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    Post  mudra Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:40 pm


    Life's Miracles

    Bridge way thread inspired

     Have you ever had experiences of perfect timing or synchroniciities, when everything just seems to fall into place? For a moment, we step out of the random chaos and find that all forces are aligned with nothing preplanned and yet, all is in order. Events come together with such exactitude, it feels as if we have been launched onto a preordained course. We can’t stop thinking about someone and we run into them on the street; a person we have just met offers us the perfect job; we miss our plane and on the next flight we sit next to someone with whom we fall in love. This is synchronicity, a state of grace.

    I invite my brothers and sisters of the Mists and welcome our readers ,to share here the various synchronicities they encountered as they surfed on the wave of their Soul Journey.
    Because All That is, Spirit, The Divine ... is our foundation, Miracles are possible in everyone's experience.

    The Karen  

    Last edited by mudra on Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:51 am; edited 3 times in total

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    Post  mudra Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:49 pm

    Morpheus 's post on the Bridgeway


    3 months ago, my fridge went on the fritz. By the time I realized it wasn't cooling, it was too late and I had to throw 90% of what I had, away. So I made that appliance repair phone call and scheduled an appointment. They asked me for a serial number and called me back and said that we can no longer get parts for it. It's too old. So they came out anyway and it turned out to be the owner of the company. It's a side by side. So he opens it up, fridge side then opens up the freezer side. He reached and adjusted one of the shelves and bam, the fridge side started working. Problem fixed. Apparently, something was sticking and the little bump he made adjusting the shelf, unstuck itself. So I go to pay him and he says, "no charge." I begged to differ with him, expressing my willingness to at least cover the service call. He refused. So now I walk him out to his car and we're standing there and I am thanking him, up and down, in appreciation for what he had done. He reaches his hand out to shake my hand. So I grab his hand. But there was something that felt weird and I pulled my hand back. He then grabbed my hand and made sure I knew there was something in his. It turned out to be a $100.00 bill that was folded up into a 1" square.

    Maybe this sounds trivial to many folks, but to me, this wasn't trivial. It actually floored me. Tears welled up. This was a personal event of change. Transition of energy that freed up the programming I had been programmed with. I expressed my gratitude. I explained that I was so used to folks just taking, never giving. Under that program, I wouldn't have accepted what he placed in my hand.

    I think it was about a week later. No food in the fridge, so I decided to head to Wendys and get myself something. So I am behind this car. They ordered and then I ordered. They get their stuff and drive off. I pull up to pay for my order. The cashier says don't worry about it, the car in front of you paid for it. Really?????????????????

    What's going on here? The above video is what is going on here. I am no longer in that space I once was, with that old program. I felt free instead of feeling obligated. It was like losing a ball and chain. Thubs Up

    Another thing I would like to point out is that in my little universe, synchronicity is happening every day. It's uncanny. I could have a specific thought on a topic, and it will manifest itself. Typically in video format. It will just pop up on a YT video. Almost like YT is reading my mind. This phenomenon is also not limited to the Internet, but also outside of it in my life.

    Truly amazing as to what is happening amidst everything that is currently going on. Thubs Up

    Stay true and be free!

    Do the right thing.



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    Post  mudra Mon Sep 13, 2021 3:09 pm

    Vidya's posts on the Bridge Way

     Vidya Moksha Yesterday at 8:36 pm

    When I was travelling I actually made no plans, as such. I simply followed the synchronicities. If I ignored them,they would slow down. If I stayed in the same spot too long, and ignored the synchronicities, they would stop. For a while. Then I would either get a sign I couldnt ignore, or the synchronicities would start again.

    Once I was mobile again, the synchronicities would continue.

    I would usually find myself in a place with no idea why I was there,, until it became obvious (and it always did).. why I had to be at a location, or meet someone,or find something.  

    I was clearly guided to my current spot. I wont relate the story now, it's too long out of context, but for sure I was guided here by involve me moving anywhere. I am in the right location, for sure.  

    I am keeping up with old patterns in here    I have a stack of questions and no time. Whenever I try to catch up, the thread has moved on, and I have even more questions. I am still back at a point in here before we even get to dimensions, let alone the latest posts..

    Vidya Moksha Today at 3:49 am

    My entire journey was essentially one joined up synchronicity. You know what I mean..

    I am writing my third book, it is almost complete, I am going to publish it with my yoga book. This one delves deeper into my mystical journey but also details my physical journey.

