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    5000 Dead Birds?


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Tue Jan 04, 2011 7:57 pm

    Are Microwaves Killing The
    Insects, Frogs, And Birds?
    And Are We Next?
    By Paul Raymond Doyon

    I live in Kunming City, Yunnan Province, The People's Republic of China. Yunnan Province is one of the cleanest and most pristine areas of China ­ and Kunming City is also called the City of Eternal Spring since the weather here is quite pleasant throughout the year. However, it might as well be called "The City of The Silent Spring."

    It is eerily odd but this city is strangely devoid of bugs ­ I see virtually no insects in this city ­ except for the occasional mosquito or the occasional cockroach. No ants, no spiders, no butterflies, no bees, no flies, no caterpillars, and so on down the line. I also see virtually no birds ­ I look up in the sky and there are no birds traversing it. When I go to bed at night I do not hear the sounds of crickets; and when I wake up in the morning I do not hear the chirping sound of birds.

    And from what I can tell by reading media reports on the Internet, this phenomena of the sudden disappearance of life forms (insects, amphibians, fish, bats, birds, etc.) is happening all over the world. Just last year, the fact that there is (and has been) a worldwide die-off of bees was finally taken up by the media. The frogs have been dying for years ­ (although originally they were "mysteriously" showing up with deformities.) Now, just at the beginning of January 2008 a Swedish journalist sent me a report by the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) about the disappearance of tens of millions of birds across North America ­ HYPERLINK ""

    What the heck is going on? And when are we going to do something about this? This is pretty serious stuff. If all the insects, amphibians, and birds are disappearing, how much longer will it be until we mammals start disappearing? (After all, many of us are already getting sick. There are about 80 immune system disorders we didn't have 20 years ago.) Albert Einstein made some kind of prediction that once the bees are gone, mankind would only have four or so more years left.

    While the CBC report mentioned things like pesticides, urban sprawl, factory farming, deforestation, and so on, as possible causes, they conveniently failed to mention one other highly likely reason ­ Microwave Radiation from Cell Phone Antennas (which the CBC also conveniently installs on its own towers ­ a visible sign of CBC's cushy relationship with the cell phone industry and perhaps the reason they failed to mention the latter possible ­ if not probable ­ reason for the Avian Decline).

    While the media is failing to direct our attention at the possible real cause of this extremely ominous situation ­ possibly because of its lucrative and cushy relationships with the mobile phone industry ­ one agency of the United States government is taking a more sober interest into this grave problem. Under the auspices of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) and under the direction of Albert M. Manville II, Ph.D., Senior Wildlife Biologist, Division of Migratory Bird Management, the following report was issued on May 10th, 2007:

    "U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Concerns Over Potential Radiation Impacts of Cellular Communication Towers on Migratory Birds and Other Wildlife ­ Research Opportunities."

    Now, you might be asking yourself, "Why would a government agency be interested in saving wildlife? Don't they also have cushy relationships with industry and aren't they more concerned with protecting corporate profits?" Well, this is the US Fish and Wildlife Service ­ not the DoD, FCC, FDA, FBI, or CIA. (We'll just have to cross our fingers that someone in one of those other agencies doesn't go and assassinate Dr. Manville.) Dr. Manville does really seem to be concerned about saving wildlife. And moreover, as is stated in the report:
    The USFWS [is] entrusted by Congress and required by statutes and regulations, to manage and protect migratory birds (and other fauna [ESA]) under authority of

    ­ [the] Migratory Bird Treaty Act
    ­ [the] Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, and
    ­ [the] Endangered Species Act.

    This report informs us of the overall declining bird population (up to 50 million a year), increasingly threatened bird species, and how this is related to the massive expansion in cellular communication and the exponential increase in the number of cell-phone towers blanketing our landscape. One study of particular interest in the report is the survey of two berry farms in similar habitats in western Massachusetts. At one farm, where there are no cell phone towers, there are abundant signs of wildlife: e.g. migrating and resident birds, bats, small and large mammals, and insects including bees. However, at the other farm with a cell-phone tower located adjacent to the berry patch, there are virtually no signs of wildlife: tracks, scat, feathers, etc. Here the berries on bush go uneaten by birds and insects ­ while the ripened berries that have fallen to the ground are going uneaten by animals: turkey, fox, and other wildlife.

