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    Post  Carol Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:31 pm

    I ran across this old post from a few years ago and thought it needed a new home here. I wonder what others think about this. Is this just another nutter? What are your experiences. I did see a portal once and something nasty was climbing out. Yet some of wonder where these portals lead. I don't considered Stargate jumrooms portals but think of this as different.

    What is a Portal?
    Claire "Vati" Watson

    A portal is a two-way interdimensional door opening into several realities, including the astral world; the far reaches of physical, interstellar space; and alternate, parallel universes. When the ritual is performed to activate the doorway, there is no way of knowing which essential reality will be accessed, and this surprise element is part of the fun of it! Ritual of the Portal is coordinated by a vast network of benevolent and powerful interdimensional beings who monitor and control what happens in the portals. Ritual of the Portal is the mechanics of planetary ascension.

    Ritual of the Portal is an exciting transformational experience and an ancient alchemical activity. It facilitates the alchemical Great Work by opening interdimensional doorways so that we may communicate and interact with spiritual, interdimensional and extraterrestrial beings of the universe who can pass through the portals. We hope we may be able to see them and we know their presence will enhance our lives, just as our lives will enrich their own. We open the portals so that, with these interdimensional beings as our guides, we may pass through the portals astrally and visit other parts of the universe and other dimensions, thus enlightening our perspective and our understanding of the Great Plan. Elevation to the astral plane is part of passing through the portal, and it is from this platform of awareness that many experiences are possible. We hope to accomplish an alchemy, a fusion with beings of light. Their level of spiritual evolution is beyond our present understanding, but we have the power to join with them, they have a desire to unite with us, and this is in keeping with Divine Law. When ascension is a mass event it becomes planetary ascension and it brings Earth on-line with an network of planets.

    By uniting with interdimensional beings of light, we experience an increase in astral projection to the far reaches of the universe, we become telepathically gifted, and our personal power and overall happiness grows.

    How to locate your portal:

    When looking for your portal, pay close attention to the temperature and electrostatic sensations. The portal will have a different temperature, usually cooler, than the rest of the room, and when you find it you should have a tingling sensation when you stand in it. Often, the sensation feels like "goose bumps," but without the bumps, and with body hair standing up as with static electricity. When a portal is active in the home, a large electrostatic field is evidenced, generating enough voltage to increase battery power. Stand in the portal and allow yourself to relax completely. You may feel the sensation of anti-gravity, which I describe as a "floaty" feeling and which causes my arms to float up over my head, where they feel the most comfortable.

    Before you begin portal activation, stand or sit outside it and look inside for any unusual activity, such as speeding specks of dust, black lightning, heavy air, shadows, etc. I usually see very wispy clouds of air and speeding specks of dust. I know people who have seen "black lightning" and heavy air. Gossamer clouds are easy to see inside the portal. When performing Ritual of the Portal, "magical" items, patterns of movement, and invocations create an important atmosphere and gestalt. The portal is a naturally occurring structure or "house" which you will enlarge and enter. To enlarge and empower my portal, I encircle it with quartz rocks and crystals. Use jewelry with quartz if you don't have quartz crystals.

    Quartz is transparent to ultraviolet rays and possesses an unusual property known as the piezoelectric effect, which means that an electric charge can be induced in the crystal when pressure is applied to it in certain directions. When the voltage generated by the portal is conducted by the quartz, and when the quartz is manipulated by the portal beings, the powers of the portal, the quartz, the beings and the participants are enhanced. Electrically vibrating quartz is used by the portal-beings as a means of measuring and controlling their frequency of vibration, in terms of Hertz or cycles per second. By using the quartz this way, the portal-beings become visible to us, and we have seen them.

    In the infinte all is under one.

    Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed Itself through Edgar Cayce, Christ, the Buddha, Krisna, Mohammed, and other great Avatars who served as "channels" for Cosmic Consciousness, and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New Age of spiritual consciousness and awareness.

    Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully trained channels. The information contained herein was received from deep trance states and "interpreted" by an entity (Paul Shockley) affiliated, at that time, with Cosmic Awareness Communications. (C.A.C.)

    This information is for those who inherit the New Age.

    This Awareness indicates that it is the universal vibrations and the movement of planets, the movement of the sun in its sojourn through its orbit, through its orbit around Sirius in the Orion constellation and the variation that it meets in its movement that determines the Earth ages of approximately 2200 years each, and it is this movement into these new vibrations that trigger certain frequency reactions among the planets of the solar system so that the vibrations are altered on Earth and on the other planets in such a manner that it changes the consciousness of individuals on earth. It is this that is causing and bringing about the New Age.

