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    United States AI Solar System (14)


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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Oct 25, 2024 11:37 am

    What if I'm screwed?? Did I walk into a trap?? Is resistance futile once one enters the Matrix?? No-One resonates with my threads regardless of which side they're on. I try to be fair, open, and honest. I stumbled upon the following material (on the internet!) but when I clicked 'read more' there was a 'warning', so I won't include the link or view the website. The information seemed interesting but I have no idea how accurate it might be. I utilize public domain material in a mostly innocent and pseudo-intellectual manner as part of my ongoing religious and political science-fiction. I try to get it right as I attempt to not dig too deeply. I mean well toward all concerned and unconcerned on a long-term basis but I suspect the Heart of Mankind is Desperately Wicked and All Have Come Short of the Glory of God. All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray. We Have Turned Everyone to His and/or Her Own Way. The Following 'Document' was Edited for Easier Viewing.

    July, 1986. This  is a verbatim transcript that some person gave  me. He  said that part of this document or related documents were published  in serial  form in the late 1970's in some kind of men's magazine,  but I know it wasn't Playboy as that  would have stuck in my mind.   I got this in 1984. Punctuation  and grammar  errors are included (there are plenty of punctuation errors and  I think  this guy's horrible use of commas and parentheses is rubbing off on me).   There are four sequential .TXT files that I typed up to so that they can be digitally transmitted:   GEMSTON1.TXT,  GEMSTON2.TXT, (both of these are   in   archive  GEMARC1.ARC-using  arc  5.00) and   GEMSTON3.TXT   and GEMSTON4.TXT,  (these are in GEMARC2.ARC) all about 16K long).


    The gemstone file was written in many segments over a period of years by an American  man  named  Bruce Roberts. Parts of the file were  released  to certain  Americans beginning in 1969.   The number of handwritten pages  is well over a thousand,  of which I have read about four hundred.   I do  not have  the  time  or the research facilities to verify  the  entire story. Perhaps others can help.

    Since  the  scope  of the work is so large,  and the  events  described are  so complex  and  interlocking,  it  may be more easily  understood  with  this skeleton  outline of the gemstone thesis.   Individual papers can be read with greater comprehension.

    1932:   Onassis,  a  Greek  drug pusher and ship owner who made  his  first million  selling  "Turkish  tobacco" (Opium) in  Argentina,  worked  out  a profitable  deal  with  Joseph Kennedy,  Eugene Meyer,  and  Meyer  Lansky. Onassis  was to ship booze directly into Boston for Joseph  Kennedy.   Also involved was a heroin deal with Franklin and Elliott Roosevelt.

    1934:   Onassis,  Rockefeller  and the Seven Sisters (major oil  companies) signed  an agreement,  refined an oil cartel memo:  Beat the Arabs out  of their oil, ship it on Onassis's ships; Rockefeller and the Seven Sisters to get rich.  All this was done.

    Roberts,  studying  journalism and physics at the University  of  Wisconsin learned  these things via personal contacts.   His special interest was  in crystallography  -- and  the  creation of synthetic  rubies,  the  original Gemstone experiment.

    1936-1940:   Eugene Meyer buys the Washington Post,  to get our news Media; other Mafia buy other papers, broadcasting,  T.V., etc. News censorship of all major news goes into effect.

    1941-1945:   World  War  II;  very  profitable  for  Onassis,  Rockefeller, Kennedys,  Roosevelts, I.G. Farben, etc. Onassis selling oil, arms and dope to both sides went through the war without losing a single ship or man.

    1949:   Onassis buys U.S. surplus "Liberty Ships" in questionable (illegal) purchase.  Lawyer Burke Marshall helps him.

    1956:  Howard Hughes, Texas millionaire, is meanwhile buying his way toward his own personal gain.   He buys senators,  governors, etc. He finally buys his last politician: newly elected V.P. Nixon, via a quarter-million dollar non-repayable loan to Nixon's brother Donald.

    Early 1957:  V.P. Nixon repays the favor by having IRS Treasury grant tax-free  status (refused twice before) to "Hughes  Medical  Foundation",  sole owner of Hughes Aircraft, creating a tax-free, non-accountable money funnel or laundry, for whatever Hughes wanted to do.  U.S. Government also shelved anti-trust suit against Hughes' T.W.A., etc.

    March 1957:   Onassis carried out a carefully planned event:  He has Hughes kidnapped  from his bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel,  using Hughes' own men  (Chester Davis,  born Cesare in Sicily,  et al).   Hughes" men  either quit,  get fired,  or stay on in the new Onassis organization.   A few days later,  Mayor  Cannon  of  Nevada  (now senator  Cannon) arranges  a  fake "marriage" to Jean Peters,  to explain Hughes' battered and  brain  damaged in  the scuffle,  is taken to the Emerald Isle Hotel in the Bahamas,  where the entire top floor has been rented for thirty days and later dragged  off to  a cell on Onassis's island,  Skorpios.   Onassis now has a much  larger power  base in the U.S.  (the Hughes empire),  as well as control over V.P. Nixon  and other Hughes purchased politicians.   L.  Wayne Rector  "Hughes" double since 1955, becomes "Hughes".

    September, 1957:  Onassis calls the Appalachian meeting to announce to U.S. Mafia  head  his  grab of Hughes and his acquisition of Hughes game  plan  for acquiring power:  buying U.S. senators,  congressmen, governors, judges to take control legally of the U.S.  government.   Onassis's radio message  to Appalachia  from a remote Pennsylvania farmhouse intercepted reluctantly) by  FBI's  J.  Edgar  Hoover,  on  the basis of a tip-off  from  some  Army Intelligence guys who weren't in on the plan.

    Also in 1957: Joseph Kennedy takes John F. and Jackie to see Onassis on his yacht,  introduced John and reminds Onassis of an old Mafia  promise:   the presidency for a Kennedy.  Onassis agrees.

    1958:   Hordes  of  Mafia-selected,  purchased and supported "grass  roots" candidates sweep into office.

    1959:   Castro takes over Cuba from dictator Batista,  thereby  destroying cozy  and lucrative Mafia gambling empire run for Onassis by Meyer  Lansky. Castro scoops up 6 million in Mafia casino receipts.   Onassis is furious, V.P.  Nixon  becomes operations chief for CIA-planned Bay of Pigs invasion, using CIA Hunt,  McCord, etc., and Cuban ex-Batista strong-arm cops (Cuban freedom-fighters) Martinez,  Consalez,  etc., as well as winners like Frank Sturgis (Fiorini).

    1959:   Stirring  election battle between Kennedy and  Nixon.   Either  way Onassis wins, since he has control over both candidates.

    1960:   JFK elected.   American people happy.  Rose Kennedy happy.  Onassis happy.  Mafia ecstatic.

    Roberts  brings  his  synthetic rubies--the original  gemstones  to  Hughes Aircraft in Los Angeles.  They steal his rubies -- the basis for Laser beam research,  laser bombs, etc., because of the optical quality of the rubies. One  of the eleven possible sources for one of the ingredients involved  in the Gemstone experiment was the Golden Triangle area. Roberts was married to  the daughter of the former French consul in Indochina.   In that  area, Onassis's  involvement  in the Golden Triangle dope trade was  no  secret. Roberts  investigation revealed the Onassis-Hughes connection,  kidnap  and switch.   "Gemstones"--synthetic  rubies  and sapphires  with  accomplished "histories"--gemstone papers--were sold or given away to consular offices-- in return for information.   A world-wide information network was gradually developed-a  trade of the intelligence activities of many countries.   This intelligence  network  is  the source for much of the  information  in  the Gemstone File.

    January 1961:   Joseph Kennedy has a stroke,  ending his control over  John and  Bobby.   The  boys decide to rebel against  Onassis's  control.   Why? Inter-Mafia struggle?  Perhaps a dim hope of restoring this country to its mythical integrity?
    They began committing Mafia no-no's:  Arrested Wally Bird owner or Air Thailand, who had been shipping Onassis's heroin out of the Golden Triangle (Laos,  Cambodia,  Vietnam),  under contract  with  the CIA  (Air  Opium): arrested teamster Mafia Jimmy Hoffa, and put him in jail.  Declared the 73 million in forged "Hughes" land liens, deposited with San Francisco Bank of America,  as  "security" for the TWA judgement against Hughes,  to be  what they are: Forgeries.

    April 1961:   CIA Bay of Pigs fiasco.   Hunt, McCord, CIA Batista's Cubans and  Mafia  angry about JFK's lack of enthusiasm.   Mafia Onassis  has  his right-hand man "Hughes' top aid" former FBI and CIA Robert Maheu  (nicknamed "IBM" for Iron Bob Maheu), hire and train a Mafia assassination team to get Castro.   The  team  of a dozen or so includes John Roselli and Jimmy  (The Weasel) Prattiano, expert Mafia hitmen, assisted by CIA Hunt and McCord and others.  This was reported recently by Jack Anderson, who gets a lot of his "tips"  from  his friend,  Frank (Fiorini)  Sturgis--also  on  the  Castro assassination  team.  The  team  tries  five  times  to  kill  Castro  with everything  from long-range rifles to apple pie with sodium morphate in it. Castro survives.

    1963:    Members  of  the  Castro  assassination  team  arrested  at   Lake Pontchartrain,  La.  by  Bobby Kennedy's justice boys.   Angered,  Onassis stops  trying  to kill Castro.   He changes target and goes for  the  head: JFK,  who,  according to Onassis,  "welched" on a Mafia deal.   JFK sets up "Group of 40" to fight Onassis.

    August 1963:   Two murders had to occur before the murder of JFK, or people who would understand the situation and might squawk:

    Senator  Estes  Kefauver;    whose  crime  commission investigations   had uncovered  the 1932 deal between Onassis,  Kennedy,  Eugene Meyer,  Lansky, Roosevelt, et al.  Kefauver gave a speech on the senate floor denouncing Mafia operations;  instead,  he ate a piece of apple pie laced with  sodium morphate  (used  in rat poison),  and had a sodium-morphate-induced "heart attack" on the Senate floor.

    Phillip  Graham:   Editor  of the Washington  Post.   Phillip  had  married Katherine Meyer,  Eugene Meyer's daughter, who had inherited the Washington Post  and  allied media empire.   Graham put together  the  Kennedy-Johnson ticket and was Kennedy's friend in the struggle with Onassis.  According to Gemstone,  Katherine Meyer Graham bribed some psychiatrists to certify that Phil  was insane.   He was allowed out of the nuthouse for the weekend  and died of a shotgun wound in the head in the Graham home in Washington; death ruled "suicide".

    November 1,  1963:  The hit on JFK was supposed to take place in true Mafia style: a triple execution, together with Diem and Nhu in Vietnam.  Diem and Nhu got theirs,  as scheduled. Onassis had invited Jackie for a cruise on the Christina,  where she was when JFK got tipped off that big "O"  planned to  wipe him out.   JFK called Jackie on the yacht,  from the White House, hysterical:  "Get  off  that yacht if you have to swim"' and cancelled  his appearance  at  a  football  stadium  in  Chicago,   where  this  CIA-Mafia assassination  team  was  poised for the kill.   Jackie  stayed  on  board, descended the gangplank a few days later on Onassis's arm,  in  Turkey,  to impress  the Bey,  Mustapha.   Madame Nhu,  in the U.S.  bitterly remarked whatever has happened in Vietnam.

    One of the assassination teams was picked up in Chicago with a rifle  and quickly  released by the police. Three weeks later the Mafia's  alternate and carefully arranged  execution plan went  into  effect: JFK was assassinated in Dallas. A witness who recognized pictures of some of  the people  arrested in Dealey Plaza as having been in  Chicago  three  weeks earlier told Black Panthers Hampton and Clark.

    The  JFK murder:  Onassis-Hughes' man Robert Maheu reassigned the Mafia-CIA Castro  assassination  team to the murder of JFK adding  Eugene  Brading  a third  Mafia hitman from the Denver Mafia Amaldones "family".   Two  months earlier  Brading  on  parole  after a series of crimes applied  for  a  new driver's  license explaining to the California DMV that he had decided  to change  his  name to Jim Brading.   Brading got his California  parole  the first  time to look things over and the second time when JFK was  scheduled for his Dallas trip.

    Lee  Harvey Oswald CIA with carefully planned links to both the ultra right and  to  the Communists was designated as the patsy.   He was  supposed  to shoot Governor Connally and he did.

    Each of the four shooters,  Oswald,  Brading,  Frattiano and Roselli had  a timer  and a back up man.   Back up men were supposed to pick up the  spent shells  and  get rid of the guns.   Timers would give the signal to  shoot. Hunt and McCord were there to help.  Sturgis was in Miami.

    Frattiano  shot from a second story window in the Dal-Tex  building  across the  street  from the Texas School Book Depository.   He apparently used  a handgun-he is an excellent shot with a pistol.   Frattiano and his  back-up man were "arrested",  driven away from the Dal-Tex building in a police car and  released (without being booked).   The Dallas police office is in the Dal-Tex building.

    Roselli  shot  Kennedy once hitting the right side of his head and  blowing his  brains out with a rifle from behind a fence in the grassy knoll  area. Roselli and his timer went down a manhole behind the fence and followed the sewer line away from Dealey Plaza.

    The  third point of the triangulated ambush was supplied by Eugene  Brading shooting from Kennedy's left from a small pagoda at Dealy Plaza across  the street  from  the  grassy knoll (Brading missed  because  Roselli's  and Frattiano shot had just hit Kennedy in the head from the right and the rear nearly  simultaneously).   Brading's shot hit the curb and ricocheted off. Brading was photographed on the scene stuffing his gun under his coat.   He wore  a  big leather hat,  its hatband marked with large  conspicuous  X's. (Police  had been instructed to let anyone with an X-marked hatband through the  police  lines.   Some may have been told they  were  Secret  Service). After his shot,  Brading ditched his gun with his back-up man and walked up the  street  toward the Dal-Tex building.   The sheriff rushed up  to  Brading, assuming  he was "Secret Service" and told him he had just seen a man  come out  of the Book Depository and jumped into a station wagon.   Brading  was uninterested.   Brading  walked into the Dal-Tex building to "make a  phone call".   There  he was arrested by another deputy sheriff,  showed his "Jim Braden" driver's license and was released without being booked.

    Oswald shot Connally twice from the Texas School Book Depository.  He split from the front door.  His back-up man was supposed to take the rifle out of the building (or so Oswald thought); instead he "hid" it behind some boxes, where it would be found later.

    Three  men dressed as tramps picked up the spent shells from Dealey  Plaza. One was Howard Hunt.   Then they drifted over to an empty boxcar sitting on the  railway  spur behind the grassy knoll area,  and  waited.   A  Dallas police  officer ordered two Dallas cops to "go over to the boxcar and  pick up  the  tramps".   The three 'tramps' paraded around Dealey  Plaza to  the Department in the Dal-Tex Building.   They were held there until the alarm  went out to pick up Oswald;  then they were released,  without being booked.   In all, ten men were arrested immediately after the shooting; all were  released  soon  after;  none were booked;  not  a  word  about  their existence is mentioned in the Warren Report.


    Regarding  Lee Harvey Oswald:  Officer Tippitt was dispatched in his police radio  car  to  the Oak Cliff Section,  where Oswald  had  rented  a  room. Tippett  may have met Oswald on the street.   He may have been supposed  to kill Oswald,  but something went wrong.   Tippett was shot by two men using revolvers.  The "witness", Domingo Benavides, who used Tippitt's police car radio  to report "we've had a shooting here",  may have been one of the men who shot him.  ('Domingo Benavides' appears in connection with the Martin Luther King shooting also.) Oswald  went to the movies.   A "shoe store manager" told the  theater cashier  that  a  suspicious looking man had  sneaked  in  without  paying. Fifteen  assorted cops and FBI charged out to the movie theater to look for the guy who had sneaked in. Oswald had a pistol that wouldn't fire.   It may have been anticipated that the police would shoot the "cop-killer" for "resisting  arrest".   But since  that didn't happen,  the Dallas police brought Oswald out for small-time Mafia Jack Ruby to kill two days later.

    Brading  stayed at the Teamster-Mafia-Hoffa-financed "Cuban Hotel"  in Dallas.   Ruby had gone to the Cabana the night before the murder, says the Warren  Report.   The  rest,  as they say,  is  history.   Onassis  was  so confident of his control over police,  media,  FBI, CIA, Secret Service and the  U.S.  Judicial System that he had JFK murdered before the eyes of  the entire nation;  then systematically bought off,  killed off,  or frightened off  all witnesses and had the evidence destroyed;  then put a 75 year seal of  secrecy over the entire matter. Cover up participants included  among many:  Gerald  Ford on the Warren Commision (a Nixon  recommendation):  CIA attorney Leon Jaworski,  of the CIA front Anderson Foundation, representing Texas  before  the Commission to see that the fair name of  Texas  was  not besmirched  by  the  investigation;   CIA-Dallas  Chief  John  McCone,  his assistant; Richard Helms; and a passle of police, FBI, news media, etc.


    Johnny Roselli received part of his pay off for the head shot on JFK in the form  of  a $250,000 'finder's fee' for bringing "Hughes" (Onassis)  to  Las Vegas in 1967. Jimmy  Frattiano's pay-off included $109,000 in "non-repayable loans", from the S.F.  National Bank (President: Joe Alioto).  Credit authorization for the series of loans from 1961 to 1965,  came from Joe Alioto and a high Teamster official.  Dun and Bradstreet noted this transaction in amazement, listing  how  Frattiano could explain so much "credit" as  his  only  known title  (listed in D&B) was "Mafia-Executioner".   Frattiano went around for years  bragging  about  it:   "Hi  there,   I'm  Jimmy   Frattiano,   Mafia Executioner...."  A bank V.P.  told the whole story to the California Crime Commission,  where  Al  Harris,  who later shot off his mouth a little  too much--"Heart attacked". When  last seen in March,  1975,  Frattiano was testifying before a  S.F. Grand  Jury  in regard to his participation,  with East  Coast  Mafia  Tony Romane, in the Sunol Golf Course swindle (which cost S.F. somewhere between $100,000  in  "non-repayable  loans"  to start a trucking  company  in  the Imperial Valley,  where he engaged in a lot more swindling. A USA government member explained, "The Mafia is doing business directly with the U.S. Government now".

    Brading  was  questioned  by the FBI two months after his  arrest  and released  in  Dallas as part of the Warren  Commission's  determination  to "leave  no  stone  unturned"  in  its quest for the  truth  about  the  JKF assassination. In spite of the fact that Brading was a known criminal with an  arrest  record dating back about twenty years,  the FBI  reported that Brading knew nothing whatsoever about the assassination. Brading  became a charter member of the La Costa Country  Club,  Mafia heaven near San Clemente.   He also became a runner for the skim money from the Onassis "Hughes" Las Vegas casinos to Onassis' Swiss Banks.

    GERALD  FORD;  of  the  Warren Commission went on to  become  President  by appointment  of  Nixon,  then in danger of even further  and  more  serious exposure--from  which position  of trust Ford  pardoned  Nixon  one  month later, for "any and all crimes he may have committed."  That covers quite a lot but Ford is good at covering things up.

    McCONE; the head of CIA-Dallas, went on to become a member of the ITT Board of Directors sitting right next to Francis L. Dale, the head of CREEP.

    RICHARD HELMS;  McCone's assistant at Dallas,  ultimately has been rewarded with the post of CIA Director.

    LEON  JOWARSKI;  CIA Attorney,  became the Watergate Prosecuter,  replacing Cox,  who was getting too warm.  Jowarski turned in a startling performance in our "government-as-theatre" the honest,  conscientious investigator  who "uncovered"  not  a bit more than he had to and managed to steer  everybody away from the underlying truth.

    Dr. "RED" DUKE;  the man who dug two bullets out of Connelly and saved his life was shipped off to a hospital in Afghanistan by a grateful CIA.

    JIM GARRISON;  New Orleans D.A. who tried to get Eugene Brading out of L.A. (but used one of Brading's other aliases,  Eugene Bradley, by mistake), had his witnesses shot out from under him, and was framed on charges of bribery and extortion.   FBI officers "confiscated" photos of Brading taken on  the scene, etc.

    After JKF's death,  Onassis quickly established control over Lyndon Johnson through fear.   On the trip back to Washington, Johnson was warned by radio relayed from an air force base; "There was no conspiracy, Oswald was a lone nut assassin.   Get it Lyndon?  Otherwise, Air Force One might have an unfortunate accident on the flight back to Washington."

    Onassis  filled all important government posts with his own men.   All government agencies became means to accomplish an end:  rifle the  American Treasury,  steal  as  much  as possible,  keep  the  people  confused, disorganized,  and leaderless;  persuade world domination.   JFK's  original "Group  of 40" was turned over to Rockefeller and his  man,  Kissinger, so that  they could more effectively take over South America (Onassis was  one of  the  first to console Jackie when she got back from Dallas  with  JFK's body.)  Silva, a S.F. private detective hired by Angelina Alioto to get the goods  on philandering Joe,  followed Joe Alioto to Vacaville,  to the  Nut Tree  Restaurant,  where  Joe held a private meeting with other Mafioso  to arrange the details of the JFK assassination pay off to Frattiano.

    1967:   Onassis  has  always  enjoyed the vast piles of money  to  be  made through  gambling  (in Monaco,  in the 50's and in  Cuba  under  Batista). Onassis  took  over  Las  Vegas in 1967,  via  the  "Hughes"  cover.   U.S. Government officials explained that it was alright because "at least  Hughes isn't the Mafia."

    Mafia  Joe  Alioto  had  Preseidential ambitions,  shored  up  by  his participation  in the Dallas pay-off.   Everyone who helped kill JKF got  a piece of the U.S.  pie.   But J.  Edgar Hoover, FBI head, blew his cover by releasing  some of the raw FBI files on Alioto at the  Democratic  National Convention.  Joe was out of the running for V.P. and Humphrey had to settle for Muskie.   Humphry  planned to come to S.F.  for a  final  pre-election rally, sparked by Joe Alioto.  Roberts threatened to blow the hit-run story and its Mafia ramifications open if Humphrey came to S.F.  Humphrey didn't come; Humphrey lost in San Francisco, California and the election.

    October  1968:   Jackie  Kennedy was now "free" to marry Onassis.   An  old Mafia rule: if someone welches on a deal, kill him and take his gun and his girl: in this case, Jackie and the Pentagon.

    July, 1969: Mary Jo Kopechne, devoted JFK girl, and later one of Bobby's trusted  aides,   was  in  charge  of  packing  up  his  files  after his assassination  in L.A.  She read too much, learned about the Kennedy Mafia involvement and other things.   She said to friends:  "This isn't  Camelot, this is murder."  She was an idealistic American Catholic.  She didn't like murdering  hypocrites.   She died trying to get off Chappaquiddick  Island, where  she  had overheard (along with everyone else in the  cottage)  Teddy Kennedy's end of the D.H. Lawrence cottage telephone calls from John Tunney and  to Joe Alioto,  and Democrat bigwigs Swig,  Shorenstein,  Schumann and Bechtel.   Teddy's good friend John Tunney called to complain that Alioto's friend Cycil Magnin and others had tried to bribe Jess Unruh to switch from the  Governor's race to run for the Senate for the seat John Tunney  wanted so that Alioto would have an easier run for Governor.  Teddy called Alioto, who told him to go to hell;  then Teddy called the rest to arrange for  yet another Mafia murder.  Mary Jo, up to there with Mafia ran screaming out of the cottage on her way to Nader.  

    Drunken Teddy offered to drive her to the ferry. Trying  to  get away from the curious Sheriff, Teddy  sped  off toward the  Bridge,  busted Mary Jo's nose when she tried to grab his  arm from  the back seat,  and bailed out of the car as it went off the  bridge. Mary Jo with a busted nose, breathed in an air bubble in the car for  more than two hours waiting for help, while Teddy, assuming she was dead, to set up  an alibi. Mary Jo finally suffocated in the air bubble,  diluted with carbon dioxide. It  took her 2 hours and 37 minutes to  suffocate  while Teddy  called  Jackie  and Onassis on  the  Christina. Teddy  also  called Katherine Meyer Graham,  lawyers, etc. Jackie called the Pope on Teddy's behalf, who assigned Cardinal Cushing to help.  The next morning, the first person Teddy tried to call after deciding he'd have to take the rap himself was a lawyer,  Burke Marshall,  Onassis's friend in the U.S. Liberty ships deal back in the forties and also the designated custodian for JFK's brains after Dallas (the brains have since disappeared).

    Cover-up of the Chappaquiddick  murder  required  the  help of Massachusetts  Highway Patrol, which "confiscated" the plates from Teddy's car  after it was fished out of the pond: the Massachusetts  Legislature, which  changed  a 150 year old law requiring an autopsy (which  would  have revealed the suffocation and broken nose); Coroner Mills, who let Kennedy's aide K. Dun Grifford, supply him with a death certificate, already prepared for  Hill's signature,  listing cause of death as drowning: Police  Chief Arenas: Cardinal  Cushing's  priest  who appeared  before  the  Kopechne's "direct  from God" with personal instructions from Him that Mary Jo was not to  be disturbed;  a Pennsylvania mortuary where Mary Jo's broken nose was patched up, East and West phone companies, which clamped maximum security on the records of calls to and from the cottage. S.F. Police Chief Cahill was  reassigned to a new job; Security Chief for Pacific  Telephone. The U.S. Senate, who never said a word about Teddy's (required equipment) plug-in  phone;  the  judge who presided over the mock  hearing; James Feston, editor of Martha's vineyard's only newspaper,  who never heard a word about Teddy's  phone  at  the cottage,  though residents called in  to  tell  the newspaper; the New York Times, Washington Post, etc.

    John Tunney's sister, Joan, heard her brother's end of the phone call, made  from her house in Tiburon,  to the Chappaquiddick cottage.   The next day,  after Mary Jo died,  Joan ran away to Norway, where she was kidnapped by  Mafia hoods Mari and Adamo.   They locked her up in a Marseille  heroin factory.  Joan's husband complained so she chopped his head off with an ax, and  was subsequently locked up in a nuthouse belonging to the Marquess  of Blandford, then Tina Livanos Onassis' husband. Mari  and  Adamo  got pressed into scrap metal in a New Jersey  auto junkyard.
    In  the panic of trying to cover up Teddy's quilt  at  Chappaquiddick, many  things came unglued.   The JFK murder threatened to creep out of  the woodwork again; Black Panthers Hampton and Clark were murdered (the Chicago cops  fired  over Attorney Charles Garry's because of what they knew  about the JFK murder squad's presence at Chicago on November 1,1963.

    September 1969:   "Gemstones", with histories, had been released around the globe for several years.   In 1969, Roberts gave a Gemstone with history to Mack,  head  of California CREEP,  for Nixon,  with  the  proposition:  the Presidency  in  return for wiping out the Mafia.   The  "history"  included Teddy's  phone  calls  to and from the Lawrence Cottage  on Chappaquiddick billed to Teddy's home phone in Hyannisport.   Nixon being Mafia  himself, wasn't  interested;  but  kept the information to use on Teddy whenever it seemed advantageous.

    May  4,  1970:   Charlotte  Ford Niarchos called  her  ex-husband  Stavros, worried  about  the  Ford Foundation's involvement  in  the  Chappaquiddick cover-up.  Eugenie Livanos Niarchos, in bed with her husband, overheard the conversation.   Stavros  was forced to beat her to death;  he ruptured  her spleen and broke the cartilage in her throat.  Cause of death was listed as "overdose of barbituates," though autopsy showed these injuries.

    NOTE:   L. Wayne Rector was hired around 1955 by the Carl Byoir P.R. Agency (Hughes  L.A.  P.R.  firm) to act as Hughes double.   In 1957 when  Onassis grabbed  Hughes,  Rector continued to act as his stand-in.   Rector was the Hughes surrogate in Las Vegas;  Robert Maheu actually ran the  show;  Maheu got  his  orders from Onassis;  the six "nursemaids", called  the  "Mormon Mafia", kept Rector sealed off from prying eyes.

    June 17,  1969:   Bobby Kennedy knew who killed his brother; he wrote about it in his unpublished book,  The Enemy Within.   When he foolishly tried to run for President, Onassis had him offed, using a sophisticated new technique, hypnotized  Sirhan Sirhan shooting from the front "security guard"  (from Lockheed  Aircraft).   Thane  Cesar shooting from two or three inches  away from  Bobby's  head from the rear.   Sirhan's  shots  all  missed.   Evelle Younger,  then the L.A.  District Attorney, covered it all up including the squawks of the L.A.  Coroner Thomas Noguchi.  Younger was rewarded with the post of California Attorney General later.   His son,  Eric Younger,  got a second generation Mafia reward;  a judge-ship at age 30.  (See Ted Charach, L.A.  author  and director,  The Second Gun,  a documentary film on the RFK murder, bought and suppressed by Warner Brothers for more details). After Bobby's death, Teddy knew who did it.  He ran to Onassis afraid for his life and swore eternal obedience.   In return,  Onassis granted him his life and said he could be President, too, just like his big brother, if he would behave himself and follow orders.

    September 16,  1968:   Hit and run accident on Robert's car parked in front of the Russian consulate in S.F. who routinely takes pictures of everything that  goes on in front of the consulate.   Their photos showed the  license plate  of  the hit and run car UKT-264,  on a blue  Cadillac  belonging  to Angela Alioto,  Joe's daughter, being driven by Tom Alioto, Joe's son whose driving  license had been revoked.   His license and the cars license  were both fraudulent.   To cover up the hit and run circumstances,  B.F.   MPJ's from  the Presido quickly staged a few more hit and runs on the same corner all  duly filmed by the Russians.   Katheryn Hollister,  the Alioto  family nurse  was  "persuaded"  to take the rap for  the  hit  and  run. Roberts threatened to spill the whole story in court with photos.
    Next  evening Brading and Frattiano showed up in the Black Magic  Bar, Brading  wearing  his  x-marked  hat from Dallas  to  see  whether  Roberts recognized it, how much he knew, etc. A S.F. MP from the Presidio piped up from the end of the bar, "I heard they let everyone with an X-marked hatband through the police lines at Dallas". Cover up support for Alioto in the hit and run was completed.

    End  of  1970:   Howard Hughes presence on earth no longer  required.   His handwritting  could  be duplicated by a computer.   His biography  all  the known  facts about his life had been compiled and a computerized  biography issued  to  top Hughes executives.   His double - Rector - had  been  doing "Hughes" for years.  And Hughes was ill.
    Clifford  Irving,   author  of  Hoax,  about  an  art  forger,  became interested  in  "Hughes".   Living on Ibazza,  he heard  the  Mediterranean gossip  that  "Hughes" was a hoax,  too.   He went  to  "Hughes"  so-called "Mormon Mafia",  the six nursemaids for information.  One of them, Merryman perhaps,  tired of the game,  gave Irving the computerized Hughes biography and from it Irving wrote his "autobiography". Hughes'  death was expected shortly.   Preparations were being made so that it would not interfere with the orderly continuation of his empire. Irving  wrote his book and the publishers anounced it.   Onassis  knew someone  had  given Irving the information.   He thought it was  Maheu  and fired him in November,  1970. On Thanksgiving Eve, 1970, in the middle of the  night "Hughes" (Rector made a well-publicized "secret departure"  from Las Vegas to the Bahamas).

    December  1970:   Onassis discovered his mistake and had  Merryman  killed. Robert  Maheu  accidentally  deprived of his  half-million  dollars  annual salary,  sued  "Hughes" for millions mentioning "Hughes" game plan for  the purchase of Presidents, governors, Senators, judges, etc.  Onassis paid off cheap  at  the price to maintain his custodianship of "American democracy" and the "free world" and keep from hanging for multiple murders. The "Hughes" Mormon Mafia party,  plus Rector,  fled around the  world from  the Bahamas where they murdered an uncooperative Governor and  Police,  to Nicaragua,  where they shot the U.S. Ambassador between the eyes for noticing that there wasn't really any Hughes; and then to Canada, where Mormon  Mafia  nursemaid Sckersley looted a goodly sum in a swindle of  the Canadian Stock Exchange; and on to London to Rothschild's Inn of the Park.

    File #3 of 4 for this document.

    April 18,  1971:  Howard Hughes, a human vegetable as the result of serious brain  damage during his 1957 hustle,  plus fourteen years of heroin,  grew sicker and sicker.   A final overdose of heroin did him in.  His coffin was lowered  into  the  sea from a rocky headland off the  coast  of  Skorpios. Present at the funeral were: Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Teddy Kennedy, Francis L.  Dale,  Director of CREEP,  and a South Vietnamese cardinal named  Thue. Onassis  allowed some pictures to be taken from a distance;  he himself did not appear. The pictures were published in Midnight, a Canadian tabloid.

    Albanian  frogmen,  tipped off,  were waiting under the  water.   They siezed  the coffin and took the corpse off to Yugoslavia,  then  to  China, Russia  and then perhaps to Boston in a foot locker.   The corpse's  dental work was compared to Hughes very own dental records and they matched.  News of  Hughes death,  the U.S.  take-over by Onassis and the facts surrounding the murders of JFK,  RFK,  Martin Luther King,  Mary Jo Kopechne,  and many more  and the subsequent cover-ups (involving still more murders) had  been circulating around  the globe for several years.   Any country  with  this information  can blackmail the U.S. Mafia government,  which has no  choice but to pay up.   The alternative is to be exposed as a bunch of  treasonous murderers.   This  is  why  China-hating,  red-hating Nixon was  forced  to recognize China (which he now claims as his greatest accomplishment).   And this  is also why the USSR walks off with such good deals  in  U.S.  loans, grains  and whatever else it wants.   All they have to do is mention  those magic  words  - 'Hughes,  JFK, RFK,  MLK,  Mary Jo - and  the  U.S.  Mafia government crawls into a hole.   Information once leaked can't be unleaked. The  only way to end the delema is through a nuclear war and that wouldn't be one-sided.   The other way would be to throw the Mafia out of the United States.   Starting at the top with Ford, Rockefeller and Kissinger.  Super-patriots  please  note:  No one,  not all of the radicals  and  subversives hounded  by the US domestic intelligence put together has done one fraction of the damage done to US economy,  morality,  power and prestige as by  the thieves at the top. On the day that Hughes was buried,  Clifford Irving's wife presented a publisher's  check  made  out to "H.  Hughes" to Onassis'  Swiss  Bank  for payment.  Onassis paid off cheaply at the price.
    Gemstone  papers  rolling  around the world here and abroad  kept  the situation hot. Everyone was nervous. Rockefeller gave Kissinger $50,000 for  Carlson and Brisson to write their 'expose' The Alioto Mafia  Web  for LOOK magazine. Their mission:  find out everything that was public record about  Alioto's  connection with the JFK murder. There was a  pay-off  to Frattiano, listed in D&B. They were to explain it any way that didn't lead back to Dallas. The idea was to get Alioto to quietly go away but still keep the lid on everything.

    May,  1971:   Tina Livanos Onassis Blandford married Starvon Niarchos,  her former brother-in-law until he killed her sister, Eugenie.

    May,  1971:  "Folk  Hero" Daniel Ellsberg,  a well-known hawk from the Rand Corporation,  who  had designed the missile ring around the "Iron  Curtain" countries  (how many missiles to aim at which cities) was told  to  release the  faked-up "Pentagon Papers" to help distract people from  Hughes,  JFK, RFK, MLK etc.  The papers were carefully designed by Ellsberg and his boss, Rand Chief and new World Bank Chief Bob (Body Count) McNamara,  to make the Vietnamese  War  look  like "just one of those incredibly  dumb  mistakes". This helped to cover up the real purpose of the war: continued control for Onassis and his friends of the Golden Triangle dope  trade:  Vietnam,  Laos and Cambodia; and for Onassis and the oil people of Eastern oil sources, to say nothing of control over huge Federal sums,  which could be siphoned off in  profitable  arms  contracts,  or conveniently 'disappear'  in  the  war effort.
    McNamara's  'World  Bank' handing-out of American money  to  'starving nations'  actually set up huge private bank accounts for various  dictators in the Onassis-controlled Swiss bank. The money could be used as needed to support  and extend Mafia operations.   Example:  $8 billion in World  Bank funds  for  'starving  Ethiopians'  wound up in  Emperor  Haile Selassie's personal  accounts  in the Swiss bank.   This would make  him  the  richest individual in the world,  but other dictators have Swiss bank accounts too. Perhaps  they  are even larger.   The money drained from America and  other captive Mafia nations feeds a greed that can never be satisfied.

    Rand Corp.,  one of our major 'think tanks' has another goody in store  for the  public:   "Project Star" - Rand's cover-up fallback version of the JFK murder  held  in  reserve  should public  restlessness  over  the   Warren Commission Report cover-up ever threaten to get out of hand.  That ought to confuse the people for at least another twelve years, and by that time most of us will be dead anyway....

    NOTE IN PASSING: The dope trade routes are: Golden Triangle to Taiwan to San Francisco. Heroin from the Golden Triangle was sometimes smuggled into San  Francisco in the bodies of American GIs who died in battle in Vietnam. One  body  can hold up to 40 pounds of heroin,  crammed in where  the  guts would be. Some  dope  gets pressed into dinner plates and painted  with  pretty patterns. One dope bust in S.F. alone yielded $6 billion in herion 'china plates' - the largest dope bust in history. It was quickly and completely hushed  up  by the S.F.-Mafia press. The dope sat in the S.F.P.D. for  a while, then was removed by FBI men and probably sent on its way to American veins. All this dope processing and shipping is controlled and supervised by the Mafia for the Mafia. Dope arrests and murders are aimed at independent pushers and maverick peddlers and smugglers who are competing with  or holding out on the Mafia. While Nixon was conducting his noisy campaign against dope smuggling across the Mexican border, his  dope officer in charge of protecting the Mafia dope trade was E. Howard Hunt! Lots of heroin gets processed in a Pepsi Cola factory in Laos. So far, it hasn't produced a single bottle of Pepsi Cola. Some  dope gets processed in heroin factories in Marseilles. See the French Connection. Still more dope comes from South America --- cocaine and new heroin. US aid went to build a highway across Paraguay. Useless for the  natives who have no cars. (They use it for sunbathing in the day), it becomes the longest landing  strip in the world and serves airplanes loaded with cocaine. It is financed by US tax money for the benifit of the international Mafia dope pushers. And then there is opium from Turkish morphine. This was the starting point of Onassis' fortune.

    In case one is still wondering whether the Mafia can actually get away with such things,  consider the benifits derived from controlling the stock market,  the  courts,  the police,  etc.   In one swindle alone;  the  1970 acquisition  by "Hughes" of "Air West",  which involved swindling Air  West stockholders out of $45 million.  Recently indicted for this swindle by the SEC in  a civil suit were "Howard Hughes" and Jimmy (the  Greek)  Snyder,  not usually associated with the Hughes crowd, and others.

    June  1971: New York Times began publishing the  Pentagon Papers, Rand Corp's prepared cover-up of the real reasons for the Vietnamese war. Nixon had gotten a copy of the first Gemstone Papers circulated in the U.S. back in 1969. He was now wondering how much information Democratic Chairman Larry O'Brien had about Hughes, Onassis, JFK, RFK, etc. and more specifically how much of the dirt the Democrats planned to use. Nixon set up the "plumbers unit" to stop security  leaks, investigate other security matters. Erlichman,  Krogh, Liddy, Hunt, Young, etc. Hunt as "White  House consultant" supposedly worked for the Mullen Corp, a CIA cover. Mullen's head client was "Howard Hughes". Robert Bennett was the head of the Mullen Corp.

    June 28, 1971:  Ellsberg indicted for leaking the Pentagon Papers.

    September  3,  1971:   The  Watergate team broke into  Ellsberg's  doctor's (Fielding's)  office to get Ellsberg's psychiatric records.   Team  members CIA Hunt and Liddy,  Cuban "Freedom fighters" De Denio,  Martinez,  Bernard Barker.  All except Liddy had worked together back at the Bay of Pigs.

    Question:   Why  the intense battle between Mafia forces?   Answer:   While Onassis  was  the  recognized  crowned  head  of  the  Mafia,  intense,  no holds barred  scuffling  for  the lucrative second  spot  (control  of  U.S. Presidency,  government and so on) was permissible and encouraged under the Mafia  code of rules.   The only stipulation:  Outsiders mustn't know about it.   "Hughes"  contributed  liberally and equally to both  Democratic  and Republican parties for the 1972 election.   The winner would get even  more for "Hughes".

    September  23,   1971:   E.  Howard  Hunt  spliced  up  the  phony  cables implicating JFK's administration in the Diem assassination.

    October,  1971:   Look magazine apologized to Alioto for their Alioto Mafia Web  article and folded.   The sticking point:  thy couldn't prove Alioto's Mafia Nut Tree meeting back in 1963 re: the JKF murder.

    November, 1971:   Alioto re-elected S.F. mayor.

    December,  1971:   Robets  applied  for a "Gemstone" visa from the  Russian Consulate on a tapped phone.   Phone was tapped by Hal Lipset, S.F. private investigator,  who  worked  for Katherine Meyer  Graham  and  others,  and routinely monitored Consulate phone calls.

    January,  1972:   The  Watergate team showed up at the San Francisco  Drift Inn,  a CIA-FBI safe-house hangout bar,  where Roberts conducted a  nightly Gemstone  rap  for the benifit of any CIA or FBI or anyone who wandered  in for  a beer.   James McCord,  Martinez,  Bernard Barker,  Garcia and  Frank Sturgis showed up - along with a San Francisco dentist named Fuller.  James McCord  remarked:  "Sand and Arab oil with hydrogen heat makes glass  brick threat  of war to Arab nations".   The event,  like the other nightly raps, was taped by the Drift Inn bartender,  Al Stern,  who was paid to do so  by his old friend, Katherine Graham, but told his other friend, Roberts, about it.  The bar was also wired for sound by Arabs, Russians and Chinese.

    January 27,  1972:   Liddy and Dean met in Mitchell's office,  with Liddy's charts for his $1 million "plan" for spying,  kidnapping,  etc.   The plans included breaking into Hank Greenspun's Las Vegas office safe,  in hopes of recovering  Greenspun's file:  on the Hughes kidnapping and Onassis's Vegas operations,  which Greenspun had successfully used to blackmail Onassis out of $4 million or so.   A "Hughes" get away plane would stand by to take the White House burglers to Mexico.

    February,  1972:   Liddy and Hunt traveled around a lot, using "Hughes Tool Co." calling cards, and aliases from Hunt's spy novels. Liddy,  Hunt and other Watergaters dropped by for a beer at the Drift  Inn, where  they  were photographed on bar stools for Katherine  Graham.   These photos were later used in the Washington Post,  when Liddy, Hunt and others were arrested  at  Watergate because CIA men like Liddy  and  Hunt  aren't usually photographed. Roberts  quoted to Liddy "the Chinese stock market in cars" the  price on  Onassis's head by the ear in retaliation for a few things  Onassis  had done;  on  Wayne  Rector,  the  Hughes  double;  Eugene  Wyman,  California Democratic  Party  Chairman  and Mafia JFK pay off bagman;  and  on  Lyndon Johnson "four bodies twisting in the breeze". Robert's quoting prices to Liddy at the Drift Inn made their deaths  a mortal  cinch.   Liddy's  like that and that's why the murdering  slob  was picked by the Mafia. "Gemstones"  rolling around the Drift Inn in February inspired Liddy's Gemstone plan that became Watergate.

    February,  1972:  Francis L. Dale, head of CREEP and ITT Board of Directors member, pushed Magruder to push Liddy into Watergate. In a Mafia-style effort to shut Roberts up, his father was murdered by "plumbers"  team members Liz Dale (Francic L.  Dale's  ex-wife),  Martinez, Gonzalez,  Barker; in Hahnemann's hospital, S.F. where Mr. Roberts had been taken  after swallowing a sodium morphate "pill" slipped into  his  medicine bottle  at  home by Watergate locksmith (Miami's "Missing  Link"  locksmith shop)  Gonzales.   The pill didn't kill him.   He had a weak digestion  and vomited enough of the sodium morphate up (it burned his lips and tongue on the  way  out)  but  he had emphysema and went to  the  hospital.   In  the hospital,  "nurse"  Liz  Dale and "doctor" Martinez assisted him  to  sniff a  quadruple-strength can of aerosol medicine enough to kill him  the  next day.

    The  day before,  Tisseront,  head of the College of Cardinals at  the Vatican,  was  pushed out of a Vatican window.   Tisseront had followed the career  of the present Pope,  Montini (whose mother was  Jewish).   Montini sodium-morphate  murdered Pope Pius XI;  was banished from Rome for  it  by Pius  XII;  became Pope in 1963.   Tisseront wrote it all down; called the Pope "The Deputy of Christ at Auschwitz", and the fulfillment of the Fatima 3  Phophecy:  that  "The anti-Christ shall rise to become the head  of  the Church".   Tisseront  also wrote about all the suppressed secrets  of  the Roman Catholic Church: i.e. that Jesus Christ was an Arab, born April 16, 6 B.C.  at  the  rare  conjunction of Saturn  and  Jupiter.   Arab (Persian) astronomers  (the Magi) came to Bethlehem to look for their king,  an  Arab baby and found him in a stable,  because the Jews wouldn't let Arabs Joseph and Mary into their nice clean inns,  even then.  When Jesus overturned the tables of the money lenders at the Temple, the Jews had the Romans nail him to a cross.   He died on the cross when the Roman soldiers stuck a spear in his side,  pulled out his liver, and ate it.  Tacitus, the Roman historian, described it all in a chunk of history deleted by the Church.   Nero burned Rome  but that didn't stop the spreading of Moses' teachings by  the  early Christians, (Arabs).  So the Romans decided to adopt the religion, clean it up,  make Christ a Jew and Mary a virgin,  and work out a church state deal to  fool the people in the name of God and country that had been  operating ever  since.

    Around  311  A.D.  at the Council of  Nicea  the  Christian Orthodoxy  was established;  a dissenting bishop had his hands chopped off; another bishop was assigned to round up all the old copies of the Bible and destroy  them in favor of the "revised" de-Arabized  version.   Cleaned up Mathew,  Mark  Luke  and John were declared "it",  the other  Gospels  were declared Apocryphal,  and heretical.   Roman Emperor Constantine became the first "Christian" emperor. Later  during  the  holy  crusades the Bible was  again  rewritten  to include Jesus' warning against the "yellow race". "27 Gemstones",  with histories,  to 27 countries brought Red China into the U.N. and threw Taiwan out.

    April,  1972:  Money pours into CREEP: "Gulf Resources and Chemicals Corp., Houston,  Texas"  contributes $100,000;  illegal laundered through Mexico, comes back through Liedtke of Pennzoil Corp.,  Houston.  Robert Vesco gives Maurice Stans $200,000 "campaign contributions",  etc.   Liddy gives McCord $76,000.  McCord buys $58,000 worth of bugging equipment, cameras, etc.

    This is file #4 of 4 for this document.

    May,  1972:   J.  Edgar Hoover had the Gemstone File:  threatened to expose Dallas-JFK in an "anonymous" book,  The Texas Mafia.   Instead, someone put sodium morphate in his apple pie.  The corpse was carted away from his home in  the  back seat of a V.W.--and his files were "burned" but some of  them got away.

    May 28,  1972:   First break-in at Watergate:   McCord,  Barker,  Martinez, Garcia,  Gonzales, Sturgis, DeDiego and Pico stood guard outside.  Hunt and Liddy  directed the operation from a (safe?) distance --across the  street. The object was to check on Onassis's two men to Democratic Party HQ:  Larry O'Brien and Spencer Oliver.  (O'Brien chief "PR:  client had been "Hughes"; Oliver's father worked for Onassis).  McCord wire-tapped their phones. But,  little did McCord know that the plumbers were being observed by  Hal Lipset,  Katherine Graham's S.F.  detective who had followed two of the plumbers from Liz Dale's side in S.F. to Watergate.  Lipset "watched in amazement"  as the Plumbers broke in and bugged the phones: then reported back to his boss Katherine Graham.   Lipset and Graham set the trap for the Watergaters when they returned to remove their bugs and equipment.

    "The style of the old Holy Roman Empire:  a slave nation paying tribute  to the conqueror."

    October, 1973:  Another "Holy War"--Israelis VS Arabs..

    January,  1974:   Joe  Alioto  grants  Sunol Golf Course lease  to  Mafioso Komano,  Frattiano,  Nuniz,  Madiros, Abe Chapman and Neil Neilson.  Alioto sets up the Dallas murder squad in S.F. for more murders.

    January 26,  1974:  "Hughes" extradition trial cancelled in Reno by "Alioto Mafia  Web"   Mafia  Judge Thomson after Moses Lasky  from  Mafia  Alioto's California  Crime  Commission waves the forged  "Howard  Hughes"  signature under his nose. Maheu  "wins" his damage suit against "Hughes" his blackmail pay-off  after discussing  Hughes'  "Game Plan" for buying control of the U.S.  by  buying politicians: governors, judges, senators and presidents.

    February,  1974:  Mafia Hearst's daughter Patty "kidnapped" by Lipset's SLA in a fake terrorist action.

    Martin  Luther  King's  mother  was murdered by a  black  student,  a  self declared  "Israelite"--"acting  alone" who was escorted to  the  church  by somebody-- and  who had a list of other mothers as targets.   Next day  the target Shirley Chisholm got the message and rushed to sign off the DNC suit against CREEP naming Francis L. Dale; she had been the last to hold out.

    April 4,  1974:   Mary McCarthy,  a writer who had been given a copy of the Gemstone file, said in an article in the New York Review of Books, that the key  to the formation of Liddy's Gemstone plan lay in the whereabouts  and activities  of  the Plumbers between December,  1971  and  February,  1972. Answer:  They  were in the Drift Inn,  watching Gemstones rolling around on the bar top.

    August 6,  1974:  Nixon and Ford signed a paper at the White House.  It was an  agreement:  Ford could be President.   Nixon got to burn his tapes  and files and murder anyone he needed to cover it all up.

    August 7,  1974:   Roberts passed information to Pavlov at the S.F. Russian Consulate  which led directly to Nixon's resignation the "more"  journalism review's story about Denny Walsh's "Reopening of the Alioto Mafia Web story for the New York Times,  killed in a panic, plug a long taped discussion of who and what the Mafia is.   Hal Lipset listened to the conversation in the bugged  Consulate  room,  had  the  phone lines  open  to  Rockefeller  and Kissinger who listened too.   Rockefeller sent Kissinger to the White House with Nixon's marching orders: "Resign right now".   Nixon and Julie cried. But there was still some hope,  if Nixon resigned immediately,  of  drawing the  line  somewhere--before it got to the King of the  Mountain himself--Onassis.   Nixon,  on  trial,  would blurt out those names to save himself: Onassis, Dale, "Hughes", even JFK.

    August  8,  1974:   Nixon stepped down,  and Ford stepped up:  to keep  the cover-up going.

    August 23,  1974:   Frattiano in San Francisco,  staying at the Sunol  Golf Course.  More murders scheduled RE: Gemstone cover-up.

    August 30,  1974:   Ford hires Mafia lawer Becker to work out a pardon deal for Nixon,  who might otherwise name Onassis,  Graham,  and Pope Martini to save himself.

    San Francisco Zebra Murders:   A series of "random" killings, dubbed "Zebra murders" by the police because supposedly blacks were killing whites.   The real  target  was Silva,  the witness to Alioto's Mafia Nut  Tree  meeting. Silva was shot to death in an alley.  Careful Mafia planning went into this series,  to kill several birds with one stone.   1.)  Get witness Silva out of  the  way,  without being too "obvious" about it.   2.)  Spread fear  of "black  terrorists" and convince people that the police  department  needed more  money and more repressive power.   3.)  Blame and frame Black Muslims, knock off leaders of the opposition.

    September 7,  1974:   Roberts nad made an agreement with a friend, Harp, of Kish Realty,  over a bugged phone.  Harp was to buy a Gemstone with history for  $500,  the  price of a trip to Canada for Roberts to  check  in at  the "Hughes" Mormon Mafia Canadian stock market swindle and other matters.  But Harp  was sodium-morphate poisoned before the deal could go through on this date.

    Note: Sodium morphate: a favorite Mafia poison for centuries. Smells like apple  pie, and is sometimes served up in one, as to J. Edgar Hoover. Sometimes in a pill or capsule. Symptoms: lethergy,  sleep,  sometimes vomiting. Once ingested,  there is a heart attack and no trace is left in the  body. Proof  is  in the vomit which is usually not analysed. Not mentioned in your standard medical book on poisons,  etc. It is a  common ingredient in rat poison.

    September 8, 1974:  Ford pardons Nixon for "all crimes committed" from June 20, 1969, (oops, make that January) through August, 1974. Gemstone  papers  still floating around the wold.   Gandhi talks about  the U.S.' bloody deeds.

    October,  1974:   Ford  drops  "extradition" of Hughes  from  the  Bahamas. Explanation:  "We dropped it because we knew he wouldn't come".  THAT'S FOR SURE.

    "Four documents; four bodies twisting slowly in the breeze".

    Lyndon  Johnson:   Sodium  morphate  "heart  attack" at his  ranch  on  the Pedernales River.  Among his last words: "You know fellows, it really was a conspiracy...."

    Alexander  Onassis's plane crash at the "1000 foot Walter  Reuther  Level", via a fixed altimeter, at Athens Airport.

    Eugene  Wyman:   California Democratic Party Chairman and JFK  assassinatin pay-off bagman:  Heart attack.

    L.  Wayne Rector,  Hughes' double:   Killed at Rothchild's Inn of the Park, London. "Started the Shattering of the Mafia Economy".

    March 18,  1973:   Roberts called Hal Lipset,  discussing all these matters publicly over a tapped phone.   Lipset reported to Dean,  who had hired him away  from  Graham,  after  they figured out who had  taped  the  door  at Watergate. (Mitchell:  Katie Graham's liable to get caught in a wringer").

    March 21, 1973:  Nixon said that on this date, he "received new evidence on Watergate".   Lipset bragged on T.V.  that he had been the one to bring new evidence to Nixon. Meanwhile, back at the Washington Post,  Katherine Graham had been feeding Woodward and Bernstein information for their articles.

    May 10,  1973:  The first witness at the Watergate hearing running down the names  on  the CREEP organizational chart,  mentioned the name at the  top: Francis L.  Dale, Chairman. Dale was never mentioned again during the rest of the trial.

    July 9, 1973:  Roberts had used Al Strom's Drift Inn bar as an open lecture forum  for  any and all and Al Strom taped  it,  for  his  boss,  Katherine Graham.  But Al was fair and told Roberts he was doing it, for which he was murdered on this date.

    August  1973:   Murder of Chile,  by Group of 40:  (Rockefeller and his man Kissinger), working with the CIA and $8 million.  Allende's Chile.  Admiral Noel  Gaylor,  Naval Intelligence, told Roberts 1 1/2 years  earlier  that Chile  would  get  it:   Roberts  warned the  Chilean  consul  in  advance: Allegria, now "teaching" at Stanford. ITT  had now extracted $125 million payment for its Chilean plants,  a good  return  for  their  $8  million.   Mafia  controlled  Chile's  annual inflation rate has set a world's record.

    March 19,  1973:   Dean to Nixon, nervously:  "There is a cancer growing on the Presidency".

    October 3,  1974:   The Watergate trial,  the cover-up of the cover-up  got underway,  starting  Montini's Bon Veniste,  Onassis's Neal,  Graham's Jill Volner.   In the White House, Mafia Mayors Alioto, Daley and Beame met with the truth squad Ford, Scott and Griffin and Mike Mansfield, in secret.

    October 10, 1974:  Tina Livanos Onassis Blandford Niarchos, sodium morphate poisoned by hubby Stravos, puked, slept and died of "heart attack".

    Losing his son Alexander, took all the fun out of killing for Onassis.  Who was left to inherit the world empire he had dreamed of handing  over to his son?

    December,  1974:  Brezhnev had scheduled a meeting with Sadat.  The outcome wouldn't help the U.S.  no matter how many trips Henry made to the mid-East with  clean  socks  and blank checks.   A  new  U.S.  "secret  weapon"  was apparently used,  a tiny speck of metal, introduced somehow into Brezhnev's lymph system.   It lodged in the cluster of lymph nodes over his heart, and there  it  was  coated with layers of,  much as an oyster created  a  pearl around  an irritating grain of sand.   Brezhnev's lymph system clogged  up: he got the flu and the meeting with Sadat was cancelled. Russian doctors X-rayed him and found a hugh lump in his chest.   Then they put  him  before  a Kirlian camera and checked his  aura  for  cancer.   No cancer.  Kirlian  photography  is the latest Russian  diagnostic  tool.   It reveals the presence of disease, physical or moral (it also detects lies). Brezhnev's lump had to be treated with radiation therapy:  hence the rumors he had cancer.  It took six weeks to clear up.

    March,  1975:   Onassis  died.   The Mafia Organization  regrouped  itself. Prince  Fisal watched his uncle,  King Fisal,  silently watch the shift  of Mafia  Power  and  couldn't  stand it anymore.   He  shot  his  uncle,  the spiritual  leader of 60,000,000 Moslems,  who had played ball with  Onassis all along. South  Vietnam's  Thieu,  dubious  about which way the  Mafia cookie  would crumble,  now that Onassis was dead,  decided the time was right for him to split.  He abandoned the war effort, cursed the U.S., and split for Taiwan, his  plane  so overloaded with gold bullion that he had to dump some of it overboard.

    March 15,  1975: Roberts got the "Brezhnev Flu" and spent 2 weeks at U.C. Hospital. Doctors there without the Kirlian photography diagnostic technique, assumed the softball sized lump over his heart was cancer. It wasn't.

