but I was told it is not (I took a class on Earthquakes, Mountains, and Volcanoes in college). <br>

    The third mountain I have spoken of in other threads is Cobb. <br>
    I just read some of yesterday's paper. <br>
    We had a 4.4 earthquake on Monday, near the Geysers/Cobb (Lake County straddles Napa and Sonoma counties; while the Geysers are technically in Sonoma County, many points of entry are in Lake, on Cobb Mountain). <br>
    My cocnern is regarding the seemingly artificial nature of the quakes. <br>

    Well, we know many of them were created when they tapped out all of the steam, and began pumping "gray water" into the mountains from Santa Rosa/Sonoma County, in order to keep the turbines spinning. <br>

    It usually takes at least a 3.0 for humans to feel it, and we have swarms of smaller quakes, on a daily basis. <br>

    In respect and humility, if I may be so bold, may I ask if Nicolai and/or Ummo have any thoughts on the west coast of the U.S., Canada...well...all the way to Argentina, really (my primary concern is the west coast of the U.S.). <br>

    Does Ummo have any knowledge of the fate of the Redwoods. If they are not going along for the ride, will they too be transformed? Are there samples? Is this going to be a meaningless question in the long run?<br>
    I dunno. Perhaps there are trees that are more magnificent than Redwoods, but something tells me that may not be the case. <br>
    It is difficult these days to determine what is 3D ego-energy of the imagination, and what is "new" mental energies that allow me to gain access to information that was previously withheld. <br>

    And Carol (again): the weather! <br>

    When I got snowed in, I was thinking about how it has not snowed like that since I lived up there. I have rarely been up there over the ensuing years, and find it amusing that I was present for the biggest snow storm in 35 years! i.e. I was living right near the same spot, 35 years ago. <br>

    I hope this does not sound too “me, me, me”. My concerns are not just for me. <br>

    Indeed, a message I seem to be getting is NOT to stock up. I do not know if this is part of my previous vows of poverty (or current ones), or if I just know I will be okay, or if it is because I will be going to see “all of my friends”. <br>


    Last edited by HigherLove on Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:42 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  LeeEllisMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:33 am

    Thank You Linda, I will hold good thoughts for you and your step-parents as well. I cannot help but think that if one passes before this galactic wave hits, that one's guardian angels will guide that person to the next right and perfectly divinely guided place for that person - in this universe, dimension, or the next :) We are in God's Loving hands always...

    Still, I'm curious about the lights :)

    And yes, I think that was a typo, and it is indeed the Sagitarius A, the Galactic Center that was being referenced.

    Interesting coincidence - one of the main components of my Depression/ Circus themed family musical (which was written years ago) is a carousel called "The Center Of The Universe." Complete with Brass Rings, Angels, Hearts of Gold, and the return of a long-lost love... In the show, the carousel (the spinning mind) is being dismantled to make way for a penny arcade by the sinister C. Deuce :)~ all the beautiful animals on the carousel (the attachments) are being taken away one by one, and all that is left in the end are the hearts of gold that were placed there by the creator of the carousel~ and at that time, one hears The Long Forgotten Song, the song of the soul...

    My collaborator and librettist is a vedic astrologer, and the metaphors imbedded in the story and in my music astonish me more and more every day, as we move towards the galactic wave lifting us into the full remembrance of Who We Really Are :)

    Looking forward to bringing that message out to the world~ Love, Light and Hope - with Great Melodies I love you

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    Post  solent Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:39 am

    Yes, the ref. is Sagittarius A* (pronounced "Sagittarius A-star", standard abbreviation Sgr A*)*

    Astralwalker thinks a "wave" is inbound from the center of our galaxy, produced from the black hole. If you haven't read up on this I would strongly suggest you do Flowers

    ** EDIT **

    More info here study

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    Post  LeeEllisMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:49 am

    HigherLove wrote:
    Indeed, a message I seem to be getting is NOT to stock up. I do not know if this is part of my previous vows of poverty (or current ones), or if I just know I will be okay, or if it is because I will be going to see “all of my friends”. <br>


    Are you planning on staying with us, my friend? In that case, I'll add a few more cans of salmon and chili to the pile.
    We've got plenty of beans and rice already :) - LOL

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    Post  mudra Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:42 am

    LeeEllisMusic wrote: I always thought to lead people to the White Light - but then I read Astralwalker's thread and there was mention of NOT going to the White Light, but to go to the Bluish White Light - now I hear about Sig A as well... What do you all think about this?

