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    5000 Dead Birds?


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Major Die-Off of Fish Along Lakefront

    Post  AscendingStarseed Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:34 am

    By Dale Bowman

    Global Research, January 12, 2011
    Chicago Sun-Times - 2011-01-11

    A bizarre scene is evolving on the Chicago lakefront, with Canada geese and mallard ducks gulping down dead or dying gizzard shad.

    A major die-off of what appears to be the 2010 class is happening in Chicago harbors. Thousands, perhaps far more than that, of dead gizzard shad in the 3- to 5-inch range are frozen in the ice of Chicago harbors or floating around in open patches of water.

    “Gizzard shad are pretty sensitive,’’ Lake Michigan Program biologist Dan Makauskas said. “On the toughness scale, the herrings are pretty soft.’’


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  malletzky Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:46 am

    What if...and I know that what I'm above to write bellow may sounds crazy. I've had this "idea" as a kind of download few days ago and I know it's only theory so far, but...

    ...but what if this whole tragedy of sudden dying animals wordlwide has another cause?

    Assumed that all living entities around the globe are connected with the source in one way or another (and there are massive "proofs" to find about this, wheather we're talking about plants or animals), and assumed that they're connected with the divine source in ways still not comprehending for our more or less limited mind, I would say that what we're observing here is a kind of conscious and organised leaving this plane of existence.

    I mean why not? If (and I'm more then convinced that this is a fact) their connection with the source is much more deeper then ours and as a divine and live creations all living entities MUST have their connection with the source, [so do WE...and we're talking about our soul, which is connected with our highersoul(s) ot higherself(s)]...

    ...then I would say that many various arts of animals are sensing an immediate "danger" or call it something is comming our way, which is causing them to practically "leave".

    I would call this knowing that their mission here is accomplished and there will be no need of this kind of cpecies here any more in the future.

    I's only a wild theory, but I'm just pondering about this issue these days.

    Imagine, we ARE already in that blessed state of being where we're connected as one...would we, as a collective, as ONENESS, also decide to leave, if we would sense there's something comming our way which could affect us on a much brider scale that we're able to sustain?

    Just an idea...

    much respect

    Last edited by malletzky on Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:25 am; edited 2 times in total

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:00 am

    I have been thinking of this myself Mal and even read it somewhere too.
    Certain Animals and plants have group souls while we are individual souls.
    It would then take the soul departure from it's group for an entire colony of animals to
    be found dead at the same moment.
    It could well be these souls sensed their time is over and have chosen to leave.
    The reason for them doing so could also be a warning for us humans that something
    important is about to take place on Earth in terms of geomagnetic changes.
    In the great plan we all have our role to play .

    That's the article I have come across a while ago from the gentle way news letter:
    ( channeled info )


    Iris writes: I heard about a pod of whales beaching themselves on a remote part of New Zealand. It evidently has been happening more frequently. Please ask Gaia why the mass exodus? Have we polluted the seas so badly they cannot tolerate it? Have the ley lines or what ever they use for navigation moved? Please advise, I am both curious and concerned. Thanks for all you information in the newsletter. It is a great service.

    Gaia, why did a pod of whales beach themselves on a New Zealand beach recently?

    Good question Tom. Their time on earth was up for many of them, and they are going home. The magnetic north is still continuing to shift, so their sensors still show one way, but that’s not the way, you see. That’s the simple answer but the more complicated one is that their work is done here and they are going home. Eventually a great portion of them will leave, but other species will take their place.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  Mercuriel Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:26 am

    But then if thats the case - Why don't they just DEPART - All without the Massive Traumas They seem to have suffered upon "Leaving" ?

    I don't know - This is an Enigma - And It seems like a Violent way to leave wouldn't You say ?

    Huh ?


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  malletzky Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:36 am

    Mercuriel wrote:But then if thats the case - Why don't they just DEPART - All without the Massive Traumas They seem to have suffered upon "Leaving" ?

    I don't know - This is an Enigma - And It seems like a Violent way to leave wouldn't You say ?

    Huh ?

    Really, it is a violent and a tragic way to leave. It looks like as if some force has just disconnected the plug in, so their souls becomming "free to leave" en masse, and there we have their lifeless corps around the globe.

    But I wonder, would we as humans decide different if we would have the possibility to depart like that? Would we care about our limited vesel? And would we care about the thoughts of the bereaved?