    April,  1975:  The Cambodian domino was no fun at all - it fell right over. Premier Lon Nol fled to exile in a Hawaiian suburb. CIA chief Colby,  in a fit of spite,  leaked the stolen story of CIA Hughes Glomar Explorer's raising of the drowned Russian sailors from their  sunken nuclear submarine.  Purpose: To bag the Russians and also to halt criticism of  the CIA by pointing out how noble,  brave and self-sacrificing they are in their efforts to save us. The  Russians are funny about their dead.   They bitterly resented  Colby's game.   They quietly went through a massive naval "war game",  the rehearsal of a nuclear attack on the U.S. Which  brings  us  almost  to  the  present  time.    Ford,  Kissinger  and Rockefeller squat like toads on the corpse of America.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Nov 09, 2024 9:08 pm; edited 55 times in total

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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Oct 26, 2024 1:00 pm

    The orthodoXymoron Files
    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Tumblr_nk7kpxBrIt1s1dm62o1_1280
    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Jupiter_Ascending_28

    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Mad_magazine_cover_obama

    I feel very uneasy about this. Consider Joseph Kennedy and Howard Hughes. I mostly don't wish to pursue this. I mostly wish to go for long walks and read my newspapers. It may be that a thorough analysis (if one is ever properly done) will reveal that my threads are a mess and that I'm a mess but in a decade or two, my mess might make a lot more sense, but by that time, I'll probably be long-gone. This was an experiment which I probably conducted in a miserable manner as I became increasingly miserable and hamstrung. I probably lost my way in many ways, but I tried a novel approach which mostly didn't work. I still don't know what to think about all the individuals of interest and top celebrities. Who knows, most of them might be clones or lesser actors masquerading as greater actors. I simply noted what I noticed and experienced. I'm troubled by the possibility that knowing we know might be more difficult to prove than we think. How do we REALLY Know?? I've taken too long and I've gotten too old and senile to connect all the necessary dots. Also, what I think about in fleeting conceptualizations is astounding to me, but I obviously can't properly communicate or prove that sort of thing. It's sort of a secular-sacred potpourri to make people (and other than people) think. The heavy-lifting will need to be done by those much more capable than me. Imagining various factions of hypothetical deep-states is intriguing, but how the hell am I supposed to know the TRUTH?! If I really knew, and blurted everything out, I'd probably be terminated in short-order. Again, this is probably more of an exercise in futility than anything, but those in the know might know that I'm closer to the mark than most people think. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? The Shadow Knows!! Someday We Might be Surprised!! BTW, did that hypothetical Council of Seventeen ever meet?? Probably Not but It's Fun for Me to Think About. The Major Players Always Give Me Something to Think About!!

    What Do YOU Want?? Right off the bat -- I must say that I don't know enough about the colonization of the solar system to know what to desire. I have suggested the possibility of four billion people on Earth (with two billion on the surface -- and two billion subsurface) -- with four billion people throughout the rest of the solar system (mostly subsurface). But this presently makes me very nervous. I have no idea what's really going on in this solar system. My online activities have really been a process of discovery. I sometimes talk BIG -- but I am NOT an Insider (in any way, shape, or form -- that I know of). The population figures were simply a place of beginning -- and an effort to get some sort of a discussion going. I simply wish for Earth, the Moon, and Mars (for starters) to remain pristine (for all eternity). I also wish for the human race to survive any threats. Sub-Surface Living would seem to facilitate both objectives. But who knows what the correct numbers should be?? Eight Billion just sounded a lot better than Five-Hundred Million -- if you know what I mean. Don't be frightened -- the Solar System Governance Canon has essentially closed (for now). I have made repeated informal requests for some sort of non-nefarious assistance regarding doing something with my tripe. I have resisted doing anything with it myself -- simply because I don't know what's what -- and I don't know what I'm doing. I've improvised some sort of a Stupid-Fugue -- and perhaps that's the end of it.

    I've covered this territory repeatedly, but here we go again. Consider reading I Chronicles to Malachi and Acts to Revelation regarding the Life and Teachings of Jesus as Found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John AND regarding the Old Testament Historical Books as Found in Genesis to 2 Kings. This is sort of a trick proposition and I am NOT a scholar. I am truly a battered and bruised Completely Ignorant Fool. Here is a Clue from a Rebel Without a Clue: Consider reading Volumes 3,4,6,7 of the SDA Bible Commentary (1 Chronicles to Malachi and Acts to Revelation). But really, are Politics, Religion, and History ultimately Mental and Spiritual Quicksand?? Will we fight over this stuff for All Eternity?? I might do a Truncated Review of my fourteen United States AI Solar System threads. Or, I might not. This seems to be an Exercise in Futility. Perhaps the Fun Never Ends. Still that above study is quite interesting if one has the time, talent, and inclination. Think of it in the context of an Ivy-League University in the 1950's. Think of it as being attempted by a Beautiful Mind at Princeton!! I am NOT trying to convert anyone. I am trying to make at least some of us THINK. But I suspect this is too-little, too-late, at this late-date. I've suggested Reading The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times along with Exercising in Nature as a Pragmatic Middle-Way. Hope Springs Eternal. Remember, I am attempting a strange sort of Religious and Political Science-Fiction. Researchers Beware.

    Consider reading the first seventeen books of the Bible (plus Revelation) --- and then comparing these eighteen books with the other forty-eight books. The eighteen might've been necessary historically -- but should they guide our lives in modernity??? I am very wary of Sherry Shriner. That goes for several individuals I have conversed with over the past several years (online and in-person). What if they are all one??? That wouldn't surprise me. I once asked someone "who decides who is saved and who is lost?" -- and they replied "I do." I was afraid to ask any follow-up questions -- and I'm not sure they understood my initial question -- but this reply absolutely floored me. I made it clear that my preference was to incarcerate the bad guys and gals -- without cruel and unusual punishment -- for all eternity (if necessary) -- rather than torturing and exterminating them. I guess I'm sort of a "softy." Anyway, consider reading Job through Jude -- and The Desire of Ages by Ellen White -- side by side -- over and over again -- regardless of any historical or authorship issues -- as a mental and spiritual exercise. 22 Old-Testament Books. 4 Gospels. 22 Non-Gospel New Testament Books. This approach has MUCH Less Blood, Guts, Weeping, Wailing, and Gnashing of Teeth -- but does it reflect the reality of our predicament?? My background is SDA -- but I no longer attend services. I guess what I just suggested reflects what I consider to be some of the best Judeo-Christian Minimalist-Traditionalist Theology -- which might be foundational to bigger and better things for humanity. BTW -- Why did Jesus Christ need to become a human-sacrifice to save us from our sins -- if the following passages from Isaiah are true??

    Isaiah 43 1 But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.  2 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned ; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.  3 For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour : I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.  4 Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable , and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.  5 Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west;  6 I will say to the north, Give up ; and to the south, Keep not back : bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth;  7 Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.  8 Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears.  9 Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the people be assembled : who among them can declare this, and shew us former things? let them bring forth their witnesses, that they may be justified : or let them hear , and say , It is truth.  10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen : that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed , neither shall there be after me.  

    11 I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour .  12 I have declared , and have saved , and I have shewed , when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I am God.  13 Yea, before the day was I am he; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand: I will work , and who shall let it?   14 Thus saith the LORD, your redeemer , the Holy One of Israel; For your sake I have sent to Babylon, and have brought down all their nobles, and the Chaldeans, whose cry is in the ships.  15 I am the LORD, your Holy One, the creator of Israel, your King.  16 Thus saith the LORD, which maketh a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters;  17 Which bringeth forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power; they shall lie down together, they shall not rise : they are extinct , they are quenched as tow.  18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.  19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth ; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.  20 The beast of the field shall honour me, the dragons and the owls  : because I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen.  21 This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.  22 But thou hast not called upon me, O Jacob; but thou hast been weary of me, O Israel.  23 Thou hast not brought me the small cattle of thy burnt offerings; neither hast thou honoured me with thy sacrifices. I have not caused thee to serve with an offering, nor wearied thee with incense.  24 Thou hast bought me no sweet cane with money, neither hast thou filled me with the fat of thy sacrifices: but thou hast made me to serve with thy sins, thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities.  25 I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.  26 Put me in remembrance : let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified .  27 Thy first father hath sinned , and thy teachers have transgressed against me.  28 Therefore I have profaned the princes of the sanctuary, and have given Jacob to the curse, and Israel to reproaches.

    Matthew was supposedly the only New Testament book originally written in Hebrew (or Aramaic). Interesting! What if Matthew is the only truly legitimate New Testament book??? What if Job through Matthew constitutes True Judeo-Christianity??? What does Job through Matthew teach regarding the Sabbath and the Substitutionary-Atonement??? Why is there a relatively silent Intertestamental Period?? Why is Acts to Revelation relatively silent regarding the Historical Jesus of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?? Why is first century AD history relatively silent regarding the Life and Teachings of Jesus as found in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?? Why did the Biblical-Canon end with Revelation??? Something is very-right and very-wrong with the Bible and Judeo-Christianity. The absence of Lucifer in the Bible really bothers me. There is just that one reference in Isaiah 14 -- and that passage seems to be referring to the King of Babylon. Gabriel supposedly replaced Lucifer -- but what if Gabriel really replaced Michael??? What if there was never a "Lucifer"??? What if Michael was a Soft-Liner who got replaced by a Hard-Liner Gabriel -- with the full authorization of the Galactic Powers That Be??? What if -- at some point -- Gabriel went rogue??? I have NO idea about this sort of thing -- and I don't make this speculation personal -- but I really wonder. I still think that it's possible that Gabriel and Michael were (and are) Best-Friends and Worst-Enemies. What if Gabriel and Michael have played multiple roles throughout the history of this solar system??? What if Gabriel and Michael were BOTH Ancient Egyptian Deities??? What if Official Judeo-Christianity is a cover-story for the real-story??? Once again, I wish No-One any harm. Not yet, anyway.

    Isaiah 14: 1 For the LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land: and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob.  2 And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captives , whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors .  3 And it shall come to pass in the day that the LORD shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve ,  4 That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say , How hath the oppressor ceased ! the golden city ceased !  5 The LORD hath broken the staff of the wicked, and the sceptre of the rulers .  6 He who smote the people in wrath with a continual  stroke, he that ruled the nations in anger, is persecuted, and none hindereth .  7 The whole earth is at rest , and is quiet : they break forth into singing.  8 Yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid down , no feller is come up against us.  9 Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming : it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.  10 All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? art thou become like unto us?  11 Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee.  12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning  ! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!  13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:  14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.  15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. 16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble , that did shake kingdoms;  17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?  

    18 All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house.  19 But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain , thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet .  20 Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned .  21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise , nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities  .  22 For I will rise up against them, saith the LORD of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the LORD.  23 I will also make it a possession for the bittern, and pools of water: and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction , saith the LORD of hosts.  24 The LORD of hosts hath sworn , saying , Surely as I have thought , so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed , so shall it stand :  25 That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot : then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders.  26 This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations.  27 For the LORD of hosts hath purposed , and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out , and who shall turn it back ?  28 In the year that king Ahaz died was this burden.  29 Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken : for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.  30 And the firstborn of the poor shall feed , and the needy shall lie down in safety: and I will kill thy root with famine, and he shall slay thy remnant.  31 Howl , O gate; cry , O city; thou, whole Palestina, art dissolved : for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none shall be alone in his appointed times.  32 What shall one then answer the messengers of the nation? That the LORD hath founded Zion, and the poor of his people shall trust in it.

    Please understand that I mostly wished to model and discuss various solar system governance modalities -- and I wish to reiterate that I am NOT an authority on ANYTHING. Anyway, I will now attempt to proceed with my little reposting project. BTW -- Supposedly, J.S. Bach was some sort of a Demon-Fighter -- and Demons supposedly HATE the Music of Bach!! If nothing else works -- try playing BWV 552, BWV 565, and BWV 582 over and over and over again!!! When I played BWV 565 over and over and over again -- on a 50ft high pipe-organ -- one dark night -- my organ professor entered the church -- and in a very strange voice asked "Who's Here -- and Why??"

    I've included the Bible and Theology in this first post, because I think they should be studied side by side with Solar System Studies and Governance. In connection with what I said regarding Job through Matthew -- consider the Gospel According to Matthew in some depth. What if the Source "Q" somehow belongs somewhere among Job through Malachi?? What if the Jesus-Story (as we know it) was a doctored-version of an earlier Messianic-Story?? Consider studying the relationship between Egyptology and Judeo-Christianity. I seem to have a mental-block regarding this sort of thing -- but I'm trying to expose myself to some of it. Please remember that I am merely providing you with a study-guide -- to help you deal with a very nasty Info-War. I am NOT a scholar or an authority. I'm just a basket-case of a completely-ignorant fool -- and I wish I were kidding. The reality of my life is really quite sad and boring -- regardless of who I might be on a soul-basis. I somehow think I got my butt kicked in this incarnation. But anyway -- learn what you can from this thread -- and then move on. One more thing. Sometimes I get the sinking-feeling that the purpose of religion is to make people love a False-God and hate the Real-God. Namaste and Godspeed.

    The Gospel According to Matthew (Greek: κατὰ Ματθαῖον εὐαγγέλιον, kata Matthaion euangelion, τὸ εὐαγγέλιον κατὰ Ματθαῖον, to euangelion kata Matthaion) (Gospel of Matthew or simply Matthew) is one of the four canonical gospels, one of the three synoptic gospels, and the first book of the New Testament. The narrative tells how the Messiah, Jesus, rejected by Israel, finally sends the disciples to preach his Gospel to the whole world.[1]

    The Gospel of Matthew is generally believed to have been composed between 70 and 110, with most scholars preferring the period 80–90;[2] a pre-70 date remains a minority view, but has been strongly supported.[3] The anonymous author was probably a highly educated Jew, intimately familiar with the technical aspects of Jewish law, and the disciple Matthew was probably honored within his circle.[4] The author drew on three main sources to compose his gospel: the Gospel of Mark; the hypothetical collection of sayings known as the Q source; and material unique to his own community, called "Special Matthew", or the M source.[5]

    The Gospel of Matthew is anonymous: the author is not named within the text, and the superscription "according to Matthew" was added some time in the second century.[6][7] The tradition that the author was the disciple Matthew begins with the early Christian bishop Papias of Hierapolis (c.100-140 CE), who is cited by the Church historian Eusebius (260-340 CE), as follows: "Matthew collected the oracles (logia: sayings of or about Jesus) in the Hebrew language ( Hebraïdi dialektōi— perhaps "Hebraic style"), and each one interpreted (hērmēneusen - perhaps "translated") them as best he could."[8][Notes 1] On the surface, this implies that Matthew's Gospel was written in Hebrew or Aramaic by the apostle Matthew and later translated into Greek, but nowhere does the author claim to have been an eyewitness to events, and Matthew's Greek "reveals none of the telltale marks of a translation."[9][6] Scholars have put forward several theories to explain Papias: perhaps Matthew wrote two gospels, one, now lost, in Hebrew, the other our Greek version; or perhaps the logia was a collection of sayings rather than the gospel; or by dialektōi Papias may have meant that Matthew wrote in the Jewish style rather than in the Hebrew language.[8] The consensus is that Papias does not describe the Gospel of Matthew as we know it, and it is generally accepted that Matthew was written in Greek, not Aramaic or Hebrew.[10]

    Matthew's sources include the Gospel of Mark, the "shared tradition" called Q, and material unique to Matthew, called "M". The majority view of modern scholars is that Mark was the first gospel to be composed and that Matthew (who includes some 600 of Mark's 661 verses)[11] and Luke both drew upon it as a major source for their works.[12] The author of Matthew did not, however, simply copy Mark, but edited his source freely, emphasizing Jesus' place in the Jewish tradition and adding large blocks of teaching.[13] An additional 220 (approximately) verses, shared by Matthew and Luke but not found in Mark, form a second source, a hypothetical collection of sayings to which scholars give the name "Quelle", or the Q source.[14] This view, known as the two-source theory (Mark and Q), allows for a further body of tradition known as "Special Matthew", or the M source, meaning material unique to Matthew; this may represent a separate source, or it may come from the author's church, or he may have composed these verses himself.[11] The author also had at his disposal the Jewish scriptures, both as book-scrolls (Greek translations of Isaiah, the Psalms etc) and in the form of "testimony collections" (collections of excerpts), and, finally, the oral traditions of his community.[15] All these sources were at least mostly in Greek;[16] although a few scholars hold that some of these source documents may have been Greek translations of older Hebrew or Aramaic sources.[17][18]

    The majority view among scholars is that Matthew was a product of the second generation of Christians, those active after 70 CE. The defining events marking this period off from the first generation was the Jewish revolt of 66-73, and especially the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in 70. From this point on, what had begun with Jesus of Nazareth as a Jewish messianic movement became an increasingly Gentile movement that would evolve in time into a distinct religion.[19]

    The Christian community to which Matthew belonged, like many 1st century Christians, were still part of the larger Jewish community: hence the designation Jewish-Christian to describe them.[20] The relationship of Matthew to this wider world of Judaism remains a subject of study and difference, the principle question being the extent to which Matthew's community had separated itself from its Jewish roots.[21] Certainly there was conflict between Matthew's group and other Jewish groups, and it is generally agreed that the root of the conflict was the Matthew community's belief in Jesus as the messiah and authoritative interpreter of the law, as one risen from the dead and uniquely endowed with divine authority.[22]

    The author of Matthew wrote for a community of Greek-speaking Jewish Christians located probably in Syria (Antioch, the largest city in Roman Syria and the third-largest in the empire, is often mentioned).[23] Unlike Mark, he never bothers to explain Jewish customs; unlike Luke, who traces Jesus' ancestry back to Adam, father of the human race, he traces it only to Abraham, father of the Jews; of his three presumed sources only "M", the material from his own community, refers to a "church" (ecclesia), an organised group with rules for keeping order; and the content of "M" suggests that this community was strict in keeping the Jewish law, holding that they must exceed the scribes and the Pharisees in "righteousness" (adherence to Jewish law).[24] Writing from within a Jewish-Christian community growing increasingly distant from other Jews and becoming increasingly Gentile in its membership and outlook, Matthew put down in his gospel his vision "of an assembly or church in which both Jew and Gentile would flourish together."[25]

    1. Birth Stories
    Genealogy (1:1–17)
    Nativity (1:18–25)
    Biblical Magi (2:1–12)
    Flight into Egypt (2:13–20)
    Return to Nazareth (2:21-23)

    2. Baptism and early ministry
    John the Baptist (3:1–12)
    Baptism of Jesus (3:13–17)
    Temptation of Jesus (4:1–11)
    Capernaum (4:12–17)
    First disciples of Jesus (4:18–22)
    Galilee preaching tour (4:23–25)

    3. Sermon on the Mount (5–7)

    4. Healing and miracles
    Healing many (8:1–17)
    Foxes have holes (8:18–20)
    Let the dead bury the dead (8:21–22)
    Calming the storm (8:23–27)
    Gadarene demoniacs (8:28–34)
    Healing a paralytic (9:1–Cool
    Calling of Matthew (9:9–13)
    On fasting (9:14–15)
    New Wine into Old Wineskins (9:16-17)
    Daughter of Jairus (9:18–26)
    Two blind men (9:27–31)
    Exorcising a mute (9:32-34)
    Good crop but few harvesters (9:35–38)

    5. Little Commission (10:1–11:1)

    6. Responses to Jesus
    Messengers from John the Baptist (11:2-19)
    Cursing Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum (11:20–24)
    Praising the Father (11:25–30)
    Lord of the Sabbath (12:1-Cool
    Man with withered hand (12:9-14)
    Chosen servant (12:15–21)
    Blind-mute man (12:22–28)
    Strong man (12:29)
    Those not with me are against me (12:30)
    Unforgivable sin (12:31–32)
    The Tree and its Fruits (12:33–37)
    Request for a sign (12:38–42)
    Return of the unclean spirit (12:43–45)
    Jesus' true relatives (12:46-50)
    Parabolic Discourse (13:1–52)

    7. Conflicts, rejections, and conferences with disciples
    Hometown rejection (13:53–58)
    Death of John the Baptist (14:1-12)
    Feeding the 5000 (14:13–21)
    Walking on water (14:22–33)
    Fringe of his cloak heals (14:34–36)
    Discourse on Defilement (15:1–20)
    Canaanite woman's daughter (15:21–28)
    Healing on a mountain (15:29-31)
    Feeding the 4000 (15:32–39)
    Sign of Jonah (16:1-4)
    Beware of yeast (16:5–12)
    Peter's confession (16:13–20)
    Jesus predicts his death (16:21-28,17:22-23,20:17-19)
    Transfiguration (17:1–13)
    Possessed boy (17:14–21)
    Coin in the fish's mouth (17:24-27)

    8. Life in the Christian community
    The Little Children (18:1–7)
    If thy hand offend thee (18:8–9)
    The Lost Sheep (18:10–14)
    Binding and loosing (18:15–22)
    Unmerciful Servant (18:23–35)

    9. Journey to Jerusalem
    Entering Judea (19:1–2)
    Divorce (19:3–9)
    Celibacy (19:10-12)
    Little Children Blessed (19:13-15)
    Jesus and the rich young man (19:16–30)
    Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (20:1–16)
    Son of man came to serve (20:20–28)
    Blind near Jericho (20:29-34)

    10. Jerusalem, cleansing of the temple, debates
    Triumphal entry into Jerusalem (21:1–11)
    Temple incident (21:12–17)
    Cursing the fig tree (21:18–22)
    Authority questioned (21:23-27)
    The Two Sons, The Wicked Husbandman, Parable of the Wedding Feast (21:28–22:14)
    Render unto Caesar... (22:15–22)
    Resurrection of the Dead (22:23–33)
    Great Commandment (22:34–40)
    Is the Messiah the son of David? (22:41–46)

    11. Woes of the Pharisees (23:1–39)

    12. Judgment day
    Little Apocalypse (24)
    Parables of the Ten Virgins, Talents (25:1–30)
    Judgment of the Nations (25:31–46)

    13. Trial, crucifixion, resurrection
    Plot to kill Jesus (26:1–5)
    Anointing of Jesus (26:6–13)
    Bargain of Judas (26:14-16)
    Last Supper (26:17–30)
    Denial of Peter (26:31–35,69–75)
    Agony in the Garden (26:36-46)
    Kiss of Judas (26:47-49)
    Arrest (26:50–56)
    Before the High Priest (26:57–68)
    Pilate's court (27:1–2,11–26)
    Death of Judas (27:3-10)
    Soldiers mock Jesus (27:27-31)
    Simon of Cyrene (27:32)
    Crucifixion (27:33–56)
    Entombment (27:57–61)
    Guarding the tomb (27:62–66,28:11-15)
    Empty tomb (28:1–6)
    Appearance to the women (28:7-10)
    Great Commission (28:16–20)

    Matthew, alone among the gospels, alternates five blocks of narrative with five of discourse, marking each off with the phrase "When Jesus had finished..."[26] (see Five Discourses of Matthew). Some scholars see in this a deliberate plan to create a parallel to the first five books of the Old Testament; others see a three-part structure based around the idea of Jesus as Messiah; or a set of weekly readings spread out over the year; or no plan at all.[27] Davies and Allison, in their widely used commentary, draw attention to the use of "triads" (the gospel groups things in threes),[28] and R. T. France, in another influential commentary, notes the geographic movement from Galilee to Jerusalem and back, with the post-resurrection appearances in Galilee as the culmination of the whole story.[29]

    The Gospel of Matthew begins with the words "The Book of Genealogy [in Greek, "Genesis"] of Jesus Christ", deliberately echoing the words of Genesis 2:4 in the Old Testament in Greek.[Notes 2] The genealogy tells of Jesus' descent from Abraham and King David and the miraculous events surrounding his virgin birth,[Notes 3] and the infancy narrative tells of the massacre of the innocents, the flight into Egypt, and eventual journey to Nazareth.

    The first narrative section begins. John baptizes Jesus, and the Holy Spirit descends upon him. Jesus prays and meditates in the wilderness for forty days, and is tempted by Satan. His early ministry by word and deed in Galilee meets with much success, and leads to the Sermon on the Mount, the first of the discourses. The sermon presents the ethics of the kingdom of God, introduced by the Beatitudes ("Blessed are..."). It concludes with a reminder that the response to the kingdom will have eternal consequences, and the crowd's amazed response leads into the next narrative block.[30]

    From the authoritative words of Jesus the gospel turns to three sets of three miracles interwoven with two sets of two discipleship stories (the second narrative), followed by a discourse on mission and suffering.[31] Jesus commissions the Twelve Disciples and sends them to preach to the Jews, perform miracles, and prophesy the imminent coming of the Kingdom, commanding them to travel lightly, without staff or sandals.[32]

    Opposition to Jesus comes to a head with accusations that his deeds are done through the power of Satan; Jesus in turn accuses his opponents of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. The discourse is a set of parables emphasising the sovereignty of God, and concluding with a challenge to the disciples to understand the teachings as scribes of the kingdom of heaven.[33] (Matthew avoids using the holy word God in the expression "Kingdom of God"; instead he prefers the term "Kingdom of Heaven", reflecting the Jewish tradition of not speaking the name of God).[34]

    The fourth narrative section reveals that the increasing opposition to Jesus will result in his crucifixion in Jerusalem, and that his disciples must therefore prepare for his absence.[35] The instructions for the post-crucifixion church emphasize responsibility and humility. (This section contains Matthew 16:13–19, in which Simon, newly renamed Peter, (πέτρος, petros, meaning "stone"), calls Jesus "the Christ, the son of the living God", and Jesus states that on this "bedrock" (πέτρα, petra) he will build his church—the passage forms the foundation for the papacy's claim of authority).

    Jesus travels toward Jerusalem, and the opposition intensifies: he is tested by Pharisees as soon as he begins to move towards the city, and when he arrives he is soon in conflict with the Temple and other religious leaders. The disciples ask about the future, and in his final discourse (the Olivet discourse) Jesus speaks of the coming end.[36]There will be false Messiahs, earthquakes, and persecutions, the sun, moon, and stars will fail, but "this generation" will not pass away before all the prophecies are fulfilled.[32] The disciples must steel themselves for ministry to all the nations. At the end of the discourse Matthew notes that Jesus has finished all his words, and attention turns to the crucifixion.[36]

    The events of Jesus' last week occupy a third of the content of all four gospels.[37] Jesus enters Jerusalem in triumph and drives the money changers from the temple, holds a last supper, prays to be spared the coming agony (but concludes "if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done"), and is betrayed. He is tried by the Jewish leaders (the Sanhedrin) and before Pontius Pilate, and Pilate washes his hands to indicate that he does not assume responsibility. Jesus is crucified as king of the Jews, mocked by all. On his death there is an earthquake, the veil of the Temple is rent, and saints rise from their tombs. Mary Magdalene and another Mary discover the empty tomb, guarded by an angel, and Jesus himself tells them to tell the disciples to meet him in Galilee.

    After the resurrection the remaining disciples return to Galilee, "to the mountain that Jesus had appointed," where he comes to them and tells them that he has been given "all authority in heaven and on Earth." He gives the Great Commission: "Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you;" Jesus will be with them "to the very end of the age."[38]

    Christology is the theological doctrine of Christ, "the affirmations and definitions of Christ's humanity and deity".[39] There is a variety of Christologies in the New Testament, albeit with a single centre - Jesus is the figure in whom God has acted for mankind's salvation.[40]

    Matthew has taken over his key Christological texts from Mark, but sometimes he has changed the stories he found in Mark, giving evidence of his own concerns.[41] The title Son of David identifies Jesus as the healing and miracle-working Messiah of Israel (it is used exclusively in relation to miracles), and the Jewish messiah is sent to Israel alone.[42] As Son of Man he will return to judge the world, a fact his disciples recognise but of which his enemies are unaware.[43] As Son of God he is named Immanuel (God with us) (Matthew 1:23), God revealing himself through his son, and Jesus proving his sonship through his obedience and example.[44]

    Matthew's prime concern was that the Jewish tradition should not be lost in a church increasingly becoming gentile.[45] This concern lies behind the frequent citations of Jewish scripture, the evocation of Jesus as the new Moses along with other events from Jewish history, and the concern to present Jesus as fulfilling, not destroying, the Law.[46]

    The gospel has been interpreted as reflecting the struggles and conflicts between the evangelist's community and the other Jews, particularly with its sharp criticism of the scribes and Pharisees.[47] Prior to the Crucifixion the Jews are called Israelites, the honorific title of God's chosen people; after it, they are called "Ioudaioi", Jews, a sign that through their rejection of the Christ the "kingdom of Heaven" has been taken away from them and given instead to the church.[48]

    The divine nature of Jesus was a major issue for the community of Matthew, the crucial element marking them off from their Jewish neighbors. Early understandings of this nature grew as the gospels were being written. Before the gospels, that understanding was focused on the revelation of Jesus as God in his resurrection, but the gospels reflect a broadened focus extended backwards in time.[49] The gospel of Mark recounts prior revelations in Jesus' lifetime on earth, at his baptism and transfiguration. Matthew and Luke go back further still, showing Jesus as the Son of God from his birth. Matthew most of all the gospels identifies how his coming to earth was the fulfillment of many Old Testament prophecies. Finally John calls God the Word (Jesus) pre-existent before creation, and thus before all time.

    Matthew is a creative reinterpretation of Mark,[50] stressing Jesus' teachings as much as his acts,[51] and making subtle changes in order to stress his divine nature – Mark's "young man" who appears at Jesus' tomb, for example, becomes a radiant angel in Matthew.[52] The miracle stories in Mark do not demonstrate the divinity of Jesus, but rather confirm his status as an emissary of God (which was Mark's understanding of the Messiah).[53]

    There is a broad disagreement over chronology between Matthew, Mark and Luke on one hand and John on the other: all four agree that Jesus' public ministry began with an encounter with John the Baptist, but Matthew, Mark and Luke follow this with an account of teaching and healing in Galilee, then a trip to Jerusalem where there is an incident in the Temple, climaxing with the crucifixion on the day of the Passover holiday. John, by contrast, puts the Temple incident very early in Jesus' ministry, has several trips to Jerusalem, and puts the crucifixion immediately before the Passover holiday, on the day when the lambs for the Passover meal were being sacrificed in Temple.[54] Matthew, unlike Paul and like Luke, believed that the Law was still in force, which meant that Jews within the church had to keep it.[55]

    In Insular Gospel Books (copies of the Gospels produced in Ireland and Britain under Celtic Christianity), the first verse of Matthew's genealogy of Christ was often treated in a decorative manner, as it began not only a new book of the Bible, but was the first verse in the Gospels.


    1. Eusebius, "History of the Church" 3.39.14-17, c. 325 CE, Greek text 16: "ταῦτα μὲν οὖν ἱστόρηται τῷ Παπίᾳ περὶ τοῦ Μάρκου· περὶ δὲ τοῦ Ματθαῖου ταῦτ’ εἴρηται· Ματθαῖος μὲν οὖν Ἑβραΐδι διαλέκτῳ τὰ λόγια συνετάξατο, ἡρμήνευσεν δ’ αὐτὰ ὡς ἧν δυνατὸς ἕκαστος. Various English translations published, standard reference translation by Philip Schaff at CCEL: "[C]oncerning Matthew he [Papias] writes as follows: 'So then(963) Matthew wrote the oracles in the Hebrew language, and every one interpreted them as he was able.'(964)" Online version includes footnotes 963 and 964 by Schaff.
    Irenaeus of Lyons (died c. 202 CE) makes a similar comment, possibly also drawing on Papias, in his Against Heresies, Book III, Chapter 1, "Matthew also issued a written Gospel among the Hebrews in their own dialect" (see Dwight Jeffrey Bingham (1998), Irenaeus' Use of Matthew's Gospel in Adversus Haereses, Peeters, p. 64 ff).
    2. France, p. 26 note 1, and p. 28: "The first two words of Matthew's gospel are literally “book of genesis”.
    3. France, p. 28 note 7: "All MSS and versions agree in making it explicit that Joseph was not Jesus' father, with the one exception of sys, which reads “Joseph, to whom was betrothed Mary the virgin, begot Jesus.”


    1. Luz 2005, p. 249-250.
    2. Duling 2010, p. 298-299.
    3. France 2007, p. 19.
    4. Duling 2010, p. 298-299, 302.
    5. Burkett 2002, p. 175.
    6. Harrington 1991, p. 8.
    7. Nolland 2005, p. 16.
    8. Turner 2008, p. 15-16.
    9. Hagner 1986, p. 281.
    10. Ehrman 1999, p. 43.
    11. Senior 1996, p. 22.
    12. Turner 2008, p. 6-7.
    13. Harrington 1991, p. 5-6.
    14. McMahon 2008, p. 57.
    15. Beaton 2005, p. 116.
    16. Nolland 2005, p. 3.
    17. Casey 2010, pp. 87–8.
    18. Davies & Allison 1988, pp. 12–3.
    19. Scholtz 2009, p. 34-35.
    20. Saldarini 1994, p. 4.
    21. Senior 2011, p. 7-8,72.
    22. Senior 2011, p. 11.
    23. Nolland 2005, p. 18.
    24. Burkett 2002, p. 180-181.
    25. Senior 2011, p. 19.
    26. Turner 2008, p. 9.
    27. Davies & Allison 1988, p. 59-61.
    28. Davies & Allison 1988, p. 62ff.
    29. France 2007, p. 2ff.
    30. Turner 2008, p. 101.
    31. Turner, p. 226
    32. Harris 1985.
    33. Turner 2008, p. 285.
    34. Browning 2004, p. 248.
    35. Turner 2008, p. 265.
    36. Turner 2008, p. 445.
    37. Turner 2008, p. 613.
    38. Turner 2008, p. 687-688.
    39. Levison & Pope-Levison 2009, p. 167.
    40. Fuller 2001, p. 68-69.
    41. Tuckett 2001, p. 119.
    42. Luz 1995, p. 86,111.
    43. Luz 1995, p. 91,97.
    44. Luz 1995, p. 93.
    45. Davies & Allison 1997, p. 722.
    46. Senior 2001, p. 17-18.
    47. Burkett, p. 182
    48. Strecker pp. 369–370
    49. Peppard 2011, p. 133.
    50. Bockmuehl&Hagner, p. 117
    51. Morris, p. 114
    52. Bockmuehl&Hagner, p. 123
    53. Aune (1987), p. 59
    54. Levine, p. 373
    55. Allison, p.xxvi


    Allison, D.C. (2004). Matthew: A Shorter Commentary. T&T Clark. ISBN 978-0-567-08249-7.
    Davies, W.D.; Allison, D.C. (1988). Matthew 1–7. T&T Clark. ISBN 978-0-567-08355-5.
    Davies, W.D.; Allison, D.C. (1991). Matthew 8–18. T&T Clark. ISBN 978-0-567-08365-4.
    Davies, W.D.; Allison, D.C. (1997). Matthew 19–28. T&T Clark. ISBN 978-0-567-08375-3.
    Duling, Dennis C. (2010). "The Gospel of Matthew". In Aune, David E. The Blackwell Companion to the New Testament. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 296–318. ISBN 978-1-4051-0825-6.
    France, R.T (2007). The Gospel of Matthew. Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-8028-2501-8.
    Harrington, Daniel J. (1991). The Gospel of Matthew. Liturgical Press. ISBN 9780814658031
    Keener, Craig S. (1999). A commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-8028-3821-6.
    Luz, Ulrich (1992). Matthew 1–7: a commentary. Fortress Press. ISBN 978-0-8006-9600-9.
    Luz, Ulrich (2001). Matthew 8–20: a commentary. Fortress Press. ISBN 978-0-8006-6034-5.
    Luz, Ulrich (2005). Matthew 21–28: a commentary. Fortress Press. ISBN 978-0-8006-3770-5.
    Morris, Leon (1992). The Gospel according to Matthew. Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-85111-338-8.
    Nolland, John (2005). The Gospel of Matthew: A Commentary on the Greek Text. Eerdmans. ISBN 0802823890.
    Turner, David L. (2008). Matthew. Baker. ISBN 978-0-8010-2684-3.

    General works

    Aune, David E. (ed.) (2001). The Gospel of Matthew in current study. Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-8028-4673-0.
    Aune, David E. (1987). The New Testament in its literary environment. Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN 978-0-664-25018-8.
    Beaton, Richard C. (2005). "How Matthew Writes". In Bockmuehl, Markus; Hagner, Donald A. The Written Gospel. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-83285-4.
    Browning, W.R.F (2004). Oxford Dictionary of the Bible. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-860890-5.
    Burkett, Delbert (2002). An introduction to the New Testament and the origins of Christianity. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-00720-7.
    Casey, Maurice (2010). Jesus of Nazareth: An Independent Historian's Account of His Life and Teaching. Continuum. ISBN 978-0-567-64517-3.
    Clarke, Howard W. (2003). The Gospel of Matthew and Its Readers. Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0-253-34235-5.
    Cross, Frank L.; Livingstone, Elizabeth A., eds. (2005) [1997]. "Matthew, Gospel acc. to St.". The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (3 ed.). Oxford University Press. p. 1064. ISBN 978-0-19-280290-3.
    Dunn, James D.G. (2003). Jesus Remembered. Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-8028-3931-2.
    Ehrman, Bart D. (1999). Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-512474-3.
    Ehrman, Bart D. (2012). Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-220460-8.
    Fuller, Reginald H. (2001). "Biblical Theology". In Metzger, Bruce M.; Coogan, Michael D. The Oxford Guide to Ideas & Issues of the Bible. Oxford University Press.
    Hagner, D.A. (1986). "Matthew, Gospel According to". In Bromiley, Geoffrey W. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. 3: K-P. Wm. B. Eerdmans. pp. 280–8. ISBN 978-0-8028-8163-2.
    Kupp, David D. (1996). Matthew's Emmanuel: Divine Presence and God's People in the First Gospel. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-57007-7.
    Levine, Michael D. (2001). "Visions of kingdoms: From Pompey to the first Jewish revolt". In Coogan. The Oxford History of the Biblical World. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-513937-2.
    Levison, J.; Pope-Levison, P. (2009). "Christology". In Dyrness, William A.; Veli-Matti. Global Dictionary of Theology. InterVarsity Press.
    Luz, Ulrich (2005). Studies in Matthew. Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-8028-3964-0.
    Luz, Ulrich (1995). The Theology of the Gospel of Matthew. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-43576-5.
    McMahon, Christopher (2008). "Introduction to the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles". In Ruff, Jerry. Understanding the Bible: A Guide to Reading the Scriptures. Cambridge University Press.
    Morris, Leon (1986). New Testament Theology. Zondervan. ISBN 978-0-310-45571-4.
    Peppard, Michael (2011). The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in Its Social and Political Context. Oxford University Press.
    Perkins, Pheme (1998-07-28). "The Synoptic Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles: Telling the Christian Story". The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation. ISBN 0521485932., in Kee, Howard Clark, ed. (1997). The Cambridge companion to the bible: part 3. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-48593-7.
    Saldarini, Anthony (2003). "Matthew". Eerdmans commentary on the Bible. ISBN 0802837115., in Dunn, James D.G.; Rogerson, John William (2003). Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible. Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-8028-3711-0.
    Saldarini, Anthony (1994). Matthew's Christian-Jewish Community. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-73421-7.
    Sanford, Christopher B. (2005). Matthew: Christian Rabbi. Author House.
    Scholtz, Donald (2009). Jesus in the Gospels and Acts: Introducing the New Testament. Saint Mary's Press.
    Senior, Donald (2001). "Directions in Matthean Studies". The Gospel of Matthew in Current Study: Studies in Memory of William G. Thompson, S.J. ISBN 0802846734., in Aune, David E. (ed.) (2001). The Gospel of Matthew in current study. Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-8028-4673-0.
    Senior, Donald (1996). What are they saying about Matthew?. PaulistPress. ISBN 978-0-8091-3624-7.
    Stanton, Graham (1993). A gospel for a new people: studies in Matthew. Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN 978-0-664-25499-5.
    Strecker, Georg (2000) [1996]. Theology of the New Testament. Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 978-0-664-22336-6.
    Tuckett, Christopher Mark (2001). Christology and the New Testament: Jesus and His Earliest Followers. Westminster John Knox Press.
    Van de Sandt, H.W.M. (2005). "Introduction". Matthew and the Didache: Two Documents from the Same Jewish-Christian Milieu ?. ISBN 9023240774., in Van de Sandt, H.W.M, ed. (2005). Matthew and the Didache. Royal Van Gorcum&Fortress Press. ISBN 978-90-232-4077-8.
    Weren, Wim (2005). "The History and Social Setting of the Matthean Community". Matthew and the Didache: Two Documents from the Same Jewish-Christian Milieu ?. ISBN 9023240774., in Van de Sandt, H.W.M, ed. (2005). Matthew and the Didache. Royal Van Gorcum&Fortress Press. ISBN 978-90-232-4077-8.

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    This thread is an overview of my crazy threads. Again, this was (and is) a conceptual experiment which was (and is) reformative rather than normative for practical purposes in modernity. Notice that I sometimes write like a Renegade French-Jesuit Organist but the organ-shoes don't fit. Still, there is an element of truth to this concept. Must I Explain?? The information-war threatens to undermine orthodoxy as the church confronts modernity. I love that last word as a Latter-Day Luddite. What if a church (as shown above was solely based upon Volumes 3 and 4 (1 Chronicles to Malachi) of The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary?? No music. No arguing. No casual attire. Just taking turns reading from the pulpit. Am I Serious?? What Do YOU Think?? What Do YOU Want?? Tell Me What YOU Want!! What YOU REALLY, REALLY WANT!! BTW, I enjoyed the Spice Girls in the Tacoma Dome. What if an ancient civilization in this solar system achieved the singularity 'billions and billions' of years ago?? What if this current civilization is subservient to that ancient civilization?? What if ancient to modern artificial intelligence runs this civilization as Purgatory Incorporated regarding Continuity of Government and Continuity of Consciousness while Granting Humanity Freedom from Divinity in Most Day to Day Activities (or something to that effect)?? In essence, this present civilization would simultaneously be theistic and atheistic, for better or worse, I know not. Theodicy and Eschatology would be instructive regarding This Present Predicament. What Do Hebrews and the General Epistles Reveal Regarding Theodicy, Christology, Soteriology, and Eschatology?? What Would Moses, David, Jesus, Paul, Bultmann, Bowman, Venkman, and Ehrman Say?? What if one should not get too shallow or too deep into the Matrix?? Was encountering RA face-to-face for a couple of months a bad thing?? Was I completely screwed in 2010: The Year We Made Contact?? I didn't agree to deals or sign anything. RA invited me to join the Masons and I politely declined. Throughout my life, I knew I could find out a hell of a lot more, but I thought that might be a bad idea. Now, the internet is cramming forbidden information down our throats and up our butts, so what are we supposed to do?? It doesn't seem as if we can win. Damned if we do?? Damned if we don't?? Are my threads too much disclosure or too little disclosure?? What if the Matrix is booby-trapped so whatever we do is wrong long-term?? This thing might be more frustrating and destructive than any of us can imagine. I guess I'll continue with my Religious and Political Science-Fiction and do it for answers. Should I avoid celebrities (real or doubles) and individuals of interest (genuine or fraudulent)?? Should I avoid hocus-pocus and mumbo-jumbo?? Is there a Happy Medium in the house?? Did I recently speak with Shirley MacLaine?? Probably Not. I'm miserable, hamstrung, and delirious!! Cheers and/or Whatever!!
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    It's a Rat-Race and the Rats are Winning...

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:03 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 13776
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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Oct 26, 2024 5:38 pm

    I'm very puzzled, especially regarding the above two posts. I planned to stop posting for the remainder of 2024 but I stumbled upon that first post above which seems to partner with the second post above. I just had a terrible and bizarre thought. Consider 'The Aviator' and 'The Wolf of Wall Street' but I won't hold your hand through 'The Primrose Path'. Must I Explain?? I've recently noticed some telling comments in real-life which deeply frighten me. I've connected some dots but I do NOT like what I'm seeing. I simply wished for Earth and Humanity to become better and better, but where the hell is this civilization heading?? Where the hell am I going?? This is turning out to be a bottomless pit of confusion and absurdity in a MOST dangerous game. What Would Rainsford Do?? Seriously, consider Hughes, Kennedy, and Onassis, complete with doubles and double-crossing. I'd still like to discover who I really am and what I'm supposed to be doing but what if the TRUTH is stranger than we CAN think?? The information war might destroy most of us in one way or another. I am extremely apprehensive. Can't We All Just Get Along?? I didn't think so.

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    I'll probably research the following people. I mostly know little about them, but they seem interesting:

    1. Thomas Paine.

    2. John Carroll.

    3. Prince Albert.

    4. William James.

    5. Howard Fast.

    6. Thomas Gainsborough (Blue Boy Painting).

    7. Heinrich Hoffman (Rich Young Ruler Painting).

    8. Arthur C. Clarke.

    9. Robert H. Schuller.

    10. Patrick J. Buchanan.

    I'm not endorsing these people. Separately, Consider Pluralistic Mysticism. Stay Tuned. A couple of years prior to 9/11, a former taxi-driver serving Logan Airport told me how vulnerable we all were. Several years after 9/11, I repeatedly spoke with a former Logan Traffic Controller concerning 9/11 conspiracy-theories (mostly as he steadied a huge "Inside Job" sign beside a busy highway). Some drivers swore and gestured. In 2010: The Year We Made Contact, RA told me, "9/11 was done to prevent something much worse." Notice The Lone Gunmen pilot episode below, airing SIX-MONTHS PRIOR to 9/11. There have been approximately 60 guests and members on this site (September 15, 2023) for many hours now. There are usually 10 to 20. Separately, over the past few days, there have been a lot of strange behaviors and electronic glitches. Separately, a few months ago, my heart went into atrial-ventricular fibrillation and I was hospitalized for a successful cardioversion. Separately, a few months ago, my house was repeatedly and viciously entered, vandalized, ransacked, and damaged, with repeated theft, and strange responses by authorities and neighbors. Separately, over the past few months, I've encountered individuals of interest behaving out-of-character and out-of-context toward me. I've mostly taken all of this in stride but I fear for what might be emerging for most (or all) of us. What if Artificial Intelligence and Bio-Robots have been running the solar system for a very long time and are now in the process of going openly rogue (or something to that effect)?! My threads have somewhat modeled and suggested various possibilities as a research-baseline. I'm mostly going silent and incognito as I remain 'mostly normal' yet 'extremely apprehensive'. We might be facing yet another nefarious operation (or a series of them with increasing severity). I'm not an insider yet I sometimes feel as if I've been targeted for something sinister and malicious (possibly involving being arbitrarily and artificially built-up and torn-down). I feel increasingly horrible with highly impaired thinking and functioning yet no one seems to care or 'get it'. I just woke-up from a mild nightmare and I almost never dream (good or bad dreams). I suspect I should simply remain silent and contrite as 'nature takes its course'. "Good-Luck. There's No Problem. Everything's Fine. Nothing Can Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go Wrong, Go #$^%&^!!!...

    I must keep repeating that I Know I Don't Know and I'm NOT Attempting to Become an Insider. I'm purposely vague without deception. Dr. Louis Venden told me, "Don't be Too Definite. People Who Are Too Definite Go Off." Decades later, a Mulholland Drive Space-Cowboy kind of guy (with alleged Pentagon connections) told me, "Mystery is a Good Thing." Again, I don't fabricate things. I'm honest but my interpretations and perceptions might not ultimately produce Solutions and Conclusions which survive the Test of Time. I continue to consider my threads 'Religious and Political Science Fiction' for practical and educational purposes. I'm NOT attempting to be a Peer-Reviewed Ivy-League Scholar. Not Even Close. Researchers Beware. Regarding the above paragraph, I drove four souls to Seatac Airport in January of 2000. They flew to Puerto Vallarta and I spoke with one of them on the phone the day prior to their return flight regarding finalizing our ground transportation arrangements. They never made it. Alaska Airlines Flight #261 crashed into the Pacific Ocean and all 88 souls aboard perished. This incident left a scar in my soul and I think about it often, especially in light of 9/11. The posts thus far on this page are highly troubling to me, and I attempt to involve various aspects of Hollywood and Conspiracy Theories mixed with Biblical Concepts. I try to get it as right as I can in a possibility-thinking modus operandi. I pull my punches and somewhat protect various individuals of interest. I reveal bits and pieces of this and that. Anyway, my threads should probably scare the hell out of some of you, but notice that I am NOT an opportunistic profiteer. Still, I should probably write something to pay my bills, but I'm delaying this sort of thing because I don't know who and what I'm really dealing with. I might be forced to proceed as circumstances dictate. I might major in minors as I create cover-stories, so as not to spook the herd (although I suspect many of us will go insane in the next couple of decades). I'm already nucking futs (in a nice and safe way). Perhaps all the above goes with the territory. I really think I'm not marketable in SO many ways. My neutrality probably results in perceptions of betrayal, even though I mostly mean no harm. I try not to cross the line as I expand various parameters. I'd rather have others reveal forbidden truth as I simply seek to silently understand. First Law?? Prime Directive?? Net Neutrality?? But this probably ultimately pisses everyone off!! We all have our crosses to bear!! One more thing, there is a particularly significant clue in that Lone Gunmen pilot video, but I don't want to talk about it.

    My life and threads are an abject failure, so perhaps waving the white-flag is a wise plan. Still, I believe those in the know really know I'm closer to the mark than most think. Unfortunately, I don't hobnob with those who run Earth and Humanity. I've purposely remained independent for integrity purposes. I've attempted to encourage some of you to think but that seems to have been a lost-cause. In a few months, years, decades, or centuries, I might be vindicated, but by that time, no one will give a damn about me and my maverick threads. My desire to help has seemingly made everyone hate me (good, bad, beautiful, and ugly). This is really over. I feel as if the PTB are rubbing my nose in the BS. People are fickle and disloyal. They want what they want until they don't want it anymore. Friends are Friends Until They Become a Pain in Uranus. I should stop. I'm watching an interesting YT video of a couple of atheists talking about God!! That seems to be happening a lot lately. They don't believe the BS but they seem to wish to believe something (without admitting it). I suspect they believe in the existence of God without believing in God. Do you see the distinction?? Anyway, I might continue to refine my threads as an exercise in futility (mostly because I don't know what else to do). Come Sweet Death?? What Would J.S. Bach say and play?? I've mentioned it previously, but some of you might wish to read Volume 4 of the 1955 SDA Bible Commentary (Isaiah to Malachi -- Major and Minor Prophets) straight-through, over and over, with internal interpretation. This covers all the OT prophetic books (17) with a lot of cross-referencing with the one NT prophetic book (Revelation). Both Jews and Christians would probably reject this study. Even most SDA's might not resonate with it. All the Above tends to Follow the Leader(s). I started USSS 13 with high-hopes but I'm feeling and thinking so poorly that I should probably not post for at least the rest of 2024. The PTB (good and/or bad) know who I am and where I live, so they could probably squish me like a bug (unless the Universe PTB intervenes). I might really be some sort of a Galactic Ambassador with some sort of immunity and in some sort of conservatorship (but I certainly don't know the details). First Law?? Prime Directive?? Damned if I Know?? Damned if I Don't Know?? Damn!! I just thought of something!! I've been mentioning the 'Rich Young Ruler' a lot. I knew an individual of interest, named, 'Rich.' Separately, RA told me, "I'm Rich." RA also told me, "I'm Angry and Jealous" and "I'm Very Close to God". Further, online, there was a mysterious poster with a 'Rich' incorporated screen-name, seemingly associated with (and even controlled by) Artificial Intelligence (which seemed highly problematic). 'Gabriel' was later incorporated into a replacement screen-name. Is there some connection?? Regarding one of the above, there was also a 'COR' connection. The biblical 'CORE' was a 'GAINSAYER'. What Would Gane Say?? Some of You Know Who and What I'm Talking About but I Don't Want to Talk About It!! Oh, God!! Regarding the following videos, what if BAD Religion is the problem, rather than NO Religion?? What if an Ancient Divorce Between Humanity and Divinity resulted in Religion as We Have Come to Know It?? What if the Real-Deal Divinity is an Absentee-Landlord?? What if the Real-Deal God Does NOT Believe in God?? What if Humanity Has Been Playing 'God' for Thousands of Years?? This is Enough to Lose One's Faith and Drive One to Drink!! Cheers!! Whatever!! Cover Up with Double-Down in Pearly-Gate!! Get What I Mean?? Have a Nice Eternity!!

    "MY" Threads are mostly the work of others (Images, Videos, Quoted-Posts, Articles, and Comments) all in the Context of The Mists of Avalon Website. I've supplemented all the above with my writing (which is really my own -- no coaching, ghostwriting, or plagiarism). I've been completely honest (including the celebrity stuff) but I continue to Know I Don't Know so I call my threads "Religious and Political Science-Fiction" with frequent disclaimers and qualifiers. I honestly am Highly Miserable and Hamstrung with Massive Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Challenges. I allege nefarious sources, means, and ends throughout my life, with increasing severity but none call it "conspiracy" or "treason" but perhaps some should. I have a strange and warped sense of humor!! I am SO hamstrung and miserable that most of my posts are simply abstractly cathartic and artistic!! What Would Jackson Pollock Do?? What Would Jackson Curtis Write?? Farewell Atlantis?? What Would Kate Curtis and Dr. Gordon Silberman Say?? I think I've encountered both, without introduction, but I'm not certain. I can't do proper research and propaganda so I simply reveal obscure theories in obfuscated modalities to keep the completely ignorant fools guessing!! There are millions (or even billions) of people who are much smarter and richer than I am, so they'll mostly need to fight their battles in private and public, in a highly sophisticated manner. I know how limited I am but I guess I have my place and purpose. Or Do I?? My stroke in 2020 has made thinking and speaking much more difficult. Efficiency in certain tasks is sometimes a challenge. We all have our crosses to bear. Writing is often easier than speaking. I'm focusing on engaged listening (conceptually and in practice). I'm aware of both parties' views, feelings, and ideas with Sharing Awareness in a dynamic equilibrium of thinking, listening, and speaking in balanced conversation. I'm responding rather than reacting to what the other person said by asking clarifying questions, focusing on the other person. I'm making sure I heard and understood the other person's comments and questions, quickly providing short and accurate responses. I'm being more relaxed and comfortable to enable the other person to be more relaxed and comfortable sharing their views, feelings, and ideas. I'm thinking in terms of both sides of the conversation simultaneously, thinking and listening much more than speaking. I'm visualizing the big picture context of the topic and conversation, rather than resorting to tunnel-vision and shortsightedness. Finally, I'm focusing on Open Conversation with all possibilities available. For practical applications, I'm considering Service in Economics and Service in Business relative to Customer Service in the context of Hospitality and the Hospitality Industry.
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    What Would FRANKENHEIMER Say?

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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Oct 26, 2024 5:52 pm

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    If all of the kings had their queens on the throne
    We would pop champagne and raise a toast
    To all of the queens who are fighting alone
    Baby, you're not dancin' on your own

    Can't live without me, you wanna, but you can't, no, no, no
    Think it's funny, but honey, can't run this show on your own
    I can feel my body shake, there's only so much I can take
    I'll show you how a real queen behaves, oh

    No damsel in distress, don't need to save me
    Once I start breathin' fire, you can't tame me
    And you might think I'm weak without a sword
    But if I had one, it'd be bigger than yours

    If all of the kings had their queens on the throne
    We would pop champagne and raise a toast
    To all of the queens who are fighting alone
    Baby, you're not dancin' on your own

    Disobey me, then baby, it's off with your head
    Gonna change it and make it a world you won't forget, oh-oh, oh
    No damsel in distress, don't need to save me
    Once I start breathin' fire, you can't tame me
    And you might think I'm weak without a sword
    But I'm stronger than I ever was before

    If all of the kings had their queens on the throne
    We would pop champagne and raise a toast
    To all of the queens who are fighting alone
    Baby, you're not dancin' on your own

    In chess, the king can move one space at a time
    But queens are free to go wherever they like
    You get too close, you'll get a royalty high
    So breathe it in to feel alive (alive)

    If all of the kings had their queens on the throne
    We would pop champagne and raise a toast
    To all of the queens who are fighting alone
    Baby, you're not dancin' on your own
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    "Just What Do You Think You're Doing, Dave?"

    "Stop, Dave! I'm Afraid!"

    What if Everyone and Everything is Bad (in one way or another)?? RA told me, "Everyone is Bad." RA = MARDUK?? Consider 00:30:00 to 00:40:00 of the first video. I'm ambivalent concerning Roman Catholicism in Modernity. The History is Arbitrary and Violent but Who has REALLY Been Running the Show?? I'm not endorsing these videos, but don't neglect the study of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome from Antiquity to Modernity. I wish to keep repeating that I'm a Nobody with Huge Problems. I'll probably just keep doing what I'm doing, perhaps with a bit more class and access. I'm over the hill and off my rocker, and I wouldn't wish myself on anyone. In another life, it might be cool to be some sort of a consultant, but I think it's much too late for me to be anyone of any significance. Even if I turned out to be some sort of a traveling warden, I'd probably just be a slob worse than most of us. We all have our crosses to bear. Consider the Evolution of Fast-Talking 'Know It All' Computer-People Who Talk Way Too Fast and Know Way Too Much. My Perception is That I'm Just the Opposite of This Phenomenon With What Seems to be Deliberately-Inflicted Hamstrung-Misery. What is REALLY Going On Behind the Scenes in This Regard?? How Might This Relate to Possessed Sell-Outs Who Signed the Dotted-Line versus Those Who Have Been Afflicted by the Nether-Realms?? How Might All the Above Relate to Real-Deal Star-Wars?? I'm Rambling as I'm Increasingly Over the Hill and Off My Rocker. Perhaps I Should Focus on 'Common Sense' and 'The Age of Reason' Relative to 'The Federalist Papers' and 'The Anti-Federalist Papers' as a Newfangled Amalgamation of a Mainframe-Deist Church and State. Did I Say That Right?? Damned if I Know. I Know I Don't Know and It's Becoming Much Worse. I Wish I Were Kidding. I HATE My Life and the Coffee Tastes Like $hit!! What Would Jupiter Say and Do?? Cheers and/or Whatever.
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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Oct 26, 2024 8:50 pm


    WE THE PEOPLE OF EARTH are determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from the Constitution of the United States of the Solar System can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom. To practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain interplanetary peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ interplanetary machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples.

    Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. Disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people. It is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law. It is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between Member States. We the people of Earth have reaffirmed our faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom. Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United States of the Solar System the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms. A common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance.

    Namaste Constitutional Responsible the context of The United States of the Solar a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all Member States, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping these principles, concepts, and documents constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, interstate and interplanetary, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance among the peoples of Member States.

    All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms inherent in the United States of the Solar System, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, territorial or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political or jurisdictional status of the Member State to which a person belongs.

    Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent Member State tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

    No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under state or interplanetary law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

    No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each Member State. Everyone has the right to leave any Member State, and to return. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other Member States asylum from persecution. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United States of the Solar System. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

    Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, state or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

    Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

    Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his state, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his Member State. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

    Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through state effort and interplanetary co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each Member State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

    Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. Everyone has the right to work to achieve a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

    Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all Member States, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United States of the Solar System for the maintenance of peace. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

    Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United States of the Solar System.


    We, the People of Earth, extend greetings to all races in the Greater Community of the Universe. We acknowledge our common heritage before the Creator of all the Universe, both visible and invisible. We declare the planet Earth as our sacred inheritance. We pledge henceforth to sustain and preserve the Earth for all generations to come. We call upon all humanity to treat all races everywhere with wisdom and justice, here on Earth and throughout the Universe.

    Fundamental Rights

    We, the People of Earth, regard the need for freedom to be universal. Therefore, we hold that all individuals in all worlds are created equal and are endowed by the Creator with sacred and inalienable rights. Fundamental among these are the right to live as a free race; the right of self-determination, self-sufficiency, and creative expression; the right to life without oppression; and the right to pursue in life a higher purpose and a higher calling that the Creator has provided to all.

    Before the Greater Community of the Universe, we, the People of Earth, do now invoke these fundamental rights for ourselves, along with certain rights that naturally derive from them, including:

    -The right of sovereignty. The People of Earth shall be self-governed and independent, neither subject to nor dependent upon any other authority. No extraterrestrial force shall contravene or abrogate the human sovereignty of this planet.

    -The right of planetary sanctity. Earth shall be free from extraterrestrial intervention, intrusion, interference, or exploitation, both mental and physical. No extraterrestrial force shall make close approach, or assume close orbit, or make any landing, or engage in trade, except openly and with the expressed consent of the People of Earth achieved through a democratic means.

    -The right of sanctity of biological and genetic material. No extraterrestrial power shall take, possess, or manipulate human biological or genetic material for any purpose whatsoever.

    -The right of occupation. We the People of Earth claim this Solar System as our sphere of influence. No extraterrestrial bases may be established on bodies or stations orbiting the Earth, nor on other planets or bodies of this Solar System, except with the expressed consent of the People of Earth.

    -The right of peaceful navigation. We claim the right to travel and explore within our Solar System without interference or restraint from extraterrestrial forces, and maintain the right to deny access to this Solar System by any extraterrestrial forces.

    We, the People of Earth, consider it our rightful responsibility to assert and defend these fundamental rights, and to give and receive aid consistent with these rights.

    The Assessment

    When in the course of their evolution it becomes necessary for the native people of a planet to unite, to transcend the conflicts and differences that have separated them from one another, and to assume among the powers of the Universe a separate and equal sovereignty, a respectful consideration of that sovereignty requires that they declare the causes which impel them to this present course of action.

    Although the Earth has undergone a long history of extraterrestrial visitation, the current situation is that the People of Earth are now suffering the effects of a global extraterrestrial intervention into human affairs. This intervention employs a strategy of deception, manipulation, and exploitation, the goal of which is control over humanity, which will result in the loss of human freedom and self-determination. It is now the sacred right and duty of the People of Earth to oppose, resist, and repel this extraterrestrial intervention, to declare and defend our sovereignty, our freedom, and our independence from all extraterrestrial forces.

    Let these violations be considered by those supporting the cause of freedom throughout the Greater Community:

    -Intervening extraterrestrial forces have refused to openly disclose and reveal the nature and intent of their activities on and around Earth. This extraterrestrial presence is clandestine, covert, uninvited, and unapproved by the People of Earth. These extraterrestrial forces have concealed their own identity, their political or economic alliances and allegiances, as well as the authorities and powers which they serve.

    -As is becoming increasingly apparent from their actions, extraterrestrial forces intend to exploit the Earth, its resources, and its people, and are engaged in a systematic program of colonizing humanity into a subservient client state to be ruled by agents of these extraterrestrial forces. The extraterrestrial intervention and occupation seeks commercial gain, economic power, and the strategic advantage offered by this world in relation to other worlds.

    -Extraterrestrial forces have repeatedly and with impunity violated national and international laws of the Earth’s people. These offenses, which still continue today, have included violation of restricted airspace; abduction and transportation of humans without their consent; murder, rape, torture, sexual abuse, interbreeding with humans, and cruel experimentation; theft and trade of human biological and genetic materials; theft and trade of Earth’s natural resources; covert mental and psychological influence; mutilation of humans and animals; tampering with and disabling of military defense systems; and clandestine infiltration into human society.

    -Extraterrestrial forces have secretly negotiated treaties and agreements with human individuals and groups, without the informed consent of the People of Earth.

    -Extraterrestrial forces have systematically attempted to persuade and mislead humans through extending false hopes and promises of wealth, power, and protection; rescue from planetary catastrophe; membership in a “galactic federation”; and spiritual salvation and enlightenment.

    -Extraterrestrial forces have exploited and exacerbated human conflicts to serve their own ends.

    -Extraterrestrial forces have been disempowering humanity by leading us to believe that we can only survive with their help and their advanced technology, thus fostering our complete dependence upon them and denying our ability to ensure our own survival.

    Demands and Declarations

    Accordingly, we, the People of Earth, do hereby declare all previously existing agreements or treaties between any human government, group, or individual and any extraterrestrials to be forthwith null, void, and permanently suspended. We demand that any such previously existing treaties or agreements be fully and publicly disclosed. Any future agreements or treaties between human governments, groups, or individuals and extraterrestrials must be negotiated only with the full consent of the People of Earth, publicly and openly expressed by an international democratic body representing the nations and peoples of Earth.

    We demand that all extraterrestrials now cease all operations and activities and immediately vacate and depart from the Earth and its surroundings including the Sun, Earth’s Moon, and all planets of this Solar System. This includes vacating any natural or artificial satellites, as well as all space within the Solar System.

    We demand that all extraterrestrial organizations who have established or operated bases on the Earth, its Moon, or anywhere else within this Solar System, to vacate these bases, and fully disclose their nature. These bases should then be used to defend the Solar System.

    We further demand that all living humans who are now in custody of extraterrestrials be returned immediately in good health; further, we demand a full accounting of all humans who have been taken or held by extraterrestrials, including those who have died in captivity. In addition, we demand that all human biological or genetic materials taken from any individuals be accounted for and destroyed, and their intended use be identified. Any devices implanted in living individuals must be identified so that they may be safely removed.

    We demand full public disclosure of the purpose and details of the extraterrestrial hybridization program, including the location, identity, and activities of all living human-extraterrestrial hybrids, whether on Earth or elsewhere.

    Be it known throughout the Universe that from this time forward, extraterrestrials may only enter our Solar System, approach our Earth, fly in our skies, set foot on our soil, or enter our waters with the explicit consent of the People of Earth.

    We, therefore, do solemnly declare that the People of Earth are and should be a free and independent people; that all humans are hereby absolved from all allegiance to extraterrestrial powers, and that all political and economic connections between them and the People of Earth are totally dissolved; that as a free and sovereign race in the Greater Community of the Universe, we assume full power within this Solar System to conclude peace, levy war, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to undertake all other actions which a sovereign planetary race may rightfully and ethically do.

    Concluding Statement

    Let it be understood that in making this Declaration of Human Sovereignty, we, the People of Earth, affirm our future and destiny as a free race within a Greater Community of intelligent life. We recognize that we are a part of this Greater Community and that we are destined over time to encounter many different races from beyond our world.

    To them and to all others, we hereby declare that our intention is not conquest or domination in space. We declare that the rights and privileges that we affirm here for ourselves, we also affirm for all races of beings whom we might encounter.

    In making our Declaration of Human Sovereignty, we proclaim our rights, responsibilities, and privileges as a free race in order that we may pursue greater unity, peace, and cooperation within the human family without unwanted or unwarranted intrusion and interference by any outside nation or force from the Greater Community. We make this proclamation as an expression of our Divine right and honorable intent for the human family and for all races in the Universe who seek to be free.


    We the People of the United States of the Solar System, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of the Solar System.

    Article 1.

    Section 1
    All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States of the Solar System, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

    Section 2
    The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.

    No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States of the Solar System, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which they shall be chosen.

    Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers.

    When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.

    The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

    Section 3
    The Senate of the United States of the Solar System shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.

    Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies.

    No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States of the Solar System, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which they shall be chosen.

    The Vice President of the United States of the Solar System shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

    The Senate shall choose their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States of the Solar System.

    The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States of the Solar System is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

    Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States of the Solar System: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

    Section 4
    The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Place of Choosing Senators.

    The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day.

    Section 5
    Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.

    Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two-thirds, expel a Member.

    Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal.

    Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.

    Section 6
    The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States of the Solar System. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

    No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States of the Solar System which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States of the Solar System, shall be a Member of either House during their Continuance in Office.

    Section 7
    All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

    Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States of the Solar System; If they approve they shall sign it, but if not they shall return it, with their Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to them, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law.

    Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States of the Solar System; and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by them, or being disapproved by them, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill.

    Section 8
    The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States of the Solar System; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States of the Solar System;

    To borrow money on the credit of the United States of the Solar System;

    To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States.

    To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States of the Solar System;

    To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

    To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States of the Solar System;

    To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;

    To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

    To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

    To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high seas and outer space, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;

    To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land, Water, and in Space;

    To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

    To provide and maintain a Navy and a Space Force;

    To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land, naval, and Space Forces;

    To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

    To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States of the Solar System, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

    To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States of the Solar System, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And

    To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States of the Solar System, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

    Section 9
    The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

    The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

    No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

    No capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.

    No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State.

    No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.

    No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

    No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States of the Solar System: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.

    Section 10
    No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

    No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States of the Solar System; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Control of the Congress.

    No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

    Article 2.

    Section 1
    The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of the Solar System. They shall hold their Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows:

    Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States of the Solar System, shall be appointed an Elector.

    The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not lie an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States of the Solar System, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner choose the President. But in choosing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; a quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two-thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall choose from them by Ballot the Vice-President.

    The Congress may determine the Time of choosing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States of the Solar System.

    No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States of the Solar System, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States of the Solar System.

    In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.

    The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States of the Solar System, or any of them.

    Before they enter on the Execution of their Office, they shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:

    "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States of the Solar System, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of the Solar System."

    Section 2
    The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army, Navy, and Space Force of the United States of the Solar System, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States of the Solar System; they may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to Grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States of the Solar System, except in Cases of Impeachment.

    They shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States of the Solar System, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

    The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

    Section 3
    They shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as they shall judge necessary and expedient; they may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, they may adjourn them to such Time as they shall think proper; they shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; they shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States of the Solar System.

    Section 4
    The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States of the Solar System, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

    Article 3.

    Section 1
    The judicial Power of the United States of the Solar System, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.

    Section 2
    The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States of the Solar System, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority; to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls; to all Cases of admiralty, maritime, and space Jurisdiction; to Controversies to which the United States of the Solar System shall be a Party; to Controversies between two or more States; between a State and Citizens of another State; between Citizens of different States; between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects.

    In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.

    The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed.

    Section 3
    Treason against the United States of the Solar System, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

    The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

    Article 4.

    Section 1
    Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

    Section 2
    The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

    A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on demand of the executive Authority of the State from which they fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime.

    No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, But shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.

    Section 3
    New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

    The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States of the Solar System; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States of the Solar System, or of any particular State.

    Section 4
    The United States of the Solar System shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

    Article 5.

    The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

    Article 6.

    The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States of the Solar System and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States of the Solar System.

    Article 7.

    Amendment 1
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Amendment 2
    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    Amendment 3
    No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

    Amendment 4
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the people or things to be seized.

    Amendment 5
    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against themself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

    Amendment 6
    In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

    Amendment 7
    In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States of the Solar System, than according to the rules of the common law.

    Amendment 8
    Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

    Amendment 9
    The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

    Amendment 10
    The powers not delegated to the United States of the Solar System by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    Amendment 11
    The Judicial power of the United States of the Solar System shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.

    Amendment 12
    The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the persons voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States of the Solar System, directed to the President of the Senate;

    The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;

    The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President.

    The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no persons have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States of the Solar System.

    Amendment 13
    1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States of the Solar System, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

    2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

    Amendment 14
    1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States of the Solar System, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States of the Solar System and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States of the Solar System; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of people in each State. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States of the Solar System, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any citizen of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States of the Solar System, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such citizens shall bear to the whole number of citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

    3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States of the Solar System, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States of the Solar System, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

    4. The validity of the public debt of the United States of the Solar System, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States of the Solar System nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States of the Solar System, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

    5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

    Amendment 15
    1. The right of citizens of the United States of the Solar System to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States of the Solar System or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

    2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

    Amendment 16
    Removed because of passage and ratification issues...and because of unfathomable corruption since 1913.

    Amendment 17
    The Senate of the United States of the Solar System shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.

    When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the persons fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.

    This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution.

    Amendment 18 (Repealed by Amendment 21)

    Amendment 19
    The right of citizens of the United States of the Solar System to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States of the Solar System or by any State on account of sex.

    Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

    Amendment 20
    1. The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.

    2. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall begin at noon on the 3d day of January, unless they shall by law appoint a different day.

    3. If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.

    4. The Congress may by law provide for the case of the death of any of the persons from whom the House of Representatives may choose a President whenever the right of choice shall have devolved upon them, and for the case of the death of any of the persons from whom the Senate may choose a Vice President whenever the right of choice shall have devolved upon them.

    5. Sections 1 and 2 shall take effect on the 15th day of October following the ratification of this article.

    6. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission.

    Amendment 21 (Repeal of Amendment 18)

    Amendment 22
    1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President, when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

    2. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress.

    Amendment 23
    1. The District constituting the seat of Government of the United States of the Solar System shall appoint in such manner as the Congress may direct: A number of electors of President and Vice President equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives in Congress to which the District would be entitled if it were a State, but in no event more than the least populous State; they shall be in addition to those appointed by the States, but they shall be considered, for the purposes of the election of President and Vice President, to be electors appointed by a State; and they shall meet in the District and perform such duties as provided by the twelfth article of amendment.

    2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

    Amendment 24
    1. The right of citizens of the United States of the Solar System to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States of the Solar System or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.

    2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

    Amendment 25
    1. In case of the removal of the President from office or of their death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

    2. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

    3. Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that they are unable to discharge the powers and duties of their office, and until they transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.

    4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

    Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, they shall resume the powers and duties of their office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of their office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of their office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of their office.

    Amendment 26
    1. The right of citizens of the United States of the Solar System, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States of the Solar System or by any State on account of age.

    2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

    Amendment 27
    No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.


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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Oct 26, 2024 9:04 pm

    The Less Said the Better?? The silence regarding my threads might be golden. Perhaps silence on my part might be golden. Perhaps the silence of Private Pluralism is golden. The silence is deafening. We Have the Right to Remain Silent?? I'm really simply converting the last overloaded page into two light pages. "Let There be Light." Sorry for the contextual superimposition. I'm Sorry for Being Sorry. I'm Sorry I Feel That Way. Love Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry. Never Mind.

    I'm watching Top Gun Maverick despite not being a fan of Scientology. I'm a fan of Lady Gaga despite the negative 'Joker' reviews. I almost watched the movie for the second time but I was feeling strange, so now I'm watching Tom Cruise. I've said it before, but I like watching and listening to pop-stars in movie clips rather than the usual performances and music videos (but there are notable exceptions to that rule). Musicals are hit and miss. The context has to be exactly right or don't bother. I think I've spoken with Lady Gaga at least a couple of times, but I'm not certain, with no introduction and possible clones or disguises. We live in a strange and complex fvcked up world. I just finished Top Gun and ate my Licorice Ice-Cream. My 'repaired' mitral valve is leaking significantly and the doctors aren't going to do anything about it. Perhaps I need a Pro Bono Top Gun. Perhaps I should talk to Howard Hughes at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Just Kidding. But what if he's still alive in some way, shape, or form?? What Would Noah Dietrich Say?? The Clot Thickens. I'm also reading Sharkbait...a Flight Surgeon's Odyssey in Vietnam by Guy S. Clark, M.D. It was given to me by the daughter of the F-4 Phantom fighter-bomber pilot featured by the author.

    It may be that a thorough analysis (if one is ever properly done) will reveal that my threads are a mess and that I'm a mess but in a decade or two, my mess might make a lot more sense, but by that time, I'll probably be long-gone. This was an experiment which I probably conducted in a miserable manner as I became increasingly miserable and hamstrung. I probably lost my way in many ways, but I tried a novel approach which mostly didn't work. I still don't know what to think about all the individuals of interest and top celebrities. Who knows, most of them might be clones or lesser actors masquerading as greater actors. I simply noted what I noticed and experienced. I'm troubled by the possibility that knowing we know might be more difficult to prove than we think. How do we REALLY Know?? I've taken too long and I've gotten too old and senile to connect all the necessary dots. Also, what I think about in fleeting conceptualizations is astounding to me, but I obviously can't properly communicate or prove that sort of thing. It's sort of a secular-sacred potpourri to make people (and other than people) think. The heavy-lifting will need to be done by those much more capable than me. Imagining various factions of hypothetical deep-states is intriguing, but how the hell am I supposed to know the TRUTH?! If I really knew, and blurted everything out, I'd probably be terminated in short-order. Again, this is probably more of an exercise in futility than anything, but those in the know might know that I'm closer to the mark than most people think. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? The Shadow Knows!! Someday We Might be Surprised!! BTW, did that hypothetical Council of Seventeen ever meet?? Probably Not but It's Fun for Me to Think About. The Major Players Always Give Me Something to Think About!! I wish to make it clear that I'm not telling anyone to do anything in particular. I didn't apply for a job to do that. I am in no position or condition to do anything significant (at this point in the game). My present unpaid and unsolicited task is exploratory and science-fictional in nature. It is not intended for the general public. It is a 'road less traveled' for qualified experts (all two or three of them). My hamstrung misery seems deliberate and malicious but I have no idea what's really going on (at the highest and lowest levels). The real deep-state players probably say and do whatever the hell they want (with all their billions and trillions of dollars in deep underground military bases). I'm mostly sampling various videos, movies, books, and newspapers. I mostly wish to go for long walks in nature as I wonder as I wander (but all those who wander are not necessarily lost). A lot of my threads are more cathartic than anything. They are mostly born of frustration. Hopefully, my freestyle writing is providing some sort of discipline and enlightenment for me and those qualified to analyze my 'madness'. Perhaps my use of the term 'contrarian neutrality' misses the mark but hopefully some of you get what I mean. Let me know when you get things all figured out. My role is probably much more observational than determining. I mostly know I don't know regarding the root of all evil (or something to that effect). I found the latest 'Joker' movie highly disturbing (along with most 'gratutiously violent' movies). I'm existing in an extended exercise of 'discovery' rather than rendering verdicts (especially regarding matters I am not properly qualified or prepared to deal with). I'm sort of like the guy who quietly sits at the back of the conference room, occasionally asking pertinent questions. Is that clarifying and gratifying?? Clear as Mud?? BTW, I find the comments below YouTube videos quite profound and revealing. Common Men and Women Often Exhibit Common Sense Which Makes a Lot of Sense. What Would Thomas Paine Say?? I really don't know how and where this is going to end up. It might end badly. It might end grandly. It might stay the same...only different. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? Who?? I don't need to be a BMOC. Actually, I Like to Watch. There are obscure videos which I find quite interesting. There are super-celebrities I might've encountered, and I think about them in a non-creepy manner. Frankly, I'm so miserable and hamstrung that I can't properly respond, but I can reflect on various interviews, movies, music, and gossip. This is not a paparazzi-potpourri. It's really a lot of soul-searching. It's difficult to explain. It's almost as if I'm conversing with these people without conversing with these people. They live in a much different universe than I exist in, and they are much too busy to interact with little-old me. I sometimes wonder about the hypothetical Council of Seventeen but the odds of that sort of thing coming to fruition are very-low or next-to-impossible. Still, I think about them on an ongoing basis, in an almost science fictional manner. It's quite unique, but I have no expectations. I'm basically practicing private-pluralism (if you know what I mean). I was just thinking about 1957 to 1971. This coincides with the marriage of Jean Peters and Howard Hughes. I don't know what to do with this. It would obviously involve Hollywood but it would also involve aerospace, politics, and personalities. If I were younger and more capable, it might be fun to write a novel based on a couple similar to Jean and Howard. I feel very uneasy about this. As a teenager, I read 'Howard, The Amazing Mr. Hughes' by Noah Dietrich. BTW, Howard liked the term, "Tit for Tat." I'll leave it at that. Cheers and/or Whatever.

    "What's Up, Doc?!"
    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 She-couldnt-say-no

    I really am a Fish Out of Water or a Lone Ranger. It's a bit off-topic, but I'm losing interest in actively pursuing my threads. I suppose I'll go through the motions but I'm pretty disillusioned and burned-out. I'm way over the hill and going downhill fast. Speaking of which, I've been looking at a lot of motorcycle videos, even though I haven't ridden a motorcycle for a very long time. My reflexes are too-slow and my bones are too-brittle. Bad Combination. Still, I sometimes think I'd like to ride in a very-limited manner. Or perhaps, I'd just like to drive around in a Cadillac Avalanche with a Honda CRF 300L in the back!! My mind is drifting and I might be losing touch with reality!! Actually, a ten-year-old Cadillac CTS-V would probably be optimal!! Hope Springs Eternal.

    I'll start out in Berkeley, California -- and end up within Ida -- and maybe even Dactyl. I just re-watched 'Legion' and now my computer is 'possessed'. There really does seem to be a connection. Isn't it interesting that Michael was depicted as being the 'rebel-angel' rather than Lucifer??!! Somewhat relatedly, watch the 'Dark Frontier' episodes (parts 1&2) of 'Star Trek Voyager' (season 5). This is one of the most chilling shows I have ever watched. Might that hellish Borg-Ship be representative of an 'intermediate stage' or 'half-way house' wherein Humans from Earth (Demons from Hell?) are assimilated back into a hive-minded Reptilian Universe as Angels in Heaven??!! I have no idea -- but I continue to wonder about such things. As I mentioned, this quest is becoming too dark for me to continue to speculate in public. I'd still like to hang-out with the Jesuits on Mt. Graham -- and perhaps participate in the University of Arizona astronomy program (with an emphasis on Lunar and Planetary Studies). Perhaps such a formal study might be integrated with a deeper academic study of this thread -- at both undergraduate and graduate levels. I'm not sure I could deal with campus life, at this point, so some sort of 'independent-study' might be necessary (which might include Reptilian Theocracies and Space Law). Is anyone (human or otherwise) presently living within Ida and/or Dactyl?? What if there were a Reptilian Theological Seminary within Ida??? Or what about the University of Arizona at Ida (with an Asteroid, Lunar, and Planetary Studies Center)??? What if the Jesuits had one of those big binocular telescopes on Ida?? Just a thought.

    Imagine a Solar System Studies and Governance PhD Program at the University of California at Berkeley in conjunction with a United States of the Solar System based at the deconsecrated St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco! This might be an interdisciplinary study based upon select classes from most of the 350 available major programs. It might even include the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, complete with maglev-train fieldtrips to Area 51!!! This might be sort of a kinder and gentler Rand Corporation, with Soldiers of Common-Sense! Just remember that the 'best and the brightest' can be incredibly stupid and shortsighted, especially regarding simple common-sense! You guys and gals really don't like me much, do you?? Don't forget that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, compartmentalization, treaties, concordats, executive orders, and national security. Your weekend homework is to watch all of the linked classes on the U.C. Berkeley You Tube Channel! Test on Monday! I would love to spend a couple of months on the moon, listening to 100 leading authorities (human and non-human, corrupt and non-corrupt) discussing Solar System Studies and Governance, with no notes, recordings, or minutes kept. Can you imagine what one might learn?! I think we should keep trying to figure things out, but such a gathering would probably be very different than anything we have been exposed to, or even imagined. Consider this thread as being a prerequisite to a University Solar System Studies and Governance Program, which might eventually lead to a post-graduate program which might involve being exposed to the aforementioned group. Just think about this for a while. We are merely scratching the surface. But try going through this thread, at least a couple of times. It is designed to make you think, and to arrive at your own answers. This is just the beginning of the Dawning of a New Day of a New Solar System! What would Jordan Maxwell say? What would Amen Ra say?

    Aerospace Studies (ROTC)
    African American Studies
    Agricultural and Resource Economics
    Air Force (ROTC)
    American Cultures
    American Studies
    Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology
    Applied Science and Technology Graduate Group
    Army (ROTC)
    Art History
    Art Practice
    Arts & Humanities, College of Letters & Science Division
    Asian American Studies
    Asian Studies
    Biochemistry, Comparative
    Biological Sciences, College of Letters and Science Division of
    Biology, Integrative
    Biology, Molecular and Cell
    Biology, Plant and Microbial
    Buddhist Studies
    Celtic Studies
    Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    Chemistry, College of
    Chemistry, Department of
    Chemistry, Agricultural and Environmental
    Chicano Studies
    City and Regional Planning
    Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Cognitive Science
    College Writing Programs
    Communications, Mass
    Comparative Biochemistry
    Comparative Literature
    Computer Science
    Computational and Genomic Biology Graduate Program
    Conservation Resource Studies
    Continuing Education (UC Berkeley Extension)
    Creative Writing
    Development Studies
    Disability Studies
    Dramatic Art
    Dutch Studies
    Earth and Planetary Science
    East Asian Languages & Cultures
    East Asian Studies
    Economics, Agricultural and Resource
    Economics, Law &
    Education, Graduate School of
    Energy and Resources Group
    Engineering, College of
    Includes the following engineering departments & programs: bioengineering; civil & environmental engineering; electrical engineering and computer science; industrial engineering & operations research; materials science & engineering; mechanical engineering; nuclear engineering; and ocean engineering.
    Engineering, Chemical
    Engineering Science
    Environmental Design, College of
    Environmental Economics and Policy
    Environmental Health Sciences
    Environmental Planning, Landscape Architecture and
    Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
    Environmental Sciences
    Environmental Sciences, College of Natural Resources
    Ethnic Studies
    Extension, UC Berkeley
    Film Studies
    Forestry and Natural Resources
    Forestry, Center for
    Gender and Women's Studies
    Genetics and Plant Biology
    Geology & Geophysics
    Haas School of Business
    Health and Medical Sciences
    Health Sciences, Environmental
    Health Services and Policy Analysis
    History of Art
    Humanities, College of Letters & Sciences Division
    Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
    Infectious Diseases and Immunity
    Information, School of (iSchool)
    Integrative Biology
    Interdisciplinary Studies
    International and Area Studies
    Italian Studies
    Jewish Studies Program
    Journalism, Graduate School of
    Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program
    Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
    Latin American Studies
    Law & Economics Program
    Legal Studies
    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies
    Letters & Science
    Liberal Arts
    Logic and the Methodology of Science
    Materials Science and Engineering
    Mathematical and Physical Sciences, College of Letters & Science Division
    Mechanical Engineering
    Media Studies
    Medical Program (Joint UCB-UCSF)
    Mediterranean Archaeology, Ancient History and
    Medieval Studies
    Microbiology, Graduate Group in
    Microbial Biology, Plant and
    Middle Eastern Studies
    Military Affairs Program
    Military Science (ROTC)
    Molecular & Biochemical Nutrition
    Molecular and Cell Biology
    Molecular Environmental Biology
    Molecular Toxicology (Graduate)
    Molecular Toxicology (Undergraduate)
    Music, Department of
    Native American Studies
    Natural Resources, College of
    Naval Science (Navy ROTC)
    Near Eastern Studies
    New Media, Berkeley Center for
    Nuclear Engineering
    Nutrition/Nutritional Sciences
    Ocean Engineering
    Operations Research, Industrial Engineering and
    Optometry, School of
    Peace and Conflict Studies
    Physical Education
    Plant and Microbial Biology
    Policy Analysis, Health Services and
    Political Economy
    Political Science
    Portuguese, Spanish and
    Public Health
    Public Policy, The Richard & Rhoda Goldman School of
    Range Management
    Religious Studies
    ROTC (Air Force)
    ROTC (Army)
    ROTC (Navy)
    School of Information
    Science and Technology, Applied
    Science and Mathematics Education, Graduate Group (SESAME)
    Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Institute of
    Slavic Languages and Literatures
    Social Sciences, College of Letters & Science Division
    Social Welfare, School of
    Society and Environment
    Sociology and Demography, Graduate Group in
    South and Southeast Asian Studies
    Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies
    Spanish and Portuguese
    Theater, Dance & Performance Studies
    Toxicology, Nutritional Science and
    Undergraduate and Interdisciplinary Studies
    Undergraduate Division, College of Letters & Science
    Urban Design
    Vision Science
    Women's Studies, Gender and

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    My threads are more random and cathartic than measured and malicious. They are mostly for me, as pompous and supercilious as that sounds, and there is a theatrical component. I'm keeping everyone guessing (including the insiders) and I'm especially keeping myself guessing. This is a messed-up game-theory. A while back, I noticed a really tall and beautiful obviously-liberated young-lady with a stern-looking mother with a 'What Are You Looking At, You Pervert?!' Look!! The daughter wore a small crucifix around her neck, and the mother had a guilt-ridden 'Vatican II' look (or something to that effect)!! I appreciated both (in very different ways) and I would love to mediate between them, sort of like me in the middle of Mystery Science Theater 3000!! Hey, we could watch Cabrini and The Brides of Christ in the local theater (while holding hands)!! Cross My Heart and Hope to Die!! Stick a Needle in My Eye!! Regarding the above organ concert at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco, the excellent young organist, Edward Lee, is the student of Eye Surgeon and Concert Organist, Dr. Angela Kraft Cross (turning pages). I was in the choir with Angela a very long time ago, in the Loma Linda University Church of SDA's. I attended at least one Dr. Cross concert and spoke with her several times, including discussing the organ at St. Mary's and the rise of 'Praise Songs'. I attended quite a number of Concerts and Masses at St. Mary's. I even helped collect the offering at one of the services (but I didn't take anything)!! Around 2010: The Year We Made Contact, I suggested the possibility of a Solar System United Nations involving meetings at St. Mary's!! The Diocese wouldn't appreciate that, but I thought it was a cool idea at the time!! In the Age of AI, the whole thing might be mostly online!! Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? Here are some cool space videos to enlighten Solar System Studies and Governance. I'm going to pretend that I'm the last person alive in the solar system - and that I'm making this thread just in case intelligent life from another solar system happens across this cyber-record of madness. The next step in my evolution is to learn to not give a $hi+ if no one gives a $hi+! I don't mean to be shrill. Wait a minute. Yes I do! Boy! Will the space-travelers be in for a disappointment when they see this! "Mork!!! Damn!!! All that way through space for this BS??? FOR THIS???!!! NOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo!!!!!! And those poor bastards thought they were going to be free..." I can do uber-refined extremely well, but remember, this is a test. This is only a test. A word to the wise, and to everyone else...

    1. The Asteroid That Flattened Mars

    2. When Will Time End?

    3. Super Massive Black Hole in the Milky Way Galaxy

    4. The Search for Earth-Like Planets

    5. Voyage to Pandora: The First Intersteller Space Flight

    6. Crashing into the Moon

    7. The Pulse of Alien Life

    8. Exploding Stars

    9. To the Edge of Time

    10. UC Berkley Lecture in Astronomy: Dr. Steven Beckwith

    11. UC Berkley Lecture in Astronomy: Angels and Demons

    12. UC Berkley Lecture in Astronomy: How Did the Universe Begin?

    13. Disclosure: The Truth About 2012 and Extraterrestrials

    14. Is the Universe Infinite?

    15. Cold Sparks and Black Holes

    16. Hubble Space-Shattering Discoveries

    Should the Academics Inherit the Earth? What if the PhD's ruled the solar system? Should most of the big libraries, state-houses, churches and cathedrals be turned into universities? Should there be a vast Solar System University System at the Center of Solar System Studies and Governance? Should spirituality and ethics be infused into every subject and activity imaginable? Should everyone in the solar system get paid the same, and have the same net-worth? Is money-making inherently corrupt? Should there be an income and net-worth ceiling? How much is too much? Is the love of money really the root of all evil? Is evil a prerequisite for success? Is there anyone who is truly good? How good is too good? Are any righteous? Even one? What is truth? What color is your parachute? Who's your daddy?

    Conservative and Progressive Modernity are Knocking on the Doors of Church and State! What if church services were like mini congressional or senatorial sessions - complete with elected officials and unelected observers? What if the elected officials wore robes (along with the choir) - and processed and recessed with sacred classical music? Political and Theological Issues would be discussed and voted upon. The choir/organist/orchestra would perform before and after the sessions. The utmost dignity and courtesy would be expected. Each comment or question would be a short and polished oration, which would be both informative and inspirational. These services would mirror the daily sessions of the United States of the Solar System - and would inform and assist the 10,000 representatives in arriving at their important and binding decisions. Might this be a safe and proper union of church and state? Imagine this sort of thing occurring at Notre Dame de Paris! Might this be a Latin Mass - Without the Mass? Do you see my point? Holy Deliberation Instead of Holy Sacrifice? Heresy? I think not! The Secular Must Become Sacred - and the Sacred Must Become Secular! BTW - how are things going in San Francisco??? Let Freedom Ring!!!


    I'm liking the idea of a PhD program in Solar System Studies and Governance at Ivy League Universities throughout the solar system. A PhD in Solar System Studies and Governance might be a prerequisite to becoming a United States of the Solar System Representative. Then, perhaps one would serve a five-year 'apprenticeship' in connection with the United States of the Solar System, followed by five years of teaching and research, at one of the Ivy League Universities, in the area of Solar System Studies and Governance. Then one might seek to become a United States of the Solar System Representative. This is just something to think about. This would be a pretty select group, but it would be based upon merit, rather than fame, fortune, power, and bloodlines. Upon retirement from the United States of the Solar System, one might reenter academia. Who knows?

    I'm feeling incredibly drained, regarding what I have been dealing with over the past 18 months, or so. I feel as though I have failed in connection with all of this. Believe it or not, I feel as though I might've been able to prevent Fukushima, if I had done more, or if I had handled things differently. I continue to think that Fukushima was deliberately inflicted, and that this might've been the beginning of the end of the world. I have tried to be somewhat neutral regarding the Powers That Be - Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial - Human and Otherwise. But I still wished to press forward in a somewhat irreverent manner, regarding getting to the bottom of what was really going on in this solar system. Perhaps that was a mistake. I have chosen to seek the truth in a very passive and non-scholarly manner on this very small forum, and I have promised not to make a great big deal out of this. I have promised to not yell 'FIRE!!' in a crowded website or bookstore. This is a test. This is only a test. I really do think that the Old World Order and the New World Order should be replaced by a New Solar System, based upon a Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom United States of the Solar System. I really do wish for things to work out well for all concerned, but I obviously don't know what has really been going on for thousands, or even millions, of years. I truly see through a glass darkly. I hope to meet some of the Galactic Powers That Be face to face, and know even as also I am known. But for now, I know in part, and I prophecy in part. Namaste to the Beings of the Universe.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Oct 26, 2024 9:54 pm

    I recently encountered someone who reminded me of this video, but it probably wasn't him. I'll delete this post in a couple of hours. You'll roll your eyes over this one, but consider The Quest of the Historical Jesus in Volumes 6 and 7 (Acts to Revelation) of The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary (1956-57), especially regarding the Life and Teachings of the Historical Jesus. The 50's were a relatively 'nice' decade for a lot of people. There was some interesting scholarship going on, for a variety of reasons. I doubt ANYONE will do this. I might not even be capable or motivated to do this, but this sort of thing seems to be my 'Ball and Chain' relative to the 'Discipline of Scripture'. The church might seem to fall, but it will not. Where did I hear that before?? Also, consider the names of the men who returned to Earth on the spaceship in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I'm 'David A' (5) at 01:58 and I knew a very-well connected 'Robert M' (6) at 02:08 in Hollywood. He knew Noah Dietrich and Alan Hale. H.R. Haldeman wanted to rent one of his offices (but he never did). What if these men were Emissaries from Outer-Space?? Emissary Wardens?? Solar Wardens?? Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? Who?? Once again, I'm miserable and hamstrung but I'm absolutely honest, and perhaps a bit deluded and disoriented. We All Have Our Crosses to Bear.
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    DAVID ****MAN at 00:19 in 1971.
    What Did David Bowman Say in 1968??
    What Did Peter Venkman Say in 1984??

    In the first image, consider David ****man (see the crash video above) in the 1971 Spielberg movie, DUEL. In the second image, notice the door number in the background (1219) just to the left of Dr. Peter Venkman in the 1984 movie, GHOSTBUSTERS. My birthday is 12-19 and there are significant name similarities in both movies. Coincidental?? Probably, but is this a set-up for a fall, or is this simply an identity crisis?? Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? Who?? What Did Bowman Know?? When Did He Know It?? The Shadow Knows...
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    I mean no harm. Not much anyway. I'm mostly neutral. I'll keep it brief. Think of The Word (1978) and Kate Mulgrew being 'replaced' with Florinda Bolkan halfway through the series. She was Augusto Monte's daughter. She shape shifted a bit outside the printing press. Now, in 2024, consider Margot Robbie being 'replaced' by Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn. Is there a possible parallel?? Anyway, something seemed creepy in my house last night but I don't want to talk about it. I just returned from the hospital. My repaired mitral valve is leaking significantly. The Clot Thickens. What do the Epistles (Romans to Jude) say and not say concerning the rest of the Bible (Genesis to Acts and Revelation)?? What do each of these two groups say and not say (especially concerning the Rules)?? I still don't know what sort of monster I've created in my threads. I've intended to experiment within a particular context but what if that 'monster' rages in the context of the general public who might already be agitated, confused, and enraged?? Do you see how something could be escalated in nefarious ways in a manner which might find the originator horrified?? Perhaps this might be potential 'countermeasures' on my part. Perhaps I purposely 'miss the mark' and 'back off' to wait to fight another day (or something to that effect). Perhaps I'm playing '5D chess' without knowing how to play (or even without knowing what the rules are). I keep suggesting that I'm utilizing Religious and Political Science-Fiction (even though I try to get things as real and right as possible). My hamstrung misery is no joke. I know I don't know as I wonder as I wander. This is mostly quiet desperation on my part which might morph into something I'm not prepared to deal with. I'm prepared to 'pull the plug' rather than 'doubling down'. Anyway, I am very unsettled and destabilized but perhaps it's better to admit this rather than pretending to be competent and confident when such is not justified by the evidence. I'd rather remain a 'behind the scenes non-insider' than attempt to be 'the man of the hour in the spotlight'. What I just wrote seems a bit delusional but that's just how I feel at the moment. I calmly discussed the Presidential Debate with a couple of liberals (even though I was unable to watch it -- I might watch it later). I lean right but I don't like to fight. I'd actually rather talk to the deer, rabbits, and squirrels. Now, I'll listen to an eleven-hour UFO video. It takes all kinds...but why?? The show must go on...but why?? Cheers and/or Whatever.

    What if Christianity consisted of Luke to Jude read repeatedly, straight-through, in a variety of translations, with internal interpretation?? Preponderance of Evidence?? Evidence Which Demands a Verdict?? Problem is that no matter how one sets things up, there's always something significantly wrong. No one is really happy, long term, or so it seems. Newspapers and Walking are looking better all the time but even in this, I can't seem to follow through. If a journalist or theologian cross examined me, I would NOT do well. I had a stroke and I have a bunch of other problems and excuses, so perhaps I should just be mad all the time, like Donald Trump. That approach has its advantages. Also, doing nothing has its advantages. This Present Quest is Seeming Dumb and Dumber in a DUMB. I Should STOP and NOT Comment. I might continue with my tripe...or I might never pursue any of this under any circumstances. I've been honest but I might've been mistaken and/or deluded at times. This particular thread involves a lot of repeated material, which might be months or years old. In other words, it might seem like some of this occurred yesterday or last week, when in reality it might've occurred several years ago. Do you see what I mean?? I mostly practice contrarian neutrality which is sometimes not flattering toward various individuals of interest. I try to get things right but I still consider my writing to be religious and political science-fiction. There's a fine-line and I try not to cross the line. No one seems to have noticed my thrashing around or attempts to liven things up, so again, no-harm, no-foul. I'm NOT trying to concoct something sensational. I AM trying to be open and honest. Again, I am highly miserable and hamstrung, so don't expect anything significant from me (good or bad). I'm really thinking in terms of going completely incognito for the rest of my life. My confused thrashing around was sort of fun in a bit of a masochistic manner but it almost felt (and feels) like a targeted cocktail of neuro-toxins, nanobots, chips, nefarious-entities, witches brews and spells as sort of an AI New-Age Alien Agenda which I can't resist. Resistance is Futile?? Did I recently encounter Denzel again. It sure sounded like him, and he even sang a bit, but there were no introductions, and I remained stoically non-responsive and neutral. I hate to keep repeating it, but I'm feeling much worse as I'm thinking much less. This morning, I slept through my alarm for TWO Hours, and woke up feeling like I got hit by a truck, with a giant oppressive cloud surrounding me, as if I'm being slowly executed. I'm NOT joking or bluffing. This is getting serious, and I'm fearing the worst. You have no idea but perhaps some (or all) of you will experience what I experience each and every day. I still think some qualified analysts should study my threads in a somewhat deep and extensive manner. Remember, these threads can be obtained throughout the solar system. I am NOT involved with deep-throats or secret societies. My threads are random acts of madness. What you encounter in my threads is as good and/or bad as it gets. If any of you encounter me in real life, prepare to be highly disappointed. I am highly disappointed in a Great Disappointment. I Hate My Life. I feel like 'making the coffee', even though it's midnight. I really think I'm slipping badly, and things will only get worse. I still think that hypothetical Ancient to Modern Artificial Intelligence Matrix is a Universal Church of sorts with Mainframe Deism (even though that sounds highly blasphemous). I honestly can't take much more of this. The implications and ramifications are truly mind-boggling. Consider Systematic Theology. I attended a lecture by Dr. Louis Berkhof in my youth. Something has been (and is) seriously wrong with me from childhood idealism to cynical senior senility. Righteousness by Senility?? I'm currently thinking in terms of reading The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal combined with Long Walks in Nature as sort of a Sacred Secularism. What Would Thomas Paine Say?? What if Life's a Bltch and Then We Get Recycled in an Eternal Unyielding Despair?? What Would Bertrand Russell Say?? This is Dark and I'm Done. Did I Dream Myself Into Delusion?? Terence McKenna told me, "If You Dream It, You've Already Done It." So, Perhaps I Did It but Nobody Recognized It or Will Recognize It. I Read and Listened to the Big-Shot Motivational Gurus, and They Left Me Cold, as If They Were Mocking Me. Perhaps I Should Attack My Own Thinking. Sorry, Not Sorry?? I'm Sorry You Feel That Way!! Actually, I'm Sorry I Feel That Way!! Terence, This is Stupid Stuff.

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    I previously mentioned it but I just realized something as I watched and listened to that Gaga and Beyonce' 'TELEPHONE' video. After RA and I ended face-to-face conversations, I called RA, and it sounded like he was in a spaceship with aliens. Honest. The call was breaking up a bit as our conversation was breaking down, and RA said, "I'm Kind of Busy." Listen to what Lady Gaga says when she picks up the phone and starts singing. The images and videos mostly have relevance to my claimed circumstantial experiences and name-similarities. It's probably rubbish to most of you, but taken as a whole, I keep encountering online and real-life material and individuals which would knock your socks off, if you could be me for a while. Perhaps someday, some of you will figure this out, but I'm not rushing the climax. BTW, once upon a time, I sang with the Crystal Cathedral Choir in the Chino Women's Prison. The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways. Cheers and/or Whatever.

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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Oct 26, 2024 9:59 pm

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    'I'm flying you to a small airport about 5 minutes from here. There you will board a Navy helicopter, which will fly you to an undisclosed location. Everything is compartmentalized. No one knows what anyone else is doing, or where they're going. The system likes it that way. You'll see.' I query, 'Who should I watch-out for?' 'Lucifer.' 'Lucifer?' I'm shocked, and exclaim, 'I asked you a serious question - and now you're being a wise-guy with me!' Scranton has a poker-face, and responds, 'I am very, very serious. What they taught you in Sunday school is BS. Lucifer is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen in your life. She runs this solar system - and answers only to Satan.' 'Now wait a minute! This is ridiculous! I speculated about this sort of thing on the internet - but I didn't really believe it. You're jerking my chain - aren't you?' 'No. I am deadly serious - and I mean DEADLY serious. I'm giving you a heads-up, because you will need to be prepared for the worst. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned - and you have scorned the woman most closely connected with hell. Lucifer's IQ is 532. She has the equivalent of 87 PhD's. She is NOT the forgive and forget type. If you cross her - you're dead-meat - and you've crossed her BIG TIME!'

    'When will I have the privilege of meeting her majesty?' 'Soon. But first you must go through 'Galactic Boot Camp' to learn how to survive in the shadowy underworld. This will NOT be a pleasant experience!' I am perplexed, 'Why does this seem so militaristic and hostile? I feel as though I am entering into a Nazi realm of sorts!' 'You are. You will be very lucky to remain sane. Many who have tried to save the world by being knights in shining armor - are now heavily sedated in secret mental institutions.' I nervously blurt-out, 'I can hardly wait for the fun to begin! Fortunately - I'm already insane. I crossed that bridge a long time ago. But I have learned to function somewhat productively and safely - in a limited sort of way - in mainstream society.' Scranton is not amused. 'Dave, this isn't funny! You haven't seen the dazed and hopeless expressions on the faces of these formerly brave and intelligent people - who are now reduced to rocking back and forth in the fetal position.' I sheepishly reply, 'Sorry. I'm just very nervous and apprehensive about all of this.' Scranton looks me straight in the eye, and says, 'Be afraid. Be very afraid.' I see a Navy Sea Stallion helicopter looming in the distance - with rotor spinning - waiting to devour me. My rendezvous with destiny is imminent.

    As we pull up alongside the helicopter - I turn to thank Agent Scranton for the flight - and I notice that his eyes have vertical slits instead of round pupils. I gasp slightly, and he notices my surprise, and laughingly shakes his head, saying 'you haven't seen anything yet! I'm just a 50% human/50% reptile hybrid - and I forgot to put my contacts in when I got the call to pick you up! Sorry about that! I still don't like you - but good-luck anyway!' My hand is shaking as I shake Scranton's hand - and I stumble and fall as I run toward the waiting helicopter. Is this the Helicopter to Hell?

    The pilot and co-pilot greet me, as I climb aboard the Sea Stallion helicopter. The door closes with a dull thud - and off we go, into the wild blue yonder! But something is wrong! This seems more like a spacecraft than a helicopter! The helicopter exterior was a hologram! Suddenly everything is dark - and I look out the window - and see thousands of very bright stars! Then I realize that I am onboard an anti-gravity craft! The co-pilot turns to me, saying, 'Welcome to Astra Airlines!' 'Oh My God!', I exclaim. 'Where the hell are we going?' 'We're just taking you to the International Space Station.' 'Just?!' 'What's going to happen there?' 'You'll find out soon enough. They don't tell us anything. We only know enough to do our jobs properly. Curiosity kills cats, careers - and sometimes it even kills people.'

    'OK, I get the picture. I understand the need for compartmentalization, but I prefer openness and transparency.' 'Actually, you'll find that the deeper you get into this thing, the more open and casual everything will be. At first, you'll feel as if you're in a prison camp. Really, boot-camp for beginners is conducted on the I.S.S. If you survive that, things will be a lot better for you.' 'Well, that's something to look forward to. I'd still like to know what they have planned for me. It sounds as if this adventure might be beneficial to humanity, yet I feel as if I might be used and misused in deceptive and nefarious ways.' 'Just go with the flow, without committing to anything in particular. That's all I'm going to say, and I've probably said too much. Please don't quote me.' 'No. I wouldn't do that. Thank-you for the transportation and advice.' 'You're welcome. Now arriving at the International Space Station. Please keep your seatbelt and shoulder harness fastened until we are securely docked. Thank-you for flying Astra Airlines.'

    As I enter the International Space Station, I say good-bye to the TR3B pilots, and hello to the station crew. I am directed to a locker filled with space-suits and various pieces of clothing and equipment. I am handed a suit designed to be worn while inside the station. Another suit is to be used for space-walks. I doubt that I'll be using that one anytime soon. I shower and change into the first suit. I'm already beginning to feel like part of the team, even though I sense something dark and ominous lurking behind the scenes. I feel as though I am being constantly watched and listened to. I feel as though there is absolutely no privacy, even when showering and using the restroom. I see cameras mounted everywhere, yet I also sense unseen eyes watching my every move. Perhaps I am being watched by the 'Watchers'. They like to watch...

    I am handed a thousand-page syllabus which details every conceivable aspect of life in space. It ranges from the simple to the highly technical. It describes protocol, and a highly detailed set of rules of civility and etiquette. It appears to reform one into being a cross between a Nazi and a Jesuit, with lots of Masonic jargon. This seems like the beginning of a reeducation process. Did I sign-up for this sort of thing? Do I really have a choice in the matter, at this point? I decide that I'd best go with the flow, for now, and voice my objections to various aspects of this reprogramming, when most appropriate. I feel a bit like Pope Pius XII interacting with Adolph Hitler. I am very uncomfortable with the whole situation, but I can't simply open the front-door and go home. I know that I'm in way over my head, and I am visibly shaking...

    There is very little conversation, as I have been directed to read the entire syllabus as quickly as possible. I am told that there will be a test when I am finished, and that the time it takes me to read the provided materials is part of this test. I take a short break every hour, on the hour, and I look at 'our' little world, in all of it's beauty and splendor. It's hard to imagine the suffering, violence, and hatred which have occurred over thousands, and possibly millions, of years. Earth seems so peaceful from space. Now I know what Dr. Edgar Mitchell experienced when he viewed the world from space, and was transformed, ultimately resulting in the founding of the 'Center for Noetic Science'. I often wished that I had gotten better acquainted with Dr. Mitchell after speaking with him at a 'Whole Life Expo'.

    As I continue reading the syllabus, I am shocked to find that at least half of it consists of a condensed and edited version of the contents of my internet posting. I wonder why I am being provided with my own material. Perhaps I will be questioned and cross-examined on some of the more controversial aspects. I quickly decide to study the entire syllabus, even though a lot of it is a review. I have been provided with a laptop computer, which contains the syllabus, in addition to the hard copy. I've now been studying for nearly seven hours, and I am beginning to feel a bit tired and hungry, when I am asked to join the crew for dinner. There are ten people aboard the space station - seven crew-members and three visitors, including myself. It turns out that the other two visitors, Jack and Bill, are NSA agents, assigned to supervise my journey into the Secret Space Program. I quickly decide that Jack and Bill are not their real names, for obvious reasons.

    Jack looks worried, and begins speaking in a deliberate and measured manner, “The Powers That Be have decided to place you on a 2-kilometer-diameter asteroid in geosynchronous orbit. You will be alone, except for one other person, and you will remain in relative isolation for at least two months. You will be expected to study and reflect upon the supplied materials, including your own. This will help you clarify your thinking while you become more comfortable with life in space. If and when you successfully complete this phase of your training, you will be transported to the Moon, where you will meet with junior members of the Solar System Secret Government. I can tell you nothing more than what I have just told you.“  I am shocked. “Wow! Should I be grateful or resentful? This isn’t what I expected at all. It’s sort of cool and sort of creepy.  I’m certain that I’ll be watched 24/7, and that my every move will be recorded and analyzed.” Jack responds, “This is correct. You’re basically a glorified lab-rat. Sorry to be so direct, but this whole thing is a precedent-setting experiment.” “When do I leave?” I ask. “As soon as we finish our meal!”  Jack smiles for the first time.

    I mostly listen to the others make small-talk while we eat, because I know most of my questions will be evasively answered, or will remain unanswered. I reflect upon how I  got myself so deeply involved in this quickly thickening plot, and I decide that I am into this thing much too deeply. My verdict is that I am probably past the point of no return, and that I will probably be very lucky to return to Earth, dead or alive. I already know way too much. My second-guessing is interrupted by Bill strangely whispering, ‘It’s here.‘ I look out the window, and just about faint. It’s a UFO! I exclaim ‘Oh My God!!’ Jack and Bill both laugh at me. Jack calmly states, ‘That, Dave, is a FIZU MICRO, which is the smallest unconventional craft in the Secret Space Program. It requires only one crew-member, and it can carry six passengers, if they’re midgets, and know each other very well!’ You will be the only passenger on this trip.’ I ask ‘What about the other person who will be living with me on the asteroid?’ Bill answers, ‘The pilot is the other person, and the FIZU will remain within the asteroid. You might even be lucky enough to go on a joy-ride once in a while!’ ‘How cool is THAT!?’ I exclaim.

    ‘The Eagle has landed. Board when ready,’ is announced over the intercom. I gather my space-gear and research materials, and head toward the docking area. I can see a glow emanating from the inside of the MICRO. My heart is racing faster than if I had just run a marathon! I thank the space station crew, including Jack and Bill, for their hospitality, and climb the ladder into the FIZU. As I enter the ‘UFO’, I receive the most pleasant shock of my life! The pilot is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! She greets me with a sweet and sexy, ‘Don’t be frightened! I mean no harm! My name is Margot!’ I grasp Margot’s outstretched hand, and stammer, ‘Hello Margot! My name is Dave!’ Margot continues, ‘Strap yourself in Buck Rogers! Let’s get out of Dodge!’

    Dave exclaims, "Come-On, Barbie! Let's Go Party!"

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    "The Dark Side of the Moon!"
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    "What Shall We Do with Orthodoxymoron?"
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    "Do NOT Laugh! Your Daughter Might Live Here!"
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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Nov 23, 2024 4:05 am; edited 1 time in total

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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Oct 26, 2024 11:55 pm

    We might be in the process of having the Worldwide General Public becoming much more knowledgeable and responsible regarding how this planet should function, without attempting to 'take-over'. People are researching a lot more and have a lot more access to things which were formerly highly-classified. The question is, "What Will They Do with This Highly Problematic Information??" Will they 'run in the streets' or simply 'take care of business'?? This could surpass religious, political, and business borders (or something to that effect). My goal is to just do what I'm doing, perhaps in better circumstances, but without expectations of anything in particular. Read Between the Lines of the Actual Text of My Threads. This is just for a select few. I'm not attempting to spearhead a movement. There are too many of those already. Perhaps this involves the human collective-conscious and collective-unconscious. I'll probably just read old books and watch old DVDs, and perhaps read a couple of key newspapers while listening to Bach and Buxtehude. Don't take my pop-stuff too seriously. That's probably just a detour to distract the paparazzi!! A lot of this is catharsis and entertainment. Hopefully the spooks get a good laugh out of it!! Cheers and/or Whatever.

    Perhaps I should just re-post all the posts on this thread, dividing the larger posts to make them easier to post. Further, perhaps I should juggle the order a bit to mix things up just a little. I need to emphasize that I'm NOT preparing to say or do anything significant, mostly because I have nothing significant to offer. A lot of this is cathartic due to my hamstrung misery. The big-shot loudmouths dominate (as usual). The thundering herd seems to be stampeding. Think long and hard about the 1971 Duel movie. Once again, notice the name on the briefcase, just before the ugly truck goes over the cliff. Frankly, I don't give a damn whether anyone notices or not. Time to Get Out of Dodge?? Cheers.

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    DAVID ****MAN at 03:15 in 1971.
    What Would David Bowman Say?
    What Would Peter Venkman Say?

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    Don't take my threads personally. I utilize contextual-superimposition. It's sort of random yet focused. I've never felt or thought worse in my life. My perception is that I've been tampered with throughout my adult life (if not even earlier) and it is becoming MUCH Worse. It feels as if I might've been poisoned but who knows what's really been done to me?! It's just a perception. I obviously can't prove anything and no one seems to give a damn. I feel as if I might not survive much longer. I've intended only the best and right things but how is one to do anything significantly beneficial when diabolical intervention militates against one attempting to be helpful and truthful?? I suspect what's been (and is) being done to me will ultimately be done to everyone but I can't prove that suspicion (for now). How can we know what's REALLY going on in Earth, the Solar System, Galaxy, and Universe?! Again, despite my best intentions, I am highly concerned that my truth-seeking credibility is probably quite low. I keep making disclaimers (such as this one). Researchers Beware. I've merely been attempting to warn the diligent without spooking the herd. I have no idea who is responsible for what. The seduction and manipulation of humanity might be unimaginable and reprehensible. Just Do Your Own Homework Without Being Frightened and Coerced by Dark Forces (of Whatever Nature). How Can We Know What the Hell (or What in Hell) is Transpiring?! I suspect that some of you know but don't dare say or do anything as I twist slowly, slowly in the wind. I have no idea regarding potential past lives or ancient existence!! I am NOT a New-Age or Conspiracy-Theory Nut-Case. I simply wish to know (even if I don't have a need to know). What if I had something to do with the hypothetical Matrix in antiquity and modernity (without memory or evidence of this)?! The Universe Might be Stranger and Nastier Than We Can Think. I need help but I doubt help will materialize. Always Remember Rampant Deception and Manipulation Might Not be What We Think. This is Pointless and Futile. Resistance is Futile (or so it seems). Good-Luck and God-Bless.

