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    "V" Revisited


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    "V" Revisited Empty "V" Revisited

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:04 pm

    "V" Revisited Alien

    Don't be frightened. I mean no harm. This is just a continuation of the old AV1 thread. The series continues tonight on ABC TV. They said they were of peace. They lied. Are we primarily dealing with an Ancient and Ongoing Human vs Hybrid ("V's") Civil War? Do the Hybrids have the upper hand - even though they remain mostly hidden? Are they preparing to take over Earth completely - rather than simply ruling from the shadows? Will most of us be driven off-world, exterminated, or enslaved? BTW - no inside information - so don't pack your bags just yet. Did ancient Humans create all manner of hybrids - including the Dracs, Greys, and Annunaki - with forbidden technology (possibly obtained from Regressive Interdimensional Reptilians?). Did they obtain and/or invent computers, nukes, antigravity-spacecraft etc. Did they enslave the hybrids, and demand worship? Did the hybrids rebel (led by Lucifer?) - and confiscate most of the forbidden technology? Did the hybrids steal 'Fire from the Gods'? Are the 'aliens' really rebel hybrids - who we created? Does the 'Original Sin' involve all of the above? Have the renegade hybrids been raising hell with us for thousands of years? Are they presently considering exterminating us? If we somehow eliminated or removed the renegade hybrids - would all of the fancy technology be in the best of hands - or the worst of hands? Do we need the hybrids to reign us in? Should my fantasy of a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System include hybrids? If most of my questions are answered affirmatively - how should this mess properly be resolved? Is it going to take someone like Anna in 'V' to properly promote and institute a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System? Would this be a Supreme Contradiction? If there really is a Queen of Heaven who rules this Solar System - she might really have to sign-off on the concept before it could ever become a reality - and I'm very Sirius.

    If reincarnation is a reality - I am very afraid regarding what I might have done, or who I might have been. Progressive Interdimensional Reptilians vs Regressive Interdimensional Reptilians? The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan in the Conflict of the Ages? The horror. I'd really like to know the complete history of all types of technology, governments, religions, etc. The history of genetic hybridization especially interests me. I feel somewhat close to learning what actually happened - yet I feel as though I might never find out the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I'd really like to know the true state of affairs just prior to the Luciferian Rebellion and War in Heaven. What were the motivating factors? How can we properly proceed as a civilization - if we don't know our true history? It seems as if we have been dumbed-down and held-down for thousands or even millions of years. This seems to be ongoing. What was the Original Sin? What really went wrong? Why is there a Continuing Sin? How will this madness be properly resolved? By keeping everyone in the dark? Is it possible that Lucifer stole all manner of technology (Fire from the Gods?) - including genetic hybridization - and got a multitude of souls (Fallen Angels?) to go along with him/her in this matter? Did an extensive technology and hybridization program commence in secrecy - while keeping humanity (as we know humanity to be) completely in the dark regarding all of this? Is the rest of the universe unable to do anything about this because we are being held hostage - and used as human shields? Or - are we all a party to the madness - whether we remember agreeing to the rebellion, or not? Someone needs to start telling the truth - with absolutely no bull$h!t. It seems to me that we need some sort of a changing of the guard in this solar system - or some sort of a solar system governmental change. I have expressed certain preferences - but I don't know the whole story, or what is really going on - so take everything I have said, with a boatload of salt. I certainly hope that those who are in the top positions in this solar system - really know what the hell they are doing - and that they are doing that which is in the very best interest of the human race. Of course, I wish for things to work out well for all races - but I don't have a clue regarding what any other races are really like. I'm just very tired of what seems to be an endless stream of bull$h!t. I want this to stop NOW. Sorry for the negativity - but I am simply trying to be honest. This is probably a mistake. The truth is so overrated.

    John May Lives! Long Live the Fifth Column! Better Dead Than Rep! There Will Be No Peace! नमस्कार !