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  newel Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:36 am

    Mercuriel wrote:But then if thats the case - Why don't they just DEPART - All without the Massive Traumas They seem to have suffered upon "Leaving" ?

    I don't know - This is an Enigma - And It seems like a Violent way to leave wouldn't You say ?

    Huh ?

    Violence is in nature.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:50 am

    Mercuriel wrote:But then if thats the case - Why don't they just DEPART - All without the Massive Traumas They seem to have suffered upon "Leaving" ?

    I don't know - This is an Enigma - And It seems like a Violent way to leave wouldn't You say ?

    Huh ?

    They are not all dying in the same traumatic conditions . Lately there was a report of Grey parrots dying while being transported on a plane. Elsewhere it was pigeons that were on a farm . The ones in the wild could be weaker due the severe climate we had this year as well the geomagnetic changes but this was probably not the case for these other ones.

    It is indeed an enigma which leaves things open to speculation .

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:54 am

    Jan 2011 updates for:
    Mass Fish and Bird Kill Animated World Map

    Track mass deaths of birds, dead fish globally on Google Maps :

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  Mercuriel Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:10 pm

    Oh come now - When You "Unplug" You don't rupture Your whole Skeleton in doing It.


    We've seen - Many of Us here that is - The Old do so - Or those Who've given up on this Reality - Do It...

    "Let go" that is...

    Understand I am not nieve in this understanding and while I am not trying to portray others as such - To imply that this is Prime Creator calling His Creatures home is IMO - Off-base...

    I can feel the oppressiveness of the Energy lately and Its not Prime Creator - And while that Frequency is raining down upon Us along with All That Is - I feel a distortion to the Energy as well - As in a Filter or Additive has been applied...

    I mean - Can't anyone else feel It lately ?

    I feel that this has It's origins in Their Agenda(s) and Weather-wars (HAARP / Scalar Weapons). Not Father - Mother - All That Is - Calling Us Home in a Blaze of Violent Death by Misadventure - So as to show others They've moved into Error and will be Judged accordingly.
    Huh ?

    Uhmmm - See where that Mentality is going ? Right back into Programming I'd say. One gets what One Focuses on - And that doesn't have to be what Prime Creator Focuses on. Hence the need to Program how You will Judge Yourself - LOL...

    Sorry to say this as It seems to run counter to the thinking but My Instincts and Intuitions have not led Me astray - So while All are welcome to think what They may - I say nay to It being Prime Creator and / or a result of the Shift specifically due to the above Logic being applied also.



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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  burgundia Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:18 pm

    i agree with mercuriel here...

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:31 pm

    Mercuriel wrote: I say nay to It being Prime Creator and / or a result of the Shift specifically due to the above Logic being applied also.


    If it's not prime creator neither natural changes then following the money, control and greed can help us find some clues .
    I have been wondering how massive birds and fish death world wide are going to affect us ?
    Is this going to have an incidence on the food chain?
    Less birds will imply more bugs .
    More bugs would effect crops .
    Guess this will give plenty of work to the Gene modifiers folks and help them to implement their views.
    If birds continue to disappear would'nt GMOs and transgenics insects be suddendy very welcomed ?

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  Mercuriel Sun Jan 16, 2011 11:58 pm


    You're absolutely right Dear Siter - In a System OF Money - Always follow THE Money...

    In order to push GMO and Commercial Production Hard and away from the Local Farmer...

    You'd need what ?

    1. Extremes of Climate > Making It difficult to predict or have consistent Planting and Harvesting times.
    2. Lack of Predators to take care of Insects.
    3. Lack of Polinators.
    4. Species Collapse in the Wild.
    5. Lack of Potable Water.
    6. Lack of good soil due to either Wind erosion or Flood erosion.