    Here is one entry from Sri Lanka.

    The ‘synchronicities’ continued. There was a small second hand bookshop in Colombo in the Fort area, was it in Hospital Street? It was a jumble of a shop and I never knew its opening hours, it was closed more times than it was open when I visited, which most times I was in the city. There was a small shelf of ‘spiritual’ books which never seemed to change; I knew all the titles. When I started looking at the Tarot in more depth it became apparent I would have to learn astrology, although the subject never interested me. I found the astrology book I needed on the shelf in the bookshop and I know it wasn’t there the previous week. When I finished that book I needed the next level of astrology, visited the bookshop again and the book I needed was on the shelf. Coincidence? I don’t think so, this was how my life seemed, I would find the things I needed and the people I needed to meet with no effort. It was these kind of experiences that had led me to Sally Morgan in attempt to discover my spirit guides.
    When I left Colombo for India some months later I took a bunch of flowers to the lady who ran the bookshop and I told her that they were a gift in recognition of the ‘gifts’ (I paid for them) I had received in her shop. Hours later I would catch the bus home, a frequent bus south, there is one every five minutes or so heading down the Galle Road. The bookshop lady got on my bus clutching her flowers and smiled at me, more coincidence eh?

    this sort of thing you mean ?  lol!

     Vidya Moksha Today at 4:13 am

    This is a cut down version of what is in my book. This is my craziest story. All completely as I remember it.

    I headed south to London for my meeting with Sally Morgan. Her current client drove a Porche, which was parked in the driveway, which says as much as you need to know about her fees and her clientele. I waited in the lounge with her husband until she had finished her session and then joined her in a small room she used to provide her service.

    She introduced herself and told me she had worked with Princess Diana and still channelled her after her death. Not a convincing start for me. She told me she was clairaudio, clairvoyant, could see spirit world and could see the future. A near death experience as a child gave her these abilities.
    I said nothing about myself or my purpose for visiting. She started to give me a ‘cold-reading’. ‘Do I know a Jim, or John, or Jim, or whatever. I was seriously unimpressed at this point, thinking about the money and time I had wasted. None of the names she mentioned meant anything to me.
    About 15-20 minutes into her monologue I had to stop her. “I better explain why I am here,” I told her, “Maybe you can help me.” I explained my ‘spiritual’ experience in Glastonbury and my trip to India, and my notion that I had spirit guides helping and guiding me. I explained my idea to go to Peru to work with the shamans in attempt to find who these spirit guides were.

    ‘You aren’t going to Peru,’ she told me, ‘Well not in the next couple of years anyway, and it certainly isn’t your next destination.” I smiled. “I have decided to go to Peru,” I informed her, “I really can’t imagine why I won’t, I am about to book a flight!”
    “You aren’t going to Peru now,” she repeated, “I can see where you go. I can see a green field with snow. It’s in Europe. My Geography is terrible, have you got a map?” I did have a pocket diary with a map and I offered it to her. “Here,” she pointed to Southern Germany, around Freiburg. “This is where you are going.” I smiled again, “I don’t know anyone in that part of the world. I had never been to Germany before my trip to visit Steff, except on a train passing through it (I made a train journey from Paris to Athens in my youth). I can’t imagine that I will be going to Germany, so I can only presume I will be heading to Peru as planned,” I told her.

    “Who do you know in New Zealand?” she asked me, “Because you are going there as well.” I told her I didn’t know anyone in New Zealand and that I hadn’t considered going there.

    I related what I learned about spirit from my studies and she confirmed that my knowledge was sound, ‘though I shouldn’t know these things unless I am dead.” I described my Merkaba workshop and she was a little interested. I had a picture of Drunvalo on my laptop and showed it to her. “This is the guy,” I said. Her reaction is still with me today, she shuddered and looked away. “I don’t want to look at that man or talk about him,”
    The session had finally become interesting and I couldn’t leave it there, so I pressed her to comment about her reaction. “I don’t have to talk about that man, and I don’t want to. There is a big darkness surrounding him and I don’t want to say anymore.”

    I showed her a photo of Rodrigo. “Now, there is a man you can follow,” she said (as opposed to Drunvalo or my yoga teacher she meant). He’s got arthritis and a damaged knee, “she said. I am impressed and I told her so. “You have described him very well, but he’s supposed to be dead and you are talking as if he is alive,” I said. “He’s not dead!” she replied, “I can see spirit world as clearly as I can see our physical world and I am telling you, he isn’t in spirit, he isn’t dead.”