    According to a report published on May 29th, 2007, entitled "Phones & Vanishing Birds" ­ HYPERLINK

    The sparrows have disappeared completely from the cities at least four years ago in Britain, as mobile phones grew in popularity. Third generation (3G) mobile phones were introduced in 2003, and there were over 65 million users in the UK by the end of 2005, more phones than people. (ISIS 2007)

    There is ample evidence to suggest that it is indeed long-term exposure to microwave radiation ­ especially from 3G GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) digital-phone technology ­ that is killing the birds. Scientists at the Research Institute for Nature and Forests in Brussels, Belgium, have produced the first evidence that mobile phone base stations are affecting the reproductive behaviour of wild sparrows. This finding comes as mobile phones are held suspect in the massive collapse of bee colonies all over the United States and Europe.

    Fewer house sparrow males were seen at locations within relatively high electric field strengths of GSM base stations. (ISIS 2007)

    Further evidence comes from researcher Alfonso Balmori in Spain:

    Alfonso Balmori, a conservation biologist in Valladolid, Spain, reported a significantly lower number of white stork (Ciconia ciconia) fledglings in nests close to mobile phone transmitters compared to nests further away. (ISIS 2007)

    Could the above also be related to the decrease in fertility found in humans living in advanced countries? (There are now numerous research studies supporting this hypothesis.)

    Balmori also found difference in how the birds behaved close to the phone antennae. Young birds died from unknown causes, and bird couples frequently fought while constructing their nests. Sticks fell to the ground, and the couple failed to make any headway. Some nests were never completed and the storks remained passively in front of the antennae. (ISIS 2007)

    One is here also reminded of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and teenagers with ADD
    (Attention Deficit Disorder) ­ not to mention increases in violence.

    The observations in urban sparrows and the white stork population suggest that microwave radiation interferes with reproductive behaviour and breeding success, which would have decimated the wild populations. But that's not the whole story.

    Several million birds of 230 species die each year from collisions with telecommunications masts in the United States during migration. Accidents happen mainly in the night, in fog, or bad weather, when birds might be using the earth's magnetic field for navigation, and could be seriously disoriented by the microwave radiation from telecommunication masts. (ISIS 2007)

    While the above studies have looked at the decline of urban house sparrows and white storks, it is more than likely that this microwave radiation is affecting other ­ if not all ­ bird species.

    In the UK, where the allowed radiation level is 20 times higher than in Spain, a decline of several species of urban birds has occurred, coinciding with the increasing installation of mobile phone masts. (ISIS 2007)

    Birds (and insects and other small animals) would naturally be the first to obviously be affected by this increase in ambient radiation since naturally they have smaller bodies and hence less flesh to be penetrated by exposure to microwaves.

    Birds are good candidates as biological indicators for low-intensity electromagnetic radiation (EMR); they have thin skulls, their feathers can act as dielectric receptors of microwave radiation, many species use magnetic navigation, they are very mobile and possible psychosomatic effects are absent, as Everaert and Bauwens point out. (ISIS 2007)

    Finally, chicken embryos exposed to microwave radiation from cell phones have shown both deformity and mortality.

    Another important factor is that chicken embryos subjected to the radiation from a cell phone in the laboratory suffered much higher mortalities than non-exposed controls. Some years ago researchers in Russia showed that continuous exposure of the chick embryos during the 21 days of embryonic development resulted in 75 percent of the embryos dying, compared with 16 percent in the controls. (ISIS 2007)

    The evidence keeps piling up as more and more studies appear that show that this microwave radiation is indeed insidiously killing ­ (not only ourselves but also) ­ our precious birds, amphibians, and insects. Many peer-reviewed studies relating to the destruction of birds, animals, and plants by microwave radiation can be found listed on the Website of Joris Everaert (biologist, ecologist, and photographer): HYPERLINK

    An email from Dr. George Carlo regarding the birds on January 1st, 2008 put it as follows:

    read on:

    Love Always

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:29 pm

    mudra wrote:
    JesterTerrestrial wrote:hmmmmm

    I have not read much about Sorcha Faal but have not heard much good.

