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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:55 pm

    I am transferring my original tread the Infiltration of New Age Movement due to the fact that both Carol and Floyd didn’t respect my wishes.
    This tread is about infiltration on the New Age movement not promoting it. So. I let them continue their discussion.

    I have some thought I would like to share. Do we really have freedom here? Do we have freedom to choose what we want to believe? Or, the opposite, we are pushed to accept the administrators belief system. Are they going to tell us that we are not smart enough to find our truth but we need to be indoctrinated into their belief system? Don’t we have own standards what wisdom and intelligence is? Do they need to build a weak ago at our expense? Or, maybe the answer is simpler than that.

    Don’t we have freedom what we want to read and with whom we want to interact?

    This tread reflects an intense research that Sturdust did. It was to honor her and those that we both quoted who helped us to wake up. If they try to hijack this tread again, those who have eyes opened, will see what the agenda is.

    Freedom and censorship

    It is a pearl posted by Oliver at Avalon1.

    We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion; and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still. ~ John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859

    The fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion. ~ Henry Steele Commager

    The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen. ~ Tommy Smothers

    Censorship reflects society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime.
    ~ Potter Stewart

    We have a natural right to make use of our pens as of our tongue, at our peril, risk and
    hazard. ~ Voltaire, Dictionnaire Philosophique, 1764

    The dirtiest book of all is the expurgated book. ~ Walt Whitman

    Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too.~ Voltaire

    The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error. ~ John Stewart Mill, On Liberty, 1859

    Books won't stay banned. They won't burn. Ideas won't go to jail. In the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost. The only weapon against bad ideas is better ideas.~ Alfred Whitney Griswold, New York times, 24 February 1959

    Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one. ~ Abbott Joseph Liebling “Do you belong in Journalisn, New Yorker, 4 March 1960

    A free press can be good or bad, but, most certainly, without freedom a press will never be anything but bad. ~ Albert Camus

    To reject the word is to reject the human search. ~ Max lerner, 1953, on book purging

    Nature knows no indecencies; man invents them. ~ Mark Twain,Notebook, 1935

    What progress we are making. In the Middle Ages they would have burned me. Now they are content with burning my books. ~ Sigmund Freud, 1933

    Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings. ~Heinrich Heine, Almansor, 1823

    Every burned book enlightens the world.Ralph ~Waldo Emerson

    The paper burns, but the words fly away. ~ Akiba Ben Joseph

    Did you ever hear anyone say, "That work had better be banned because I might read it and it might be very damaging to me? ~ Joseph Henry Jackson

    If you don't have this freedom of the press, then all these little fellows are weaseling around and doing their monkey business and they never get caught. ~ Harold R. Medina

    Obscenity is not a quality inherent in a book or picture, but is solely and exclusively a contribution of the reading mind, and hence cannot be defined in terms of the qualities of a book or picture. ~Theodore Schroeder

    Assassination is the extreme form of censorship. ~ George Bernard Shaw

    I believe in censorship. I made a fortune out of it. ~ Mae West

    Censorship feeds the dirty mind more than the four-letter word itself.~ Dick Cavett

    The test of democracy is freedom of criticism. ~David Ben-Gurion

    If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind. ~ John Stuart Mill, 1859

    To choose a good book, look in an inquisitor’s prohibited list.~ John Aikin

    We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. ~ John F. Kennedy

    God forbid that any book should be banned. The practice is as indefensible as infanticide.~Rebecca West

    If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all. ~ Naom Chomsky

    Take away the right to say "****" and you take away the right to say "**** the government. ~ Lenny Bruce

    Every human being has a right to hear what other wise human beings have spoken to him. It is one of the Rights of Men; a very cruel injustice if you deny it to a man! ~ Thomas Carlyle

    Books won't stay banned -
    Ideas won't go to jail. ~ Alfred Whitney Griswold

    You can cage the singer but not the song. ~ Harry Belafonte, in International Herald Tribune,
    3 Oct 1988

    I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. ~ Voltaire

    The populist authoritarianism that is the downside of political correctness means that anyone, sometimes it seems like everyone, can proclaim their grief and have it acknowledged. The victim culture, every sufferer grasping for their own Holocaust, ensures that anyone who feels offended can call for moderation, for dilution, and in the end, as is all too often the case, for censorship. And censorship, that by-product of fear - stemming as it does not from some positive agenda, but from the desire to escape our own terrors and superstitions by imposing them on others - must surely be resisted. ~ Jonathon Green,”Did you say ‘offensive’, as posted on


    Posts : 1329
    Join date : 2010-09-02


    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:16 pm

    I am transferring The Infiltration of New Age Movement tread from Avalon2.
    Stardustaquarion did an amazing research and it was a pure joy to have a discussion with her. I feel sad that we separated from each other as I don’t believe in Freedom Teaching.

    This is not a discussion tread as our discussion was many times distracted by those who couldn’t respect our needs. But you are the most welcome to post your articles, vides, and your analysis that reveals infiltration of New Age Movement.

    To honor Stardustaquarion, her amazing research,and her commitment to wake people up.


    Posts : 1329
    Join date : 2010-09-02


    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:28 pm

    Stardust wrote:
    The infiltration of the New Age Movement and Andrija Puharich
    I have no doubt that we all have the ability to communicate with other parts of ourselves but channeling is something different, it requires that the personality of the channeler be displaced and that another entity take over the body, a bit like temporary possesion of he human body

    Why an evolved being will need to do that to communicate with us unevolved humans escapes me, unless of course it is not evolved. It is also possible that it may be a demonic entity, as has been witnesed over millenia or a satellite that transmits directly to a person's mind as we know it happens by the testimonies that we have already read in PC and PA

    Additionally to that, there is the level of personal evolution of the channel that may not be very evolved and tinged with his/her own fears and desires of having an "hero" to rescue them from their earthly difficulties, who knows what happens in someone else's mind

    Taking over someone elses body is not something that is necessary in my oppinion and personal experience

    Below an article that talks about the council of nine and Andrija Puharich and how the New Age movement may have been infiltrated by MKultra and the CIA


    The Council of Nine
    from, 1999
    (Posted here by Wes Penre, June 19, 2005)

    Uri GellerOne New Age channeling cult, above all the rest, has had a huge - very disturbing influence on hundreds of thousands of devotees worldwide. Known as 'The Nine', its disciples include cutting edge scientists, multi-millionaire industrialists and leading politicians. This exclusive extract based on The Startgate Conspiracy by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince looks at the sinister origins of The Nine.

    I am the beginning. I am the end. I am the emissary. But the original time I was on the Planet Earth was 34,000 of your years ago. I am the balance. And when I say "I" - I mean because I am an emissary for The Nine. It is not I , but it is the group. We are nine principles of the Universe, yet together we are one.

    The declaration above is typical of the channeled pronouncements of the Council of Nine - or just 'The Nine'. They contain all the usual New Age ingredients of grandiose statements, shaky grammar and unprovable predictions. But unlike all the other channeling cults, that of The Nine has serious clout. Perhaps the reason for this is that they claim to be the Ennead, or the nine major gods of ancient Egypt (see panel). Or could there be another reason, one that owes more to The X-Files than the Pyramid Texts? Although The Nine may appear to be quintessentially a modern phenomenon, our research uncovered its truly astonishing pedigree. In fact, the story begins nearly 50 years ago, in a private research laboratory in Glen Cove, Maine, called the Round Table Foundation, run by a medical doctor Andrija Puharichnamed Andrija Puharich (also known as Henry K Puharich).Set up in 1948 to research the paranormal, among the noted psychics studied at the Foundation were the famous Irish medium Eileen Garrett and the Dutch clairvoyant Peter Hurkos (Pieter van de Hirk).Prominent members included the influential philosopher and inventor Arthur M Young and the socialite Alice Bouverie (née Astor).

    In December 1952, Puharich brought into his laboratory an Indian mystic named Dr D G Vinod, who began to channel The Nine or 'the Nine Principles'. In the months before Vinod returned to India, a group met regularly to hear The Nine's channelled wisdom. Never known for their modesty, The Nine proclaimed themselves to be God, stating "God is nobody else than we together, the Nine Principles of God."

