My Dear Sweet Brothers and Sisters...
I feel It is time to explain My
Understanding and
Knowing in relation to what
ISN'T happening with the Animal - Fish - Bird - Bee - >INSERT NEXT SPECIES< die-offs...
My explanation will go into the
Esoteric but alas - This is a place We all are coming to
Know well. It will borrow from Science both Mainstream and Fringe or Alternative. I will bring Logic into My explanation at that point and tie It together so perhaps others can begin to see the
Cosmology I espouse - And perhaps in that - I can assist in the
Understanding and
Knowing of others in relation to the
All That Is - Prime Creator - First Source and Center of All Things...
Some may call what I am about to say naive or lacking basis in proven Science, but in this I will smile and wait for those thinking that - To finally come round...
> Of all of the Species on the Planet - The most "
Out of Harmony/Balance with Mother" Species currently on Earth - Is Man (
Exlcluding Offworlders & Meddlers).
> A Wave approaches Us from the Galactic Core and It brings great Release and Upgrade to not only Mother Gaia but all of Her Children Who wish to move up with Her.
> The Atomic Decay Rates of 10 Elements -
Including Carbon have been changed to reflect Their -
New - Decay Rates as being seen in the Reality now. This has also been spoken of by NASA and JPL as It relates to a more Energetic type of Photon now coming in from
Sol - Our Sun.
> We are now in the Galactic Core of the Milky Way where Our Sun and Solar System - Has been captured by the Milky Way and is no longer a part of Sag B System. A New Day dawns and We shall never be the same again.
> Its obvious to understand that the most "
in tune" Species with Gaia would then be the Fish - Birds - Bees - Animals - Insects - Flora - etc.
At this point I hope the question is forming in Your Mind as such that You're saying to Yourself - "
Why would Father - Mother - All That Is - Whos sending Energetic Waves of many different types so as to bring Gaia and Her "in tune" Children up in Vibration & Frequency - Then begin Killing off Her most "in tune" Children - Leaving the most "Out of Harmony with Mother" Species alive in Their place ?"
H.A.A.R.P. - Poisons in the Air, both Chemical and Electronic in Nature are
PUMPED into the Air at rates that chokes off Logical thought - There are Toxins in the Food Chain - In the Ground - Oil and Gases being sucked out of the Earth and that creating Voids in places as well as a lack of lubrication as it regards Techtonic Plate movement - The Killing of the Sea (Macondo) - And so on and so on. All have Their cost, and
paying the Piper is a Biatch...
There are even more Manmade causes of the above that I have not mentioned but what I hope I have done - Is place enough before You to see the drift of the Logic...
With the above said I feel that a recap of the Points is in order.
We've polluted to no end - Nature and Mother have suffered greatly for this - Energy is coming in to Upgrade Gaia and Species resonant with Her - Animals are dying off but yet Man remains - We've moved into the Galactic Disk of the Milky Way - Have been captured by It as a Solar System and will traverse this area of Space now for at least the next thousand Years - Finding Our equilibrium in the System's processes over that time - The Galactic Pulse approaches and We are feeling the Bow-wave of It - We see Expansion - Global Tremors happen but still We go on while the Flora and Fauna perish and We are saying ;
Prime Creator is responsible for this ? I say nay -
They're responsible for this and more likely - Its
Them that have turned up the Volume on All of
Their Machinations as We Grow and Expand beyond Their Control on the Waves coming in.
I mean Its either that -
Or - Its Game Over and We're seeing the End Game as We are in the Timeline were We - All of Us - Go down the Crapper once and for all...
Now - Do You think I believe thats the Case ?
No Flippin' way. If anything -
WE should be dropping dead in the streets because
WE can't handle the Vibe coming in - Not Mother's
OTHER Children Who are much more "
in tune" with Her.
As We're still here and not Toast - And still We see the die-offs leaving Us remaining - I know Its
Them and not the Vibe thats doing the damage...