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B.B. Baghor
15 posters

    From the forgotten world, into eternity


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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  Beren Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:05 pm

    The time is coming for breaking of the day.
    Ere the new dawn rise
    and bliss that is to come,
    once more before world to see
    a wave of darkness... and
    walls of night breached will be.

    A last strike is this hour.
    Gloom and heavy feeling
    but surely its last breath,
    for Love suffers no evil.

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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  mudra Wed Feb 23, 2011 7:30 pm

    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Sun-and-wisdom

    Love from me

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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  Beren Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:07 pm

    Changing the tide of the woven threads...

    Ringing inside me the sparks are awakening .

    Like a silent rhapsody of multitudes

    and a harp`s breeze in summer eve.

    I am calling you now.

    Let us be , let us love.

    O Tinuviel!


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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  Beren Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:17 pm

    Ah the Sun...
    Beauty unknown.

    Like a painting of a woman
    somewhere alone...

    Trust in Love
    For Love is believing in you.

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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  mudra Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:28 pm

    Beren wrote:Ah the Sun...
    Beauty unknown.

    Like a painting of a woman
    somewhere alone...

    Trust in Love
    For Love is believing in you.

    I don't know why but this feels good to hear Beren.

    Thank you


    Love from me

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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  Beren Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:39 pm

    And still after so much time I feel,

    her  eyes and smile whenever she looks upon me

    Eyes our eyes are carrying all memories 

    bringing back that old shine and Love

    then I know and I feel that I am the one

    you were looking for.

    And you are the one I was born for...


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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  Beren Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:28 pm

    Some will say join me here,
    we are making a new world
    project your mind into vastness of space
    seek and find all with your heart
    be a part of new human race!

    I stand alone .

    But alone I am not.
    Before the thought of new horizons came
    into hearts and mind to reign,
    I sang a song of beauty and love.

    Father stood beside me and smiled.
    Tinuviel on left so full of light...
    And then words were straight!
    "Ye will go and new things make"

    And here I am singing it now!
    Blessed be O Father Love!
    Forever is now !
    from forgotten world
    into eternity with Love. 


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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  Beren Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:50 pm

    Courage friends!

    Stand brave in awe of Love!

    Cast down the fear with power of Love.
    Say thank you but it is enough.

    Courage friends, you are Loved.

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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  mudra Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:20 am

    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 EarthHealingPoster

    Love Always

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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  Beren Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:51 pm

    I sing a song of power.
    From old days which are new
    from forgotten streams and wild peaks
    and valleys that brings morning dew...

    O how we marched straight to the very gates of doom!
    Across the plain and wild lakes
    To face the looming gloom

    and stand against fiery drakes!

    Stood tall and sang brave!
    Mocking fear and its open grave.
    Love in our sails 
    and hope in our veins!!!

    I sing a song of power 
    Now and forever!


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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  Beren Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:30 pm

    Remember this place
    where your feet walked with grace?
    Scent of lavander and joy of spring
    in the midst of our garden
    where we were living...

    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 74677_800_600
    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  B.B. Baghor Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:01 pm

    Very Happy I love you sunny Dear Beren, thank you for these beautiful poems. You are truly inspired and I feel the strong, yet gentle heartbeat of a troubadour in you, a Celtic one I think :) I have a strong connection with the Celtic world, England is my second home. The change in vibration, the beauty that is unfolding, that you feel and wrote about in one of your posts, Beren, is something I feel happening too. A kind of expansion and transparent quality in the air, a tender intensity in nature, body awareness, eye contact sometimes, with strangers in the streets and moments of dawn and dusk are meaningful and sometimes emotional. Is this the thinning of the veil we long to unravel and decided to wear once? Feels sooo good:)

    A book I read now feels familiar to your heartconnection with Tinuviel, Beren.
    She may be closer then you think:
    In a lover's heart a past and a future that never were, are sometimes clearer than the present that is.

    The book is called "The Bridge Across Forever" by Richard Bach.
    Here's his poem, on the back of the book:

    "We're the bridge across forever, arching
    above the sea, adventuring for our pleasure,
    living mysteries for the fun of it, choosing
    disasters triumphs challenges impossible odds,
    testing ourselves over and again, learning love
    and love and LOVE!"

    Be in grace, BroomBroom Victoria

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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  Beren Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:11 pm

    Broombroom wrote: Very Happy I love you sunny Dear Beren, thank you for these beautiful poems. You are truly inspired and I feel the strong, yet gentle heartbeat of a troubadour in you, a Celtic one I think :) I have a strong connection with the Celtic world, England is my second home. The change in vibration, the beauty that is unfolding, that you feel and wrote about in one of your posts, Beren, is something I feel happening too. A kind of expansion and transparent quality in the air, a tender intensity in nature, body awareness, eye contact sometimes, with strangers in the streets and moments of dawn and dusk are meaningful and sometimes emotional. Is this the thinning of the veil we long to unravel and decided to wear once? Feels sooo good:)

    A book I read now feels familiar to your heartconnection with Tinuviel, Beren.
    She may be closer then you think:
    In a lover's heart a past and a future that never were, are sometimes clearer than the present that is.

    The book is called "The Bridge Across Forever" by Richard Bach.
    Here's his poem, on the back of the book:

    "We're the bridge across forever, arching
    above the sea, adventuring for our pleasure,
    living mysteries for the fun of it, choosing
    disasters triumphs challenges impossible odds,
    testing ourselves over and again, learning love
    and love and LOVE!"