    Awareness tells you not to believe anything, even this Awareness not to believe, but to question, explore, doubt and discover for yourself what is the truth.
    Cosmic Awareness only indicates and suggests.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71


    Post  Brook Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:57 am

    Interesting subject, and one I can relate to a bit. Just recently I received some information that was of interest in the area of quartz crystals and traversing these portals. I was given the information by a higher dimensional being. I have a crystal that is dimensional. And I usually hold it in my hand, as it seems to transfer information better when I use it. However I was told that for travel purposes it is of no use. It's great for information transfer, but not for travel. In other words quartz is a good communication devise, but serves no purpose in travel. I'm telling you, there is not a day goes by I don't learn something new. WHAT IS A PORTAL? 420354

    As to where they lead....everywhere and anywhere. I traveled one time to a world where things were quite different. And greeted by beings of high intelligence. And diverse lifeforms coexist. Even the animal life there was of a higher intelligence. Warm and friendly greeting from all.

    How you get to and through these portals depends on your matrix. While this example recommends a ritual. I have adjusted my matrix to simply enter and travel through "intent" that has been exercised to the point it comes in an instant. And once you figure out your personal matrix codes, it will be the same for you. No ritual will be needed to travel as such.

    As for the portal of the "jumproom"'s the same kind of portal. The only difference is it's a dimensional transferal devise that takes one dimensional property and transfers it to another form to travel through technology as opposed to a self imposed matrix travel. But the portal is the's just the transfer properties and the breakdown of one dimensional property to be transported within that same dimensional property. did that make sense?
    WHAT IS A PORTAL? 599874's the same kind of portal...just the method of breakdown and transfer that takes place is different.


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    Post  Brook Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:06 am

    One more thing I will add.....when you saw that knew it was bad, what was coming out....and with your will and intent you closed it. This is important for you to recognize. It was with your personal matrix and power you closed it. Wink

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    Post  Carol Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:27 am

    Of course. I've faced worse.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71


    Post  Brook Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:34 am

    You know, the more I thought about it, the use of the quartz crystal might be useful for transferring the information as in the access codes.

    Now that would make sense.

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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:18 am

    Crystals are like data storage collectors and also help with focusing and altering energy.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71


    Post  Brook Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:51 pm

    Well, speculating here, I know the portals I access somehow are coded. And somewhere, somehow, I'm able to access those codes. Now I don't think I can access all portals, as it could be a danger for me to just be bop out there into god knows where. For example, the portal that is within the Sun. But I'm never the less aware of the portal that exists there.

    It's an amazing thing to ponder. and I know I certainly do not have all the answers. But I do know there is a coding to access them, and open them. I've been made aware of others that have a "key" or "code" of sorts to open such portals at specific times when necessary. Another person I know was commissioned to access a portal for transfer of beings not long ago. And I know there are others out there that believe they have access to portals. But this requires a code.

    How I accessed that code is still a mystery to me. Because I'm not of a "scientific" mind here. In fact when conversing with some of these higher dimensional beings, I have to stop them and remind them to help me understand in a way I can more easily understand it. I've even said, "leave science to the scientists and help me understand what is going on here". Not to say, I do not have an educational background. I just do not gravitate in that direction. Never did. And now I wish I had, as it would seem an important thing to understand in all of this.

    So when I say I understand there is a coding in association to this, it's because that is how "they" explained it to someone with my limited scientific background can understand it.

    And for example where I traveled to that other world, I must have some coding there. I cannot imaging what it was that entered the portal you've spoken of with HD. Or where it led to on the other end. I just know, upon hearing you tell of it, it sounded like a very bad place of origin. One you would not want access to in any way shape or form. Do you Carol, have an idea what it was, and where it led? did you ask HD about it?


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    Post  Carol Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:11 pm

    From what I've learned one just has to have a nexus, an energy signature. In Sant Mat it is the names of the beings who oversee the different spiritual levels. Yet it is also a tone and can be triggered by a mantra, chanting, drumming or even toning. Sometimes it is the name of a person who has passed over or a spiritual being on the other side one is drawn towards. And I wondered if certian energy signatures were left in crystals where some can open up a portal if activated. Particularly if the crystal is from off-world. At least that is what I'm using in my book as this is what came to me. It may just be fantasy but I've discovered over the years a tendency to pick up accurate data from source.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3469
    Join date : 2010-08-21
    Age : 71


    Post  Brook Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:16 pm

    That sounds logical. And the crystal would have the access code to access a particular portal. To communicate to codes.

    As far as the frequency is concerned. I believe that it would require an extremely high frequency to access a portal such as the one in the Sun. Frequency does have an important role in accessing after code activation. In fact I'll go so far as to say, the code is a frequency.

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    WHAT IS A PORTAL? Empty geometry

    Post  hobbit Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:40 pm

    Could I offer a suggestion as to why certain points are right for certain individuals?
    It's about matching geometries, akin to a lock and a key.
    If you don't have the correct key , then You can't open the door.

    The geometry involved is of fibonacci sequencing, thus if You are a 34, You need to find a 34 spot.
    Basically it takes two to tango, thus it is about first off recognising that the geometry exists, and that You are geometrically encoded.

    Then imagine the combinations available, they are 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,,89,144,233 to infinity.

