Originally posted by MP3 http://mistsofavalon.invisionplus.net/?mforum=mistsofavalon&showtopic=403
What ARE the 3rd and 4th Dimensions?
Understanding the aspects and rules of 3D and 4D allows us to better choose where we want to live.
By Jim Self
Many of us know or intuitively feel that we are transitioning from the third-dimensional reality, passing through
the fourth and are on our way to the fifth dimension. Dimensions are not places but instead levels of
consciousness, each with its own characteristics and ways of thinking and feeling.
Our Third Dimensional Experience
The third dimension is very dense and operates within a specific set of rules and structures that hold many
vibrations of thought and emotion. One of those vibrations is known as fear. In our spiritual quest to fully explore
All-That-Is we went deeper and deeper into density choosing to incarnate many times upon the Earth. To
maximize our third-dimensional experience we purposely left behind Higher Aspects of ourselves and lost our
sense of connection to the Creator. In this perceived sense of separation we lost our way and, like abandoned
children, we began to experience the energy we call fear. This state of fear created rigidity and made it more
difficult for us to move freely. As we continued to passionately play in this rigid third dimension we began to take
on many uncomfortable attributes such as dis-ease, victim, guilt, lack and resistance. We chose to do all this in
order to know ourselves better, and in spite of what we may think, we have been very successful at playing in
this third-dimensional game.
Many who cling to fear have created a default system which gives them a false sense of security. “If I just go
inside my house and close the door, I’ll be safe”. This reaction has closed down our ability to expand and grow,
re-merge with our Soul, and re-member our Higher Selves. Too many humans have stopped living their passion
as they argue for their limitations within a web of fear.
Third Dimensional Structures
Let’s explore the composition of this third dimensional world we live in. If we look carefully, we can see three
structures of this playing field or ‘game board’. Understanding these will allow our transition through the Grand
Shift of Consciousness to occur more comfortably.
1 - Duality. The purpose of duality has been to help us learn how to walk in balance while experiencing contrast.
Our intention was to have experiences without becoming affected by them. Living within the field of duality was
simply meant to provide us with a broad array of choices and opportunities to ‘Know Ourselves’.
To assist in this adventure, Creator made the Law of Attraction available. Like a compass, this unwavering Law
reliably shows us where we are and what we are experiencing at all times. The Law of Attraction simply says
‘what you place your attention on is what will be given to you’. This also means that ‘what we resist will persist’.
As we resisted our fears, a greater range of duality or polarity came about—good and bad, right and wrong,
should and shouldn’t—and with our attention on the uncomfortable experiences, these fears magnified. We
resisted this discomfort, submerging many of our fears in our unconscious mind where we would not have to
look at them or deal with them (we hoped). But the Law of Attraction doesn’t just bring us the ‘good stuff, it
responds to the loudest feelings and thoughts we broadcast (those holding the greatest emotional charge)
whether they are conscious or unconscious, comfortable or uncomfortable, desired or unwanted.
2 - Reactionary Present-Time. As we learned fear, we also began to project experiences which did not feel good
a moment ago (past) out in front of us (future) thinking “I hope this never happens to me again”, and thus we
began to create Time. Third-dimensional time was not created as a straight line of events with a beginning,
middle and end. It was actually a time-loop consisting of past and future, with a single insertion point known as
the ‘present moment’ where we make new choices based on past experiences and future desires. By reacting to
situations from fear, we began making fear-based choices. Our decisions about the future were based upon the
past. Our 3-D life became a series of reactionary experiences founded in resisting rather than allowing, thereby
dragging the past with us into the future. And because the Universe adores us, the Law of Attraction will never
object to, or challenge, what we place our attention on; it simply delivers what we ask for. Most of us waste a
great deal of our energy ensnared in an endless cycle where our past haunts our future and our future echoes
our past in a continuous 3-D Time loop.
Also built into the structure of 3-D Time is a wonderful mechanism that can keep us out of trouble in this
adventure. A buffer or lag-time gives us the chance to reconsider the consequences of our actions, reactions,
thoughts and emotions before we react and create something we might have to clean up or apologize for
afterwards. This built-in structure allows us a moment of Choice. During the Shift this buffer is getting shorter
and things are manifesting faster than ever.
3 - The Rational Mind. Our analytical, reasoning thought process is known as the rational mind. When we came
to play in this adventure we disconnected 90% of our available awareness in order to have this experience. The
development of the rational mind served us well in this environment. Its purpose is to keep us safe and fit in.
But due to fear and misuse, the rational mind operates more in limitation than in possibility and opportunity.
Because we have given assignments to the mind that it was not designed for, our awareness and spiritual
ranges of choice have greatly diminished. While the logical mind is a wonderful tool for measuring, comparing
and storing information, it only knows what it knows and does not know what it does not know. For thousands of
years the rational mind has kept humanity tightly focused in the three-dimensional realm. This is now changing.