    Lee when people leave the body for good they are finding themselves in the astral band . This is still a lower density area one should move through. There are tunnels scattered at the edge of that band in which souls are attracted as they emit a shining white light. The knowledge I have about these is that they are implant stations in which you are shown back your life and the actions you posed ( it can even be a made up story that you are made to believe it's your own )
    In the end you are sent back to Earth with the feeling there is more to do here .This accounts for the unending life times people spend on Earth. I believe this is also what is mentioned in the tibetan book of the dead .

    When Astralwalker mentioned to us to avoid these tunnels that only confirmed the knowledge I had gathered myself .
    There is a book Astralwalker wrote " Extraordinary Powers in Humans " where he recounts his many out of the body travels. There is an episode there about the tunnels.
    These are to be avoided .

    We are the creators of our own Light in our Oneness to Source and therefore are able to create an entire universe of our own or join an already existing one out of complete free will
    There is no need to return to this pre programmed universe at all.

    Link to Astralwalker's free ebook : Extraordinary Powers in Humans


    Love from me


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    Post  solent Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:37 pm

    Thank you for the linkie Mudra, I haven't read this one yet Flowers

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    Post  LeeEllisMusic Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:04 pm

    Thank You dear Mudra!

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    Post  sjkted Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:28 pm

    mudra wrote:
    LeeEllisMusic wrote: I always thought to lead people to the White Light - but then I read Astralwalker's thread and there was mention of NOT going to the White Light, but to go to the Bluish White Light - now I hear about Sig A as well... What do you all think about this?

    Lee when people leave the body for good they are finding themselves in the astral band . This is still a lower density area one should move through. There are tunnels scattered at the edge of that band in which souls are attracted as they emit a shining white light. The knowledge I have about these is that they are implant stations in which you are shown back your life and the actions you posed ( it can even be a made up story that you are made to believe it's your own )
    In the end you are sent back to Earth with the feeling there is more to do here .This accounts for the unending life times people spend on Earth. I believe this is also what is mentioned in the tibetan book of the dead .

    When Astralwalker mentioned to us to avoid these tunnels that only confirmed the knowledge I had gathered myself .
    There is a book Astralwalker wrote " Extraordinary Powers in Humans " where he recounts his many out of the body travels. There is an episode there about the tunnels.
    These are to be avoided .

    We are the creators of our own Light in our Oneness to Source and therefore are able to create an entire universe of our own or join an already existing one out of complete free will
    There is no need to return to this pre programmed universe at all.

    Link to Astralwalker's free ebook : Extraordinary Powers in Humans


    Love from me

    Hi Mudra,

    I have some knowledge of this as well and do not wish to return. Could it really be this simple -- the wheel of reincarnation being broken by one's refusal to take part in the system? I have actually done some self programming to attempt to manifest my intent to not go back, but does that mean one just remains in the astral or as an earthbound spirit?



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    Post  HigherLove Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:03 am

    LeeEllisMusic wrote:
    HigherLove wrote:
    Indeed, a message I seem to be getting is NOT to stock up. I do not know if this is part of my previous vows of poverty (or current ones), or if I just know I will be okay, or if it is because I will be going to see “all of my friends”. <br>


    Are you planning on staying with us, my friend? In that case, I'll add a few more cans of salmon and chili to the pile.
    We've got plenty of beans and rice already :) - LOL

    Aw, Lee. Hanging out with you guys has always been on my list of things that would be really fun to do, regardless of circumstances. But, "circumstances" is right where we all are, isn't it? hehe Beans + Rice = complete protein.