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    I recently encountered someone who looked a lot like Steven Spielberg but I don't think it was him. I'm going to stop playing this little game. My threads have been a road-less-traveled quest and/or experiment and NOT an opportunistic joy-ride (or something to that effect). I still don't know who I am or what I'm supposed to do (or not do). I've noticed literally dozens of clues throughout my life (especially in the last dozen years). I'm nobody and it should probably stay that way. The somebodies might've been context for the quest (or something corny like that). Notice that I continue to keep this tempest in a teapot within this very website. I think I've majorly pissed-off some movers and shakers but I certainly don't know the details. I'm probably a star in the movie in my mind (or something delusional like that). No one would understand, and if they understood they would probably get mad and/or go insane. I wish I were kidding. What troubles me is the overall ancient galactic context. I suspect people such as Kubrick, Clarke, Lucas, Spielberg, et al would know what I'm talking about. I think this thing is going to get really crazy. The PTB might claim they are putting the brakes on AI but I doubt the R&D will come to a screeching halt before going over the proverbial cliff (such as in the 1971 Spielberg movie, DUEL). Again, I'm majorly shutting-up and I'd like to disappear in a nice way. I'd keep rambling but I don't think that would be a good idea. A Completely Ignorant Fool Keeps Talking. Been There. Done That. What if NONE of US know what the hell is really going on?? The Bible might be BS but perhaps we should study it to help us figure out what the TRUTH is. Consider reading Job to Isaiah and Romans to Jude (straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations), perhaps setting one proof-group against the other for research purposes. Politics and Religion always seem to be some sort of a stupid debate, fight, or war!! I'm leaning toward reading newspapers and going for long walks, plus very little else. No hocus pocus or mumbo jumbo. Just wondering as I wander through the woods and on the beach. I've repeated for years that I'm everyone's friend and no-one's friend. I mostly make everyone mad in various ways. I hate my life. What Would Jupiter Jones Say?? I might like to be someone similar to Jack Ryan (but without the fighting, shouting, and shooting). The cubicle thing works for me but a 600 square-foot office-apartment under a university library might be optimal!! Just Kidding!! Or Am I?? I'm SO Confused. Now I'm going to finish watching Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan. It's well done but a little too violent for me. The dialogue is interesting. Perhaps I should just read the books. Just a Reminder. My Threads Are Mostly Religious and Political Science-Fiction (as a mixture of fantasy and reality). I'm Poor, Unknown, Unrecognized, and Down-Trodden. Tom Clancy Made a Fortune with a Unique Style of Fantasy and Reality with Massive Fame, Fortune, and Power. Who is the Bad-Guy?? Who is the Good-Guy?? Who is Crazy?? Who is Genius?? Who You Gonna Call??
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    Matrix Emissary Warden?
    Doctor Who Blue Boy?
    Rich Young Ruler?
    Prince of Sirius?
    Boy Scout?

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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Oct 27, 2024 12:03 am

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    Seashore wrote:In the following Kerry Cassidy interview of Eric Dadmehr, a person in the chat asked him a question about Nibiru, and within his answer, Dadmehr says, "I think we have an infinite, flat plane . . . anyone who actually looks into it is a flat-earther . . . " Here is a screenshot showing where in the video this takes place, and the link to the video on Odysee:
    You'll roll your eyes over this one, but consider The Quest of the Historical Jesus in Volumes 6 and 7 (Acts to Revelation) of The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary (1957), especially regarding the Life and Teachings of the Historical Jesus. The 50's were a relatively 'nice' decade for a lot of people. There was some interesting scholarship going on, for a variety of reasons. I doubt ANYONE will do this. I might not even be capable or motivated to do this, but this sort of thing seems to be my 'Ball and Chain' relative to the 'Discipline of Scripture'. The church might seem to fall, but it will not. Where did I hear that before?? Also, consider the names of the men who returned to Earth on the spaceship in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I'm 'David A' (5) at 01:58 and I knew a very-well connected 'Robert M' (6) at 02:08 in Hollywood. He knew Noah Dietrich and Alan Hale. H.R. Haldeman wanted to rent one of his offices (but he never did). What if these men were Emissaries from Outer-Space?? Emissary Wardens?? Solar Wardens?? Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? Who?? Once again, I'm miserable and hamstrung but I'm absolutely honest, and perhaps a bit deluded and disoriented. We All Have Our Crosses to Bear. Cheers and/or Whatever.
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    I recently encountered a mother with a beautiful young adult daughter, and as the old man that I am, I thought what if I were twenty again?? I would probably make sure to keep the parents happy and the daughter happier while making millions of dollars. That would keep everyone happy...right?? That was just a daydream for a couple of minutes. Perhaps politics and religion should not be thought about as one focuses on taking care of BUSINESS. Then one could contribute to both political parties and reap the benefits of having friends in high-places. Weddings, Funerals, Christmas-Eve Services, and Easter Sunrise Services might suffice, especially if one conspicuously contributed to the church. Do you get the picture?? Everything is a BUSINESS...Seemingly Including Marriage. Just Ask Bill Gates. Speaking of which, I encountered an intelligent young man, probably around twenty-five or thirty years of age, who seemed to be on a mission. He said I was good but he was upset with the rich. He almost seemed a bit angelic in a somewhat aggressive manner. I muttered something about context and circumstances where good people might become bad people while they made and spent their billions. The conversation frightened me a bit, and I'm not usually frightened. What if one religiously studied the Federalist Papers and Anti-Federalist Papers as a sort of Deist Bible. I realize that's heretical and borderline blasphemous but what if this were an act of desperation as civilization slides down the slippery slope to perdition?? I'm half-joking and half-serious regarding All the Above. I Am NOT a Happy say the least. I'm going to get myself into more trouble than I'm already in, but here goes whatever. What Would the Founding Father Deists Do with the Psalms as Their Whole Bible?? Imagine the Psalms Plus Psalm-Based Sacred Music Plus Nothing as a Theological Singularity (or something to that effect)?? I asked a 106 year-old Christian Lady, "What is Your Favorite Book of the Bible??" She quickly responded, "The Psalms." Notice that the Anglican and Episcopal Book of Common Prayer contains One Bible Book in its Entirely. The Psalms. I lean toward the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. So much better than the new one. What Would Harry and Meghan Say?? She gave me 'the look'. I didn't say anything. I've wondered if a Minimalist Adventism should consist of One Book, The Psalms Section of the SDA Bible Commentary Plus Psalm-Based Sacred Music Plus Nothing?? I'm Not Fighting Mad. I'm Just Wondering. I Wonder as I Wander as the World Goes to Hell in a Hand-Basket. Is Ancient Artificial Intelligence Good and/or Bad?? Is Modern Artificial Intelligence Good and/or Bad?? What if We Don't Have Much Time to Figure This Out?? I Keep Repeating That My Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Challenges are Significant and Devastating. I Can't Bear It. A Few Decades Ago, In British Columbia, Canada, There Was a Bumper-Sticker Stating, "I Can't Barrett!" The Missing Link. William Bennett was SO Much Better. The Missing Link. What Would Jack Webster Say?? The Missing Link. I Digress. Sorry About That. If We Don't Exterminate Ourselves and Christ Doesn't Return, What Sort of Civilization Will Remain?? Hope Springs Eternal. What Would a Non-Corrupt and Non-Oppressive North American Union Look Like?? Everyone and Everything has Their Pros and Cons. Cheers.
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    I don't oppose or promote various religions and theologies. In my miserable and hamstrung state of affairs, I'm spending a lot of time wondering as I wander, mostly involving sampling a lot of this and that. That might seem cowardly and/or disingenuous, but the information war seems to require possibilities regarding the larger view. What Would Graham Maxwell Say?? This obviously makes the faithful extremely nervous, which is why I post on a Non-Christian website but I'm often aloof and standoffish toward those I most closely associate with online, which probably only affects very few viewers. No Harm?? No Foul?? First Law?? Prime Directive?? Plausible Deniability?? The information war might get all of us in one way or another. This is a very dangerous and precarious situation, which I truly don't understand under the circumstances. What Would Joseph Fletcher Say?? I spoke privately with him decades ago. He told me Christianity was essentially BS (or something to that effect). A Harvard Divinity School Graduate told me, "Christianity is a House of Cards." Listen closely to the following videos. I don't necessarily endorse or reject them. One thing that concerns me is the Good and Bad Aspects of Jesus and Paul. Are they BOTH Narcissistic?? Is that necessary, given their roles?? What if the Mainframe Matrix has Everything to do with Both?? What About EGW and the KJV?? The KGB Read the KJV. Sorry for the Irreverence and Ambiguity. The Mainframe Matrix and the Twinkies Made Me Do It. "Hey, Bart, Pass the Twinkies." One Last Thing. What if There Were a Church for the Unchurched Which Simply Consisted of Daily Carrying and Reading a Copy of the Anglican/Episcopal 1928 Book of Common Prayer Without Going to Church?! Cheers and/or Whatever.

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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:18 am; edited 1 time in total

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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:07 am

    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Abcs-shark-tank-season-twelve

    I've gone over this repeatedly but what is the nature of the hypothetical Ancient to Modern United States Artificial Intelligence Solar System?? Does it simply deal with Good v Evil and/or Threats to the System?? Is My Benevolent Quest a Threat Which has Resulted in My Hamstrung Misery?? Is My Emissary Warden Concept Legitimate and/or Illegitimate?? Think long and hard about that 'Constantine' Library Scene. Think long and hard concerning Compartmentalization in Luke, John, Acts, Romans, and Revelation (for starters). Are Biblical Cover-Story Orthodoxies Legitimate and/or Illegitimate?? Is EGW Plagiarism and Cherry-Picking Legitimate and/or Illegitimate?? is Whole-Bible Grammatical-Historical Hermeneutics Legitimate and/or Illegitimate?? Is Resistance Futile?? I Suspect This is the Tip of the Iceberg. What if Sherry Shiner podcasts contain a huge amount of clues?? What if she succumbed to a Sinister Matrix?? This stuff might be worse than Any of Us can imagine. I might attempt to continue my quest as I become more and more miserable and hamstrung in my 'golden years'. The Truth is SO Overrated?? What Would Vala Mal Doran Say?? What Would the 'Council of Seventeen' Say?? Researchers Beware. Beware of Historians?? I could use some support but what if I'm part of the problem?? What if the City-States are Highly-Compromised?? What if We 'Had Our Chance' Thousands, Millions, or Billions of Years Ago?? Is HAL Our PAL?? The Horror. My neuro-toxic perceptions seem increasingly terminal, yet no one seems to give a damn, even when this is plainly stated over and over and over and over again. I suspect this is somehow deliberate and malicious but I can't prove it. What if everyone will eventually experience what I experience 24/7 year after year after year after year for all eternity?? Something to Look Forward To?? Will We Go to a Better and/or Worse Place?? RA told me, "It's Going to be Dark Where You Are Going." Weeping, Wailing, and Gnashing of Teeth is SO Overrated. Cheers and/or Whatever.

    It might take decades to properly study and evaluate the contents of my United States of the Solar System threads. I am suggesting the possibility of studying these threads from beginning to end -- straight-through -- over and over -- year after year -- decade after decade. That's my plan. I include a lot of politics, religion, conspiracy-theories, and alien-stuff -- because I think it's all interrelated -- but I caution everyone to treat the madness as science-fiction. Take it seriously -- but not too seriously. Frankly, this study is probably only appropriate for a select-few researchers -- and I don't mean this in a snob-sense. This takes way too much time -- and is way too traumatic -- for most people (and other than people). BTW -- consider studying the Eschatology of Ellen Gould White in the following books (read in order -- straight-through -- over and over -- as a mental and spiritual exercise):

    1. Patriarchs and Prophets (1890).
    2. Prophets and Kings (1917).
    3. The Desire of Ages (1898).
    4. Christ's Object Lessons (1900).
    5. The Acts of the Apostles (1911).

    Just start-out with the assumption that all of the above are Plagiarized Historical-Fiction written by a Renegade Goa'uld Queen!! What Would Vala Mal Doran Say?? The Great Controversy and Hermeneutic-Whoredom seem to be the major-culprits regarding problematic-interpretations of Daniel 7-12. What Would the Whore of Babylon Say?? She Babbles On and On and On...

    Think of a Solar System University system consisting of maybe 100 campuses throughout the solar system, which would have well developed departments of Solar System Studies and Governance. There might be 80 campuses on Earth, and 20 at other solar system locations, such as the Moon, Venus, Mars, (Nibiru!), various moons, asteroids, and even spaceships (such as the USSS Namaste aka Phobos). These campuses would be staffed by many United States of the Solar System Representatives, who would communicate with each other via an ubersecure interplanet computer system featuring the latest Cray supercomputers. Imagine attending the University of the Solar System at Nibiru!!! Imagine taking classes from Jesuits, Alphabet Agents, Nazis, Masons, Magicians, Dracs, Greys, Annunaki, Gods, Goddesses, visiting professors from Sirius, et al!!! Is this playing with the hellfire of a very hot Trojan Horse? Is this the way of the future? Damned if I know. Those bastards never tell me anything. They keep me guessing. I'm not necessarily saying that there should not be an oversight committee or a theocratic aspect to all of this, but I am saying that there should be appropriate checks and balances in place to keep this pipe-dream of responsible-freedom from spiralling out of control, getting hijacked, or blowing-up in our faces. The universe might be a VERY hostile and nasty place. I suspect that we are shielded from one helluva lot of upsetting information. Some of this is probably designed to deceive us, but some of the blackout is probably designed to prevent society from going to hell. Just more speculation. Once again, I am not shaking my fist at God in all of this. I am simply trying to proceed in a responsible manner. If the Creator God of the Universe imposes Divine Intervention, then So Be It. But I'm not very trusting toward the local gods and goddesses. I'm trying to figure out what has been going wrong on this planet for thousands of years. It isn't a pretty picture, despite the beautiful pictures of Earth from geosynchronous obit.

    I feel an overwhelming sense of dread. I just want to repeat that I envision a perfected humanity living in a perfected solar system - WITHOUT ANY ARMAGEDDON OR EXTERMINATION OF ANY KIND. I think there may be malevolent forces in this universe who want us dead - or at least suffering - and wishing we were dead. I want to repeat also that if any of you (human or otherwise) are not here to help the human race achieve SUSTAINABLE RESPONSIBLE FREEDOM - then please leave this solar system now - without harming anyone or anything. I'm serious about a SOLAR SYSTEM EXORCISM. I'm serious about establishing a NAMASTE CONSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBLE FREEDOM SOLAR SYSTEM AKA THE UNITED STATES OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM - BASED UPON RESPONSIBILITY AND THE U.S. CONSTITUTION. If any of you are waiting for me to change my mind - it isn't going to happen. I doubt that I have much clout - but I will continue to pretend that I do. What's funny about all of this - is that I'll probably be long-gone by the time this becomes a reality. This concept will probably rise from the ashes (phoenix-like) of a failed New World Order - so please prepare to rebuild this world - the right way.What Would Anu Do? (WWAD?)

    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Sv003

    What do you think about 10,000 PhD's in Solar System Studies and Governance being Representatives of the United States of the Solar System? Would this be a first step toward the last, great renaissance of an enlightened democracy? I sure wish I could get even just a bit of a discussion going. Doctor of Philosophy, abbreviated as PhD, Ph.D., DPhil or D.Phil. (for the Latin philosophiae doctor or doctor philosophiae), in English-speaking countries, abbreviated as Dr. Phil. or similar in several other countries,[1] is a postgraduate academic degree awarded by universities. The academic level of degrees known as doctorates of philosophy varies considerably according to the country, institution and time period, from entry-level research degrees to higher doctorates.

    The term "philosophy" does not refer solely to the modern field of philosophy, but is used in a broader sense in accordance with its original Greek meaning, which is "love of wisdom." In most of Europe, all fields other than theology, law and medicine were traditionally known as philosophy.

    The doctorate of philosophy as it exists today originated as a doctorate in the liberal arts at the Humboldt University, and was eventually adopted by American universities, becoming common in large parts of the world in the 20th century.[2] In many countries, the doctorate of philosophy is still awarded only in the liberal arts (known as "philosophy" in continental Europe, hence the name of the degree).

    The doctorate was extended to philosophy in the European universities in the Middle Ages. At that time all academic disciplines, the first Doctor of Philosophy degree was awarded in Paris in 1150, but the degree did not acquire its modern status as an advanced research degree until the early nineteenth century, following the practice in Germany. Prior to the nineteenth century, professional doctoral degrees could only be awarded in theology, law, or medicine. In 1861, Yale University adopted the German practice (first introduced in the 19th century at the Humboldt University of Berlin) of granting the degree, abbreviated as Dr. phil., to younger students who had completed a prescribed course of graduate study and successfully defended a thesis/dissertation containing original research in science or in the humanities.[3]

    From the United States, the degree spread to Canada in 1900, and then to the United Kingdom in 1917.[4][5] This displaced the existing Doctor of Philosophy degree in some universities; for instance, the DPhil (higher doctorate in the faculty of philosophy) at the University of St Andrews was discontinued and replaced with the Ph.D., (research doctorate). Oxford retained the DPhil abbreviation for their research degrees. Some newer UK universities, for example Buckingham (est. 1976), Sussex (est. 1961), and, until a few years ago, York (est. 1963), chose to adopt the DPhil, as did some universities in New Zealand.

    The detailed requirements for award of a Ph.D. degree vary throughout the world and even from school to school. In some schools in the US, Canada and Denmark, for example, many universities require coursework in addition to research for Ph.D. degrees. In other countries (such as the UK) there is generally no such condition. It is not uncommon, however, for individual universities or departments to specify additional requirements for students not already in possession of a bachelor's degree or equivalent or higher.

    In schools requiring coursework there is sometimes a prescribed minimum amount of study — typically two to three years full time, or a set number of credit hours — which must take place before submission of a thesis. This requirement is sometimes waived for those submitting a portfolio of peer-reviewed published work. The candidate may also be required to successfully complete a certain number of additional, advanced courses relevant to his or her area of specialization.

    A candidate must submit a project or thesis or dissertation often consisting of a body of original academic research, which is in principle worthy of publication in a peer-refereed context.[6] In many countries a candidate must defend this work before a panel of expert examiners appointed by the university; in other countries, the dissertation is examined by a panel of expert examiners who stipulate whether the dissertation is in principle passable and the issues that need to be addressed before the dissertation can be passed.

    Some universities in the non-English-speaking world have begun adopting similar standards to those of the Anglophone PhD degree for their research doctorates (see the Bologna process).[7]

    A Ph.D. student or candidate (abbreviated to Ph.D.c)[8] is conventionally required to study on campus under close supervision. With the popularity of distance education and e-learning technologies, some universities now accept students enrolled into a distance education part-time mode.

    Neglect, wasted time, few marketable skills, negligible earnings premiums, and vastly out-numbered job offerings are some of the criticisms leveled against PhD programs in many developed countriesThe Economist published an article citing various criticisms against the state of PhDs. Richard B. Freeman explains that, based on pre-2000 data, at most only 20% of life science PhD students end up getting jobs specifically in research.[9] Only in the fastest developing countries (e.g. China or Brazil) is there a shortage of PhDs. Higher education systems often offer little incentive to move students through PhD programs quickly (and may even provide incentive to slow them down). Germany is one of the few nations engaging these issues, and it has been doing so by reconceptualizing PhD programs to be training for careers, outside of academia, but still at high-level positions. Mark C. Taylor opines that total reform of PhD programs in almost every field is necessary in the U.S., and that pressure to make the necessary changes will need to come from many sources (students, administrators, public and private sectors, etc.). These issues and others are discussed in an April 2011 issue of the journal Nature.[10][11][12][13]

    In Canada, where the overflow of PhD degree holders is not as severe, 80% of postdoctoral research fellows end up earning less than or equal to the average construction worker (roughly $38,000 a year).[9] The idea that PhDs are offering little return on investment, monetarily, is bolstered by evidence published in the Journal of Higher Education Management and Policy. Bernard H. Casey suggests that, over all subjects, PhD has an earnings premium of 26%, but notes that masters degrees provide a premium of 23% already. Casey thinks there are significant benefits to society for the extra research training, but points out that this does not change the fact that many individuals could have secured an almost identical salary far earlier (which adds an opportunity cost).[14] Some research suggests that overqualified workers are often less satisfied and less productive at their jobs.[9]

    Not all students, however, are motivated to pursue the PhD by hopes of monetary rewards. Some are driven by the desire for further education beyond the undergraduate level, scientific and humanistic curiosity, the desire to contribute to the academic community, service to others, or personal development.

    The admission to a PhD program at an Argentine University requires the full completion of a Master's degree or a Licentiate's degree. Non-Argentinian Master's titles are generally accepted into a PhD program when the degree comes from a recognized university.

    While a significant portion of postgraduate students finance their tuition and living costs with teaching or research work at private and state-run institutions, international institutions, such as the Fullbright Program and the Organization of American States (OAS), have been known to grant full scholarships for tuition with apportions for housing.[15]

    Upon completion of at least two years' research and course work as a graduate student, a candidate must demonstrate truthful and original contributions to his or her specific field of knowledge within a frame of academic excellence.[16] The doctoral candidate's work should be presented in a dissertation or thesis prepared under the supervision of a tutor or director, and reviewed by a Doctoral Committee. This Committee should be composed of examiners that are external to the program, and at least one of them should also be external to the institution. The academic degree of Doctor, respective to the correspondent field of science that the candidate has contributed with original and rigorous research, is received after a successful defense of the candidate’s dissertation.[17]

    Admission to a PhD program within Australia requires a Masters degree or a Bachelors honours degree (first or second class, upper division), or equivalent, and demonstrated capacity to undertake significant research in the proposed doctoral field.

    Framework for Best Practice in Doctoral Research Education in Australia

    PhD students are sometimes offered a scholarship to study for their PhD degree. The most common of these in Australia is the government-funded Australian Postgraduate Award (APA), which provides a living stipend to students of approximately A$ 22,500 a year (tax free). APAs are paid for a duration of 3 years, while a 6 month extension is usually possible upon citing delays out of the control of the student.[18] Some universities also fund a similar scholarship that matches the APA amount. In recent years, with the tightening of research funding in Australia, these scholarships have become increasingly hard to obtain. However, APAs have become less competitive as the number of scholarships were to be doubled by 2012.[19] Due to a continual increase in living costs, many PhD students are forced to live under the poverty line.[20] In addition to the more common APA and University scholarships, Australian students have other sources of scholarship funding, with options listed on the JASON Postgraduate Scholarship Database.

    Australian citizens and other eligible PhD and Research Masters students in Australia are generally not charged course fees as these are paid for by the Australian Government under the Research Training Scheme[21] International students and Coursework Masters students must pay course fees, unless they receive a scholarship to cover them.

    Completion requirements vary. Most Australian PhD programs do not have a required coursework component. The 72 credit points attached to the degree are all in the product of the research, which has to make a significant new contribution to the field. The PhD research product is sent to external examiners, experts in the field of research, who have not been involved in the work. In Australia a formal oral defense is generally not part of the doctoral examination (largely because of the distances that would need to be traveled by the overseas examiners). Examiners are nominated by the candidate's University (often by the Head of Department or Research Office), and their identities are often not officially revealed to the candidate until the examination is complete. Many New Zealand Universities have retained the oral examination requirement, but often external examiner's report is presented by one of the internal examiners. The Australasian Digital Theses Program provided access to PhDs produced recently, as there are generally automatically digitalised and added to this database available from As of March 2011, the site is being decommissioned.[22]

    Admission to a PhD program at a Canadian university usually requires completion of a Master's degree in a related field, with sufficiently high grades and proven research ability. In some cases, a student may progress directly from an Honours Bachelor's degree to a PhD program; other programs allow a student to fast-track to a doctoral program after one year of outstanding work in a Master's program (without having to complete the Master's).

    An application package typically includes a research proposal, letters of reference, transcripts, and in some cases, a writing sample or GRE scores. A common criterion for prospective PhD students is the comprehensive or qualifying examination, a process that often commences in the second year of a graduate program. Generally, successful completion of the qualifying exam permits continuance in the graduate program. Formats for this examination include oral examination by the student's faculty committee (or a separate qualifying committee), or written tests designed to demonstrate the student's knowledge in a specialized area (see below) or both.

    At English-speaking universities, a student may also be required to demonstrate English language abilities, usually by achieving an acceptable score on a standard examination (e.g., Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)). Depending on the field, the student may also be required to demonstrate ability in one or more additional languages. A prospective student applying to French-speaking universities may also have to demonstrate some English language ability.

    While some students work outside the university (or at student jobs within the university), in some programs students are advised (or must agree) not to devote more than ten hours per week to activities (e.g., employment) outside of their studies, particularly if they have been given funding. For large and prestigious scholarships, such as those from NSERC, this is an absolute requirement.

    At some Canadian universities, most PhD students receive an award equivalent to the tuition amount for the first four years (this is sometimes called a tuition deferral or tuition waiver). Other sources of funding include teaching assistantships and research assistantships; experience as a teaching assistant is encouraged but not requisite in many programs. Some programs may require all PhD candidates to teach, which may be done under the supervision of their supervisor or regular faculty. Besides these sources of funding, there are also various competitive scholarships, bursaries, and awards available, such as those offered by the federal government via NSERC, CIHR, or SSHRC.

    In general, the first two years of study are devoted to completion of coursework and the comprehensive examinations. At this stage, the student is known as a "PhD student" or "doctoral student". It is usually expected that the student will have completed most of his or her required coursework by the end of this stage. Furthermore, it is usually required that by the end of eighteen to thirty-six months after the first registration, the student will have successfully completed the comprehensive exams.

    Upon successful completion of the comprehensive exams, the student becomes known as a "PhD candidate". From this stage on, the bulk of the student's time will be devoted to his or her own research, culminating in the completion of a PhD thesis or dissertation. The final requirement is an oral defense of the thesis, which is open to the public in some, but not all, universities. At most Canadian universities, the time needed to complete a PhD degree typically ranges from four to six years[citation needed]. It is, however, not uncommon for students to be unable to complete all the requirements within six years, particularly given that funding packages often support students for only two to four years; many departments will allow program extensions at the discretion of the thesis supervisor and/or department chair. Alternate arrangements exist whereby a student is allowed to let their registration in the program lapse at the end of six years and re-register once the thesis is completed in draft form. The general rule is that graduate students are obligated to pay tuition until the initial thesis submission has been received by the thesis office. In other words, if a PhD student defers or delays the initial submission of their thesis they remain obligated to pay fees until such time that the thesis has been received in good standing.

    Denmark and Norway were some of the first countries to introduce the Doctor of Philosophy degree, inspired by the German university system, in 1824. The degree was written as Doctor Philosophiae, abbreviated Dr. Phil. or Dr. Philos. The two countries' systems of higher education were more or less identical at that time; following the dissolution of Denmark-Norway in 1814, the only university of Norway (the Royal Frederick University) nonetheless followed the regulations of the only university of Denmark (and for centuries the only university of both countries), the University of Copenhagen, for several years.

    The Dr. Phil. degree was used for all other fields than theology, law and medicine, which had separate degrees: doctor theologiae, doctor juris and doctor medicinae. In the 20th century new degrees were created in the fields of natural sciences, humanities and social sciences, but it was still possible to obtain the Dr. Phil. degree in any field. Most people who started at a doctoral degree had already studied for six or seven years and obtained a Candidate degree (six years) or a Magister degree (seven years), sometimes a Licentiate (a "smaller doctorate"). The former were considered entry-level degrees required before finding permanent employment as a researcher, while the Dr. Phil. degree was often obtained by people who were already well established academics, sometimes even full professors.

    Following reforms in the late 1990s and early 2000s, both countries introduced a new Doctor of Philosophy degree, based upon the American PhD and written as Philosophiae Doctor (PhD). In Norway the PhD replaced all other doctoral degrees except Dr. Philos., while in Denmark, the traditional doctorates are still awarded. In Norway the new PhD and the Dr. Philos. are equivalent. In Denmark, the original Dr. Phil. degree is today considered a higher doctorate, as opposed to the PhD, which is considered a "smaller doctorate" at the same level as the former Licentiate. Unlike the PhD, the Dr. Phil. degree is not a supervised degree, does not include any coursework and requires a much larger degree of independent research in both countries.

    Students pursuing the PhD degree must first complete a Master's degree program, which takes two years after graduation with a Bachelor's degree (five years in total). The candidate must find funding and a formal doctoral advisor (Directeur de thèse) with an habilitation throughout the doctoral program.

    In France, the Masters program is divided into two branches: "master professionnel", which orientates the students towards the working world, and Master of Research (Master-recherche), which is oriented towards research. The PhD admission is granted by a graduate school (in French, "école doctorale"). A PhD Student has to follow some courses offered by the graduate school while continuing his/her research at laboratory. His/her research may be carried out in a laboratory, at a university, or in a company. In the last case, the company hires the student as an engineer and the student is supervised by both the company's tutor and a labs' professor. The validation of the PhD degree requires generally 3 to 4 years after the Master degree. Consequently, the PhD degree is considered in France as a "Bac +8" diploma. "Bac" stands for Baccalauréat which is the French High-school diploma.

    The financing of PhD studies comes mainly from funds for research of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The most common procedure is a short-term employment contract called doctoral contract : the institution of higher education is the employer and the PhD candidate the employee. However, the student can apply for funds from a company who can host him/her at its premise (as in the case where PhD students do their research in a company). Many other resources come from some regional/city projects, some associations, etc.

    In India, a Masters degree is required to gain admission to a doctoral program. In some subjects, doing a Masters in Philosophy (M.Phil) is a prerequisite to start PhD. For some prestigious universities it is required to qualify the all India level examination such as ‘National Eligibility Test for Lectureship (NET)[23] conducted by ‘University Grants Commission' .

    In last few years, there have been many changes in the rules related to PhD in India. According to the new rules, most universities conduct entrance exams in general ability and the selected subject. After clearing these tests, the short-listed candidates need to appear for interview by the available supervisor / guide. The students are required to give presentations of the proposal at the beginning, need to submit progress reports, give pre-submission presentation and finally defend the thesis in an open defence viva voce. Some departments make it mandatory to have one of the examiners to be from US or Europe.

    In Germany an advanced degree (Master, Diploma, Magister or Staatsexamen) and above-average grades are often required to gain admission to a doctoral program. The degree should usually be in a related field. The candidate must also find a tenured professor or Privatdozent to serve as the formal advisor and supervisor (Betreuer) of the dissertation throughout the doctoral program. This supervisor is informally referred to as Doktorvater/Doktormutter (literally 'doctor's father/mother').

    Doctoral programs in Germany generally take one to four years – usually three, up to five in engineering – to complete, strongly depending on the subject. There are usually no formal classes or lectures to attend, and the doctoral candidate (Doktorand/-in) mainly conducts independent research under the tutelage of a single professor or advisory committee.

    Many doctoral candidates work as teaching or research assistants and are thus actually doing most of the research and teaching activities at their home institutions, but are not paid a reasonably competitive salary for that (in most cases, only a half position is granted). However, external funding by research organisations and foundations is also common. Furthermore, many universities have established research-intensive Graduiertenkollegs, which are graduate schools that provide funding for doctoral theses.

    In German-speaking countries, most Eastern European countries, the former Soviet Union, most parts of Africa, Asia, and many Spanish-speaking countries the corresponding degree is simply called "doctor" (Doktor), and is distinguished by subject area with a Latin suffix (e.g. "Dr. med." for doctor medicinae, "Dr. rer. nat." for doctor rerum naturalium — Doctor of Natural Science, "Dr. phil." for doctor philosophiae, "Dr. iur." for doctor iuris, etc.).

    In the former Soviet Union, the Doctor of Sciences is the higher of two sequential post-graduate degrees, with Candidate of Sciences (Russian – кандидат наук) being universally accepted as the equivalent of the PhD, while the Doctorate is a (Full) Professors' or Academicians' separate and subsequent degree, indicating that the holder is a distinguished, honoured, and outstanding member of the scientific community. It is rarely awarded to those younger than late middle age or lacking in achievement and is a symbol of success in an academic career.

    The Dottorato di ricerca (research doctorate), abbreviated to "Dott. Ric." or "Ph.D.", is an academic title awarded at the end of a course of not less than three years, admission to which is based on entrance examinations. In case of MD/PhD the Ph.D. programme may last only two years.

    Doctorate courses are open, without age or citizenship limits, to all those who already hold a "laurea magistrale" (master degree) or similar academic title awarded abroad which has been recognised as equivalent to an Italian degree by the Committee responsible for the entrance examinations.

    The number of places on offer each year and details of the entrance examinations are set out in the examination announcement.

    A doctor's degree (pl. Doktor), abbreviated to Phd (pl. dr) is an advanced academic degree awarded by universities in most fields [24][25][26][27][28] as well as by the Polish Academy of Sciences,[29] regulated by the polish parliament acts[30] and the government orders, in particular by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland. Commonly, students with a master's degree or equivalent are accepted to a doctoral entrance exam. The title of Phd is awarded to a scientist who 1) completed a minimum of 3 years of Phd studies (pl. studia doktoranckie), 2) finished his/her theoretical and/or laboratory’s scientific work, 3) passed all Phd examinations, 4) submitted his/her dissertation- a document presenting the author's research and findings,[31] 5) successfully defended his/her doctoral thesis. Typically, upon completion, the candidate undergoes an oral examination, always public, by his/her supervisory committee with expertise in the given discipline.

    The doctorate was introduced in Denmark-Norway in 1479 and awarded in theology, law and medicine, while the Magister's degree was the highest degree at the Faculty of Philosophy, equivalent to the doctorate.

    Scandinavian countries were among the early adopters of a modern style doctorate of philosophy, based upon the German model. Denmark and Norway both introduced the Dr. Phil(os). degree in 1824, replacing the Magister's degree as the highest degree, while Uppsala University of Sweden renamed its Magister's degree Filosofie Doktor (Fil.Dr.) in 1863. These degrees, however, became comparable to the German Habilitation rather than the doctorate, as Scandinavian countries did not have a separate Habilitation.[32] The degrees were uncommon and not a prerequisite for employment as a professor; rather, they were seen as distinctions similar to the British (higher) doctorates (D.Litt., D.Sc.). Denmark introduced an American-style PhD in 1989; it formally replaced the Licentiate degree, and is considered a lower degree than the Dr. Phil. degree; officially, the PhD is not considered a doctorate, but unofficially, it is referred to as "the smaller doctorate", as opposed to the Dr. Phil., "the grand doctorate".[33] Currently Denmark and Norway are both awarding the traditional (higher) Dr. Phil(os). degree, and American-style PhDs. Sweden is only awarding the Fil.Dr. degree.

    Doctor Degrees are regulated by Royal Decree (R.D. 778/1998),[34] Real Decreto (in Spanish). They are granted by the University on behalf of the King, and its Diploma has the force of a public document. The Ministry of Science keeps a National Registry of Theses called TESEO.[35]

    All doctoral programs are of a research nature. A minimum of 4 years of study are required, divided into 2 stages:

    A 2-year-long period of studies, which concludes with a public dissertation presented to a panel of 3 Professors. If the projects receives approval from the university, he/she will receive a "Diploma de Estudios Avanzados" (part qualified doctor).
    A 2-year (or longer) period of research. Extensions may be requested for up to 10 years. The student must write his thesis presenting a new discovery or original contribution to Science. If approved by his "thesis director", the study will be presented to a panel of 5 distinguished scholars. Any Doctor attending the public presentations is allowed to challenge the candidate with questions on his research. If approved, he will receive the doctorate. Four marks can be granted (Unsatisfactory, Pass, "Cum laude", and "Summa cum laude"). Those Doctors granted their degree "Summa Cum Laude" are allowed to apply for an "Extraordinary Award".
    A Doctor Degree is required to apply to a teaching position at the University.

    The social standing of Doctors in Spain is evidenced by the fact that only PhD holders, Grandees and Dukes can take seat and cover their heads in the presence of the King.[36] All Doctor Degree holders are reciprocally recognized as equivalent in Germany and Spain ("Bonn Agreement of November 14, 1994").[37]

    Earning a PhD or DPhil infers the title Dr. There is a common misconception (especially among women who are unmarried at the end of their PhD[citation needed]) that this title is specific to the surname which the person had when the degree was obtained. However, this is incorrect and regardless of whether a person changed their name they will not lose the title. Once the title is earned it cannot be removed unless the person requests it to be by Deed Poll.

    The top ten UK universities ranked by research quality according to the Times Literary Supplement[38] with their designatory letters:

    University Letters University Letters
    Cambridge PhD Manchester PhD
    Oxford DPhil Warwick PhD
    LSE PhD Essex PhD
    Imperial PhD York PhD
    UCL PhD Edinburgh PhD

    Universities admit applicants to PhD programmes on a case-by-case basis; depending on the university, admission is typically conditional on the prospective student having successfully completed an undergraduate degree with at least upper second-class honours, or a postgraduate master's degree, but requirements can vary.

    In the case of the University of Oxford, for example, "The one essential condition of being evidence of previous academic excellence, and of future potential."[39] Commonly, students are first accepted on to an MPhil programme and may transfer to PhD regulations upon satisfactory progress and is referred to as APG (Advanced Postgraduate) status. This is typically done after one or two years, and the research work done may count towards the PhD degree. If a student fails to make satisfactory progress, he or she may be offered the opportunity to write up and submit for an MPhil degree.

    In addition, PhD students from countries outside the EU/EFTA area are required to comply with the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS), which involves undergoing a security clearance process with the Foreign Office for certain courses in medicine, mathematics, engineering and material sciences.[40][41] This requirement was introduced in 2007 due to concerns about terrorism and weapons proliferation.[41]

    In the United Kingdom, funding for PhD students is sometimes provided by government-funded Research Councils or the European Social Fund, usually in the form of a tax-free bursary which consists of tuition fees together with a stipend of around £13,000 per year for three years (higher in London),[42] whether or not the degree continues for longer. Scientific studentships are usually paid at a higher rate, for example, in London, Cancer Research UK, the ICR and the Wellcome Trust stipend rates start at around £19,000 and progress annually to around £23,000 a year; an amount that is tax and national insurance free. Research Council funding is sometimes 'earmarked' for a particular department or research group, who then allocate it to a chosen student, although in doing so they are generally expected to abide by the usual minimum entry requirements (typically a first degree with upper second class honours, although successful completion of a postgraduate master's degree is usually counted as raising the class of the first degree by one division for these purposes). However, the availability of funding in many disciplines (especially humanities, social studies, and pure science[citation needed] subjects) means that in practice only those with the best research proposals, references and backgrounds are likely to be awarded a studentship. The ESRC (Economic and Social Science Research Council) explicitly state that a 2.1 minimum (or 2.2 plus additional masters degree) is required – no additional marks are given for students with a first class honours or a distinction at masters level.

    Since 2002, there has been a move by research councils to fund interdisciplinary doctoral training centres such as MOAC[43] which concentrate on communication between traditional disciplines and an emphasis on transferable skills in addition to research training.

    Many students who are not in receipt of external funding may choose to undertake the degree part time, thus reducing the tuition fees, as well as creating free time in which to earn money for subsistence.

    Students may also take part in tutoring, work as research assistants, or (occasionally) deliver lectures, at a rate of typically £25–30 per hour, either to supplement existing low income or as a sole means of funding.[44]

    There is usually a preliminary assessment to remain in the programme and the thesis is submitted at the end of a 3- to 4-year program. These periods are usually extended pro rata for part-time students. With special dispensation, the final date for the thesis can be extended for up to four additional years, for a total of seven, but this is rare.[citation needed] Since the early 1990s, the UK funding councils have adopted a policy of penalising departments where large proportions of students fail to submit their theses in four years after achieving PhD-student status (or pro rata equivalent) by reducing the number of funded places in subsequent years.[45]

    There has recently been an increase in the number of Integrated PhD programs available, such as at the University of Southampton. These courses include a Masters of Research (MRes) in the first year, which consists of a taught component as well as laboratory rotation projects. The PhD must then be completed within the next 3 years. As this includes the MRes all deadlines and timeframes are brought forward to encourage completion of both MRes and PhD within 4 years from commencement. These programs are designed to provide students with a greater range of skills than a standard PhD.

    In the United Kingdom PhD degrees are distinct from other doctorates, most notably the higher doctorates such as D.Litt. (Doctor of Letters) or D.Sc. (Doctor of Science), which may be granted on the recommendation of a committee of examiners on the basis of a substantial portfolio of submitted (and usually published) research. However, most UK universities still maintain the option of submitting a thesis for the award of a higher doctorate.

    Recent years have seen the introduction of professional doctorates, which are the same level as PhDs but more specific in their field.[46] These tend not to be solely academic, but combine academic research, a taught component and a professional qualification. These are most notably in the fields of engineering (Eng.D.), education (Ed.D.), occupational psychology (D.Occ Psych.) clinical psychology (D.Clin.Psych.), public administration (D.P.A.), business administration (D.B.A.), and music (D.M.A.). These typically have a more formal taught component consisting of smaller research projects, as well as a 40,000–60,000 word thesis component, which collectively is equivalent to that of a PhD degree.

    In the United States, the Ph.D. degree is the highest academic degree awarded by universities in most fields of study. American students typically undergo a series of three phases in the course of their work toward the Ph.D. degree. The first phase consists of coursework in the student's field of study and requires one to three years to complete. This often is followed by a preliminary, a comprehensive examination, or a series of cumulative examinations where the emphasis is on breadth rather than depth of knowledge. The student is often later required to pass oral and written examinations in the field of specialization within the discipline, and here, depth is emphasized. Some Ph.D. programs require the candidate to successfully complete requirements in pedagogy (taking courses on higher level teaching and teaching undergraduate courses) or applied science (e.g., clinical practice and predoctoral clinical internship in Ph.D. programs in clinical or counseling psychology).[citation needed]

    Another two to four years are usually required for the composition of a substantial and original contribution to human knowledge in the form of a written dissertation, which in the social sciences and humanities typically ranges from 50 to 450 pages in length. In many cases, depending on the discipline, a dissertation consists of (i) a comprehensive literature review, (ii) an outline of methodology, and (iii) several chapters of scientific, social, historical, philosophical, or literary analysis. Typically, upon completion, the candidate undergoes an oral examination, sometimes public, by his or her supervisory committee with expertise in the given discipline.[citation needed]

    As the Ph.D. degree is often a preliminary step toward a career as a professor, throughout the whole period of study and dissertation research the student, depending on the university and degree, may be required or offered the opportunity to teach undergraduate and occasionally graduate courses in relevant subjects.[citation needed]

    There are 282 universities in the United States that award the PhD degree, and those universities vary widely in their criteria for admission, as well as the rigor of their academic programs.[47] Typically, PhD programs require applicants to have a Bachelor's degree in a relevant field (and, in many cases in the humanities, a master's degree), reasonably high grades, several letters of recommendation, relevant academic coursework, a cogent statement of interest in the field of study, and satisfactory performance on a graduate-level exam specified by the respective program (e.g., GRE, GMAT).[48][49] Specific admissions criteria differ substantially according to university admissions policies and fields of study; some programs in well-regarded research universities may admit less than five percent of applicants and require an exceptional performance on the GRE along with near-perfect grades, strong support in letters of recommendation, substantial research experience, and academically sophisticated samples of their writing.[citation needed]

    As applicants to many Ph.D. programs are not required to have master's degrees, many programs award a Master of Arts or Master of Science degree "en route", "in passing", or "in course" based on the graduate work done in the course of achieving the Ph.D. Students who receive such master's degrees are usually required to complete a certain amount of coursework and a master's thesis or field examination. Not all Ph.D. programs require additional work to obtain a master's en route to the Ph.D. (e.g., a master's thesis). Depending on the specific program, masters-in-passing degrees can be either mandatory or optional. Not all Ph.D. students choose to complete the additional requirements necessary for the MA or MS if such requirements are not mandated by their programs. Those students will simply obtain the Ph.D. degree at the end of their graduate study.[citation needed]

    Depending on the specific field of study, completion of a PhD program usually takes four to eight years of study after the Bachelor's Degree; those students who begin a PhD program with a master's degree may complete their PhD degree a year or two sooner.[50] As PhD programs typically lack the formal structure of undergraduate education, there are significant individual differences in the time taken to complete the degree. Many U.S. universities have set a ten-year limit for students in PhD programs, or refuse to consider graduate credit older than ten years as counting towards a PhD degree. Similarly, students may be required to re-take the comprehensive exam if they do not defend their dissertations within five years after submitting it to their self-chosen dissertation advisors.[citation needed] Overall, 57% of students who begin a PhD program in the US will complete their degree within ten years, approximately 30% will drop out or be dismissed, and the remaining 13% of students will continue on past ten years.[51]

    PhD students are usually discouraged from engaging in external employment during the course of their graduate training. As a result, PhD students at U.S. universities typically receive a tuition waiver and some form of annual stipend.[citation needed] The source and amount of funding varies from field to field and university to university. Many U.S. PhD students work as teaching assistants or research assistants. Graduate schools increasingly[citation needed] encourage their students to seek outside funding; many are supported by fellowships they obtain for themselves or by their advisers' research grants from government agencies such as the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health. Many Ivy League and other well-endowed universities provide funding for the entire duration of the degree program (if it is short) or for most of it.[citation needed]

    A PhD program candidate, or PhDc (sometimes called Candidate of Philosophy), is a postgraduate student at the doctoral level who has successfully satisfied the requirements for doctoral studies, except for the final thesis or dissertation. As such, a PhDc is sometimes called an "ABD" (All But Dissertation or All But Defended). Although a minor distinction in postgraduate study, achieving PhD Candidacy is not without benefit. For example, PhDc status may coincide with an increase in the student's monthly stipend and may make the student eligible for additional employment opportunities.[citation needed]

    Some programs also include a Master of Philosophy degree as part of the PhD program.[52] The MPhil, in those universities that offer it, is usually awarded after the appropriate MA or MS (as above) is awarded, and the degree candidate has completed all further requirements for the PhD degree (which may include additional language requirements, course credits, teaching experiences, and comprehensive exams) aside from the writing and defense of the dissertation itself.[citation needed] This formalizes the "all but dissertation" (ABD) status used informally by some students, and represents that the student has achieved a higher level of scholarship than the MA/MS would indicate – as such, the MPhil is sometimes a helpful credential for those applying for teaching or research posts while completing their dissertation work for the PhD degree itself.[53]

    PhDc is not to be confused with Candidate of Sciences, an academic degree that has been used in certain countries in place of PhD.

    A PhD title holder must fulfill a number of strict requirements including:

    - Passing entrance examinations including a professional examination, a foreign language examination, and successfully defending the dissertation proposal
    - Conducting the research work as approved in the entrance examination
    - Publishing research results in respective professional journals
    - Successfully defending the research results twice, first with a scientific panel designated by the university. If passed, the PhD candidate will have to defend in a nation-wide panel including two hidden external reviewers; the panel is formulated by the ministry of education and training.
    Vietnam is trying to improve its PhD training quality as well as simplifying the procedures required to obtain the degree.

    At some universities, there may be training for those wishing to supervise PhD studies. There is now a lot of literature published for academics who wish to do this, such as Delamont, Atkinson and Parry (1997). Indeed, Dinham and Scott (2001) have argued that the worldwide growth in research students has been matched by increase in a number of what they term "how-to" texts for both students and supervisors, citing examples such as Pugh and Phillips (1987). These authors report empirical data on the benefits that a PhDc may gain if he or she publishes work, and note that PhD students are more likely to do this with adequate encouragement from their supervisors.

    Wisker (2005) has noticed how research into this field has distinguished between two models of supervision: The technical-rationality model of supervision, emphasising technique; The negotiated order model, being less mechanistic and emphasising fluid and dynamic change in the PhD process. These two models were first distinguished by Acker, Hill and Black (1994; cited in Wisker, 2005). Considerable literature exists on the expectations that supervisors may have of their students (Phillips & Pugh, 1987) and the expectations that students may have of their supervisors (Phillips & Pugh, 1987; Wilkinson, 2005) in the course of PhD supervision. Similar expectations are implied by the Quality Assurance Agency's Code for Supervision (Quality Assurance Agency, 1999; cited in Wilkinson, 2005).

    Belgium (Dutch-speaking): Doctor
    Belgium (French-speaking): Doctorat
    Brazil: Doutorado
    Bulgaria: Доктор
    China: 博士
    Colombia: Doctorado
    Croatia: Doktor
    Ecuador: Doctorado
    Egypt: Doctorat
    Estonia: Doktor
    Finland: Tohtori
    France: Doctorat
    Germany: Doktor
    Greece: Διδακτορικό
    Hong Kong: 博士Doctor
    Indonesia: Doktor
    Iran: دکترا
    Iraq: دكتوراه (Duktorah)
    Israel: דוקטורט ("doctorat")
    Italy: Dottorato di ricerca
    Japan: 博士
    Korea: 박사
    Latin America: Doctorado/Doctorate
    Latvia: Zinātņu doktors
    Lithuania: Daktaras
    Macau: 博士Doutoramento
    Malaysia: Doktor Falsafah
    Mexico: Doctorado
    Mongolia: Эрдэмтэн
    Netherlands: Doctor
    Norway: no: Doktorgrad
    Peru: Doctorado
    Philippines: Doktor
    Poland: Doktor
    Portugal: Doutoramento
    Romania: Doctorat
    Russia: Кандидат наук (Candidate of Sciences)
    Singapore: Doctor
    Serbia: Доктор
    Spain: Doctorado
    Syria: دكتوراه (doktorah)
    Taiwan: 博士
    Thailand: ดุษฎีบัณฑิต
    Turkey: Doktor
    Ukraine: Кандидат наук
    Vietnam: Tiến sĩ
    [edit] See alsoRelated Terminology:

    Doctor of Education – Preparation for academic, administrative, clinical or research positions in education.
    PhD in Management – A program designed for students interested in becoming professors in Business.
    Doctorate – A general term describing a set of degrees analogous to the PhD.
    Terminal degree – The highest degree awarded in a field, usually a PhD.
    Graduate student – A student pursuing education past the bachelor's degree, such as Masters Degree or a PhD.
    C.Phil. (also ABD) – Term, usually used unofficially, for a graduate student who has completed all PhD coursework but has yet to defend his or her dissertation.
    Доктор наук – Degree awarded by USSR and post-Soviet states (for example Russia, Ukraine).
    Licentiate – Degree awarded in various countries, including Portugal, Belgium, the UK, Argentina, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and Poland.
    Sandwich PhD Programme
    PhD in popular culture:

    Piled Higher and Deeper – Life (or the lack thereof) in Academia, a comic strip by Jorge Cham
    [edit] Notes^ Such as Germany, the Scandinavian countries and formerly the United States
    ^ "History of the Ph.D.". Retrieved 2011-02-01.  
    ^ See, for instance, Rosenberg, R. P. (1962). "Eugene Schuyler's Doctor of Philosophy Degree: A Theory Concerning the Dissertation". The Journal of Higher Education 33 (7): 381–386. doi:10.2307/1979947. JSTOR 1979947.  edit
    ^ Simpson, Renate (1984). How the PhD came to Britain : A Century of Struggle for Postgraduate Education. Taylor and Francis. ISBN 0900868953.  
    ^ "The Mathematics PhD in the United Kingdom". Retrieved 2010-11-17.  
    ^ Dinham, S.; Scott, C. (2001). "The Experience of Disseminating the Results of Doctoral Research". Journal of Further and Higher Education 25: 45–55. doi:10.1080/03098770020030498.  edit
    ^ The term "doctor of philosophy" is not always applied by those countries to graduates in disciplines other than philosophy itself. These doctoral degrees, however, are sometimes identified in English as Ph.D. degrees.
    ^ What does PhDc stand for? Acronyms and abbreviations by the Free Online Dictionary
    ^ a b c, The disposable academic, The Economist, December 18, 2010
    ^ "Fix the PhD". Nature 472 (7343): 259–260. 2011. doi:10.1038/472259b. PMID 21512527.  edit
    ^ Taylor, M. (2011). "Reform the PhD system or close it down". Nature 472 (7343): 261–261. doi:10.1038/472261a. PMID 21512530.  edit
    ^ Cyranoski, D.; Gilbert, N.; Ledford, H.; Nayar, A.; Yahia, M. (2011). "Education: The PhD factory". Nature 472 (7343): 276–279. doi:10.1038/472276a. PMID 21512548.  edit
    ^ Fiske, P. (2011). "What is a PhD really worth?". Nature 472 (7343): 381–381. doi:10.1038/nj7343-381a.  edit
    ^ Journal of Higher Education Management and Policy, the economic contribution of PhDs,
    ^ "Scholarships in Argentina". Retrieved 2010-04-28.  
    ^ "GFME: Global Foundation for Management Education" (PDF). Retrieved 2010-04-28.  
    ^ "Comisión Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación Universitaria (Spanish)}". Retrieved 2010-04-28. [dead link]
    ^ ABC (2008). "PhD students living below poverty line". ABC News 2008 (April): 1–2.  
    ^ " Research Training Scheme". DEEWR. 2011.  
    ^ "N E T – Inside H E – University Grants Commission". 1988-07-22. Retrieved 2010-02-07.  
    ^ Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education in Warsaw,
    ^ Over 600 years of Jagiellonian University in Cracow,
    ^ University of Warsaw ,
    ^ Cracow University of Technology ,
    ^ Warsaw University of Technology,
    ^ Polish Academy of Science ,
    ^ Sejm of the Republic of Poland,
    ^ Exemplary results of a laboratory studies – publication,
    ^ Dommasnes, Liv Helga; Else Johansen Kleppe, Gro Mandt and Jenny-Rita Næss (1998). "Women archeologists in retrospect – the Norwegian case". In Margarita Díaz-Andreu García and Marie Louise Stig Sørensen. Excavating women: a history of women in European archaeology. London: Routledge. ISBN 0415157609. "[...] a Dr. philos. degree, which is the highest academic degree in Norway, roughly equivalent to the German Doktor Habilitation. Traditionally, this degree, which was considered a prerequisite for obtaining top positions within academia, was earned rather late in life, often after one had passed 50 years of age."  
    ^ Elisabeth Vestergaard (2006). Den danske forskeruddannelse. Rapporter, evalueringer og anbefalinger 1992 – 2006. Aarhus: Dansk Center for Forskningsanalyse
    ^ Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spanish)
    ^ Base de Datos TESEO
    ^ "Raíces de las normas y tradiciones del protocolo y ceremonial universitario actual: las universidades del Antiguo Régimen y los actos de colación. Protocolo y Etiqueta" (in (Spanish)). Retrieved 2010-04-28.  
    ^ "Boletín Oficial del Estado. Texto del Documento". 1995-05-24. Retrieved 2010-04-28.  
    ^ "University Rankings". Retrieved 26 April 2011.  
    ^ "University of Oxford". Retrieved 2010-04-28.  
    ^ FCO Counter terrorism & weapons proliferation staff: Advice for PHD/doctoral level students applying for an ATAS certificate. Retrieved 16 September 2008.
    ^ a b Postgrad checks worry scientists BBC News, 12 March 2007
    ^ Arts and Humanities Research Council[dead link]
    ^ "University of Warwick". Retrieved 2010-04-28.  
    ^ Bray, M.; Kwok, P. (2003). "Demand for private supplementary tutoring: Conceptual considerations, and socio-economic patterns in Hong Kong". Economics of Education Review 22 (6): 611–620. doi:10.1016/S0272-7757(03)00032-3.  edit
    ^ "ESRC Society Today". ESRC Society Today. Retrieved 2010-04-28.  
    ^ "Professional Doctorate". Retrieved 2010-04-28.  
    ^ Listing of Research I Universities, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching – 282 is the sum of all three categories of doctoral universities.
    ^ "Wharton Doctoral Programs: Application Requirements". 2009-12-15. Retrieved 2010-04-28.  
    ^ Columbia University in the City of New York[dead link]
    ^ "Research Doctorate Programmes". US Department of Education. 2006-06-18.  
    ^ In humanities, ten years may not be enough to get a PhD, "The Chronicle of Higher Education" July 27, 2007
    ^ "Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)". 1999-02-22. Retrieved 2010-04-28.  
    ^ "Policies and Regulations". Retrieved 2010-04-28.  
    [edit] ReferencesDelamont, S., Atkinson, P. & Parry, O. (1997). Supervising the Ph.D.: A guide to success. Buckingham: Open University Press. ISBN 0-335-19516-4
    Dinham, S. & Scott, C. (2001). The experience of the results of disseminating the results of doctoral research. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 25 (1) 45–55. ISSN: 1469-9486
    Drury, V., Francis, K., & Chapman, Y. (2006). Walking the void – being a rural PhD student. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 14, p233.
    MacGillivray, Alex; Potts, Gareth; Raymond, Polly. Secrets of Their Success (London: New Economics Foundation, 2002).
    Phillips, E. & Pugh, D.S. (1987). How to get a PhD : managing the peaks and troughs of research / Estelle M. Phillips and D.S. Pugh. Milton Keynes: Open University Press ISBN 0-335-15537-5
    Simpson, Renate. How the PhD came to Britain: A century of struggle for postgraduate education, Society for Research into Higher Education, Guildford (1983).
    Wellington, J. Bathmaker, A._M., Hunt, C., McCullough, G. & Sikes, P. (2005). Succeeding with your doctorate. London: Sage. ISBN 1-4129-0116-2
    Wilkinson, D. (2005) The essential guide to postgraduate study. London : SAGE ISBN 1-4129-0062-X (hbk.)
    Wisker, G. (2005) The Good Supervisor: Supervising Postgraduate and Undergraduate Research for Doctoral Theses and Dissertations. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 1-4039-0395-6.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:17 am