    "V" Revisited Cylon-evolution

    "V" Revisited V_baccarin_gallery_primary

    "V" Revisited Alien-weed2

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:10 pm

    Yo, O!
    First I wanna wish you a happy, healthy & prosporous New Year!

    Next, I have a nice link for you - thanx to Carol.
    Channel 131

    Go to 'TV Shows'
    At the end of that page you'll find the complete first season of the new (2010) 'V'.
    No commercials! Crazy Happy
    Double Thumbs Up

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:29 pm

    YO! TRANCOSO! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thank-you for the link. I recently bought DVD's of the old and new series of 'V'. I use science fiction to help me interpolate and extrapolate, based upon that which we research. All of this is one big composite science fiction series for me. Each day brings a new episode - some of which seem frighteningly real.

    "V" Revisited Visitor_by_heroic_autobot

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:33 pm

    Channel 131

    Go to 'TV Shows'

    BTW, you'll also find season 1 & 2 of 'STARGATE UNIVERSE' there.
    Oooyeah 1 Luke

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:13 pm

    So many shows. So little time. I continue to think that the shows are an important part of research and disclosure. They help us to think about a wide variety of possibilities - so that the truth won't make us run in the streets, start a star war, or go nucking futs. A part of me would like to be involved in a real "V" situation (without a lot of the bad aspects shown in the series). Another part of me is very afraid of how bad and devastating a real "V" scenario might be. I'd really like to see a future where all races got along - and where there were tours of ALL of the Underground Bases throughout the Solar System. I see no reason why this Solar System can't be a Paradise rather than a War Zone. But I still don't know the whole story - and I continue to think that this old, old story is very violent and sad. No matter what happens - there will be no gloating or unkindness on my part. I just want the madness to end - for ALL CONCERNED. Namaste.

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:07 pm

    At CHANNEL 131

    'V' - Season 2, Part 1

    has just been uploaded.

    If the player doesn't work, stroll down the page to: ALTERNATE & click on WOOTLY

    That player works for me right now.

    nb: Be quick to watch it, sometimes it's only available for 1 or 2 days

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:15 am

    Thank-you TRANCOSO. I just finished watching the new episode - and I had mixed feelings. They did a good job making the show - but after researching and thinking about this sort of thing - it missed the mark for me. I know they gave the public what they wanted - which is how things are done in Hollywood - but I have to generate my own 'V' episodes with my imagination, in order to approximate what I think the hidden realities might really be like. As I mentioned elsewhere - my life is feeling more and more like a perpetual science-fiction movie - which is both good and bad. The sci-fi shows and movies are just a starting point. Agent Erica Evans really gave me something to think about...

    "V" Revisited 4455457026_f9e19f23ca

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  sabina Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:16 pm

    thanks a lot Tran for putting the link, and your good advice to click on wootly it worked perfectly.
    the first time I could watch the new V. Hulu and all the others similar don`t work in germany.But this channel finaly worked. cheers
    All the best Sabina

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:44 am

    I'd like to see a completely positive version of "V" - with my dream (chimera?) of a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom Solar System - established, and operating smoothly. You know - what things might possibly be like in 2112. That would be a cool series, wouldn't it? Hint! Hint! Is there a Hollywood Insider in the house?

    "V" Revisited Moonbase
    "V" Revisited Moon_base06_s
    "V" Revisited Moonbase

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  Floyd Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:08 am

    Got the first series but quite disappointed. In fact..cant get past episode two. Is it that bad or is just me?

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:51 am

    Thank-you for the input, Floyd. 'V' could be better, and it could be worse. It beats 'District 9' but I prefer watching old Stargate movies, and Stargate SG-1 episodes. I like the general concept of 'V', but the plot is pretty weak. I suggested a cross between 'V' and Stargate - which would feature the City-States, the United Nations, the Secret Government, the Secret Space Program, and Underground Bases. Obviously, such a program would never see the light of day - so I have to use my overheated imagination...