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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty 5000 Dead Birds

    Post  Jenetta Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:08 am

    Remember John P. Wheeler III who was Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force in Washington DC from 2005 to 2008 (there was a video on another Thread and this post is also relevant to the Chemtrail thread "What in the World Are They Spraying") whose body was found dumped in a landfill in Wilmington, Delaware end of December 2010 this article below details the reasons for his murder implicating the accidental malfunctioning of an aerosol spraying plane carrying potent phosgene gas (chemical and biological weapon) which was flying over the areas of Arkansas where the dead blackbirds fell from the sky with the gas also poisoning and killing over 100,000 fish in the Arkansas River.
    Poor Mr. Wheeler had a conscience and for that he paid the ultimate price.
    Top U.S. Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Test Causes Mass Death
    A shocking report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) states that one of the United States top experts in biological and chemical weapons was brutally murdered after he threatened to expose a US Military test of poison gas that killed hundreds of thousands of animals in Arkansas this past week.
    According to this report, John P. Wheeler III, Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, Washington, D.C. from 2005-2008, when he became the Special Assistant to the Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Logistics and Environment, was found brutally murdered and dumped in a landfill, and as we can read as reported by Fox News:
    “Delaware Police are investigating the apparent murder of a former Bush official who also championed the fund-raising effort to build the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the Mall in Washington, D.C. Wheeler’s body was found in Wilmington on Friday. According to police, somebody initially reported that the body was dumped out of a refuse truck, which would have been coming from Newark, onto the landfill. Newark Police spokesman Lt. Mark Farrall told Fox News that nobody had reported Wheeler missing before he was found. The Wilmington News Journal reported that Wheeler was last seen riding an Amtrak train from Washington to Wilmington, Del., last Tuesday.”
    Wheeler’s military career included writing one of the most important manuals on the effectiveness of biological and chemical weapons which led to his being hired in 2009 as a consultant to the Mitre Corporation, whose aviation system development department, the GRU reports, is at the forefront of creating the computer command and control systems used by the US Air Force in their fleet of aerial spraying planes.
    These aerial spraying planes, this report continues, are based at the Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas that over the past few months have been involved with ‘test dispersants’ of poisonous gasses in the Afghanistan War Theater using chemical weapons stocks obtained from Iraq and held at the Pine Bluff Arsenal, also located in Arkansas.
    Important to note about the Pine Bluff Arsenal, which calls itself “America’s Arsenal”, is that it is one of the World’s most specialized munitions and chemical-biological defense products and services bases which Russia had previously accused of not fully reporting the chemical agents removed from Iraq, between 2003 and 2008, and taken to the US for testing and subsequent destruction.
    According to this report, the US relocated from Iraq to the Pine Bluff Arsenal an estimated 63,000 metric tonnes of the poisonous gas Phosgene that is described as one of the most feared chemical weapons ever used due to its ability to literally cause the lungs and respiratory system to explode.
    Nearly immediately after Russia accused the US this past summer of not fully destroying Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stockpile the Pine Bluff Arsenal began an ‘accelerated’ disposal programme injecting it deep into the ground in central Arkansas, but which, unfortunately, since this past September, has caused over 500 minor earthquakes to occur raising the concerns of their local population.
    More frightening, however, is the claim made in this report that the Americans have also begun shipping ‘massive quantities’ of Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stocks to Afghanistan where when used they will be able to say they had nothing to do with it, and believe no one will be able to prove it either.
    Important to note about Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stocks are that they are no longer able to be made by any Western country, including the United States, which makes its value as a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) incalculable, especially in a war situation like Afghanistan where the enemy forces are firmly entrenched in hostile terrain.
    To the direct reason for Wheeler’s murder, this report says, was this past week’s transport of Iraqi Phosgene poisonous gas aboard a US Air Force KC-767 tanker aircraft from Little Rock Air Force Base enroute to Afghanistan that shortly after takeoff had a ‘critical malfunction’ of its aerial spraying computer directed command and control system over central Arkansas causing the deaths of thousands of red-wing blackbirds.
    According to US reports an estimated 4,000 of these birds were killed outright and were quickly removed by US Environmental Services workers wearing hazmat suits and gas masks. Another US report states that cause of death to these thousands of birds was “trauma in the breast tissue, with blood clots in the body cavity and a lot of internal bleeding” which this GRU report states is consistent with Phosgene exposure.
    Even more chilling than this incident is this GRU report stating that it was the second “accidental” release of Phosgene poisonous gas in as many days, as the day before, this same US Air Force KC-767 tanker aircraft also had a “critical malfunction” causing a release over the Arkansas River that killed over 100,000 fish.
    Upon Wheeler discovering what was happening with Iraq’s Phosgene poisonous gas stockpiles, this report continues, he traveled from his home in Delaware to Washington D.C. where he openly confronted and threatened to expose the Pentagon and White House Officials responsible. Being a Vietnam Veteran who was responsible for having the famous memorial to that war erected, Wheeler was more than knowledgeable about the United States massive chemical and biological attacks in that conflict and had vowed to not let happen again.
    Sadly, but all too common in the United States these days, when Wheeler threatened to go public with what was happening he was targeted for death, and as a “sign” to anyone else thinking of going against the regime, had his body dumped in a garbage pit for all the World to see.
    Today, another great American was murdered in an effort to save his country from destruction. Sadly, his death will go barely noticed; the American people seem no longer to care as they continue to seek their solace in their propaganda media lies rather than confronting the brutal truth about the monsters they have let rule over them.
    For hundreds of thousands of other Americans they have become so disassociated with what is happening to, and around them, they have proclaimed May 21, 2011 as the day the World will end and are giving up everything in preparing to meet their God.
    The great American Revolutionary leader Noah Webster once said, “Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.”
    The Americans living today have utterly failed to heed these words and have, instead, become just what their masters have always intended for them to be… imbeciles. May God have mercy on them all.
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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:01 am