    I knew it! I knew he wasn’t dead, and everyone thought I was crazy for saying so.  I said as much to Sally, that I thought his death was an elaborate hoax, but she stopped in her tracks and visibly paled.  “What’s wrong?” I asked her. “I am not sure I can tell you,“ she said. “Come on,“ I replied, “You can’t do that to me, what is it?”

    “Well…. He is dead, but he’s not in spirit world, he’s living inside you,” she told me.

    I was shocked, a little stunned, and quite disbelieving, but I said nothing.

    “Who’s Francesca?” she asked me? “I have no idea,” I say, I don’t know anyone by that name, other than from a Roy Harper song. “Colin?” she asked? “Sorry,” I laughed, “I don’t know anyone called Colin.” “Well Colin is going to give you a considerable amount of money,” she told me. (Hey Colin, man, (whoever you are) if you are reading this I am still here and could do with a few coins.)

    We finished the session and she thanked me for my time, telling me I was one of her most interesting clients ever! (I bet she says that to all the boys.)
    I decided to head north and visit John, I needed time to digest what Sally had told me and I could discuss this with him and take him up of an offer to stay in his work unit. He was breeding snakes and there was a room above the reptile house which was warm and empty. I related the whole story to John.

    “I’ve had enough of this!” I declared. I am going to phone the hospital and sort this out. I know which hospital Rodrigo was supposed to have died in and I rang the coroner’s office. “I am sorry to trouble you, “ I started, “But I have just returned to the UK to news that a long-time friend has died. Apparently he died in your hospital and I wondered if you could confirm it for me please.” I gave Rodrigo’s surname, and explained it was an unusual variant spelling of a common surname. The registrar put me on hold while he checked his records. “I am sorry, we have no record of anyone of that name here at that time, “ he told me. I thanked him, hung up the phone and turned to John. “I told you, man! No record of his death at the hospital, they are playing me!”
    The phone rang and I picked it up as I was standing next it. “I’m terribly sorry,” said the coroner, “I know you gave me the variant spelling of his name, but I checked the normal spelling. I have some sad news; I can confirm that your friend did die in this hospital on the date you gave me.” I thanked him and hung up.

    I turned to John again and relayed the message. I was shaking my head. “I need some space, “ I told John and took myself up to my temporary living area.

    It struck me, if I really have the spirit of a dead man living inside me, can I communicate with it? “Rodrigo, are you there, man?”
    The response was immediate and powerful. I had a deep tingling sensation, like intense pins and needles, at the top of my lungs, on my back. These tingling sensations moved up my back, either side of my spine, up my neck, across my head and reached my temples, where they simply ‘exploded’. Whoa! What the XXXX was that? XXXX! XXXX! What the XXXX was that? I presume that was a yes!

    For the next two days I asked questions of ‘Rodrigo’. A yes was answered with a tingling sensation, there was no sensation if the answer was no. I heard no voices, had no visions, I just received this tingling sensation to confirm an answer.

    I asked the same questions in different ways and repeated questions, in attempt to ‘catch myself out’. I think I wanted to prove I was crazy rather than admit I had the spirit of a dead man living inside me. I wrote everything down and crossed checked it all – I couldn’t find any mistakes.  After two days of yes and no answers to my questions I was ‘told’ to contact a friend of Rodrigo’s, a German artist who I had met on a couple of occasions in Portugal but I didn’t know well. I was once abseiling down a ravine with a chainsaw in my hand to tackle some awkward tree work for Rodrigo when Max turned up, 5L of local vino verde in hand and we three had a good afternoon and evening. That was as much contact as I had with Max, but I did have an email address for him.

    Man! Is this all in my head? Am I going crazy? What should I do? I decided I would email Max and give him a week to reply. If I don’t hear from him after a week I would book a flight to Peru as I planned.

    A week passed without word from Max and I was somewhat relieved, I could pretend all of this never happened and go to Peru. I was online searching for cheap flights when I did receive a reply from Max. Of course he remembered me, and I am welcome to visit him, he is living in Freiburg, Germany. I was speechless, staring at the screen, remembering Sally Morgan’s prediction that I would not be going to Peru but to Freiburg. XXXX. This is simply crazy!  