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:26 pm

    Don't forget to watch 'V' tonight. It might contain some puzzle pieces.

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:43 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Don't forget to watch 'V' tonight. It might contain some puzzle pieces.
    I doubt that, Oxy.
    Compared to 'V', I prefer almost any StarGate episode better - even the childish ones.

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:33 pm

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Don't forget to watch 'V' tonight. It might contain some puzzle pieces.
    I doubt that, Oxy.
    Compared to 'V', I prefer almost any StarGate episode better - even the childish ones.

    Don't be frightened. They mean no harm - but I do prefer Stargate SG-1. Which movies or TV series in the past two years have presented possible possibilities regarding ET - other than 'V'? BTW - the State of the Union trumped 'V' tonight. The visitors return next Tuesday. I won't bother reminding anyone next week. In fact, I just might stop trying to brainstorm regarding the plight of the human race. No one really seems to be that interested. How is the general public being told the truth regarding who we really are, and what is really going on? How should they be told? Should they be told? Should the PTB just carry on with the long-term plans of their masters? Despite it's weaknesses, I think 'V' is a big step in the right direction. But I really think they could have made the show a lot more than it has turned out to be, so far. Again - I use 'V' as an imagination-crutch - to help me visualize a wide variety of possibilities. I still like the ideal side of Anna and the Visitors. Again - I would like to see a 2112 version of 'V' featuring a perfected humanity, living in a perfected Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System - which has been up and running for at least 60 or 70 years. Everything has to begin somewhere. It's only the beginning. I am of peace. Always.

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  Floyd Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:45 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you for the input, Floyd. 'V' could be better, and it could be worse. It beats 'District 9' but I prefer watching old Stargate movies, and Stargate SG-1 episodes. I like the general concept of 'V', but the plot is pretty weak. I suggested a cross between 'V' and Stargate - which would feature the City-States, the United Nations, the Secret Government, the Secret Space Program, and Underground Bases. Obviously, such a program would never see the light of day - so I have to use my overheated imagination...

    Love my sci fi Oxy. I got the whole series on my Archos player and prob will get round to watching the rest of it sometime.
    Do you remember some sci fi movie from the early seventies. The guys put these special sun glasses on and when they do the are able to see aliens who are galavanting around as cops and humans. They can also see and hear subliminals on the TV and in newspapers and so on.. Cant remember the name.

    Maybe 'they are here' but maybe thats a pathetic guess by me..worth watching tho.

    I only ever saw the stargate movie... perhaps will get the stragate stuff when I retreat to the country next year.. Yer know..just for the entertainment library


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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:50 am

    Floyd wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you for the input, Floyd. 'V' could be better, and it could be worse. It beats 'District 9' but I prefer watching old Stargate movies, and Stargate SG-1 episodes. I like the general concept of 'V', but the plot is pretty weak. I suggested a cross between 'V' and Stargate - which would feature the City-States, the United Nations, the Secret Government, the Secret Space Program, and Underground Bases. Obviously, such a program would never see the light of day - so I have to use my overheated imagination...

    Love my sci fi Oxy. I got the whole series on my Archos player and prob will get round to watching the rest of it sometime.
    Do you remember some sci fi movie from the early seventies. The guys put these special sun glasses on and when they do the are able to see aliens who are galavanting around as cops and humans. They can also see and hear subliminals on the TV and in newspapers and so on.. Cant remember the name.

    Maybe 'they are here' but maybe thats a pathetic guess by me..worth watching tho.

    I only ever saw the stargate movie... perhaps will get the stragate stuff when I retreat to the country next year.. Yer know..just for the entertainment library


    Thank-you Floyd. "They Live" Trailer: Part 1: The important thing is to attempt to consider every conceivable possibility (both good and bad) - all of the time. Science Fiction should be an integral part of unconventional research. It is a visual-aid.