    This is not credible data Jenetta .
    Check source of your article : Sorcha Faal.
    Each time you see her/his article starting with " some source in the Kremlin.....followed by an alarming report ".
    After a while one can really easily identify this person.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:03 am

    Azerbaijan, Baku, Jan.14 /

    Mass fish death was recorded in the Iranian sector of the Caspian Sea," Iranian Gulistan Province's Nature Conservation Department Deputy Head Mohsen Jafarnejad said.

    Mass death of fish in the Caspian Sea is recorded on the west coast of the Gulistan Province. A large number of dead mullet have washed ashore, reported.

    "An analysis of samples taken from dead fish was carried out, and now we are waiting for their results," Jafarnejad said.

    The Gulistan Province is located in northeastern Iran. The center of the province is the Gurgan city.

    In recent years, such cases are observed in various places around the world. Scientists suggest that the causes of the recent events may be a global disaster or testing of biological weapons.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:12 am

    Latest worldwide updates on birds and fish kill

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  Carol Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:02 am

    Weather radar showed something unusual around time birds fell

    A weather radar screen doesn’t just show the weather, apparently. The National Weather Service in North Little Rock examined a speck on the radar that showed up around the same time hundreds of birds fell out of the sky from alleged trauma on New Year’s Eve.

    Today’s THV reporter Lauren Clark talked to Science and Operations Officer Chris Buonanno at the NWS who says that the speck on the picture is definitely not precipitation: “There are some indications that we’re picking up a non-precipitation target. It has some similarities to say, like a collection of birds.”
    The spot on the radar is estimated to be between 1,300 and 1,400 feet in the air and Buonanno points out it doesn’t move like a cloud or rainstorm would.

    While speculations continue to pour in, officials in Wisconsin confirmed the cause of death of the birds in Beebe was blunt force trauma.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  Carol Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:07 am

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:39 pm

    Romania: A Second Wave of Dead Birds
    17 January 2011

    Hundreds of dead or agonizing crows have brought terror to a town in the Eastern part of Romania. Since Saturday, the locals of Roman, a town of 80.000 people, have noticed that hundreds of crows fell to the ground dead or in agony in one of the local parks. On Monday, dozens of birds were struggling with death, unable to fly. Local experts suspect that the crows may have been poisoned, but no verdict can be given before a forensic study is conducted.
    Some three dozens starlings have also been found dead in Constanţa, by the Black Sea, in Romania, on January the 8th. Veterinarians concluded that the starlings died of cold and alcohol intoxication.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:43 pm

    Hundreds of dead seals in Labrador
    CBC News
    People on the north coast of Labrador say scores of dead seals have been washing ashore since early December.

    A conservation officer with the area's Inuit government estimated late last week that hundreds of adult and young seals have died in the area between Hopedale and Makkovik this winter.

    The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) is testing the carcasses, but Nunatsiavut conservation officer Ian Winters said many people in the area believe DFO hasn't acted quickly enough.

    "I think they should have been up here earlier, if you're asking me. A lot of people said the same thing. So, maybe it's not on top of their agenda," he said.

    Usually at this time of year seals are on sea ice south of Hopedale, said Winters, but he said there is very little ice there now.

