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Vidya Moksha
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    Vidya's Journey

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Vidya's Journey

    Post  Vidya Moksha Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:41 am

    To the winds of the south, Great Serpent.
    Come with me on my journey, wrap your coils around me
    Teach me to shed my past as you shed your skin, all in one go
    Show me how to walk with grace and ease on the Earth.
    Teach me the beauty way.

    To the Winds of the West, Mother, Sister Jaguar.
    Come with me and protect me on my journey
    Help me walk without fear
    Consume those energies which do not belong to me.
    Teach me the the way of peace and integrity.

    To the Winds of the North, Hummingbird, my Ancestors, the Ancient Ones.
    Join me on my journey, Whisper to me the ancient truths.
    Help me discover your wisdom and create union with the divine.
    I honour you who have come before me and those who will come after me.

    To the Winds of the East, Great Eagle, Condor
    Fly high above me and keep me under your wing
    Show me how to spread my own wings and soar to places I have never dared to fly before.
    Help me to view the world from your lofty perspective

    Pachamama, Mother Earth,
    I journey to witness the healing of all your children:
    the Stone people, the Plant people, the two legged, the four legged, the finned, the furred,
    the winged ones, and those who crawl upon your belly
    Thank you Mother for blessing me with your love and abundance
    Show me how to walk upon you with gentleness and respect.

    Father Sun, Great Spirit, you who are known by a thousand names and yet remain the nameless one
    Thank you for rising each day and showering me with your love and light
    May your light and blessings shine down on me as I celebrate your creation.


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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  mudra Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:26 am

    Vidya's Journey Elephantslove_gallery__470x329-747956

    And so be it Vidya cheers
    Your journey is one of Heart .
    Blessings to you and peace on you Always .

    Love from me

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Location : on the road again :)

    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  Vidya Moksha Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:07 pm

    ok my misty friends, Im away now. my next post will be after my shamanic work in Peru. I understand I will going to the jungle a few days after my arrival, should be fun :)

    I'll post what I can when I can

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  burgundia Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:09 pm

    looking forward to it... sunny

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  giovonni Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:47 pm

    Good luck and keep safe Toast

    Blessings to You<>Gio

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  mudra Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:31 am

    Blessings on your journey Vidya.
    May you do well , be at peace and enjoy yourself.
    Looking forward for your future news.

    Much Love from me


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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  Floyd Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:50 am

    Travel well.
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Location : on the road again :)

    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  Vidya Moksha Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:35 pm

    Hey sunny

    I arrived in Peru after a 41 hour trip with a 3 hour sleep break in the
    middle. my last flight was cancelled, but I got here in the end.

    off the plane and my lungs were burning with the altitude, upper lungs
    only, and not a terrific heat, but warm enough. This lasted about 10
    minutes and then i was short of breath but ok. For a day I couldnt
    breathe through my nostrils (insufficient oxygen) and the mouth
    breathing left me dehydrated.

    But now some 3 days in, after much rest I am good and looking forward to
    getting going. I have learned a few things already and have some
    interesting tales after meeting interesting characters, but they will
    wait for another time.

    With regard the Ayahausca and medicine workers here then its mostly
    geared towards tourists, with god knows who performing the ceremonies
    with god knows what in their brew. Its an expensive hedonistic trip for
    most. But there are some genuine spiritual seekers on the path, though
    they are a tiny minority.

    I am lucky to know someone who has worked with one of the most respected
    shamans in this area, and I will go the jungle to meet him next weekend
    not rainforest. hes an old man and doesnt
    work with ayahausca anymore, but he will be present and I am going to
    ask him if i can stay with him a while and learn what he does - when did
    i ever not push my luck? - he needs help around the place and I can
    provide this, and he MAY be interested in taking one last person on this
    last time, and hey? who knows? Otherwise I will be back in the mountains
    the following week and continue my work here.. a few trips to some
    sacred places including macchu pinchu..

    theoretically im on retreat for at least a month now, but will catch up
    when i can.

    i am well, hope you all are too,

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  mudra Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:48 pm

    Thanks for the update Vydya .
    Lovely to hear you arrived in Peru safely and are well.
    I am so glad you will soon climb up Machu Pichu.
    Send us some picture if you can .
    All the best on your meeting with the Old man.
    Enjoy it all .

    Much Love
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  Vidya Moksha Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:15 am

    I have pictures but no easy way to upload them yet

    This may be my last chance in a while to send out something so I will
    see what I can manage in the time I have.

    Peru is beautiful in places and ugly in others, like all developing
    countries I guess.. litter is common in the most scenic locations.

