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    5000 Dead Birds?


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  Mercuriel Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:48 pm

    I am also feeling the Vibrations / Tremors under foot but these sensation have a feel of being REAL DEEP.

    This has made Me think the following and perhaps Linda has hit on something very important here.

    Please let Me explain...

    Simply put - If We don't Change from within making better Choices for Expansion - Gaia will release the Compression ( Brook - Wink ) that We won't release from Ourselves - However - If We DO make these Choices - We have the result of mitigating the Earth Changes somewhat - In effect making Them less severe due to Our release of that which does not Serve Us anymore...

    Now this is just My thoughts here but They're not totally unfounded as many of You will agree.


    Last edited by Mercuriel on Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:38 am; edited 1 time in total


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  AscendingStarseed Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:35 am

    Linda I think your onto something, I've felt the slipping to...although living on a volcanic island I thought it was minor earthquakes, but these are little shifts I'm feeling not jolts. I also agree that the pole shift is happening now, that we are only in the beginning stages of what will be a major shift.

    On the note of earthquakes, I spoke with a guy who's a volcano tour guide today. He said that yesterday we had 18 earthquakes on the big island and the geologists are getting concerned, unfortunately he was in a hurry so that's all I got out of him.

    I'll bet anyone $1000 the USGS has no data on 18 earthquakes here on Hawaii, what a fraudulent waste of taxpayer money when we can't even get straight answers on seismic activity. Mad

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  Mercuriel Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:05 am

    My Dear Sweet Brothers and Sisters...

    I feel It is time to explain My Understanding and Knowing in relation to what ISN'T happening with the Animal - Fish - Bird - Bee - >INSERT NEXT SPECIES< die-offs...


    My explanation will go into the Esoteric but alas - This is a place We all are coming to Know well. It will borrow from Science both Mainstream and Fringe or Alternative. I will bring Logic into My explanation at that point and tie It together so perhaps others can begin to see the Cosmology I espouse - And perhaps in that - I can assist in the Understanding and Knowing of others in relation to the All That Is - Prime Creator - First Source and Center of All Things...

    Some may call what I am about to say naive or lacking basis in proven Science, but in this I will smile and wait for those thinking that - To finally come round...

    > Of all of the Species on the Planet - The most "Out of Harmony/Balance with Mother" Species currently on Earth - Is Man (Exlcluding Offworlders & Meddlers).

    > A Wave approaches Us from the Galactic Core and It brings great Release and Upgrade to not only Mother Gaia but all of Her Children Who wish to move up with Her.

    > The Atomic Decay Rates of 10 Elements - Including Carbon have been changed to reflect Their - New - Decay Rates as being seen in the Reality now. This has also been spoken of by NASA and JPL as It relates to a more Energetic type of Photon now coming in from Sol - Our Sun.

    > We are now in the Galactic Core of the Milky Way where Our Sun and Solar System - Has been captured by the Milky Way and is no longer a part of Sag B System. A New Day dawns and We shall never be the same again.

    > Its obvious to understand that the most "in tune" Species with Gaia would then be the Fish - Birds - Bees - Animals - Insects - Flora - etc.

    At this point I hope the question is forming in Your Mind as such that You're saying to Yourself - "Why would Father - Mother - All That Is - Whos sending Energetic Waves of many different types so as to bring Gaia and Her "in tune" Children up in Vibration & Frequency - Then begin Killing off Her most "in tune" Children - Leaving the most "Out of Harmony with Mother" Species alive in Their place ?"

    H.A.A.R.P. - Poisons in the Air, both Chemical and Electronic in Nature are PUMPED into the Air at rates that chokes off Logical thought - There are Toxins in the Food Chain - In the Ground - Oil and Gases being sucked out of the Earth and that creating Voids in places as well as a lack of lubrication as it regards Techtonic Plate movement - The Killing of the Sea (Macondo) - And so on and so on. All have Their cost, and paying the Piper is a Biatch...

    There are even more Manmade causes of the above that I have not mentioned but what I hope I have done - Is place enough before You to see the drift of the Logic...


    With the above said I feel that a recap of the Points is in order.