    ...[snip] [i did go to germany.. Oh Hi Max, A dead friend sent me]

    I told Max the tale that I told Charlie and am telling you now. He took it remarkably well and said that he thought he heard the old bugger sometimes as well. He was thrilled with his splitting maul and thanked me for it.

    I stayed in the pension that night as there was a spare room and the next day he drove me to his house in the countryside. He didn’t say anything but allowed me to enter one of the rooms first, which I did, to meet… Rodrigo! There he was, hanging on the wall, a painting of Max’s. This wasn’t a set – up. Max had painted the portrait some years before and it had hung in the same place in the room since they moved into the house. I had been sent by the spirit of Rodrigo to a man I didn’t know, who had a portrait of Rodrigo on his wall. Am I crazy enough yet?

    I placed the splitting Maul next to the painting and a took a picture. The image in the painting was ‘captured’ in Portugal in what we affectionately called ‘The Rabbit Hutch’. When Rodrigo first moved to the north of Portugal he lived in a cow barn (as we all did when we first arrived) which had an especially shallow upper storey, you couldn’t stand up easily, just sit and sleep. There was a small door into the room from outside which had to be entered on hands and knees. Downstairs was a natural cave with a granite front and doorway and Rodrigo is sat downstairs in the portrait, with the cave wall behind him.
    The snowy fields around the house were exactly as Sally Morgan had described to me when she told me I would be going to Freiburg. If she can genuinely see the future…….

    Crazy Happy
    I have an equally remarkable story of when rodrigo's spirit left me.. but that's for another time Wink

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    Post  mudra Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:44 am

    Vidya wrote on the Bridge Way

    I was pulled out of the tsunami in Sri Lanka...for a woodcarving apprenticeship...

    I couldn’t stay in Colombo for long after experiencing the beautiful countryside. I thought the south coast was the best option – completely deserted and ridiculously cheap.

    I settled for a small fishing village on the outskirts of Tangalle. My base was a rough cabana made entirely from the coconut trees that grow in profusion there; this was picture postcard white beach paradise. There was a bed with a mosquito net, a table and chair, an en-suite bathroom and shower; all I needed. I had to cross a dirt track to reach the beach and on the beach I was the only one there that I could see, and I could see for miles.

    It was a week or more when I received a text from Anura asking me to phone him; which I did. He had talked to the carver, could I meet him in Moratuwa, the next day. Tomorrow! I thought it worth the hassle and the three hour bus journey; it would be a shame to miss the opportunity.

    I caught the early AC minibus and arrived at Anura’s well before lunch, which was a treat for me as Anura’s wife is a wonderful cook. After lunch Anura drove me to Moratuwa, a few miles south of Colombo.

    Moratuwa is where the wood carving and furniture industry is based in Sri Lanka. It’s situated there simply because they used to float the logs from the hill country down the river to Moratuwa. The sometimes huge tree trunks would be hauled out of the water and worked in-situ.

    Diesel lorries transport the timber these days and piles of stacked timber greet you as you enter Moratuwa. Nandascena worked in a furniture factory, on the top floor, where he carved decorative ends to chairs and other furniture and was commissioned to produce individual pieces. He was a short, wiry man with large glasses to accommodate his failing eyesight.

    He spoke only a little English and Anura did most of the translating. He offered to teach me for free, there was a piece he has just been commissioned to make and I could do that with him watching over me. The log to be carved was already in place, it was brought in a few days previously.

    I accepted his offer and told him I would be back soon, once I found somewhere to live. I thanked Anura and asked him to drop me on the main Galle Road and I would look for a flat or a cheap hotel.


    It was a long day, but I had managed quite a lot since I set out from the tiny village that morning. The next morning the fishing village I had just left in the south didn’t exist anymore, it had been completely destroyed, but I didn’t know that when I met Nico to catch the bus into town.

    As we drove over the metal road bridge the river was swollen, and fast flowing, was it high tide? There wasn’t much of a tidal range here in Sri Lanka, it was unusual. Nico didn’t know and didn’t seem to care or notice.


    I arrived back at my cabana with bags full of food and coffee. I had missed calls on my mobile phone and received a few texts. That was most unusual, I carried a phone for emergencies only – that must be what this was – otherwise it was my only timepiece for dates or times. I usually had no idea what day of the week it was or what time it was. I had a flight to the UK in a few weeks and that was my only requirement to know the time.