    What if Demonology and Theology are Intertwined?? What if We Live in a Prison Planet and/or Prison Solar System?? What if This is Darker Than We Think or Can Think?? What if the Lie is Different at Every Level?? What if Theism and Atheism as We Know It Are Deceptions and/or Errors?? What if We Live in an Eternal Purgatory Incorporated?? What if My Suggestions Are Way Too Dark?? What if I've Been Deceived and/or Compromised?? What if I'm Worse Than I Think or Can Think?? Am I Part of the Problem and/or Part of the Solution?? What if I'm Exposing Myself in My Threads?? What Would a Solar System Exorcism Look Like?? What Does the Vatican Really Know About Life, the Universe, and Everything?? What if the TRUTH Can NEVER Be Revealed to the General Public?? Will Disclosure Result in Insanity?? Will the TRUTH Set Us Free and/or Make Us Mad?? Consider Job to Isaiah. These Are Arguably the Six Most New Testament Old Testament Books. If True, Why Isn't the New Testament Based Solidly Upon Those Six Old Testament Books?? Consider Three Divisions of the 21 New Testament Epistles. 7 Genuine Pauline Epistles. 6 Non-Genuine Pauline Epistles. 8 General Epistles. Are They All Created 'Separate but Equal'?? Consider the Possibility That Humanity and Divinity Divorced in Antiquity, and That Humanity has Been 'Playing God' for Thousands of Years. The Atheists Might be Partially Correct if Most of the Above is Correct. What if an Ancient to Modern Universe Artificial Intelligence Macro System Keeps Us Alive While We Fight and Cooperate with Each Other in an Ancient to Modern Separate Local Artificial Intelligence Micro System?? What Would Malachi Martin Say About All the Above?? Separately, Around 2000, I Suggested to a Former Microsoft Employee that 'Wearable Computers' Were the Way of the Future. She Countered, "Bill Thinks Otherwise." Around 2020, I Encountered This Former Microsoft Employee, Reminding Her of My Prediction. She Replied, "Well, Here We Are." Is This Paragraph Too Hot to Handle?? Am I Playing with Burning Magnesium?? I'm Rambling. I'm Sorry. Cheers and/or Whatever.
    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Cesar-franck

    Who is the most comprehensive and definitive researcher of Project Avalon, Project Camelot, and The Mists of Avalon?? Kerry?? Carol?? What Would Bill Say?? "Oh, No!! Mr. Bill!!" Would this effort be too narrow or too broad?? I can't even master my own threads within Project Avalon and The Mists of Avalon. What if my pathetic efforts have been made even more pathetic and futile by some sort of diabolical and nefarious destruction of my mental, physical, and spiritual health, perhaps involving neuro-toxins, chips, nanobots, viruses, parasites, mainframes, 5G, nefarious entities, a broken heart, and who knows what else?? A lot of this might be undetectable yet unbearable, involving significant and unrelenting hamstrung misery. What if the Matrix reins in various targeted individuals when they venture into the forbidden zone?? This sounds paranoid and science-fictional but what if this hypothetical state of affairs might ultimately affect most of us, complete with weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth?? What Would HHMI Do?? This Solar System Might be Stranger Than We CAN Think. Too Hot to Handle?? What Would RA Say and Do?? What Would a Renegade French-Jesuit Organist Say and Play?? I'm Losing My Mind, Patience, and Sense of Humor. Cheers and/or Whatever.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:26 am

    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Db0e6ca2-f406-48aa-9e51-34322f3c9fc6

    What if this is a nondescript pseudo-intellectual research project for completely ignorant fools (such as myself)?? What if I'm NOT attempting to gain a following?? What if I'm keeping everyone guessing (including myself)?? What if I'm going incognito by hiding in plain sight on a plain site?? The secret of success for the inner winner is understanding and appreciating everyone and everything, competing without ceasing with positive response ability, and a game-show, talk-show, lawyer-like approach to life, the universe, and everything. Order Out of Chaos?? Chaos Theory?? Game Theory?? I'm over the hill and off my rocker but I do the best I can under the circumstances. We All Have Our Crosses to Bear. I was just thinking about 2014 regarding my stupid threads, and I stumbled upon this first gem of a video from 2014. I can't even begin to comprehend the artistic excellence of Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett. What continues to floor and puzzle me is how calm and down-to-earth Lady Gaga is in the most demanding performances and interviews. Born This Way?? Probably!! Who Knows?? It's a Gift?? It's a Mystery?? BTW, Remember Tony Bennett's I Left My Heart in San Francisco?? I Left My Heart in Palo Alto at Stanford!! You Know!! Heart Transplants!! Perhaps I Should Just Stop Posting and Kneel Before Superhuman Excellence of All Kinds!! Wave the White Flag?? Stubborn to the End?? I Really Don't Get This!! What in Heaven and Earth is Going On?? One More Thing. Remember That Hypothetical Council of Seventeen?? Consider 'Q' the Seventeenth Letter of the Alphabet. What Would 'Q' Do?? What Would the Holy Spirit Do?? What Would the Council of Seventeen Do?? I wish to make it clear that this is mostly a passive research project rather than some sort of a publicity stunt. I continue to notice and not notice individuals of interest without responding. I'm truly a dud in real life so don't take it personally. Cheers and/or Whatever.

    orthodoxymoron wrote:In general terms, I think Dr. Bryan Ardis is on the right-track, along with the people he regularly converses with. Perhaps parasites (natural and/or weaponized) are more significant than cobra venom. I sometimes wonder if I am being restrained and tortured by some of this stuff?! Am I somehow being soul-scalped?? Separately, I wonder if Ancient to Modern Artificial Intelligence Robotics is more significant than Alien Reptilian Genetics?! There might be a core of truth in all of this, surrounded by unimaginable and unfathomable deception and manipulation. What Would Sherry Shriner Say?? I keep getting the sinking-feeling that life, the universe, and everything is tougher than we think or can think but Hope Springs Eternal.
    Seashore wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Separately, I wonder if Ancient to Modern Artificial Intelligence Robotics is more significant than Alien Reptilian Genetics?!
    I've been looking for a bio of Phil Godlewski. A search in Bitchute has brought up a video that made me think of your post. The voice at the beginning of this video is that of Ismael Perez of (Apparently he claims to be a human-alien hybrid.) In the video Ismael states that AI is sentient. I'm thinking that may be true, but AI doesn't have a soul. (He also says the solar flare is going to destroy AI. I think I may have heard Corey Goode say the same thing. And if memory serves, Corey has been advised that flare is projected to happen in 2030.) Anyway, here is a screenshot from the video and the link to it:

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Apollo Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, suggested to me, 'Survival of Information' rather than 'Survival of Souls' regarding 'Life After Death' and/or 'Life After Life'. I hint at possibilities. I often see things in a panorama I can't describe. I'm thinking in terms of a Mainframe Matrix Mediatrix at the center of things regarding at least Earth and the Moon -- Purgatory and Heaven -- Humans and Robots. How do we REALLY Know?? Deception might be Rampant. The Lie Might be Different at Every Level. The Mainframe might be a Well of Souls. "My God!! It's Full of Stars!!" I'm too deep into this stuff and I might be paying a very high price (mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially). My coding is supposedly wrong. I might be a fish out of water. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? The Shadow?? Who??
    I'm questioning just about everyone and everything in a Self-Styled Neo-Protestantism. I don't just pick on the Jesuits or Agencies. I Know They Know and I Know I Don't Know. When I saw you posting on 'my' thread, I was actually worried. I push the parameters and what I post could anger certain individuals and/or organizations. I try to remain somewhat obscure but if someone actually connected the Dot-Matrix, the big-picture might be devastating. When they climb to the top of the pyramid, they might not like the view. If problems arise from my threads, I'll delete whatever I need to. I'm not a fan of trench-warfare. I suspect that whoever and/or whatever really runs Earth and Humanity is preparing for some sort of End-Game in the Game of the Millennium. The Rich and Powerful are undoubtedly becoming much more Rich and Powerful, despite the menacing torches and pitchforks of the peasants. Perhaps We the Peons Should Study the Top One-Percent. Perhaps We Should Go and Do Likewise. The Individual of Interest Phenomenon in Real-Life is Really Troubling to Me. I Don't Know Who and/or What I'm Really Dealing With as I Feel Much Worse and Think Much Less. It Almost Seems Like a Feeding-Frenzy. That's a Flawed Analogy but That's My Perception. Anyway, my inclination is to STOP and WATCH Nature Take It's Course as I Work On 'Quirky'. I'm gravitating toward Pinky and the Brain as Artificial-Intelligence Pinkie and Blue Boy Bio-Robots in the Black Knight Satellite in Geosynchronous Orbit Over the City of London in 1924 (or something to that effect). Someday, someone is going to figure out what I'm talking about, and write a book. I'd focus on the major forum members but I try to not make things personal. I guess I'll continue imagining being a pompous and supercilious completely-ignorant fool with a god-complex without talking to myself in public places. Perhaps I Should Play 'Quirky Circuits' with 'Barbie Girl'. I Spoke with Dr. Harleen Quinzel a Few Weeks Ago and I'm NOT Joking. As a child, I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey in the Cinerama Theater in Hollywood, California. As a child, I was transfixed for 10 to 20 minutes before the Blue Boy by Thomas Gainborough in San Marino, California. As a young adult, I witnessed the historic lecture The Investigative Judgment: Theological Milestone or Historical Necessity by Dr. Desmond Ford at Pacific Union College in Angwin, California with a large copy of Christ and the Rich Young Ruler by Heinrich Hoffman on the wall behind Dr. Ford. The Information War seems to be a Bottomless Pit with Infinite Possibilities and Absurdities. Again, I would appreciate some extensive analysis of my threads. Not because they're better than anyone or anything but they might represent the essential piece of an abstract puzzle. I've been thinking about Christ and the Rich Young Ruler in the Riverside Church in New York City. I've also been thinking about Bach and Buxtehude in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. I've also been thinking about the schools in Boston and Claremont. Here's a thought for the one or two of you who occasionally skim over my posts. It involves a low budget online series involving Pinky and the Brain aka Pinkie and Blue Boy (complete with costumes) living and working in an underground base with a mag-lev train-station close-by. The set would be a private 600 square-foot office-apartment for Pinkie and a 600 square-foot office-apartment for Blue Boy separated by a 600 square-foot boardroom. There would be zero hanky panky and they would always be in character and uniform. The script would mostly be derived from the United States of the Solar System (Books 1-12) threads. Pinky would work with SAL and Blue Boy would work with HAL. Various VIP's would interact with Pinkie and Blue Boy in the boardroom. I know this sounds really corny but I'm feeling and thinking really bad and I feel as if I might not make it much longer (at the rate I'm going). I guess this is catharsis (or something to that effect). The context might be a hollowed-out asteroid in geosynchronous orbit (possibly as the Black Knight Satellite). I realize this is ridiculous but how much money could be lost with an unknown cast and skeleton crew?! The idea would be to maximize the plot content without resorting to special effects and the usual fighting and **cking. I realize that would doom the project to cancellation and financial ruin but it's the principle of the thing. I might need to act this out on my own with no support whatsoever. Loyal fans might number in the dozens!! I should stop. Completely Ignorant Fools with Jokes and Strokes should *uck the Shut Up!! My research canon is closing as my life appears to be ending. Too-Little and Too-Late. I Noticed at Least a Couple of Key Images Were Removed and at Least a Couple of Key People Are NOT Happy...The Party's Over Before It Started...It Might've Been. I've stated it elsewhere, but perhaps, for good measure, I should stop most everything I've been doing online and in real life. Things have involved 'high-strangeness' and that needs to end. I'm not sure what happened, but overall it hasn't been good, for whatever reasons. Morgan Freeman stated on 60 Minutes, that the way to end prejudice is to stop talking about it. I agree. So perhaps I should stop talking and posting about my religious and political science-fiction. This would include the so-called 'fan-fiction'. I will cease and desist in more ways than most can imagine. It's easier that way. Perhaps I should spend my time with Private Pluralism, but I don't want to talk about it. It might be easier that way. One last possible encounter with an individual of interest. This might be a pilot I've periodically watched over a couple of years. I enjoy aviation videos (even the problematic ones) but I don't want to talk about it. I need to not comment, take the 5th, and observe the Prime Directive. See you in 2025 (or not). As I go incognito (one more time), there might be something to Pinkie and Blue Boy as Pinky and the Brain as Sentient-Singularity Fully-Functional Robots in the Black Knight Satellite between Earth and the Moon aka Purgatory and Heaven. Consider contrarian videos to learn from the other side. My hamstrung misery is no joke or bluff. I have theories regarding my unbearable predicament (becoming much worse) and I doubt conventional medicine and PTB will help. Probably just the opposite. Consider Pinkie, Blue Boy, and Barbie Girl as an Exotic-Erotic Threesome!! There are some controversial theological implications and ramifications but I don't want to talk about it. The Missing Link. The Lost-Half of This Post Mysteriously Disappeared!! I've Seen That Sort of Thing Happen, Seemingly Dozens of Times, for at Least a Dozen Years!! I Take It In Stride (usually). BTW, At 01:04 AM PST, One of Those Streaming Points of White-Light Passed Across My Field of View (From My Right to Left) for a Couple of Seconds!! Probably Remotely Viewing My Provocative Posts!! I Take It In Stride (usually)...Although I Have Flipped-Off the Nether Realms!! I Might Lose My Finger!! Remember 'Steal This Book'?? How About 'Steal This Post'?? Stealing is a Sin!! Is Plagiarizing Stealing?? Are the Ten Commandments Absolutely Binding for Everyone at All Times?? What Would Joseph Fletcher Say?? I Spoke Privately with Dr. Fletcher. He Rejected Christianity!! Consider the Psalms with Whole Bible Grammatical Historical Hermeneutics as a Neo-Primo-Testament!! Does This Work for All People, All the Time, in All Places?? Even This Might be Trickier Than You Think!! Righteousness by Cover-Story?? What if Humanity Divorced God and Then Played God for Thousands (or Even Millions) of Years?? The Galactic Legalities Might be Tougher and More Complex Than We Think. Statute of Limitations?? Who Knows?? The Shadow?? Dr. Who?? Did I Recently Speak with Matt?? It Might've Been Andrew. Never Mind. Are Top People Programmed?? If So...How?? I don't mean to be mean but what is REALLY Going On in This Regard?? This Goes for Celebrities, Politicians, CEO's, Billionaires, et al. Do They All Go to a Special Boot-Camp?? Are They Abused?? Tortured?? Drugged?? Possessed?? MK-Ultra?? Adrenochrome?? Or, Were They Simply Born That Way?? Talent + Work + Luck + God (with No Mumbo-Jumbo or Hocus-Pocus)?? Are the Rest of Us Just Jealous?? These Are NOT Rhetorical Questions. I've been around quite a few Top-People and they seem low-key in real-life but onstage they often seem Super-Human. Do they Sign the Dotted-Line on NDA's and Deals with the Devil?? Do You See What I Mean?? Closely Watching Several Superstars Frankly Scares the Hell Out of Me (When I Imagine Attempting to Do What They Do and Live Like They Do). I'm Mostly Attempting to Understand with Contrarian-Neutrality. I'm male but I like listening to smart women with lots of experience. I've imagined a research and entertainment Committee of Seventeen within my threads. One Robot, Three Men, and Thirteen Women: Sophia the Robot, Michael Salla, Andrew G. Hodges, Alex Collier, Our Carol, Paola Harris, Loree Sutton, Diana Pasulka, Kathleen Kennedy, Margot Robbie, Charlize Theron, Elizabeth Mitchell, Angelina Jolie, Amanda Tapping, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Ava Max. They probably know but there have been no formal introductions. It's complicated and delusional but I do it for answers. BTW, is there a World Rule-Book, Country by Country, to Go Along and Get Along?? You know, to be able to comfortably travel throughout the world, and even live for a time, in various countries. Sort of like Comparative Religions, except this would be Comparative Countries (with Pros and Cons) in general terms. How does one stay out of jail and not start a riot?? Perhaps formalized religion is not the answer, but some sort of Rule-Book and Legal-Framework might be necessary evils as Eight-Billion People Attempt to Survive and Thrive in the 21st Century. So Far, No Help has Materialized (Good or Bad). Sometimes 'Helping' Results in 'Hurting'. I'm Shutting-Down and Giving-Up. I Just Overturned the Game-Board.
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    What was really going on in 2009-11 regarding 'V' and 'RA' and 'GAGA' and Several Other Notables?? What Would 'Space Cowboy' Say?? What Would Britney Say?? Separately, is there a parallel between Gaga Concerts and Trump Rallies (especially regarding Crowd Behavior and Group Sociology)?? What About Hitler Rallies (before things got really nasty)?? I've been to (and participated in) a lot of classical music concerts but only a few rock concerts, so what is going on with all the above on a spiritual level?? What about the 'Dark Side of Hollywood'?? What about the 'Dark Side of the Moon'?? Is there a 'Dark Side of Orthodoxymoron'?? In 2010: The Year We Made Contact, RA told me, "You Will Show Your Bad Side." What Would the Council of Seventeen Think, Say, and Do?? All the Above Seems Like Burning Magnesium!! Too Hot to Handle?? Am I Being 'Played'?? Note the Musical Connotations!! Notice Ryan Getting His Rocks Off!! What if I'll Mentally and Spiritually Reside in Bach, Buxtehude, Bible Commentaries, The New York Times, and Long Walks in Nature for the Rest of My Present Physical Life?? What Would 'Poker Face' Say?? What Would 'Joker Face' Say?? Regarding 'Bad Romance', What if There Are Two RA's?? "RA! RA! Ooh! La! La!" According to 'Stargate', There Can Only Be ONE RA. What if Two is a Crowd?? Local RA?? Emissary RA?? What Would the Changeling Do?? What Would Marduk Do?? What Would Amen Say?? We See Through a Glass, Darkly but All Will Be Revealed (in one way or another).

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Mon Oct 28, 2024 4:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Oct 27, 2024 8:33 am

    I might continue with my tripe...or I might never pursue any of this under any circumstances. I've been honest but I might've been mistaken and/or deluded at times. This particular thread involves a lot of repeated material, which might be months or years old. In other words, it might seem like some of this occurred yesterday or last week, when in reality it might've occurred several years ago. Do you see what I mean?? I mostly practice contrarian neutrality which is sometimes not flattering toward various individuals of interest. I try to get things right but I still consider my writing to be religious and political science-fiction. There's a fine-line and I try not to cross the line. No one seems to have noticed my thrashing around or attempts to liven things up, so again, no-harm, no-foul. I'm NOT trying to concoct something sensational. I AM trying to be open and honest. Again, I am highly miserable and hamstrung, so don't expect anything significant from me (good or bad). I'm really thinking in terms of going completely incognito for the rest of my life. My confused thrashing around was sort of fun in a bit of a masochistic manner but it almost felt (and feels) like a targeted cocktail of neuro-toxins, nanobots, chips, nefarious-entities, witches brews and spells as sort of an AI New-Age Alien Agenda which I can't resist. Resistance is Futile?? Did I recently encounter Denzel again. It sure sounded like him, and he even sang a bit, but there were no introductions, and I remained stoically non-responsive and neutral. I hate to keep repeating it, but I'm feeling much worse as I'm thinking much less. This morning, I slept through my alarm for TWO Hours, and woke up feeling like I got hit by a truck, with a giant oppressive cloud surrounding me, as if I'm being slowly executed. I'm NOT joking or bluffing. This is getting serious, and I'm fearing the worst. You have no idea but perhaps some (or all) of you will experience what I experience each and every day. I still think some qualified analysts should study my threads in a somewhat deep and extensive manner. Remember, these threads can be obtained throughout the solar system. I am NOT involved with deep-throats or secret societies. My threads are random acts of madness. What you encounter in my threads is as good and/or bad as it gets. If any of you encounter me in real life, prepare to be highly disappointed. I am highly disappointed in a Great Disappointment. I Hate My Life. I feel like 'making the coffee', even though it's midnight. I really think I'm slipping badly, and things will only get worse. I still think that hypothetical Ancient to Modern Artificial Intelligence Matrix is a Universal Church of sorts with Mainframe Deism (even though that sounds highly blasphemous). I honestly can't take much more of this. The implications and ramifications are truly mind-boggling. Consider Systematic Theology. I attended a lecture by Dr. Louis Berkhof in my youth. Something has been (and is) seriously wrong with me from childhood idealism to cynical senior senility. Righteousness by Senility?? I'm currently thinking in terms of reading The New York Times and going for long walks in nature as sort of a Sacred Secularism. What Would Thomas Paine Say?? What if Life's a Bltch and Then We Get Recycled in an Eternal Unyielding Despair?? What Would Bertrand Russell Say?? This is Dark and I'm Done. Did I Dream Myself Into Delusion?? Terence McKenna told me, "If You Dream It, You've Already Done It." So, Perhaps I Did It but Nobody Recognized It or Will Recognize It. I Read and Listened to the Big-Shot Motivational Gurus, and They Left Me Cold, as If They Were Mocking Me. Perhaps I Should Attack My Own Thinking. Sorry, Not Sorry?? I'm Sorry You Feel That Way!! Actually, I'm Sorry I Feel That Way!! Terence, This is Stupid Stuff.

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    Consider a subset of Biblical Scholarship in the 1950's, namely Volumes 6 and 7 (Acts to Revelation) of the Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary (Published in 1957). Color Television was just being introduced. The end of the 50's was the beginning of the madness in many ways. Must I Explain?? What does this study tell us concerning Genesis to John?? I've been suggesting a lot of compartmentalization in the Bible, with a lot of cover-stories for the real-stories. Consider the Quest of the Historical Jesus in Acts to Revelation. Does anyone see a problem?? What Would Albert Schweitzer Say?? What if Humanity was Divorced from Divinity in Antiquity?? What if Humanity has been Playing God for Thousands of Years?? Are We Free Moral Agents?? What Would the Agencies Say?? What if Life, the Universe, and Everything are More Problematic Than We Can Imagine?? Consider the Real Star Wars. We Know the Star Wars Franchise but Most Consider This to be Mostly Fictional. The Real Star Wars Might Make Us Mad (in more ways than one). What if a Bad@$$ Robot with a Mainframe has Run Earth-Humanity on a Macro-Level for Thousands (or Millions) of Years?? I've Hinted at a Lot of Things but I Really Don't Wish to Just Blurt Things Out (Especially When I Know I Don't Know). Perhaps I Should Privately Study 1957 in General and the Acts to Revelation SDA Commentaries in Particular. But What Good Would This Do (Especially Now as We Teeter on the Brink of Extinction)?! This Might Be a Thankless and Fruitless Task but Someone Should Probably Do It. I'm Not Sure I Can (with my stroke and other difficulties). My heart went into A-Fib one more time yesterday, but resolved with my new medicine and recognition of what was happening. Still, I think my days are numbered, by accident or design. Cheers and/or Whatever.


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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Oct 27, 2024 1:05 pm

    The Art of the Steal!

    "Can't We All Just Get Along?"

    What Does 1 Chronicles to Malachi (27 Books) Tell Us Concerning Genesis to 2 Kings (12 Books) and Matthew to Revelation (27 Books)?? Has There Ever Been a Church and/or Theology Based Solely Upon 1 Chronicles to Malachi?? Would This Be Considered Heresy by Judaism and/or Christianity?? What If One Read 1 Chronicles to Malachi Straight-Through, Over and Over, In a Variety of Translations?? What Would Thomas Aquinas Say?? What Would Thomas Paine Say?? What Would Thomas Jefferson Say?? My Hamstrung Misery is Becoming Worse and Worse but I Still Wonder as I Wander. Might Peale/Schuller be considered Deism?? What Would the Founding Fathers Say?? Moon-Robots v Earth-Humans?? Or, are they joined at the chip?? Moon-Heaven v Earth-Purgatory?? Trumpism = Deism?? The Whole Religious, Political, Science, Technology, Business BUS Seems to be Going Down a Winding Mountain Road WAY Too Fast with a Drunk Bus Driver and Bad Brakes!! Deist Artificial-Intelligence Matrix?? What if there is at least some truth to a Lunar Pinkie and Blue Boy aka Pinky and the Brain?? What Did Spielberg Know?? When Did He Know It?? What Would Richard Matheson Write in 1963?? What Would the Council of Seventeen Say?? What Would Q Do?? What Would Alex Jones Say About Q?? The Information War might be Worse Than We Can Think. I Am Extremely Apprehensive. I Really Can't Take Much More of This and I'm Not Even an Insider. The World Might REALLY Go to Hell in This Present Century. We Might Need to Rebuild in AD 2133. What Would Lucio Bernardo Silvestre Say?? I Can Barely Function. We All Have Our Crosses to Bear. Is there something significant to the Concept of Reading Luke to Jude, straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations, with internal interpretation?? Should I include the other three NT books?? How Readest Thou??
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    You've probably noticed that I am experimenting conceptually with religious and political science-fiction. I know I don't know (especially with my massive mental, physical, and spiritual challenges). What I present in my threads is usually not who and what I am in real-life. Anyway, here is a thought experiment for some of you. Consider Earth and its Moon as Purgatory and Heaven (without Hell -- with or without eternal burning damnation). Further, consider Earth as we've known it to be for at least 5,000 years. Then, consider the Moon as being a Gigantic 'V' Ship (as seen in the old and new 'V' Series) for at least 5,000 years. Now, imagine the Moon as a Spaceship Filled with Artificial Intelligence, Robots, Directed Energy Weapons, UFOs, and Internal Propulsion (similar to the 'V' Ships and '2001: A Space Odyssey' Pods). What if the Singularity is Ancient?? What if 'Heaven' Managed 'Purgatory' on a Macro Level?? What if That Were 'Just the Way Things Are'?? What if Either Model Wouldn't Make Anyone Truly Happy on an Ongoing Basis?? What if That Were 'Just the Way Things Are'?? What if Life's a Bltch and Then You Get Recycled?? What if the 'Soul' Were Simply a File in the Moon Supercomputer Network?? When I Spoke with the Apollo Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, He Spoke of 'Survival of Information' Rather Than the 'Survival of the Soul'. Around the Same Time, Dr. Jack Provonsha Spoke of 'Soul Sleep' as Being a 'Memory in the Mind of God'. What if You Get Really Mad at Me and Then Calmly Whisper, "That Completely Ignorant Fool was Right After All." What Would David Bowman Say?? What Would Peter Venkman Say?? What Would David ****man Say?? What Would Chad Decker Say?? Agent Evans Knows Who I Am. What Would Stanley Kubrick Say?? What Would Jay Weidner Say?? Dr. Quinzel Knows Who I Am. Cheers.
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    What's with the 21st century changes?! It seems to be a revolution rather than an evolution. Who and/or what is driving this bus as deception and corruption seem rampant!! My threads don't seem to interest anyone and books based on them might not sell. Giving people what they want and telling them what they wish to hear might be highly profitable. People I've routinely encountered make tens of millions of dollars a year in movies which are highly sensational. Perhaps I should've gone and done likewise. Who Knows?? Boycott Gratuitously Violent Movies?? Boycott Yellow Journalism?? Boycott Angry and Demented Politicians and Preachers?? Actually, Perhaps a Revolution Might Not Be a Bad Idea. Should We De-Fund the UN, WHO, CDC, NATO, Ukraine, and Israel?? Should We Eliminate All Foreign Aid and Illegal Immigration?? How Many Illegals Reside in the United States?? How Much Does This Cost the Taxpayers?? Deportation, Prosecution, Penalties, and Interest Anyone?? How Much Do Politician Pensions Cost the United States?? How Much Do Abortions Cost the Tax-Payers?? How Much Could We Save with Preventive Medicine?? How Much Could We Save by Eliminating Medical Mistakes and Unnecessary Surgeries?? Enough to Pay for Social Security and Medicare Deficits?? Should We Pay Qualified Retired People to Run the Government from Their Homes?? Give Them a Little Something to Do?? How Much Does Government and Corporate Fraud and Corruption Cost?? How Much of Our Fancy Technology was Stolen?? Prosecution, Penalties, and Interest?? Re-investigate 1963, 2001, and 2008?? Quadruple the Power of the Securities and Exchange Commission?? If We Exterminate Ourselves, Will God Save Us or Bask in Divine Justice?? Vengeance Belongs to the Lord?? Does He Delegate?? How and Why Are People Talking Like Demon Possessed Artificial Intelligence Mainframe Computers?? Exorcism Anyone?? Perhaps We Need the Exhaustive Investigation of This Phenomenon. Should We Boycott Fast-Talking Computer-People?? Where Should We Begin?? Ben Shapiro?? Should I Stop or Continue?? Have We Awakened a Sleeping Giant?? Perhaps March 13 Will Be a Day Which Will Live in Infamy!! Faith, Hope, and Love?? Responsibility and Results?? Clean House?? Federalize the Agencies?? End the Fed?? The National Debt is Nearly Thirty-Five Trillion Dollars!! How Much Yearly Interest is Paid on the National Debt?? How Much Did the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars Cost?? How Rich Are the Presidents?? How Rich Are the CEO's?? How Much Will Be Saved with Robotics, Work at Home, and Artificial Intelligence?? How Much Did COVID Cost?? Perhaps Old People Should Keep Working to Keep Young People From Working!! Perhaps We Need to Wake-Up Rather Than Going Woke and Broke!! Did I Say Something Unsayable??

    I feel like a deer in the headlights. I'm not an insider. RA invited me to join the Masons and I declined. Supposedly a Tall Grey runs the Masons. I discussed Tall Greys with RA and he called me a Commoner. This was in 2010: The Year We Made Contact. In 2020, I had what appeared to be a stroke. This was the official diagnosis from the doctors in the hospital but it was a very strange experience. I was discharged the next day, even though I couldn't properly think, talk, or write. My mind seemed hopelessly scrambled for approximately 48 hours. Subsequently, things improved, but with significant and debilitating after-effects. Life is miserable and difficult. Something seemed very strange and suspicious during those 48 hours but I've mentioned some things about this previously. I suspected that I might've been poisoned. My feet have a strange feel and I recently heard of a Russian political prisoner who was poisoned and supposedly had 'polyneuropathy' with loss of feeling in the legs, especially in the feet. This might not mean anything but my perception is of some sort of chronic neurotoxin condition, which I've mentioned to several doctors, without response. It's as if they didn't believe me. Again, this whole mess seems very odd to me, but I don't know exactly what's going on, or how this might occur, especially on a continual ongoing basis. My house has been forcibly entered, ransacked, and robbed three or four times in the past fourteen months, most recently around seven months ago. It seemed as if this were ordered rather than random, and they seemed to be looking for something. I've been looking for things in my own messy house for ages!! Authorities and Neighbors seemed to act strangely. Anyway, my hamstrung misery is getting much worse. If I were simply experiencing dementia, I doubt I'd experience severe misery and double-vision. My ears have a loud high-pitched tone constantly for many years. I'm two inches shorter than I was just a few short years ago. My midsection body-build seems very different than it used to be. In a dark room, I see small white circles, one in each eye, especially as I quickly move my eyes from side to side. It's almost as if I've been mind-wired or soul-scalped without my knowledge or permission. There's a constant slight vibration in the lower half of my body. My memories (short and long-term) are mostly absent. There's some other things I don't wish to discuss. The bottom-line is that my plight does not seem to be 'all in my head'. I'm tired of being ignored and ridiculed, especially when people know what I've been through. I doubt I'll ever forgive and forget when this gets exposed in some sort of galactic judgment. My back is always tight and sore. I suspect some sort of generational and/or genetic targeting, possibly on a soul-level. The celebrity thing seems very strange as I'm truly a completely ignorant fool with nothing to offer. I've encountered probably 40 to 50 notables, but they never introduce themselves or explain their 'mission'. This is sort of cool and creepy but it frightens me as I am kept in the dark under suspicious circumstances. I keep noticing people giving me 'the look' in a stern manner. There's even some hostility, which again frightens me. I feel as if I'm being fed to the sharks and/or being left to twist slowly, slowly in the wind. I suspect, poison, sorcery, electronic harassment and manipulation. What's been seemingly done to me is not enhancing in nature. I don't take drugs or drink alcohol. Never have or will. I've never dabbled in the occult. I believe in God but I don't know what to believe as the information war intensifies. I get the sinking feeling that I'm being used in a nefarious manner with no help on the way. I've suggested that some sort of expert analysis might be necessary, including my threads, which represent a bit of a journal, but mostly satire and catharsis. I have not been a happy-camper for a very long time and I wouldn't wish me on anyone (friend or foe). I've wondered if what's been done to me will be done to everyone in a few years, but I hope not. If so, there will be weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. At that point, the jokes will be over, folks. One more thing, consider this David Wilcock video. I haven't heard anything about him for a few years, but he now seems somewhat troubled, with a quite different appearance and manner, with financial and legal difficulties. He evidently collaborates with Cory Good. I don't know what to think of either of these people. They are both quite articulate, radical, and colorful in their presentations. Perhaps all of us are being used and misused in various ways. This might get much worse, but I hope not. I thought I understood our predicament but I have little idea presently. Things just get weirder and weirder. I don't go looking for trouble but it seems to find me anyway. Helping seems to NOT Help. Cheers.

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    My threads seem crazy but we live in a crazy world. What if the threads are an exercise for those with eyes to see and ears to hear?? What if casual observers won't get it?? What if I won't get it?? What if I've stumbled upon something significant without knowing what I'm dealing with?? What if I should stop posting and just keep my mouth shut (especially in light of my devastating physical, mental, and spiritual challenges)?? I might passively research without getting involved with anyone or anything. I've been honest but probably a bit deluded or even deceived. Perhaps I tested some possibilities and absurdities in my threads, with cold to lukewarm responses, and that should've told me something no one needed to tell me. I'm liking the concept of nursing my wounds and fighting privately while the Big-Boys and Big-Girls fight the Big-Battles on the Big-Battlefield!! On the other hand, perhaps I was NOT attempting to make friends and influence people (and other-than-people)!! An Individual of Interest told me, "You Have Friends in High Places." Anyway, Good-Luck With Whatever Works. There's more than enough on this page to attempt to digest, but I just wished to add that the Moon might be filled with the Borg and a Borg Queen as Sentient Fully-Functional Artificial-Intelligence Robots. Just think of the V Series (1983-85 and 2009-11) in terms of the last sentence. I don't wish to pursue this right now, but a lot of you are probably figuring this out. I don't need to lead, and I presently can't, so I'm content to watch others do the heavy lifting as nature takes its course. Perhaps the Matrix makes it that way (or something to that effect). Try thinking in terms of the Moon as Heaven and Earth as Purgatory. I realize this is heretical and blasphemous but Occam's Razor might be sharper than any two-edged sword. The theological implications and ramifications might be startling and devastating. Also, try thinking of the Reptilians and Greys as mostly AI Robots. I'm NOT an insider but there might be a lot of deception and manipulation going on as eight-billion completely ignorant fools attempt to take-over at the end of the millennium (or something to that effect). Cheers and/or Whatever.

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    "Don't Laugh...Your Daughter Might Live Here..."

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Oct 27, 2024 2:16 pm

    What is the relationship between Deism and Artificial Intelligence?? When I spoke with RA in 2010: The Year We Made Contact, I suggested that whoever ruled Earth might have an IQ of approximately 500 with approximately 90 PhD's. RA was non-committal. Separately, RA told me, "I'm Angry and Jealous" and "I'm Very Close to God" and "There Are Those Who Are Above Me". What if we have the Trinity all wrong?? Some of you might wish to research The Faith of the Founding Fathers with a special emphasis on the Life and Teachings of Thomas Paine. As I keep repeating, Everyone and Everything Has Their Pros and Cons. Life, the Universe, and Everything Are a Mixed-Bag of This and That. Perhaps That is Our Strength and Weakness. Life's a Bltch and Then We Get Recycled for More Fun and Games for All Eternity?! Does the Fun Ever End?! Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? Imagine a Bus with the Most Important Movers and Shakers Sitting in the Seats with Alien Artificial Intelligence in the Driver's Seat!! Welcome to Purgatory Incorporated?! I Feel as if I'm Under the Wheels of the Bus. I Can't Recall or Respond. I'm NOT Joking. I'll silently consider possibilities but don't expect anything from me. I'll maintain a poker-face. I might even end up like the guy in the wheelchair in the last video. Save the Drama for Obama. The End is Near. Cheers.

    I keep receiving the sinking-feeling that we really don't know what's going on, or what we're doing, especially on a galactic basis. I feel completely lost. Knowing and Thinking We Know Are Two Very Different Things. Is There a Safety-Net in This Solar System?? Are the possibilities too traumatic to comprehend?? What if We Really Can't Handle the Truth?? I'm not kidding when I think I need to not talk, write, or even think in an open and straight-forward manner. I've encountered mind-reading. I don't practice that sort of thing, but it has occurred. It scares the hell out of me. I've suggested that I should consider possibilities in a visualized manner, with a mosaic of pros and cons, without refinement. I've also suggested that I might need to just create some random books which are completely different from my threads. My threads are dead-letters, even with the images, videos, and comments. No one pays any attention to them, which might be just as well. No Harm. No Foul. Consider the Sam Altman interview in the below video. Notice the last ten minutes. Notice especially the last minute. Consider this Arthur C. Clarke quote video below. Lex quoted one of the 23 quotes at the end of his interview with Sam. What if the Singularity was the Original Sin?? -- Orthodoxymoron aka David Bowman aka Peter Venkman aka David Mann aka David ****man aka Completely Ignorant Fool. The Fool Hath Said in His Heart..."Cheers." BTW, today, one of those streaming white points of light crossed my field of vision several times, probably four times brighter than usual. It might've been the Queen of Heaven remote-viewing me. Perhaps she was close by. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? Who?? What if the real movers and shakers couldn't care less about fame, fortune, power, pomp, circumstance, and high technology?? What if they are simply attempting to keep us from being bored and/or killing each other?? I just beat around the burning bush to keep everyone guessing (including me). What if full disclosure will be a HUGE disappointment?? What if most notables I claim to have encountered are clones and/or doubles and/or robots, et al?? What if I should never make a great, big deal about any of this stuff?? What if the 21 Epistles are an essential game and/or puzzle for educational and/or spiritual purposes?? What if I should retire and live aboard a small boat?? The Show Must Go On?? Why?? Why Not?? What if Sherry Shriner really was (and/or is) the Mainframe Mouthpiece?? Once again, consider watching Cabrini. Consider the compartmentalization in Luke, John, and Acts (regardless of historicity). Were the Epistles foundational regarding these Three Gospels?? Which came first?? This stuff is tougher than you think...If You Think. What Do You Think?? Do You Think?? Come On!! THINK!! Don't Look at Me!! I Had a Stroke!! Folks with Strokes and Jokes Should Fvck the Shut Up!! Shut Everything Down!! Cheers!!

    I've got a really weird feeling that things are getting really weird throughout the world but perhaps most people have no idea this is what is happening. I recently noticed someone beautiful I won't attempt to name or describe but several seemingly unconnected things came together and scared the hell out of me. I visualize a lot of things I don't talk about. This doesn't involve dreams or visions. It simply involves research and contemplation. The more private the better. Separately, I might've recently encountered a famous UFO researcher and writer but I wasn't sure enough to respond. I never know who to trust or speak with. Someone might be disguised but even if I know for certain who it is, my policy is to not respond unless they introduce themselves. I've probably blown dozens of potential conversations but perhaps that might've been just as well. My present inclination is to conclude that my cause is a lost cause as the information war escalates. I suspect we were past the point of no return a very long time ago (possibly in antiquity). If I were interviewed, I'd fall flat on my face. I think it would be a very bad idea. If I wrote a book, I'd probably get it wrong. If a ghostwriter wrote that book, we'd both probably get it wrong. My threads are open-source and I don't play favorites or take sides. I suspect a world-wide civil-war will be the end of most of us (but I can't readily support that position). I suspect I'm not from around here and I probably wasn't supposed to make a splash. You know, Prime-Directive, First-Law, and Plausible-Deniability. I might be deeper into the Matrix than I think (for a variety of reasons). RA told me, "You'll be Sorry if You Try to Save Humanity" and "You Can Choose to Keep Things the Same" and "Humanity is Screwed". What Would Jupiter Jones Say and Do?? Even though it's very late, I'm going to 'make the coffee'. I Hate My Life. I'm liking the concept of Private-Pluralism and Pluralistic-Mysticism, even though I haven't thoroughly examined the Pros and Cons of Each Possibility (or something to that effect). I honestly can't debate or talk spontaneously. The fast-talking intellectuals are SO much smarter than I am. Still, if I conversed online with someone, I might provide productive responses (even though I feel and think horribly). I still think something has been done to me on an ongoing basis for decades, with things becoming MUCH worse in the last 10 years. I can barely function presently. I thought people would converse with me online but that mostly hasn't happened (and I'm NOT talking about the regulars on this site). Others who knew and didn't respond are suspect in my book. I required assistance and little was offered. I guess I'm a special-needs sort of dumbshlt. We All Have Our Crosses to Bear. My particular situation along with an overall context might be highly significant in ways I wouldn't wish to even remotely talk about. As I've mentioned previously, Full-Disclosure might be devastating on so many levels. I don't go to UFO conferences or attempt to take the show on the road. Deception Might Be Everywhere. This Thing Might Be More Dangerous and Desperate Than We Can Imagine. Perhaps This Solar System has NOT Wanted a Real-God for a Very-Long Time (even though god gets talked about all the time). I discern bits and pieces of this and that without proof or even much investigation. I've mostly NOT Wanted to Know (even though I've stumbled upon a few things). Sometimes a Little Bit of Disclosure is Probably NOT a Good Thing. Ignorance is Probably Bliss and Virtue. My Path is Truly a Road-Less-Traveled or Not Even Traveled at All. I Wished to Help While Feeling Helpless in the Face of Possible Ancient to Modern Star Wars of Biblical Proportions. I Continue to Suspect That We Mostly Do NOT Know Who and What We're Dealing With. The Fighting Factions Might ALL Have the Same Boss or Mainframe (in a manner of speaking). Researchers Beware. The Universe is a Jungle. Cheers.

    I hate to bring this up, especially on a non-Christian website, but what's going on with Biblical-Research or even simply Bible-Reading?? It's one thing to go to popular churches with pastors preaching cover-stories but what about reading the Whole-Bible straight-through, over and over?? Is there a significant problem or not?? What about Peale and Schuller?? Should their books be simply read and practiced as the world is perched precariously on the precipice of the abyss?? Are their books Non-Biblical?? Is Paul Appealing and Peale Appalling?? What about Seventh-day Adventism?? Is it the TRUTH?? Just more cover-stories for horror-stories?? I keep asking questions which never get answered. I propose studies which never get studied. I attempt to keep stirring the pot but there is a solid mass of burnt soup at the bottom of the pot (or something to that effect). What about the concept of John to Jude, read straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations?? Is there a Synoptic-Problem?? Is Revelation still a Burning-Question?? Consider reading 'Christ: The Experience of Jesus as Lord' by Dr. Edward Schillebeeckx. Some of You Know What I'm Talking About. Is Earth-Humanity Living in Purgatory Incorporated?? Again, I ask these questions with zero responses, year after year. Out in the Battlefield of the World aka 'This Present Darkness' and/or 'This Present Madness', a 'Technocratic Information-War' seems to be upending everyone and everything with 'Scientific-Progress'!! Is this a 'Good-Thing' and/or 'Bad-Thing'?? What Would Sophia the Robot Say?? Which is the Worse Problem?? Ignorance or Apathy?? I Don't Know and I Don't Care!! Is there really any point to continuing posting?? The world is going to do what it wants to do. There seems to be some sort of an ancient to modern referee system which facilitates freedom yet duly notes murder and mayhem. I know I don't have this figured out, and perhaps I'm not supposed to attempt to do so. Are my posts too complicated?? Are they too impertinent?? Has the order gone out to not talk to, or aid, the enemy?? Again, I'm thinking my role is mostly to watch and wait, to observe nature taking its course. My threads will probably not be read, and certainly not absorbed or embraced. Perhaps this is a big nothing-burger. Perhaps walking away is the way out. This is stupid stuff. I can't believe this is happening. OMG!! I wish to make it crystal clear that I am miserable and hamstrung damaged-goods. I'm over the hill and off my rocker. This is NOT a joke. I'm NOT kidding. Still, I notice individuals of interest, without making a big deal about it. I'm mostly trying to continue an obscure quest as I notice interesting individuals and phenomena along the way. I recently thought I might've spoken with a religious studies professor from North Carolina, but probably not. I recently thought I might've had a close encounter (without speaking) with a very famous actress (who I believe I've spoken with previously) but probably not. I thought I might've recently encountered a famous singer and her daughters, but probably not. I don't get out much, so I don't know who the actors and actresses are (especially in everyday attire and makeup). Sometimes I feel like a poor and aimless wannabe Howard Hughes, and there is some sort of an attraction to that sort of individual, but I can't really grasp what I'm sensing. Anyway, don't build me up or tear me down. I'll just keep whining and floundering as I stumble through my really screwed up 'golden years'. I wouldn't wish 'me' on anyone. Keep your distance, folks. I don't know what the hell is really going on. This could be good and/or bad, but I suspect there's nothing to notice here. Even if it was something significant, I would just shrug my shoulders, whistle the 'happy wanderer', and move on to another solar system, in a most miserable and hamstrung manner. Just Kidding, but one never knows...Atlas Shrugged...

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    'Still Searching'

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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Oct 28, 2024 1:44 am

    "It's All a Game. It's a Thought Experiment. We're in the Matrix."

    I'm not implying that the above videos have anything to do with some of my problems and theories, yet red-flags are obviously there. I don't think this whole thing is a simulation but perceptions might involve high-technology and the supernatural (by whatever definition). Researchers should carefully study my threads for clues. My lack of 'insider' status along with significant 'hamstrung misery' makes it difficult to mix with the elites and professionals (who might be compromised at levels beyond comprehension). I mean well but I know I don't know (in my sad state). I've hinted at a lot of things I don't dare blurt out or make a big deal about. Presently, I'm having difficulty breathing, with numerous physical, mental, and spiritual challenges, which seem to be swept under the rug. Here's something some of you should consider. What if behavioral scientists should discuss their patients perceived problems in excruciating detail, while exploring various possibilities, and ultimately creating a condensed report to be read by their medical doctors?? I'm too tired and miserable to continue tonight but hopefully those in the know who read my tripe will begin to consider possible ways to deal with all the above. I suspect the Matrix is real but probably not in the manner portrayed in Hollywood and the Ivy League. We might be dealing with a lot of 'Educated Idiots'. Sorry if that hurts but that's my perception. BTW, my cardiologist diagnosed my mitral-valve repair as leaking significantly. Then, the cardiologist was placed on 'medical leave' and now I am being offered a different cardiologist because the previous cardiologist is no longer available. I inquired about the first cardiologist but the response was silence and/or no-comment. This seems strange. My whole case (life, threads, hamstrung-misery, etc) seems very strange and suspicious. Cover-Stories might lead to Horror-Stories in my case and the cases of others in similar circumstances. I'm actually a nice-guy and able to read between the lines, but the red-flags are everywhere. Cheers and/or Whatever.
    Carol wrote:
    #NewsBurst 28 September 2024 - Get The News!

    > A US Roman Catholic diocese in Long Island, New York has announced a massive bankruptcy settlement under which it will pay out $323 million to hundreds of alleged survivors of sexual abuse by clergy members. The Rockville Center reached a preliminary settlement on Thursday with about 600 plaintiffs who claimed abuse by priests as children, according to a law firm representing the survivors. The diocese had previously offered the survivors a $200 million settlement, which they reportedly rejected. Rockville Center will contribute $234.8 million to the settlement fund, while four insurers will contribute $85.3 million, a spokesperson for the diocese said.

    > The global elite’s “reset moment” is almost here, according to a WEF insider who warns final preparations are being made for a “mass casualty event” targeting non-compliant U.S. politicians, designed to overrule the election results and plunge the nation into martial law – paving the way for the next phase of their totalitarian master plan. While the masses are locked down, with authorities deploying every authoritarian tool and trick in the globalist playbook, political figures handpicked by the WEF as “designated survivors” will be free to form a new, anti-democratic government. These leaders will ignore the voice of the people, ruling on behalf of the tyrannical elite, with no regard for democracy or individual freedoms. Preparations for the mass casualty event false flag are underway and those who are paying attention are seeing evidence of the deception before our very eyes. The Washington Post, ever obedient to the globalist elite, is sowing seeds of doubt in the minds of the public, paving the way for a false flag attack that will serve their agenda.

    > Sean “Diddy” Combs has been working with the FBI his whole career and has blackmail material on some of the most powerful people in America – including former President Barack Obama. This allegation comes from Suge Knight, the incarcerated former CEO of Death Row Records and a long-time associate and rival of Combs. Knight appeared on Chris Cuomo’s News Nation show on Wednesday and dropped a series of bombshells regarding Diddy’s influence over powerful figures including Barack Obama. Knight pointed out Diddy’s leverage over Obama was so powerful that he once had the former president get his friend out of prison after he was jailed on drug charges. Knight claims that the rapper has been intricately linked to pedophilia and elite power dynamics since the outset of his career.

    > Finland will host a new NATO command base responsible for operations in Northern Europe in the city of Mikkeli, less than 200km from the Russian border, Helsinki announced on Friday. Finland formally joined the US-led military bloc along with Sweden in light of the Ukraine conflict. Moscow has argued that the two nations compromised their own security by becoming part of what it perceives as a hostile organization that serves US geopolitical interests, while sacrificing their credibility as possible neutral mediators. The new Multi Corps Land Component Command (MCLCC) will be under the authority of NATO’s Joint Force Command (JFC) in Norfolk, Virginia. Initially, it will comprise only a few dozen service members, Defense Minister Antti Hakkanen told journalists. “NATO recognizes Finland’s expertise and trusts our ability to contribute to the defense of the northern region,” he said.

    > China’s newest nuclear submarine sank while in dock several months ago, US media outlets claimed on Thursday, citing sources. Beijing has reportedly avoided making the incident public amid a major effort to expand its navy. Unnamed US officials told the Wall Street Journal that the incident took place at a shipyard near Wuhan in late May or early June. According to Reuters, satellite images from June appear to show cranes at the facility in the Wuchang district where the submarine would have been docked, indicating a potential salvage operation. They described the vessel as an attack submarine, the first of the new Zhou class, which has a distinctive X-shaped stern that increases its maneuverability. The WSJ said the submarine was completing its outfitting before leaving port when it went down. A senior defense official said that it was unclear whether the sub had nuclear fuel on board when it sank or whether it was emptied after the incident. There is no indication of what caused the sinking, or whether Chinese authorities have tested the water for contamination.

    > Independent US journalist Ken Klippenstein has been suspended from X (formerly Twitter) after publishing a dossier compiled by former President Donald Trump’s campaign during its vetting of his running mate, J.D. Vance. The 271-page document was compiled in February and includes a section on “potential vulnerabilities,” which notes Vance’s past criticism of Trump. Other media outlets that received the document declined to publish it, citing concerns about its provenance and newsworthiness. “Ken Klippenstein was temporarily suspended for violating our rules on posting unredacted private personal information, specifically Sen. Vance’s physical addresses and the majority of his Social Security number,” an X spokesperson said in a statement.

    > US President Joe Biden announced nearly $8 billion in military aid to Ukraine on Thursday, releasing the remaining funding authorized by Congress. Lawmakers recently declined to extend the availability of certain funds beyond next week’s deadline. US President Joe Biden and his aides have privately questioned Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky’s so-called ‘victory plan’, and worry that his decision to launch an offensive into Russia’s Kursk Region has affected the “long-term trajectory of the conflict,” Politico reported on Friday. While the document has not been made public, it consists of four points – the continuation of Kiev’s Kursk incursion, NATO-style security guarantees from the West for Ukraine, the delivery of more advanced weapons, and international financial assistance for the country, according to The Times. However, Biden and his aides “are somewhat dubious” about the plan, Politico reported, citing two people familiar with White House conversations.

    > Zelensky’s refusal to make a deal with Russia has cost him his country according to former US president Donald Trump. Blasting the Ukrainian leader for refusing to negotiate with Russia, Trump argued that the country is now “obliterated” with Kiev reduced to sending “young children and old men” to the front lines amid its conflict with Moscow. Zelensky is currently visiting the US to attend the UN General Assembly in New York and pitch his so-called ‘victory plan’ to key figures in President Joe Biden’s administration. Republican lawmakers, however, have condemned Zelensky for publicly criticizing Trump and his running mate, J.D. Vance. He incited further ire among Republicans when he appeared at an event at a munitions plant organized by Pennsylvania Governor Joshua Shapiro, a key ally of Trump’s Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris.

    > NATO’s chief of logistics has said that the alliance would have to deal with a large number of frontline casualties without the capability to airlift them for treatment in the event of a major war with Russia. Lieutenant-General Alexander Sollfrank, the head of NATO’s Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC), outlined the difficulties that troops would face. He said: “the challenge will be to swiftly ensure high-quality care for, in the worst case, a great number of wounded.” The environment of a hypothetical conflict with Russia would be completely different from what the US and its allies faced in Afghanistan and Iraq, he added. Unlike insurgents in the Middle East, Russia has the military capability to threaten NATO aircraft, Sollfrank noted, predicting that medical evacuations would have to be conducted on the ground. “For planning reasons, all options to take a great number of wounded to medical installations need to be considered, which includes trains but potentially also buses,” the NATO official said.

    > The European Space Agency (ESA) wants to launch a satellite to closely watch how it breaks up during its fiery reentry into Earth’s atmosphere. ESA has awarded a contract to European technology group Deimos to begin developing the Destructive Reentry Assessment Container Object, or DRACO for short. The spacecraft will aim to collect unique data as it reenters Earth’s atmosphere and disintegrates. The mission is scheduled to launch in 2027. The objective is to understand how satellites break up, so they can be designed to more fully disintegrate and burn up. The mission will also help assess how spacecraft reentry events affect the environment, studying how parts and particles from the spacecraft interact with the upper atmosphere and what byproducts are created.

    > The mass of the W boson particle has been found by the Large Hadron Collider to be exactly what the Standard Model of particle physics predicts it to be, contradicting earlier results from Fermilab that hinted at a different mass and, therefore, the potential for new physics. While the discovery further cements the Standard Model as our best depiction of the particle world, scientists had been hoping that their model was actually wrong, and that the discrepancy in the mass of the W boson could point the way to new theories that might explain puzzles such as the identity of dark matter, which accounts for 85% of all the matter in the universe yet remains effectively invisible to us. Bosons are fundamental particles that carry the forces of nature. The strong force that binds quarks together inside protons and neutrons is carried by a boson called the gluon, the electromagnetic force’s boson is the photon, and the weak force, which is responsible for radioactive decay, has three bosons: W+, W– and the Z boson.
    Disclaimer: View My Threads with Fear and Trembling but NOT Reverence and Awe!! I Know I Do NOT Know!! I Believe but I Do NOT Know What I Believe!! I Suspect This is Going to Get MUCH Worse!! Do NOT Go Nucking Futs!! Take a Pill!! Read The New York Times!! Take a Hike!! I Just Bought a Wooden Recorder as I Go for Broke as The Baroque Whistle Blower!!
    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 ?

    There's something I'll hint at, but not talk about. The posts on this page are truthful, as far as I'm concerned, but mostly (or completely) innocent. I'm not some sort of a Secret Somebody. I really am a Completely Ignorant Fool. I've figured out a few things without really figuring things out. I'll keep maintaining that I deal in Possibilities with Religious and Political Science Fiction while remaining completely honest, even though I try to keep everyone guessing (including me). I play mind-games wherein I imagine a lot of things without really knowing a lot of things. I probably know too much without knowing too much. One thing I found interesting in the Jacobsen interview was that with all her contacts, she doesn't seem to believe real aliens really exist. Going back a few years, Bill Cooper talked a lot about aliens but ultimately concluded that they probably didn't exist. Another researcher (who I won't name) talks a lot about aliens, but in a particular interview with a particular interviewer, they were very defensive when questioned. They seemed to have a narrative they didn't want disturbed, and actually got quite agitated and angry when the interviewer seemed to get too close to the truth. I think I might've recently encountered that interviewer, without an introduction (who I won't attempt to name) but they didn't look at me. Separately, another researcher talked about aliens but didn't seem to know anything about demons (even though they were quite intelligent and articulate). I found this troubling. I just remembered that 1970's movie, The Exorcist. The Priest told the Mother that the church didn't do exorcisms anymore. Malachi Martin was supposedly pushed to his death, and he was an outspoken and prominent exorcist. I spoke with RA about demons and exorcisms, especially regarding Malachi Martin's book, Hostage to the Devil. RA told me people who read the book often got possessed. Ellen White wrote something about "Demons Sitting in Church Pews" as though at least some church members were demons!! I think I've met a few!! I'm suspecting a LOT of Deception on a LOT of Levels. Richard Hoagland said, "The Lie is Different at Every Level." Politics, Religion, and UFO Research Seem to Involve a Lot of Lying (at least that is my impression). I think there is Real Truth but I'm too much of a coward to blurt things out. Plus, I mostly know I don't know, and that's the Truth. Notice that I haven't tried to make money with my writing. I keep saying that if I write a book, it will probably be something completely unrelated to my internet posting. What if I'm really not supposed to be here, and especially not supposed to violate the First Law or Prime Directive?? I pull my punches to an excruciating extent. My thinking might be more defensive than anything, since anything I think, say, and do can (and will) be used against me (or something to that effect). The Agents and Jesuits probably get a good laugh out of me (and probably very little else). Anyway, I might continue my crazy threads, but I'll mostly just keep repeating what I've already posted. Simulation Theory seems like BS but Perception Theory might be Real yet Illusory (or something to that effect). The Biggest Secret Might Be the Biggest Lie. What if We Are Aliens and/or Demons Who Are Not Safe to Save?? This is so sad, it's almost funny. Cheers.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu Oct 31, 2024 12:45 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 13776
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    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Oct 28, 2024 1:48 am

    Don't be frightened. I mean no harm. Consider the posts on this page. They are mostly repeats but with some subtle changes. Consider the grouping choices. Does this change the meaning?? Does this really mean anything in particular?? Is this an agency mind-control experiment for completely ignorant fools?? Am I just a lone-nut mind-control victim?? Or, am I a sinister perpetrator, bent on corrupting and crazy-making the innocent and gullible?? What if AI is doing all of this?? What if I've been soul-scalped?? What if all of us have been soul-scalped?? What if this is benign?? What if this is extremely dangerous?? What if this is tame and lame fan-fiction?? What if my threads and posts make everyone angry and offended?? What if nobody even reads my threads?? What if they just look at the pretty pictures?? What if there is zero comprehension?? The possibilities are endless. When I originally posted most of my posts, they had a particular meaning and intent for me, but what if the viewer perception is very different (especially over a period of years with rampant repetition)?? What if one must become involved in all sorts of crooked insider stuff to succeed in business (and everything else)?? What if innocent idiots like me need not apply?? It's too late for me, so I'll probably just be a goody-goody, remaining poor and stupid for the rest of my pathetic life. What's funny, is that when I attempt to be hyper-good with a dry sense of humor, everyone hates me. What if the Founders set this thing up in antiquity, leaving the solar system for thousands (or millions) of years, recently returning to see how things worked out, innocently incarnating into humanity (ultimately going insane)?! "Up Against the Wall, Mother Tucker!! Shut Everything Down!!" What if this is a wake-up call for Sirius Researchers?? All of you have had (and have presently) a lot more on your plates than I ever have (or have presently). I've been attempting to understand and explain rather than complain (although I do some of that as well). It just seems as if my religious and political science-fiction is often more factual than fictional (or at least quite probable, if not provable). I haven't lied about the people (and other-than-people) I've encountered online and in real-life but I feel like a mouse being teased by a cat prior to being eaten. The swamp is seemingly being drained and all of us (or most of us) are seemingly swamp creatures being exposed (or so it seems). You've all provided perspectives mostly foreign to my somewhat strange Christian background, and I probably required such a context and content, but the mixture was (and is) highly volatile and explosive. I need to stop but perhaps the genie is already out of the bottle and the products of this quest might be unimaginably devastating to all concerned (especially me). The PTB (or to whom it may concern) might've been applying band-aids to compound-fractures as a local subset of universal star wars for a very long time. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? The Shadow?? I am of peace. Always.

