This is from Astral Walkers 2012 Equation Solved text.
In 2007, the History Channel from FOXTEL had released series of documentaries that illustrate something extraordinary:
extreme expansion of our Sun and that some of the elite NASA scientists have wild predictions about the next solar maximum in 2012. Of course on the end of each documentary they had to “explain” that there is no need for panic or concern since that is an event that will happen billion years in the future.
The name of the American documentary television series was “The Universe” and has covered the latest scientific research conducted by NASA. The show features computer-generated imagery/computer graphics of astronomical objects in the universe and interviews with scientists who study in the fields of cosmology, astronomy, and astrophysics.”
The focus was about the connection of the supermassive black hole (Sagittarius A*) with the rest of the galaxy, especially with our solar system. And finally, the evidence that Sgr A* exploded 26,000 years ago and that powerful burst of energy was released. In other words, a powerful energetic pulse created by explosion of Sgr A* started to travel away from the galactic centre 26,000 years ago, spreading towards the corners of the galaxy.
Because of the distance, it took that long for the pulse to spread so far and to get so close to us because our solar system is on the very edge of the Milky Way some 26,000 light years away from the galactic center.
Many documentaries of mentioned American television series had shown the expansion of our Sun in great detail. In order to show the public how that expansion is possible, NASA scientists had gone through extensive explanation of the most complex dynamics of our star, sunspots, CMEs, solar wind, solar min/max…and so much more just to tell us what the Sun is capable of doing if something alters its inner dynamic.
NASA scientists were persistent to tell the viewers that our star is enormous source of heat and energy and that just one direct hit of 100 Tesla radiation Super Flare is capable of destroying our ozone layer and killing every living organism on the planet. Just ONE Super Flare, not to mention if Sun expands in size and goes through what is known as Red Giant Phase.
APPENDIX B Our Sun is a type of star known as a Yellow Dwarf. “Yellow” because of the colour of the surface, and Dwarf because it’s small for a star. But from different perspective, it’s huge - since inside its boundaries you can fit 1000 Earths.
The Sun is the Super Power of our solar system. It consists mostly from Helium and Hydrogen superheated into plasma that burns at millions of degrees. Inside the Sun, Hydrogen atoms are flanged together by immense pressure to form Helium atoms. In this fusion process, the resulting atoms are less massive than the ones that created them. The
missing mass is given off as energy. Each second, inside the Sun, six hundred million tonnes of Hydrogen are fused into five hundred ninety five million tonnes of Helium. That five million tonnes of mass lost in the process, is
converted into energy equal to one billion one megaton hydrogen bombs exploding in the same second. This happens every second inside the Sun. In other words the Sun is powered by nuclear fusion.
It has a surface temperature of 10.000 degrees Fahrenheit and that generates 380 billion billion megawatts of Power. Nothing on Earth is capable of producing such amount of energy. The Hoover Dam in Nevada generates only 280 megawatts. We are talking about 380,000,000,000,000,000,000 megawatts of power – just in one second.
From the latest data, we understand that the Sun had gone through 4 reset points. Our star is too small to go out in a bang. In other words it’s too small to erupt in Supernova. Stars the size of our Sun, do a peculiar thing. The hotter they get the cooler they get from inside.
As the Sun’s hydrogen fuel starts to dissipate, our star will start to cool very fast and gradually it will collapse under the force of gravity. Energy from this collapse will start heating the core again to hundreds of millions of degrees. It will get so hot again that it will start to burn helium. Under the extra heat of the helium the Sun will expand into a monstrous plasma orb called a red giant. It will get so big that it will engulf the entire orbits of Mercury and Venus. It is due to happen during the next solar maximum in 2012.
The Sun and the Earth have unique relationship between each other. Much of that is based on the ideal distance between our planet and the Sun. If the distance between the Earth and Sun increases the planet will become too hot and it will no longer be suitable for biological life forms but if the distance decreases the planet will become a frozen world. In other words, the distance of the Sun directly impacts the planet’s climate.
