In 2011 I was diagnosed with a rare and rather new auto immune disease
putting the proper functionning of my kidneys in liability.
Ensued years of regular surgery, pet scans, echographies, urine and blood tests sometimes 2 to 3 times a year plus on occasional emergencies until these present times.
The cures the hospital had to offer me was a choice betwwen arsenic and rat poison. For someone like me who had barely been sick in this life time and had swallowed antibiotics once only this is how this choice felt.
I had a try at one of these but after a year treatment nothing had changed so I asked to stop it which my wise doctor accepted.
From then on its been faith alone and a deep and patient knowing the condition would vanish in due time.
I remained particularly receptive to whatever came to me in terms of natural remedies, spiritual development, quantum healing techniques ... that were ringing a bell in me.
I had to face the various shocks that brought about the condition in the first place and their far reaching consequences. This has been a high adrenalin experience in its own, sort of a thriller.
We are now 10 years later and I would like to announce that the latest tests and scans I passed last week show I am in perfect health. Last hospitalisation was in february and there is no further need for any further ones in the future. This is a victory
Now the reason I made this post is to share the miracle with everyone here and also to acknowledge 3 persons in particular who consistently supported me during the nightmarish times I underwent during the first few years of falling ill.
They emailed me regularly and offered a kind ear and sound advice to what I was going through.
If they have been impeccable friends to me I must recognize I have not been as good a friend as they were.
Mainly because I realized at some point that not everything can be discussed over the web and that the remaining road I had to travel alone without further explanation. I apologize for this.
But this does not mean I have forgotten the kindness that was once offered to me.
My Heart remembers and will forever remain grateful to you Sanicle, e-Monkey and Bushycat.
I also want to thank those of you who messaged me at times to inquire about my health.
Thank You you made made a difference to me