    Three years later, there appeared to be independent confirmation of their existence. In Mexico, Puharich and Young met Charles and Lillian Laughead, former Christian missionaries who were by then prominent in the burgeoning UFO contactee movement. (For a description of their involvement in the Dorothy Martin circle, see Jerome Clark's 'When Prophecy Failed' in FT117.) Back in the States a few weeks later, Puharich received a letter from the Laugheads containing messages received by their group's channeller. This message also claimed to come from the Nine Principles, even - amazingly - including references to the earlier communications transmitted through Dr Vinod. Could The Nine possibly be for real?

    Perhaps the answer is embedded in the career of Puharich himself. After disbanding the Round Table Foundation in 1958, he worked for 10 years as an inventor of medical devices and achieved international recognition as a parapsychologist, most famously studying the Brazilian psychic surgeon, Arigo (José Pedro de Freitas). But all that was to pale into insignificance because, in 1971, Puharich discovered Uri Geller.

    At their first meetings in Tel Aviv in 1971, Puharich hypnotised Geller in an attempt to find out where his Uri Gellerabilities came from. As a result, the young Israeli started to channel 'Spectra' - an entity which claimed to be a conscious super-computer aboard a spaceship. However, Puharich suggested to him that there might be a connection with the Nine Principles, and Spectra readily agreed that there was. The Nine claimed that they had programmed Geller with his powers as a young child.

    Through Geller, The Nine alerted Puharich to his life's mission, which was to use Geller's talents to alert the world to an imminent mass landing of spaceships that would bring representatives of The Nine. However, Geller - by now an international psychic superstar - bowed out in 1973 and has resolutely turned his back on The Nine ever since. Puharich had to find other channels. He joined up with aristocratic former racing driver Sir John Whitmore and Florida-based psychic and healer Phyllis Schlemmer. They found a new channeller - a Daytona cook known to history only by the pseudonym 'Bobby Horne' - who lived to regret his dealings with The Nine. Driven to the brink of suicide by their constant demands, he too dropped out of the scene - his despair being dismissed by Whitmore as "signs of instability". After this, Phyllis Schlemmer was appointed the authorised spokesperson for the entity - known simply as 'Tom' - who represented The Nine.

    Puharich, Whitmore and Schlemmer then set up Lab Nine at Puharich's estate in Ossining, New York. The Nine's disciples included multi-millionaire businessmen (many hiding behind pseudonyms and including members of Canada's richest family, the Bronfmans), European nobility, scientists from the Stanford Research Institute and at least one prominent political figure who was a personal friend of President Gerald Ford.

    We also know that Lyall Watson (then the darling of the alternative scene because of his seminal 1973 book Supernature) was involved, as was the influential counter-culture guru Ira Einhorn - and Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek.

    The key to predicting eclipses is noticing that they occur in cycles, or at more or less regular intervals. Gene RoddenberryThe Sun goes round the sky once a year; the Moon once a month. This means that, every month, the Moon 'overtakes' the sun. This happens at the New Moon, and this is when solar eclipses occur. But, of course, we don't get an eclipse every New Moon. This is because the Moon has an elliptical orbit: sometimes it passes above the Sun when it overtakes it, sometimes below. But the Moon's elliptical orbit has its own cycle: it returns to the same place it started from every 18 years or so. Thus - if seen from the same place on Earth - an eclipse will be followed by another one just over 18 years later.

    Roddenberry was part of that circle in 1974 and 1975, and even produced the screenplay for a movie about The Nine. How much he was influenced by them is unknown, although it is said that some of their concepts found their way into the early Star Trek movies, and The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine (what a giveaway!) series.

    (There is a character named 'Vinod' in one Deep Space Nine episode.) Another key player in Lab Nine was Dr James J Hurtak, who was appointed Puharich's second-in-command by The Nine. In fact, Hurtak had been independently channelling The Nine since 1973. Puharich and Whitmore commissioned British writer Stuart Holroyd to write an account of their adventures, which appeared in 1977 as Prelude to the Landing on Planet Earth (retitled Briefings for the Landing on Planet Earth in paperback)

    In this extraordinary book the true identity of the Nine - and of Tom - was finally revealed. Far from being the chummy character that his rather avuncular name suggests, Tom is actually Atum, the creator-god of the ancient Egyptian religion of Heliopolis, and Uncle Tom with his eight mates are none other than the Great Ennead of Heliopolis,

    But even with such impressive contacts, all was not well with Puharich. Lab Nine broke up in 1978 after a series of mysterious events that culminated in an arson attack on the Ossining estate, and he fled to Mexico, claiming that he was being persecuted by the CIA. He returned to the USA two years later, and appears to have played no further part in The Nine story. He died in 1995 after falling down the stairs in his South Carolina home. However, The Nine continued. Not only did Schlemmer and Whitmore continue their mission, but Dr Hurtak has also moved on. He has become a major player in the unfolding millennial drama currently being played out at Giza, but perhaps more importantly he has established himself as a New Age guru par excellence, travelling the world giving workshops on his book of channelled revelations from The Nine, The Keys of Enoch. Written and laid out in classic Biblical style, its darkly apocalyptic vision has huge numbers of influential devotees.This we find very worrying.

    Another Nine channel - an Englishwoman named Jenny O'Connor - was introduced to the avant garde Esalen Institute in San Francisco by Sir John Whitmore. She and The Nine became so influential there that they held seminars and - unbelievably - were actually listed on the Institute's staff, even successfully ordering the sacking of its chief finance officer and the reorganisation of its entire management structure..

    This should concern us, because many influential people attended The Nine's Esalen seminars, including Russians who were part of the Institute's Soviet Exchange programme. Some of these later rose to prominence in the Gorbachev regime and were instrumental in the downfall of Communism. (The Esalen Institute now runs the US branch of the Gorbachev Foundation.)

    The Nine are very much still with us. One of their recent channels, who is also in contact with Tom, is the American writer David M Myers. He is co-author with Britain's David S Percy of that extraordinary tome Two-Thirds, a history of the galaxy and the human race according to Myer's otherwordly contacts (who clearly have no sense of the absurd). Percy - best known as a champion of the 'Face on Mars' and the 'hoaxing' of the Apollo moon landings - was at one time part of the Schlemmer circle. Among the other major proponents of the 'monuments' of Mars and their alleged connection with ancient Egypt is none other than Dr James Hurtak - The Nine's great prophet - who has promoted this idea since as long ago as 1973. Richard C Hoagland - familiar to FT readers as another unrepentant 'Mars Face' enthusiast - is also clearly under The Nine's spell. David Myers and David Percy were, respectively, American and European Director of Operations for Hoagland's Mars Mission. In fact, his interpretation of the 'monuments' of Mars comes directly from The Nine. Flake though he may appear (increasingly in these hallowed pages), but his influence over huge swathes of the hungrier mystery seekers is undeniable. This is the man who addresses rapt audiences at the United Nations.

    But it is in the New Age channelling circuit that The Nine have truly come into their own. In any other circles their true agenda would no doubt have been rumbled long ago, but this is the New Age. Anything The Nine say must be sweetness and light, right? But an objective reading of their divine pronouncements reveal the first stirrings of something very nasty in Paradise.

    Their words appeared in 1992 as the book The Only Planet of Choice, credited to 'transceiver' Schlemmer and edited by Mary Bennett (a one-time member of the Schlemmer circle who also edited Myers and Percy's Two-Thirds). This has had an unprecedented influence over the New Age. According to Palden Jenkins (editor of an earlier edition of Only Planet) more and more New Age channelling groups are 'realising' that the real source of their wisdom is The Nine. In fact, we have discerned what amounts to a campaign by The Nine - or their adherents - to 'take over' the New Age. It would be a mistake to underestimate the economic or even political potential of this vast subculture - rich pickings indeed.