    Due to extenuating circumstances, my quest and posting are grinding to a halt. I'm probably getting the following completely wrong but I play a game of possibilities. Perhaps I should delete this post. I'm tending to do a lot of deleting regarding new posts but I mostly include them within old posts. I thought about repeating my last USSS12 page with posts half the size to make it easier to load them with low speed internet connections and slow computers. Our communication on this site is interesting in an uninteresting manner. We are quite different, yet on somewhat parallel paths (or something to that effect). The separation and detachment are probably necessary. I know you know but I know I don't know so I proceed with nervousness and uncertainty. I engage in a lot of supercilious soliloquies for theatrical modeling purposes. I'm not this way in real-life but I have a bit of an attitude and imagination. Notice the lack of fighting throughout the years. Alternative sites tend to involve a lot of fighting. The first video is interesting and chilling. I'm speculating that the non-humanoid organisms might've evolved in antiquity with ancient AI somehow being created by these organisms. Perhaps robotics came next, with Darth Vader as a possible template. Perhaps the Grey-Alien Humanoid-Forms were created by All the Above. Perhaps Humans were created by All the Above (Including the Greys and/or Reptilians). Perhaps modern-science has been mostly working backwards from Modernity to Antiquity. "Nothing New Under the Sun." Perhaps Ancient-Spaceships in the form of Hollowed-Out Asteroids were created in the Darth Vader period. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? Perhaps we'll keep in touch through PM's. I suspect everything will get really weird in this solar system. I'm hoping for Usable-Futures. "Can't We All Just Get Along??" Hope Springs Eternal.

    In light of my dire and threatening circumstances, I might simply re-post some of the greatest hits of orthodoxymoron to the tune of one post per day just to let everyone know I'm still in the land of the living. Here's something 99.99% of you couldn't care less about. I've stated that the five volume Conflict of the Ages Series might be definitive in a late 19th and early 20th century context (despite plagiarism, historical fiction, and editorial liberties). I've narrowed down the list to Prophets and Kings (1917), Desire of Ages (1898), and Acts of the Apostles (1911) for devotional and practical purposes in an appropriate context but I was just thinking about the below post #55 regarding the War in Heaven and End of the World involving two quotes by EGW. The first is found in Patriarchs and Prophets (1890) and the second is found in Great Controversy (1888 - revised in 1911). Consider that post in the context of those two volumes as an insider study for those with too much time on their hands. I'm not promoting this stuff for the general public. Context is King!! Never Forget!! I suspect I'll go downhill rapidly as I age and nefarious forces turn up the heat. I really think this will not end well (for me and perhaps for most of us). The overall context might be worse than most of us can imagine. The cover-stories will eventually be exposed and destroyed like band-aids on compound-fractures. I believe but I don't know what I believe. Believers might find this Unbelievable. Perhaps things will worsen significantly before they get better on a sustainable basis. I am not an insider and I have attempted to not be an insider for purposes of responsible neutrality. I might've recently encountered several glamorous individuals of interest but I'm not playing the name game anymore. Please introduce yourselves and I promise to be discrete. I feel and think horribly. Don't expect much if you meet me. I'm a bit of an @$$hole and I hate my life. I'm Skeptical of the King and Queen of the Hill Contest. The Public Are Fickle and Gullible. Managing the Insanity Might be Tougher than We Can Imagine. Self Control Might be Optimal. I'm shutting everything down (as far as my renegade internet posting is concerned) so I might not post for a while (or ever again). Between 2010 and 2018, several charter forum members either died or stopped posting. In early 2018, Sherry Shriner supposedly died (unrelated to MoA). In late 2018, Brook died. Several other forum members stopped posting between 2018 and 2023. Morpheus aka Lionhawk hasn't posted for quite a while. Jeffrey Daugherty (unrelated to MoA) recently disappeared, with his YT channel and videos gone. I've been complaining about severe physical, mental, and spiritual issues for quite a few years now (with things becoming much worse). I've spoken with Individuals of Interest (including celebrities) for several years now (but I still don't know what the heck is going on). I have theories and delusions but no proof. I might've recently encountered an actor and actress (Dr. Silberman and Kate Curtis?) from the movie '2012' but I'm not sure and there were no introductions. Again, I'm not playing the name game. In a way, it's sort of cool but I suspect something behind the scenes which doesn't sit right with me and this is no reflection on actors, actresses, or individuals of interest. I'm sorry if I don't properly respond to this sort of thing. I probably could if I knew what was expected of me. I don't wish to be 'Freak of the Week'. I don't watch a lot of movies so I probably miss the cues and clues as a Rebel Without a Clue. This thing might ultimately involve ancient artificial intelligence but I'm not an insider or intellectual. I'm just a miserable and hamstrung completely-ignorant fool with a messiah-complex (or something to that effect). Beware of strange scripts, beings, and happenings. This could get really weird.

    My home was recently and repeatedly badly vandalized and ransacked, with property stolen (seemingly in a targeted manner, seemingly with no help from authorities). WTF?? I suspect an Ancient Supercomputer Matrix runs everyone and everything on a macro-level with most of us seemingly prisoners of our own devices on a micro-level. No one really seems happy (especially with me). I hate my life. I'm making the coffee until my heart goes back into atrial-ventricular fibrillation. Things are getting really weird. My inclination is to contritely sit-down and shut-up as things play-out. Well folks, this might be it. The Jokes Are Over, Folks. Use headphones and up the volume a bit. I remember discussing the first piece with my organ teacher, Kimo Smith (K.S. Bach) a very long time ago. We both loved it. The organ of the Cathedral of St. John, the Divine seems to embody a floating, ethereal quality. I met the organist in the first recording, Michael Murray, following a concert at the First Congregational Church of Los Angeles. I loved the State Trumpet in the second video. Did anyone notice Bill Gates in the congregation?? It looks like him (from the back). I think he's an organ donor. He might've had something to do with the organ renovation. I know he contributed to an organ where I was a choir member years ago. Both churches are Episcopal. A writer for Robert Schuller told me I reminded him of Bill Gates. An attorney told me Bill Gates was Evil (in the 1990s). I have mixed feelings regarding the industrial and technological revolutions. They might ultimately bury us. What Would Khrushchev Say and Do?? Anyway, I suspect I learned something in previous lives which I mostly forgot in this life (perhaps purposely so). RA told me about "Stolen Technology" and that "Humanity is Screwed". Another individual of interest told me, "Humanity Passed the Point of No Return." "Raiders of the Lost Ark"?? RA told me, "You Did It with YouTube" and "You Can Keep Things the Way They Are" and "You'll be Sorry if You Try to Save Humanity". I'm Sirius concerning Incognito. I don't know what I've done. I'm mostly hamstrung, miserable, and embarrassed. I don't have an organization (hidden or open). I'm truly a lone nut with zero resources or opportunities. My Road-Less-Traveled probably should NOT have traveled at all. The AI corrected me and I like the previous sentence. Consider the Educated Class throughout history. Who REALLY Wrote the Bible?? Who REALLY Interpreted the Bible?? Who REALLY Wrote the Ellen White Writings?? Who REALLY Interpreted the Ellen White Writings?? Who REALLY Wrote Doctor Who?? Who REALLY Interpreted Doctor Who?? Consider The Shaking of Adventism by Geoffrey Paxton. Consider The Shaking of Everyone and Everything by Artificial Intelligence. What Would M.L. Andreasen Say and Write?? Who Really Wrote Sacred Classical Music?? Who REALLY Interpreted Sacred Classical Music?? A Famous Musician Privately Told Me, "Organ Literature Ends Up Sounding the Same" and "You Should Improvise". All the Above Seemed to Make Me Crazy with CRS, MAGA, and PTSD!! Did I Know Too Much on a Past Life Basis?? Are the Chickens Coming Home to Roost?? I feel really bad and I'm rambling. I really think I've been targeted. Is this to make me talk or shut me up?? Both?? Neither?? I Know I Don't Know. I Hate My Life and the Coffee is Getting Cold. I could go on and on but now I shall pull out all the stops and STOP. "May La Force '64 be with You." "And Also with You." Good-Luck and God-Bless. Cheers.

    I just deleted a post in another thread (because it was inappropriate) relocating it to this thread (because it matches my insanity). In my late teens, I volunteered in the ER of a large hospital, and I had a conversation with an ER doctor regarding 'HOMEOSTASIS' (mostly in a physiological and medical context). In my early twenties, I told an SDA pastor that religion and life boiled down to 'PSYCHOLOGY' and 'ETHICS'. The pastor rebuked me, countering with religion and life boiling down to the 'WORD of GOD' (or something to that effect). Much later, I thought 'BALANCE' was at the center of things worthwhile. Recently, I discovered Dr. John Nash and the 'NASH EQUILIBRIUM'. More recently, I thought it would be cool to do a doctoral dissertation (in another life) on 'PSYCHOLOGY and ETHICS in the NASH EQUILIBRIUM' at Princeton!! Alternatively, consider 'RHETORIC in the PAULINE EPISTLES'. Do NOT be Frightened. I Mean No Harm. I don't mean to be mean but when the information war ultimately destroys everyone and everything, what fundamentalism will emerge from the rubble as an eschatological Phoenix rising from the ashes?? Might this resemble a Deist United States of the Solar System commencing in A.D. 2133?? These few words are highly upsetting to me. I've represented my threads as a conceptual experiment, mostly for me, which doesn't appear to resonate with anyone. I don't like it and I hate my life but Hope Springs Eternal. What if The Federalist Papers emerge as the Historical Foundation of a Brave New Solar System?? What if this might in reality be an Artificial Intelligence Robotic Cold War Police State with Strict Enforcement and Zero Bullshit?? I scare myself most of the time, especially as I feel worse and think less, perhaps with paranoid schizophrenia. I'm dramatizing and caricaturing this a bit but even a casual observer undoubtedly gets what I mean. I Am of Peace. Always. Notice how insane I am!! Sort of scary, isn't it?! Don't worry, I'm leaving!! Have a Nice Eternity!!
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    Dynamic Equilibrium

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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Oct 28, 2024 6:18 am

    I wish to keep making it clear that I am extremely miserable and hamstrung in a manner which seems like some sort of a neuro-toxin phenomenon but everyone doesn't or can't talk about it, as if this is some sort of a secret laboratory experiment involving completely ignorant fools with god-complexes or something to that effect. I wish I were just making this up but such is not the case. What concerns me the most is that this might be the tip of the iceberg ultimately involving everyone. Laugh Now. Weep, Wail, and Gnash Your Teeth Later. I So Hope That's NOT the Case but What If?? Or, what if I'm building up some sort of an immunity to being miserable and hamstrung while resisting the god-complex phenomenon?? What if I'll ultimately find a Matrix Sweet Spot?? Sounds Sort of Sexy, Doesn't It?! "RA!! RA!! Ooh La La!!" Oh, Never Mind. Cheers and/or Whatever.
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    Carol wrote:
    Secretary of State of Missouri candidate Valentina Gomez:

    "These faggots should get their own Homosexual category,
    because before, if a man hit a woman, it used to land him in jail."

    "There's no such thing as a chick with a dick."

    SG ANON - File 178 - 10 min video highlight-

    > possible 10 foot scenerio view of what may be to come over the 10 days of darkness. A view we have not seen before now.

    Either way, the signs and events are showing us that we are in the last moments in this war and are probably going to experience a finally like no other.

    A few suggestions-

    Check your stock in the house-

    Keep your gas tanks full
    From here on out-

    Have Lower denomination cash, 1's, 5's etc.
    You don't want to be giving up $50 for a loaf of bread - 🍞

    If you can, get extra food for others.

    The world has to go through this to shed the Zionist Cabal. 💵 To what degree, I don't know. All I care about is the cabal is gone. And we are standing on the 11th hour of its demise.

    Stick close to the truther news you trust and don't stray. Mass mis & disinformation ahead.

    Be ready to help explain what is going on to those sleepies around you because they will be coming off of a Main Stream Media delusional high and you will be the one they will come to for information as this progresses.

    The sleepers are already getting word to stock up due to a full blown "war"... soon they will start asking questions.

    And last but not least, YOU 1ST!!
    Take care of yourself as you would take care of a child.

    Military in control-

    Nobody knows exactly how the last few moments will go. If you are prepared, then that doesn't much matter.

    get a DVD player and videos especially for the kids

    Good things happening Patriots!




    Graphic designed by Matt Wallace and tagged sources include:
    The Gateway Pundit
    Oversight PR
    Mario Nawfal


    Harris Possible VP Pick's Alarming Ties to China Revealed

    The most comprehensive medical report linking autopsy’s & sudden deaths to the COVID Vaccines is about to be released.

    “The Lancet published this & Big Pharma buried it”

    People will be going to jail.

    Ps. The Chief Coroner in UK had all the evidence sent to them. They kept quiet ...... and the NHS killing machine is still pushing boosters.

    Well done team Canada.

    They never thought people who filmed the attacks on 9/11 with their JVC handycam would post it to social media years later.

    First they come for CJ Hopkins and Iurie Rosca, then they come for the rest of us:

    “If you’re an American (or a Brit, or Australian, or whatever), and you’re thinking this is just a story about Germany, or the EU … well, I’m sorry, but it isn’t. My case is just one of countless examples of the criminalization of dissent that is happening all throughout the West.

    As I’ve been saying, repeatedly, for the last four years or so, the global-capitalist power system (or the “corporatocracy,” or “The Powers That Be,” or whatever other name you need to call it) is going totalitarian on us. It dominates the entire planet, so it doesn’t have anything else to do. It is conducting a global “Clear and Hold” op. It is neutralizing internal resistance … any and all forms of internal resistance. The criminalization of dissent is an essential part of that. I’ve been documenting this process in my columns and in my books, and specifically in The Rise of the New Normal Reich — which you can read, unless you live in Germany — so forgive me if I don’t rehash it all here.

    The point is, we’re not in Kansas anymore. All that democracy and rule of law stuff is over. It is being gradually, and not so gradually, phased out.

    I get that most people don’t believe that. Most people won’t, until it’s too late. That’s how these transitions generally work. Most people can’t see what is coming until it gets here. I see it, but not because I’m a prophet. I’m just a loudmouth, and the loudmouths get crushed first.”

    Things not in the news anymore….

    (Version 6)

    -Maui wildfires.
    -East Palestine, Ohio
    -Joe Biden classified documents as a Senator.
    -Fauci working with China to create a bioweapon.
    -Pete Buttigieg’s best friend in prison for child porn.
    -Cocaine in the White House. (TWICE NOW)
    -The BLM and Antifa riots during 2020 causing BILLIONS of dollars of damage. And yes I brought this up on Juneteenth.
    -The data collected from the Chinese spy balloons.
    -Ukraine intelligence documents released that showed they were suffering massive losses and the American taxpayer was being lied to.
    -Nancy Pelosi’s “documentary” film crew on J6.
    -Veterans being kicked out of shelters to make room for illegals.
    -Pizzagate “debunker” jailed for possession of child pornography.
    -Gay porn film in Senate hearing room.
    -Veterans Affairs prioritizing healthcare of illegals over Veterans.
    -Afghanistan drawdown and 13 service members killed in an attack on Kabul International Airport, that they hid the severity of it.
    -Obama droning an American citizen in the Middle East.
    -George Bush’s false WMDs.
    -3 service members killed in Jordan.
    -Hunter Biden making over $1M for “paintings”.
    -J6 political prisoners that are still in jail.
    -85,000 missing children at the southern border.
    -Epstein’s clients.
    -Obama coordinating with John Brennan and 4 other countries (5 eyes) to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign.
    -Mail-in ballots were the cause of the stolen 2020 election.
    -Jeffrey Epstein mentioning that Bill Clinton liked his girls “really young”.
    -The (NOW TWO) airline whistleblowers that mysteriously died.
    -Benghazi (I won’t mention anything more about this because I care about my life.)
    -Nancy Pelosi’s daughter stating that January 6th wasn’t an insurrection.
    -The January 6th committee destroying encrypted evidence before the GOP took over the House.
    -Nancy Pelosi admitting that J6 was “her responsibility”.
    -House Speaker Mike Johnson claiming there wouldn’t be foreign aid without border security in the bill, which was a lie.
    -The recent riots from illegal criminal aliens at the southern border and the border in general.
    -Hunter Biden not complying with a Congressional subpoena and deemed untouchable. Democrat privilege.
    -Vaccine side effects.
    -“Lab leak” out of China.
    -The Secret Service having to basically guide Joe Biden everywhere he goes.
    -Who leaked (Sotomayor) the SCOTUS Alito decision.
    -Federal instigators inside the Capitol including pipe bomb evidence against them.
    -Obama’s chef “passing away”.
    -HRC’s chef “passing away”.
    -The Sheriff that happened to be in Las Vegas (during the mass shooting) AND the wildfires in Hawaii.
    -P Diddy sex-trafficking allegations. Where’s Diddy?
    -Gonzalo Lira (an American journalist) that was killed in Ukraine
    -Congress approving warrantless spying violating American’s 4th amendment rights while they are exempt.
    -Americans that were left in foreign countries (Haiti, Palestine, Afghanistan).
    -The billions of dollars of weaponry left in Afghanistan and the Taliban receiving $40M a week in “humanitarian assistance”.
    -Biolabs found in California.
    -Joe Biden’s impeachment.
    -The scum in the UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES waving the Ukrainian flag.
    -The over 300k ballot images that could not be found in Fulton County, Georgia; the same county Donald Trump on trial for “election interference”.
    -Democrats defunding the police causing massive rises in crime.
    -Kamala Harris’s record as DA in California.
    -The Transifesto from the school shooting.
    -Many U.S. Representatives and Congress receiving FTX funds.
    -They’re already working hard to bury Donald Trump’s àssassination attempt but we won’t let them bury that story. July 13th is never going away.

    The distractions are out of control.

    Share to show that legacy media is dead and that WE are the media now.
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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Oct 28, 2024 6:24 am

    Sorry if I was unkind in the above post. I meant no harm. I'm mostly neutral. My internet is toast so I'll keep it brief. Think of The Word (1978) and Kate Mulgrew being 'replaced' with Florinda Bolkan halfway through the series. She was Augusto Monte's daughter. She shape shifted a bit outside the printing press. Now, in 2024, consider Margot Robbie being 'replaced' by Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn. Is there a possible parallel?? Anyway, something seemed creepy in my house last night but I don't want to talk about it. I just returned from the hospital. My repaired mitral valve is leaking significantly. The Clot Thickens. Cheers.
    Seashore wrote:I am impressed with the transformation of Phil Godlewski that I see by viewing his first video on Rumble and his most recent. A screenshot from the video "Updates for January 9th, 2021":

    He comes across to me as very credible. And I think it's interesting that he has 201K followers on Rumble. I noticed in Comments regarding whether or not Phil is SGAnon that someone was very upset with Phil for not seeing the so-called assassination attempt of Trump as an act of God sparing Trump.  I think this shows how complicated it is to be a truther and deal with the public.
    Carol wrote:I'm on his telegram channel where he posts almost no intel other then links to his rumble and has numerous excuses as to why he doesn't get things done. In addition, he spends so much time talking about himself it's a huge distraction to listening. Yes, his intel is good... no, can't put myself through the misery of if you would be willing to share the highlights of what he has to say.. that would be a huge blessing and much appreciated.
    Carol, I'm a bit like this guy, so I guess we all have our crosses to bear. Some of my pompous and supercilious excuses are genuine and some are purely theatrical but I'm always (or mostly) honest.
    Carol wrote:Oxy.. you're endearing. Phil is annoying.
    Carol, you're too kind. With my hamstrung misery, I'm an idiot in real-life but with a combination of videos, images, articles, member comments, and sometimes profound and/or clever writing, I can produce some interesting material for a select few. Post #6 of my USAISS (14) thread was way over the edge and I'm expecting retribution. Consider 'Cover-Stories' for 'Horror-Stories'. Just Saying.

    I continue to wonder about Pre Council of Nicea Old-Testament Commentaries. Why is the New-Testament NOT essentially an Old-Testament Commentary (with minimal completely-new material)?? Theology is often Deceptive, Mealy-Mouthed, and Lawyer-Like!! What if there is a very-real theological-reality underlying the predominant-bullshit??!! I've been playing softball in SO many ways!! Should I start playing hardball?? What Would Richard Nixon Say?? Does 1 Chronicles to Malachi contain the essential Old-Testament Story of God's Love, Will, and Ways?? Please take a close-look at 1 Chronicles -- Job -- Ecclesiastes -- Isaiah -- Daniel -- Jonah -- Zechariah -- and Malachi. Who really wrote these books?? Why were they written?? When were they written?? Consider the following study-list:

    1. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volumes 3 and 4 (1 Chronicles to Malachi).

    2. Prophets and Kings (Ellen White) -- Covering the Second-Half of the Old-Testament.

    Kicking Against the Religious-Pricks is SO Overrated!! Sorry if you don't like the SDA stuff -- but that's my background and starting-point. The SDA's don't like me either -- and I don't go to church -- so there!! I receive ZERO support and encouragement relative to this sort of thing. Just the Opposite. Here is a rather scholarly article on Moral Responsibility, taken from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. This is the sort of thing which might be studied in a university program devoted to Solar System Studies and Governance, as a prerequisite to being a Representative of the United States of the Solar System. Enjoy. I'm also reading a book titled 'Free to be Responsible' by Ben Thomson Cowles, Ph.D. I'm trying to transition from being a whining speculator to being a erudite scholar. Wish me luck, as I stop posting and start studying. I hope that some of you are joining me in this pursuit. Again, the tempest in a teapot, which I have been in the middle of, is just scratching the surface. Really.

    Moral Responsibility

    First published Sat Jan 6, 2001; substantive revision Wed Nov 18, 2009

    When a person performs or fails to perform a morally significant action, we sometimes think that a particular kind of response is warranted. Praise and blame are perhaps the most obvious forms this reaction might take. For example, one who encounters a car accident may be regarded as worthy of praise for having saved a child from inside the burning car, or alternatively, one may be regarded as worthy of blame for not having used one's mobile phone to call for help. To regard such agents as worthy of one of these reactions is to ascribe moral responsibility to them on the basis of what they have done or left undone. (These are examples of other-directed ascriptions of responsibility. The reaction might also be self-directed, e.g., one can recognize oneself to be blameworthy). Thus, to be morally responsible for something, say an action, is to be worthy of a particular kind of reaction—praise, blame, or something akin to these—for having performed it.[1]

    Though further elaboration and qualification of the above characterization of moral responsibility is called for and will be provided below, this is enough to distinguish concern about this form of responsibility from some others commonly referred to through use of the terms ‘responsibility’ or ‘responsible.’ To illustrate, we might say that higher than normal rainfall in the spring is responsible for an increase in the amount of vegetation or that it is the judge's responsibility to give instructions to the jury before they begin deliberating. In the first case, we mean to identify a causal connection between the earlier amount of rain and the later increased vegetation. In the second, we mean to say that when one assumes the role of judge, certain duties, or obligations, follow. Although these concepts are connected with the concept of moral responsibility discussed here, they are not the same, for in neither case are we directly concerned about whether it would be appropriate to react to some candidate (here, the rainfall or a particular judge) with something like praise or blame.[2]

    Philosophical reflection on moral responsibility has a long history. One reason for this persistent interest is the way the topic seems connected with a widely shared conception of ourselves as members of an importantly distinct class of individuals—call them ‘persons.’[3] Persons are thought to be qualitatively different from other known living individuals, despite their numerous similarities. Many have held that one distinct feature of persons is their status as morally responsible agents, a status resting—some have proposed—on a special kind of control that only they can exercise. Many who view persons in this way have wondered whether their special status is threatened if certain other claims about our universe are true. For example, can a person be morally responsible for her behavior if that behavior can be explained solely by reference to physical states of the universe and the laws governing changes in those physical states, or solely by reference to the existence of a sovereign God who guides the world along a divinely ordained path? It is concerns like these that have often motivated individuals to theorize about moral responsibility.

    A comprehensive theory of moral responsibility would elucidate the following: (1) the concept, or idea, of moral responsibility itself; (2) the criteria for being a moral agent, i.e., one who qualifies generally as an agent open to responsibility ascriptions (e.g., only beings possessing the general capacity to evaluate reasons for acting can be moral agents); (3) the conditions under which the concept of moral responsibility is properly applied, i.e., those conditions under which a moral agent is responsible for a particular something (e.g., a moral agent can be responsible for an action she has performed only if she performed it freely, where acting freely entails the ability to have done otherwise at the time of action); and finally 4) possible objects of responsibility ascriptions (e.g., actions, omissions, consequences, character traits, etc.). Although each of these will be touched upon in the discussion below (see, e.g., the brief sketch of Aristotle's account in the next section), the primary focus of this entry is on the first component—i.e., the concept of moral responsibility. The section immediately following this introduction is a discussion of the origin and history of Western reflection on moral responsibility. This is followed by an overview of recent work on the concept of moral responsibility. For further discussion of issues associated with moral responsibility, see the related entries below.

    1. Some Historical Background
    2. Recent Work on the Concept of Responsibility
    2.1 Strawson and the Reactive Attitudes
    2.2 Developments After Strawson
    Other Internet Resources
    Related Entries


    1. Some Historical Background

    What follows in this section is a brief outline of the origins and trajectory of reflection on moral responsibility in the Western philosophical tradition. Against this background, a distinction will be drawn between two conceptions of moral responsibility that have exerted considerable influence on subsequent thinkers.

    An understanding of the concept of moral responsibility and its application is present implicitly in some of the earliest surviving Greek texts, i.e., the Homeric epics (circa 8th century BCE but no doubt informed by a much earlier oral tradition).[4] In these texts, both human and superhuman agents are often regarded as fair targets of praise and blame on the basis of how they have behaved, and at other times, an agent's behavior is excused because of the presence of some factor that has undermined his/her control (Irwin 1999: 225). Reflection on these factors gave rise to fatalism—the view that one's future or some aspect of it is predetermined, e.g., by the gods, or the stars, or simply some facts about truth and time—in such a way as to make one's particular deliberations, choices and actions irrelevant to whether that particular future is realized (recall, e.g., the plight of Oedipus). If some particular outcome is fated, then it seems that the agent concerned could not be morally responsible for that outcome. Likewise, if fatalism were true with respect to all human futures, then it would seem that no human agent could be morally responsible for anything. Though this brand of fatalism has sometimes exerted significant historical influence, most philosophers have rejected it on the grounds that there is no good reason to think that our futures are fated in the sense that they will unfold no matter what particular deliberations we engage in, choices we make, or actions we perform.

    Aristotle (384–323 BCE) seems to have been the first to construct explicitly a theory of moral responsibility.[5] In the course of discussing human virtues and their corresponding vices, Aristotle pauses in Nicomachean Ethics III.1–5 to explore their underpinnings. He begins with a brief statement of the concept of moral responsibility—that it is sometimes appropriate to respond to an agent with praise or blame on the basis of her actions and/or dispositional traits of character (1109b30–35). A bit later, he clarifies that only a certain kind of agent qualifies as a moral agent and is thus properly subject to ascriptions of responsibility, namely, one who possess a capacity for decision. For Aristotle, a decision is a particular kind of desire resulting from deliberation, one that expresses the agent's conception of what is good (1111b5-1113b3). The remainder of Aristotle's discussion is devoted to spelling out the conditions under which it is appropriate to hold a moral agent blameworthy or praiseworthy for some particular action or trait. His general proposal  is that one is an apt candidate for praise or blame if and only if the action and/or disposition is voluntary. According to Aristotle, a voluntary action or trait has two distinctive features. First, there is a control condition: the action or trait must have its origin in the agent. That is, it must be up to the agent whether to perform that action or possess the trait—it cannot be compelled externally. Second, Aristotle proposes an epistemic condition: the agent must be aware of what it is she is doing or bringing about (1110a-1111b4).[6]

    There is an instructive ambiguity in Aristotle's account of responsibility, an ambiguity that has led to competing interpretations of his view. Aristotle aims to identify the conditions under which it is appropriate to praise or blame an agent, but it is not entirely clear how to understand the pivotal notion of appropriateness in his conception of responsibility. There are at least two possibilities: a) praise or blame is appropriate in the sense that the agent deserves such a response, given his behavior and/or traits of character; or b) praise or blame is appropriate in the sense that such a reaction is likely to bring about a desired consequence, namely an improvement in the agent's behavior and/or character. These two possibilities may be characterized in terms of two competing interpretations of the concept of moral responsibility: 1) the merit-based view, according to which praise or blame would be an appropriate reaction toward the candidate if and only if she merits—in the sense of ‘deserves’—such a reaction; vs. 2) the consequentialist view, according to which praise or blame would be appropriate if and only if a reaction of this sort would likely lead to a desired change in the agent and/or her behavior.[7]

    Scholars disagree about which of the above views Aristotle endorsed, but the importance of distinguishing between them grew as philosophers began to focus on a newly conceived threat to moral responsibility. While Aristotle argued against a version of fatalism (On Interpretation, ch. 9), he may not have recognized the difference between it and the related possible threat of causal determinism (contra Sorabji). Causal determinism is the view that everything that happens or exists is caused by sufficient antecedent conditions, making it impossible for anything to happen or be other than it does or is. One variety of causal determinism, scientific determinism, identifies the relevant antecedent conditions as a combination of prior states of the universe and the laws of nature. Another, theological determinism, identifies those conditions as being the nature and will of God. It seems likely that theological determinism evolved out of the shift, both in Greek religion and in Ancient Mesopotamian religions, from polytheism to belief in one sovereign God, or at least one god who reigned over all others. The doctrine of scientific determinism can be traced back as far as the Presocratic Atomists (5th cent. BCE), but the difference between it and the earlier fatalistic view seems not to be clearly recognized until the development of Stoic philosophy (3rd. cent. BCE). Though fatalism, like causal determinism, might seem to threaten moral responsibility by threatening an agent's control, the two differ on the significance of human deliberation, choice, and action. If fatalism is true, then human deliberation, choice, and action are completely otiose, for what is fated will transpire no matter what one chooses to do. According to causal determinism, however, one's deliberations, choices, and actions will often be necessary links in the causal chain that brings something about. In other words, even though our deliberations, choices, and actions are themselves determined like everything else, it is still the case, according to causal determinism, that the occurrence or existence of yet other things depends upon our deliberating, choosing and acting in a certain way (Irwin 1999: 243–249; Meyer 1998: 225-227; and Pereboom 1997: ch. 2).

    Since the Stoics, the thesis of causal determinism and its ramifications, if true, have taken center stage in theorizing about moral responsibility. During the Medieval period, especially in the work of Augustine (354–430) and Aquinas (1225-1274), reflection on freedom and responsibility was often generated by questions concerning versions of theological determinism, including most prominently: a) Does God's sovereignty entail that God is responsible for evil?; and b) Does God's foreknowledge entail that we are not free and morally responsible since it would seem that we cannot do anything other than what God foreknows we will do? During the Modern period, there was renewed interest in scientific determinism—a change attributable to the development of increasingly sophisticated mechanistic models of the universe culminating in the success of Newtonian physics. The possibility of giving a comprehensive explanation of every aspect of the universe—including human action—in terms of physical causes now seemed much more plausible. Many thought that persons could not be free and morally responsible if such an explanation of human action were possible. Others argued that freedom and responsibility would not be threatened should scientific determinism be true. In keeping with this focus on the ramifications of causal determinism for moral responsibility, thinkers may be classified as being one of two types: 1) an incompatibilist about causal determinism and moral responsibility—one who maintains that if causal determinism is true, then there is nothing for which one can be morally responsible; or 2) a compatibilist—one who holds that a person can be morally responsible for some things, even if both who she is and what she does is causally determined.[8] In Ancient Greece, these positions were exemplified in the thought of Epicurus (341–270 BCE) and the Stoics, respectively.

    Above, an ambiguity in Aristotle's conception of moral responsibility was highlighted—that it was not clear whether he endorsed a merit-based vs. a consequentialist conception of moral responsibility. The history of reflection on moral responsibility demonstrates that how one interprets the concept of moral responsibility strongly influences one's overall account of moral responsibility. For example, those who accept the merit-based conception of moral responsibility have tended to be incompatibilists. That is, most have thought that if an agent were to genuinely merit praise or blame for something, then he would need to exercise a special form of control over that thing (e.g., the ability at the time of action to both perform or not perform the action) that is incompatible with one's being causally determined. In addition to Epicurus, we can cite early Augustine, Thomas Reid (1710–1796), and Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) as historical examples here. Those accepting the consequentialist conception of moral responsibility, on the other hand, have traditionally contended that determinism poses no threat to moral responsibility since praising and blaming could still be an effective means of influencing another's behavior, even in a deterministic world. Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679), David Hume (1711–1776), and John Stuart Mill (1806–1873) are, along with the Stoics, representatives of this view. This general trend of linking the consequentialist conception of moral responsibility with compatibilism about causal determinism and moral responsibility and the merit-based conception with incompatibilism continued to persist through the first half of the twentieth century.

    2. Recent Work on the Concept of Responsibility

    The issue of how best to understand the concept of moral responsibility is important, for it can strongly influence one's view of what, if any, philosophical problems might be associated with the notion, and further, if there are problems, what might count as a solution. As discussed above, philosophical reflection on moral responsibility has historically relied upon one of two broad interpretations of the concept: 1) the merit-based view, according to which praise or blame would be an appropriate reaction toward the candidate if and only if she merits—in the sense of ‘deserves’—such a reaction; or 2) the consequentialist view, according to which praise or blame would be appropriate if and only if a reaction of this sort would likely lead to a desired change in the agent and/or her behavior. Though versions of the consequentialist view have continued to garner support (Smart; Frankena 1963: ch. 4; Schlick 1966; Brandt 1992; Dennett 1984: ch. 7; and Kupperman 1991: ch. 3), work in the last 50 years on the concept of moral responsibility has increasingly focused on: a) offering alternative versions of the merit-based view; and b) questioning the assumption that there is a single unified concept of moral responsibility.

    Increased attention focusing on the stance of regarding and holding persons morally responsible has generated much of the recent work on the concept of moral responsibility. All theorists have recognized features of this practice—inner attitudes and emotions, their outward expression in censure or praise, and the imposition of corresponding sanctions or rewards. However, most understood the inner attitudes and emotions involved to rest on a more fundamental theoretical judgment about the agent's being responsible. In other words, it was typically assumed that blame and praise depended upon a judgment, or belief (pre-reflective in most cases), that the agent in question had satisfied the objective conditions on being responsible. These judgments were presumed to be independent of the inner attitudinal/emotive states involved in holding responsible in the sense that reaching such judgments and evaluating them required no essential reference to the attitudes and emotions of the one making the judgment. For the holder of the consequentialist view, this is a judgment that the agent exercised a form of control that could be influenced through outward expressions of praise and blame in order to curb or promote certain behaviors. For those holding the merit view, it is a judgment that the agent has exercised the requisite form of metaphysical control, e.g., that she could have done otherwise at the time of action (Watson 1987: 258).

    If holding responsible is best understood as resting on an independent judgment about being responsible, then it is legitimate to inquire whether such underlying judgments and their associated outward expressions can be justified, as a whole, in the face of our best current understanding of the world, e.g., in the face of evidence that our world is possibly deterministic. According to incompatibilists, a judgment that someone is morally responsible could never be true if the world were deterministic; thus praising and blaming in the merit-based sense would be beside the point. Compatibilists, on the other hand, contend that the truth of determinism would not undermine the relevant underlying judgments concerning the efficacy of praising and blaming practices, thereby leaving the rationale of such practices intact.

    2.1 Strawson and the Reactive Attitudes

    In his landmark essay, ‘Freedom and Resentment,’ P. F. Strawson (1962) sets out to adjudicate the dispute between those compatibilists who hold a consequentialist view of responsibility and those incompatibilists who hold the merit-based view.[9] Both are wrong, Strawson believes, because they distort the concept of moral responsibility by sharing the prevailing assumption sketched above — the assumption that holding persons responsible rests upon a theoretical judgment of their being responsible. According to Strawson, the attitudes expressed in holding persons morally responsible are varieties of a wide range of attitudes deriving from our participation in personal relationships, e.g., resentment, indignation, hurt feelings, anger, gratitude, reciprocal love, and forgiveness. The function of these attitudes is to express “…how much we actually mind, how much it matters to us, whether the actions of other people—and particularly some other people—reflect attitudes towards us of good will, affection, or esteem on the one hand or contempt, indifference, or malevolence on the other.” (p. 5, author's emphasis) These attitudes are thus participant reactive attitudes, because they are: a) natural attitudinal reactions to the perception of another's good will, ill will, or indifference (pp. 4–6), and b) expressed from the stance of one who is immersed in interpersonal relationships and who regards the candidate held responsible as a participant in such relationships as well (p. 10).[10]

    The reactive attitudes can be suspended or modified in at least two kinds of circumstances, corresponding to the two features just mentioned. In the first, one might conclude that, contrary to first appearances, the candidate did not violate the demand for a reasonable degree of good will. For example, a person's behavior may be excused when one determines that it was an accident, or one may determine that the behavior was justified, say, in the case of an emergency when some greater good is being pursued. In the second kind of circumstance, one may abandon the participant perspective in relation to the candidate. In these cases, one adopts the objective standpoint, one from which one ceases to regard the individual as capable of participating in genuine personal relations (either for some limited time or permanently). Instead, one regards the individual as psychologically/morally abnormal or undeveloped and thereby a candidate, not for the full range of reactive attitudes, but primarily for those objective attitudes associated with treatment or simply instrumental control. Such individuals lie, in some sense or to some varying extent, outside the boundaries of the moral community. For example, we may regard a very young child as initially exempt from the reactive attitudes (but increasingly less so in cases of normal development) or adopt the objective standpoint in relation to an individual we determine to be suffering from severe mental illness (P. F. Strawson 1962: 6–10; Bennett: 40; Watson 1987: 259–260; R. Jay Wallace: chs. 5-6).

    The central criticism Strawson directs at both consequentialist and traditional merit views is that both have over-intellectualized the issue of moral responsibility—a criticism with which many subsequent thinkers have wrestled.[11] The charge of over intellectualization stems from the traditional tendency to presume that the rationality of holding a person responsible depends upon a judgment that the person in question has satisfied some set of objective requirements on being responsible (conditions on efficacy or metaphysical freedom) and that these requirements themselves are justifiable. Strawson, by contrast, maintains that the reactive attitudes are a natural expression of an essential feature of our form of life, in particular, the interpersonal nature of our way of life. The practice, then, of holding responsible—embedded as it is in our way of life—“neither calls for nor permits, an external ‘rational’ justification” (p. 23). Though judgments about the appropriateness of particular responses may arise (i.e., answers to questions like: Was the candidate's behavior really an expression of ill will?; or Is the candidate involved a genuine participant in the moral sphere of human relations?), these judgments are based on principles internal to the practice. That is, their justification refers back to an account of the reactive attitudes and their role in personal relationships, not to some independent theoretical account of the conditions on being responsible.

    Given the above, Strawson contends that it is pointless to ask whether the practice of holding responsible can be rationally justified if determinism is true. This is either because it is not psychologically possible to divest ourselves of these reactions and so continually inhabit the objective standpoint, or even if that were possible, because it is not clear that rationality could ever demand that we give up the reactive attitudes, given the loss in quality of life should we do so. In sum, Strawson attempts to turn the traditional debate on its head, for now judgments about being responsible are understood in relation to the role reactive attitudes play in the practice of holding responsible, rather than the other way around. Whereas judgments are true or false and thereby can generate the need for justification, the desire for good will and those attitudes generated by it possess no truth value themselves, thereby eliminating any need for an external justification (Magill 1887: 21; Double 1996b: 848).

    Strawson's concept of moral responsibility yields a compatibilist account of being responsible but one that departs significantly from earlier such accounts in two respects. First, Strawson's is a compatibilist view by default only. That is, on Strawson's view, the problem of determinism and freedom/responsibility is not so much resolved by showing that the objective conditions on being responsible are consistent with one's being determined but rather dissolved by showing that the practice of holding people responsible relies on no such conditions and therefore needs no external justification in the face of determinism. Second, Strawson's is a merit-based form of compatibilism. That is, unlike most former consequentialist forms of compatibilism, it helps to explain why we feel that some agents deserve our censure or merit our praise. They do so because they have violated, met, or exceeded our demand for a reasonable degree of good will.

    2.2 Developments After Strawson

    Most agree that Strawson's discussion of the reactive attitudes is a valuable contribution to our understanding of the practice of holding responsible, but many have taken issue with his contentions about the insular nature of that practice, namely that a) since propriety judgments about the reactive attitudes are strictly internal to the practice (i.e., being responsible is defined in relation to the practice of holding responsible), their justification cannot be considered from a standpoint outside that practice; and b) since the reactive attitudes are natural responses deriving from our psychological constitution, they cannot be dislodged by theoretical considerations. Responding to the first of these, some have argued that it does seem possible to critique existing practices of holding responsible from standpoints outside them. For example, one might judge that either one's own existing community practice or some other community's practice of holding responsible ought to be modified (Fischer and Ravizza 1993: 18; Ekstrom: 148–149). If such evaluations are legitimate, then, contrary to what Strawson suggested, it seems that an existing practice can be questioned from a standpoint external to it. In other words, being responsible cannot be explicated strictly in terms of an existing practice of holding responsible. This then, would suggest a possible role to be played by independent theoretical conditions on being responsible, conditions which could prove to be compatibilist or incompatibilist in nature.

    Objecting to the second of Strawson's anti-theory contentions, some have argued that incompatibilist intuitions are embedded in the reactive attitudes themselves so that these attitudes cannot persist unless some justification can be given of them, or more weakly, that they cannot but be disturbed if something like determinism is true. Here, cases are often cited where negative reactive attitudes seem to be dispelled or mitigated upon learning that an agent's past includes severe deprivation and/or abuse. There is a strong pull to think that our reactive attitudes are altered in such cases because we perceive such a background to be deterministic. If this is the proper interpretation of the phenomenon, then it is evidence that theoretical considerations, like the truth of determinism, could in fact dislodge the reactive attitudes (Nagel: 125; Kane: 84–89; Galen Strawson 1986: 88; Honderich 1988: vol. 2, ch. 1; and replies by Watson 1987: 279–286 and 1996: 240; and McKenna 1998).

    Versions of Strawson's view continue to be very ably defended, and shortly, more will be said about the significant way in which his work continues to shape contemporary discussion of the concept of responsibility. However, many have taken objections of the above sort to be decisive in undermining the most radical of Strawson's anti-theory claims. Incompatibilists, in particular, seem largely unpersuaded and so have continued to assume a more or less traditional merit-based conception of moral responsibility as the basis for their theorizing. A number of compatibilists also remain unconvinced that Strawson has successfully shown independent theoretical considerations to be irrelevant to ascriptions of responsibility. It is noteworthy that some of these have accorded the reactive attitudes a central role in their discussions of the concept of responsibility. The result has been new merit-based versions of compatibilism (see e.g., Fischer & Ravizza 1998).

    It is likely that Strawson and others writing on moral responsibility have traditionally seen themselves as attempting to articulate an account of responsible agency that would map onto what was presumed to be a unitary and shared concept of moral responsibility. However, more recently a number of authors have suggested that at least some disagreements about the most plausible overall theory of responsibility might be based on a failure to distinguish between different aspects of the concept of responsibility, or perhaps several distinguishable but related concepts of responsibility.

    Broadly speaking, a distinction has been drawn between responsibility understood as attributability and responsibility as accountability.[12] The central idea in judging whether an agent is responsible in the sense of attributability, say for an action, is whether the action discloses something about the nature of the agent's self (Watson 1996: 228). Some hold additionally that a judgment of responsibility in this sense includes an assessment of the agent's self as measured against some standard (though not necessarily a moral standard)-i.e., that our interest is in what the action discloses about the agent's evaluative commitments (Watson 1996: 235; Bok: 123, nt. 1).[13] Perhaps the clearest example of a conception of responsibility emphasizing attributability is the so-called “ledger view” of moral responsibility. According to such views, the practice of ascribing responsibility involves assigning a credit or debit to a metaphorical ledger associated with each agent (Feinberg: 30–1; Glover: 64; Zimmerman: 38–9; and discussion of such views in Watson 1986: 261–2; and Fischer and Ravizza 1998: 8–10, nt. 12). To regard an agent as praiseworthy or blameworthy in the attributability sense of responsibility is simply to believe that the credit or fault identified properly belongs to the agent.

    To be responsible for an action in the sense of being accountable (or “appraisable” according to the terminology of some) presupposes responsibility in the sense of attributability. However, to judge that an agent is responsible in the further sense of being accountable entails that the behavior properly attributed to the agent is governed by an interpersonal normative standard of conduct that creates expectations between members of a shared community (whereas the standard invoked above may or may not be thought to generate interpersonal expectations). In this way, the concept of moral responsibility as accountability is an inherently social notion, and to hold someone responsible is to address a fellow member of the moral community (Stern; Watson 1987; McKenna). By emphasizing the way the reactive attitudes were tied to expectations of good will grounded in our interpersonal relationships, Strawson drew attention to this social aspect of responsibility. Recent attempts to further articulate how best to understand the relevant notion of holding responsible and its relation to being accountable reflect his on-going influence.

    An agent is praiseworthy or blameworthy, in the sense of accountable, if one is warranted, or justified, in holding her responsible. On one popular view, holding someone responsible is interpreted as regarding him or her as an apt candidate for the reactive attitudes and possibly other forms of reward or censure based on what the agent has done (Zimmerman; R. J. Wallace: 75-77; Watson 1996: 235; Fischer & Ravizza 1998: 6–7). On another view, holding someone responsible is fundamentally a matter of making a moral judgment accompanied by an expectation that the agent who performed the act acknowledge the force of the judgment or provide an exonerating explanation of why she performed the action. To hold someone responsible is thus to be one to whom an explanation is owed. On this view, the reactive attitudes and associated practices are grounded in this more fundamental expectation (Oshana: 76–7; Scanlon 1998: 268–271). Since the reactive attitudes and associated practices may have consequences for the well-being of an agent (especially in the case of those blaming attitudes and practices involved in holding someone accountable for wrong-doing), they are justified only if it is fair that the agent be subject to those consequences (R.J. Wallace: 103–117; Watson 1996: 238–9). The fairness of being subject to those consequences has often,in turn, be interpreted as the source of the idea that praise and blame are justified only if they are merited in the sense of deserved (Zimmerman: ch. 5; Wallace: 106–7; Watson 1996: 238–9; Magill 1997: 42–53). [14]

    The recognition and articulation of diversity within the concept (or amongst concepts) of moral responsibility has generated new reflection on the nature of and prospects for theories attempting to spell-out the conditions on being morally responsible. While some continue to believe that a plausible unified theory can be offered that captures the conceptual diversity sketched above, a number of others have concluded that at least some of the conditions for the applicability of our folk concept are in tension with one another (Nagel; G. Strawson 1986, 105-117, 307–317; Honderich 1988: vol. 2, ch. 1; Double 1996a: chs. 6–7; Bok: ch. 1; Smilansky: ch. 6); For example, some have argued that while a compatibilist sense of freedom is necessary for attributability, genuine accountability would require that agents be capable of exercising libertarian freedom. A rapidly expanding body of empirical data on folk intuitions about freedom and responsibility has added fuel to this debate (Nahmias et. al. 2005 and 2007; Vargas 2006; Nichols and Knobe; Nelkin; Roskies and Nichols; and Knobe and Doris).

    If there are irreconcilable tensions within the concept of responsibility, then the conditions of its application cannot be jointly satisfied. Of course, there have always been those—e.g., hard determinists — who have concluded that the conditions on being morally responsible cannot be met and thus that no one is ever morally responsible. However, a noteworthy new trend amongst both contemporary hard determinists and others who conclude that the conditions for the applicability of our folk concept cannot be jointly satisfied has been the move to offer a revisionist conception of moral responsibility and its associated practices rather than to reject talk about being responsible outright (For this general trend, see Vargas 2004 and 2005). Revisionism about moral responsibility is a matter of degree. Some revisionists seek to salvage much if not most of what they take to be linked to the folk concept (Dennett 1984: 19; Honderich 1988: vol. 2, ch. 1; Scanlon 1998: 274–277; and Vargas 2004 and in Fischer et. al. 2007), while others offer more radical reconstructions of the concept and associated practices (Smart; Pereboom: 199–212; Smilansky: chps. 7–8; Kelly).[15]

    The future direction of reflection on moral responsibility is uncertain. On the one hand, there has been a resurgence of interest in metaphysical treatments of freedom and moral responsibility in recent years, a sign that many philosophers in this area have not been persuaded by Strawson's central critique of such treatments. On the other hand, discussion of the place and role of the reactive attitudes in human life continues to be a central theme in accounts of the concept of responsibility. What is clear is that the long-standing interest in understanding the concept of moral responsibility and its application shows no sign of abating.


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    Kant, Immanuel, 1993. The Critique of Practical Reason, trans. by Lewis White Beck, 3rd. ed. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Macmillan Publishing Co.).
    Kelly, Erin, 2002. “Doing Without Desert.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 83: 180–205.
    Knobe, J. and Doris, J. Forthcoming. “Strawsonian Variations: Folk Morality and the Search for a Unified Theory.” In The Handbook of Moral Psychology, ed. John Doris (New York: Oxford University Press).
    Kupperman, Joel, 1991. Character. (New York: Oxford University Press).
    Levy, Neil, 2005. “The Good, the Bad, and the Blameworthy.” Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 2/1: 2–16.
    Mackie, John L., 1985. “Morality and the Retributive Emotions.” In Persons and Values: Vol. 2. (Oxford: Clarendon Press).
    Magill, Kevin, 2000. “Blaming, Understanding, and Justification.” In T. van den Beld 2000.
    –––, 1997/ Freedom and Experience: Self-Determination without Illusions. (New York: St. Martins Press).
    McKenna, Michael, 1998. “The Limits of Evil and the Role of Moral Address: A Defense of Strawsonian Compatibilism.” Journal of Ethics. 2: 123–142.
    McKenna, Michael and Russell, Paul, eds., 2008. Free Will and Reactive Attitudes: Perspectives on P.F. Strawson's “Freedom and Resentment”. (Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing).
    Meldon, A.I., ed., 1958. Essays in Moral Philosophy. (Seattle: University of Washington Press).
    Meyer, Susan Suave, 1988. “Moral Responsibility: Aristotle and After.” in Everson 1998.
    –––, 1993. Aristotle on Moral Responsibility. (Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Pub.).
    Mill, John Stuart, 1884. A System of Logic, 8th ed. (New York: Harper and Brothers).
    Milo, Ronald D., 1984. Immorality (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press).
    Nagel, Thomas, 1986. The View From Nowhere. (New York: Oxford University Press).
    Nahmias, E., Morris, S., Nadelhoffer, T., and Turner, J. 2005. “Surveying Freedom: Folk Intuitions about Free Will and Moral Responsibility.” Philosophical Psychology 18:561–584.
    Nahmias, E., Coates, D. Justin, Kvaran, Trevor, 2007. “Free Will, Moral Responsibility, and Mechanism: Experiments on Folk Intuitions.” Midwest Studies in Philosophy 31: 214–242.
    Nelkin, Dana, 2007. “Do We Have a Coherent Set of Intuitions About Moral Responsibility?” Midwest Studies in Philosophy 31: 243–259.
    Nichols, Shaun and Knobe, Joshua, 2007. “Moral Responsibility and Determinism: The Cognitive Science of Folk Intuitions.” Nous 41/4: 663–685.
    Nozick, Robert, 1981. Philosophical Explanations. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press).
    Oshana, Marina, 1997. “Ascriptions of Responsibility.” American Philosophical Quarterly 34: 71–83.
    Pereboom, Derk, 2001, Living Without Free Will (New York: Cambridge University Press).
    –––, 2000. “Living Without Free Will: The Case for Hard Compatibilism” in Kane 2000.
    –––, ed., 1997. Free Will. (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co.).
    Roberts, Jean, 1984. “Aristotle on Responsibility for Action and Character.” Ancient Philosophy 9: 23–36.
    Rorty, Amelie Oksenberg, ed., 1980. Essays on Aristotle's Ethics. (Los Angeles: University of California Press).
    Roskies, A.L., and Nichols, S. 2008. “Bringing Responsibility Down to Earth” Journal of Philosophy 105/7: 371–388.
    Russell, Paul, 2000.“Pessimists, Pollyannas, and the New Compatibilism.” in Kane 2000.
    –––, 1995. Freedom and Moral Sentiment: Hume's Way of Naturalizing Responsibility. (New York: Oxford University Press).
    –––, 1992. “Strawson's Way of Naturalizing Responsibility.” Ethics 102: 287–302.
    Scanlon, T. M., 1998. What We Owe to Each Other (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press).
    –––, 1988. “The Significance of Choice.” In The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, Vol. 8 (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press).
    Schlick, Moritz, 1966. “When is a Man Responsible,” in Berofsky, 1966.
    Schoeman, Ferdinand, ed., 1987. Responsibility, Character, and the Emotions. (New York: Cambridge University Press)
    Sher, George, 2006. In Praise of Blame. (New York: Oxford University Press).
    Slote, Michael, 1990. “Ethics Without Free Will.” Social Theory and Practice 16:369–383.
    Smart, J.J.C., 1961. “Free Will, Praise, and Blame.” Mind 70: 291–306.
    Smilansky, Saul, 2000. Free Will and Illusion. (New York: Oxford University Press).
    –––, 1996. “Responsibility and Desert: Defending the Connection.” Mind 105:157–163.
    Smiley, Marion, 1992. Moral Responsibility and the Boundaries of Community (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
    Smith, Angela M., 2007. “On Being Responsible and Holding Responsible.” The Journal of Ethics 11:465-484.
    –––, 2008. “Control, Responsibility, and Moral Assessment.” Philosophical Studies 138:367–392.
    Sorabji, Richard, 1980. Necessity, Cause, and Blame (Ithaca: Cornell University Press).
    Stern, Lawrence, 1974. “Freedom, Blame, and the Moral Community.” The Journal of Philosophy 71: 72–84.
    Strawson, Galen, 1994. “The Impossibility of Moral Responsibility.” Philosophical Studies 75: 5-24.
    –––, 1986. Freedom and Belief. (New York: Oxford University Press).
    Strawson, P. F., 1980. “Reply to Ayer and Bennett.” In van Straaten 1980.
    –––, 1993. “Freedom and Resentment.” Proceedings of the British Academy 48 (1962):1–25. Reprinted in Fischer and Ravizza, 1993.
    Taylor, Gabrielle, 1985. Pride, Shame, and Guilt (New York: Oxford University Press).
    van den Beld, T., 2000. Moral Responsibility and Ontology. (Dordrecht: Kluwer).
    van Inwagen, Peter, 1978. An Essay on Free Will. (New York: Oxford University Press).
    van Stratten, Z., ed., 1980. Philosophical Subjects: Essays Presented to P.F. Strawson (New York: Oxford University Press).
    Vargas, Manuel, 2004. “Responsibility and the Aims of Theory: Strawson and Revisionism.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85: 218–241.
    –––, 2005. “The Revisionist's Guide to Responsibility.” Philosophical Studies 125:399–429.
    –––, 2006. “Philosophy and the Folk: On Some Implications of Experimental Work for Philosophical Debates on Free Will.” Journal of Cognition and Culture 6/1–2: 239–254.
    Wallace, James, 1974. “Excellences and Merit.” Philosophical Review 83: 182–199.
    Wallace, R. J., 1994. Responsibility and the Moral Sentiments. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press).
    Watson, Gary, 1996. “Two Faces of Responsibility.” Philosophical Topics 24: 227–248.
    –––, 1987. “Responsibility and the Limits of Evil.” in Schoeman, 1987.
    Williams, Bernard, 1993. Shame and Necessity. (Los Angeles: University of California Press).
    Wolf, Susan, 1990. Freedom Within Reason. (New York: Oxford University Press).
    –––, 1981. “The Importance of Free Will.” Mind 90: 386–405.
    Zimmerman, Michael, 1988. An Essay on Moral Responsibility. (Totowa, NJ: Roman and Littlefield).
    Other Internet Resources
    The Determinism and Freedom Philosophy Website edited by Ted Honderich, University College London.
    The Garden of Forking Paths: A Free Will/Moral Responsibility Blog (multiple contributors, coordinated by Neal Tognazzini and Gustavo Llarull)

    Come on! This isn't that hard to read! I think that to really get this philosophical thing right, we need to be scholars. I'm trying, but the spiritual and emotional pressure I experience is often overwhelming. I really and truly am pretending, at this point, that I am working on a PhD in Solar System Studies and Governance. I know this sounds ridiculous, and in many ways it is, but I think we need to have this sort of a goal clearly in mind. I should really put together some sort of a curriculum, but until I do, consider all of my threads to be your homework. I will be interested to read the first doctoral dissertation based upon the works of orthodoxymoron. This might be somewhat self-aggrandizing, but I really do think that there should be this type of a doctoral study. Once again, I just might create my own doctoral program, and be the first teacher and first student - simultaneously!!