    "V" Revisited 2005_1019_they_live-753594"V" Revisited 82595855_9bcbe43722

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  eMonkey Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:22 am

    Floyd wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you for the input, Floyd. 'V' could be better, and it could be worse. It beats 'District 9' but I prefer watching old Stargate movies, and Stargate SG-1 episodes. I like the general concept of 'V', but the plot is pretty weak. I suggested a cross between 'V' and Stargate - which would feature the City-States, the United Nations, the Secret Government, the Secret Space Program, and Underground Bases. Obviously, such a program would never see the light of day - so I have to use my overheated imagination...

    Love my sci fi Oxy. I got the whole series on my Archos player and prob will get round to watching the rest of it sometime.
    Do you remember some sci fi movie from the early seventies. The guys put these special sun glasses on and when they do the are able to see aliens who are galavanting around as cops and humans. They can also see and hear subliminals on the TV and in newspapers and so on.. Cant remember the name.

    Maybe 'they are here' but maybe thats a pathetic guess by me..worth watching tho.

    I only ever saw the stargate movie... perhaps will get the stragate stuff when I retreat to the country next year.. Yer know..just for the entertainment library


    The Movie is called "They Live"

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  Floyd Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:01 am

    e-monkey oxy!

    2 replies for the price of one..thats a f*****g bargain! thaks Thubs Up

    The film is a bit dated but still carries a useful message. I suppose these days the sunglasses are a metaphor for becoming aware of how we, as citizens, are controlled and manipulated by external forces, whether they may be terrestrial or extra terrestrial or a mixture thereof.
    I dislike using the term awake as so many would see themselves awake when they are far from it. One can be awake and still act like an idiot. Some of those asleep have better qualities than the self confessed awakened ones.

    So yes, the film is dated but a remake would be great. I think a lot of the old movies could be remade into something decent.

    Anyone fancy starting a sci fi movie thread??

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  Carol Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:11 am

    Hi Floyd, I've probably watched every syfy flick since the TV series Outer Limits. What I find interesting is the impact that many of them had on me the first time I watched them and then later, watching them again after a number of years have gone by how tame the older movies were compared to present day.

    Key concepts: hive mind, reptilian underneath human facade, dangerous aliens who want to take over planet and deceive humankind in process.

    You can watch the new TV version of V at


    Season 1
    Episode 1 (Pilot)

    Anna the leader of the V's wants everyone to unite as one, and puts her faith in humanity's key element which is devotion. The V's are considered to be a threat however they overcome any obstacles thrown at them and become an instant attraction. FBI Counter Terrorist Agent Erica Evans finds a secret hidden beneath the skin of every V. For Chad Decker V could make his career sky rocket as a news anchor, his exclusive interview with Anna, the leader of the V's. Meanwhile Father Jack questions his faith as he seeks answers outside the church.

    Episode 2 (There Is No Normal Anymore)
    Episode 3 (A Bright New Day)
    Episode 4 (It's Only The Beginning)
    V Season 1 Special The Arrival (Recap)
    Episode 5 (Welcome to the War)
    Episode 6 (Pound of Flesh)
    Episode 7 (John May)
    Episode 8 (We Can't Win)
    Episode 9 (Heretic's Fork)
    Episode 10 (Hearts and Minds)
    Episode 11 (Fruition)
    Episode 12 (Red Sky)


    Season 2

    Episode 1
    Red Rain

    In the aftermath of the events of "Red Sky", Erica goes looking for a scientist who can tell her what the red sky is and learns the horrifying truth about the V's true intentions, On the mothership, Ryan is kept in isolation so Anna can experiment on his new born hybrid baby. After being used by Anna, Chad decides to join the fifth column.