    ‘Am I okay?’ reads one text from my father. I don’t understand and text him back. ‘I’m fine, Why is everyone asking me?’ ‘Haven’t you heard? There was a tsunami in Sri Lanka.’ ‘No I hadn’t heard, not here. I am fine.’

    I went outside and saw Priyan, the owner, lakeside. The lake level had risen by maybe 25 cms and the water was encroaching on the property.
    “I just heard there was a tsunami,” I said. “Yes,” he told me, “This morning. It’s all over the news. There is no way south to assess the damage as the roads and railways were all washed away.”

    Wow! I was down there yesterday, if it wasn’t for this call to come carving I would have been in a flimsy fishing hut on the beach when the tsunami hit. I later discovered the entire ‘village’ was washed away without trace, but we are not talking bricks and mortar or concrete here; just palm tree huts. Even so, it’s a crap shoot to see if you die if you get caught in a tsunami, as much for what’s in the water column as for the wave itself. If a big rock or other debris has your name on it while you are in the water that would be the end of it, even if you didn’t drown.

    I have to report a lot of indifference to the news of the tsunami in Sri Lanka itself. The general spoken opinion of the coastal dwellers that I heard was ‘it was their own fault, as well as their own karma’. Apparently the government had foreseen such a possibility years before, and anyway wanted these shanty huts removed from the coastline. The government had resettled the coastal dwellers, giving them land and building materials away from the coast. They ‘all’ moved inland and built their houses for free; sold them for a tidy profit and moved back to their shanty house on the beach / coast. The locals considered them both stupid and greedy and were unconcerned at their current plight. Not everyone, but most held this view. It was life as normal in the mid-west part of the island, shielded from the impact of the wave by the east and south coasts. In fact it was only in the UK at a friend’s house, a decade later, that I saw footage of the scale of the disaster.

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    Post  Sanicle Wed Sep 15, 2021 4:18 am

    Vidya wrote:I showed her a photo of Rodrigo. “Now, there is a man you can follow,” she said (as opposed to Drunvalo or my yoga teacher she meant). He’s got arthritis and a damaged knee, “she said. I am impressed and I told her so. “You have described him very well, but he’s supposed to be dead and you are talking as if he is alive,” I said. “He’s not dead!” she replied, “I can see spirit world as clearly as I can see our physical world and I am telling you, he isn’t in spirit, he isn’t dead.”

    I knew it! I knew he wasn’t dead, and everyone thought I was crazy for saying so.  I said as much to Sally, that I thought his death was an elaborate hoax, but she stopped in her tracks and visibly paled.  “What’s wrong?” I asked her. “I am not sure I can tell you,“ she said. “Come on,“ I replied, “You can’t do that to me, what is it?”

    “Well…. He is dead, but he’s not in spirit world, he’s living inside you,” she told me.

    Vidya ---- I just have to ask!  Question Did you find out from Rodrigo just HOW and moreso WHY he entered you after his death??   Shocked
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Post  Vidya Moksha Wed Sep 15, 2021 6:55 am

    No. Is the short answer.

    Soon after his spirit entered me I had my first experience of advaita (non duality). So i presume that was a direct consequence. It was also the start of a 13 year journey, so maybe he wanted to get me moving Wink

    I wasnt aware of any presence for nearly 2 years. But as my bookshop example, above, shows, I knew something was different. I knew I was being guided, but not how or why.

    I was quite disbelieving for a while, and quite shocked after my session with Sally Morgan. At the time I was working as a scientist and developing a self sufficient farm, I hadnt the time or inclination for any mystical or spiritual adventures. This was the proverbial 'bolt out of the blue'.

    I cant remember now (I could check) how long I was aware of Rodrigo's spirit before he left. (He should have been in spirit, and it is not 'healthy' to be carrying spirits).

    After he departed I realised I had a stack of questions I could have asked. But the process is difficult, with only yes and no for answers.

    Also, the presence did not serve me well in one sense. After my experience of advaita (non duality) I had a different head. I lost all attachment to material things, possessions, and this has been the case since. I cannot take 'ownership' seriously anymore. So something changed irrevocably in that sense. Also after the experience I was living more and more in the moment. Not over thinking, not over analyzing. When I discovered his spirit and could ask questions, my focus shifted from the moment to the future. What will happen if..? what about..? etc. This was not a good step. I did realise this, and saw the shift in my thinking. I made a conscious effort to try and be more 'in the moment'.