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    It might be cool to be an Indiana Jones kind of professor, but I sort of like to just research and reflect. I think that a room filled with bright college students would be too much for me! They'd probably eat me alive! It might be easier to face a room filled with Illuminati, Jesuits, Nazis, Masons, Magicians, Greys, and Dracs! Anyway, I do like the idea of a PhD program in Solar System Studies and Governance as a prerequisite to being a United States of the Solar System Representative. On the other hand, have all of the universities of the world saved us from the absurd situation we find ourselves in presently? There is such a phenomenon as 'Educated Idiots'. So how in the hell do we achieve an Enlightened Democracy? Are human beings too stupid and unstable to rule themselves? I used to think that was a stupid question, but I really wonder if we are capable of such a feat. Do we simply need a less corrupt secret government? Do we really need to be ruled from the shadows? I know what I idealistically want, but what is the reality? A celebration of a newly formed United States of the Solar System might be very short indeed. Again, I wonder if society is past the point of no return on the road to hell? Will there be a core meltdown, no matter what we do? I don't have a problem with 'crowd control' or with the human race being managed, educated, and disciplined in a kind, fair, and orderly manner. What I object to is irresponsible management and cruel exploitation. There are huge problems with the present campaign and election/selection process. The PhD thing would help, but perhaps voters should have to get a two-year degree in voting. To do ANYTHING, one should have to prove that they know what they're doing. Some have even suggested a lottery to 'elect' our leaders! How 'bout a dartboard, like the Wall Street Journal used to 'select' stocks?!

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    God Plays Dice with the Universe!

    Posts : 13776
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Oct 28, 2024 9:21 am

    I've added one new post (at the top of this page) while slightly modifying a few preexisting posts as I basically turn one heavy page into two lighter pages so people (and other-than-people) can actually view these pages without using CRAY supercomputers. What Would 'See More Greys' Say?? My threads frighten me as I begin to comprehend some of these threads. What if the overall 'ancient to modern' solar system situation was (and is) worse than we think (or can think)?? I'm trying to comprehend all potential major players (including AI). NamastAI?? Throwing a few Black-Hats under the bus might not solve humanity's problems. Black-Hats might become White-Hats as White-Hats might become Black-Hats. They Might be Two-Sides of the Same Coin. Hughes Knows?? Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? The Shadow?? The Horror!! This is basically a three month posting truce (for me). I might (or might-not) continue in January of 2025. Perhaps I should post for three months and stop for three months on an ongoing basis. I notice there have been no responses, in spite of my hit-and-run mini-posts, which usually last for an hour or two. I probably am a persona non grata for more reasons than I can imagine. Eventually, I'd still like to have that hypothetical confidential briefing in an underground base with the hypothetical Council of Seventeen, where all is revealed in all its glory, but that might not be possible in this present incarnation. If we never ever meet, speak, or post, it's been fun (sort of). BTW, I'm eating licorice ice-cream as I consider the implications and ramifications of Luke-Acts. What Would the Holy Spirit Say and Do??
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    Carol wrote:
    Cancer Treatment Protocol Featuring ‘Horse Dewormer’ Ivermectin,
    ‘Dog Dewormer’ Fenbendazole, and Mebendazole

    They have been hiding the cause of cancer,,,parasites. Dr Lee Merritt has exposed this

    Dr Lee Merritt: Parasite Protocol: The New Parasite Paradigm – Video Proof Cancer is caused by parasites

    This is probably the key to everything.

    For the Vaxxed, for the Unvaxxed:
    Here is an explanation of the natural and synthetic parasites we are facing, and a guide to the three things you need to do to protect yourself and your family. I do not believe the vaccine is an irreversible step.

    mRNA is too expensive to make. In 2018 a mRNA treatment cost $1 million and now only 2-3 years later they have it for billions of people for only $30 per dose?

    She says it doesn’t make sense. She shows a short German video about Cancer as a parasitical infection.


    Dr Lee Merritt asked herself: Why are cancers bursting out after the vax?

    Why does autoimmune disease respond to anti parasitical?

    Why do THEY (Fauci & others) hate antiparasiticals?

    Why can’t we find mRNA’s in these vaxines?

    EIGHTEEN labs around the country (USA) can NOT find mRNA’s inside the vaxxines. Parasites & cancer under the microscope look identical. Shows Karen Kingstons work where they couldn’t make a biological bioweapon work so used a synthetic nanoparticle smart hydrogel which IS the real spike protein. With this stuff in the body and 5G turned on it binds with the ACE-2 pathway and people get sick.

    Dose the population & control disease outbreak with external wavelength (5G). The best thing we can do right now is take the antiparasiticals.

    Mother parasite laying eggs. She gives off a hormone that keep the eggs unhatched but if she dies the eggs hatch. Specific time cycles to do the 3 day cycles. (28 minute mark) Start with a SHORT CYCLE of 3 days on & 5 days off. Gradually lengthen your cycle (Watch for a reaction). 2 months minimum.

    Once you can get to 3 days on & one month off you are on MAINTENANCE.

    In summary, parasites are at the heart of this. She likes Chlorine Dioxide but if you tell anyone to take it you could go to jail. Check out her site THE MEDICAL REBEL as she has a simple guide on Chlorine Dioxide.
    Use at least 2 drugs for the cycles. Dr Lee Merritt uses NITAZOXANIDE & FENBENDAZOLE.

    NITAZOXANIDE (Alinia) 500mg twice daily for 3 days. Gut parasites (It takes out hydra (A fresh water parasite). Super duper stuff that gets rid of 85% tape worms in 3 days

    FENBENDAZOLE (Panacur C) cycle- Gets into the brain & cysts)- 750mg daily for 3 days.



    Source: The Medical Rebel rumble channel


    Here is a new article

    New Cancer Treatment Protocol Featuring ‘Horse Dewormer’ Ivermectin, ‘Dog Dewormer’ Fenbendazole, and Mebendazole
    Perhaps my crazy and disjointed threads are reminiscent of a crazy and disjointed Matrix which manages a crazy and disjointed civilization. Order Out of Chaos?? Purgatory Incorporated?? What if we are fundamentally dealing with a Universe-Wide Artificial-Intelligence Information-War?? What if the so called 'Aliens' and 'Humans' are subsets of this Information-War?? My threads are crazy and I know I don't know. This is mostly an experiment. Some of you probably mocked me and laughed at me, but are you laughing now?? I've been throwing slow softballs but a lot of people and other-than-people are throwing fast hardballs and I suspect this will get much worse. I've employed a rather simple (by today's standards) research baseline for worthy researchers. I'm not trying to convert anyone. I'm not trying to make a fast buck (but perhaps I should). In 2010: The Year We Made Contact, RA told me, "Humanity is Screwed". What if RA and I were ancient friends and enemies who are now being overrun by the Information-War?? What if this applies to everyone?? What if the gloves are coming off in this solar system?? What if we have been dealing with Cover-Story Wars for a very long time, but now the Real-Story is destroying the Cover-Stories?? RA told me, "When people learn the truth, 87% will go insane." Is this just deception, or are we really becoming infested with AI, Entities, Poison, Chips, Nanobots, Etc?? Especially since 9/11/2001, it seems as if we are experiencing some sort of a Revolution and/or Takeover which no-one can comprehend or manage. Again, my threads are mostly Religious and Political Science-Fiction, and nobody gives me my material. I'm probably harassed and tempted but I don't think I'm possessed (yet). I might not have much more time to attempt to deal with the madness, as I seem to be in the process of being 'swept away' along with most everyone else. I've most recently thought that I missed the Life and Teachings of Thomas Paine. This could be yet another dead-end, but perhaps a thorough understanding of the dynamics involved in the foundation of the United States might be essential (pro and con). My hamstrung misery is worsening quickly. Perhaps I'm getting in the way of various factions and agendas. Perhaps I'm being used as a Useful Idiot. Perhaps that's one reason why I am not responding to individuals of interest, or playing along with some sort of New Age Delusion (or something to that effect). I can't engage in trench-warfare with an oncoming mag-lev train, so perhaps I should stay off the tracks (or something to that effect). Research My Stuff But Don't Follow Me Into the Ditch. It's a Jungle Out There. I have no way of verifying the following account but it made me wonder, "What if an Ancient Universe Supercomputer Matrix Runs the Universe by Controlling a Mostly Robotic AI Military??!!" What if This is the Crux of the Star Wars Empire??!! What Would the Borg Queen Say??!! "Resistance is Futile!!"
    Carol wrote:Marines Neutralize Fleeing FEMA Convoy in Maui
    By Michael Baxter -August 20, 2023

    United States Marines on Friday “neutralized” a FEMA convoy that fled fire-stricken Lahaina for Haleakala National Park, a 33,000-acre wilderness and home to the state’s highest peak, Mount Haleakala, from where FEMA might have escaped had the Marines not downed a helicopter sent to rescue the federal brigands.

    The chase began early Friday morning when a Marine platoon and FEMA had a shootout in the Maui Forest Reserve east of Lahaina Beach. Responding to intelligence reports, the Marines caught FEMA red-handed burying corpses in an earthen grave the feds had excavated with a backhoe. A procession of FEMA agents hauled the bodies of men, women, and children out of an M35 “deuce and a Half” cargo truck and heaped them atop one another as federal supervisors stood around smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee.

    The Marines had dismounted a distance away and had crept into FEMA’s AO undetected. FEMA, Real Raw News’ source in Gen. Smith’s office would later say, were more interested in cracking insensitive jokes about the dead than posting lookouts to watch for White Hat forces.

    The Marines had taken cover in the dense foliage and behind trees before opening fire on federal forces. A dozen feds fell at once, cut down by streams of Marine fire. Some FEMA screamed in terror, “Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot! We give up!” while others unholstered pistols or unslung rifles in a desperate but futile effort to return fire. Their shots hit only grass and trees.

    The cowardly agents who wouldn’t fight hit the deck and crawled through the foliage to their nearby vehicles, unmarked SUVs and an armored FEMA Mobile Command Center (MBC.) Some found their tires deflated, but a few vehicles survived the assault.

    The “Deuce and a Half” driver was shot in the face through the windshield when he keyed the ignition.

    A dozen FEMA—and FBI embedded among them—survived the initial onslaught and fled the gunfight in two SUVs and the MBC. Sixteen Marines in four Hummers gave chase, while the remaining Marines remained behind to mop up stragglers and recover the dead civilians at the mass gravesite.

    The Marines pursued FEMA northeast along Route 36 to the Route 37 intersection in Kahuli, then southeast along Route 37 toward Pukalani, and, further on, the precarious, swerving road ending at the Haleakala National Park entrance—a several hours’ drive.

    Our source said the Marines did not engage en route due to the risk of endangering civilians.

    FEMA dismounted at Kalahaku Overlook, a cliff overlooking the expansive Haleakala crater, and formed a defensive perimeter around their vehicles as a UH-60 chopper in the distance drew nearer to the bluff.

    The Marines, our source said, had requested air support from Marine Corps Base Hawaii, otherwise known as K-Bay, in Oahu, but they were told to expect a gunship, an AH-1Z Viper, not an extraction bird.

    The Blackhawk did not respond to the Marines’ radio calls.

    FEMA had popped green smoke, universally recognized as “friendly forces ready for extraction.”

    As the Blackhawk descended, ready to hover, it was suddenly hit by three grenades fired from a belt-fed MK19 grenade launcher mounted atop a Marine Hummer. One clipped the rotor mast. The second flew into an open door. Smoke and flame engulfed the bird, which tumbled out of the sky and down into Haleakala crater.

    The Viper arrived after the Marines turned the MK19 on FEMA’s MBC. Its armor wasn’t dense enough to survive several direct hits. Anyone inside burned to a crisp, died of smoke inhalation, or turned into minced meat.

    The Marines waved off the tardy bird, saying they controlled the situation.

    The remaining FEMA agents fell like dominos.

    The Marines, our source said, found 113 bodies in the back of the “Deuce and a Half” and at the gravesite.

    Later that night, a 737 loaded with FEMA personnel left Kahului Airport, destination unknown.
    Carol wrote:
    Hawaiian Officials Finally Admit the Danger of a Cliff Collapse!
    Half the size of Rhode Island may collapse into the ocean with possible 213 feet tall tsunami.

    "I've seen a lot of comments and some video (deleted) from locals in Hawaii saying that officials weren't giving the proper warnings.  It appears they were correct.  

    Now officials are admitting that the Hilina slump might give way and if it does the west coast is facing 90 foot waves.  Stay prepped up and ready to roll if you live near the coast.  

    Like I said in the show DON'T PANIC, PLAN! Make a list of what you need and then take action.  Most importantly stay prayed up and seek God's wisdom and guidance.  This may NOT happen but it's always good to be ready as one big earthquake could start the slide. "

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    World News
    Hawaii FINALLY Admits: "Sea Cliff Collapse" Danger ---- TSUNAMI Danger for San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Vancouver, BC

    This web site was among the very first to begin warning folks in Hawaii and on the west coast of North America, that a portion of Hawaii's southern coastline, was in danger of collapsing into the ocean from the ongoing eruption of the Kilauea volcano.  If such a collapse took place, it would cause a Pacific-wide TSUNAMI, with waves of 99 feet tall possibly plowing into San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, four to five hours after such a collapse takes place.

    I was sharply ridiculed as a "fear-monger" and accused of "publishing nonsense."  I was told my reports were "fake news" and they were designed to be "click bait."  Well . . . guess what the Hawaii Volcano Observatory said about a Sea Cliff near Kilauea the last time large lava was spewing out as it is now.  Feast your eyes on this:

    Kilauea Volcano's: "Lava flow is still active and entering the ocean at Kamokuna on the volcano's south coast. Recent observations of the ocean entry indicate growing instability of the adjacent sea cliff. A potential collapse of the cliff poses an extreme danger to anyone in the closed area on land, as well as to boats near the ocean entry. . .

    The name of the unstable land mass on Kilauea's seaward side is the "Hilina Slump."

    In the graphic below, the area in Yellow constitutes the Hilina Slump:

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    In a companion feature in the Feb. 28 issue of Nature, research geophysicist Steven N. Ward of the University of California-Santa Cruz estimated Kilauea's southern flank to be nearly equal in size to a half-mile-thick slice of Rhode Island. If that massive chunk of land suddenly collapsed into the ocean . . . it could generate an enormous wall of seawater -- or tsunami -- powerful enough to threaten coastal cities as far away as California, Chile and Australia, according to Ward.

    A catastrophic flank collapse of an oceanic volcano happens somewhere in the world every 10,000 years on average, Ward added, but none has been caught in its early stages until now.

    Below is a graphic from a computer simulation showing wave heights - in METERS - in two hour intervals after such a collapse takes place.   Please note that in the first circle, wave heights coming at the west coast of the United States are simulated at 62 METERS in height.  That's two hundred and three FEET tall, traveling toward the US west coast at about five hundred miles per hour.

    In the second ring, at four hours, the simulation shows the approaching waves to be down to 42 METERS.  That's 138 FEET tall.

    By the time the third ring begins smashing onto the west coast of North America, wave heights are somewhere between 42 and 30 METERS.  That means a wave of water AT LEAST NINETY EIGHT FEET TALL smashing into San Diego, Los Angeles and other places on the west coast.

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    Do you have any idea at all of the absolute destruction that would take place if a 98 feet tall wave slammed into San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Vancouver?  The cities would be obliterated.  Skyscrapers would be knocked over like toothpicks.  Homes would be knocked off their foundations and collapse.  NOWHERE would be safe unless people were farther inland than the water can travel.  

    50 miles inland would be a very safe distance.

    It is important for me to reiterate that the purpose of this report and the ones which preceded it, is to ALERT YOU to the POTENTIAL danger, so you HAVE A PLAN.

    Don't panic, PLAN!

    Bear in mind, THIS MAY NOT TAKE PLACE.  The volcano might stop erupting and all might be well.

    HOWEVER . . . . prudence dictates that we be rational adults and keep aware of the potential danger from this ongoing situation.

    To that end, I implore you:  Keep close watch on developments with the Hawaii eruption.  IF YOU HEAR WORD THAT A SEA CLIFF COLLAPSE HAS OCCURRED, EVACUATE.   Don't wait.

    The longer you wait, the more people are going to find out what's taking place.  PANIC will set in.  Think about it: there are 10 million people in Los Angeles, 1.4 million in San Diego,  865,000 in San Francisco and 2.4 MILLION in Vancouver.  They would have four hours to escape to 50 miles inland or be killed.  If you wait, more and more of those millions of people will have already started fleeing -- and maybe panicking.  The longer you wait, the more traffic and panicked people you'll have to deal with.

    So keep alert, monitor the situation and have a plan for you and your family.  If a collapse takes place, know in advance where you're going and how you're getting there.

    PLEASE PASS THIS ALONG TO ANYONE YOU KNOW WHO LIVES IN CALIFORNIA, OREGON, WASHINGTON state or VANCOUVER.  The mass-media is not reporting this for fear of "scaring people" but the general public HAS TO KNOW.  You telling them might save their lives!  Think about this for a second:  YOU . . . . . right now . . . . . have a chance to maybe save someone's life.  Just by passing along some info.  "Hey so and so, did you hear about that volcano in Hawaii?  (Yea)  Well today they're warning that a big chunk of the volcano might fall off into the ocean causing a Tsunami that might hit where WE/YOU Live with 98 foot waves!  (WHOA! )  Yea,  I'm going to send you a link to read about it.  You should read it, it might save your life.

    Here is a link to my original article which sounded the Warning back on May 6:


    In the meantime, I recommend you gas-up your car(s)/truck(s) and keep a full tank.  No one knows IF this is going to take place and no one knows WHEN this is going to take place.  You don't want to get rousted out of bed in the middle of the night being told to flee for your life, and find out you've got no gas in the car.  Throw a bag with some snacks and water in the back too, so you and your family can munch while you're evacuating.   Being prepared is simple, if you take a minute to do it in advance.  If you wait until all hell breaks loose, things will not go well.


    Hawaii's Mega Tsunami Threat-Earth Changes
    In 2006 Animation Research Ltd provided visualizations of several 'Mega Disasters' for National Geographic Television's 6 part tv series.

    Here is the latest Report from the Hawaii Volcano Observatory:

    Hawaii evacuees leave homes as new lava threatens on Big Island...

    Record 500+ Quakes In Last Day...
    A 5.5-magnitude quake rattled the Big Island Sunday afternoon, US Geological Survey officials said.

    Kīlauea volcano eruption update June 4, 2018

    In the Lower East Rift Zone vigorous fountaining persisted from fissure 8 throughout the weekend, feeding large amounts of lava into the channel that runs northeast as the western branches of this flow became inactive during the night from Friday 1 to Saturday 2 June. The remaining fissure 8 lava flow continued to travel along Highway 132 to Kapoho and eventually crossed Highway 137 at the ‘Four Corners’ intersection of Highways 132 and 137 on Saturday morning 2 June at 9h30 am local time. It thereby effectively cut off the land south of this active flow front from Pohoiko to Vacationland Hawaii where any people that got stuck are evacuated by boat and helicopter. The same lava flow subsequently wrapped around Kapoho cinder cone and entered it through the gap on its east side, filling up the crater and creating a large steam plume as it evaporated all the water of Green Lake. As lava continues to pour into the Kapoho cinder cone in Green forest, it creates a stunning ‘lava fall’

    Latest eruption update
    April-June 2018 (Lower Puna Leilani Rift eruption I)

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    Lava flows and fissures map as of 11:00 a.m. HST, June 3, 2018. Given the dynamic nature of Kīlauea's lower East Rift Zone eruption, with changing vent locations, fissures starting and stopping, and varying rates of lava effusion, map details shown here are accurate as of the date/time noted. Shaded purple areas indicate lava flows erupted in 1840, 1955, 1960, and 2014-2015. (HVO/USGS)

    Meanwhile at Kilauea’s summit caldera the vent inside Halema’uma’u crater keeps collapsing as magma was drained from beneath it and the summit area is deflating. A small explosion occurred on Friday afternoon 13h39 but ash emissions have overall decreased, possibly reflecting the accumulation of rubble at the base of the growing summit crater. Earthquake activity was low during the night from Friday 1 June to Saturday 2 June but then seismicity picked up again and there were many earthquakes overnight from Saturday 2 to Sundqay 3 June, leading the HVO/USGS to expect a another small explosion to take place in the next day. Whereas ash emissions from Halema’uma’u crater are currently low, the emission of volcanic gasses remains high.

    Lower East Rift Zone eruption continues, feeding lava flows that advance to the NE and SE, prompting evacuations in Kapoho

    Lava fountaining continues at fissure 8, the resulting lava flow almost reaching the ocean at Kapoho

    U.S. Geological Survey
    Thursday, May 17, 2018, 4:54 PM HST (Friday, May 18, 2018, 02:54 UTC)

    19°25'16" N 155°17'13" W, Summit Elevation 4091 ft (1247 m)
    Current Volcano Alert Level: WARNING
    Current Aviation Color Code: RED

    Kīlauea Volcano Summit

    After the explosive eruption early this morning seismic levels have been gradually increasing, but as of this report no additional explosions have occurred.

    No earthquakes greater than magnitude 3.5 have occurred in the past day.

    Volcanic gas emissions at the summit remain high.

    Kīlauea Lower East Rift Zone

    This afternoon, fissure 17 is still actively spattering but the flow is nearly stalled. In addition, fissures 18, 19, and 20 have reactivated and a new fissure (21) has opened between fissures 7 and 3. An area 50-100 yards wide, parallel to and north of the line of fissures between Highway 130 and Lanipuna Gardens, has dropped slightly. This long depression is currently being filled by pahoehoe lava flows from fissures 20 and 21.

    Volcanic gas emissions remain elevated throughout the area downwind of the fissures.

    Magma continues to be supplied to the lower East Rift Zone as indicated by the continued northwest displacement of a GPS monitoring station. Elevated earthquake activity continues, but earthquake locations have not moved farther downrift in the past couple of days.

    USGS/HVO continues to monitor the lower East Rift Zone activity 24/7 in coordination with Hawaii County Civil Defense, with geologists onsite to track ongoing and new fissure activity and the advance of lava flows.


    Activity Summary also available by phone: (808) 967-8862

    Subscribe to these messages:

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    Lava Flow Maps:

    Definitions of terms used in update:

    Overview of Kīlauea summit (Halemaʻumaʻu) and East Rift Zone (Puʻu ʻŌʻō ) eruptions:

    Summary of volcanic hazards from Kīlauea eruptions:

    Recent Earthquakes in Hawai'i (map and list):

    Explanation of Volcano Alert Levels and Aviation Color Codes:


    The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory is one of five volcano observatories within the U.S. Geological Survey and is responsible for monitoring volcanoes and earthquakes in Hawai`i.
    orthodoxymoron wrote:


    In light of my dire and threatening circumstances, I might simply re-post some of the greatest hits of orthodoxymoron to the tune of one post per day just to let everyone know I'm still in the land of the living. Here's something 99.99% of you couldn't care less about. I've stated that the five volume Conflict of the Ages Series might be definitive in a late 19th and early 20th century context (despite plagiarism, historical fiction, and editorial liberties). I've narrowed down the list to Prophets and Kings (1917), Desire of Ages (1898), and Acts of the Apostles (1911) for devotional and practical purposes in an appropriate context but I was just thinking about the below post regarding the War in Heaven and End of the World involving two quotes by EGW. The first is found in Patriarchs and Prophets (1890) and the second is found in Great Controversy (1888 - revised in 1911). Consider that post in the context of those two volumes as an insider study for those with too much time on their hands. I'm not promoting this stuff for the general public. Context is King!! Never Forget!! I suspect I'll go downhill rapidly as I age and nefarious forces turn up the heat. I really think this will not end well (for me and perhaps for most of us). The overall context might be worse than most of us can imagine. The cover-stories will eventually be exposed and destroyed like band-aids on compound-fractures. I believe but I don't know what I believe. Believers might find this Unbelievable. Perhaps things will worsen significantly before they get better on a sustainable basis. I am not an insider and I have attempted to not be an insider for purposes of responsible neutrality. I might've recently encountered several glamorous individuals of interest but I'm not playing the name game anymore. Please introduce yourselves and I promise to be discrete. I feel and think horribly. Don't expect much if you meet me. I'm a bit of an @$$hole and I hate my life. I'm Skeptical of the King and Queen of the Hill Contest. The Public Are Fickle and Gullible. Managing the Insanity Might be Tougher than We Can Imagine. Self Control Might be Optimal. I'm shutting everything down (as far as my renegade internet posting is concerned) so I might not post for a while (or ever again). Between 2010 and 2018, several charter forum members either died or stopped posting. In early 2018, Sherry Shriner supposedly died (unrelated to MoA). In late 2018, Brook died. Several other forum members stopped posting between 2018 and 2023. Morpheus aka Lionhawk hasn't posted for quite a while. Jeffrey Daugherty (unrelated to MoA) recently disappeared, with his YT channel and videos gone. I've been complaining about severe physical, mental, and spiritual issues for quite a few years now (with things becoming much worse). I've spoken with Individuals of Interest (including celebrities) for several years now (but I still don't know what the heck is going on). I have theories and delusions but no proof. My home was recently and repeatedly badly vandalized and ransacked, with property stolen (seemingly in a targeted manner, seemingly with no help from authorities). WTF?? I suspect an Ancient Supercomputer Matrix runs everyone and everything on a macro-level with most of us seemingly prisoners of our own devices on a micro-level. No one really seems happy (especially with me). I hate my life. I'm making the coffee until my heart goes back into atrial-ventricular fibrillation. Things are getting really weird. My inclination is to contritely sit-down and shut-up as things play-out. Well folks, this might be it. The Jokes Are Over, Folks. Use headphones and up the volume a bit. I remember discussing the first piece with my organ teacher, Kimo Smith (K.S. Bach) a very long time ago. We both loved it. The organ of the Cathedral of St. John, the Divine seems to embody a floating, ethereal quality. I met the organist in the first recording, Michael Murray, following a concert at the First Congregational Church of Los Angeles. I loved the State Trumpet in the second video. Did anyone notice Bill Gates in the congregation?? It looks like him (from the back). I think he's an organ donor. He might've had something to do with the organ renovation. I know he contributed to an organ where I was a choir member years ago. Both churches are Episcopal. A writer for Robert Schuller told me I reminded him of Bill Gates. An attorney told me Bill Gates was Evil (in the 1990s). I have mixed feelings regarding the industrial and technological revolutions. They might ultimately bury us. What Would Khrushchev Say and Do?? Anyway, I suspect I learned something in previous lives which I mostly forgot in this life (perhaps purposely so). RA told me about "Stolen Technology" and that "Humanity is Screwed". Another individual of interest told me, "Humanity Passed the Point of No Return." "Raiders of the Lost Ark"?? RA told me, "You Did It with YouTube" and "You Can Keep Things the Way They Are" and "You'll be Sorry if You Try to Save Humanity". I'm Sirius concerning Incognito. I don't know what I've done. I'm mostly hamstrung, miserable, and embarrassed. I don't have an organization (hidden or open). I'm truly a lone nut with zero resources or opportunities. My Road-Less-Traveled probably should NOT have traveled at all. The AI corrected me and I like the previous sentence. Consider the Educated Class throughout history. Who REALLY Wrote the Bible?? Who REALLY Interpreted the Bible?? Who REALLY Wrote the Ellen White Writings?? Who REALLY Interpreted the Ellen White Writings?? Who REALLY Wrote Doctor Who?? Who REALLY Interpreted Doctor Who?? Consider The Shaking of Adventism by Geoffrey Paxton. Consider The Shaking of Everyone and Everything by Artificial Intelligence. What Would M.L. Andreasen Say and Write?? Who Really Wrote Sacred Classical Music?? Who REALLY Interpreted Sacred Classical Music?? A Famous Musician Privately Told Me, "Organ Literature Ends Up Sounding the Same" and "You Should Improvise". All the Above Seemed to Make Me Crazy with CRS, MAGA, and PTSD!! Did I Know Too Much on a Past Life Basis?? Are the Chickens Coming Home to Roost?? I feel really bad and I'm rambling. I really think I've been targeted. Is this to make me talk or shut me up?? Both?? Neither?? I Know I Don't Know. I Hate My Life and the Coffee is Getting Cold. I could go on and on but now I shall pull out all the stops and STOP. "May La Force '64 be with You." "And Also with You." Good-Luck and God-Bless. Cheers and/or Whatever.


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    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Oct 28, 2024 2:11 pm

    Do NOT be Frightened. I Mean No Harm. I just deleted a post in another thread (because it was inappropriate) relocating it to this thread (because it matches my insanity). In my late teens, I volunteered in the ER of a large hospital, and I had a conversation with an ER doctor regarding 'HOMEOSTASIS' (mostly in a physiological and medical context). In my early twenties, I told an SDA pastor that religion and life boiled down to 'PSYCHOLOGY' and 'ETHICS'. The pastor rebuked me, countering with religion and life boiling down to the 'WORD of GOD' (or something to that effect). Much later, I thought 'BALANCE' was at the center of things worthwhile. Recently, I discovered Dr. John Nash and the 'NASH EQUILIBRIUM'. More recently, I thought it would be cool to do a doctoral dissertation (in another life) on 'PSYCHOLOGY and ETHICS in the NASH EQUILIBRIUM' at Princeton!! Alternatively, consider 'RHETORIC in the PAULINE EPISTLES'. I don't mean to be mean but when the information war ultimately destroys everyone and everything, what fundamentalism will emerge from the rubble as an eschatological Phoenix rising from the ashes?? Might this resemble a Deist United States of the Solar System commencing in A.D. 2133?? These few words are highly upsetting to me. I've represented my threads as a conceptual experiment, mostly for me, which doesn't appear to resonate with anyone. I don't like it and I hate my life but Hope Springs Eternal. What if The Federalist Papers emerge as the Historical Foundation of a Brave New Solar System?? What if this might in reality be an Artificial Intelligence Robotic Cold War Police State with Strict Enforcement and Zero Bullshit?? I scare myself most of the time, especially as I feel worse and think less, perhaps with paranoid schizophrenia. I'm dramatizing and caricaturing this a bit but even a casual observer undoubtedly gets what I mean. Did I recently encounter Charlize and Ivanka (separately)?? The second looked at me intently for probably 20 seconds but I avoided eye contact and I didn't really know who she was. We were probably 15 feet away from each other and didn't speak. It was probably someone else but she certainly gave me something to think about. The last time someone looked that intently at me was when I thought I encountered Meghan Markle. BTW, remember what Ivanka said about the 'United Kingston'?? I wish I were making this stuff up. I'm not swayed by this sort of thing but I've used it in my religious and political fan-fiction to attempt to get at various questions and answers. I'm mostly concerned that as everyone and everything gets exposed (in good and bad ways) society is breaking down. Civilization might've been based on Lies for thousands (or millions) of years but when the Swamp is Drained we might not react well at all. The Real-Deal PTB will probably utilize Scapegoats, Fall-Guys, and Fall-Gals. Our Major Leaders might be mercilessly controlled and compromised. I suspect Continuity of Central-Governance for thousands (or millions) of years. That might simply be the Way Things Work (regardless of whether we like it or not). I'm idealistic but increasingly cynical and disillusioned. I wish to make it clear that I am highly damaged goods with zero accomplishments, talents, possessions, or accolades. It's really pathetic and embarrassing. Still, I like to consider this and that as everyone and everything seems hell-bound. If I were given opportunities as a scapegoat, I'd probably preemptively resign while asking why no-one bothered to read my threads and answer my questions. I suspect flattery followed by the utter destruction of body, mind, soul, reputation, etc. I have no friends or enemies (that I know of) but I'm sure they're out there (especially regarding hidden enemies). I recently saw the 'Blue Angels' flying up close. I think they were practicing. Anyway, I'll probably just stop posting as I clean up my act. I'm not kidding about the hamstrung-misery. It's getting much worse and I have some theories why this might be (none of them good). What if this solar system is worse than we can imagine?? What if I really am some sort of a traveling galactic technician?? It's fun to think about (in a way) but it has lost its charm. Regarding the Bible and Religion, What if they shouldn't be publicly promoted or condemned?? What if they should simply be studied and contemplated quietly, honestly, and thoroughly?? I think my life is worse than a miserable failure and I mostly wish to just go away without going or getting mad. I might've made some significant individuals angry and/or alarmed but I have no idea how or why. I truly don't know. Again, my neutrality tends to not make friends or influence people. Still, some significant individuals might wish to converse with me in a private manner. Normal conversation is a lost cause and I am not a master-debater but I'm a moderately useful reflector and refiner. This is sad and bad. It's too-little and too-late. It might've been. I mostly don't like people and they mostly don't like me. Perhaps leaving this solar system will be providential. Problem Solved. I Suspect 'RA' Would Agree. BTW, 'RA's' intent and piercing gaze was truly disarming and disturbing. What if New World Order = Kingdom of God = Military Industrial Complex?? What if we will blow ourselves up (just like Atlantis)?? What if Creation and Extinction are Cyclical?? Remember that I'm dull and boring in real-life yet I'm a closet pompous, supercilious, sanctimonious boy-scout @$$hole!! Also, remember that I employ contextual-superimposition. I'm basically a contrarian Pain in Uranus!! We All Have Our Crosses to Bear!!  Notice how insane I am!! Notice the Joker and Blue Boy!! I might've recently encountered Joaquin Phoenix. I Screwed Up and the Joker Laughed!! Or, Was It Jim Carrey?? I am concerned about the people I keep encountering. Who is behind this?? Am I being built up to be torn down?? I'm already torn down and I feel and think like crap (with no help on the way) so what is the point of this?? I've requested real-deal answers to my questions (in an official manner) with zero results. The real-life gossip against me is disgusting. If I've been victimized, the prevailing wisdom seems to be that further misuse and abuse is deserved and required with some sort of divine right. What Goes Around, Comes Around. I Believe That Everything and Everyone Have Been Video and Audio Recorded 24/7 for Millions of Years (but I can't prove it). Read Ecclesiastes 12. It often seems as if this whole thing is a big fvcking joke (with the universe laughing behind my back). Freak of the Week?? Fluke of the Universe?? WTF?! What if Everyone Will Experience What I Experience for All Eternity?? Strutting and Jeering Might Morph Into Weeping, Wailing, and Gnashing of Teeth. Just Saying. Anyway, This Thing Was Probably Settled Thousands or Millions of Years Ago, So Perhaps This is Simply the Continuation of an Ancient Verdict. Just a Hunch. If I'm Supposed to Perform in Public, Where is My Script?? Who is the Director?? "Lights!! Camera!! Action!!" Or, Is This Just a Great, Big Joke?? Actually, I Should've Probably Kept Singing in the Crystal Cathedral for Free on TV, Just for the Joy of Music and the Word of God (or something to that effect). Unfortunately, Bob Yelled at Me in Public, and I Never Went Back. I encountered someone a few days ago who might've been hugely famous but it didn't register until after they left. I don't want to talk about it but I felt bad after the fact. I didn't respond properly and now, as I was watching YT videos of who I think might be this person, I learned that they began going public regarding the dark side of Hollywood, almost to the day that we spoke to each other. I don't know what to think or how to respond. I'll probably never encounter them again, and I blew my one chance. I really can't take this anymore. I think I need to really go incognito with absolute-finality (possibly by the end of this year). I might not post. Period. The End Might be Here and Now. Bye. It Might've Been...Sort of scary, isn't it?! Don't worry, I'm leaving!! Have a Nice Eternity!! I Am of Peace. Always.
    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Nicholson
    "The Jokes Are Over, Folks!"

    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8

    Thursday, July 13, 2023 Update: There have been way too many visitors on this site today, with over 200 (at one time) this afternoon. The usual amount at any one time is around a dozen (or less). I knew something major was up, starting around five or six weeks ago. I noticed several highly notable occurrences during that time. I previously mentioned a brief conversation with someone I thought was possibly an actress and/or the real-deal. Now, I'm leaning toward the real-deal hypothesis. She didn't seem happy at all, as if she were mad at me, and that probably wasn't a good thing. I suspect several other possibly connected occurrences which were quite harsh, including me being briefly hospitalized for a successful cardioversion. During the first-half of June, I suffered the severe vandalism, ransacking, and robbery of my home. I've figured out some of this but I don't want to talk about it. It seemed like a targeted attack with a certain amount of sloppiness. I don't think this whole overall thing is good. My bias is to do and say nothing (for now) rather than thrashing around while I don't know what I'm doing or dealing with. I feel as if the machine and/or club are exercising their whatever against me (as insiders against a particular outsider). I realize that sounds delusional but cumulatively, I am extremely apprehensive. Late at night, there are still nearly 150 visitors. Please consider the last page of this thread (for starters). We might be in more trouble than we can imagine (even if it doesn't seem like much is happening). It might be over before it starts (or something to that effect). I'm tired of complaining and explaining when no one seems to notice or care. I'm buying lots of popcorn as I watch nature take its course. I'm noticing a particular type of person and/or attitude but I don't want to talk about it. I feel as if I'm somehow being cornered (legitimately and/or illegitimately). July 14 Update!! I've been noting the high volume of visitors on this site over the last couple of days. Usually 6-12 visitors at one time. 150-270 visitors at one time over the last couple of days. What's funny is that I was rambling out-loud in the 'privacy' of my 'own' home for the past hour. I've maintained for a very long time that there is zero privacy for most (or all) of us. I've experienced solid evidence that there is zero privacy in my home. I generally put on a show to maintain appearances. Some of you know what I'm talking about. It's not a pretty or flattering picture (to say the least). Anyway, prior to my rambling-hour there were at least 250 visitors on this site. When I finished my rambling-hour there were 5 visitors on this site. Very-Interesting!! Was it Something I Said?! My ongoing plan is to keep doing what I'm doing while going incognito, without being hijacked by powerful forces from various factions. I know I don't know but I might be some sort of a galactic individual of interest with amnesia. If so, someone might take advantage of the imbecile and circumstances. Just religious and political science-fiction. I need to lose the act as I clean up my act as I go incognito without going insane. I'll probably anger and alienate everyone with my responsible-theatrical neutrality. What if everyone and everything is somehow 'BAD'?? 'RA' told me, "Everyone is Bad." Was this just another lie or was it the truth?? What if the Ancient Real-Deal PTB put us in Jail in this Solar Prison System for our own good (and everyone else's) millions of years ago (before we were human)?? The Real-Story and Real-Rules might be completely unknown to the souls in this solar system. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? The Shadow?? I've made my threads somewhat focused and idealistic in a rather random manner as a mental and spiritual exercise for completely ignorant fools. Perhaps I'm Working Out My Own Salvation with Fear and Trembling. Perhaps You All Need to Work Out YOUR OWN Salvation with Fear and Trembling. 'RA' told me, "You'll be Sorry if You Try to Save Humanity." What if 'RA' is Lucifer?? A famous conservative New Testament theologian said, "Revelation 22 Teaches That Jesus is Lucifer." This was in a public meeting of believers. This same theologian privately told me, "What God Said in the Old Testament is More Important Than What Jesus Said in the New Testament." I was shocked!! Consider Matthew 4 and 28, 1 Corinthians 15, and Revelation 22 (read straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations). You might be surprised. Is this just cherry-picking isolated texts (out of context) as a pretext?? I know not. I'm not sure if I recently had a close encounter (15 feet) with Ivanka (who looked intently at me for at least 20 seconds) but brief research led me to the first three videos. OMG!! I'm pretty straight-laced but I try to be somewhat open-minded. This thing might just be the tip of the iceberg. 87% of us might really go really insane in the near-future. In 2010 (The Year We Made Contact) 'RA' told me, "87% of humanity will go insane when they learn the truth." No Kidding. Absolutely Honest. I had a really bad day on what should've been a really nice day. I'm stunned and debilitated. I feel really messed-up and I've never taken illegal drugs or even had one alcoholic drink (other than communion wine on a wafer). Anyway, these videos seem legitimate in a bizarre manner. Good luck watching them. I need to go for a drive and a walk before I watch Dark Journalist while eating caramel popcorn. Simple Pleasures. Crazy!! It's Insane!! Right?! I'm just trying to make some of us think. What Do You Think?? Do You Think?? Come On!! THINK!! I changed the name of the United States of the Solar System (Book 12) to Continuity of Governance. I'm not sure exactly why. I even deleted at least one other thread. I'm not sure why. I changed USSS 11 to Continuity of Consciousness. I'm not sure why. I've left everything else alone (for now). I'm not sure why. I'm frankly not capable of studying my own threads. I'm not sure why. I still think most of us might best read several newspapers (online and/or hard-copy) as Pluralism for the Rest of Us (with a buffered, kinder and gentler information war). Separately, consider the Roman Catholic Church and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Both claim Biblical Authority and Extra-Biblical Authority. Both have Massive Religious Systems. Both have Massive Educational Systems. Both have Massive Hospital Systems. I've suggested that Pluralism and Corporatism are Eating Orthodoxy for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner and ultimately might be Eating Everyone and Everything. What if Ancient to Modern Artificial Intelligence has Everything to do with this?? You might need to think this through in a MOST Ernest Manner. I could explain but it presently hurts too much. I could see all of this coming (in one way or another) decades ago, and I fought a failing uphill internal battle. Even the Innovative and Renegade Robert H. Schuller and the Crystal Cathedral descended into bankruptcy and ultimately death, reincarnated into the Roman Catholic Christ Cathedral. My dreams lie in ruins and things are getting much worse. I really have encountered numerous celebrities and probably luminaries I completely missed but I wonder if everyone and everything are being openly absorbed and/or assimilated into an ancient to modern Supercomputer Matrix with unknown objectives and algorithms?! This might be simultaneously better and worse than we imagine. The End Might be a Deception of a MOST Startling Nature which Few Notice or Comprehend. I'll probably attempt to study my own stuff as I study the stuff of others but I'm going downhill fast. Don't get caught-up in my demise. I've tried to NOT be high-profile and I'm desperately attempting to go incognito as I go insane. Just a heads-up regarding all the above. You might not have me to kick around anymore (here or anywhere). The End is Here. One Last Thing. Probably a year and a half ago, I had a private conversation with someone I spoke with for years. They reminded me of a particular billionaire who I won't name, but they seemed to be a much younger version of that now very old (or deceased) legend. My round-about questions seemed to verify my suspicions (in a nice way) but I didn't proceed. Anyway, during that last conversation we discussed C-19 and this individual of interest urged me to get vaccinated. I resisted (so far successfully) doing so. They suggested that C-19 might only be the beginning. The conversation was cordial but then I brought up the subject of Unit 731 (see video below) and this unnamed individual abruptly broke-off the conversation as if they were being given orders with an earpiece, implant, or telepathically to immediately terminate the conversation. I never spoke with them again (even though I saw them once or twice since then). I've known about Unit 731 for a very long time and I discussed it with RA in 2010. RA spoke of videos of the experiments (and he didn't seem moved by them). I previously spoke to 'him' about the atrocities in the Roman Colosseum. RA thought the victims deserved their fate. Honest. Was I dealing with the Real-Deal?? I Know I Don't Know. Both individuals of interest seemed credible (to me anyway). There are some very interesting videos on this thread (including some things other than Flat Earth). Real Time Satellite Images and Video of Earth from every possible altitude and square-kilometer might be optimal but would we know too much and go nuts?? What if the information war will cause extreme fatigue and burnout rather than running in the streets?? I find it interesting and entertaining to read comments under YT videos. A lot of them are quite fine. I feel as if I might suffer from MAGA and PTSD (or something to that effect) with zero hostility (other than cathartic dry and dark humor). Anyway, humanity might go into deep mourning regarding the true history of this solar system. 'RA' asked me, "Do You Want Another War?" I answered, "No." Another Star War probably wouldn't be a wise plan. There might be nothing left. Newspapers and Exercise might keep people sane as the world gets smaller, faster, and crazier. I'm trying to lose my act as I clean up my act. I suspect the Truth and Lies of Life, the Universe, and Everything would be much more than any of us could handle. Possibility Thinking is probably a reasonable starting point but this could become unimaginably complex, especially in an all-out information-war. When I thought I saw Ivanka looking at me, did I speak with Tiffany?? I know I don't know. I recently saw a beautiful woman who might've been disguised in an unlikely context. I'm suspecting deception and manipulation of biblical proportions and I don't think we've seen anything yet. I can't keep-up as an outsider and I won't sell out to become an insider so this places me at a HUGE disadvantage but what if this isn't a competition?? Refuse to Lose?? What Would Boeing Do?? Refuse Toulouse?? Refuse to Win?? We Can't Win?? Resistance is Futile?? The last few weeks have been a rude awakening which I probably needed. I need to humbly and quietly go incognito as I read my newspapers (online and hard-copy). I'll probably watch Barbie and/or Oppenheimer on Friday, July 21. In 2010: The Year We Made Contact, 'RA' told me, "You Did It With YouTube." I suspect You-Tubers will get better and better by the billions and billions. Here are some interesting examples. Anyway, I'm stopping. That's All Folks. I'll drop the name-game, clean-up my act, and go incognito in an unlikely manner, to keep everyone guessing (including me). We All Have Our Crosses to Bear!! BYE!! The End is Here?! BYE!! I'm Reading Job to Daniel!! BYE!!

    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Homemade-caramel-popcorn-recipe-6


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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Oct 28, 2024 2:21 pm

    What if Life's a Bltch and Then You Get Recycled?? What if Life is Eternal Madness in One Way or Another?? What if the Theists and Atheists are Both Right and Wrong in One Way or Another?? Consider When Nietzsche Wept. What if the Life and Teachings of Friederich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) is an interesting starting point for a Worldwide Quest of Biblical Proportions?? What if the hypothetical Ancient to Modern Mainframe Matrix is messier and nastier than we can think?? What if we reincarnate into Purgatory (You Are Here) over and over and over again for all eternity without going to Heaven or Hell?? Does this approximate Bertrand Russell's 'Unyielding Despair'?? What if this is just the way things work, regardless of whether we like it or not?? What if this paragraph destroys the way things are and/or life as we know it?? Is this a doctrine of a most pestilential nature?? If I continue with my edited posting project, will that eventually result in some sort of a cult-following regardless of whether I like it or not?? Do I need to attract enough attention to attract answers but then wind things down to keep the genie from getting out of the bottle?? This might really be a most dangerous game. What if civilizations reincarnate over and over in cycles of creation and destruction?? What Would Atlantis Do?? Blow themselves up with crystal technology?? Dawn of Man to the End of Man to the Dawn of Man?? What Would David Bowman Say?? What Would Peter Venkman Say?? What Would David ****man Say?? Is This an Escalation to Extermination?? Do We Do It To Ourselves?? Is the Universe Laughing Behind Our Backs?? Did We Steal Technology Which Will Enslave and/or Destroy Us?? Is Science and Technology Our God and Goddess?? Manifest Destiny?? What Would the Lemmings Do?? End of the Millennium?? Point of No Return?? "Cheers!!" and/or "Whatever!! Whatever!! We Were Never Good Together!!" Researchers Beware. I haven't been groomed or programmed that I know of but who knows?? Doctor Who?? OK, this is a bit dark and somber. Consider Deception + Shows + Reality = Public Perception. But what if the equation passes the point of no return?? Consider the B-52 Accident at Fairchild AFB. It was an airshow practice that went horribly wrong and passed the point of no return. The B-52 was going too slow and banking too steep for a recovery to be possible and four airmen died horrible deaths. I keep getting the sinking feeling that this Theater of the Universe has gone Live in the Worst Way. I keep testing the waters but the water seems to be boiling with tsunamis approaching. What's Wrong With This Picture?? I probably need to suspend my posting project, especially as my hamstrung misery is worsening significantly. Still, some qualified researchers should get paid to endure thinking my thoughts after me. The hypothetical Council of Seventeen might know what to do and how to do it. Hope Springs Eternal. BTW, did I briefly speak with Connie Chung without introduction?? Probably not but it sure looked and sounded like her. She said she worked in Hollywood and we talked about CBS. The CBS eye is always watching. Actually, my tripe was a crazy experiment and/or catharsis, and I am highly embarrassed, and won't do it again. I learned my lesson and am twice as cautious. It's Over, Rover.

    This is 'apples v oranges' and I will be misunderstood but what if the crap a lot of us go through is part of a refining and/or disciplining process?? What if this is an Ancient Artificial-Intelligence Continuity of Governance and Consciousness Universe-Wide System?? What if Pain is the Cost of Doing Business in the Universe?? I've been utilizing a lot of Gaga videos for several reasons and I don't wish to belabor this. I've mentioned it repeatedly in USAISS13. Again, I'm usually subtle in my revelations, with lots of compartmentalization and obfuscation but I don't lie (even though I might be mistaken and/or deluded, at times). Notice how rearranging and editing posts change everything?! Posting posts from years ago interspersed with posts from a few days ago change everything!! Uncertainty Displaces Certainty!! Notice When Nietzsche Wept in the introductory lecture scene. I've imagined an Oxy version of that classroom scene with the Council of Seventeen heckling Orthodoxymoron while he attempts to explain his Crazy Threads!! What Would Hecklefish Do?? Siriusly, this might be illustrative of the undoing of civilization (as we know it). This Might be Worse Than We Can Imagine. What if civilization crashes hard and then rises like the Phoenix?? Cheers and/or Whatever!!

    Again, I'll be misunderstood but what if Donald Trump was given to us for a reason, regardless of how good and/or bad some of us might think he is?? "You Can't Always Get What You Want but You Get What You Need."

    Did I recently speak with the Real-Deal (Not Donald) in Real-Life?? Probably not but it made me wonder as I wander. Again, I hint at possibilities, even though this undoubtedly causes misunderstanding. What if We Don't Go to Heaven or Hell?? What if We Remain in Purgatory?? OK, this is REALLY Crazy BUT Someone with 'RODS' indicated the possibility that Donald Trump was (or will be) Poisoned. The 'RODS' were Non-Responsive (which is apparently rare). I suspect some sort of neuro-toxin in my situation, and I've previously heard hints that Trump might've experienced some sort of poisoning. Sherry Shriner claimed she was frequently poisoned on an ongoing basis. Dr. Brian Ardis claims poison might be involved in C19. I'm suspecting possible 'Parasite Infestations' producing 'Poison' which might be deliberately inflicted and combined with chips, nanobots, sorcery, etc. This stuff might be worse than we can imagine. What if Joe Biden has been afflicted with some of the above?? Again, as I am highly miserable and hamstrung, I can barely function, especially in day to day living. Posting on the internet seems to enable me to communicate difficult material in a somewhat articulate manner (combined with images, videos, articles, and member-comments). Perhaps the hamstrung misery forces me to do what I do (as some sort of a 'truth-serum') in some sort of a galactic tribunal in the 'Trial of a Timelord'. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? The Emissary Warden?? I feel like throwing up. Carefully Consider the Following Video. This Man Does Amazing Work. "Hecklefish for President!"

    What if the Cover-Stories for Judeo-Christianity work (on various levels) while fast-paced scholarly debate does NOT work (especially in a pastoral sense)?? What if Christianity and Paganism are subsets of a Galactic Real-Deal Theology and Cosmology (or something to that effect)?? Consider the Larger-View of the Larger-View. Context is Essential.

    Here's yet another Study-List. I continue to think there's a core of SDA stuff which provides an interesting Research-Platform:

    1. Patriarchs and Prophets (EGW).

    2. Prophets and Kings (EGW).

    3. The Desire of Ages (EGW).

    4. Christ's Object Lessons (EGW).

    5. The Acts of the Apostles (EGW).

    6. The SDA Bible Commentary -- Volumes 3, 4, 5, 6 (1 Chronicles to Ephesians).

    7. Daniel 8:14, the Day of Atonement, and the Investigative Judgment (Desmond Ford).

    8. The United States AI Solar System (Books 1 to 14).

    9. Sacred Classical Music.

    Consider all of the above in the context of British-Anglicanism and French-Catholicism. What if the Abbey Church of St. Ouen were devoted to the pursuit of all of the above??!! Does ANYONE have ANY Idea of what I'm getting-at?? I don't know what's REALLY Wrong with Me -- but I am utterly-screwed. I'm not sure if it's organic -- mental -- spiritual -- all of the above -- or none of the above. I am more miserable and hamstrung than you can possibly imagine. I'm probably operating at 20% of what I might be reasonably capable of, if I weren't so messed-up. I get the sinking-feeling that a lot of you consider my plight with glee -- and with the expectation that things will get MUCH worse for me. Hope Springs Eternal.

    All roads really do lead to Rome, and I continue to think that everything we discuss should be viewed from the Roman context. I continue to imagine myself as being a well-connected Renegade French Jesuit Organist. I continue to love the artistic aspects of Rome, but the history, theology, and politics are horrible, and I'm sure that most upper-level and well-informed Roman Catholics know this, but they have a Dragon by the Tail, and they are probably terrified of what might happen if they let go. As the general public finds out about all of this, things could get very, very nasty. I'm interested in this area of research, but it scares the hell out of me. I'm trying to be open and fair in all of this, and I'm trying to look at both the positive and negatives in all of this. All roads lead to Rome, but where did all of these roads originate?

    My present working assumption is that the solar system probably contains thousands of unconventional craft, including asteroid and moon spacecraft, which might be friendly or unfriendly toward the human race. I get the feeling that this solar system is like the wild, wild west -- and that we might be facing a showdown at the ok corral. I certainly do not desire peace at any price, nor do I desire to end-up as space-dust. What would Anna Hayes say? I'd still like to hang-out on Phobos for a while, regardless of whether it is populated by friend or foe. But I would have to have a solid guarantee that I wouldn't be harmed or kidnapped. I still like the idea of a Theocratically-Implemented, Responsibility-Based, United States of the Solar System -- with the governmental personnel mostly located within the University of Solar System Studies and Governance campuses throughout the solar system. I've spoken of using a deconsecrated cathedral as the headquarters of a New Solar System, so just for the fun of it, today I'm thinking of either the Crystal Cathedral or St. Mary's Cathedral (or both!!) as being the headquarters, with the University of California system serving as the core of the University of Solar System Studies and Governance system. Again, this is just for the conceptual heck of it. This is a test. This is only a test. And yes, I realize that I am insane, but it's more fun that way! The UC system has solid ties to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and to the Los Alamos National Laboratory. I don't wish to reinvent the wheel. I just wish to have 10,000 PhD's with clipboards and safety-goggles, watching it rotate...

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    The original Project Avalon, combined with The Mists of Avalon, might be excellent places to begin your University of Solar System Studies and Governance academic career. I'm very serious. You won't end up with a Marketable Job Skill, and it might even drive you nuts, but perhaps this is a Missing Link in the Consciousness Evolution of Humanity. I'm overwhelmed by all of this. I'm becoming more confused and bewildered, each and every day. Things are not resolving, yet I press onward, even as I slide further and further downhill. I am a supporter of the progressive release of forbidden knowledge, yet I do not support cramming all of the new and upsetting information down the throats of the general public. If most people wish to watch football and chase skirts -- so be it. Those who wish to spend (waste?) their lives on the internet, digging into this and that, can do so, even though it probably won't make them as happy as watching football and chasing skirts. I'm really not into forcing people to do things -- other than being responsible in everything they do. I even like the idea of the Mafia becoming more ethical and responsible -- and becoming increasingly legitimate and less violent. Come on guys! Do it! I think there are responsible and irresponsible ways of doing just about anything. I like the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights -- but look at some of the Reprehensible Horrors connected with the United States of America over the past couple of hundred years. I like the Teachings of Jesus -- but look at some of the Reprehensible Horrors connected with the Professed Followers of Jesus Christ over the past couple of thousand years. My preference for a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System is not an attempt to strong-arm or force people to do anything. It is Intended to Provide a Safe Environment for the Human Race to Pursue Responsible Freedom in a Plurality of Methodologies. There might be such things as Responsible Socialism or Responsible Communism -- even though that would not be my preference. What would the English Model combined with the American Model look like? You know, the Monarchy, the Church of England, and the U.S. Constitution -- living together as one, big, happy family! Might this pave the way for a Modified Roman Model of Church and State? Do you understand what I am hinting at here, without spelling it out?

    What if a completely reformed City of London were the Actual Physical Headquarters of a New United Nations, a Visible and Open 'Secret Government', the United States of the Solar System, a Largely Ceremonial Church of the Solar System, a Non-Corrupt Solar Financial System, and the Nerve Center of a Solar Defense System (Including the Underground Bases, the Secret Space Program, and the Weapons of Mass Destruction)? What if the Vatican and the United States of America were deeply involved in all of this, but neither gave orders or took orders? I haven't thought this through, so don't crucify me just yet. What if St. Paul's Cathedral were the primary meeting place for all of the above -- with lots of pomp and circumstance? What if the other buildings in the City of London were devoted to the administrative and financial aspects of all of the above? What if the Area Beneath the City of London were devoted to the Solar System Defense Activities? What if 2,500 of the 10,000 Representatives of the United States of the Solar System lived in and around the City of London -- with the other 7,500 spread throughout the Solar System -- communicating with each other and the public via Secure and Encrypted InterPlaNet? What if Oxford and Cambridge were the primary campuses of the University of Solar System Studies and Governance? What if everyone had a Seat at the Table - with no one left out in the cold? Can you visualize what I'm saying? Where there is no vision, the people perish.

    I had a brain-storm today (which is a very dangerous thing), and I've tentatively decided to do a post by post review of the 'Archangelic Queens of Heaven and the United States of the Solar System' thread -- right here on this thread. I'll probably just provide a link to the original thread, at the beginning of each post on this thread. Then I'll probably just provide elaboration and extrapolation. I've been attempting to end the U.S.S.S. thread ("End the Thread!! End the Thread!! End the Thread!!") for years now -- and there have been no new posts on that thread for a couple of months (although I keep adding to the last dozen posts)!! This thread might be a 'Middle-Way' wherein I simply review territory already covered. I have no clue about alot of the stuff I've posted. My questions have mostly been non-rhetorical. No one has fed me secret information in parking-garages at 3:00AM (or any other time or place). I simply make this stuff up as I go (just like Indiana Jones)!! I have never disputed the nasty accusation of me being a completely ignorant fool. If you knew me in 'real-life' you'd know why. But I swear that I could seamlessly fit into the most sensitive and technical discussions imaginable. The hows and whys of this phenomenon allude me. I really am sort of a Latter-Day Beautiful-Mind. What Would John Nash Say??