    Peace JT!

    You can read about Sorcha Faal here JT:

    Love from me

    Ok thanks... I gotta wonder why they would make this crap up...what a waste of life.

    Anyway thanks Mudra. Its really weird and disturbing that these birds have all died like this.

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    Location : Sydney, NSW, Australia

    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  Anchor Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:34 pm

    My brain has become hardwired and reads sorcha faal as sucha fool. Someone made the post on Avalon and it just stuck in my head - and it makes me laugh every time I read it.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  horus Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:06 am

    Think about it... the Earth and the Schuman Resondence coming from up from the Core preparing for 5D shown with this animation below as the higher light frequencies. Explain why why both birds and fish - AS ABOVE, SO BELOW!


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  newel Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:19 am

    mudra wrote:Had no time to check this yet



    More places added at your link since you posted it mudra:
    China, Kentucky, Louisiana, Arkansas, Germany, Japan, Caroline, Tucson, Somerset UK, Arkansas, Kent Island, MD, Brazil, Wales UK, Haiti, Australia, Indiana, Maryland, Canada, Italy, Peterborough UK, New Zealand

    And Sweden:

    Video in the middle of the article:


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  horus Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:27 am

    Click this top one to full screen


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  newel Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:55 am

    metaw3 wrote:
    And Sweden:

    Video in the middle of the article:

    Dozens of jackdaws found dead in Sweden

    Longer article:

    They're pushing the fireworks story as well. It sounds like BP PR last year.

    Last edited by metaw3 on Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:59 am; edited 1 time in total

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty 10,000s of Birds found dead in Manitoba

    Post  burgundia Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:56 am


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  Carol Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:05 am

    horus wrote:Think about it... the Earth and the Schuman Resondence coming from up from the Core preparing for 5D shown with this animation below as the higher light frequencies. Explain why why both birds and fish - AS ABOVE, SO BELOW!

    Horus, if this were true I would be happy. I'm not happy because I sense the human element mucking it up somewhere in all of this - especially after listening to some of the reports. Meanwhile, I would hope all the birds and fishes spirits are already on the New Earth waiting for us to join them when it's time.

    Something is going on and it isn't the fireworks! I still think possibly scalar or something else like a microwave burst. Is there a connection in some way of the affected areas? All of this is so odd.

    This is from Coast last night.

    Animal Deaths & Weather Modification:

    During the first hour, 'historian of the future,' Charles Ostman discussed how the recent bird and fish die-offs may be connected to weather engineering. He cited reports of artificially generated rain storms in Abu Dhabi via ionization and suggested that, if these have been revealed to the public, then other covert experiments are likely being conducted surreptitiously in the United States. Connecting it to the animal deaths, he noted that both fish and birds have magnetic particles in their physiology and, therefore, such widespread carnage would be "exactly the kind of response" if they were caught in the midst of ionic experimentation.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  giovonni Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:07 pm

    interesting...hypothesis cyclops



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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  horus Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:50 pm

    Carol wrote:
    horus wrote:Think about it... the Earth and the Schuman Resondence coming from up from the Core preparing for 5D shown with this animation below as the higher light frequencies. Explain why why both birds and fish - AS ABOVE, SO BELOW!

    Horus, if this were true I would be happy. I'm not happy because I sense the human element mucking it up somewhere in all of this - especially after listening to some of the reports. Meanwhile, I would hope all the birds and fishes spirits are already on the New Earth waiting for us to join them when it's time.

    Something is going on and it isn't the fireworks! I still think possibly scalar or something else like a microwave burst. Is there a connection in some way of the affected areas? All of this is so odd.

    This is from Coast last night.