    But The Nine's influence does not extend merely to New Age channelling circles. Andrija Puharich, James Hurtak and Richard Hoagland have all lectured at the United Nations in New York. And individuals connected with The Nine are also known to have influence with Vice-President Al Gore. Of course, if The Nine really are the ancient gods of Egypt, then surely there could be fewer more significant events than their return. One may be justified in thinking that the more leading politicians who fall under their influence the better; but are they really the ancient Ennead of Egypt? Can it be that they have actually returned to sort us all out, scattering love and enlightenment from their high moral ground?

    Tom, in The Only Planet of Choice, chooses his words carefully as he explains that all the races of the Earth were seeded from space-gods - except one, the "indigenous race", the blacks. He is very careful to urge us not to make an issue out of this. After all, it's not the black race's fault that they have no divine spark like the rest of us.

    Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the history of The Nine is its relationship to the career of Andrija Uri GellerPuharich. Recent research has revealed Puharich to have a distinctly sinister side. As an Army doctor in the 1950s, he was deeply involved with the CIA's notorious MKULTRA mind control project (see panel). He - together with the infamous Dr Sidney Gottlieb - experimented with a variety of techniques to change or induce actual thought processes. even to creating the impression of voices in the head. These techniques included the use of drugs, hypnosis and beaming radio signals directly into the subject's brain. And, significantly, he was engaged in this work at exactly the same time that The Nine made their first appearance at the Round Table Foundation. The Foundation itself is now known to have been largely funded by the Pentagon as a front for its medical and parapsychological research. Puharich was still working for the CIA in the early 1970s, when he brought Uri Geller out of Israel. Puharich's use of hypnosis is particularly interesting in The Nine circle. In the case of Uri Geller and Bobby Horne, he first hypnotised them and then suggested that they were in touch with The Nine - and lo, they were! Ira Einhorn - a close associate of Puharich's during the 1970s - confirmed to us that he believed that Puharich was "humanly directing" The Nine communications.

    The evidence we have gathered strongly suggests that Tom and his fellow gods originated, not in the stars, but behind closed doors as part of a CIA mind control experiment. And what happened to that experiment? Now with hundreds of thousands of devotees, some in very high places, can The Nine be deemed a success? Of course, that depends very much on what the CIA had in mind. With their subtle racist propaganda, perhaps the flaky New Age Nine should worry the hell out of us.

    It is food for thought and further researching


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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:29 pm

    Stardust wrote:

    I found this video from Red Ice Creations about the Project Stargate Conspiracy

    This is the link to the playlist


    Posts : 1329
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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:30 pm

    starninja wrote:

    My research confirms your findings. New Age movement is totally infiltrated.
    Excerpt from Bronte Baxter

    I understand how people caught in the web of Eastern religion and New Age mumbo jumbo come to those conclusions. Their teachers’ purpose is to make them passive, “surrendered to the One,” their ego (personal selfhood) made into the enemy that must be killed. The teachers state it outright: “ego death” is the goal.

    It is quite scary to know how successful they become in implementing a new belief system. An empty and blank mind and egoless state leaves us totally vulnerable to mind control and manipulation. Unfortunately, they mastered mind control as we see many people who fell into this trap.


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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:32 pm

    Stardust wrote:

    Well, I found this video that explains why government needs to infitrate it all.


    Posts : 1329
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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:32 pm

    HORIZONS wrote:

    tardust, From what I understand the New Age has been around longer than most realize. I have found references to this "New Age" in many old writings, from several different centuries. I have several, of what would would be considered New Age, books from the early 1900's - and many of the Mystic's of past centuries were considered New Age as well. Just for instance, I have a set of commentaries called New Age Bible Interpretation - An Exposition of the Inner Significance of Holy Scriptures in the Light of the Ancient Wisdom, by Corinne Heline (copyright 1938), that has nothing to do with what mainstream christianity teaches. This is considered "New Age" but it is based on the ancient wisdom and mystical teachings of past ages. I have another that is called The New Age Vegetarian Cookbook (1968), and is based on past knowledge. It looks to me as though the "real" new age is but a new way of voicing old mystical teachings within every generation.

    If someone had a different idea of interpretation of the bible or other scripture or knowledge they were considered New Age, because they could understand it in a new light. Many were martyred for their so-called new age beliefs. It is through these New Age teachers that we have past teachings brought to us that have been past down from past ages to where we are today. Sadly, as you have brought attention to on this thread, we have a very different New Age understanding among us today. It has become a religion with all its do's and don'ts, and all the other external "give another your personal freedom and power" games that ALL religions play. The true New Agers are almost always a hidden, out of the mainstream, people that focus on applying hidden truths to ones spiritual development.
    So from my viewpoint I would agree that the New Age has been infiltrated (which has happened to all spiritual traditions) and will continue to happen to any teaching that strives to understand the inner teachings of past ages.


    Posts : 1329
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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:33 pm

    Starninja wrote:

    Thank you Stardust,
    Alan Watts said it all.
    “Insecure society are the most intolerant….So unsure of the validity of their game rules. Everybody must play the rule. We become more conformist………..Everybody is equally inferior”.

    What a smart way to control society as insecure people need outside authority, teachers, or Gurus. Otherwise, they are lost.

    Posts : 1329
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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:35 pm

    Stardustaquarion wrote:

    Declasified MKultra documents

    Those that say that they do not need their minds are under mind control, the reason of the avoidance is that the fragmented mind is to painful and hence the individuals chose to avoid using their minds

    1 of 15 parts


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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:36 pm

    Stardust wrote:

    Evidence that Osho communes might have been infiltrated byt CIA

    "Osho Commune sidelines Indians"(High profile spokes person pointed out
    welcomed as 'visitor' by Haima Purushttam (published in the The Asian
    Age: The Mumbai Age March 10, 2000) is almost a true story. Every senior
    old member of the commune were advised to become independent one and
    half year ago, although they were in the commune working for 20 to 25
    years. And then the situation is created that the old Sannyasins have to
    opt out and to speak that it is their own decision to leave the Commune.

    A strategy is exactly the same as American Government applied to destroy
    Rajneeshpuram Commune in Oregon America and now it the turn of Osho
    Commune International to be destroyed. If you are intelligent you could
    understand easily someone is planted by CIA to finish the job
    systematically and collect all the monies for some other use to destroy
    Osho's Vision and Osho's Work, if you ask me I am pointing a single
    person, who is controlling and handling this job. And it will be
    controlled by Swami Jayesh (Master Mind and CIA agent)

    The punch line from Ma Amrit Sadhana (member of the inner circle)
    "We are erasing Osho from your mind/memory".

    more here


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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:37 pm

    Stardust wrote:

    The Stargate Project[1] was the umbrella code name of one of several sub-projects established by the U.S. Federal Government to investigate the reality, and potential military and domestic applications, of psychic phenomena, particularly "remote viewing": the purported ability to psychically "see" events, sites, or information from a great distance.[2] These projects were active from the 1970s through 1995, and followed up early psychic research done at The Stanford Research Institute (SRI), The American Society for Psychical Research, and other psychical research labs.[3]

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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:37 pm

    Starninja wrote:

    Well said. Those who built their identity and self-worth based on New Age belief system will do anything to protect their beliefs. Challenging their belief system would equal losing self-worth and identity. So, they have fragmented mind and they escape from their feelings at any cost.


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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:39 pm

    Starninja wrote:

    Articles, vides, and discussions here forced me to ask some questions.

    Is there a connection between as Alan Watts said being “equally insecure” and New Age belief system?

    Is there a connection between the explosion of anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses and the New Age belief system?

    Why do people who are deeply involved in the New Age display total emotional emptiness?

    Is there a connection between practicing Transcendental Meditation and cognitive impairment?

    How does involvement in the New Age beliefs and practice affect our relationships with others?

    Are we fully alive, full of joy, and passions, following our heart desire?

    Who did promote the New Age beliefs?

    How the New Age belief system was incorporated into psychology, education, or business?
    What is the ultimate goal of the New Age movement?

    Why do we accept a new belief system without questioning and researching?

    These are some questions that we need to ask. Of course, uncovering mind control is like peeling an onion. But it is a good start.
    Baxter had been teaching TM for 17 years. Her findings into the nature of TM and Hindu religion are fully supported by this 13 parts documentary movie as well as by my research.