These three energetic structures are intricately woven into the fabric of the third-dimensional matrix. If you focus
on only one of these the other two intensify, creating more distraction and more pressure until you reset your
focus and allow them to come back into balance. By becoming aware of the underlying templates from which
the third dimension is born, we can begin to reconstruct and re-member a significant part of ourselves, freeing
us to move beyond the limits of the third dimension and begin to experience the possibilities of the fourth and
Fourth Dimensional Structures
Now let's explore the elements of the fourth dimension.
1 - Eternal Present-Time. Where 3-D time is a charged, Reactionary Present-Time, 4-D time is the Eternal
Present-Time. NOW. In 4-D the past is simply history without emotional charge and the future is an opportunity
waiting to be fashioned in this now moment through choice. Yesterday has no bearing on tomorrow. The eternal
present is all there is. We can plan for a future event using information gathered from the past, but decisions are
conscious choices that are made in the present moment. What we think is what we will experience in the
moment. There is no lag-time in 4-D. What you think about will manifest so be mindful of what you think!
2 - Choice. In the fourth dimension, ‘choice’ replaces ‘reaction’. Reaction is an emotional 3-D response, whereas
choice provides flexibility. Flexibility creates expanded opportunity and a greater ability to combine possibilities
to produce a variety of outcomes. In the fourth dimension you take back your power to choose.
3 - Paradox. In 4-D the past and future become points of reference or information and have no emotional
attachments. What was true a moment ago is not necessarily true in this present moment and what was false
may not necessarily be false any longer. This opens up more possibilities to experience, releases judgments,
and increases our ability to allow.
4 - Alignment/Balance. In the fourth dimension we are constantly moving towards balance and re-alignment.
This structure is very open, entertaining and allowing of all possibilities. Well-being, Beauty, the Inner Smile,
Appreciation, and Love are options in 4-D. Whereas Fear is a choice which will place us back in 3-D reaction
and limitation.
Our spiritual journey includes the movement toward a higher, lighter way of life. This is a life of community,
cooperation and co-creation in 4-D while we walk in the density of 3-D. 5-D opportunities are not far behind. This
is remembering how to be in the world but not of the world. This is remembering who you came here to be.
Jim Self is an international teacher, speaker and author. He has been a leader in the field of spiritual
development for over 27 years. He offers us the Tools of Mastering Alchemy as a Way of Life.
This work is co-created with the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light.
Free DVD and Free Tele-classes are available.
Jim presents free local evening classes and weekend seminar ‘Creating the Personal Power Field’ across North
America. www.MasteringAlchemy.com
This work is copywrited. You have permission to share this work with anyone as long as you include the above
paragraphs. Thank you.
What ARE the 3rd and 4th Dimensions?
Understanding the aspects and rules of 3D and 4D allows us to better choose where we want to live.
By Jim Self
Many of us know or intuitively feel that we are transitioning from the third-dimensional reality, passing through
the fourth and are on our way to the fifth dimension. Dimensions are not places but instead levels of
consciousness, each with its own characteristics and ways of thinking and feeling.
Our Third Dimensional Experience
The third dimension is very dense and operates within a specific set of rules and structures that hold many
vibrations of thought and emotion. One of those vibrations is known as fear. In our spiritual quest to fully explore
All-That-Is we went deeper and deeper into density choosing to incarnate many times upon the Earth. To
maximize our third-dimensional experience we purposely left behind Higher Aspects of ourselves and lost our
sense of connection to the Creator. In this perceived sense of separation we lost our way and, like abandoned
children, we began to experience the energy we call fear. This state of fear created rigidity and made it more
difficult for us to move freely. As we continued to passionately play in this rigid third dimension we began to take
on many uncomfortable attributes such as dis-ease, victim, guilt, lack and resistance. We chose to do all this in
order to know ourselves better, and in spite of what we may think, we have been very successful at playing in
this third-dimensional game.
Many who cling to fear have created a default system which gives them a false sense of security. “If I just go
inside my house and close the door, I’ll be safe”. This reaction has closed down our ability to expand and grow,
re-merge with our Soul, and re-member our Higher Selves. Too many humans have stopped living their passion
as they argue for their limitations within a web of fear.
Third Dimensional Structures
Let’s explore the composition of this third dimensional world we live in. If we look carefully, we can see three
structures of this playing field or ‘game board’. Understanding these will allow our transition through the Grand
Shift of Consciousness to occur more comfortably.
1 - Duality. The purpose of duality has been to help us learn how to walk in balance while experiencing contrast.
Our intention was to have experiences without becoming affected by them. Living within the field of duality was
simply meant to provide us with a broad array of choices and opportunities to ‘Know Ourselves’.
To assist in this adventure, Creator made the Law of Attraction available. Like a compass, this unwavering Law
reliably shows us where we are and what we are experiencing at all times. The Law of Attraction simply says
‘what you place your attention on is what will be given to you’. This also means that ‘what we resist will persist’.
