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    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC


    Posts : 32064
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    Location : Hawaii

    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC Empty THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC

    Post  Carol Sun Oct 18, 2020 10:43 am

    Live stream for the meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC on December 21st here

    Cobra: The Portal

    There will be two important moments before the activation where you are encouraged to meditate as well, as you will assist in the buildup of energies before the activation and assist in reaching the critical mass for our main meditation on December 21st.

    Doing the meditation earlier or later, or doing it in a significantly different way will NOT help us reaching the critical mass, as we are living on a physical plane that is subject to laws of space and time and if we wish to influence the physical plane, we need to do this with laserlike precision, especially timewise and with unified and focused intent. The focus is to bring this energy down into the earth.

    These two moments of astrological and planetary significance, when this additional booster meditation will be very effective, are:

    1. Saturn entering Aquarius on Thursday, December 17th at 5:04 am UTC
    2. Jupiter entering Aquarius on Saturday, December 19th at 1:08pm UTC

    You can convert that time into your time zone here.

    Audio guided meditation playlist for both booster meditations in 31 languages is here:

    And instructions for booster meditations are here:

    THE EVENT | December 2020
    This is very interesting information

    Solar flare laser beam of high frequency

    A portal opening where a huge amount of light is experienced in our bodies.

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Dec 21, 2020 2:10 pm; edited 3 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32064
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC Empty Re: THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC

    Post  Carol Sat Dec 19, 2020 7:16 am
    A very positive message about the shift in the timeline that happened 12-18-20:
    IMPORTANT MESSAGE* & A Personal Story (10 min)

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32064
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC Empty Re: THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC

    Post  Carol Mon Dec 21, 2020 9:14 am

    Cobra Update 12-15-20… “Age of Aquarius Activation Update and a New Cobra Interview”

    Posted on December 20, 2020 by kauilapele

    This is now very close (one day away). As noted in this article, several have advertised this on their respective websites, and I’d also add Simon Parkes to that list, who spoke about this in his 12-18 video.
    Participation by keeping the Light space on those dates will greatly assist in the “propulsion” of humanity and this planet into the next phase of Liberation and Ascension.
    Follow the Higher Inner Guidance, as always.

    “Time is slowly approaching for the Age of Aquarius final activation and the energies are rising as more and more people have made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum. We have a real possibility of reaching the critical mass, and even exceeding it significantly. If the critical mass is reached, the Light Forces will be able to intervene more directly in the global situation…
    “…I would ask all of you to spread the news about this meditation far and wide.

    “The main page with instructions for the activation is here…

    [From this prior Cobra article] “We will be doing our Age of Aquarius meditation at the exact moment of Jupiter Saturn conjunction on December 21st , which will be at 6:22 pm UTC. This equals 10:22 am PST in Los Angeles, 11:22 am MST in Denver, 12:22 pm pm CST in Chicago, 1:22 pm EST in New York, 6:22 pm GMT in London, 7:22 pm CET in Paris, 8:22 pm EET in Cairo, 2:22 am CST on Tuesday, December 22nd in Taipei and Beijing, 3:22 am JST on December 22nd in Tokyo and 5:22 am AEDT on December 22nd in Sydney.”


    Age of Aquarius Activation Update and a New Cobra Interview
    Time is slowly approaching for the Age of Aquarius final activation and the energies are rising as more and more people have made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum. We have a real possibility of reaching the critical mass, and even exceeding it significantly.

    If the critical mass is reached, the Light Forces will be able to intervene more directly in the global situation, start dissolving the Matrix, and a cascade of events will follow that will inevitably lead to the

    Age of Aquarius.
    Next six days will be decisive for how many people join us and how much impact our activation will have on the planetary situation. Therefore I would ask all of you to spread the news about this meditation far and wide. Youtube videos are the easiest way to make this viral and many short version promotional videos and longer guided meditation videos have been created in 41 languages:

    The main page with instructions for the activation is here:

    Many people are supporting our activation.