    Last month, people in northern Labrador found the bodies of dead seal pups on the coast.

    At the time, a federal seal researcher said the early birth of seal pups in Labrador may be an indication the area's seal population has grown too large.

    DFO researcher Garry Stenson said that seal population growth could lead to reproductive problems.

    "What you expect in a population that is starting to regulate itself are things like lower reproductive rates and variable reproductive rates, but also higher pup mortality and also higher juvenile mortality," he said Monday in St. John's.

    Stenson said the harp seal population of Atlantic Canada is now at between eight and nine million. A 2004 assessment of seal stocks estimated the harp seal population in the area at between 4.6 and 7.2 million.

    Stenson said the DFO received five reports of seals giving birth on the coast of Labrador in December, although the nomadic sea mammals normally give birth in late February or early March.

    He said the early births are happening on land rather than ice floes and it's unlikely the newborn pups will survive.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  AscendingStarseed Mon Jan 17, 2011 4:14 pm

    mudra wrote:Romania: A Second Wave of Dead Birds
    17 January 2011

    Veterinarians concluded that the starlings died of cold and alcohol intoxication.

    Love Always

    Alcohol intoxication?!?!? Are they serious?

    Yikes, this may not be the case here, but I just realized this is an opportune moment in time for the bird haters of the world to begin poisoning bird populations out of spite, just because they think they can get away with it...

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  AscendingStarseed Tue Jan 18, 2011 1:21 am

    Carol wrote:Well sonic booms would do it but who is creating the sonic booms.

    Good question Carol, maybe they're the result of the "spacequakes" that were mentioned in this video mudra posted.


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:27 am

    Pelicans turn up sick, dead off Jacksonville coast
    Founder of sanctuary treating the birds blames chemicals in the water.
    Posted: January 17, 2011


    The Times-Union

    Hundreds of Eastern brown pelicans, some with missing wings and frostbite, have been injured or killed in the St. Johns River the past couple of weeks in the Mayport area.

    The exact reason is unknown but the cold weather could have caused hypothermia when the birds landed in the water. The pelicans have been losing a protective coating they have on their body to shield their feathers from becoming saturated by water.

    Cindy Mosling, co-founder of the Bird Emergency Aid and Kare Sanctuary on Big Talbot Island, thinks chemicals in the water could be the culprit.

    Mosling and her team, which consists of her husband and their only employee, Jose Gutierrez, have been capturing the sick birds for a more than a week when they fly to an open feeding area at their facility. They spot the weak ones and bring them in to be cleaned, warmed and fed.

    The sanctuary, known as BEAKS, has about 20 sick pelicans huddled inside a tentlike heated room that are being cared for as more injured pelicans show up.

    Without their protective coating, Mosling said the pelicans have no shield from the cold water.

    “How would you feel if someone put a wet blanket over you and made you sit outside in the cold?” she said.

    Mosling has seen at least 20 dead pelicans so far. Karen Parker of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said 15 pelicans were found dead Sunday but couldn’t explain the reason.

    Bobby Taylor, president of the Florida Open Beaches Foundation, said he hasn’t seen anything that would point to chemical contaminants in the water. But the cold could be taking its toll.

    “This is the coldest water I’ve seen in awhile,” Taylor said.

    Mosling said this has been happening to the birds for 30 years and cites aqueous film-forming foam as the root of the pelicans losing their protective coating.

    About seven years ago, a similar incident occurred when 60 dead pelicans were found in the river near Mayport. There were suspicions that the fire-fighting foam chemical could have contaminated the river when 60,000 gallons was used to put out a gasoline fire in 1993, according to Times-Union archives. The chemical has since been pulled off the market, but the substance can remain in the environment for years, Mosling said.

    “The river is like an open sewer,” she said.

    In the warming pen at BEAKS, the pelicans hold their feathers in the air because they are soggy and clumped without the protection from their water-repellent coating. They are fed fish multiple times a day, which Mosling’s husband has to buy with the money they get through donations and their own personal income.

    BEAKS has been caring for injured birds since it was founded about 30 years ago. It has cared for injured pelicans since it formed and has seen pelicans that have been hurt and killed in the same way. Mosling said nothing is being done to fix the problem.