As we resisted our fears, a greater range of duality or polarity came about—good and bad, right and wrong,
should and shouldn’t—and with our attention on the uncomfortable experiences, these fears magnified. We
resisted this discomfort, submerging many of our fears in our unconscious mind where we would not have to
look at them or deal with them (we hoped). But the Law of Attraction doesn’t just bring us the ‘good stuff, it
responds to the loudest feelings and thoughts we broadcast (those holding the greatest emotional charge)
whether they are conscious or unconscious, comfortable or uncomfortable, desired or unwanted.
2 - Reactionary Present-Time. As we learned fear, we also began to project experiences which did not feel good
a moment ago (past) out in front of us (future) thinking “I hope this never happens to me again”, and thus we
began to create Time. Third-dimensional time was not created as a straight line of events with a beginning,
middle and end. It was actually a time-loop consisting of past and future, with a single insertion point known as
the ‘present moment’ where we make new choices based on past experiences and future desires. By reacting to
situations from fear, we began making fear-based choices. Our decisions about the future were based upon the
past. Our 3-D life became a series of reactionary experiences founded in resisting rather than allowing, thereby
dragging the past with us into the future. And because the Universe adores us, the Law of Attraction will never
object to, or challenge, what we place our attention on; it simply delivers what we ask for. Most of us waste a
great deal of our energy ensnared in an endless cycle where our past haunts our future and our future echoes
our past in a continuous 3-D Time loop.
Also built into the structure of 3-D Time is a wonderful mechanism that can keep us out of trouble in this
adventure. A buffer or lag-time gives us the chance to reconsider the consequences of our actions, reactions,
thoughts and emotions before we react and create something we might have to clean up or apologize for
afterwards. This built-in structure allows us a moment of Choice. During the Shift this buffer is getting shorter
and things are manifesting faster than ever.
3 - The Rational Mind. Our analytical, reasoning thought process is known as the rational mind. When we came
to play in this adventure we disconnected 90% of our available awareness in order to have this experience. The
development of the rational mind served us well in this environment. Its purpose is to keep us safe and fit in.
But due to fear and misuse, the rational mind operates more in limitation than in possibility and opportunity.
Because we have given assignments to the mind that it was not designed for, our awareness and spiritual
ranges of choice have greatly diminished. While the logical mind is a wonderful tool for measuring, comparing
and storing information, it only knows what it knows and does not know what it does not know. For thousands of
years the rational mind has kept humanity tightly focused in the three-dimensional realm. This is now changing.
These three energetic structures are intricately woven into the fabric of the third-dimensional matrix. If you focus
on only one of these the other two intensify, creating more distraction and more pressure until you reset your
focus and allow them to come back into balance. By becoming aware of the underlying templates from which
the third dimension is born, we can begin to reconstruct and re-member a significant part of ourselves, freeing
us to move beyond the limits of the third dimension and begin to experience the possibilities of the fourth and
Fourth Dimensional Structures
Now let's explore the elements of the fourth dimension.
1 - Eternal Present-Time. Where 3-D time is a charged, Reactionary Present-Time, 4-D time is the Eternal
Present-Time. NOW. In 4-D the past is simply history without emotional charge and the future is an opportunity
waiting to be fashioned in this now moment through choice. Yesterday has no bearing on tomorrow. The eternal
present is all there is. We can plan for a future event using information gathered from the past, but decisions are
conscious choices that are made in the present moment. What we think is what we will experience in the
moment. There is no lag-time in 4-D. What you think about will manifest so be mindful of what you think!
2 - Choice. In the fourth dimension, ‘choice’ replaces ‘reaction’. Reaction is an emotional 3-D response, whereas
choice provides flexibility. Flexibility creates expanded opportunity and a greater ability to combine possibilities
to produce a variety of outcomes. In the fourth dimension you take back your power to choose.
3 - Paradox. In 4-D the past and future become points of reference or information and have no emotional
attachments. What was true a moment ago is not necessarily true in this present moment and what was false
may not necessarily be false any longer. This opens up more possibilities to experience, releases judgments,
and increases our ability to allow.
4 - Alignment/Balance. In the fourth dimension we are constantly moving towards balance and re-alignment.
This structure is very open, entertaining and allowing of all possibilities. Well-being, Beauty, the Inner Smile,
Appreciation, and Love are options in 4-D. Whereas Fear is a choice which will place us back in 3-D reaction
and limitation.
Our spiritual journey includes the movement toward a higher, lighter way of life. This is a life of community,
cooperation and co-creation in 4-D while we walk in the density of 3-D. 5-D opportunities are not far behind. This
is remembering how to be in the world but not of the world. This is remembering who you came here to be.
Jim Self is an international teacher, speaker and author. He has been a leader in the field of spiritual
development for over 27 years. He offers us the Tools of Mastering Alchemy as a Way of Life.
This work is co-created with the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light.
Free DVD and Free Tele-classes are available.
Jim presents free local evening classes and weekend seminar ‘Creating the Personal Power Field’ across North
America. www.MasteringAlchemy.com
This work is copywrited. You have permission to share this work with anyone as long as you include the above
paragraphs. Thank you.
Last edited by Carol on Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:45 pm; edited 2 times in total