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    Diehold Foundation

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation - Page 2 Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:03 am

    I was going to comment on an oxy post. but I see it is deleted.. into the mists.. I will reply anyway, i didnt look to see if the post was copied into your missive.. I struggle to even open your pages.. my laptop is geriatric and my download speed limited to a poor mobile signal..
    I have been busy. there is much to do. Dr Doom keeps whispering in my ear about the immediate future.. so thoughts of doom 25 years ahead are somewhat luxurious.

    oxy, I hope you find a way back to health.. or can make the best of what you have. You know i am not at all religious but in hard times i do have a crutch.. i remind myself I am a facet of god, experiencing the universe,  my experience is valid, whichever way it goes. It does seem to help me put the universe back into some sort of context  if I need to. (In extreme moments a little ana pani sati never hurt)..

    You mentioned something about game within games, or illusion stacked onto illusion.. so mithras became jesus. The chinese have removed the tibetan holy days and replaced them with party /gambling /drinking holidays.. a way of subverting and ultimately diluting -destroying one system in favour of another..

    So we can be assured that history is fake for whatever reason, misinterpretation, copy error or deliberate acts of sabotage.  We can be sure religious texts have been written for political and not mystical purposes. Even the esoteric theosophies are the same, same 'dogma' runs through them.. all 'male' (universal energy) dominated.. it is possible to apply the teachings and remove the bias.. but you have to know it is there first. And to replace the male with the female is just to repeat the same problem..

    Back to Vogt, I think he fails to heed his own warnings about maths. It is a universal measure.. applicable to everything..and he warns us against its misuse.. and then, for me, he mis uses it by applying his mathematical patterns to various charts.. with a few fudge factors..

    But he's only trying to figure our the universe for himself and I admire him for trying,. most folk dont bother. And he has some interesting ideas. I hope to watch the first series this next week..

    i had a job one time.. to describe animal populations.. I ran multivariate statistical packages.. comparing every species to every other species at the same time.. the maths groups species according to their similarity.. and then the results are interpreted. This time the results were quite something, they told a coherent and obvious story, and even threw up the possibility of some links between species I hadn't considered previously. I was quite interested and worked long hours on this... to be told by my database manager : oops, sorry, I had to run the data into a relational database and i messed up the output.. the data I had was corrupt! All my ideas / observations. seemingly text book output, were invalid.

    I ran the stats again, on the 'correct' data and got another story that made perfect sense also, so i described that story instead and that ended up in my final report.

    I never forgot the lesson. I keep it in mind whilst watching Vogt's videos.

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    Diehold Foundation - Page 2 Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jul 14, 2021 9:56 am