    Its expensive for tourists and the old sites are increasingly being shut
    down by the authorities under the excuse of conservation. Those that are
    open are crazy expensive by local prices. Gringos pay heavily for
    everything here. Theft and violence are common, but I have had no
    problems so far and have enjoyed my time here.

    I am based on an old farm with extensive gardens and orchards, and its
    still a beautiful place despite years of neglect. It may be that I will
    work on the land as I continue with my journey with the medicinal plants
    of the region.

    Last week I was given San Pedro, a cactus that most associate with
    hallucinogenic trips from the mescaline it contains. However mine was
    prepared in a secret way, which essentially removes the psycho-active
    mescaline. Im my terminology the mescaline is a very male energy, lots
    of pretty visions and a high wow factor but essentially just a circus
    show. What remains is a very feminine spiritual energy within the plant
    and I had the most wonderful and deep connection with the earth and my
    environment and the people around me. It was almost like re-remembering
    what it is to be part of this planet. I had one ceremony with my guide, and another with her and 2 others. Both very special occasions.
    Some of those present had good healing from the work, it brings up
    issues in a nice way and allows a gentle dealing with those issues..I
    seem to be quite sorted in my head these days.

    Then we headed for the amazonian jungle to meet with the ayahauscero Don
    Ignacio, a gentle and wise octogenarian and my host's mentor and maestro.
    We arrived in tropical heat to find the water supply to the village had
    been turned off... reasons unknown, maybe genuine mechanical, maybe more
    sinister from the petroleum companies increased efforts to rid the
    jungle of the native tribes and peoples. On arrival there was news of
    the death of Don Innacios sister, so the planned ayahausca ceremonies
    didnt happen, but we arranged for the making of more medicine and
    brought it back with us on our return. I will work with the medicine
    back here in Urubamba in the mountains for the next few weeks and then
    see where i end up. Don Ignacio has suggested up to 6 months work may be
    required, and if so I will go back to the jungle to work (after the
    rainy season). Mosquitoes were not the problem I expected but the biting
    midges there can drive you insane, I am covered in bites and lumps after
    only a week in the jungle. A week in tropical heat with no showers or
    chance to wash clothes was an interesting experience, the situation
    saved by a packet of baby wipes :)

    I am now back in the mountains and have 2 days off my work, I got to eat
    a real meal yesterday and i drank coffee today, what a treat! But maybe
    I start again in earnest on sunday. Next week might be a complete week
    of fasting with 3 ayahausca ceremonies.I have been mostly fasting, I
    have lost a lot of weight and am feeling all the better for it. I am in
    a great place in my head and very much enjoying my time here.

    We did have a ayahusca ceremony with Don Ignacio on my last day in the
    jungle. The vine was very gentle with me, unlike others present, who
    were thrown about quite badly and suffered vomiting and diarrhea, but
    they were young kids looking for a good high, and they got what they
    merited with their lack of preparation and lack of respect for the
    vine.... she is real, and sentient, and she can be a
    mean lady when she wants to be. I had few visions and I didnt enter
    spirt world, but it was a nice gentle cleaning process, and will put me
    in good stead for the strong brew we brought back with us, Im expecting
    to undertake some much deeper work with the vine this week, and I am in
    a good and safe and relaxing environment in which to do it. The sort of
    plan is to spend a month in retreat and mostly fasting with the vine and
    see where I end up, but as Sun Tzu reminds us, no plan survives contact
    with the enemy, so I will take it all as it comes.

    Hope you are all well and enjoying life. Funny about clif eh? geek

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  mudra Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:28 am

    So glad you share your journey with us Vidya Cheerful
    Your deep connection with nature's Spirit and its messengers on a daily basis is a blessing.
    Not only does Mother Earth heal you in the process of you inner journey but you also , through her,
    are bringing healing to the world .
    I can feel it in my heart.

    Thank You

    Love from me

    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  Guest Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:09 pm

    Glad you are enjoying your journey Vidya, I was told that to ward mosquitos and other pests you have tu rub tobacco in all your exposed parts, it seems to be the only deterrent for the avid insects

    Interesting comment about plants, I also feel they are setient beings. I love trees, I go to the forest here and chant and always something magical happen

    Thank you for sharing is wonderful! Good luck and good fun Flowers

    Is this your Don Ignacio?

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  Vidya Moksha Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:14 pm

    yep, thats the man, one of the most respected ayahausceros in Peru. Maybe I can watch the video, Im on dial up but will try. He doesnt take the medicine anymore himself, so it was an honour for me for him to take it with me, but Im sure its because I was with his favourite student, a lady who has worked with him for 15 years or so now.

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  lindabaker Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:56 pm

    Thanks for the updates! I trust you are keeping a journal so you can share part of it with us. Vicarious experience, yah!