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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  mudra Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:45 am

    Earth's magnetic pole shift unleashing poisonous space clouds linked to mysterious bird deaths

    Learn more:

    (NaturalNews) Following the unexplained deaths of several thousand birds over the last two weeks, events are now emerging that may offer a physics-based explanation for the mysterious deaths. It all begins on a runway in Tampa, where airport officials recently closed that runway in order to change the numeric designators painted there. Why are those numeric designators being changed? Because the Earth's magnetic poles are shifting and the numbers previously painted on the runway no longer match up with the magnetic measurements of sensitive airplane instruments

    As explains:

    The primary runway at the airport is designated 18R/36L, which means the runway is aligned along 180 degrees from north (that is, due south) when approached from the north and 360 degrees from north when approached from the south. Now the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has requested the designation be changed to 19R/1L to account for the movement of the magnetic north pole.

    This brings us to our first physics fact of this article:

    Physics Fact #1: The Earth's magnetic poles are shifting. (And not just a little bit, but enough to affect airport runways on the scale of human observation.)

    The role of Earth's magnetic field
    The Earth's magnetic field is extremely important for protecting the planet from so-called "solar wind" and other electromagnetic influences from space. The magnetosphere, which is driven by the Earth's magnetic field, serves as a kind of electromagnetic barrier to prevent dangerous rays from reaching the surface of the planet.

    You can see a picture of that here:

    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Magnetosphereoi

    Physics Fact #2: The Earth's magnetic field has flipped hundreds of times in the past.

    The Earth's magnetic field "flips" (or reverses polarity) every few thousand years. This is called a geomagnetic reversal

    In between these flips, the magnetic field can become quite weak and chaotic, causing "turbulence" in the field, which can effectively cause weaker gaps in the magnetosphere.

    These magnetic gaps or weaknesses can allow outside influences that normally would not penetrate the magnetosphere to reach deep into that magnetosphere, theoretically all the way down to where birds fly at very low altitude.

    Last week, a report from the Russia's Ministry for Extraordinary Situations (MCHS) ( warned that the weakening Earth magnetosphere was allowing "poisonous space clouds" to enter deep into Earth's atmosphere where it is coming into contact with birds.

    These "space clouds" are called Noctilucent clouds (, which exist at very high altitudes (roughly 50 miles) and accumulate space dust from micrometeors and other sources.

    What's really interesting here is that these noctilucent clouds exhibit very high radar reflectivity ( This means these clouds create a very large radar signature on weather tracking systems.

    Physics fact #3: Noctilucent clouds have very high radar reflectivity.

    Weather radar tracks phenomenon during bird kill

    Now here's where this story gets really interesting: On New Year's Even when birds began falling out of the sky in Arkansas, the National Weather Service in North Little Rock documented an unusual phenomenon on their radar monitors.

    "There are some indications that we're picking up a non-precipitation target," said Science and Operations Officer Chris Buonanno at the NWS: .He went on to explain that the radar signature definitely was not indicative of a cloud or rainstorm. It was something altogether different.

    At or around the same time this radar image appeared, birds began falling out of the sky.

    Over the last several weeks, hundreds of thousands of birds and fish have been found dead across the globe. Here's a compilation of the deaths so far:

    This same data is also reflected in an image compiled by Matt from who gave us permission to post this image:

    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 BirdFishDeaths

    A theory of what might be happening

    The working theory in all this, at least for the birds, is that deadly space clouds are reaching into the lower atmosphere and killing these birds in flight, after which the birds fall to the ground. The reports of the birds experiencing "blunt trauma" are likely from the birds hitting the ground.

    What, exactly, would be found in these deadly space clouds that might be killing the birds? One possibility is that these clouds might be moving along with gaps in the magnetosphere that would invite deadly radiation to "fry" the birds in flight, as one possibility (although this explanation seems unlikely, see below). I'm not aware whether tissues tests have been done on these birds to determine whether they died of intense radiation poisoning. It would also seem that if radiation reached so low into our atmosphere, it would have killed many plants and trees in the area, and there's no evidence of that occurring, at least not that I'm aware of.

    Another possibility is that the deadly space clouds could have frozen the birds in flight with blasts of extremely cold air. But such an event also would have seemingly impacted the trees and plants at ground level, and there's no evidence of that occurring either.