As previously presented, in this moment Sun is burning Hydrogen into Helium but when it reaches a phase of maximal burning it will start to burn Helium into Carbon. That’s when things are getting hot inside the Sun. That is the point when Yellow Dwarf starts to expand and it becomes a Red Giant.
When the Sun becomes a Red Giant it will grow at least 30 times its own size. It will swallow Mercury and Venus. The luminosity of the Sun will increase at least 1000 times. That’s going to make Earth so hot that the outer crust will start to melt. As the Sun gets closer its heat will boil the water in the oceans. Only some portion of the water will remain in the underground cavities. In the case of the Australia’s safe zone – the Triangle Area that I will speak of in my presentation, the unground water from the Great Artesian Basin will help sustain life in that
The Sun will start expanding slowly.
The Expansion Phase: The Hydrogen in the core of the star has all been used, and the fusion of hydrogen in a shell around the core starts. This makes the sun swell up: Its radius becomes about 40% larger and its luminosity twice as bright. In the process of becoming a Red Giant it will become much cooler but not for us. Despite the fact it will get cooler and the colour will change from Yellow to Red, it will still be incredibly hot and capable of evaporating all the oceans on the Earth in when it comes into the closest point. The boiling and the evaporating process will be complete in just few minutes. Water is essential for life. If the Earth loses all its water, organic life will disappear.
As a Red Giant does, the Sun will fluctuate in size before it collapses into a White Dwarf.
Mainstream science defines the last of the growing process of a star from the start until it reaches maximum size takes billions of years. In reality evidence showed that process of Yellow Dwarf star turning to Red Giant, releasing the outer layer and finally becoming a White Dwarf - can happen in few months time.
The proof of that is everywhere in space.
Take for example the Chi Cygni - a star similar to our Sun (but much bigger) that was observed going through Red Giant Phase in 2003. About 550 light-years from Earth, Chi Cygni has swollen in size to become a red giant and very large…Moreover, it has begun to pulse dramatically in and out, beating like a giant heart. New close-up photos of the surface of this distant star show its throbbing motions in unprecedented detail. Chi Cygni pulsated
once every 408 days. At its smallest diameter of 300 million miles, it became mottled with brilliant spots as massive plumes of hot plasma roiled its surface.
As it expands, Chi Cygni cools and dims, growing to a diameter of 480 million miles - large enough to engulf and cook our solar system's asteroid belt. This star behaviour clearly demonstrated Red Giant Phase and gives unbreakable proof that it does not take billion years for a star to grow drastically in size but just a period of months.
If you like you can check the evidence on this link: Summarized, Chi Cygni is much larger than our Sun which has diameter of only 860,000 miles, and that is why it experienced such expansions and contractions. In our case, our precious star does not have the fuel or nuclear energy to manifest such behaviour, but it will go into a few months expansion phase. The culmination as mentioned before will result with releasing the outer layer into space.
The Earth will be moved from its nominal orbit. As the Sun is swelling it also begins to lose its mass. It will lose mass more rapidly that its losing in this moment. The logic is simple – getting less massive means less hold or pull on the Earth. In other words, the planet will start to move further out into a larger orbit. It’s going to be a kind of race between growing Sun (growing heat from the star) and Earth moving little away from that fire that is getting too hot.
For life to develop anywhere, carbon organics have to be present, water seems to be an essential ingredient. As mentioned before, it is very important for you to understand that Sun had gone through this same process 4 times. That is why ancient Mayas had era of the First Sun, Second Sun, Third Sun, Fourth Sun and now according to their Long Count Calendar we are living at the very end of the Fifth Sun. In fact only few really understood what Mayan
Long Count Calendar actually is counting.
When the Red Giant phase had reached its maximum and the extreme hit and solar storms had formatted almost everything in 3D realm in its near distance, the outer layer of the star is ejected into space distributing again all of the essential elements, including Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Phosphorus, Nitrogen etc. H2O forms again and life that survived the Event can go on. Everything starts from beginning again.