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  MargueriteBee Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:08 pm

    Thank so much Vidya for sharing your journey with us. Flowers
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  Vidya Moksha Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:33 am

    Buenos Dias

    The sacred valley is changing colour after the first rains for a while, the browns being replaced by a variety of shades of green. Politically there is trouble brewing in the area as the govt plan to divert water from these parts to others, and maybe to export abroad... and they are ignoring local protests.. it could get nasty when they call in the police and the army...

    anyways.. my journey work with the sacred medicines continue and I have had an interesting time.... I have now undertaken my 2nd to 4th sessions with ayahausca.....

    2nd session - i took one cup of ayahausca with little noticeable effect for 40 minutes or so, so i took another one... and immediately purged the whole lot... i will spare the details but all my sphincters were open and gushing wasnt as unpleasant as it sounds, it was a good cleanse and its good to have no thing in the digestive tract.... but a good cleanse is all worth reporting...

    3rd session was another cup.....and this was a quite beautiful experience, a nice visual landscape. and i soon learned that if you chase images they disappear, you have to be passive and see what comes... A friend of mine is in a difficult place right now and she was in my thoughts and i wanted to send her some love and positive energies.. and was pleased to see this manifest... i saw a classic heart shape. bright red, with my face on it! and there were many such hearts in a big stack, like a stack of cards.. and they went off one by one to her, that was a quite a visual treat for me, and hopefully some benefit to her.... I was aware that many of the images i was generating were fro my mind, my ego.. and i was keen to dispel these images as i was really looking for some message from external sources, specifically spirit world... and as i told myself to clear my mind I immediately recalled the last scenes from the movie ghostbusters, where they too had to clear their minds, but one of them thought of the marshmellow man.. and hey, i counjoured the marshmellow man much to my amusement.. it was a fun session...
    I saw a jaguar appear, but my monkey mind chased after her and she vanished.. I called her back 'hey sister jaguar, show me the beauty way'.. and she did, and what a show it was... hard to describe as it was unlike anything i had seen before, but some images from scanning electron microscopes wold come close-ish.
    The rest f the session was remembering encounters with friends, or inventing scenarios with them, some i hadnt seen for a long time... and it was a joy to be with them and share the time....
    so overall a really nice session.. i took a sip of water and immediately purged again.. a good lesson, the ayahausca will tolerate nothing in the stomach, not water, not more ayahausca.. nothing...

    4th session, 2 cups taken taken at the start, was all about love, and was another wonderful experience.. i felt a deep love for the planet, people, everything... and for men to get out of their heads and into their hearts is a nice move anyway.. so i was pleased to feel such energies... I was taken back through my childhood and all the events i was proud of, but never received the acknowledgment for in the macho society i grew up in... so that was nice and unexpected.. but we must all learn to love ourselves, so another good step in the healing process...
    During this session i was also deeply aware of some things, for eg i watched a candle burn, but without the labels, i was actually part of the process, fully aware and even empathic towards what was going on, participating rather than observing....
    and the rest of the session again with friends and scenarios observed from the heart and not the head. I purged after 3 hours and had a good time for a few more hours after..

    by the end of the process I had gone some 60 hours without sleep, and although I was not fully with it, i wasnt as tired as i would have thought, clearly the vine was giving me some energy and support through this time....

    The sessions were not as expected, i was anticipating some contact with spirit on my quest for some communication and direction.. but Iam pleased to have done so much from the heart, its a nice energy and my overall impression was very good. And in a way I have received direction, i thought my next move should be back to the land and nature... and my wonderful connection with planet has reinforced this. So it looks like I do have a purpose.. back to nature... so a direction is required... and i actually have some direction anyway, i am making plans to travel in January, and will see where I end up following my encounters then.. it looks like I will be leaving south america and heading for indonesia, but i have another month at least working with plants and I want to go deeper with the ayahausca and hope to contact spirit.....

    hope you are all well

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  Vidya Moksha Sat Nov 27, 2010 1:06 pm

    so heres the jungle in SE Peru...

    Vidya's Journey DSC01306

    and heres the ayahausca vine and chacaruna leaf...

    Vidya's Journey DSC01314

    and heres the brew in preparation...

    Vidya's Journey DSC01317

    and Don Ignacios ceremony hut, where the magic happens:

    Vidya's Journey DSC01311

    and you can also buy san pedro and ayahausca in Cusco market but I wouldnt trust the ayahausca from here)

    Vidya's Journey DSC01330

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  giovonni Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:35 pm

    Thank you Vidya for keeping us posted~
    i have heard much of this ayahausca experience, i am keen in reading about yours study

    Stay well- safe and enjoy!sunny

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  mudra Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:36 pm

    Beautifull photos Vidya and inspiring account of your journey.
    Heart is our foundation . I guess Spirit is showing you that
    there lies all the keys you need to walk your path.
    I am gratefull for the 1st hand expression you are sharing of
    your experience.