    Animal Deaths & Weather Modification:

    During the first hour, 'historian of the future,' Charles Ostman discussed how the recent bird and fish die-offs may be connected to weather engineering. He cited reports of artificially generated rain storms in Abu Dhabi via ionization and suggested that, if these have been revealed to the public, then other covert experiments are likely being conducted surreptitiously in the United States. Connecting it to the animal deaths, he noted that both fish and birds have magnetic particles in their physiology and, therefore, such widespread carnage would be "exactly the kind of response" if they were caught in the midst of ionic experimentation.
    With a planet that is built on a foundation of lies and its crumbling rapidly, who really knows what the truth is in 3D, its become so evil. I just read Shelden Nidles recent update, it like everything thats happening and like a shattered planet in billions of pieces of a puzzle and now drawn toward the center by a strong magnet bringing it all back together like a implosion. Spin doctors are working overtime, Wikileaks is close to blowing the lid on the UFO conspiracy, then there is the exposure of all the banksters who in my mind are just rapists and castration is to good for them. Everything on this planet is a smoke screen. What if this planet was about to open up all its plates just to have a yawn which is being shown to me in a vision and natural toxic gases were released from below the crust and the government spin doctors cover it up with some hocus pocus story with pesticides. I dropped a word on GLP about honey bees who use the magnetic compass to see all if it affects them, if it didn't what about brain-wave frequencies that fries neurons like EMP pulse waves. I believe they can use such a device on the human brain to qwell riots, the explanations are endless. Then you read www.whatdoesitmean and I smell a coverup story which make me think, this planet can turn itself upside down as far as I am concerned and its surface will be totally awash like a Great Flood and the government agencies will say nothing. I know more than most who do not want to know the truth, it will spoil their day and their future prospects. The point is, as a twinflame I've made my peace with my Mother-Father-Creator and the false God that resides over planet can go to hell because I have been around for millions of years, longer than them all when my father is the Creator Ra and I walk in his shadow as a watcher, the all-seeing-eye, and not the abomination called the Illuminati.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  Carol Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:40 pm

    horus wrote:
    With a planet that is built on a foundation of lies and its crumbling rapidly, who really knows what the truth is in 3D, its become so evil. I just read Shelden Nidles recent update, it like everything thats happening and like a shattered planet in billions of pieces of a puzzle and now drawn toward the center by a strong magnet bringing it all back together like a implosion. Spin doctors are working overtime, Wikileaks is close to blowing the lid on the UFO conspiracy, then there is the exposure of all the banksters who in my mind are just rapists and castration is to good for them. Everything on this planet is a smoke screen. What if this planet was about to open up all its plates just to have a yawn which is being shown to me in a vision and natural toxic gases were released from below the crust and the government spin doctors cover it up with some hocus pocus story with pesticides. I dropped a word on GLP about honey bees who use the magnetic compass to see all if it affects them, if it didn't what about brain-wave frequencies that fries neurons like EMP pulse waves. I believe they can use such a device on the human brain to qwell riots, the explanations are endless. Then you read www.whatdoesitmean and I smell a coverup story which make me think, this planet can turn itself upside down as far as I am concerned and its surface will be totally awash like a Great Flood and the government agencies will say nothing. I know more than most who do not want to know the truth, it will spoil their day and their future prospects. The point is, as a twinflame I've made my peace with my Mother-Father-Creator and the false God that resides over planet can go to hell because I have been around for millions of years, longer than them all when my father is the Creator Ra and I walk in his shadow as a watcher, the all-seeing-eye, and not the abomination called the Illuminati.

    Hmm. You just triggered a memory for me where a contactee recently shared with me three timelines had collapsed and all events from those 3 time lines are happening on this one. I also recall that the closer the solar system moves toward the galactic core time speeds up and collapses. Ironically, some weeks/months back I had the thought that the various timelines would be converging. Perhaps this is what is happening now as well which is why the increase of so many odd events in such a short timeframe.

    I'm also not a proponent of co-incidences. I recall an insider sharing that the secret government owns the skies. At the time I had thought they could easily manipulate weather and wasn’t that aware of the secret space program. One can only imagine what they're up to these days.