    I will get round to describing the time he left my body. Shortly after his departure I met a spiritual /shamanic healer, and she 'confirmed' his presence in a couple of ways, and did so blindly, without knowing any of the back story. So there were several confirmations it was a real event.

    Needless to say, I didnt talk much about the experience at the time Wink and then only to close friends, some of whom had seen the shift in my behaviour. I have family and friends who still dont know the story. Until (if) I ever do get round to publishing the story in book format.

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    Post  Sanicle Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:26 am

    Oh well, I guess Sally did say he was someone worth "following" so it sounds like she must have had an inclination on some level of why he was there in you Very Happy But it's all such a bizarre way for him to get it to happen, isn't it? Unfinished business maybe? That is one of the reasons they say spirits don't leave this plane. He must have been really, really determined to get you to follow this path though, leaving before he got around to it I guess. Shocked Razz It's a shame the shaman you met after he left didn't tell you the how and why when you met her as well. scratch

    But yes, it certainly sounds like his presence had a distinct effect on you and the rest of your life. Wow, a real u-turn. Are you pleased for this?

    Thank you for your response and I'll be looking forward to hearing about your experience when he left when you have the time and energy to tell us about that too. So much of what you've experienced in life fascinates me and I'll definitely be a buyer of your book when it comes out. cheers
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Post  Vidya Moksha Wed Sep 15, 2021 10:05 am

    Rodrigo is not his real name. I altered all names for my book. He was my friend and neighbour. We would talk buddhism and Tao, but he had no following. He had transformed through his life to be altogether more unattached, but he wasnt a 'master' as such (or was he? Wink ). I was asked if my 'knowing he wasnt dead' (a notion I carried since he supposedly 'died') was a reaction to a loss of a close friend. It wasn't.  I just 'knew' he wasnt dead. I thought his sons had made up the story and that one day I would find out where he was living. Guess I found out  lol! be careful what you ask for!

    This is much clearer in the bigger picture /full story.

    The changes in my life and 'being' are a direct result of experiencing advaita (non-duality). The fact that i have zero doubt that we endure after the loss of our physical bodies, certainly is a life changer. I know from my experience of advaita that fear is only monkey generated. However back in duality, I also carry no fear of death, so there is 'comfort' there.

    I will copy these posts over to the Bridge Way, we can chat in there, leave this for mudra's synchronicities

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    Post  Sanicle Wed Sep 15, 2021 11:39 am

    Um, no, sorry Vidya. I can't chat with you on Bridgeway as I promised Lionhawk I wouldn't post on his thread anymore after he became quite disgruntled with me after I questioned him about some of his techniques. Neutral That's why I approached you here. It's all good though. I'll just keep up with what you have to say there as I have been doing.

    As you say, leave this thread for what it was created for by Mudra. I love you
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Location : on the road again :)


    Post  Vidya Moksha Wed Sep 15, 2021 1:06 pm

    I did comment and then delete my post. I got muddled up.. it's an age thing Wink

    I wouldnt wish for you to break your promises to morpheus,  but equally i would hope we can all be civil and respectful and ask each other these questions about what we post / think. I was catching up with the bridge way thread, i think it went a little sideways in there just as i went offline. Are the waters not still enough yet for your return in there?  

    Equally, I am sure mudra wouldnt mind you asking in here, I seem to have hijacked the thread anyway Wink

    And I would certainly be open to exchange with you about this, I know it is in your 'ball-park', and it's been a while eh? Wink

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    Post  mudra Wed Sep 15, 2021 2:33 pm

    Hello Sanicle welcome on my thread cheers
    You can discuss what you want here with Vidya or others, even synchronicities sunny

    How is Australia ? Are things as bad as they seem to be ?
    I would love to hear what you have to say regarding the various
    measures being taken in the name of Cov in your country.
    Give us an update will you ? I hope you and yours are doing fine.

    Love from me

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    Post  mudra Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:01 pm

    Co creation

    I have a friend who does not go much out
    of her house any longer since her husband's death
    a few years ago.
    But every few weeks or so we go and do some
    shopping for groceries together as she has a car and I don't.
    A few months ago she told me she was needing a file cabinet
    where she could put her folders.
    So we looked for that but what we found was either too large
    or too small.
    Months go by and I forgot about it all but not my friend.
    So the other day she drops me home and enters with me.
    At the end of the corridor is my office.
    She asks me " can I go in there I need to see something "
    It was a strange and unusual demand from her but ok I let her in there.
    She looks around and says " I am looking if I could not find a filing cabinet
    that I could use here. I had nothing of the sort. She had already been in my office
    several times. She should have known.
    It was all very weird as if she was sure to find what she wanted in my office.