    Thank-you, Vidya. Sorry about my massive threads and deleted posts. I'm not sure why I'm doing this. Perhaps the Matrix Made Me Do It. I'm half-joking and half-serious. If one does an overall conceptual analysis of Vogt and Torah, what is the result?? His detailed scientific stuff probably needs to be subjected to peer-reviewed journals and books. I'm not qualified at all in that regard. Regarding Torah, one could spend a lifetime studying commentaries and lectures, or just reading Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations. The possibilities are endless. I suspect that we can make all the above say whatever the hell we want it to (or don't want it to). Perhaps we just have to stew in our juice for all-eternity as we argue, rationalize, and power-struggle (or something to that effect). If I sound a bit bitter, it's because I am. However one puts things together, it's always wrong in the short or long term. Perhaps an Ancient-Unchanging Artificial-Intelligence Governance-System referees the madness in ways we're not privy to. Just a Hypothesis. I really want to not deal with this stuff. I think I've learned my lesson regarding Research and Reformation. It just doesn't pay to attempt to figure things out and make things better. Didn't Jesus say something about "Casting One's Pearls Before the Swine"?? Sometimes I think I'll simply watch an endless variety of documentaries without saying or doing anything. Or better yet, perhaps I'll just read a couple of newspapers of record and go for long walks. It might be easier that way. Thank-you for your concern regarding my physical, mental, and spiritual issues. Perhaps I shouldn't mention that sort of thing. Anything I say probably can (and will) be used against me, even if most of my internet-material is religious and political science-fiction. Logic and Resistance are probably futile. The system probably gets what the system wants. The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways. Vengeance Belongs to the Lord (but He delegates).
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you for this thread, Vidya. I've spent some time on this topic, including books and videos by Douglas Vogt, but there's only so much I can digest and verify, so I've mostly moved on. Regarding 2046, there are some 87 year periods (fourscore and seven years) I find quite interesting (which coincide with 2046) but I won't comment on them at this point. Some of them are personal. I'm not sure what to make of this, but regarding the Torah (and the rest of the Bible) we're probably not dealing with a bunch of primitive-warriors and sheep-herders in the middle of the desert. We might not be dealing with God (or god) as we know this being to be commonly known. We might be dealing with Ancient-Technology, including Supercomputers, Robotics, Planetary-Propulsion. Weapons of Mass-Destruction, etc. This thing might be worse than we can imagine. Judeo-Christianity (as commonly known) might be a collection of Cover-Stories. Jesus said, "I have many things to tell you, but you can't bear them." In other words, "You Can't Handle the Truth." Unfortunately, we might be in the process of having the Truth crammed down our throats, regardless of whether anyone can handle the Truth or not. I continue my contextual-study but I have reached few-conclusions. What if HAL 9000 (for want of a better term) has run this solar system for millions of years (for better or worse)?? What Would David Bowman Say?? What Would Raven Say?? "@#$%^&*#$%^!!!!!"
    Vidya Moksha wrote:When Vogt claimed to have found the site moses used, I switched off a little. 2,000 year old structures are usual archaeology. And undisturbed all these millennia? Doubt it. Is the bible accurate? Doubt it. The torah? same. when were these documents written? and for what purpose? But global extinctions happen, and he could be correct in his cycle of 12,000 years. Ice ages happen. So where does the water come from to make ice? It wasnt a meteor or nuclear winter.. I believe Vogt is quite correct to look at the energy balance. It would take a lot of water vapour, which would require spectacular heat.. so his model works. Noah's ark.. did it have 2 of each species? of course not. Maybe the flood was slow, and predictable. or maybe they had prior warning?. Could previous civilizations have left coded clues? Possibly, but what about the 10,000 years before all modern religions? Such clues, left on high tech fabric /material.. or even on stone tablets? Have they been interpreted by someone? Maybe. Maybe history / fantasy called him Moses? Obviously a message from 'god' (who could just be someone from a previous civilization) .. There probably was a flood, probably the earth does cycle between ice ages and mass extinctions, possibly someone left clues about this in the past. I like Vogt's models but he takes the religious texts, darwinism, written history etc too literally.. Maybe he did find a code in the Torah?  
    orthodoxymoron wrote:In general terms, I'm suspecting cover-stories for cover-stories for cover-stories for thousands (or even millions) of years. Regarding Vogt's theory of a catastrophic solar-event in or around 2046, I'm wondering if there is an Ancient Artificial-Intelligence and Planetary-Propulsion System which might be Cyclical in Nature. Consider Isaac Newton's Prophetic-Wanderings which include the possibility of the World Ending as early as the mid to late 21st century. A very-intelligent Individual of Interest told me that All Religion was BS. But what if All Religion involves cover-stories for cover-stories for cover-stories, or conflicting-delusions, if you will?? Consider "Four-Score and Seven Years Ago." Consider 1958-59 and 2045-46 and 2132-33. Consider the Earth-Crust Displacement Theory of Charles Hapgood. Consider the movie 2012. The Quest for the Historical Rabbit-Hole might be more illusive and disillusioning than most of us can imagine. A lot of us should probably cease and desist before we go nuts and/or are made to shut-up. Sorry for being blunt, but I fear that God Got Me and/or the Matrix-Mediatrix Made Me Do It (or something to that effect). I keep heading for the exits with a lot of recapitulation along the way. I'm working on my old back-up car and things aren't going well, so I'm in a bit of a mood. My medical finance problems are resolving nicely but my core physical, mental, and spiritual difficulties are worsening exponentially (by accident and/or design, I know not). Researchers and Reformers Beware. We Might be Dealing with Men of God Who Deal with the Ancient-Matrix!! Who Knows?? The Shadow?? Consider Daniel 7-12 interpreted by Daniel 7-12 (but don't expect it to make you happy). What if the Sanctuary is Cleansed, Vindicated, and Restored to It's Rightful-State in a Cyclical-Manner involving Ancient Artificial-Intelligence and Planetary-Propulsion?? The Deep-State might be hinting at how $crewed we are. Consider Matthew 4 and 28 along with 1 Corinthians 15:24-28. I Can't Take Much More of This. I Need to Stop. They Have Ways to Make Us Stop. Many Ways. The Horror.
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation - Page 2 Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Wed Jul 14, 2021 10:15 am

    The thought occurs... if an advanced race wanted to warn the survivors and leave clues for the next world re-builders... why do it in a complicated code? Why hide the 'secret' somewhere?