    Now with respect to the planet opening up, it is true that the earth is expanding, and it is true there is tons of methane down there under water. I would expect explosions in the atmosphere when the methane escapes. And yes, even now with that ridiculous explanation of fireworks killing off the birds, that may be part of a spin meister ’s cover-up. But what you said about neurons being fried my an EMP, well, that is disconcerting. If that happened, I wouldn't even remember to water the garden let alone remember what a Fawcett is.

    I’ve given up worrying about pole shifts and CMEs. It’s a waste of creative energy that is best used learning how to grow sprouts. At lease we can eat.

    There are already great floods happening as Australia is one recent example, as also is the Philippines. I fully expect a lot more global flooding as the snows melt come springtime.

    Given the nature of the recent wildlife deaths there is little question in my mind that humankind is behind this is some ways (producing toxic chemicals and releasing them, HAARP, weather wars) and nature (exceedingly cold weather, unusual jet streams, alterations in magnetic lay lines).

    I think most of us here at Mists are a pretty educated group as we have been hanging out together for the past several years exploring all of these earth changes and keeping each other apprised of what is happening in our individual corners of the planet. Ours is also a spiritual journey that we share together - so at least we feel connected in the midst of all of these earth changes. What concerns me just recently is how quickly everything is happening. There is no down time anymore – if you get my drift, which means that those on the planet are put into survival mode which is defensive posturing as compared to preparation mode. Many of us are literally in the midst of storms (weather, psychological, emotional, planetary, solar, ET, economic, political- fricking TSA with their hands literally down your pants – you name it, it’s up there on the agenda).

    We have collectively, on the planet, just accelerated into the fast and furious mode. HooHaa!Crazy Happy

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  newel Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:56 pm

    These birds seem to avoid daylight because they were flying at night which they don't usually do, unless necessary. So this guy suggests they avoid radiation from the Sun:
    The birds are hunkering down during the day and staying out of the direct sunlight, in fact they are hiding behind large objects here, and even in holes. This morning a whole flock of sparrows flew out from the shaded side of my camping trailer , for instance. It well known and understood that birds are highly sensitive to radiation, like fish, and can sense it.
    So basically , the answer is that a weakening magnetic field and a magnetosphere full of holes (if you will forgive my simplistic description), along with the Earth passing through a dense plasma cloud that is highly conductive to electromagnetic radiation from the Sun as we near the galactic plane in our journey through it is causing the birds to avoid daytime flight and attempt to feed and migrate at night in desperation. When a flock of birds like red wing black birds or black birds moves from place to place in the winter, they do so in great flocks sometimes numbering in the hundreds of thousands and even millions.
    If you get that many birds flying around at night when they can barely see, they're bound to collide, which explains the blunt trauma.
    So there it is, my explanation for what i think is behind the bird deaths.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  newel Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:14 pm


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty r

    Post  mudra Wed Jan 05, 2011 5:56 pm

    Thanks for the additional research Metaw .

    It feels these animals are leaving the boat .
    I tend to think that this has to do with some
    major Earth change wether natural or induced.

    Love from me


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:00 pm

    With Magnetic Nanoparticles, Scientists Remotely Control Neurons and Animal Behavior – UB NewsCenter
    July 6, 2010

    With Magnetic Nanoparticles, Scientists Remotely Control Neurons and Animal Behavior

    Research could lead to remote stimulation of cells to treat cancer or diabetes

    BUFFALO, N.Y. — Clusters of heated, magnetic nanoparticles targeted to cell membranes can remotely control ion channels, neurons and even animal behavior, according to a paper published by University at Buffalo physicists in Nature Nanotechnology.

    The research could have broad application, potentially resulting in innovative cancer treatments that remotely manipulate selected proteins or cells in specific tissues, or improved diabetes therapies that remotely stimulate pancreatic cells to release insulin.

    The work also could be applied to the development of new therapies for some neurological disorders, which result from insufficient neuro-stimulation.

    « By developing a method that allows us to use magnetic fields to stimulate cells both in vitro and in vivo, this research will help us unravel the signaling networks that control animal behavior, » says Arnd Pralle, PhD, assistant professor of physics in the UB College of Arts and Sciences and senior/corresponding author on the paper.