Before I go on, I feel the need to show you at least one race that is creating so called crop circles. I believe most of you know what is depicted on the upper images. For you that don’t know I will try to simplify in few sentences. We made contact - with extraterrestrials that is - this is one of their responses. It all started in
1974, before SETI (The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) was even formed (1984), but at the beginning of the Arecibo project. At this time, upgrading the Arecibo station in the US Territory of Puerto Rico was done with the help of Frank Drake and Carl Sagan. The most interesting experiment in 1974 with Arecibo however was it's 3 Terawatt narrowband transmission of a "human template" in the direction of the M13 globular star cluster which consists of 300,000 stars and is in the constellation of Hercules. The journey of the human template message from Arecibo would take 22,800 light years to reach Messierto receive a reply however.
The human template, originally sent in 1974 by Arecibo is shown to the left. With the help of Richard C. Hoagland, in 1971 templates were added to United States spacecraft, but the human template transmission in 1974 was sent at the speed of light and in binary form. The blank space in the image represents a binary 0 and the solid blocks represent binary 1's.
The Arecibo message included, among other things, the binary equivalent of the numbers 1- 10 showing a "base of 10" identifying our math system and a way to decipher the message. Below these numbers identified the most common atomic numbers in life that we knew at that time. We transmitted our atomic numbers for Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Phosphorus. We didn't stop there and added the molecular formulas for our human DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid).
In 1974, we knew the estimated number of nucleotides in our DNA, and we transmitted those as well and you can also see our "Double Helix" DNA Strand. We also sent, as the human race, our average height, and a rough proportional representation of our bodies. The population of our planet earth, which in 1974 was estimated as 4.29 Billion Humans was also transmitted. For the source of the transmission, planet Earth, Arecibo, we sent our solar
system identifying the third planet from the Sun - Earth - just under our feet. Also with the source was the Arecibo Telescope, with it's diameter.
Expecting the transmission to take 22,800 Light Years might have been an exaggeration when, in reality it may reach life much earlier. In fact, the transmission has now travelled nearly 27 light years from Earth (156 trillion + miles) - towards M13, and has passed the distance of the closest star from our Sun which is 4.3 light years away. It takes only approximately 1 minute to reach Mars travelling at light speed for perspective, or 1.23 seconds to reach the moon.
[/b]Response arrived at Chilbolton Telescope, England on August 13, 2001, and evening of
August 18 or 19th. The transmission was received in the form of 2 crop glyphs next to the
Chilbolton Radio Telescope run by the British Government in England.
Extraterrestrial Atomic Numbers for Life - The atomic number for Silicon (14) is inserted
in it's correct position in the list of atomic numbers for life, just before Phosphorus (15). This
is an indication of intelligence and knowledge of the human periodic table.
Extraterrestrial Molecular DNA Structure – Triple helix DNA functionality – they have
more evolved biological hosts that humans have. The atomic number for Silicon depicted.
This is an indication that their skin is more dolphin type and similar colour to dolphins.
Extraterrestrial Body Grid Area - The extraterrestrial body equals 3.30 Feet, or 3 Feet 4
inches which is compared to 5.78 feet for the human or 5 feet 9.5 inches. There are
significant changes to the alien body visual representation. Extraterrestrial body is smaller,
and the head is bigger.
Extraterrestrial Solar System Changes – They live underground and underwater on Earth
usually invisible to our perception, mostly on Mars and also on four moons of Jupiter.
Extraterrestrial Population in 2001 - The binary number converted to decimal values
12,742,213,502 or 12.74 Billion. From other sources at least one third lives on Earth,
majority on Mars and the rest on bases on four moons of Jupiter. Is it not funny to search for
other intelligent forms of life in the cosmos while we have them on the Earth and we share
the planet with them and others that we start to become aware of? Anyway, just for the
record in the original Arecibo message that was sent to space in 1974 there was a binary
value of 4,292,853,750 or est 4.29 Billion in human Population of that same year. Today we
have human population of 7 Billion.
For further info refer to Pene Andov 2012: