I am writing poems for almost 20 years. But I noticed that in last five years my inspiration comes differently than before. It comes as a stream of consciousness , a vivid picture of something that I lived through. Can`t explain yet of why`s ,when`s ,how`s ,but when the inspiration comes ,I pour the words in a few minutes, often one is enough. Like I am then in another dimension where I lived all that I write about.
Maybe those are old memories . For the most of the poems I do believe so.
I feel them that way. And the first one that I share today is written today. Out of the blue in the matter of breath speed.
Thank you all and be blessed!
Not in my sight- rather in soul,
I swim on the wave of frequency of Love.
I feel the spring breeze and see the hills of birches...
Elven trees of silvery white
that shine day and night...
Faint voice is heard
bringing me a holy word
and scent of peace out of this world.
Of beauty unseen yet today,
where I was carried away...
She must be a fairy because I am in a dream...
Only those words I can feel now
written on my face,
for she carried something that went beyond minds and fears...a grace.
On the white hill that I named.
Among elven trees ,
there danced the one I love and miss now.
Tinuviel is the only name I gave her,
for heart knew her then,
I remember...
...only her name now,
yet even that is enough
to heal my soul,to soothe my heart .