    Excerpt from Bronte Baxter
    What I expected to see when I came back to the Fairfield scene after 20 years away from Transcendental Meditation was a group of mainstay meditators true-blue to Maharishi and a group of robust dissenters, whose minds questioned everything they learned from their guru days. Instead, I found the true-blue meditators, but not the kind of dissenters I anticipated. I encountered people who had left the TM movement but hadn’t substantially changed their belief system. This latter group had changed in the way that people change hats, or redecorate their homes, leaving unaltered the structure underneath.
    The dissenters had splintered into a myriad of Eastern or Eastern-related philosophies: Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie and Andrew Cohen were popular, and Neo-Advaitin gurus had rallied many behind their minimalist philosophy.

    Posts : 1329
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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:41 pm

    I analyzed several parts video that exposed New Age religion - Hinduism. The links to this video I posted at Avalon2 doesn't work. I thought that it was removed from You Tube. But I have found it.

    Starninja wrote:

    “They have to be detached and removed from their emotions and compassion. Their inhumanness is seeing as spiritual” (quote from the video)
    Part 1 0f 13

    the whole video

    Once a deeply entrenched belief system is difficult to change. It doesn’t matter if it is Buddhism, Hindu, or other religious or spiritual belief system. The key is convincing us that we need spiritual belief system that explains our reality and provides guidance. Through generations we were and still are indoctrinated with external locus of control and religions as well as science played this role very well.

    "Marriage and traditional values are rotten………….Family is seen as necessarily evil.
    I thought that Maharishi was strengthening my family. He was weakening my family because I turned my all attention on myself” (quote from the video)

    To disconnect our body from our soul is a price that we will have to pay for spiritual enlightenment.
    Excerpt fro Bronte Baxter
    Empty of original thought and dynamic desire, the “liberated” person’s ego is dissolved: the very thing that made him or her human. All that is left is a mind-body shell, a meat-robot, that moves through life as a surrendered instrument of some greater will. I suggest the greater will is not that of the Infinite. It is the will of the god who has taken the place of one’s mind.

    “When I found myself attached emotionally and physically I found difficult to maintain celibacy. The way I resolved that it was I turned her into object of dislike or hate……
    According to Hindu tradition there is no salvation for women” (quote from the video)

    Excerpt from Bronte Baxter
    Through religion, schooling, news and entertainment, we are programmed to accept ideas that take away our natural autonomy and empowerment. We’re taught that we are born into sin, or that we’re born into ignorance. We’re told we’re selfish and greedy, and that ego identification (cherishing our individuality) is the root of all suffering. We’re told we must forfeit freedoms so we can have safety and justice. We’re told the world is a dangerous place and only governments, rules and restrictions can protect us: the bigger they are, the better the protection. The more we accept these ideas, the more fear takes over our subconscious minds in the form of deep-seated attitudes that tell us we can’t trust ourselves, and that we are little and powerless. By the time we are adults, our subconscious is in a pretty saturated state of self-doubt, which is why our conscious mind builds so many cathedrals to things outside ourselves that we trust to take care of us and explain the world to us. Spiritual teachers, religious leaders, charismatic politicians, celebrities – we let what they say determine what is real and what is right. Because we have no faith in our ability to know what is real and right for ourselves.

    A good explanation how we were manipulated to feel insecure and disempowered. Promoting celibacy as well as emotional detachment will foster sense of insecurity.

    "People undergo a change in value system and become confused what is right or what is wrong…….No moral standards upon which to act……………They ask you to brainless obedience…………….They seek to escape something by numbing emotions and compassions through meditation” (quote from the video)
    Excerpt from Bronte Baxter
    When cherished beliefs are assaulted by new knowledge, the foundations of our world take the hit. That means the foundations of our psyche itself, because that is where our deepest beliefs are structured, deep in subconscious mind. I don’t think a person can question and explore reality without feeling shaken, even shattered, from time to time, and I want to talk about how I personally deal with that. Because the ability to deal with that determines whether we move forward in our quest or turn tail and beat it back to base camp, trying to block out what we heard and saw in the forest.
    The word “zombie” is appropriate because of its meaning as the walking dead.
    The death of free will, passion, desire and originality – sounds a lot like enlightenment, doesn’t it. The surrender of the individual to the collective. Control of the collective by divine-right rulers, and control of those rulers by the cosmic band of thugs themselves. The rise of the great Fourth Reich.

    Without moral standards, inner value system, identity, and feelings and emotions we are lost and totally disempowered. Sounds like the optimal scenario of New World Order.

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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:46 pm

    Stardust wrote:

    Wow Starninja, what an excellent collection of very sharp and insightfull posts!

    The key to all the deception in my oppinion is keeping people workshiping something outside yourself, Why? Does God need workshipping?

    If we have to workship something it means to me that we are lesser than that something which is a contradiction. If Source created us alike it implies that if there is any workshiping it should start by workshiping ourselves which is rather odd, because it will imply that we ourselves consider a part of ourselves better than the other...that seems to me like a mental illness

    Most people workship because they are afraid and they have been told that if they don't do this or the other there will be consequences, so the controlers use fear of lack of something to manipulate people and make them give away their power to another which is in essence life force

    So If god give us life force why will it want it back? It is mad

    I guess that in my explorations I have found that all that require us to workship them are in reality lacking life force and hence they can not be god or source as I call it

    Just some thoughts

    Posts : 1329
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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:46 pm

    Stardust wrote:

    I was thinking about divisions and I realized that we have been lead to believe we are our worse enemy.....what a lie!

    Take the body for example, even with the harsh life and all the junk food that we unwittingly have consumed until we knew better, isn't it amazing? It has its own intelligence, if we do not abuse it too much it runs like clockwork (and this feature is a bit anoying in england because my body wakes me up at chiken time ...dawn and it will not change even with eye masks) But we are told it is not good enough, we have to make it grow to 6 feet and be size 4???????????????????????????

    It may be the illuminati's taste for women, but this one is not playing ball anymore. Revellion! I love my body exactly as it is and I am having long and passionated conversations with my atoms to optimize everything....

    If you go to youtube, how many videos you find that tells you how to get in shape....talking about mind control, this is body control and yes I think being sensible is important but we are obsessed with calories to be hip and cool new age babe
    We create our reality....mmmm....I think yes, at least on my direct experience, so what do you think it happens when you are counting calories? You are obsessed with food hence all diets fail...New Age, rubbish, there is no such a thing as new age, control, control, control

    I have lost more weight by being focus on loving myself than with any diet I have ever done!

    Food fot though

    PS fashion is the same story, but you don't have to eat dresses

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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:47 pm

    HORIZONS wrote:

    I agree with you - very good points by Starninja and what you have to say as well.

    I will say that back in the day when I used to do word studies in greek and hebrew the definition of "worship" as I understand it is a "face to face relationship" in equality, as opposed to surrendering to a greater being, begging for mercy. For me this changed everything and opened up a whole new path to understanding God. My belief is that it is the desire of God for us to be empowered with all God-like abilities and not be a follower of someone else's idea/concept of God - like that which is taught in the New Age Movement and all religions. I also agree that the Truth is within us as who we Truly are, not the external false concepts presented to us by all the bulldung peddlers.
    If the Truth is external we are screwed, if it is within us then there is hope, for those that seek will find it.

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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:48 pm

    Gita wrote:

    Great vid Stardust (as always). I think this would be appropriate here!


    When Insiders Expose the Ugly Side of the Entertainment Industry

    This article documents some of today’s well-known artists who have gone on record and spoken about the dark side of the entertainment industry. Some of the industry’s biggest stars, including Dave Chappelle, Michael Jackson and Bob Dylan, have hinted at the true nature of the business in their own words. Here are some of my findings.

    Throughout my articles, I discuss many dark aspects of the entertainment industry. Some of these aspects are so awful and improbable to the average reader that they become hard to believe, especially when the information comes from an anonymous blogger such as myself. Some actual celebrities have however gone on record with
    some truths on the industry. Those rare outbreaks are rarely publicized but, they are available online. So, for this article, I’m letting the insiders do the talking. Who is better placed to talk about the entertainment business than the entertainers themselves, those who have experienced first hand all facets of the business?

