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    Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests.


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    Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests. Empty Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests.

    Post  AscendingStarseed Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:00 am

    This is getting they clamp down on information via so called copyright infringements on the internet now, in respects to the idea of a "free press" that whole concept is dead. Mass media is now nothing more than a propaganda machine that pumps out disinformation and lies, while ignoring and covering-up stories that have an impact on our lives. This story really illustrates the extent to which the news is controlled and how censorship is entirely out of control.

    For instance, today over 100 people were arrested in Washington DC for protesting against the Afghanistan war and in support of Julian Assange and Bradley Manning. Daniel Elseberg of the Pentagon Papers who is now 80yrs old, helped organize and was one of the protesters who stood out in the snow and freezing cold to deliver letters from over 90,000 people in support of the protest. They had to throw the letters over the fence because no one from the Whitehouse came out to handle the situation and address the issue.

    This is a major story, Daniel Elsberg is literally an icon for an entire generation and absolutely no one covered the story from the US mass media?!? Not even Rachel Maddow or Keith Oberman! Of course its most likely a situation where Rachel or Keith, along with a few other journalists who still maintain integrity wanted to cover the story but it was killed by their Program Directors, in other words they weren't "allowed" to cover it. Unbelievable, it's as though the PTB realize people are waking up to "the game" and they're doing everything they can to keep up in the dark. Well, it'll never work, now that the genie is already out of the bottle more people will awaken to what's going on and we all know a revolution in evolution is right around the corner...

    Here's the I wanted to know about and was VERY lucky to stumble on - did you hear that Daniel Elsberg was arrested today from your news sources ? Or were you busy watching so-called news delivered by someone using puppets? Can you imagine Walter Cronkite delivering news with sock puppets? If you can't imagine Cronkite doing's not news, its a corporate shill.

    Civil resistance to war today at the White House fence leads to 135 arrests.

    Today, in what was billed "the largest U.S. veteran-led civil resistance to war," hundreds of protesters took their demands for "Peace Now" to the fence of the White House. Police reportedly arrested 135 activists during the antiwar demonstration to "Stop These Wars" which culminated the Veterans for Peace gathering.

    Among those arrested was Daniel Ellsberg, renowned military analyst who leaked the Pentagon Papers to the press during the Vietnam War era. Protesters attempted to chain themselves to the White House fence, but were charged with "failure to obey lawful order," a misdemeanor.

    During the action the protesters also "delivered" postcards to President Obama, who they said did not accommodate their request to meet with him personally to hear their grievances. The activists sailed the postcards over the White House fence, through the wintry Washington afternoon air. See video of the action (above).

    Story and video cont'd here:

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    Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests. Empty Re: Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests.

    Post  Floyd Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:26 am

    Interesting post. Thanks.
    You know the funny thing is, the Americans are always harping on about how they are the police of the world and freedom and civil liberties in other countries. The American record on civil liberties in their own country is disgusting. Protesters generally have a much easier time of it in europe but not much these days. So in many ways the States is a joke and most rational people understand that.
    I can tell you this much. When things go pear shaped over there it is one country I would like to be nowhere near.
    I do like Boston Though.

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    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests. Empty Re: Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests.

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:04 am

    We have seen demonstrations in different parts of the world . What is going to take to wake up the US population ?
    The reality is this : The US has been hijacked by foreign interests mainly an ethnic criminal cabal from the ME . The economy has been taken down on purpose with globalization . The goal is to reinstate a modern day version of feudalism . The government could have saved the US by giving money to every citizen in the US instead it chose to give it to the banksters in Wall ST.
    The government is of the rich for the rich . The rule of law is out of the window and the Constitution has been trashed . Laws are made to protect the super rich , but the system throws the book to the small guy . The government is actively trying to mass kill the population in the gulf of Mexico area . The policy of reduction of the population takes many forms : wars of conquest , vaccinations , denying the population medicines of choice ,but making available poisons made from big Farma , chemtrail and secret experimentation on the unaware population . When the Prozac effects will fade violent revolution will happen , that's my prediction . It is obvious that when the social contract between the government and the people fails , the people have the absolute right to take the law into their hands .

    Posts : 132
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    Age : 63
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    Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests. Empty Re: Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests.

    Post  AscendingStarseed Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:49 am

    Floyd wrote:Interesting post. Thanks.
    You know the funny thing is, the Americans are always harping on about how they are the police of the world and freedom and civil liberties in other countries. The American record on civil liberties in their own country is disgusting. Protesters generally have a much easier time of it in europe but not much these days. So in many ways the States is a joke and most rational people understand that.
    I can tell you this much. When things go pear shaped over there it is one country I would like to be nowhere near.
    I do like Boston Though.

    Thanks Floyd, I couldn't have said it better myself! Most Americans have no idea that a police state is bearing down on them or how bad the corruption is systemically throughout the government, the mass media and the extent to which corporations control just about everything including our political leaders - hence the government, pretty much in it's entirety. The fact that the media puts a black out on a story as important as this just goes to show that the news is dead, the fact that the media itself has blacklisted Assange is quite scary indeed. The propaganda machine here is extremely powerful and completely out of control, so much so that the majority of Americans are completely out of touch with reality and the rest of the world. They rely so heavily on TV and right wing radio for their news that their version of reality is completely warped and has nothing to do with the truth, because the truth has nothing to do with news.

    Even tho Assange may be a CIA plant who's ultimate goal may be government regulation of the internet, regardless the media should be the first to publicly hail Assange's right to disseminate information, he is really nothing more than editor instead they demonize him. It's absolutely ludicrous! Those of us who are well informed feel helpless to change the tide, all you can do is prepare, live self sustainably and build community of like minded people...

    Posts : 132
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    Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests. Empty Re: Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests.

