Live stream for the meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC on December 21st here
Cobra: The Portal
Cobra: The Portal
There will be two important moments before the activation where you are encouraged to meditate as well, as you will assist in the buildup of energies before the activation and assist in reaching the critical mass for our main meditation on December 21st.
Doing the meditation earlier or later, or doing it in a significantly different way will NOT help us reaching the critical mass, as we are living on a physical plane that is subject to laws of space and time and if we wish to influence the physical plane, we need to do this with laserlike precision, especially timewise and with unified and focused intent. The focus is to bring this energy down into the earth.
These two moments of astrological and planetary significance, when this additional booster meditation will be very effective, are:
1. Saturn entering Aquarius on Thursday, December 17th at 5:04 am UTC
2. Jupiter entering Aquarius on Saturday, December 19th at 1:08pm UTC
You can convert that time into your time zone here.
Audio guided meditation playlist for both booster meditations in 31 languages is here:
And instructions for booster meditations are here:
THE EVENT | December 2020
This is very interesting information
Solar flare laser beam of high frequency
A portal opening where a huge amount of light is experienced in our bodies.
Last edited by Carol on Mon Dec 21, 2020 2:10 pm; edited 3 times in total