NewWorldKarma Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:16 am
Hiya peeps. Yeah I liked the pictures Carol but didnt want to use any of them incase any were copywrited etc. The idea of a mysterious logo is great I just need a few ideas and I can perhaps create one if needed. I'll have ago with that Font later when I get home or tonight after my band practice. Which word(s) should be tilted and to which side would you think..
I can resize the image(s) no problem, I can also resize without loosing quality.. it'll take a little time but if someone gives me the best size HxW pixels to use then ill have a go at resizing tonight. My favourite out of the ones I created is definately the last sun one too, I was browsing pictures of sunshine and came across a great picture of a rainbow and a tree! A few blends and colours later and that is what I came up with. I usually good at mixing different colours up, its what I like to do best. The banner that resembles the top current banner is #2 in my opionion.
Consider: Rather Than All The Full Banners, Maybe Size Them Down For Brevity And Link To Full .......
I will do this later when im home from work. Any that I create from now will be thumbnailed and hopefully linked to the bigger picture.
If people could leave ideas for creating the mysterious logo that would be cool. The Triune logo you see above the lettering is the logo me and Mercuriel kind of thought up, well he said use something that represents all things triune and i gave it a search and returned that great little image but with different colours etc, I really liked the shapes and the way they interlinked. I would love to create something with a crest but I dont want to include that idea due to it perhaps meaning medievel times and/or law of arms in some way. I could perhaps use the an Excalibour image that is in stone and use some kind of mysterious writing over the top of it. I like the idea of the sword and I know it has good meaning too.
Its good that similar souls have came to the forum. I believe we are in this holagraphic illusionsional world for the reasoning or learning but as people have said are all interconnected con-souly (new word i made) lol or as you'll understand it consciously. << my very small discription, (cant be seen to be typing much im at work!) lol.