    Although most artists will not use the terms “mind control” or “occult initiation,” they are explaining, in their own words, the strange realities they are witnessing. These are some videos I’ve found. I hope they’ll work for everyone.

    Warning: Some of these videos are disturbing or contain foul language.


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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:49 pm

    Stardust wrote:

    his has made me and please if you do not want to know where Hemi sinc (used in solfegio) comes from DO NOT read, it will upset you

    Hemi-Sync paves the way for a legitimate parapsychology practice. Lab tests are presented to us, in part, by The
    Monroe Institute, an organization that specializes in out of body experiences, OBEs. Paranormal societies exist in
    abundance (most are OBE centers). No organization has dedicated more research to the paranormal field and
    parapsychology studies than The Monroe Institute. This is the same retreat that educated Joseph McMoneagle
    during his time in the CIA's STARGATE remote viewing project, the same organization that created the Gateway
    Experience. The best refined, most intricate, (and most expensive) Hemi-Sync product out in the market today is the
    Gateway Experience CD set. The CD set show the art of the OBE, how to discover one's inner child, and how to
    travel to alternative planes. The Gateway Experience is a must for anyone serious about parapsychology. Other
    institutes, such as the Centerpointe Research Institute, come in as distant runner ups. Hemi-Sync is also known as a
    crash course in deep meditation. Meditations are reported to have high amplitude alpha rhythm during a session.
    Deep mediators are reported to have beta waves over the whole brain. Such states of mind are easily achievable
    with Hemi-Sync practice. The manipulation of brain waves is a proven accompaniment to the parapsychology field.
    Hemi-Sync discoveries will have a profound impact on the science field in general.

    rest of the article

    Yeah you get a experience but what it is doing really to one soul's?

    I knew there was something wrong but I could not put my finger on it

    Link to this article was removed!

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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:49 pm

    Moxie wrote:

    think it was Stewart Swerdlow in '08 that pointed out the dangers of the Monroe Institute and dabbling in the astral world.

    I already had first hand experience in the 80's when I purchased hemi-sync. I had been experiencing oobe's that were being imposed on me (for lack of a better term), an outcome from the practice of lucid dreaming, also had kundalini experience which is why I wrote a professor, Charles Tart who suggested I contact Robert Monroe, which led to hemi-sync... anyway my first hand experience was that of the "dark" just into the 3rd tape and I let it go, totally negative experience. I chose a long time ago to trust my own inner guidance.
    This is when using "protection" techniques or "posturing" became important, this discerning a source.

    I found Swerdlow perhaps in early yrs 2000's which was the beginning of mind control discoveries. Yes the music industry, heavy programming and I wish I could access a stunning read in my old dead computer about all the great music stars and who their parents were, mostly all military big shots. Undeniable connections, was mind blowing.

    Oh and I do like the suggestion about the use of words.... remember when we started typing tptb to tptw ('were').... I still like that. This is why I prefer Source over the word god now. We have to be very specific.

    Posts : 1329
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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:51 pm

    Stardust wrote:

    Another deception from the New Age, I myself had one of this books! I can not believe the level of lies we are living with.... The SCALARWEB I think we need pie for this one, will do for now


    A Course in Miracles: a CIA exercise in mind control?
    Monday, 25 June 2007

    A Course in Miracles, published in 1975, is a book considered by its students to be their "spiritual path" - some have labelled it the "New Age Bible". It has sold millions of copies. But could it have been part of a CIA mind control experiment? One of its authors, was a key MKULTRA scientist.

    Its promoters describe it as "A Course in Miracles is a complete self-study spiritual thought system. As a three-volume curriculum consisting of a Text, Workbook for Students, and Manual for Teachers, it teaches that the way to universal love and peace - or remembering God - is by undoing guilt through forgiving others. The Course thus focuses on the healing of relationships and making them holy. A Course in Miracles also emphasizes that it is but one version of the universal curriculum, of which there are 'many thousands.' Consequently, even though the language of the Course is that of traditional Christianity, it expresses a non-sectarian, non-denominational spirituality. A Course in Miracles therefore is a universal spiritual teaching, not a religion."

    According to Dr. Helen Schucman and the Foundation for Inner Peace (FIP), she and Dr. William Thetford "scribed" the book by means of a process coming from a divine source through a form of channelling, which Schucman referred to as "inner dictation". Schucman described the divine source of her channelling as none other than the person of Jesus Christ - thus making one think that the notion that this is just a spiritual teaching "not a religion", somewhat suspect.

    The source of A Course in Miracles was said to be Jesus ChristChannellers of Jesus Christ would - perhaps should - be treated with suspicion. But amongst the usual list of possible explanations for mounting a hoax, "A Course in Miracles" has an unusual candidate: CIA sponsored mind control.

    Dr. William Thetford, co-scribe of the book, co-headed the CIA's "Mind Control" MK-ULTRA SubProject 130: Personality Theory, while at Columbia University, between 1971 and 1978. His colleague on this project was David Saunders. Thetford's Professional Bio, also available on the A Course in Miracles web site, makes reference to his involvement in a Personality Theory Research Project while Professor of Medical Psychology at Columbia University, but the information does not specifically cite this as a CIA MK-ULTRA SubProject - an omission we would expect to find.
    When we check dates, it is clear that A Course in Miracles was written in the middle of this project's existence. The next question should therefore be whether it was part of this project. After all, the project addresses "personality theory" and the Course tackles how heal the personality.

    Some might argue that though the book was published in 1975, the sessions predated Thetford's involvement with the CIA in 1971. But can we be sure? The story goes that in late 1965, Schucman began to "channel" this voice in her head. From 1965 to 1972, Thetford directly assisted Schucman with the transcription of the first three sections of the work, which was in fact the great bulk of the material. But one year into his involvement with the CIA, in 1972, Thetford and Schucman were introduced to Dr. Kenneth Wapnick, whom they invited to assist with the editing that was required to render the rough draft of the ACIM manuscript into a publishable format. So though it is possible the actual sessions fell outside of Thetford's MKULTRA employment, the promotion and publication fell squarely within it.
    Furthermore, it has been alleged that among the subjects deleted from the original versions were remarks concerning "the CIA." When some of these original versions were first published on the Internet in the late 1990s, they were almost as quickly removed by a court injunction brought by none other than Wapnick himself.

    The publisher of the Course was the Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena. Some observers wonder whether this may have been funded by members involved with or employed by the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Menlo Park, California, which at the time was home to the Remote Viewing project - itself sponsored by the CIA. One of the people with connections to SRI was Judith Skutch, the president and founder of the foundation.
    In 1973, Skutch was one of Uri Geller's first supporters. According to Andrew Tobias, most of Geller's private demonstrations were done in Skutch's apartment and it was this foundation that put up $60,000 to pay for SRI's further study of Geller. As it is now known that funding for such experiments also came from the CIA, we can of course wonder whether the Foundation was a front for the CIA... which would mean that it was the CIA itself who published "A Course in Miracles" in 1975. That would mean that the Course was from beginning to end a CIA affair.

    ThetfordCould this couple have faked everything? Father Benedict Groeschel, a Catholic priest, knew Schucman both as a teacher and friend. He described William Thetford as "a mysterious character", and "probably the most sinister person I ever met." That is an interesting assessment.
    Only after he retired from teaching did Thetford's Columbia colleagues (who knew him best as a rare-books expert) discover that during the years they worked with him, he had been employed as an agent of the CIA - one who was, among other things, present at the first fission experiment conducted by physicists assigned to the Manhattan Project. Thetford also was "the most religious atheist I have ever known", Groeschel recalled. Equally, Groeschel uncovered that Schucman, though outwardly an atheist, had been an admirer of the apparition of the Virgin Mary at Lourdes - quite an uncommon fascination for a Jew. She was also embarrassed and feared, Groeschel remembered, that the book would create a cult, or a cult following, which of course it did. In her eyes, it was that "damned book".