    Surely, trying to teach folk who are back to the stone age, and will evolve communities over millennia.. then a more simple pictorial version would be the best way?

    unless such things did exist of course, and were gathered and secreted away...

    I am sufficiently outside of the kabbalah and related, including Torah, to be bothered to look further. For me, it just gets too dark, and I cant really explain why.. more of a feeling.  He may be onto something, but I dont care enough. I have much better things to be doing now.. I could believe the hebrew origin he suggests.

    and symbolically comparing an apple cut in half with the torus he used to create the theory, then link back to biblical stories of adam and eve..

    more mental masturbation on his part? or maybe he is onto something?

    I got into this info from a video Carol posted about pole shifts resulting in 90 degree axis shift.. Vogt claims this is nonsense and has no supporting data. I saw another end of world date for a couple of years hence..are they trying to wear us out? Become blasé? ..

    all new to me.. i am curious but not driven for the info..

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    Diehold Foundation - Page 2 Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:23 pm

    I agree with your post, Vidya. I just remembered that as a youth I sang with an informal group who visited a veterans rehab facility once a week to help lift the spirits of the physically, mentally, and spiritually wounded. It was often led by the son of a prominent theologian. His father wrote books which were often rather dark and conservative. The son later became a world-renowned Leviticus scholar with a PhD from Berkeley. Can you imagine studying every jot and tittle of LEVITICUS?? Wow!! Strongly supporting or rejecting the Bible now seems somewhat problematic to me, especially when dealing with the general-public. I've been passively creating strange threads on this website which are decidedly pseudo-intellectual and NOT for the general-public. I mostly don't post on the threads of others. I often delete and move posts I've started, as I recently did on this thread. It seems as if a lot of this stuff is mental and spiritual quicksand (at least for me). A prominent atheist contends that if there were an actual God, communicating with humanity, there would be a proper standard and narrative to follow, without ambiguity or obfuscation. I suspect an ancient to modern divorce between divinity and humanity wherein man might've been playing god for thousands of years. This world often seems dark and violent. The rabbit-hole often seems like a bottomless-pit. I've tried to create religious and political science-fiction within this website without publishing anything, even though I need the money. I just can't imagine cramming this stuff down the throats of people who have been misused and abused by the gods, goddesses, and children of the gods (for want of a better term). I'll try not to post here. It's just too dark and problematic for me to spread the joy (so to speak). Cheers.

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    Diehold Foundation - Page 2 Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  mudra Thu Jul 15, 2021 5:12 pm

    I haven't managed so far to complete the series. It seems I became disinterested.
    I understand what you say about This man Vidya and think you it expressed much better
    Than I would have been able to express it myself.
    On another angle lets suppose this clock is ticking and these mega cataclysmitic events happen
    Wouldn't it be something as natural  as death is ? Only in these particular instances on a collective scale.
    Something to trust for its " therapeuthic "value rather than to counter and fear. Imagine how boring a life or game that goes on and on would be. Its like wearing the same costume all the time.

    I came across these profound words lately:
    " . Ultimate Truth cannot be expressed in words; however, the false can be identified and exposed, thus furthering the quest.
    And so the game is started and carried on until complete stand still,  Pure Consciousness is reached.
    at which moment ultimate truth unveils itself.
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation - Page 2 Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Fri Jul 16, 2021 3:42 am

    ok.. so it is a bit clearer for me now. Vogt is using kurlian photography to prove his theory is correct. But it doesnt !