    Episode 2

    Serpent's Tooth

    Anna and Diana square off in the dark bowels of the Mothership - Diana has been down there for 15 years and not had a single glimpse of Anna.
    Meanwhile, Erica has Tyler's blood analyzed, and learns the V's did something sinister to her when she was pregnant with him.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:10 am

    Thank-you all. You make an excellent point, Floyd. Awake can equal Anarchy - which I do not support. I support rational thinking, responsible behavior, law and order. I really like the concept of Lifelong Research Into All Subjects - rather than just getting riled-up by a book, movie, show, or powerful speaker. I like the Joseph Farrell's of the world. I'd rather convince someone to become a skilled researcher - than to believe anything that I believe.

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  sabina Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:15 pm

    everybody had to figger out what`s going on but that not so easy the truth sets you free but the PTB don`t want us to be free. thats why it is urgent that`s we wake up luckely more and more people are feeling tha`s
    somethings are not right.
    I would like to live in a soiciety of Namaste constitutional responsibele freedom truth in the solar system and galaxy.
    with openess truthness veritas friendship respect love happyness.

    but we live with greed sadness fear etc.
    we have to change the negativity
    mabe good to see positiv sifi films but there is always battels war . Iam curious about other life
    I like animals Idon`t eat other life exept plants vegetabes.
    Iwould like to meet other life of the galaxy but please without fear war weapons and all this "XXXX" sorry for the bad word but now you know how I mean it.
    All th best Sabina I love you

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  Carol Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:53 pm

    This is for you sabina

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13654
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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:03 pm

    sabina wrote:everybody had to figger out what`s going on but that not so easy the truth sets you free but the PTB don`t want us to be free. thats why it is urgent that`s we wake up luckely more and more people are feeling tha`s
    somethings are not right.
    I would like to live in a soiciety of Namaste constitutional responsibele freedom truth in the solar system and galaxy.
    with openess truthness veritas friendship respect love happyness.

    but we live with greed sadness fear etc.
    we have to change the negativity
    mabe good to see positiv sifi films but there is always battels war . Iam curious about other life
    I like animals Idon`t eat other life exept plants vegetabes.
    Iwould like to meet other life of the galaxy but please without fear war weapons and all this "XXXX" sorry for the bad word but now you know how I mean it.
    All th best Sabina I love you

    You make very good points sabina. Have there been any sci-fi movies or sci-fi series which were completely positive? I like the idea of futuristic sci-fi which is completely idealistic. Why is there always chasing and killing? I've been saying lately that I would hang out for a couple of months with Dracs and Greys on Phobos, if and only if, they wouldn't hurt me, abduct me, experiment on me, or mess with my mind or soul in any way, shape, or form. Strange appearance or behavior (to me) would be of interest, rather than prompting my ridicule or condemnation. What is the definition of 'regressive'? Sometimes I think that humanity is 'regressive'. I'm not all that happy with the human race right now. Sometimes I wonder if I'm really terrestrial human. I feel as though my body and soul are mismatched, and that I'm living on the wrong planet. Once again, I would like to see this solar system become a paradise for everyone - but this probably wouldn't include out of control technology and materialism. Life might need to be quite simple - with more pure science than applied science.

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  Floyd Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:52 am

    Oxy / sabina

    A sci fi concept without fear war or lazers. Thats a good one.
    With sci fi movies, many of the concepts in them become reality 30 or 40 years later. Literally writing our own future, implanting ideas and concepts to inspire future generations. I have always found sci fi very inspiring. Its part of the human spirit to look outwards into space and the universe which I guess would come from a profound yearning for the meaning of origin.

    There was one eco sci fi movie-silent running but even that involved some fighting and the detonation of nuclear warheads

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    "V" Revisited Empty Re: "V" Revisited

    Post  sabina Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:23 am

    that`s the point sci fi movies are inspiring us and future generations .
    this should be the challenge for Hollywood film makers to do a sci fi movie without any kind of weapons war fight etc.
    the movie should be thrilling and fascinating without shooting at other lifeforms and killing each other.
    the universe is exciting enough, isn`t it ?
    all the best sabina I love you

    thank you carol for the nice music reminded me beaches sand summer sun winterly greetings sabina

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