    The UB researchers demonstrated that their method could open calcium ion channels, activate neurons in cell culture and even manipulate the movements of the tiny nematode, C. elegans.

    « We targeted the nanoparticles near what is the ‘mouth’ of the worms, called the amphid, » explains Pralle. « You can see in the video that the worms are crawling around; once we turn on the magnetic field, which heats up the nanoparticles to 34 degrees Celsius, most of the worms reverse course. We could use this method to make them go back and forth. Now we need to find out which other behaviors can be controlled this way. » [The video is available by clicking on the "watch video" link above.]

    The worms reversed course once their temperature reached 34 degrees Celsius, Pralle says, the same threshold that in nature provokes an avoidance response. That’s evidence, he says, that the approach could be adapted to whole-animal studies on innovative new pharmaceuticals.

    The method the UB team developed involves heating nanoparticles in a cell membrane by exposing them to a radiofrequency magnetic field; the heat then results in stimulating the cell.

    « We have developed a tool to heat nanoparticles and then measure their temperature, » says Pralle, noting that not much is known about heat conduction in tissue at the nanoscale.

    « Our method is important because it allows us to only heat up the cell membrane. We didn’t want to kill the cell, » he said. « While the membrane outside the cell heats up, there is no temperature change in the cell. »

    Measuring just six nanometers, the particles can easily diffuse between cells. The magnetic field is comparable to what is employed in magnetic resonance imaging. And the method’s ability to activate cells uniformly across a large area indicates that it also will be feasible to use it in in vivo whole body applications, the scientists report.

    In the same paper, the UB scientists also report their development of a fluorescent probe to measure that the nanoparticles were heated to 34 degrees Celsius.

    « The fluorescence intensity indicates the change in temperature, » says Pralle, « it’s kind of a nanoscale thermometer and could allow scientists to more easily measure temperature changes at the nanoscale. »

    Pralle and his co-authors are active in the Molecular Recognition in Biological Systems and Bioinformatics and the Integrated Nanostructure Systems strategic strengths, identified by the UB 2020 strategic planning process.

    In addition to Pralle, who has an adjunct position in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics in UB’s School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, co-authors are Heng Huang and Savas Delikanli, both doctoral students in the UB Department of Physics, Hao Zeng, PhD, associate professor in the physics department, and Denise M. Ferkey, PhD, assistant professor in the UB Department of Biological Sciences.

    The research was supported by the National Science Foundation and the UB 2020 Interdisciplinary Research Development Fund.

    The University at Buffalo is a premier research-intensive public university, a flagship institution in the State University of New York system and its largest and most comprehensive campus. UB’s more than 28,000 students pursue their academic interests through more than 300 undergraduate, graduate and professional degree programs. Founded in 1846, the University at Buffalo is a member of the Association of American Universities.

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:21 am; edited 2 times in total

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  lawlessline Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:22 pm

    In France the news on the tele are saying that it was created by fireworks. I conside french news to be even worse than in the US. The french news is the biggest of all the mind control journalism I have ever seen. The French people are way behind on the info front and often stuck up their own backsides in that respect.

    The idea that it was fireworks is just insulting to the intelligence. It was a good reminder why I gave up watching the news some time ago. If this was true, then every 4th of July in the US, 5th of Nov in the UK and the 15 of July in France, birds would be fallig every year. God knows how many came down during the second world war. Must of been a cats heaven in those times.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:24 pm

    All these happened between the 28th of december and the 5th of january

    Dead birds on bridge is a natural occurrence?

    UK. Dead fish discovered in canal marina near Abergavenny

    Tons Of Dead Fish Wash Ashore In Brazil

    Italy: Fish, Clams, Shellfish

    Dead Birds Fall from Sky in Central Sweden

    Thousands Of Fish Dead In Florida

    Two Million Fish Found Dead In Maryland

    Hundreds of Dead fish Have Been Found in a Pond In Michigan

    Tonnes of Farm Fish Found Dead

    Check links to articles here :

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:28 pm


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:34 pm

    Kentucky and La 3r of january

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  lawlessline Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:43 pm

    I would love to hear from Instigator to see if this has anything to do with the birds?