    The famous photographs where parts of leaves are cut but there is still something showing in the photo, a light source from where the matter used to be. Vogt claims that there is more than just matter (yes, that's true) and that 'something else' 'must' be information .. well, no that's not true.  

    yogic philosophy recognises several bodies, the outer physical sheath and more subtle inner sheaths. Yoga also claims that everything is comprised of prana, and prana runs through subtle channels called nadi. Perhaps the photography is capturing the subtle bodies.. perhaps the nadi remain intact for a time after the physical /gross body has been removed?

    so there, from yoga, are two more theories that fit the photograph.. Vogt might be correct, but he might not.. The chinese qi / chi system would provide another explanation. I dont know which is correct, but for me it is not Vogt.

    He is further using his theory to prove we are in a created universe.. like some giant super computer.. He uses his 12,068 year cycle to prove the universe is created..because of the 'clock' cycle.

    I don’t get it.. if he is looking for a cycle, just measure day length,, isn’t that cycle enough? Or the moon? Are all these cycles proof the universe is created?

    Well, no. I think he is too literal in his thinking.  He criticises maths and then bases his theories on maths equations..

    Nope.. not for me.. he brings up some interesting  data but I question his interpretation of his data..

    His data is pretty impressive though.. and he could well be correct in predicting the next end of the world in 2046. His data is sound. He has a good brain.. but he lacks imagination or any mystical input.. too much male energy .. and yet he talks of playing the violin to train his brain hemispheres.. I recommend he reads some of the more detailed yoga or eastern texts.. it would give him a bigger picture of the world.

    but, what do I know? Not much..

    I trust his data. I think he may have found the extinction event cycle.  As for the rest, it is curious and an alternate and reasonably coherent view.. but I don't see the universe that way.

    I will skip the entire series but will watch more of series 4, concerning the next solar nova.

    I did find reference to more researchers in this field but haven't looked further yet..Ben Davidson at Suspicious Observers, Diamond with Oppenheimer Ranch Project

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    Diehold Foundation - Page 2 Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Jul 16, 2021 4:44 am

    What if there is a 12,068 year-cyclical solar-system based-upon a supercomputer-matrix and planetary-propulsion in conjunction with a galactic soul-school or Disneyland of the Gods?? One E-Ticket equals One 12,068 Year Ride in the Great-Reset when the Sanctuary is Cleansed, Vindicated, and Restored to Its Rightful-State?? What if ancient-technology is progressively introduced until extinction results (with freewill, of course)?? What if changes in the sun have nothing to do with this?? I spoke with a professional-astronomer regarding an immanent Nova. He thought it was BS. I hate to say it, but I'm becoming more intuitive and conceptual than religious or scientific. Again, I need to STOP.
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation - Page 2 Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Fri Jul 16, 2021 5:06 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:What if there is a 12,068 year-cyclical solar-system based-upon a supercomputer-matrix and planetary-propulsion in conjunction with a galactic soul-school or Disneyland of the Gods?? One E-Ticket equals One 12,068 Year Ride in the Great-Reset when the Sanctuary is Cleansed, Vindicated, and Restored to Its Rightful-State?? What if ancient-technology is progressively introduced until extinction results (with freewill, of course)?? What if changes in the sun have nothing to do with this?? I spoke with a professional-astronomer regarding an immanent Nova. He thought it was BS. I hate to say it, but I'm becoming more intuitive and conceptual than religious or scientific. Again, I need to STOP.

    What if you are completely correct??

    it could be.

    Vogt claims we are living inside a quantum computer.

    The impending nova would be required to produce sufficient heat to create sufficient water vapour to create sufficient snow...which would produce the ice.

    I am convinced that part is close to the truth, Ice ages dont just appear from nowhere, they need a corresponding energy balance.

    As for the rest?? who knows. Vogt is consistent, and his model works for him..

    can we. as humans (I presume Wink ) actually EVER fathom what is going on?

    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Diehold Foundation - Page 2 Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  Vidya Moksha Mon Jul 19, 2021 3:20 am

    Video Series 12. How & who Changed the Science:
    Part 1: How & Who;
    Part 2: Why the Piso’s did it;

    This is worth watching. He describes which Roman wrote which chapter of the Bible. Who Jesus was, Mary, etc.. all roman characters.

    A good addition to the fake history series.

    (part 1 doesnt need to be watched, see my post above)

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    Diehold Foundation - Page 2 Empty Re: Diehold Foundation

    Post  mudra Sat Jul 31, 2021 5:11 pm

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:53 am