    We've polluted to no end - Nature and Mother have suffered greatly for this - Energy is coming in to Upgrade Gaia and Species resonant with Her - Animals are dying off but yet Man remains - We've moved into the Galactic Disk of the Milky Way - Have been captured by It as a Solar System and will traverse this area of Space now for at least the next thousand Years - Finding Our equilibrium in the System's processes over that time - The Galactic Pulse approaches and We are feeling the Bow-wave of It - We see Expansion - Global Tremors happen but still We go on while the Flora and Fauna perish and We are saying ;

    Prime Creator is responsible for this ?


    I say nay - They're responsible for this and more likely - Its Them that have turned up the Volume on All of Their Machinations as We Grow and Expand beyond Their Control on the Waves coming in.

    I mean Its either that - Or - Its Game Over and We're seeing the End Game as We are in the Timeline were We - All of Us - Go down the Crapper once and for all...

    Now - Do You think I believe thats the Case ?

    No Flippin' way. If anything - WE should be dropping dead in the streets because WE can't handle the Vibe coming in - Not Mother's OTHER Children Who are much more "in tune" with Her.

    As We're still here and not Toast - And still We see the die-offs leaving Us remaining - I know Its Them and not the Vibe thats doing the damage...



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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  Mercuriel Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:08 pm

    ^ Bump...



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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  lawlessline Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:10 am


    Justa thought. If our Feather, gilled and furry friends are more in tune with Mother nature. Then surely they would be the first to get it in the neck? I mean they would feel it first? Maybe they are the lucky ones? They don't have to go through what we are gonna go through?

    Obviously these are just thoughts and I feel you could be right and wrong.


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  Mercuriel Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:29 am

    Like I said - If One buys into the "We're all going to die" Scenario - Then yeah thats what is likely occuring as We're larger in size and therefore perhaps One of the last Species affected but My intuition is and You can perhaps see this in Yourself too but "I'm in It to Win It" and I don't feel We've lost (Pardon the Pun) at all...


    You see - Egypt was more than just a Country's Issue. It was done Peacefully from a Passively Agressive stance and It signaled a new Mentality in Man.

    Now - It is easy to say We here and those that will come have Changed - But to see others moving in that direction without a Source such as what We have SCREAMS Expansion to Me and better Choices than We've made so far.

    Thubs Up

    With that said - It seems to Me that finally WE ARE making Choices that not only Gaia has waited for Us to make but also Choices that Prime Creator would want Us to make in Expansion as well....

    If in this We see Our demise when all along thats whats needed from Us - Then One can easily say We are Toast, but as I've said already ;

    If I thought that way - I wouldn't even be here...

    As I am here - Its obvious to see that I don't think that way. Now does that mean that I'm Right or that Its the Truth ? No of course not but It also doesn't mean that It isn't Right or that It isn't the Truth either...

    Let Me say this to You...

    With All of the Polution and Insane Things We're doing to Gaia and Nature (HAARP, Scalar Waves, Particle Beams, Nanotech, Chemtrailing OOPS Geo-engineering) - Not excluding Ourselves as a Species - What says this ISN'T Them turning up the Volume ?

    Huh ?


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  lawlessline Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:44 am


    Thats what I meant when saying that you are right and wrong. I think the Gaia is starting to control the Harrp etc. She is taking her control. Yes we are starting to make the right descisions and yes I know we will win. There is no other result possible. Because if we don't then no one wins and the merchant bankers who doing the most damage know this oooohhhh toooooo well. The real question is, like that of Egypt, is can we forgive and forget. I can because I think it is only the way forward, or at least at the speed that we need to go. I have faith in the creator and in Gaia to look after those caught in the debate of which we already know the result.

    Yes Merc you are 100% right in the way in which you see it. They are turning up the volume, but as they do less people will hear them and only hear the things that are close at hand.

    My brother you are seeing straight just thought a little clarification on my behalf.

    The cheese sandwiches are ready when you wish.