    Was Schucman the unknown victim, or active participant, in a government-sponsored experiment? As an associate professor, she definitely had the intelligence to figure whether or not she was abused.
    Furthermore, J.W. Gittinger was the primary personality assessor for MKULTRA. He pioneered scientific methods to enable him to identify the most susceptible types of personalities for Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, one of the leading scientists on the MKULTRA project. Gittinger's work eventually surfaced as his "Personality Assessment System" (PAS). Two years after Schucman went to work for Thetford, they co-authored a paper on Gittinger's PAS, suggesting they at least knew of him... or may even have written this paper within the framework of the MKULTRA project.

    So could the book be part of some mind control experiment? Author and Yogi Joel Kramer states that the Course could be considered a classic authoritarian example of programming thought to change beliefs. Long time teacher of the Course, Hugh Prather, notes that the Course students often become, "far more separate and egocentric", with many ultimately, "[losing] the ability to carry on a simple conversation". He admits that he and his wife Gayle, "had ended up less flexible, less forgiving, and less generous than we were when we first started our path!"
    Furthermore, the book starts off as a psychic channelling session and this is an area that the CIA was involved with in the 1970s. So not only was Thetford an MK-ULTRA employee, the book itself, and the method in which it is said to have come about, also fits a CIA area of interest.

    SchucmanWhile occult phenomenon has long been ridiculed by the scientific establishment, the CIA seriously entertained the notion that such phenomena might be highly significant for the spy trade. The Agency speculated that if a number of people in the US were found to have high ESP capacity, their talent could be assigned to specific intelligence problems. In 1952, the CIA initiated an extensive program involving the search for, and development of, exceptionally gifted individuals who could approximate perfect success in ESP performance. The Office of Security, which ran the ARTICHOKE project, was urged to follow all leads on individuals reported to have true clairvoyant powers so as to be able to subject their claims to rigorous scientific investigation.
    The CIA began infiltrating séances and occult gatherings during the 1950s, which may explain why they were interested in a bizarre UFO/medium case in Maine in 1959. A memo dated April 9, 1953, refers to a domestic - and therefore illegal - operation that required the planting of a very specialized observer at a séance in order to obtain a broad surveillance of all individuals attending the meetings.
    During the late 1960s, the CIA experimented with mediums in an attempt to contact and possibly debrief dead CIA agents. These attempts, according to Victor Marchetti, a former high-ranking CIA official, were part of a larger effort to harness psychic powers for various intelligence-related missions (PROJECT SCANATE) that included utilizing clairvoyants to divine the intentions of the Kremlin leadership.
    Early in 1981, a well-known syndicated columnist Jack Anderson said, "my associate and I revealed a Pentagon secret that raised eyebrows from coast-to-coast. To the sceptics who wrote in, no, we don't take hallucinogens. The Pentagon and the Kremlin are, indeed dabbling in the black arts, they are seriously trying to develop weapons based upon extrasensory perception...". A Course in Miracles seems to have been a part of this psychic warfare... the question is: what was its intended purpose?

    Posts : 1329
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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:53 pm

    Guest wrote:

    I just scanned through this thread - and I will have to read it word for word - but I just wish to say that I think just about everything is infiltrated. Some infiltration may be well intentioned and some of it may be highly malicious. For example - if a Jesuit or a Government Agent knows the full truth about what's really going on in this solar system - they might be able to guide a group of sincere but naive truth seekers away from highly dangerous areas of discussion - and might be able to protect some of them from bodily harm. On the other hand, an infiltrator could destroy people's lives, discredit, and bankrupt organizations. I actually welcome truly benevolent monitoring and infiltration. I wish to be gently guided by those who really and truly know what they're doing, and know what needs to be done to make things better for everyone. Notice the CIA type in the original 'V' series who everyone hated - but who saved everyone's butt. Notice the FBI agent in the new 'V' series who is Fifth Column, and who is directly fighting Anna. I try to push the edge of the envelope - but I am always prepared to pull back and reconsider. It's hard to know where the mountains are when you're flying blind, and you're not IFR certified.

    Posts : 1329
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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:59 pm

    Starninja wrote:

    1. A Course in Miracles: a CIA exercise in mind control?
    Monday, 25 June 2007

    A Course in Miracles, published in 1975, is a book considered by its students to be their "spiritual path" - some have labelled it the "New Age Bible". It has sold millions of copies. But could it have been part of a CIA mind control experiment? One of its authors, was a key MKULTRA scientist.

    Its promoters describe it as "A Course in Miracles is a complete self-study spiritual thought system. As a three-volume curriculum consisting of a Text, Workbook for Students, and Manual for Teachers, it teaches that the way to universal love and peace - or remembering God - is by undoing guilt through forgiving others. The Course thus focuses on the healing of relationships and making them holy. A Course in Miracles also emphasizes that it is but one version of the universal curriculum, of which there are 'many thousands.' Consequently, even though the language of the Course is that of traditional Christianity, it expresses a non-sectarian, non-denominational spirituality. A Course in Miracles therefore is a universal spiritual teaching, not a religion."

    According to Dr. Helen Schucman and the Foundation for Inner Peace (FIP), she and Dr. William Thetford "scribed" the book by means of a process coming from a divine source through a form of channelling, which Schucman referred to as "inner dictation". Schucman described the divine source of her channelling as none other than the person of Jesus Christ - thus making one think that the notion that this is just a spiritual teaching "not a religion", somewhat suspect.

    The source of A Course in Miracles was said to be Jesus ChristChannellers of Jesus Christ would - perhaps should - be treated with suspicion. But amongst the usual list of possible explanations for mounting a hoax, "A Course in Miracles" has an unusual candidate: CIA sponsored mind control.
    Dr. William Thetford, co-scribe of the book, co-headed the CIA's "Mind Control" MK-ULTRA SubProject 130: Personality Theory, while at Columbia University, between 1971 and 1978. His colleague on this project was David Saunders. Thetford's Professional Bio, also available on the A Course in Miracles web site, makes reference to his involvement in a Personality Theory Research Project while Professor of Medical Psychology at Columbia University, but the information does not specifically cite this as a CIA MK-ULTRA SubProject - an omission we would expect to find.
    When we check dates, it is clear that A Course in Miracles was written in the middle of this project's existence. The next question should therefore be whether it was part of this project. After all, the project addresses "personality theory" and the Course tackles how heal the personality.

    Some might argue that though the book was published in 1975, the sessions predated Thetford's involvement with the CIA in 1971. But can we be sure? The story goes that in late 1965, Schucman began to "channel" this voice in her head. From 1965 to 1972, Thetford directly assisted Schucman with the transcription of the first three sections of the work, which was in fact the great bulk of the material. But one year into his involvement with the CIA, in 1972, Thetford and Schucman were introduced to Dr. Kenneth Wapnick, whom they invited to assist with the editing that was required to render the rough draft of the ACIM manuscript into a publishable format. So though it is possible the actual sessions fell outside of Thetford's MKULTRA employment, the promotion and publication fell squarely within it.
    Furthermore, it has been alleged that among the subjects deleted from the original versions were remarks concerning "the CIA." When some of these original versions were first published on the Internet in the late 1990s, they were almost as quickly removed by a court injunction brought by none other than Wapnick himself.

    The publisher of the Course was the Foundation for the Investigation of Para Sensory Phenomena. Some observers wonder whether this may have been funded by members involved with or employed by the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Menlo Park, California, which at the time was home to the Remote Viewing project - itself sponsored by the CIA. One of the people with connections to SRI was Judith Skutch, the president and founder of the foundation.

    In 1973, Skutch was one of Uri Geller's first supporters. According to Andrew Tobias, most of Geller's private demonstrations were done in Skutch's apartment and it was this foundation that put up $60,000 to pay for SRI's further study of Geller. As it is now known that funding for such experiments also came from the CIA, we can of course wonder whether the Foundation was a front for the CIA... which would mean that it was the CIA itself who published "A Course in Miracles" in 1975. That would mean that the Course was from beginning to end a CIA affair.

    ThetfordCould this couple have faked everything? Father Benedict Groeschel, a Catholic priest, knew Schucman both as a teacher and friend. He described William Thetford as "a mysterious character", and "probably the most sinister person I ever met." That is an interesting assessment.