    Post  AscendingStarseed Fri Dec 17, 2010 5:06 am

    enemyofNWO wrote:We have seen demonstrations in different parts of the world . What is going to take to wake up the US population ?
    The reality is this : The US has been hijacked by foreign interests mainly an ethnic criminal cabal from the ME . The economy has been taken down on purpose with globalization . The goal is to reinstate a modern day version of feudalism . The government could have saved the US by giving money to every citizen in the US instead it chose to give it to the banksters in Wall ST.
    The government is of the rich for the rich . The rule of law is out of the window and the Constitution has been trashed . Laws are made to protect the super rich , but the system throws the book to the small guy . The government is actively trying to mass kill the population in the gulf of Mexico area. The policy of reduction of the population takes many forms : wars of conquest, vaccinations, denying the population medicines of choice ,but making available poisons made from big Farma , chemtrail and secret experimentation on the unaware population . When the Prozac effects will fade violent revolution will happen , that's my prediction . It is obvious that when the social contract between the government and the people fails , the people have the absolute right to take the law into their hands.

    You are right on every's hard to say if the people will wake up when they don't have access to the truth and are being lied to from every direction. The right wing pundits have driven so much hate, fear and lies that the average American is angry, confused and scared. People don't know what to believe anymore and the ill informed are the ones who will take all this to the level of violence that the PTB have hoped for to finally instill Martial Law and total control over the populace.

    I keep hoping for a mass awakening, but pretty much everyone I know is still stuck in the false reality and thinks I'm a little out there on's hard when you see all these things going on and everyone else stays blind.

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    Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests. Empty Re: Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests.

    Post  mudra Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:02 am

    I came across two polls recently regarding Julian Assange .
    One was from the USA : 80% against Assange 20% in favor of him
    The other Poll came from Europe : 80% in favor of Assange , 20% against him .
    I think it says it all .
    Is it that people are sleeping in the US or rather that their are fearing to speak up ?
    I don't understand how the USA still dare to call themselves a democracy .

    Love from me


    Posts : 154
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    Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests. Empty Re: Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests.

    Post  Jonah Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:58 am

    mudra wrote:I came across two polls recently regarding Julian Assange .
    One was from the USA : 80% against Assange 20% in favor of him
    The other Poll came from Europe : 80% in favor of Assange , 20% against him .
    I think it says it all .
    Is it that people are sleeping in the US or rather that their are fearing to speak up ?
    I don't understand how the USA still dare to call themselves a democracy .

    Love from me

    "in the land of the blind.... the one eyed man is king...."

    As long as people have thier reality tv, fast food, Wii, msnbc, fox news, happy hour(which is now all night in some bars) i phones, fancy cars.....the price of admission to be "free" in this america....

    when everyone understands their part we can affect change... but for right now.... it seems to be a personal thing.....i know i still have work to do on my front... and at some times can become easily influenced because of frustration....the key is balance of ones own energy.... to not let it become perpetrated against... while at the same time doing the work of the one... I would say good luck.... but in a way you write your own luck.... so... until next time .....stay warm ... and at peace.......


    Posts : 132
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    Age : 63
    Location : Pahoa, Hawaii

    Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests. Empty Re: Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests.

    Post  AscendingStarseed Fri Dec 17, 2010 11:19 pm

    mudra wrote:I came across two polls recently regarding Julian Assange .
    One was from the USA : 80% against Assange 20% in favor of him
    The other Poll came from Europe : 80% in favor of Assange , 20% against him .
    I think it says it all .
    Is it that people are sleeping in the US or rather that their are fearing to speak up ?
    I don't understand how the USA still dare to call themselves a democracy .

    Love from me

    That's interesting Mudra, I wonder who did the polling, or who's money was behind it. EVERYONE I know fully supports Assange and the tide seems to be slowly turning in his favor as people begin to realize this is nothing different than what Daniel Elsberg did to expose dirty secrets of the Vietnam War. AS a matter of fact, in the 70's Elsberg went thru the same problems with people trying to tarnish his name with accusations of sexual indiscretions and all kinds of vilification aimed at discrediting Elsberg and his message. Assange is just the messenger and more and more people are waking up to that fact as they begin to see through the propaganda and rhetoric. Just like Elsberg, as people wake up to what's going on Assange will garner more support...that is until it breaks that he's actually a CIA plant doing all of this to bring down internet freedom.

    I never trust polls, they always have an agenda of some sort based on who put up the money to do the polling.

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    Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests. Empty Re: Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests.

    Post  mudra Sat Dec 18, 2010 5:23 am

    I agree about the polls being twisted .It's really good to hear most people surrounding you are supporting Assange. It does make sense to me that at this period of human history and conscious evolution, the contrast between lies and truth has become so clear, that more will choose to wake up and take a stand in front of stupidity than remaining asleep and let the government handle it .
    And we are here to support them and let it happen :)

    Love from me

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    Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests. Empty Re: Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests.

    Post  burgundia Sat Dec 18, 2010 5:36 am

    Was the poll also twisted with regard to the results in Europe?

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    Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests. Empty Re: Civil Resistance to War Today at the White House Fence Leads to 135 arrests.

    Post  mudra Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:23 am

    burgundia wrote:Was the poll also twisted with regard to the results in Europe?

    I don't know . It's probably better to take a look at actions taken worldwide.
    Demonstrations in favor of Wikileaks and Assange being released from prison took place
    in 8 Spanish cities including Madrid and Barcelona, while similar demonstrations were planned in Amsterdam, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Bogota and Lima, says AFP.
    Some important demonstrations gathering about 500 people took place in Sydney Australia as well.
    I haven't heard of anything planned in the US except for the petition the international civic organisation launched.

    Love Always

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