    The most likely explanation is that the birds were killed in-flight by changes in the composition of the air they were breathing. And as it turns out, Noctilucent clouds are largely made of a poisonous gas known as Hydrogen Cyanide. For all you chemists reading this, as the website explains:

    [quote]Hydrogen Cyanide is also formed in interstellar clouds through one of two major pathways: via a neutral-neutral reaction (CH2 + N -> HCN + H) and via dissociative recombination (HCNH+ + e- -> HCN + H). The dissociative recombination pathway is dominant by 30%; however, the HCNH+ must be in its linear form. Dissociative recombination with its structural isomer, H2NC+ produces hydrogen isocyanide (HNC), exclusively.
    A theory of what might be happening
    The working theory in all this, at least for the birds, is that deadly space clouds are reaching into the lower atmosphere and killing these birds in flight, after which the birds fall to the ground. The reports of the birds experiencing "blunt trauma" are likely from the birds hitting the ground.

    What, exactly, would be found in these deadly space clouds that might be killing the birds? One possibility is that these clouds might be moving along with gaps in the magnetosphere that would invite deadly radiation to "fry" the birds in flight, as one possibility (although this explanation seems unlikely, see below). I'm not aware whether tissues tests have been done on these birds to determine whether they died of intense radiation poisoning. It would also seem that if radiation reached so low into our atmosphere, it would have killed many plants and trees in the area, and there's no evidence of that occurring, at least not that I'm aware of.

    Another possibility is that the deadly space clouds could have frozen the birds in flight with blasts of extremely cold air. But such an event also would have seemingly impacted the trees and plants at ground level, and there's no evidence of that occurring either.

    The most likely explanation is that the birds were killed in-flight by changes in the composition of the air they were breathing. And as it turns out, Noctilucent clouds are largely made of a poisonous gas known as Hydrogen Cyanide. For all you chemists reading this, as the website explains:

    Hydrogen Cyanide is also formed in interstellar clouds through one of two major pathways: via a neutral-neutral reaction (CH2 + N -> HCN + H) and via dissociative recombination (HCNH+ + e- -> HCN + H). The dissociative recombination pathway is dominant by 30%; however, the HCNH+ must be in its linear form. Dissociative recombination with its structural isomer, H2NC+ produces hydrogen isocyanide (HNC), exclusively.

    Could humans be next?
    The really concerning part about all this is the sudden realization that if these poisoning clouds of Hydrogen Cyanide could reach into our lower atmosphere, they could also theoretically reach ground level. That's where humans live, of course, and if such a poisonous cloud reached down into a major city such as New York, it would cause the mass instantaneous death of potentially millions of people.

    Nobody is prepared to survive a sudden cloud of Hydrogen Cyanide -- not even the preppers. I own stored food and some emergency gear, but even I probably wouldn't survive a sudden Hydrogen Cyanide gas attack from outer space. Notably, Hydrogen Cyanide has been used as both a rodent killer and as a chemical precursor in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals (gee, why doesn't that surprise me?)

    As Wikipedia explains, Hydrogen cyanide is extremely deadly:

    A hydrogen cyanide concentration of 300 mg/m3 in air will kill a human within about 10 minutes. It is estimated that hydrogen cyanide at a concentration of 3500 ppm (about 3200 mg/m3) will kill a human in about 1 minute. The toxicity is caused by the cyanide ion, which halts cellular respiration by inhibiting an enzyme in mitochondria called cytochrome c oxidase.

    Interestingly, a key chemical use of Hydrogen cyanide was developed by none other than IG Farben, the Nazi war era criminal pharmaceutical giant that was later broken up to become today's pharmaceutical giants, including Bayer.

    Hydrogen cyanide is widely recognized as a chemical weapon and is even used on the tips of whaling harpoons to murder whales.

    Physics fact #4: Hydrogen cyanide kills birds and humans very quickly.

    Is this the result of a weapons test or attack?

    That it is used as a chemical weapon might make some people wonder whether all this is fallout from some kind of weather control weapons experiment. It's not a crazy idea: Scientists in Abu Dhabi have experienced tremendous success bringing rain to that city through the use of weather control systems engineered in Europe (I'll be posting a full story on this shortly).