    Only after he retired from teaching did Thetford's Columbia colleagues (who knew him best as a rare-books expert) discover that during the years they worked with him, he had been employed as an agent of the CIA - one who was, among other things, present at the first fission experiment conducted by physicists assigned to the Manhattan Project. Thetford also was "the most religious atheist I have ever known", Groeschel recalled. Equally, Groeschel uncovered that Schucman, though outwardly an atheist, had been an admirer of the apparition of the Virgin Mary at Lourdes - quite an uncommon fascination for a Jew. She was also embarrassed and feared, Groeschel remembered, that the book would create a cult, or a cult following, which of course it did. In her eyes, it was that "damned book".

    Was Schucman the unknown victim, or active participant, in a government-sponsored experiment? As an associate professor, she definitely had the intelligence to figure whether or not she was abused.
    Furthermore,J.W . Gittinger was the primary personality assessor for MKULTRA. He pioneered scientific methods to enable him to identify the most susceptible types of personalities for Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, one of the leading scientists on the MKULTRA project. Gittinger's work eventually surfaced as his "Personality Assessment System" (PAS). Two years after Schucman went to work for Thetford, they co-authored a paper on Gittinger's PAS, suggesting they at least knew of him... or may even have written this paper within the framework of the MKULTRA project.

    So could the book be part of some mind control experiment? Author and Yogi Joel Kramer states that the Course could be considered a classic authoritarian example of programming thought to change beliefs. Long time teacher of the Course, Hugh Prather, notes that the Course students often become, "far more separate and egocentric", with many ultimately, "[losing] the ability to carry on a simple conversation". He admits that he and his wife Gayle, "had ended up less flexible, less forgiving, and less generous than we were when we first started our path!"
    Furthermore, the book starts off as a psychic channelling session and this is an area that the CIA was involved with in the 1970s. So not only was Thetford an MK-ULTRA employee, the book itself, and the method in which it is said to have come about, also fits a CIA area of interest.

    SchucmanWhile occult phenomenon has long been ridiculed by the scientific establishment, the CIA seriously entertained the notion that such phenomena might be highly significant for the spy trade. The Agency speculated that if a number of people in the US were found to have high ESP capacity, their talent could be assigned to specific intelligence problems. In 1952, the CIA initiated an extensive program involving the search for, and development of, exceptionally gifted individuals who could approximate perfect success in ESP performance. The Office of Security, which ran the ARTICHOKE project, was urged to follow all leads on individuals reported to have true clairvoyant powers so as to be able to subject their claims to rigorous scientific investigation.
    The CIA began infiltrating séances and occult gatherings during the 1950s, which may explain why they were interested in a bizarre UFO/medium case in Maine in 1959. A memo dated April 9, 1953, refers to a domestic - and therefore illegal - operation that required the planting of a very specialized observer at a séance in order to obtain a broad surveillance of all individuals attending the meetings.
    During the late 1960s, the CIA experimented with mediums in an attempt to contact and possibly debrief dead CIA agents. These attempts, according to Victor Marchetti, a former high-ranking CIA official, were part of a larger effort to harness psychic powers for various intelligence-related missions (PROJECT SCANATE) that included utilizing clairvoyants to divine the intentions of the Kremlin leadership.
    Early in 1981, a well-known syndicated columnist Jack Anderson said, "my associate and I revealed a Pentagon secret that raised eyebrows from coast-to-coast. To the sceptics who wrote in, no, we don't take hallucinogens. The Pentagon and the Kremlin are, indeed dabbling in the black arts, they are seriously trying to develop weapons based upon extrasensory perception...". A Course in Miracles seems to have been a part of this psychic warfare... the question is: what was its intended purpose?

    Hun, it is a gem. I had this book too with a couple of books of Marianne Williamson, a Quinn of Course in Miracle. One of her book is titled ... ILUMINATA. Isn’t it interesting that Oprah started promoting A Course in Miracle. Schucman was afraid that it would create a cult. The irony is that she was a psychologist.


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    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:01 pm

    Stardust wrote:

    You wont believe this one, is off topic but it is a gem. One thing I can say, being a sceptical is pointless if we are going to base our scepticism on the information that has been force feeded to us, which by the way is the ONLY information AVAILABLE with very rare exceptions, all the informations that we have seems to be rubbish and manipulated by tptw

    Iraq: teachers told to rewrite history Print
    Monday, 17 March 2008

    Britain's biggest teachers' union has accused the Ministry of Defence of breaking the law over a lesson plan drawn up to teach pupils about the Iraq war. The National Union of Teachers claims it breaches the 1996 Education Act, which aims to ensure all political issues are treated in a balanced way.

    Teachers claim the lesson plan is a "propaganda" exercise and makes no mention of any civilian casualties as a result of the war. They believe the instructions, designed for use during classroom discussions in general studies or personal, social and health education (PSE) lessons, are arguably an attempt to rewrite the history of the Iraq invasion just as the world prepares to mark its fifth anniversary.
    Steve Sinnott, the general secretary of the NUT, said: "This isn't an attack on the military - nothing of the sort. I know they've done valuable work in establishing peace in some countries. It is an attack on practices that we cannot condone in schools. It is a question of whether you present fair and balanced views or put forward prejudice and propaganda to youngsters."

    At the heart of the union's concern is a lesson plan commissioned by an organisation called Kids Connections for the Ministry of Defence aimed at stimulating classroom debate about the Iraq war. In a "Students' Worksheet" which accompanies the lesson plan, it stresses the "reconstruction" of Iraq, noting that 5,000 schools and 20 hospitals have been rebuilt. But there is no mention of civilian casualties.
    In the "Teacher Notes" section, it talks about how the "invasion was necessary to allow the opportunity to remove Saddam Hussein" but it fails to mention the lack of United Nations backing for the war. The notes also use the American spelling of "program".

    Addressing whether the MoD should be providing materials for schools, Sinnott said that he did not object, as long as the material was accurate, presented responsibly and contained a balanced view of opinions.
    The union has protested to the Schools Secretary, Ed Balls, who has referred the complaint to the MoD. In a letter to Balls, Sinnott said: "I have to say that were the MoD pack to be distributed and followed without the legally required 'balanced presentation of opposing views' there would, in my view, be very serious risk of a finding of non-compliance with section 406 (of the 1996 Education Act) at least.
    "I do not doubt that there would be many members of this union who would not accept as 'fact' the assertions made particularly in the Teacher Notes, nor, I think, could some of the assertions made in the Student Worksheet be regarded as non-controversial."

    Carnage in IraqSinnott reminded Balls that a High Court judge had ruled that the film An Inconvenient Truth, by the Oscar-winning former American vice-president Al Gore, could not be used in schools without teachers counteracting some of the assertions made in it.
    Balls sought to distance himself from supporting the material. He said: "I am sure you are aware my department does not promote or endorse specific resources or methods of teaching for use in schools but I appreciate you drawing this to my attention." Balls added that he had instructed his officials "to take this matter up" with the MoD.

    A spokesman for the MoD said the ministry had consulted with interested parties over the proposed lesson plan in order to ensure it had the support of the education community. "We did ask the Stop The War coalition to take part although it refused."
    The spokesman added that the programme was "a set of web-based resources" whose use was "completely voluntary".
    "We have consulted widely with teachers and students during the development of these products and feedback from schools has been extremely encouraging," he added. "Teachers and students found them to be valuable and fun resources for applied learning. They are designed to support teachers in delivering a whole range of subjects across the national curriculum and its equivalents in Scotland and Wales. We are happy to engage with the NUT and we will be writing to them."
    Union members say they are also worried that armed forces recruitment fairs in schools glamorise the job by citing exotic countries that recruits will visit but fail to mention that they may be required to kill people.

    According to an independent assessment of the MoD's recruitment material by the Joseph Rowntree Trust, however, the material concerned was "very dubious". The trust said it had used misleading marketing with advertising campaigns that "glamorise warfare, omit vital information and fail to point out the risks and responsibilities associated with a forces career".
    Sinnott said: "On their recruitment material, it tells what an exotic lifestyle this can be, but it doesn't mention that being in the military involves killing people. These things don't feature as they should in a proper, balanced view of what it is like being in the armed forces."

    What the MoD's guide says... and what it omits

    * "Iraq was invaded early 2003 by a United States coalition. Twenty-nine other countries, including the UK, also provided troops... Iraq had not abandoned its nuclear and chemical weapons development program". After the first Gulf War, "Iraq did not honour the cease-fire agreement by surrendering weapons of mass destruction..."

    The reality: The WMD allegation, central to the case for war, proved to be bogus. David Kay, appointed by the Bush administration to search for such weapons after the invasion, found no evidence of a serious programme or stockpiling of WMDs. The "coalition of the willing" was the rather grand title of a rag-tag group of countries which included Eritrea, El Salvador and Macedonia.
    Carnage in Iraq* "The invasion was also necessary to allow the opportunity to remove Saddam, an oppressive dictator, from power, and bring democracy to Iraq".

    The reality: Regime change was not the reason given in the run-up to the invasion - the US and UK governments had been advised it would be against international law. Saddam was regarded as an ally of the West while he was carrying out some of the worst of his atrocities. As for democracy, elections were held in Iraq during the occupation and have led to a sectarian Shia government. Attempts by the US to persuade the government to be more inclusive towards minorities have failed.

    * "Over 7,000 British troops remain in Iraq... to contribute to reconstruction, training Iraqi security forces... They continue to fight against a strong militant Iraqi insurgency."

    The reality: The number of British troops in Iraq is now under 5,000. They withdrew from their last base inside Basra city in September and are now confined to the airport where they do not take part in direct combat operations.

    * "The cost of UK military operations in Iraq for 2005/06 was £958m."

    The reality: The cost of military operations in Iraq has risen by 72 per cent in the past 12 months and the estimated cost for this year is £1.648bn. The House of Commons defence committee said it was "surprised" by the amount of money needed considering the slowing down of the tempo of operations.

    * "Over 312,000 Iraqi security forces have been trained and equipped (Police, Army and Navy)."

    The reality: The Iraqi security forces have been accused, among others by the American military, of running death squads targeting Sunnis. In Basra, the police became heavily infiltrated by Shia militias and British troops had to carry out several operations against them. On one occasion British troops had to smash their way into a police station to rescue two UK special forces soldiers who had been seized by the police.

    * "A total of 132 UK military personnel have been killed in Iraq."

    The reality: The figure is 175 since the invasion of 2003. A British airman died in a rocket attack at the airport two weeks ago despite British troops not going into Basra city on operations. Conservative estimates of the number of Iraqi civilians killed since the beginning of the invasion stand at around 85,000.

    * "From hospitals to schools to wastewater treatment plants, the presence of coalition troops is aiding the reconstruction of post-Saddam Iraq."

    The reality: Five years after "liberation", Baghdad still only has a few hours of intermittent power a day. Children are kidnapped from schools for ransom and families of patients undergoing surgery at hospitals are advised to buy and bring in blood from sellers who congregate outside.

    Posts : 1329
    Join date : 2010-09-02


    Post  starninja Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:03 pm

    Starninja wrote:

    You retreat into security of chanting instead of thinking the problem through…… In mantra yoga a word or phrase is repeated over and over again to bring an individual to the vibration level that will attract that which is being chanted for….. We always were told that it was meaningless sound that has nothing to do with Gods….. Every time we sit, we evoke Hindu Gods……. “ (quote from video)
    Excerpt from Bronte Baxter
    And what did Maharishi procure for? The Vedic gods. He sold us a meaningless word that was supposed to guide our minds to transcend superficial consciousness. Later we learned those meaningless words, our mantras, were names of deities. He taught us advanced techniques with the Sanskrit word “namah” at their core: “I bow down.” Mantra meditation is a form of paying worship to those who call themselves gods. When you scrape away all the fancy and misleading explanations – like “meaningless sounds” and “impulses of creative intelligence,” what you get very simply is people with their eyes closed bowing down in their minds to an assigned Hindu deity.

    Historically, the gods exacted worship and sacrifice – blood sacrifice commonly, including the murder of humans. While Hinduism has a history of human sacrifice, it has been reduced today to worship of Kali, the goddess with her bloody tongue hanging out, whose body is adorned with a necklace of bleeding, decapitated human heads. Or Shiva, adorned with serpents, who dances on graves. Or Vishnu, whom Arjuna perceived in His cosmic form with pieces of devoured victims’ flesh sticking between his teeth. Gods feed on the energy of suffering, the fearful energy of the victim.

    The Shrimad-Bhagavatum, among other scriptures, explains the antipathy of the gods for human enlightenment. According to the Vedas and the mythology of other cultures, the gods feel threatened by the human race, afraid mankind might grow as powerful as they. The gods want humans to remain ignorant and “inferior” because if man realized his intrinsic nature as consciousness, he would no longer be subject to deva control. The devas wish us to believe, and have told us throughout scripture, that their divine hands manipulate and guide the laws of nature – creation itself. For this reason we should worship them, chant to them, send them our soma (subtle energy generated in meditation). Because our energy feeds the gods and is needed by them to stay strong and in control of this material dimension. And they wish us to believe that their control is in our best interest.

    What kind of power is it, that can’t exist without feeding? It sounds more like psychic enslavement to me. Convince the people whose world you contrive to control that they are powerless without you, that the rains won’t come and the sun will go dark if they don’t please you. Drink their soma, the positive energy of worship, and drink their negative energy, too, when you can incite it and siphon it off. Feed yourself on human astral energy, whatever the quality, and you and your race can control human life as long as the system remains intact. Planetary farming. If anyone starts to wake up a little, divert their efforts at spiritual independence by luring them into mantra meditation.

    Think of all the gurus you’ve met with their palpable shakti. An energy so real no one who experiences it can deny it. What is that light in their eye, a light beyond this world? Whose is that power they touch you with, embrace you with? Is it the shakti of Brahman, the light of pure consciousness? Or is it the power of Kali or one of her friends? Gurus often say they are the embodiment of Shiva, Kali, or some other god. Why do we not take them at their word?

    I would like to suggest that mantra meditation turns humans into zombies who serve the agenda of the gods. No one can keep the human soul enslaved against its will. An act of personal empowerment, of willfully recalling one’s ego, must surely destroy enslavement by any possessing entity. One can recall surrendered pieces of one’s being as a magnet can recall iron filings. Native American traditions speak of our ability to do just this, calling back the parts of our lost personhood.

    When I hear “the enlightened” excuse all the atrocities of this world by saying that in their exalted perception, everything is “perfect” just as it is, I hear “fraud.” The God I perceive in the depths of my being is not a God who is content with fathers raping infants, animals being ripped apart alive, or human sorrow so great only suicide can quell it. This kind of world is not perfect, and anyone who sees it as such has something seriously wrong with them.
    Will we continue surrendering our governments, media, schools, workplaces, taxes and spirituality to those who would lead us farther away from personal freedom and self-actualization, closer to a world without responsibility, originality or joy? Such a world is the goal of the gods, because it’s more controllable. Total control and spiritual domination. The destruction of everything that makes life worth living. Creation imploding on itself, like a snake swallowing its tail. That actually is a symbol found in mystery schools, which were controlled by the gods.

    It’s time to give up beads and mantras, chanting and bowing down to dirty feet. It’s time to fire the gurus, stand up and be the powerful, sublime individuals we are. It’s time to question the dogmas we swallowed whole from Vedic tradition and take a closer look at what is happening when we meditate.

    Hindu religion teaches that everything is illusion. Course in Miracle teaches the same.
    Interesting similarities....... It is a very clever way to control people by convincing them that everything is illusion so that people will not see pain and suffering, care about humans, and earth. And if we are believe in reincarnation, we can give up our responsibility without feeling guilty. After all, we will come back. Furthermore, if they teach people to retreat into chanting or meditation when they face problems rather than teaching how to solve them, are we surprise to see the rising problem of addictions, divorces, or depression and anxiety. A very clever way of disempowering people.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 2:53 am