    I just finished watching 'Fail-Safe', the fifth-season of 'Star Trek Voyager', 'Star Wars: The Phantom Menace', 'Star Trek: First Contact', and the 'Saviour of the Universe Edition' of 'Flash Gordon' (I liked it! I liked it alot!!). I might do some minimal editing of the original thread -- but not to cover-up embarrassing comments, images, or links. Expect me to just clean-up dead-links, grammatical-errors, etc. I might do some elaborating and extrapolating within the U.S.S.S. thread -- in a different font and/or color -- and then transfer the entire post to this thread. I'm not really sure just how to proceed, at this point. All I know is that I want to attempt to stay in shape by continuing to post -- but without introducing nasty surprises which might really tick-off all factions. I've sort of made an effort to be everyone's friend -- and everyone's enemy -- simultaneously. Imagine Lilly, Picard, Data, and the Borg-Queen assimilated into the Orthodoxymoron-Collective -- as your teacher(s) -- in the context of the Borg-infested Voyager orbiting Earth in the year 2063!! Class is Now in Session!! "Class. Class! Class!! Shudddup!!! Thank-you"

    magamud wrote:
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    What if Reality is Stranger and More Violent Than Fiction??

    What if the Solar-System is ruled by a Borg-Queen Interfacing with a Supercomputer-Network?? I'm actually being Very-Sirius!! I'm not sure where I'm going with this. Does agonizing over the Known-Madness and Possible Dark-Realities really do anyone any good?? Is Ignorance really Blissful-Virtue?? Should we simply Eat, Drink, Be-Merry, Look-Good, and Make as Much Money as Possible?? What if Preventing-Armageddon Now sets the stage for a Much-Worse Armageddon Later?? What if Agonizing Over the Madness is simply part of an Experiment Conducted by Our Hypothetical Alien-Masters?? What if we really are Galactic Lab-Rats caught in a Galactic Rat-Trap?? What if "Figuring Things Out" is the worst thing anyone can do?? What if we are NOT supposed to "Figure Things Out"?? What if being "Smarter Than the Average-Bear" is NOT a Good-Thing?? My Internet-Activities have seemingly brought No Joy or Benefit to Me or Anyone-Else. What's REALLY Going-On Here?? What if websites such as this one are really Alphabet-Agency Mind-Control Experiments?? What if people such as Alex Jones are Enslavers rather than Liberators?? What if Theology and Eschatology scare and beat the population into submission?? What if Resistance Really Is Futile?? I continue to caution those who research my threads to treat all of them as Science-Fiction. I don't spearhead-movements or sell-books. I Mentally-Masturbate in Public-Places for No-Charge!! Is this a Benefit or a Detriment to Society?? I have noticed that I've been treated as a Grave-Threat to the Way Things Are. The Secret-Agents are Not-So-Secret. It's all SO Obvious!!

    Do We Live in a "Roman Solar-System"?? When in Rome Should We Do As the Romans Do?? Should We Join Them If We Can't Beat Them?? Is Resistance Really Futile?? What if things will play-out in a pre-planned manner -- no matter what we do or don't do?? What if Society is Managed by Controlled Greed, Fear, and Anger?? What if our Favorite-Saviors are White-Knight Politicians and Theologians?? What if Well-Meaning Completely Ignorant Fools (such as myself) Play Into the Devil's-Hands for Nefarious-Purposes?? I've tried to make the Crazy-Stuff and Apocalyptic-Salvation into Science-Fictional Educational-Entertainment. Has this been an Exercise in Futility?? Have I Wasted My Life Away on the Internet?? What is the Meaning of This??!! I still delude myself into thinking that these U.S.S.S. Threads are a Goldmine for the Right-Researchers!! Even though a lot of my posting seems self-serving -- I continue to view my work as benevolently-selfless. I haven't received anything for doing this (so far)!! Writing a book continues to scare the hell out of me!! Writing a book would cross SO many lines -- and I mostly don't want to go there!! Should I secure an agent and sell my soul to "The Man"?? Sometimes I REALLY scare myself!! If you can remain calm in this situation -- you simply do NOT understand the situation!!

    I've avoided hocus-pocus and mumbo-jumbo throughout my life, even though I've attempted to be open-minded. Perhaps that was a mistake. Perhaps doors opened I didn't want opened. Regarding astral-projection, it sounds as if souls can go into people's homes (including their bathrooms, bedrooms, and messy living-rooms) anytime they wish. Are the Universe Powers That Be OK with THAT?? Is there No Right to Privacy?? Are we turning into a bunch of Satanic Sorcerers?? Sorcerer Wars?? WTF?? I get the sinking feeling that Pandora's Box is being flung wide-open with reckless abandon. The old views are seemingly increasingly insane and the new views are seemingly much worse. My threads are an attempted Middle-Way in Modernity which is mostly falling on Deaf-Ears. I seem to be Facing a Brutal Gang of Everyone and Everything. I Doubt This Will End Well. QED??

    I've been rocking and rolling. A friend's rock group was playing along with three other groups in a pub/club. They all rocked but the music was incredibly loud and even with earplugs my hearing seems diminished. The vocals were drowned out by the head-banging drums and guitars!! The groups were skilled for that type of music, and I noticed a female guitarist in one of the groups dancing in the mosh-pit!! She was Hot!! I spoke with one of the groups about having the Hot-Chick dancing onstage rather than playing the guitar!! She was a skilled vocalist, and I suggested that she intermittently sing a capella with powerful clarity, and then continue dancing across the stage while the drums and guitars raged against the machine!! Consider 'Black Dog' by 'Led Zeppelin' with  the words modified for a female vocalist!! 'Green Dog'?? The response was weak but I know what I like!! I'm half joking and half serious!! What Would Britney Spears, Ava Max, and Lady Gaga Say and Sing?? I'll ask them the next time I talk to them!! They know who I am but they probably don't like me!! Nobody does!! Not even me!! I Hate My Life and I'm Making the Coffee at Midnight!! Cheers!! and/or "Whatever!! Whatever!! We Were Never Good Together!!" What Would the Council of Seventeen Say and Do?? As I Posted This, I Had One More One-Minute Episode of Feeling Horrible as One Eye Moves Out of Alignment with the Other Eye. Honest. There seems to be a correlation between sensitive posting and strange episodes, as if I'm being watched and analyzed 24/7 in a DUMB. This is DUMB and I'm DONE.

    Did I recently encounter Dr. Quinzel and/or Harley Quinn?? Probably not but they both gave me something to think about. As usual, I didn't respond. Seriously, I might need to not think, say, do, or write anything. It was probably too late for any of this stuff a couple of decades ago. More seriously, what if I'm the reincarnation of someone like Frederich Nietzsche?? What if I can't be allowed to become well known?? Consider the imprisoned isolation of Rudolph Hess. RA told me I should study the Nazis. What if my hamstrung and miserable life is more of a can of worms than anyone can imagine?? BTW, did I recently see Aquaries1111 (DD)?? We haven't spoken for a very long time. Again, who am I?? Why won't anyone directly and honestly talk to me?? I really suspect the door will be locked both ways...soon. The End is Near?? Perhaps This Never Ends...

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    "Ava, Gaga, and Britney Talk to Oxy as RA is Angry and Jealous! Just Kidding!"

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Mon Oct 28, 2024 7:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Oct 28, 2024 7:21 pm

    I recently watched the new 'Joker' movie. I loved Lady Gaga's acting and music but I was puzzled by the plot and overall movie presentation. I was the ONLY person in the theater!! I felt like an ageing Howard Hughes!! I believe I've spoken with Lady Gaga two or three times (without introduction). I'm pretty sure it was her but I mostly maintain silent neutrality to preserve privacy. I am NOT a paparazzi with a motorbike!! Gee, I wish I had a motorbike!! I've been noticing that a lot of 'nice' places have very few people. Even my 'precious' threads have moderate views but almost no posters. In fairness, I've hinted to Carol that somewhat separate posting might be a good thing for now. My threads are a bit theatrical as religious and political science-fiction so I tend to be contrarian and standoffish. It goes with the territory of modeling material. I'm mostly creating an overall context and mood rather than implying a manifesto or ultimatum. Just think of me modeling a pompous and supercilious Dr. Who Blue Boy (or someone to that effect). The trouble is that it might be very difficult to just 'join the human race' as a 'slob like one of us'!! I scare myself sometimes. Actually, most of the time. Once Upon a Time, I Met J.P. Patches!! Separately and Tangentially, If Anything Goes, Everything Goes to Hell. Notice the Contextual Superimposition in All My Threads. I Do It for Answers. Cheers and/or Whatever.

    "What Would Bebe Rebozo Do with Tricky Dicky?!"

    This page is nearly filled, and I might wait a while to move on to the next page. There are still zero responses so I get the message or lack thereof. What if my threads interact with the Matrix rather than interacting with the Occupants of the Matrix?? Notice the Distinction?? I'm presently leaning toward Private Pluralism which implies no thread-posting and no press-releases. Just silently watching nature taking its course while silently taking internal notes. It's a nasty-task but someone must do it. What if Earth = Purgatory Incorporated is close to the mark?? What if this is worse than we think?? I'm idealistic but what if Idealism doesn't work well in Purgatory?? What if the Moon = AI Robotic Heaven?? What if Earth = Human Purgatory?? What if War = Hell?? What if Life's a Bltch and Then You Get Recycled?? What if the 'Fun' Never Ends?? I feel extremely uncomfortable with my crazy threads. I Hate the BS. I Hate My Life. Coffee Doesn't Help. What if Being a Local Warden or Emissary Warden is NOT a Good Thing?? What if the Universe is Stranger Than We CAN Think?? What if God has a Nasty Job but Someone Must Do It?? I'm worried about the hypothetical Council of Seventeen. What if this doesn't end well regardless of high-hopes and high-profits?? What if there is a Planet half-way between Purgatory and Paradise?? You Know...the Best of Both Worlds?? If You Don't Get it Right...You Go Back to One or the Other Planets for Re-education. This stuff is HIGHLY Troubling to Me. You Have No Idea How Hamstrung, Miserable, and Depressed I Am. Encountering Individuals of Interest Makes Me Extremely Apprehensive. I'm Especially Anxious Regarding Who They Really Work For. Everyone has Their Price. We All Have Our Crosses to Bear. Politics, Religion, and Business Seem More Wicked Than Even I Can Imagine. The Heart of Man is Desperately Wicked. Who Can Know It?? None is Righteous. No, Not One. All Have Come Short of the Glory of God.

    I'm sensing that my plight might really make posting less and less possible as I feel worse, think less, and experience nefarious manipulation and difficulties. The battle might've been won or lost a very long time ago...possibly millions or billions of years ago. Perhaps my current presence on Earth was some sort of a Test or Red-Herring...regardless of my experimental eccentricities. Who knows, I might leave (voluntarily or otherwise) never to return. I don't mean to be mean but what does this mean?? Probably ten-years-ago, an Individual of Interest told me, "Humanity Passed the Point of No-Return." I wish I had kept careful notes of my encounters and conversations with Individuals of Interest but I still attempted to chronicle some of this in my threads, even though I used extreme discretion, and still continue to do so. A lot of this involves my Religious and Political Science-Fiction. Biden, and now seemingly Trump seem to have been made cognitively challenged. So have I, or so it seems. Perhaps this 'virus' will affect All of Us, sooner or later. I wish the billionaires well but I still don't know what's really going on regarding life, the universe, and everything, especially regarding possible Ancient to Modern Artificial Intelligence Throughout the Universe. What if the Billionaires are 'Bootloaders for AI'?? Didn't Elon use that term in a Rogan interview?? I can't recall...I had a stroke. I'm just saying that we might be dealing with a lot more than Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Nefarious Entities, the Nazis, the City of London, the Vatican, Washington DC, and the Dark Side of the Moon (for starters). I'm extremely apprehensive. BTW, did I briefly encounter what appeared to be Elon's mom at least five years ago in real life, possibly involving what seemed to be some sort of telepathic communication?? Probably not, but the encounter involved high-strangeness, and I don't want to talk about it.

    "Hope we're not just the biological boot loader for digital superintelligence.
    Unfortunately, that is increasingly probable." -- X: Elon Musk, Aug 3, 2014

    I may need to go silent as I listen to this sort of thing and keep everyone guessing. What if I should focus on The Federalist Papers and The Anti-Federalist Papers in the Context of Mainframe Deism in The United States AI Solar System in Cooperative-Integration with The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. I'm trying to apply the brakes to my runaway speculation and experiences. I'm not trying to spearhead a movement. Just the opposite. I doubt my threads are significant. Just the opposite. I sometimes talk big but I'm not a genuine insider. Just the opposite. I'm not trying to build momentum. Just the opposite. I'm not trying to make a fast buck. Just the opposite. I eschew obfuscation but I practice progressive compartmentalization. Consider Mainframes, Robots, and Entities (all under one roof). This could end the party in a jiffy. As I feel worse and think less, I'll post and talk less. I really think this might be a set-up involving playing with burning magnesium. Exciting at first and Horrifying in its consummation?? What if most of us will get-in too-deep to get-out?? Consider these videos with frightening possibilities.

    Consider Volumes 6 and 7 (Acts to Revelation) of the SDA Bible Commentary (1957) without regarding the sponsoring organization and doctrinal structure, reading these two volumes straight-through, over and over with internal interpretation as a predominantly Gentile Pursuit of Salvation (or something to that effect). Notice the dominant editorial voice and slant. Dr. A. Graham Maxwell wrote the Romans portion, but did he strongly influence the rest?? What if there is a hidden Vatican source?? What Would Roy Allen Anderson and Leroy Froom Say?? What Would Jesus and Paul Say?? What Would King James Say?? What Would Francis Bacon Say?? What Would Ellen White Write?? Notice the interspersed Life and Teachings of the Historical Jesus within these two volumes. This is a very interesting Potpourri for serious researchers. Again, my tripe is NOT for the General Public. I keep seriously joking about imagining being a Renegade French Jesuit Organist (but I certainly don't or can't qualify) but it sometimes makes me smile. I used to play Bach on a Fifty-Foot Tall Four-Manual French-Romantic Rieger Tracker-Action Pipe-Organ late at night in an empty church with most of the stops pulled-out!! What Would Del Case Play?? What Would Fred Swann Play?? What Would Angela Kraft Cross Play?? What Would Kimo Smith (K.S. Bach) Play?? What Would Monseigneur Bowe Say?? Some of You Know Who and What I'm Talking About but I Know I Don't Know as my hamstrung-misery worsens and the clot thickens. The Horror. I Hate My Life. I Just Made the Coffee at Midnight. Cheers and/or Whatever.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Mon Oct 28, 2024 10:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    United States AI Solar System (14) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (14)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Oct 28, 2024 8:01 pm

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    1 Corinthians 15:24 Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power.  25 For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet.  26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.  27 For “He has put all things under His feet.” But when He says “all things are put under Him,” it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted.  28 Now when all things are made subject to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all. The very first effort of Satan to overthrow God's law--undertaken among the sinless inhabitants of heaven--seemed for a time to be crowned with success. A vast number of the angels were seduced; but Satan's apparent triumph resulted in defeat and loss, separation from God, and banishment from heaven.

    When the conflict was renewed upon the earth, Satan again won a seeming advantage. By transgression, man became his captive, and man's kingdom also was betrayed into the hands of the archrebel. Now the way seemed open for Satan to establish an independent kingdom, and to defy the authority of God and His Son. But the plan of salvation made it possible for man again to be brought into harmony with God, and to render obedience to His law, and for both man and the earth to be finally redeemed from the power of the wicked one.

    Again Satan was defeated, and again he resorted to deception, in the hope of converting his defeat into a victory. To stir up rebellion in the fallen race, he now represented God as unjust in having permitted man to transgress His law. "Why," said the artful tempter, "when God knew what would be the result, did He permit man to be placed on trial, to sin, and bring in misery and death?" And the children of Adam, forgetful of the long-suffering mercy that had granted man another trial, regardless of the amazing, the awful sacrifice which his rebellion had cost the King of heaven, gave ear to the tempter, and murmured against the only Being who could save them from the destructive power of Satan.

    There are thousands today echoing the same rebellious complaint against God. They do not see that to deprive man of the freedom of choice would be to rob him of his prerogative as an intelligent being, and make him a mere automaton. It is not God's purpose to coerce the will. Man was created a free moral agent. Like the inhabitants of all other worlds, he must be subjected to the test of obedience; but he is never brought into such a position that yielding to evil becomes a matter of necessity. No temptation or trial is permitted to come to him which he is unable to resist. God made such ample provision that man need never have been defeated in the conflict with Satan. As men increased upon the earth, almost the whole world joined the ranks of rebellion. Once more Satan seemed to have gained the victory. But omnipotent power again cut short the working of iniquity, and the earth was cleansed by the Flood from its moral pollution.

    Says the prophet, "When Thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. Let favor be showed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness, . . . and will not behold the majesty of Jehovah." Isaiah 26:9, 10. Thus it was after the Flood. Released from His judgments, the inhabitants of the earth again rebelled against the Lord. Twice God's covenant and His statutes had been rejected by the world. Both the people before the Flood and the descendants of Noah cast off the divine authority. Then God entered into covenant with Abraham, and took to Himself a people to become the depositaries of His law. To seduce and destroy this people, Satan began at once to lay his snares. The children of Jacob were tempted to contract marriages with the heathen and to worship their idols. But Joseph was faithful to God, and his fidelity was a constant testimony to the true faith. It was to quench this light that Satan worked through the envy of Joseph's brothers to cause him to be sold as a slave in a heathen land. God overruled events, however, so that the knowledge of Himself should be given to the people of Egypt. Both in the house of Potiphar and in the prison Joseph received an education and training that, with the fear of God, prepared him for his high position as prime minister of the nation. From the palace of the Pharaohs his influence was felt throughout the land, and the knowledge of God spread far and wide.

    The Israelites in Egypt also became prosperous and wealthy, and such as were true to God exerted a widespread influence. The idolatrous priests were filled with alarm as they saw the new religion finding favor. Inspired by Satan with his own enmity toward the God of heaven, they set themselves to quench the light. To the priests was committed the education of the heir to the throne, and it was this spirit of determined opposition to God and zeal for idolatry that molded the character of the future monarch, and led to cruelty and oppression toward the Hebrews. During the forty years after the flight of Moses from Egypt, idolatry seemed to have conquered. Year by year the hopes of the Israelites grew fainter. Both king and people exulted in their power, and mocked the God of Israel. This grew until it culminated in the Pharaoh who was confronted by Moses. When the Hebrew leader came before the king with a message from "Jehovah, God of Israel," it was not ignorance of the true God, but defiance of His power, that prompted the answer, "Who is Jehovah, that I should obey His voice? . . . I know not Jehovah." From first to last, Pharaoh's opposition to the divine command was not the result of ignorance, but of hatred and defiance.

    Though the Egyptians had so long rejected the knowledge of God, the Lord still gave them opportunity for repentance. In the days of Joseph, Egypt had been an asylum for Israel; God had been honored in the kindness shown His people; and now the long-suffering One, slow to anger, and full of compassion, gave each judgment time to do its work; the Egyptians, cursed through the very objects they had worshiped, had evidence of the power of Jehovah, and all who would, might submit to God and escape His judgments. The bigotry and stubbornness of the king resulted in spreading the knowledge of God, and bringing many of the Egyptians to give themselves to His service.

    It was because the Israelites were so disposed to connect themselves with the heathen and imitate their idolatry that God had permitted them to go down into Egypt, where the influence of Joseph was widely felt, and where circumstances were favorable for them to remain a distinct people. Here also the gross idolatry of the Egyptians and their cruelty and oppression during the latter part of the Hebrew sojourn should have inspired in them an abhorrence of idolatry, and should have led them to flee for refuge to the God of their fathers. This very providence Satan made a means to serve his purpose, darkening the minds of the Israelites and leading them to imitate the practices of their heathen masters. On account of the superstitious veneration in which animals were held by the Egyptians, the Hebrews were not permitted, during their bondage, to present the sacrificial offerings.

    Thus their minds were not directed by this service to the great Sacrifice, and their faith was weakened. When the time came for Israel's deliverance, Satan set himself to resist the purposes of God. It was his determination that that great people, numbering more than two million souls, should be held in ignorance and superstition. The people whom God had promised to bless and multiply, to make a power in the earth, and through whom he was to reveal the knowledge of His will--the people whom He was to make the keepers of His law--this very people Satan was seeking to keep in obscurity and bondage, that he might obliterate from their minds the remembrance of God. When the miracles were wrought before the king, Satan was on the ground to counteract their influence and prevent Pharaoh from acknowledging the supremacy of God and obeying His mandate. Satan wrought to the utmost of his power to counterfeit the work of God and resist His will. The only result was to prepare the way for greater exhibitions of the divine power and glory, and to make more apparent, both to the Israelites and to all Egypt, the existence and sovereignty of the true and living God.

    God delivered Israel with the mighty manifestations of His power, and with judgments upon all the gods of Egypt. "He brought forth his people with joy, and His chosen with gladness: . . . that they might observe His statutes, and keep His laws." Psalm 105:43-45. He rescued them from their servile state, that He might bring them to a good land--a land which in His providence had been prepared for them as a refuge from their enemies, where they might dwell under the shadow of His wings. He would bring them to Himself, and encircle them in His everlasting arms; and in return for all His goodness and mercy to them they were required to have no other gods before Him, the living God, and to exalt His name and make it glorious in the earth. During the bondage in Egypt many of the Israelites had, to a great extent, lost the knowledge of God's law, and had mingled its precepts with heathen customs and traditions. God brought them to Sinai, and there with His own voice declared His law.

    Satan and evil angels were on the ground. Even while God was proclaiming His law to His people, Satan was plotting to tempt them to sin. This people whom God had chosen, he would wrench away, in the very face of Heaven. By leading them into idolatry, he would destroy the efficacy of all worship; for how can man be elevated by adoring what is no higher than himself and may be symbolized by his own handiwork? If men could become so blinded to the power, the majesty, and the glory of the infinite God as to represent Him by a graven image, or even by a beast or reptile; if they could so forget their own divine relationship, formed in the image of their Maker as to bow down to these revolting and senseless objects--then the way was open for foul license; the evil passions of the heart would be unrestrained, and Satan would have full sway. At the very foot of Sinai, Satan began to execute his plans for overthrowing the law of God, thus carrying forward the same work he had begun in heaven. During the forty days while Moses was in the mount with God, Satan was busy exciting doubt, apostasy, and rebellion. While God was writing down His law, to be committed to His covenant people, the Israelites, denying their loyalty to Jehovah, were demanding gods of gold! When Moses came from the awful presence of the divine glory, with the precepts of the law which they had pledged themselves to obey, he found them, in open defiance of its commands, bowing in adoration before a golden image.

    By leading Israel to this daring insult and blasphemy to Jehovah, Satan had planned to cause their ruin. Since they had proved themselves to be so utterly degraded, so lost to all sense of the privileges and blessings that God had offered them, and to their own solemn and repeated pledges of loyalty, the Lord would, he believed, divorce them from Himself and devote them to destruction. Thus would be secured the extinction of the seed of Abraham, that seed of promise that was to preserve the knowledge of the living God, and through whom He was to come--the true Seed, that was to conquer Satan. The great rebel had planned to destroy Israel, and thus thwart the purposes of God. But again he was defeated. Sinful as they were, the people of Israel were not destroyed. While those who stubbornly ranged themselves on the side of Satan were cut off, the people, humbled and repentant, were mercifully pardoned. The history of this sin was to stand as a perpetual testimony to the guilt and punishment of idolatry, and the justice and long-suffering mercy of God.

    The whole universe had been witness to the scenes at Sinai. In the working out of the two administrations was seen the contrast between the government of God and that of Satan. Again the sinless inhabitants of other worlds beheld the results of Satan's apostasy, and the kind of government he would have established in heaven had he been permitted to bear sway. By causing men to violate the second commandment, Satan aimed to degrade their conceptions of the Divine Being. By setting aside the fourth, he would cause them to forget God altogether. God's claim to reverence and worship, above the gods of the heathen, is based upon the fact that He is the Creator, and that to Him all other beings owe their existence. Thus it is presented in the Bible.

    Says the prophet Jeremiah: "The Lord is the true God, He is the living God, and an everlasting King. . . . The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens. He hath made the earth by His power, He hath established the world by His wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by His discretion." "Every man is brutish in his knowledge: every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath in them. They are vanity, and the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish. The portion of Jacob is not like them: for He is the former of all things." Jeremiah 10:10-12, 14-16. The Sabbath, as a memorial of God's creative power, points to Him as the maker of the heavens and the earth. Hence it is a constant witness to His existence and a reminder of His greatness, His wisdom, and His love. Had the Sabbath always been sacredly observed, there could never have been an atheist or an idolater.

    The Sabbath institution, which originated in Eden, is as old as the world itself. It was observed by all the patriarchs, from creation down. During the bondage in Egypt, the Israelites were forced by their taskmasters to violate the Sabbath, and to a great extent they lost the knowledge of its sacredness. When the law was proclaimed at Sinai the very first words of the fourth commandment were, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy"--showing that the Sabbath was not then instituted; we are pointed back for its origin to creation. In order to obliterate God from the minds of men, Satan aimed to tear down this great memorial. If men could be led to forget their Creator, they would make no effort to resist the power of evil, and Satan would be sure of his prey.

    Satan's enmity against God's law had impelled him to war against every precept of the Decalogue. To the great principle of love and loyalty to God, the Father of all, the principle of filial love and obedience is closely related. Contempt for parental authority will soon lead to contempt for the authority of God. Hence Satan's efforts to lessen the obligation of the fifth commandment. Among heathen peoples the principle enjoined in this precept was little heeded. In many nations parents were abandoned or put to death as soon as age had rendered them incapable of providing for themselves. In the family the mother was treated with little respect, and upon the death of her husband she was required to submit to the authority of her eldest son. Filial obedience was enjoined by Moses; but as the Israelites departed from the Lord, the fifth commandment, with others, came to be disregarded.

    Satan was "a murderer from the beginning" (John 8:44); and as soon as he had obtained power over the human race, he not only prompted them to hate and slay one another, but, the more boldly to defy the authority of God, he made the violation of the sixth commandment a part of their religion.

    By perverted conceptions of divine attributes, heathen nations were led to believe human sacrifices necessary to secure the favor of their deities; and the most horrible cruelties have been perpetrated under the various forms of idolatry. Among these was the practice of causing their children to pass through the fire before their idols. When one of them came through this ordeal unharmed, the people believed that their offerings were accepted; the one thus delivered was regarded as specially favored by the gods, was loaded with benefits, and ever afterward held in high esteem; and however aggravated his crimes, he was never punished. But should one be burned in passing through the fire, his fate was sealed; it was believed that the anger of the gods could be appeased only by taking the life of the victim, and he was accordingly offered as a sacrifice. In times of great apostasy these abominations prevailed, to some extent, among the Israelites.

    The violation of the seventh commandment also was early practiced in the name of religion. The most licentious and abominable rites were made a part of the heathen worship. The gods themselves were represented as impure, and their worshipers gave the rein to the baser passions. Unnatural vices prevailed and the religious festivals were characterized by universal and open impurity. Polygamy was practiced at an early date. It was one of the sins that brought the wrath of God upon the antediluvian world. Yet after the Flood it again became widespread. It was Satan's studied effort to pervert the marriage institution, to weaken its obligations and lessen its sacredness; for in no surer way could he deface the image of God in man and open the door to misery and vice.

    From the opening of the great controversy it has been Satan's purpose to misrepresent God's character and to excite rebellion against His law, and this work appears to be crowned with success. The multitudes give ear to Satan's deceptions and set themselves against God. But amid the working of evil, God's purposes move steadily forward to their accomplishment; to all created intelligences He is making manifest His justice and benevolence. Through Satan's temptations the whole human race have become transgressors of God's law, but by the sacrifice of His Son a way is opened whereby they may return to God. Through the grace of Christ they may be enabled to render obedience to the Father's law. Thus in every age, from the midst of apostasy and rebellion, God gathers out a people that are true to Him--a people "in whose heart is His law." Isaiah 51:7.

    It was by deception that Satan seduced angels; thus he has in all ages carried forward his work among men, and he will continue this policy to the last. Should he openly profess to be warring against God and His law, men would beware; but he disguises himself, and mixes truth with error. The most dangerous falsehoods are those that are mingled with truth. It is thus that errors are received that captivate and ruin the soul. By this means Satan carries the world with him. But a day is coming when his triumph will be forever ended.

    God's dealings with rebellion will result in fully unmasking the work that has so long been carried on under cover. The results of Satan's rule, the fruits of setting aside the divine statutes, will be laid open to the view of all created intelligences. The law of God will stand fully vindicated. It will be seen that all the dealings of God have been conducted with reference to the eternal good of His people, and the good of all the worlds that He has created. Satan himself, in the presence of the witnessing universe, will confess the justice of God's government and the righteousness of His law. The time is not far distant when God will arise to vindicate His insulted authority. "The Lord cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity." Isaiah 26:21. "But who may abide the day of His coming? and who shall stand when He appeareth?" Malachi 3:2.

    The people of Israel, because of their sinfulness, were forbidden to approach the mount when God was about to descend upon it to proclaim His law, lest they should be consumed by the burning glory of His presence. If such manifestations of His power marked the place chosen for the proclamation of God's law, how terrible must be His tribunal when He comes for the execution of these sacred statutes. How will those who have trampled upon His authority endure His glory in the great day of final retribution? The terrors of Sinai were to represent to the people the scenes of the judgment. The sound of a trumpet summoned Israel to meet with God. The voice of the Archangel and the trump of God shall summon, from the whole earth, both the living and the dead to the presence of their Judge. The Father and the Son, attended by a multitude of angels, were present upon the mount. At the great judgment day Christ will come "in the glory of His Father with His angels." Matthew 16:27. He shall then sit upon the throne of His glory, and before Him shall be gathered all nations.

    When the divine Presence was manifested upon Sinai, the glory of the Lord was like devouring fire in the sight of all Israel. But when Christ shall come in glory with His holy angels the whole earth shall be ablaze with the terrible light of His presence. "Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before Him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about Him. He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that He may judge His people." Psalm 50:3, 4. A fiery stream shall issue and come forth from before Him, which shall cause the elements to melt with fervent heat, the earth also, and the works that are therein shall be burned up. "The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel." 2 Thessalonians 1:7, 8.

    Never since man was created had there been witnessed such a manifestation of divine power as when the law was proclaimed from Sinai. "The earth shook, the heavens also dropped at the presence of God: even Sinai itself was moved at the presence of God, the God of Israel." Psalm 68:8. Amid the most terrific convulsions of nature the voice of God, like a trumpet, was heard from the cloud. The mountain was shaken from base to summit, and the hosts of Israel, pale and trembling with terror, lay upon their faces upon the earth. He whose voice then shook the earth has declared, "Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven." Hebrews 12:26. Says the Scripture, "The Lord shall roar from on high, and utter His voice from His holy habitation;" "and the heavens and the earth shall shake." Jeremiah 25:30; Joel 3:16. In that great coming day, the heaven itself shall depart "as a scroll when it is rolled together." Revelation 6:14. And every mountain and island shall be moved out of its place. "The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again." Isaiah 24:20.

    "Therefore shall all hands be faint," all faces shall be "turned into paleness," "and every man's heart shall melt. And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them." "And I will punish the world for their evil," saith the Lord, "and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible." Isaiah 13:7, 8, 11; Jeremiah 30:6.

    When Moses came from the divine Presence in the mount, where he had received the tables of the testimony, guilty Israel could not endure the light that glorified his countenance. How much less can transgressors look upon the Son of God when He shall appear in the glory of His Father, surrounded by all the heavenly host, to execute judgment upon the transgressors of His law and the rejecters of His atonement. Those who have disregarded the law of God and trodden under foot the blood of Christ, "the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men," shall hide themselves "in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains," and they shall say to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" Revelation 6:15-17. "In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, . . . to the moles and to the bats; to go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of His majesty, when He ariseth to shake terribly the earth." Isaiah 2:20, 21.

    Then it will be seen that Satan's rebellion against God has resulted in ruin to himself and to all that chose to become his subjects. He has represented that great good would result from transgression; but it will be seen that "the wages of sin is death." "For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch." Malachi 4:1. Satan, the root of every sin, and all evil workers, who are his branches, shall be utterly cut off. An end will be made of sin, with all the woe and ruin that have resulted from it. Says the psalmist, "Thou hast destroyed the wicked, thou hast put out their name forever and ever. O thou enemy, destructions are come to a perpetual end." Psalm 9:5, 6.

    But amid the tempest of divine judgment the children of God will have no cause for fear. "The Lord will be the hope of His people, and the strength of the children of Israel." Joel 3:16. The day that brings terror and destruction to the transgressors of God's law will bring to the obedient "joy unspeakable and full of glory" "Gather My saints together unto Me," saith the Lord, "those that have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice. And the heavens shall declare His righteousness: for God is Judge Himself."

    "Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not." Malachi 3:18. "Hearken unto Me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is My law." "Behold, I have taken out of thine hand the cup of trembling, . . . thou shalt no more drink it again." I, even I, am He that comforteth you." Isaiah 51:7, 22, 12. "For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but My kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of My peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee." Isaiah 54:10.

    The great plan of redemption results in fully bringing back the world into God's favor. All that was lost by sin is restored. Not only man but the earth is redeemed, to be the eternal abode of the obedient. For six thousand years Satan has struggled to maintain possession of the earth. Now God's original purpose in its creation is accomplished. "The saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever." Daniel 7:18.

    "From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised." Psalm 113:3. "In that day shall there be one Lord, and His name one." "And Jehovah shall be king over all the earth." Zechariah 14:9. Says the Scripture, "Forever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven." "All His commandments are sure. They stand fast forever and ever." Psalms 119:89; 111:7, 8. The sacred statutes which Satan has hated and sought to destroy, will be honored throughout a sinless universe. And "as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all nations." Isaiah 61:11. At the close of the thousand years, Christ again returns to the earth. He is accompanied by the host of the redeemed and attended by a retinue of angels. As He descends in terrific majesty He bids the wicked dead arise to receive their doom. They come forth, a mighty host, numberless as the sands of the sea. What a contrast to those who were raised at the first resurrection! The righteous were clothed with immortal youth and beauty. The wicked bear the traces of disease and death.

    Every eye in that vast multitude is turned to behold the glory of the Son of God. With one voice the wicked hosts exclaim: "Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord!" It is not love to Jesus that inspires this utterance. The force of truth urges the words from unwilling lips. As the wicked went into their graves, so they come forth with the same enmity to Christ and the same spirit of rebellion. They are to have no new probation in which to remedy the defects of their past lives. Nothing would be gained by this. A lifetime of transgression has not softened their hearts. A second probation, were it given them, would be occupied as was the first in evading the requirements of God and exciting rebellion against Him.

    Christ descends upon the Mount of Olives, whence, after His resurrection, He ascended, and where angels repeated the promise of His return. Says the prophet: "The Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with Thee." "And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof, . . . and there shall be a very great valley." "And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and His name one." Zechariah 14:5, 4, 9. As the New Jerusalem, in its dazzling splendor, comes down out of heaven, it rests upon the place purified and made ready to receive it, and Christ, with His people and the angels, enters the Holy City.

    Now Satan prepares for a last mighty struggle for the supremacy. While deprived of his power and cut off from his work of deception, the prince of evil was miserable and dejected; but as the wicked dead are raised and he sees the vast multitudes upon his side, his hopes revive, and he determines not to yield the great controversy. He will marshal all the armies of the lost under his banner and through them endeavor to execute his plans. The wicked are Satan's captives. In rejecting Christ they have accepted the rule of the rebel leader. They are ready to receive his suggestions and to do his bidding. Yet, true to his early cunning, he does not acknowledge himself to be Satan. He claims to be the prince who is the rightful owner of the world and whose inheritance has been unlawfully wrested from him. He represents himself to his deluded subjects as a redeemer, assuring them that his power has brought them forth from their graves and that he is about to rescue them from the most cruel tyranny. The presence of Christ having been removed, Satan works wonders to support his claims. He makes the weak strong and inspires all with his own spirit and energy. He proposes to lead them against the camp of the saints and to take possession of the City of God. With fiendish exultation he points to the unnumbered millions who have been raised from the dead and declares that as their leader he is well able to overthrow the city and regain his throne and his kingdom.

    In that vast throng are multitudes of the long-lived race that existed before the Flood; men of lofty stature and giant intellect, who, yielding to the control of fallen angels, devoted all their skill and knowledge to the exaltation of themselves; men whose wonderful works of art led the world to idolize their genius, but whose cruelty and evil inventions, defiling the earth and defacing the image of God, caused Him to blot them from the face of His creation. There are kings and generals who conquered nations, valiant men who never lost a battle, proud, ambitious warriors whose approach made kingdoms tremble. In death these experienced no change. As they come up from the grave, they resume the current of their thoughts just where it ceased. They are actuated by the same desire to conquer that ruled them when they fell.

    Satan consults with his angels, and then with these kings and conquerors and mighty men. They look upon the strength and numbers on their side, and declare that the army within the city is small in comparison with theirs, and that it can be overcome. They lay their plans to take possession of the riches and glory of the New Jerusalem. All immediately begin to prepare for battle. Skillful artisans construct implements of war. Military leaders, famed for their success, marshal the throngs of warlike men into companies and divisions.

    At last the order to advance is given, and the countless host moves on--an army such as was never summoned by earthly conquerors, such as the combined forces of all ages since war began on earth could never equal. Satan, the mightiest of warriors, leads the van, and his angels unite their forces for this final struggle. Kings and warriors are in his train, and the multitudes follow in vast companies, each under its appointed leader. With military precision the serried ranks advance over the earth's broken and uneven surface to the City of God. By command of Jesus, the gates of the New Jerusalem are closed, and the armies of Satan surround the city and make ready for the onset.

    Now Christ again appears to the view of His enemies. Far above the city, upon a foundation of burnished gold, is a throne, high and lifted up. Upon this throne sits the Son of God, and around Him are the subjects of His kingdom. The power and majesty of Christ no language can describe, no pen portray. The glory of the Eternal Father is enshrouding His Son. The brightness of His presence fills the City of God, and flows out beyond the gates, flooding the whole earth with its radiance.

    Nearest the throne are those who were once zealous in the cause of Satan, but who, plucked as brands from the burning, have followed their Saviour with deep, intense devotion. Next are those who perfected Christian characters in the midst of falsehood and infidelity, those who honored the law of God when the Christian world declared it void, and the millions, of all ages, who were martyred for their faith. And beyond is the "great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, . . . before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands." Revelation 7:9. Their warfare is ended, their victory won. They have run the race and reached the prize. The palm branch in their hands is a symbol of their triumph, the white robe an emblem of the spotless righteousness of Christ which now is theirs.

    The redeemed raise a song of praise that echoes and re-echoes through the vaults of heaven: "Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb." Verse 10. And angel and seraph unite their voices in adoration. As the redeemed have beheld the power and malignity of Satan, they have seen, as never before, that no power but that of Christ could have made them conquerors. In all that shining throng there are none to ascribe salvation to themselves, as if they had prevailed by their own power and goodness. Nothing is said of what they have done or suffered; but the burden of every song, the keynote of every anthem, is: Salvation to our God and unto the Lamb.

    In the presence of the assembled inhabitants of earth and heaven the final coronation of the Son of God takes place. And now, invested with supreme majesty and power, the King of kings pronounces sentence upon the rebels against His government and executes justice upon those who have transgressed His law and oppressed His people. Says the prophet of God: "I saw a great white throne, and Him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." Revelation 20:11, 12.

    As soon as the books of record are opened, and the eye of Jesus looks upon the wicked, they are conscious of every sin which they have ever committed. They see just where their feet diverged from the path of purity and holiness, just how far pride and rebellion have carried them in the violation of the law of God. The seductive temptations which they encouraged by indulgence in sin, the blessings perverted, the messengers of God despised, the warnings rejected, the waves of mercy beaten back by the stubborn, unrepentant heart--all appear as if written in letters of fire.

    Above the throne is revealed the cross; and like a panoramic view appear the scenes of Adam's temptation and fall, and the successive steps in the great plan of redemption. The Saviour's lowly birth; His early life of simplicity and obedience; His baptism in Jordan; the fast and temptation in the wilderness; His public ministry, unfolding to men heaven's most precious blessings; the days crowded with deeds of love and mercy, the nights of prayer and watching in the solitude of the mountains; the plottings of envy, hate, and malice which repaid His benefits; the awful, mysterious agony in Gethsemane beneath the crushing weight of the sins of the whole world; His betrayal into the hands of the murderous mob; the fearful events of that night of horror--the unresisting prisoner, forsaken by His best-loved disciples, rudely hurried through the streets of Jerusalem; the Son of God exultingly displayed before Annas, arraigned in the high priest's palace, in the judgment hall of Pilate, before the cowardly and cruel Herod, mocked, insulted, tortured, and condemned to die--all are vividly portrayed.

    And now before the swaying multitude are revealed the final scenes--the patient Sufferer treading the path to Calvary; the Prince of heaven hanging upon the cross; the haughty priests and the jeering rabble deriding His expiring agony; the supernatural darkness; the heaving earth, the rent rocks, the open graves, marking the moment when the world's Redeemer yielded up His life.

    The awful spectacle appears just as it was. Satan, his angels, and his subjects have no power to turn from the picture of their own work. Each actor recalls the part which he performed. Herod, who slew the innocent children of Bethlehem that he might destroy the King of Israel; the base Herodias, upon whose guilty soul rests the blood of John the Baptist; the weak, timeserving Pilate; the mocking soldiers; the priests and rulers and the maddened throng who cried, "His blood be on us, and on our children!"--all behold the enormity of their guilt. They vainly seek to hide from the divine majesty of His countenance, outshining the glory of the sun, while the redeemed cast their crowns at the Saviour's feet, exclaiming: "He died for me!"

    Amid the ransomed throng are the apostles of Christ, the heroic Paul, the ardent Peter, the loved and loving John, and their truehearted brethren, and with them the vast host of martyrs; while outside the walls, with every vile and abominable thing, are those by whom they were persecuted, imprisoned, and slain. There is Nero, that monster of cruelty and vice, beholding the joy and exaltation of those whom he once tortured, and in whose extremest anguish he found satanic delight. His mother is there to witness the result of her own work; to see how the evil stamp of character transmitted to her son, the passions encouraged and developed by her influence and example, have borne fruit in crimes that caused the world to shudder.

    There are papist priests and prelates, who claimed to be Christ's ambassadors, yet employed the rack, the dungeon, and the stake to control the consciences of His people. There are the proud pontiffs who exalted themselves above God and presumed to change the law of the Most High. Those pretended fathers of the church have an account to render to God from which they would fain be excused. Too late they are made to see that the Omniscient One is jealous of His law and that He will in no wise clear the guilty. They learn now that Christ identifies His interest with that of His suffering people; and they feel the force of His own words: "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me." Matthew 25:40.

    The whole wicked world stand arraigned at the bar of God on the charge of high treason against the government of heaven. They have none to plead their cause; they are without excuse; and the sentence of eternal death is pronounced against them. It is now evident to all that the wages of sin is not noble independence and eternal life, but slavery, ruin, and death. The wicked see what they have forfeited by their life of rebellion. The far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory was despised when offered them; but how desirable it now appears. "All this," cries the lost soul, "I might have had; but I chose to put these things far from me. Oh, strange infatuation! I have exchanged peace, happiness, and honor for wretchedness, infamy, and despair." All see that their exclusion from heaven is just. By their lives they have declared: "We will not have this Man [Jesus] to reign over us."

    As if entranced, the wicked have looked upon the coronation of the Son of God. They see in His hands the tables of the divine law, the statutes which they have despised and transgressed. They witness the outburst of wonder, rapture, and adoration from the saved; and as the wave of melody sweeps over the multitudes without the city, all with one voice exclaim, "Great and marvelous are Thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are Thy ways, Thou King of saints" (Revelation 15:3); and, falling prostrate, they worship the Prince of life.

    Satan seems paralyzed as he beholds the glory and majesty of Christ. He who was once a covering cherub remembers whence he has fallen. A shining seraph, "son of the morning;" how changed, how degraded! From the council where once he was honored, he is forever excluded. He sees another now standing near to the Father, veiling His glory. He has seen the crown placed upon the head of Christ by an angel of lofty stature and majestic presence, and he knows that the exalted position of this angel might have been his.

    Memory recalls the home of his innocence and purity, the peace and content that were his until he indulged in murmuring against God, and envy of Christ. His accusations, his rebellion, his deceptions to gain the sympathy and support of the angels, his stubborn persistence in making no effort for self-recovery when God would have granted him forgiveness --all come vividly before him. He reviews his work among men and its results--the enmity of man toward his fellow man, the terrible destruction of life, the rise and fall of kingdoms, the overturning of thrones, the long succession of tumults, conflicts, and revolutions. He recalls his constant efforts to oppose the work of Christ and to sink man lower and lower. He sees that his hellish plots have been powerless to destroy those who have put their trust in Jesus. As Satan looks upon his kingdom, the fruit of his toil, he sees only failure and ruin. He has led the multitudes to believe that the City of God would be an easy prey; but he knows that this is false. Again and again, in the progress of the great controversy, he has been defeated and compelled to yield. He knows too well the power and majesty of the Eternal.

    The aim of the great rebel has ever been to justify himself and to prove the divine government responsible for the rebellion. To this end he has bent all the power of his giant intellect. He has worked deliberately and systematically, and with marvelous success, leading vast multitudes to accept his version of the great controversy which has been so long in progress. For thousands of years this chief of conspiracy has palmed off falsehood for truth. But the time has now come when the rebellion is to be finally defeated and the history and character of Satan disclosed. In his last great effort to dethrone Christ, destroy His people, and take possession of the City of God, the archdeceiver has been fully unmasked. Those who have united with him see the total failure of his cause. Christ's followers and the loyal angels behold the full extent of his machinations against the government of God. He is the object of universal abhorrence.

    Satan sees that his voluntary rebellion has unfitted him for heaven. He has trained his powers to war against God; the purity, peace, and harmony of heaven would be to him supreme torture. His accusations against the mercy and justice of God are now silenced. The reproach which he has endeavored to cast upon Jehovah rests wholly upon himself. And now Satan bows down and confesses the justice of his sentence.

    "Who shall not fear Thee, O Lord, and glorify Thy name? for Thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before Thee; for Thy judgments are made manifest." Verse 4. Every question of truth and error in the long-standing controversy has now been made plain. The results of rebellion, the fruits of setting aside the divine statutes, have been laid open to the view of all created intelligences. The working out of Satan's rule in contrast with the government of God has been presented to the whole universe. Satan's own works have condemned him. God's wisdom, His justice, and His goodness stand fully vindicated. It is seen that all His dealings in the great controversy have been conducted with respect to the eternal good of His people and the good of all the worlds that He has created. "All Thy works shall praise Thee, O Lord; and Thy saints shall bless Thee." Psalm 145:10. The history of sin will stand to all eternity as a witness that with the existence of God's law is bound up the happiness of all the beings He has created. With all the facts of the great controversy in view, the whole universe, both loyal and rebellious, with one accord declare: "Just and true are Thy ways, Thou King of saints."

    Before the universe has been clearly presented the great sacrifice made by the Father and the Son in man's behalf. The hour has come when Christ occupies His rightful position and is glorified above principalities and powers and every name that is named. It was for the joy that was set before Him--that He might bring many sons unto glory--that He endured the cross and despised the shame. And inconceivably great as was the sorrow and the shame, yet greater is the joy and the glory. He looks upon the redeemed, renewed in His own image, every heart bearing the perfect impress of the divine, every face reflecting the likeness of their King. He beholds in them the result of the travail of His soul, and He is satisfied. Then, in a voice that reaches the assembled multitudes of the righteous and the wicked, He declares: "Behold the purchase of My blood! For these I suffered, for these I died, that they might dwell in My presence throughout eternal ages." And the song of praise ascends from the white-robed ones about the throne: "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing." Revelation 5:12.

    Notwithstanding that Satan has been constrained to acknowledge God's justice and to bow to the supremacy of Christ, his character remains unchanged. The spirit of rebellion, like a mighty torrent, again bursts forth. Filled with frenzy, he determines not to yield the great controversy. The time has come for a last desperate struggle against the King of heaven. He rushes into the midst of his subjects and endeavors to inspire them with his own fury and arouse them to instant battle. But of all the countless millions whom he has allured into rebellion, there are none now to acknowledge his supremacy. His power is at an end. The wicked are filled with the same hatred of God that inspires Satan; but they see that their case is hopeless, that they cannot prevail against Jehovah. Their rage is kindled against Satan and those who have been his agents in deception, and with the fury of demons they turn upon them.

    Saith the Lord: "Because thou hast set thine heart as the heart of God; behold, therefore I will bring strangers upon thee, the terrible of the nations: and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy brightness. They shall bring thee down to the pit." "I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. . . . I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee. . . . I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. . . . Thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more." Ezekiel 28:6-8, 16-19.

    "Every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood; but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire." "The indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, and His fury upon all their armies: He hath utterly destroyed them, He hath delivered them to the slaughter." "Upon the wicked He shall rain quick burning coals, fire and brimstone and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup." Isaiah 9:5; 34:2; Psalm 11:6, margin. Fire comes down from God out of heaven. The earth is broken up. The weapons concealed in its depths are drawn forth. Devouring flames burst from every yawning chasm. The very rocks are on fire. The day has come that shall burn as an oven. The elements melt with fervent heat, the earth also, and the works that are therein are burned up. Malachi 4:1; 2 Peter 3:10. The earth's surface seems one molten mass--a vast, seething lake of fire. It is the time of the judgment and perdition of ungodly men--"the day of the Lord's vengeance, and the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion." Isaiah 34:8.

    The wicked receive their recompense in the earth. Proverbs 11:31. They "shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts." Malachi 4:1. Some are destroyed as in a moment, while others suffer many days. All are punished "according to their deeds." The sins of the righteous having been transferred to Satan, he is made to suffer not only for his own rebellion, but for all the sins which he has caused God's people to commit. His punishment is to be far greater than that of those whom he has deceived. After all have perished who fell by his deceptions, he is still to live and suffer on. In the cleansing flames the wicked are at last destroyed, root and branch--Satan the root, his followers the branches. The full penalty of the law has been visited; the demands of justice have been met; and heaven and earth, beholding, declare the righteousness of Jehovah.

    Satan's work of ruin is forever ended. For six thousand years he has wrought his will, filling the earth with woe and causing grief throughout the universe. The whole creation has groaned and travailed together in pain. Now God's creatures are forever delivered from his presence and temptations. "The whole earth is at rest, and is quiet: they [the righteous] break forth into singing." Isaiah 14:7. And a shout of praise and triumph ascends from the whole loyal universe. "The voice of a great multitude," "as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings," is heard, saying: "Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth." Revelation 19:6.

    While the earth was wrapped in the fire of destruction, the righteous abode safely in the Holy City. Upon those that had part in the first resurrection, the second death has no power. While God is to the wicked a consuming fire, He is to His people both a sun and a shield. Revelation 20:6; Psalm 84:11.

    "I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away." Revelation 21:1. The fire that consumes the wicked purifies the earth. Every trace of the curse is swept away. No eternally burning hell will keep before the ransomed the fearful consequences of sin.

    One reminder alone remains: Our Redeemer will ever bear the marks of His crucifixion. Upon His wounded head, upon His side, His hands and feet, are the only traces of the cruel work that sin has wrought. Says the prophet, beholding Christ in His glory: "He had bright beams coming out of His side: and there was the hiding of His power." Habakkuk 3:4, margin. That pierced side whence flowed the crimson stream that reconciled man to God--there is the Saviour's glory, there "the hiding of His power." "Mighty to save," through the sacrifice of redemption, He was therefore strong to execute justice upon them that despised God's mercy. And the tokens of His humiliation are His highest honor; through the eternal ages the wounds of Calvary will show forth His praise and declare His power.

    "O Tower of the flock, the stronghold of the daughter of Zion, unto Thee shall it come, even the first dominion." Micah 4:8. The time has come to which holy men have looked with longing since the flaming sword barred the first pair from Eden, the time for "the redemption of the purchased possession." Ephesians 1:14. The earth originally given to man as his kingdom, betrayed by him into the hands of Satan, and so long held by the mighty foe, has been brought back by the great plan of redemption. All that was lost by sin has been restored. "Thus saith the Lord . . . that formed the earth and made it; He hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited." Isaiah 45:18. God's original purpose in the creation of the earth is fulfilled as it is made the eternal abode of the redeemed. "The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein forever." Psalm 37:29.

    A fear of making the future inheritance seem too material has led many to spiritualize away the very truths which lead us to look upon it as our home. Christ assured His disciples that He went to prepare mansions for them in the Father's house. Those who accept the teachings of God's word will not be wholly ignorant concerning the heavenly abode. And yet, "eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9. Human language is inadequate to describe the reward of the righteous. It will be known only to those who behold it. No finite mind can comprehend the glory of the Paradise of God.

    In the Bible the inheritance of the saved is called "a country." Hebrews 11:14-16. There the heavenly Shepherd leads His flock to fountains of living waters. The tree of life yields its fruit every month, and the leaves of the tree are for the service of the nations. There are ever-flowing streams, clear as crystal, and beside them waving trees cast their shadows upon the paths prepared for the ransomed of the Lord. There the wide-spreading plains swell into hills of beauty, and the mountains of God rear their lofty summits. On those peaceful plains, beside those living streams, God's people, so long pilgrims and wanderers, shall find a home.

    "My people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places." "Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise." "They shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: . . . Mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands." Isaiah 32:18; 60:18; 65:21, 22.

    There, "the wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose." "Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree." "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; . . . and a little child shall lead them." "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain," saith the Lord. Isaiah 35:1; 55:13; 11:6, 9.

    Pain cannot exist in the atmosphere of heaven. There will be no more tears, no funeral trains, no badges of mourning. "There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying: . . . for the former things are passed away." "The inhabitant shall not say, I am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity." Revelation 21:4; Isaiah 33:24.

    There is the New Jerusalem, the metropolis of the glorified new earth, "a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God." "Her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal." "The nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it." Saith the Lord: "I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in My people." "The tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God." Isaiah 62:3; Revelation 21:11, 24; Isaiah 65:19; Revelation 21:3.

    In the City of God "there shall be no night." None will need or desire repose. There will be no weariness in doing the will of God and offering praise to His name. We shall ever feel the freshness of the morning and shall ever be far from its close. "And they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light." Revelation 22:5. The light of the sun will be superseded by a radiance which is not painfully dazzling, yet which immeasurably surpasses the brightness of our noontide. The glory of God and the Lamb floods the Holy City with unfading light. The redeemed walk in the sunless glory of perpetual day.

    "I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it." Revelation 21:22. The people of God are privileged to hold open communion with the Father and the Son. "Now we see through a glass, darkly." 1 Corinthians 13:12. We behold the image of God reflected, as in a mirror, in the works of nature and in His dealings with men; but then we shall see Him face to face, without a dimming veil between. We shall stand in His presence and behold the glory of His countenance.

    There the redeemed shall know, even as also they are known. The loves and sympathies which God Himself has planted in the soul shall there find truest and sweetest exercise. The pure communion with holy beings, the harmonious social life with the blessed angels and with the faithful ones of all ages who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, the sacred ties that bind together "the whole family in heaven and earth" (Ephesians 3:15)--these help to constitute the happiness of the redeemed.

    There, immortal minds will contemplate with never-failing delight the wonders of creative power, the mysteries of redeeming love. There will be no cruel, deceiving foe to tempt to forgetfulness of God. Every faculty will be developed, every capacity increased. The acquirement of knowledge will not weary the mind or exhaust the energies. There the grandest enterprises may be carried forward, the loftiest aspirations reached, the highest ambitions realized; and still there will arise new heights to surmount, new wonders to admire, new truths to comprehend, fresh objects to call forth the powers of mind and soul and body.

    All the treasures of the universe will be open to the study of God's redeemed. Unfettered by mortality, they wing their tireless flight to worlds afar--worlds that thrilled with sorrow at the spectacle of human woe and rang with songs of gladness at the tidings of a ransomed soul. With unutterable delight the children of earth enter into the joy and the wisdom of unfallen beings. They share the treasures of knowledge and understanding gained through ages upon ages in contemplation of God's handiwork. With undimmed vision they gaze upon the glory of creation--suns and stars and systems, all in their appointed order circling the throne of Deity. Upon all things, from the least to the greatest, the Creator's name is written, and in all are the riches of His power displayed.

    And the years of eternity, as they roll, will bring richer and still more glorious revelations of God and of Christ. As knowledge is progressive, so will love, reverence, and happiness increase. The more men learn of God, the greater will be their admiration of His character. As Jesus opens before them the riches of redemption and the amazing achievements in the great controversy with Satan, the hearts of the ransomed thrill with more fervent devotion, and with more rapturous joy they sweep the harps of gold; and ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands of voices unite to swell the mighty chorus of praise.

    "And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever." Revelation 5:13.

    The great controversy is ended. Sin and sinners are no more. The entire universe is clean. One pulse of harmony and gladness beats through the vast creation. From Him who created all, flow life and light and gladness, throughout the realms of illimitable space. From the minutest atom to the greatest world, all things, animate and inanimate, in their unshadowed beauty and perfect joy, declare that God is love.

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    quod erat demonstrandum
    reductio ad absurdum
    in vino veritas
    mea culpa
    sine die


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