    In the United States, meanwhile, the HAARP experimental program projects high-energy beams directly into the ionosphere.See the video here :

    Although we have no direct evidence of this, it is conceivable that HAARP technology could be altering the magnetosphere in ways that are contributing to the invasion of our lower atmosphere with these Noctilucent clouds compose of Hydrogen cyanide. This is just a wild guess at this point, however. We don't have any evidence that this is really happening.

    But if it were, that would be a very clever weapon, indeed: Aim your weapons at the atmosphere above an enemy city, fire it up and wait for Hydrogen cyanide gas to kill off everybody in a minute or two. Then you turn off your beam weapon and play it all off as some sort of "freak natural disaster" or unexplained atmospheric mystery.

    There is speculation, of course, that these bird deaths occurring in North America right now are really a test of precisely the weapon system I've described above. But this is just speculation, of course. We don't have any hard evidence that such a system is being used, nor even that it is possible.

    The official HAARP website:
    describes itself as a "facility for the study of ionospheric physics and radio science." It then displays a diagram showing HAARP waves bouncing off the ionosphere, beaming through "irregularities" and finally reaching a satellite in high orbit. These satellites are typically placed in geosynchronous orbits at roughly 26,000 miles above the Earth -- far higher than the 50 miles or so at which the Noctilucent clouds are located.

    The HAARP home page, by the way, also contains a "security message" with the following warning:

    This is a U.S. Government Computer System. This computer system operates as a world wide web server to provide information to the public concerning unclassified programs only. ...Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information; to defeat or circumvent security features; or to utilize this system for other than its intended purposes are prohibited and may result in prosecution under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 or other applicable statutes and regulations.

    When Governor Jesse Ventura tried to ask questions about HAARP, he was met with extreme resistance and stonewalling by government officials. Watch the video yourself to see what happened

    Does this mean HAARP is a weapon being used to cause poisonous space clouds to enter the lower atmosphere and kill the birds? Not at all. That would be a leap at this point until we know more. But we do know that HAARP isn't talking about what it does, and that it is more than just a "radio science experiment."

    We also know that weird things are happening to our planet's magnetic poles and weather systems. We know that birds are literally falling out of the sky dead. These facts are not to be taken lightly. They might be caused by "natural" events, or conceivably they could be influenced by man-made events.

    In either case, something that could very easily threaten life on our planet may be afoot, and there's no logical reason to conclude it will be limited to birds and fish.

    I've seen reports of some doctors chiming in on all this and blowing it off as "normal" deaths of birds and fish. Conventional doctors, of course, are the world's most experienced experts at missing the big picture, and they seem to haphazardly discount the most important fact about all this: Sure, birds and fish die every day. But not en masse.

    They don't usually fall out of the sky by the thousands, in other words. These are obviously not normal events where birds are dying of normal causes. That much is obvious to everyone... except the doctors, it seems.

    In conclusion, I can't explain these mysterious deaths with any high degree of confidence at this point. But I do know that thousands of birds don't fall out of the sky for no reason. There is an underlying cause that seems extremely important for us to observe, document and understand. There are many possible explanations that merit attention: Some of them might be attributable to natural phenomena, but others may be far more insidious.

    It is important for the future of life on Earth that we solve this mystery sooner rather than later. Because if we don't understand this, we may sooner or later become victims of it.

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    Love Always


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    5000 Dead Birds? - Page 6 Empty Re: 5000 Dead Birds?

    Post  Mercuriel Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:12 pm

    Noctilucent Clouds eh ?


    I remember a few years ago when People would say in reply to Me (When I was talking about the Earth changes and how Chemtrails and HAARP were related to the Weird Weather) that all I was seeing were Mammatus Clouds or Noctilucent Clouds and that They'd been around forever...

    (How come I or no one else I knew had ever seen Them before '98 then).

    So as that didn't work for the Weird Weather explanations I guess They're rolling 'em out for the Die-offs now...

    Intuition (Gnosis) & My Gut (Pathesis) screams at Me - This is THEM - Not Prime Creator...

    That said though - To each Thier own...

    Begin Sarcasm >

    I guess the next step is for these Space Clouds to come down to Our Level and begin killing Us off as well then right ?

    < End Sarcasm

    And Ya'll know I don't believe in the above statement at all...


    In fact - I'll repeat what I told a supposed Hybrid Who said all I'd do is die well.

    I said - "Y'know what - When You come out of Your Bunkers - There I'll be on a Hill - Waiting for Ya..."



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:56 am