    Be in grace, BroomBroom Victoria

    Thank you for kind words!
    I write from my heart and whenever a stream of conscience comes.
    And regarding Celtic, a third of Serbian DNA is Celtic. And I was always drawn to Celtic motives and tunes though never tried to copy it.
    In fact I never ever read any Celtic literature but as you see it comes quite natural. 

    Slowly during the past few years I was awakened to who I was in one of the life experiences in the forgotten past.It all slowly returns to me.
    I write here to Tinuviel to call her and eventually awaken her if she is already here and in a state of amnesia as we all go through.
    Be blessed ,


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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  Beren Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:47 pm

    On the verge of change people tend to stare at vast ocean of thoughts and its results, its fruits.
    The only thing that will help people to experience a new paradigm with much more love is their conscious decision TO LOVE.
    Illusion needs to be over viewed from all angles until complete realization of its nature-it`s just an illusion.
    It`s not who we are, unless we sympathize with it or think that we are our creation in the particular moment or period of time.

    Nature of illusion is to create experience or real feel to us, whatever we may create. 

    But we have to know fully that it`s just an illusion ,our creation which can be altered or completely abandoned.

    Love is all there is.
    God is Love.
    And we are of God.

    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  B.B. Baghor Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:15 pm

    Beren: The only thing that will help people to experience a new paradigm with much more love is their conscious decision TO LOVE.

    Beloved Beren (first by God and then by me:))yes,I believe that is true blue!
    The one thing that is also important,in my perception, is the divine fire/will in our hearts, that brings that LOVE into action and manifestation.

    I'm amidst this process, finding my way through it and I am sure about the opportunities that will arise on my path. I don't need to rationalise or use mental force to find them. That's an amazing and beautiful insight to me.
    It's the end of being in control and being in action for the sake of having to DO and PROOVE something. Being a vessel or chalice, to receive, is an adequate metaphor, I think. The time to relax is NOW, while taking my responsibility.

    It's the intention to merge the LOVE with that FIRE, that DIVINE WILL, that's trailblazing and it creates/offers synchronicities, people, situations, things, to pick those opportunities. They are hidden in those, so to speak.
    I am grateful and happy to live, at this time of change, Beren, because it offers such opportunities for growth in love, combined with joy and celebrations of the heart :) Much love to you, be in grace, Victoria Tintagel.

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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  mudra Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:45 pm

    Love is all there is.
    God is Love.
    And we are of God.

    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Valley_of_flowers_pic

    Unending Love
    Perfectly still forever present
    Through the Sacred Heart
    One key to peace
    One key to beauty
    And one to the Eternal

    Love Always

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    Post  Beren Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:26 pm

    Mudra indeed,

    From forgotten world - into eternity!


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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  Beren Wed May 11, 2011 5:59 pm

    I call upon the broken words
    be one again!
    Heal this pain that we feel for eons.

    Deep in the past where time was not
    We sang a tune of love.

    Creating worlds and renewing hope for 
    all the glory that has ever to be!

    So let it be!
    I call upon myself from the highest instance 
    to the very last remnant of remembrance,
    Wake up now and be love.

    Stars were shining in your eyes
    And your voice of divine love
    was filling my heart 
    soothing my soul.

    I call you now Tinuviel
    Let us be, my love.


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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  greybeard Wed May 11, 2011 6:23 pm

    Thanks Beren
    I can think of a place that could do with these words may I place them in Av?

    Much Love
    B.B. Baghor
    B.B. Baghor

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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  B.B. Baghor Thu May 12, 2011 4:27 am

    "I call upon the broken words
    be one again!
    Heal this pain that we feel for eons.

    Deep in the past where time was not
    We sang a tune of love.

    Creating worlds and renewing hope for
    all the glory that has ever to be!

    So let it be!
    I call upon myself from the highest instance
    to the very last remnant of remembrance,
    Wake up now and be love.

    Stars were shining in your eyes
    And your voice of divine love
    was filling my heart
    soothing my soul.

    I call you now Tinuviel
    Let us be, my love".

    Thank you, Beren :)

    The Aquamarine Ray of Unconditional Love

    Blessings for you, Victoria Tintagel

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    Location : Belgrade, Serbia

    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  Beren Thu May 12, 2011 5:56 pm

    greybeard wrote:Thanks Beren
    I can think of a place that could do with these words may I place them in Av?

    Much Love

    You are welcome to do that friend.:-)
    Bless you!

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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  Beren Thu May 12, 2011 6:05 pm

    Broombroom wrote:
    "I call upon the broken words
    be one again!
    Heal this pain that we feel for eons.

    Deep in the past where time was not
    We sang a tune of love.

    Creating worlds and renewing hope for
    all the glory that has ever to be!

    So let it be!
    I call upon myself from the highest instance
    to the very last remnant of remembrance,
    Wake up now and be love.

    Stars were shining in your eyes
    And your voice of divine love
    was filling my heart
    soothing my soul.

    I call you now Tinuviel
    Let us be, my love".

    Thank you, Beren :)

    The Aquamarine Ray of Unconditional Love

    Blessings for you, Victoria Tintagel

    Victoria thank you.
    May they come to your soul too!

    Divine tune you have posted here :-)

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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  mudra Thu May 12, 2011 6:13 pm

    Did you notice ?

    Tinuviel ... Unite ... Live

    Love from me

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    Location : Belgrade, Serbia

    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  Beren Thu May 12, 2011 6:16 pm

    mudra wrote:Did you notice ?

    Tinuviel ... Unite ... Live

    Love from me


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    From the forgotten world, into eternity - Page 3 Empty Re: From the forgotten world, into eternity

    Post  greybeard Fri May 13, 2011 10:52 am

    thanks Beren it is done and appreciated by quite a few

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