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:52 am

    I am hearing you Mercuriel, my brother .
    I agree this planet has been poisoned and polluted by all means and from all corners . Mother Earth is choking and her children falling.
    It could well be they pumped up the volume over there and even jammed the switch .
    And it could well be that at the same time Mother is tilting ,this being her own way of attempting to rid herself of the burden and open a new page .
    And yes despite what's going on out there good or bad it does'nt change anything to the responsability everyone down here has of coming to realize that each of us is a creator and by the full embodiment thereof is able to change the course of event.
    The awakened state , reconnection and alignement with the divine laws is what will and can shape the dream otherwise .
    If we did'nt know this with all our Heart I doubt we would even be around here in this time frame Now.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:49 pm

    More Dead Fish and Birds in the U.S.
    February 17, 2011

    About 70 fish were found dead in Huff Creek in South Carolina near Lockheed-Martin. State health officials are investigating the fish deaths and are unsure what is to blame. Adam Myrick, spokesman for the state Department of Health and Environmental Control, said water samples were taken to check the pH as well as the dissolved oxygen level, which is important to fish. Everything has come back in normal range, according to Myrick.

    DHEC and Lockheed are conducting additional tests to determine the cause, he said.

    “We are not aware of any spills that might be causing this,” he said, “but we’re still looking, and Lockheed-Martin is doing the same.” Myrick also said Lockheed-Martin has closed off its retention pond to prevent any spill, if indeed one has occurred, from going off site.

    In Louisiana, the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is trying to determine what killed about 200 birds in south Lake Charles. Local news stations are reporting that approximately 100 birds were found dead in two separate locations about a mile apart. Department of Wildlife and Fisheries biologist Kori Legleu says the birds are tree swallows – birds that are common in southwest Louisiana, and travel in tight flocks. She believes they probably were flying erratically and may have hit passing vehicles. Some of the birds are being dissected and tested to figure out what caused their deaths. Preliminary results are expected in about a week.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  burgundia Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:43 am

    Tens of dead blackbirds on a motorway in Sevastopol, Ukraine (no link in English yet)

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:51 am

    New World Order Scientist Blames Bird Deaths on Suicide...


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:07 pm

    Friday, February 18, 2011

    TOLEDO, Ohio — Dozens of geese have been found dead along the Lake Erie shore and others are so sick that they are unable to fly, wildlife officials said.

    Many have been found dead near Toledo, where the geese often gather in the open waters of the lake. But others have been found dead in a nearby river and along the lake 70 miles away near Cleveland.

    "They will fall out of the sky and have trouble staying upright," said Dave Sherman, a biologist with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:05 pm

    HAARP killing all the birds

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  AscendingStarseed Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:10 am

    This is absolutely sickening! Aside from the sheer tragedy here, my question is what caused the collapse of the salmon runs and when did that happen?

    Starving eagles ‘falling out of the sky’

    When David Hancock saw the bald-eagle count on the Chehalis River drop from more than 7,000 to fewer than 400 over a few days in December, he knew a crisis was coming.

    Earlier this week, news reports that starving eagles were “falling out of the sky” in the Comox Valley, on Vancouver Island, confirmed his fears.

    Wildlife rescue centres on the Island have reported birds growing so weak from hunger that they fall out of trees, or fly so clumsily they hit things. One crashed into a roof.

    Mr. Hancock said a collapse of chum salmon runs has left British Columbia’s bald-eagle population without enough food to make it through the winter, leaving them weak from hunger and forcing thousands of birds to scavenge at garbage dumps.

    Reports of starving eagles have been coming in from all over the Lower Mainland but seem concentrated in the Comox Valley, he said.

    “This is what I said would be happening,” said Mr. Hancock, a biologist, publisher and author of The Bald Eagle of Alaska, BC and Washington.


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:52 pm

    Many carcasses of birds found on, along Route 222

    Some of the dozens of dead European starlings Sunday along the northbound lanes of Route 222 just north of Route 724 in Spring Township.
    Janeen Grell peered out of her car window Sunday and noticed a bunch of little black things lying along Route 222 in Spring Township.

    "What's that?" she said to her husband.

    "Oh, my God," she said an instant later. "They're birds."

    Grell, 37, of Reinholds estimated that 50 to 100 black birds were lying dead on or along the highway, just north of the ramp from Route 724.

    Just what killed so many birds in such a concentrated area remains a mystery.

    Though a definitive number of dead birds could not be established, there were enough for Spring police to turn the matter over to the Pennsylvania Game Commission for investigation. Officials there could not be reached Sunday.

    It is believed the birds are European starlings.

    Harry D. Brown III, executive director of the Animal Rescue League of Berks County, was not aware of the incident but theorized on possible causes of the deaths.

    Brown, a certified animal control officer, ruled out West Nile virus. It's unlikely that a virus would claim the lives of that many birds in such a small area, he said.

    Depending on the number of birds involved, Brown said they could have been struck by a tractor-trailer. He said birds are sometimes caught in the crosswind created by one rig, then struck by another.

    Dylan Heckart, development director at the Humane Society of Berks County Inc., was intrigued by what might have caused the deaths.

    "I'd like to know more about it," he said.

    One possibility, Heckart said, is that the birds might have been blown into traffic by high winds.

    In recent months, there have been several cases worldwide of large numbers of birds dying at the same time.

    On New Year's Eve, 5,000 red-winged blackbirds fell from the skies over Arkansas and 500 more in Louisiana. Around the same time, hundreds of jackdaws fell to the ground in Falké?ping, Sweden. Scientists have not been able to determine causes.

    For Grell, seeing so many dead birds was somewhat traumatic.

    "I was sad," she said. "Something's definitely wrong."

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  AscendingStarseed Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:50 pm

    caught in the crosswinds of the trucks...okie dokie?!?

    if they hit anything if was more likely a cloaked ufo or even some kind of a magnetic wall erected by HAARP! Whens the last time you saw 100 birds flying so low as to fly between semi's to get caught up in the crosswinds?? Maybe on Bugs Bunny, pahleaz...this stuff makes me more upset than it does to reassure me because I know they're lying, or at best totally clueless.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  Mercuriel Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:06 pm

    AscendingStarseed wrote:this stuff makes me more upset than it does to reassure me because I know they're lying, or at best totally clueless.

    Yep - Now We're seeing through the Fog.

    Most Issues arise either on Purpose or due to Ineptitude at handling the original conditions.

    So with the Bogus explanation - Its one of the above. Now with all of them PHDs thinking this out and coming up with that for an excuse is it Ineptitude or on Purpose ?

    I leave that as an open ended question...

    Heh heh


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  AscendingStarseed Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:46 am

    Mercuriel wrote:
    AscendingStarseed wrote:this stuff makes me more upset than it does to reassure me because I know they're lying, or at best totally clueless.

    Yep - Now We're seeing through the Fog.

    Most Issues arise either on Purpose or due to Ineptitude at handling the original conditions.

    So with the Bogus explanation - Its one of the above. Now with all of them PHDs thinking this out and coming up with that for an excuse is it Ineptitude or on Purpose ?

    I leave that as an open ended question...

    Heh heh

    hmmm ineptitude, on purpose...maybe we're dealing with clones, synthetic humans or even et's. Now there's something to get yer knickers in a twist! lol!

    God knows these freaks in authority positions are completely void in human emotion, compassion, empathy and they take us for complete idiots. What's interesting is over the last year some of the most illiterate, uneducated people have finally woke up to what's been done unto them by the likes of BP and people in the government who sold out to transnational corporations ruling the world thru financial control over the leaders.

    I have a helluva lot of respect for the thousands of people in Wisconsin standing out in freezing cold weather for over two weeks now to show TPB we've had enough, that we're not going to take the corruption and lies any longer. What Walker's doing has absolutely nothing to do with budget spending and the people know it. And I don't think Gov Snott walker expected people to fight back so hard, haha he's even been denied service at local Madison restaurants! People are peo'd, what's sad tho is the harder the people dig in the nastier he gets...yeppers Walker's definitely non-human alien

    It's like we live in opposite world with all the dishonesty coming from virtually every direction in life and we can't even get a straight answers about why the wildlife is dying.
    But I digress and will step down from my soap box now...


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:46 pm

    50 Birds Fall Into Kansas Yard
    Family Can't Explain 'Bizarre' Incident
    April 9, 201

    STERLING, Kan. -- A central Kansas family hopes to learn what caused the deaths of dozens of birds that fell from trees outside their house.

    Elizabeth Stange said it started with one or two birds tumbling to the ground Thursday afternoon, followed by dozens more. The Sterling woman told KWCH-TV that the birds all died within minutes of each other.

    By evening, Stange said, she and her family collected about 50 birds from their driveway and yard.

    Stange said a local veterinarian told her the birds probably ate something poisonous. But a few were sent to Kansas State University for a closer look.

    At one point, Stange's family worried about leaving the house for fear of being hit by a falling bird. She calls the episode bizarre.