    You have always felt like home.

    After this cold winter, I am tempted to vote for the weather in Hawaii. :op (San Diego has really nice weather, but not a lot of fun).

    There is much hope in that statement: If Hawaii survives, California survives (unless some big wave is thrown off course and sent to my back door, in order for Hawaii to survive - lol).

    That's really only funny if one understands they never die.

    As for the Redwoods -- and here is what I mean by it being difficult to ask an intelligent question: if the entire solar system is relocated to another area of the galaxy, then the Redwoods could very well follow. There could be some continuity in that transition. Besides, we could be popping in and out of different places in the galaxy and how would I know? (i.e. it is tough to ask a question that has not been answered already, if I just dig a bit deeper).

    "Well you see, we took the Milky Way from over there, and put it over here..."

    Isn't that a magnificent concept?

    I am thrilled for so many beings.

    And we 3D humans have great faith in advanced beings (no pressure, but we're all counting on you).

    These are exciting times, and despite what a phiolosphy professor said once, I do not think it is just because I am here, now (he said everybody thinks they are alive at the best time in history).

    As for portals or star gates: "God" put one in my heart and keep it safe, forever.

    Much Gratitude

    Posts : 2228
    Join date : 2011-02-28
    Location : Melbourne, Australia


    Post  Sanicle Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:36 am

    I also want to thank Mudra for the information about the difference between the blue and white light, being confused about that as well. Also for the link to Astralwalker's book. Flowers

    Oh and OF COURSE thank you to Ken for sharing this with us all, and Carol for passing it all on. Flowers Flowers

    And I do have a question if that's OK. I'm wondering about all the animals on the planet. I've read that people's pets will be welcome 'on board', but what about all the other wild animals? The focus always seems to be on saving and helping people when all these catastrophes occur, but I always fear and worry for the poor animals that get hurt and killed as well. So I'm hoping the dear ETs have plans to help them as well.

    Posts : 1471
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : Trieste ,Italy


    Post  enemyofNWO Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:03 am

    Carol ,

    I got a couple of requests . Astralwalker says that people in case of premature death , should head for Sagittarius 1 . For people that only know where Polaris is ( Ursa Minor = North ) , where is Sagittarius located respect to Polaris ? I will try to produce a rough map and post it here for the benefit of the readers , but I know very little about astronomy and if somebody reading this can help , it would be fantastic ! The idea is to memorize the location of Sagittarius to fly to the blue light .
    On another subject . In the teleportation scenario of the whole solar system , what would be the new relationship in 4d between humans and Earth ? Not certainly the exploitation disaster that we got now ,I hope ! Would this relationship be resembling what is described in the movie Avatar , with the Earth providing for the needs of the individuals ? Could you please ask Ken ?
    One comment from my point of view . If people have the free will to choose between a genetic upgrade or continuation of the same failed paradigm , I think most of the people will chose an upgrade .
    Thanks for the thread Carol .

    Mudra ,
    I tried to download the link about : Extraordinary powers , but it doesn't not work . It is probably a corrupted file . Anyway I bought the book from Amazon . Thanks for trying anyway .

    Posts : 125
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    Age : 55
    Location : Thailand


    Post  solent Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:43 am

    @ enemyofNMO - I downloaded from that link a few hours ago, all was fine then, maybe the problem is at your end?

    try this link

    this is the final location from Mudras linkie, (Mudras link, then has this link inside, the file is 68.39 Mb, so you need to let it load before saving.

    But you could always wait for Amazon to deliver I guess.


    Posts : 1471
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : Trieste ,Italy


    Post  enemyofNWO Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:51 am

    solent wrote:@ enemyofNMO - I downloaded from that link a few hours ago, all was fine then, maybe the problem is at your end?

    try this link

    this is the final location from Mudras linkie, (Mudras link, then has this link inside, the file is 68.39 Mb, so you need to let it load before saving.

    But you could always wait for Amazon to deliver I guess.


    Thanks Solent It works !

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 04, 2024 5:12 pm