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:47 pm

    Here is a well made extensive list covering 2010 and 2011 stating date, location type of bird or animal, suspected cause of death...

    Map of 2010 and 2011 dead birds and fish :,8.4375&spn=164.810681,90&z=1&source=embed

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:47 pm

    The Government's Wildlife Hit Squad - Blackbird Killers Sent to Investigate Blackbird Deaths

    Do wildlife officials feel just a little hypocritical answering media questions about the New Year's Eve blackbird "rain" when they know they kill 200 times that amount a year as "pests"?

    In 2009 the US Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), part of USDA, says it poisoned 489,444 red-winged blackbirds in Texas and 461,669 in Louisiana. It also shot 4,217 blackbirds in California, 2,246 in North Dakota and 1,063 in Oregon according to its posted records.

    We won't even talk about the starlings, crows, ravens, doves, geese, owls (yes owls) hawks, pigeons, ducks, larks, woodpeckers and coots our tax dollars annihilated to benefit ranchers, farmers and other private interests. Or the squirrels, rabbits, badgers, bobcats, beavers, woodchucks, coyotes, opossums, raccoons and mountain lions.

    The he-men at the Wildlife Service also shot 29 great blue herons, 820 cattle egrets and 115 white-faced ibises in 2009, despite the known dangers of approaching shore birds.

    It's hard to know which is worse: government agencies like APHIS, Louisiana State University and the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry helping private rice farmers and landowners with our tax dollars. Or the scorched earth baiting of their rice fields with poison "until blackbird populations are depleted," as LSU's Rice Research Station News puts it.

    APHIS even uses caged red-winged blackbirds as decoys to attract wild ones says Audubon magazine and "pre-baits" an area with unpoisoned food to ensure the most takers.

    Nor does the government's blackbird poison only kill blackbirds.

    "APHIS makes sure that the poisoned banquet is especially tempting for wildlife by laying the food out in the spring. This attracts birds and other wildlife because food sources, especially insects, are limited in early spring," says the National Audubon Society. "The poisoned rice also looks very tasty because the birds are migrating. The poisoned rice is a ready buffet for any bird to eat, but especially those who are tired and hungry from flying."
    The government used the chemical DRC-1339 to poison the over million blackbirds it killed in 2009, including in Louisiana. The avicide, called Starlicide causes "irreversible kidney and heart damage" says APHIS. "A quiet and apparent painless death normally occurs 1-3 days following ingestion," writes an APHIS spokesman on the site, probably secure in the fact that his death won't take three days.

    Government wildlife officials may also feel hypocritical about the thousands of dead drum fish that appeared in the Arkansas River a few days before the red-winged blackbirds fell from the sky on New Year's Eve.

    That's because wildlife agencies also kill entire waterways of fish when it serves their purpose.

    Last year, Illinois wildlife officials poisoned 90 tons of goldfish, gizzard and shad in the Chicago Sanitary and Shipping Canal with the chemical Rotenone, which suffocates fish, to support the sport fishing industry. A year earlier they poisoned tens of thousands of goldfish, koi, bass, crappie, catfish and sunfish/bluegill hybrids in Chicago's Lincoln Park to rehab the pond.

    Whether killing fish to save a pond or blackbirds to help farmers, government wildlife officials honor neither the "public" or "trust" in the Public Trust Doctrine they are sworn to. And wildlife has a lot more to fear than New Year's Eve.

    Martha Rosenberg can be reached at:


    Posts : 1766
    Join date : 2010-04-11

    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:24 pm

    mudra wrote:Here is a well made extensive list covering 2010 and 2011 stating date, location type of bird or animal, suspected cause of death...

    Map of 2010 and 2011 dead birds and fish :,8.4375&spn=164.810681,90&z=1&source=embed

    Love Always

    Here is another related link.

    A map that shows all of the locations of the wildlife die off.


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 2 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:32 pm

    Thank You JT.
    According to these maps the highest occurence at the moment is around the Gulf of Mexico.

    Love from me

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:13 am