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    Post  mudra Tue May 31, 2011 3:45 am

    Mystery surrounds bird deaths
    19 May, 2011

    Galahs dropping dead and falling from trees in Oxley Park remain a mystery but the possibility of poisoning seems unlikely following an autopsy by a veterinarian.
    The vet from Central West Livestock Health and Pest Authority is investigating the deaths of a large number of birds that were found dead under trees throughout the park on Sunday morning. Some were also seen in the grounds of TAFE. The birds did not have any obvious injuries or wounds and were all lying in a spread wing position. Some of the birds will now be sent off to the Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute at Menangle for further testing in case any exotic, notifiable disease is the culprit.

    Senior LHPA ranger based in Dubbo Lisa Thomas said the bird deaths were a concern, with an autopsy carried out by the vet, who retrieved some of the birds that had been recovered from the scene on Sunday morning. The vet found no evidence of poisoning by mouse baits and no dye discolouration in the crops or stomachs of the birds.

    The LHPA works in conjunction with landholders to protect crops from mice but the management includes prevention of poisoning of non-target animals, such as grain-eating birds.

    “Perimeter baits are brightly coloured which are not attractive to birds, and the grey-coloured grain used on broadacre crops is applied later in the evening after birds have gone in to roost,” Ms Thomas said.

    Warren Shire Council and National Parks and Wildlife were also contacted regarding the deaths.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:30 am

    Ohio finds 200 dead geese, others sick along Lake Erie
    Feb 18 2011

    The sick geese appear to have problems controlling their muscles, with many struggling to walk and others laying their heads on their backs.

    DETROIT - At least 200 geese have died for unknown reasons along the southwestern shores of Lake Erie while others are struggling to hold their heads up, stay upright and fly, Ohio officials said on Friday.

    No cause has been diagnosed. Some of the dead birds have been sent to a national wildlife laboratory in Wisconsin for testing. Many sick birds have been sent to rehabilitation facilities.

    The sick geese appear to have problems controlling their muscles, with many struggling to walk and others laying their heads on their backs, said Dave Sherman, a biologist at the Crane Creek Wildlife Research Station operated by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

    A few of the birds have lost control of their muscles while flying and dropped out of the sky, he said.

    "If they're able to stand, they just act like they're sort of out of it," Sherman said. "If they're in the water, they'll flop around a little bit."

    The problems were first noticed about three weeks ago when biologists sought to place monitors on some of the birds to study them and track migration patterns.

    Dead birds have been found along a 40-mile stretch but most have been concentrated near FirstEnergy Corp's Bay Shore power plant situated near Maumee Bay outside Toledo.

    The plant usually discharges warm water, making the local area the only source of open water for miles around during the frigid winter, Sherman said, and means more geese congregate there during the winter.

    Sherman said it could be that one sick duck or goose entered the area and transferred its illness to the rest of the birds. He said it was unlikely this event was connected to other recent large-scale bird deaths seen in South Dakota and Arkansas.

    The warmer weather of recent days has made it risky for investigators to venture out on the Lake Erie ice and gather the carcasses of the dead birds.

    But the warmer weather also means the geese can spread out, lowering the chances that they get sick, said David Scott, executive administrator for the department's wildlife management program.

    In January, thousands of red-winged blackbirds died in Arkansas, apparently due to New Year's Eve fireworks, officials said. The National Wildlife Health Center is currently investigating a number of large bird deaths, including the death of 7,000 mallards in South Dakota.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:06 am

    Hundreds of dead birds found in Broken Arrow in Oklahoma
    AUGUST 11, 2011


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Mon Oct 24, 2011 6:43 am

    Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US: Mysterious bird deaths baffle hotel workers
    Mon, 17 Oct 2011 10:22 CDT

    The apparent death of 30-40 birds has workers at one Myrtle Beach hotel wondering what's to blame.

    Ocean Forest Resort Hotel Security Guard Brandon Nelson said between 30 and 40 birds of various breeds fell from the sky around 2 Sunday morning while he was patrolling the building.

    "The birds were just landing with a plop, some of them chirped and squirmed for a few minutes before they died. I've never seen anything like it," Nelson said.

    read more and see video at the link :

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  newel Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:35 pm

    mudra read this it's insane:

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 9 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  burgundia Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:31 pm

    Really bad....

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