    Few days forward I am in street and walk a few steps away from house when
    my attention is driven to boxes filled with books on the side way.
    As I come a little closer I notice that there were not only books to give but
    a small metallic file cabinet as well. I recognised it  as the file cabinet in my friend's dreams.
    I picked it and took it home . Its now in my office awaiting for my friend to come and take it.
    Life is amazing 😊
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Location : on the road again :)


    Post  Vidya Moksha Thu Sep 16, 2021 2:28 am

    I was one time in an abandoned village in northern Italy, close to the Swiss border. I had just spent the last of my money on a week's supply of food. Winter was approaching and I couldn’t stay in the village with no money and I am not sure if I could have stayed there with money, it was going to be bitterly cold and access to the village would be problematic in deep snow. I put the bag of food on my table and wondered what I would do.

    That night there was knock at the door. It was late, after 2200hrs, dark and no one had ever knocked on the door before. I answered to find a tall German man in the doorway, “I am looking for Mike,” he said. I told him that I am called Mike, but I have no idea who this guy is. “You were in Freiburg a few months ago?” he asked me and I confirmed I was. “I heard you cooked for a large group of people and everyone complimented you on your vegetarian cooking, even suggesting you opened your own restaurant,” he told me. I confirmed his story, now curious.

    “I am running a camp in the mountains here and my chef has let me down. I need someone to cook for two weeks on an open camp fire, 25 people for the first week and 40 people for the second week. Are you interested?” Of course I was interested, I was penniless. Everyone would pay €15 per day and I must go to the city to buy food (he will lend me his van) and cook it. He will provide two helpers to cut all the vegetables.

    It was a stressful couple of weeks, but I did a good job. I cooked rice in a pan the size of a small dustbin and used a ‘frying’ dish that was over 1m in diameter, all on an open wood fire, which required thick leather clothing such as a blacksmith might use as I was bathed in flames every time the wind changed direction suddenly.

    The German guy was running a pseudo-spiritual retreat based around the Native American vision quest. I found the whole thing quite bogus, but I didn’t say anything and the kids were easily won over by my KäserNudel.

    I made several thousand euros in profit for my efforts. Two weeks later I was back in Sri Lanka, a much nicer spot to spend the winter sunny
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Location : on the road again :)


    Post  Vidya Moksha Thu Sep 16, 2021 2:34 am

    mudra wrote:Co creation
    Few days forward I am in street and walk a few steps away from house when
    my attention is driven to boxes filled with books on the side way.
    As I come a little closer I notice that there were not only books to give but
    a small metallic file cabinet as well. I recognised it  as the file cabinet in my friend's dreams.
    I picked it and took it home . Its now in my office awaiting for my friend to come and take it.
    Life is amazing 😊

    This is also a tale of how to manifest things! Another amazing 'ability' that we all have, if we did but know it! I was taught about manifesting from a german lady I met in Sri Lanka. I have some equally amazing stories from my travels with her through the war zone in Sri Lanka.

    (when I was in Sri Lanka for the first time there were hardly any tourists as the sri lankan army were 'at war' with the tamils (it was never a war, just genocide.. )

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    Post  mudra Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:58 am

    Your story taking place in the abandoned village Vydiais quite symbolic of finding oneself at the edge of a cliff almost ready to stumble over into oblivion when some force suddenly pops in and grabs you and pulls you back into the flow. 😊
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Location : on the road again :)


    Post  Vidya Moksha Thu Sep 16, 2021 11:56 am

    I was several times without money, in uk twice, germany twice, new zealand, india, sri lanka, italy.

    The first time, I wanted to prove I could survive, a test of my non-attachment. (Now I recall, it was my attachment to non-attachment that I had to finally let go of to enter advaita a second time).

    Something always came up. I never went hungry. After a few times, with events like the above, it is not that you become blase, but you do wonder what the universe will provide next. a 'I'm waiting, bring it on' attitude. I was always grateful, but I also knew the universe would provide.

    I mentioned manifesting in an above post, that is also an important aspect.

