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    Approaching critical mass


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    Approaching critical mass - Page 3 Empty Re: Approaching critical mass

    Post  mudra Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:27 pm

    Paradigm Shift
    A Comparison of Old and New Paradigm Perspectives

    Our world appears to be making a profound shift from one paradigm to another. The old paradigm served humanity for many, many years, and in some ways serves us still. Yet an exciting new paradigm is paving the way for a more loving, harmonious way of living and interacting with all around us. The below comparison is an attempt to capture the spirit of the old and new paradigm without the intention of making one better than the other, yet also inviting us to join in welcoming inspiring new ways which can support us all in being the best we can be and making a difference in our lives and world.

    read on:

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:12 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Approaching critical mass - Page 3 Empty Re: Approaching critical mass

    Post  mudra Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:51 pm

    Paul Hawken
    Blessed Unrest and Wiser Earth

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    Approaching critical mass - Page 3 Empty Re: Approaching critical mass

    Post  mudra Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:25 pm

    Scientific Proof that Galactic Energies Have Triggered Worldwide Consciousness Expansion
    February 5th, 2011
    Human DNA

    New energy from the galactic center is raising consciousness, which is triggering an upgrade to our DNA.

    On Coast to Coast AM, scientist David Sereda provided evidence that our Solar System entered a new field of cosmic energy that set off a chain of events including the vibration of the entire planet, the largest storm ever recorded on Saturn, and an early sunrise in Greenland (related to a wobble of the Earth and magnetic pole movement). The sequence of events began the day after the combined Winter Solstice and total lunar eclipse on December 21, 2010 – exactly two years to the day before the end of the Mayan calendar.

    On Dec 22, 2010, one day after the Winter Solstice/total lunar eclipse, earthquake sensors all over the planet all went off at the same time with full signal strength. According to Sereda, this was not an earthquake – the entire planet vibrated.

    On Dec 23, 2010 NASA reported that the largest storm ever recorded on Saturn erupted and is still going on today. Saturn is usually a very smooth object to look at. But, the storm on Saturn is massive. (Note that the storm may have also begun on Dec 22, but wasn’t reported until the next day.)

    read on at the link

    Love Always

    Last edited by mudra on Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:13 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 23285
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    Age : 69
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    Approaching critical mass - Page 3 Empty Re: Approaching critical mass

    Post  mudra Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:43 am

    Openhand: Gateways of Light

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    Approaching critical mass - Page 3 Empty Re: Approaching critical mass

    Post  Sanicle Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:48 am

    There are some really positive posts on this thread, perfectly balancing so much of the other news that makes me heart ache for so many on our planet. A great reminder. I particularly love those last two posts, really nice to go to bed remembering. I'll check the rest out tomorrow.

    Once again, thank you Mudra. Flowers

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