    You can vary your own geometry by basically charging up your own field, then it is about measurable diameters, the force required is of a dualistic spin nature, so You need as best a balance as possible as the geometry is altered by inbalance between northern and southern hemisphere quantity.
    The northern hemisphere is fed in implosive manner from space, and is male, the southern hemisphere is fed from the planet and is female.
    The points on the surface are though both and often near each other where vesica pisces patterns are created.
    It's upto each individual to find this system , and to puzzle out how to best operate it, and then to go with the flows, and not be in fear.

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    Age : 71


    Post  Brook Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:49 pm

    hobbit wrote:Could I offer a suggestion as to why certain points are right for certain individuals?
    It's about matching geometries, akin to a lock and a key.
    If you don't have the correct key , then You can't open the door.

    The geometry involved is of fibonacci sequencing, thus if You are a 34, You need to find a 34 spot.
    Basically it takes two to tango, thus it is about first off recognising that the geometry exists, and that You are geometrically encoded.

    Then imagine the combinations available, they are 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,,89,144,233 to infinity.

    You can vary your own geometry by basically charging up your own field, then it is about measurable diameters, the force required is of a dualistic spin nature, so You need as best a balance as possible as the geometry is altered by inbalance between northern and southern hemisphere quantity.
    The northern hemisphere is fed in implosive manner from space, and is male, the southern hemisphere is fed from the planet and is female.
    The points on the surface are though both and often near each other where vesica pisces patterns are created.
    It's upto each individual to find this system , and to puzzle out how to best operate it, and then to go with the flows, and not be in fear.
    Thanks Hobbit,
    I'm aware of the geometrical nature of it, as it requires a vortex energy to access the code. And the geometrical nature of a portal is obvious. However The nature of the Fibonacci sequencing is something I did not take into consideration. Interesting perspective indeed.

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    Age : 51


    Post  lawlessline Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:00 pm

    Interesting thread Carol.

    Gonna be on the BBC Radio this Sunday with Adrian Incledon-Webber the Vice President of the British Society of Dowsers. Strangely we will be going into to all this really. OK so its the BBC so we may not be going as far as the posts here. Need to keep the general Pub onboard and try and open a few eyes on the way.

    Should be good fun.

    Carol, following your opening statement. One of my first experiences in the field, now 20 yrs ago was exactly like yo described it. I had the radio on and there was major interference but when I walked into the up stream the radio would tune in perfectly.

    Been doing alot of work on these things over the past 2 weeks. One place that I have been working on was used for black magic by Nazis during the war. There was loads of handbooks, posters and course papers. All very rear ended about. Been hectic dealing with the portals created some time ago. There has been a succession of suicides connected to the place. All clear now though.

    I don't work with crystals and have very little knowledge of them. Always used myself as the crystal connector. Seems easier. I also think that there is alot of mumbo jumbo that is not needed. It is alot more simple than we are lead to believe.

    But that is just my humble opinion. But very interesting reading.


    Posts : 137
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    Post  hobbit Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:19 pm

    Brook wrote:
    hobbit wrote:Could I offer a suggestion as to why certain points are right for certain individuals?
    It's about matching geometries, akin to a lock and a key.
    If you don't have the correct key , then You can't open the door.

    The geometry involved is of fibonacci sequencing, thus if You are a 34, You need to find a 34 spot.
    Basically it takes two to tango, thus it is about first off recognising that the geometry exists, and that You are geometrically encoded.

    Then imagine the combinations available, they are 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,,89,144,233 to infinity.

    You can vary your own geometry by basically charging up your own field, then it is about measurable diameters, the force required is of a dualistic spin nature, so You need as best a balance as possible as the geometry is altered by inbalance between northern and southern hemisphere quantity.
    The northern hemisphere is fed in implosive manner from space, and is male, the southern hemisphere is fed from the planet and is female.
    The points on the surface are though both and often near each other where vesica pisces patterns are created.
    It's upto each individual to find this system , and to puzzle out how to best operate it, and then to go with the flows, and not be in fear.
    Thanks Hobbit,
    I'm aware of the geometrical nature of it, as it requires a vortex energy to access the code. And the geometrical nature of a portal is obvious. However The nature of the Fibonacci sequencing is something I did not take into consideration. Interesting perspective indeed.

    I can detect the geometry with dowsing rods, when I first realised the fibonacci sequencing I hadn't heard of it, when I saw the sequencing I nearly flipped as I had been plotting it out multiple times.
    The geometry is not just of single lines, they are grouped in NINES, nine parallel lines that cross multiple further such sets in fibonacci sequencing of numbers and angles.
    Then it is about what is flowing along each line which is in constant flux as everything in creation has it's own field , and they all interfere with each other.
    What is flowing is a duality of spin charges that are following each line , and cross from line to line always reacting to attraction and repulsion.
    Anything in 3D creation requires the duality of spin to remember how it is locally arranged, the whole of universe is of ONE substance, there is no divide or seperateness.

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    Post  Brook Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:57 pm

    That's very interesting Hobbit. How are you using this information in your dowsing now? Are you better able to detect, knowing the sequence? Just wondering how it's effecting your work this discovery. Thanks in advance for sharing this. WHAT IS A PORTAL? 83084

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