    Love from me
    Be well


    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  Vidya Moksha Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:23 pm

    On returning from the jungle I had 2 eggs hatch in my foot, was some pain and some blood, but I dug out the worms and applied iodine and was fine.... for a few days, until I became quite sick with what tuned out to be a giardia infection... in other countries I might have tried turmeric and colloidal silver, maybe MMS... but here in Peru it was a dose of antibiotics, and a few days in bed..

    But all well now, and I resume my journey with the plants tomorrow, and am planning another 3 days with ayahausca....

    Its funny how things work out though. My sickness gave me time to read the first 7 books in the Anastasia series, and I resonate deeply with her ideas.. I came to Peru looking for direction from spirit, which I wanted to contact with the plants..instead they opened up my heart and reinforced my idea that I need to get back to nature, growing my own food again and drinking good water..funny that Anastasia should further reinforce that view.. so I received my direction, but not how I was expecting it.. though I wasnt really expecting anything from the plants.. I was fairly open minded before I started.

    And it turns out I was sick from the infection when I took the ayahausca, and the results were similar to eating food (nausea and diarrhea) so it will be interesting to see my next experiences with the vine... and I will report them when able...

    but I am well, thanks for the good wishes, I will glady receive more as I manifest a base in nature, though Im pretty good at manifesting these days, the problem was always knowing what I wanted rather than getting it.. but seems I am on the right path as I look for a base, and I have direction after Peru, so we will see. My plan is another month - 5 weeks in Peru with as many ayahausca sessions as I can manage - though I enjoyed working with San Pedro too, and it would be nice to do some more work with that - maybe at some of the sacred sites around here, some of which I would also like to visit in the next weeks. MacchuPicchu is an obvious attraction -but SO expensive, I may yet give it a funds are limited.

    Also they have banned ALL ceremonial work at ALL sites here, so need to take the plant medicines before I set out, could lead to an interesting trip Hypnotize

    take care all I love you

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  MargueriteBee Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:34 pm

    You are such a brave and wondrous being, thank you for sharing! Double Thumbs Up
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  Vidya Moksha Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:41 pm

    Not sure where to post this, maybe worth a new thread, but equally its part of my journey. so here will do..

    I wanted to make an observation.. I have no comment yet as I am still mulling it over myself....

    I spent almost 5 years between India and Sri Lanka, completely out of all media. I had no idea what was going on in the world, and was in a good and happy state....

    Last year I spent a great deal of time on the internet looking at all manner of unpleasantness .. war, chem trails, GM crops, govt suppression of healthy foods etc etc etc, you all know what I mean, this site is full of such stories.... these stories were on my mind and took a lot of my attention and energy...

    I have only been 6 weeks off the internet now, but I hardly follow any of these bad news stories and I am so much happier in the moment and out of this news...

    so am i better off being informed of all this bad news or better off just manifesting my dreams outside of all these influences? I know chem trails and GM foods are all around me, but can I live out of the system and ignore these? should i ignore these?

    interesting thoughts.. I am tempted by the ostrich head in the sand route manifesting an ideal world rather than buying into their agenda....

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  MargueriteBee Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:46 pm

    Perhaps we raise our vibration high enough all the negative stuff just disappears? I say go for ignoring it all! That's why I don't watch TV. Go for the gold!
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  Vidya Moksha Fri Dec 17, 2010 12:46 pm

    Well i think this journey of mine is coming to an end.

    I drank ayahausca the night before last, and slept through the process, and again last night, with no effect. I think my journey with the vine is over. I have what I came for, future direction.

    I will drink san pedro again next week, with the mescaline cooked out of it, for that lovely earth connection, it will be nice way to end what has been an interesting journey.

    I am not sure why I didnt receive any significant visions with the vine, perhaps it was doing some inner healing work, perhaps i wasnt taking enough, perhaps I am not meant to see anything just yet. There is a small chance I will revisit these ideas, and if I decide to continue with the vine I will go off into the jungle for an intense period of fasting and drinking, but this is perhaps unlikely at this time....

    time to move on geek

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    Vidya's Journey Empty Re: Vidya's Journey

    Post  mudra Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:59 pm

    Thanks for the update Vidya .
    Things aren't always what they seem to be.
    Maybe that this all journey to Peru was to find Anastasia's books and that this is how the vine worked for you Wink
    Whatever I trust wherever you are Spirit is always within you showing you the way on your soul journey and this
    has very little to do with what our mental processes are desiring or wishing for .

    Be well and enjoy the ride .

    Love from me

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