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    The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years...


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    The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years... Empty The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years...

    Post  ClearWater Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:11 pm

    The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years... It’s Coming in 2011.
    This single day could change everything about our nation and our day-to-day lives.
    Watch the eye-opening video presentation here...

    Click the red x to close the window, and you'll be offered a text version of the video.

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    The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years... Empty Re: The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years...

    Post  Micjer Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:47 pm

    He basically is saying the US dollar is going into the tank and is offering advice for wise investments in the near future.

    Of course he is trying to sell subscriptions to his newsletter. Anyone that has subscribed seems to be happy with his advice.

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    The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years... Empty Re: The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years...

    Post  mudra Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:30 pm

    Thank you Clearwater .
    I believe he is not far from the truth in what he is forecasting.
    It makes sense . What he says about the states and local governments bankruptcy
    is corroborated by this report :

    State Budgets: Day of Reckoning

    Love Always


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    The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years... Empty Re: The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years...

    Post  Carol Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:11 pm

    We did listen to this and did subscribe to the newsletter at half price.

    Again, buy silver as it will go up. The dollar will tank and the government will go after retirement funds. Once I get his booklets I'll share his info with those here. The following key points will be covered in the free books.

    Buy investment in non dollar currency
    Bancor global currency

    Protect savings
    1. Get beyond the reach of US government
    2. The less the government knows about where you have your money, the better
    3. 4 investment assets you do not have to report to the US government
    4. How to acquire the world’s safest assets buy gold and silver
    5. The gold investors bible
    6. silver 16 times less then gold but will go up 1/16 price of gold (silver is the best hedge)
    7. Best ways to buy silver Secrets of the Silver market
    8. Learn the Stock Markets Quitters Strategy
    9. The Stock Quitter’s Secret make 100 percent
    10. The Worlds Most Valuable Asset in a Time of Crisis

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1684
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    The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years... Empty Re: The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years...

    Post  Micjer Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:15 pm

    9. The Stock Quitter’s Secret make 100 percent
    10. The Worlds Most Valuable Asset in a Time of Crisis

    I am curious as to how to play the stock quitter game.

    Has everyone figured out what number 10 is?


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    The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years... Empty Re: The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years...

    Post  ClearWater Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:23 pm

    Micjer wrote:Has everyone figured out what number 10 is?

    Toilet paper. Razz

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    The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years... Empty Re: The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years...

    Post  Brook Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:28 pm

    So what is " The Worlds Most Valuable Asset in a Time of Crisis"?

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    The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years... Empty The Most Important Day

    Post  Jenetta Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:00 am

    Brook wrote:So what is " The Worlds Most Valuable Asset in a Time of Crisis"?

    Perhaps The Elixir of Life?
    Vincit Omnia Veritas...Truth Conquers All

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    The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years... Empty Re: The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years...

    Post  Micjer Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:14 am

    ClearWater wrote:
    Micjer wrote:Has everyone figured out what number 10 is?

    Toilet paper. Razz


    Nope you can use the US dollars.

    Here is a hint. It is where food comes from.

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    The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years... Empty Re: The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years...

    Post  ClearWater Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:50 am

    Micjer wrote:Nope you can use the US dollars.
    Good point. But, I'd prefer to wipe my butt with something clean...not something that's already full of crap.

    On a serious note, I assume number 10 is referring to seeds?

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    The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years... Empty Re: The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years...

    Post  Micjer Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:55 am

    Seeds is an excellent answer, but in his presentation he is referring to where you plant the seeds!

    Acres and acres of it! The value of farmland has gone up more than anything over the last 100 years.

    His advice is that if can't own farmland, then at least have connections to some where you can plant your seeds.

    I would assume when you say you live in the Midwest, this shouldn't be a problem?

    I live in a farming community, so this works for me also.


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    The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years... Empty Re: The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years...

    Post  investigator Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:39 pm

    Carol, can you try out his strategies in a trading simulator and tell us how it goes? Free ones are online at places like I was kind of doing a science experiment myself in the simulator, not using charts, and only trying to trade intuitively, with municipal bond shorts, gold/silver etf trading, and shorting high p/e ratio stocks, and a few long positions. Kind of sad that so many hedge fund managers have sad performance, and they got beaten by intuitive whims in a simulator. One actively traded account was up 16.24%, and the other account was just long rare earth minerals, and oil royalty trusts for monthly dividends with a rising price of oil up 55% its kind of fun to play with fake money.

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    The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years... Empty Re: The Most Important Day in America in 50 Years...

    Post  Carol Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:53 pm

    investigator, I'm probably the world's worst when it comes to the stock market as I look at it like gambling in Reno. If I were to purchase stocks, the two I would get are Walmart and Pepsico. We'd be rich now if the person we gave thousand's of dollars to would have done what she said she would do (purchase Walmart and Pepsico) in the early 90s. Instead she put all our $s into options and lost it all. Big mistake. We ended up going bankrupt as a result of this. Personal note: Never give money to someone else to do investments for oneself.

    I'm all to happy to share the info when it gets here and we can do our own little on-line thread on this just to see how well we do. That would be fun.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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