    I was never scared to jump, the only cliff I encountered was entering advaita for a second time.

    I arrived back in the UK one time, focused on getting to Peru. I had no money but found a research contract for 6 months. Made enough money to buy a ticket to new zealand. Arrived in NZ penniless .. and was offered a full time job, and managed to get a work visa. Made enough money to go to Peru and tour South America, Oz and back to Sri Lanka....

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    Post  Sanicle Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:00 am

    mudra wrote:
    Hello Sanicle welcome on my thread cheers
    You can discuss what you want here with Vidya or others, even synchronicities sunny

    How is Australia ? Are things as bad as they seem to be ?
    I would love to hear what you have to say regarding the various
    measures being taken in the name of Cov in your country.
    Give us an update will you ? I hope you and yours are doing fine.

    Love from me
    Thanks for the invite Mudra. You truly are a gem. Hugs

    As you've asked again here and I know you care I'll just add that Rochelle and I are both fine (and vaccinated, keeping loved ones happy) and watching with interest all the fear-based aggressiveness that's occurring both here and elsewhere in the world because of Covid and the way the media exaggerates and makes it all seem so much worse than it really is -- as usual. Rolling Eyes

    Thanks for caring my friend but I'm quite content in the background here, until someone like Vidya gets my curiosity going again of course. Lolerz

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    Post  mudra Sat Sep 18, 2021 4:02 am

    Interesting Sanicle thank you for sharing your point of view.

    I guess wether the scene seems preoccupying in Australia and liberty receding
    depends on which choices one makes regarding covid19, how dangerous
    one considers  it to be and the importance one gives to the jab to prevent it.
    And it possibly depends on what part of Australia one lives and under what measures.

    A friend who lives in NSW with whom I had the occasion to exchange a few words regarding
    the measures taken in France recently had a different point of view than yours. He seemed to be seriously concerned with what he was witnessing around:


    We all perceive from different levels, different realities, diverging time lines...
    Prior to 2012 and the following years several of us have known a Great Gathering.
    The wave has since turned.
    We have now reached  a point of another major change imho,
    another U turn taking place in  a new spiral of Spirit's wand and people's response to it.

    Take care
    May you and Rochelle do well 🙏💗 🙏

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    Location : Melbourne, Australia


    Post  Sanicle Sat Sep 18, 2021 6:10 am

    Yep, fear seems to be taking over a lot of people, causing as much division as religion, etc ever did. No

    OK, I'm done. I love you
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Location : on the road again :)


    Post  Vidya Moksha Sat Sep 18, 2021 6:31 am

    Sanicle wrote:Yep, fear seems to be taking over a lot of people, causing as much division as religion, etc ever did.  No
    yep, Isn't that the truth of all the global madness, summarised perfectly in one line.

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    Post  mudra Sat Sep 18, 2021 11:56 am

    Vidya Moksha wrote:
    Sanicle wrote:Yep, fear seems to be taking over a lot of people, causing as much division as religion, etc ever did.  No  
    yep, Isn't that the truth of all the global madness, summarised perfectly in one line.

    As far as I am concerned I would personnally think so.
    Would division even exist if  it was not from Dr Fauci and Co to have bombarded the entire planet daily with fear  propaganda re Cov19, and impose  drastic measures accordingly ?

    Isn't division the result of a lack of consensus, a real dialogue and right to free speech from all parties concerned ?

    How to understand censure and the favouring of a one way only analysis and response to Cov19 to the rejection of all others.
    Could it be the division this creates is the result of a political move based on lies, fear  and cohersive measures rather than a purely scientific approach including all scientists ?

    Now as a side note there is no need to fall into a black or white trap. Division is a choice really not an unavoidable fact.
    Some of my best friends have chosen to be jabbed while others not.
    This did not end our friendship however.
    One can also see that in places where people protest in the streets against the sanitary pass or lockdown measures : jabbed people come together with the unjabbed ones as One.
    The choice each one makes is NOT the problem imho. Lack of discernment and drama are I believe.


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    Post  mudra Mon Sep 20, 2021 3:25 pm

    Amazing !
    A friend in Canada today 😊

    I was playing Scrabble while waiting to vote for Maxime Bernier in Beauce and here are the letters I got for my next turn. One in a million chance! This is not photoshopped.


    Note: for those who don't know who Maxime Bernier is I posted an interview of him yesterday

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