    Corey Goode:


    James Gilliland:

    Christina von Dreien:

    Kelley Rosano:

    Sementas das Estrelas:

    Prepare for Change:

    Waking Times:

    Conscious Life News:
    WFMJ TV station:

    Mainstream media newspapers, such as the Morning Herald, and others:

    Major trading websites, such as the Market Watch, and others:

    And many others:

    There will be an Earthkeepers Summit from 20th to 22nd December with many well known spiritual speakers and you can contact them, asking them to inform their audiences about our meditation:

    All articles, videos , interviews, facebook groups and meme posters about the Age of Aquarius activation are gathered here:

    Open letter to invite spiritual leaders to our meditation is here:

    Age of Aquarius Twitter account is here, and you can retweet if you feel so guided:

    Our meditation is being promoted on Instagram here:

    A strong influencer is promoting it on Tik Tok:

    And on his website, with over 400,000 views:

    Main facebook event for our meditation is here:

    Many Youtube channels have created playlists of promotional videos for our meditation in many languages:

    Promotional anime video playlist is here:

    Guided audio meditation videos in 40 languages are located in this Youtube playlist:

    Many of those guided audio meditation videos also have a link where you can download a MP3 version of the audio which can become handy in the case of internet outages, such as the google outage last

    Monday, or if Youtube chooses to insert commercials into the videos. You can also print the exact time and instructions for the meditation for the same reasons.

    Live stream for the meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC on December 21st here:

    If we wish to achieve an impact on the physical plane and reach the critical mass, it is extremely important that we do our meditation exactly at the time which has been determined by the Light Forces to have the maximum positive impact, which is at 6:22 pm UTC on December 21st. Timetable for other times zones is here:

    Doing the meditation earlier or later, or doing it in a significantly different way will NOT help us reaching the critical mass, as we are living on a physical plane that is subject to laws of space and time and if we wish to influence the physical plane, we need to do this with laserlike precision, especially timewise and with unified and focused intent.

    A new Cobra interview has been conducted by Sisterhood of the Rose to bring more awareness of our Age of Aquarius activation.

    The transcript in English is here:

    In German here:

    In French here:

    In Italian here:

    In Spanish here:

    In Portuguese here:

    In Polish here:

    In Romanian here:

    In Hungarian here:

    In Telugu here:

    And in Japanese here:

    Transcripts in many other languages are coming soon.

    The original Youtube video in English is here:

    The Spanish narrated video here:

    And the English video with Chinese subtitles here:
    Victory of the Light!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 4201
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC Empty Re: THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC

    Post  Ashera Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:22 am

    The Age of the Hydrocephalies!

    The true ILu-minati stages (ages) of development -

    Verwirrung or Chaos
    Zwietracht or Discord
    Unordnung or Confusion
    Beamtenherrschaft or Bureaucracy
    Dummheit or Ignorance (Aftermath, Grummet)

    ...surely could Gaia arise from Chaos but this is not sure... we reached the Age of Ignorance...


    Editorial Note: The Atus of Thoth
    Liber AL, cap. I, v. 57 includes the statement: “All these old letters of my Book are aright: but x is not
    the Star. This also is secret: my prophet shall reveal it to the wise.” In Crowley’s ‘New Comment’
    on this verse, he observes:
    I see no harm in revealing the mystery of Tzaddi to ‘the wise’; others will hardly
    understand my explanations. Tzaddi is the letter of The Emperor, the Trump IV,
    and He* is the Star, the Trump XVII. Aquarius and Aries are therefore counterchanged,
    revolving on the pivot of Pisces, just as, in the Trumps VIII and XI,
    Leo and Libra do about Virgo. This last revelation makes our Tarot attributions
    sublimely, perfectly, flawlessly symmetrical. The fact of its so doing is a most
    convincing proof of the superhuman Wisdom of the author of this Book to those
    who have laboured for years, in vain, to elucidate the problems of the Tarot.

    - Liber 777

    * the "He" here is the second "He" of the Tetragramaton... the (virgin) maiden, not the mother

    Posts : 1185
    Join date : 2010-04-13
    Location : The Shire of Wilts

    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC Empty Re: THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC

    Post  Swanny Mon Dec 21, 2020 1:28 pm

    Is this the same "Event" that was going to happen back in 2015 and 2018? scratch

    Posts : 4201
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC Empty Re: THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC

    Post  Ashera Mon Dec 21, 2020 3:21 pm

    LORDism and/or Christiandom (Aquarius, Pisques) function in no way as stargate, they only trigger Sirius.

    To him unknowingly then Crowley's Liber Thoth interpretation clearly hints at Sura 53:49 that I quoted sometimes (esoterically/exoterically):

    Allah is the Rabbi of Ashera, and that is He who is Lord of Sirius!

    Lord = ruler etc. (also Atu III, the Empress). The He here has a double-meaning.

    "Facies non omnibus una, nec diversa tamen, qualem decet esse sororum" (Ovid)

    Prima inter Pares

    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC Blue_f10
    blue for Club P@yenne

    Posts : 4201
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC Empty Re: THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC

    Post  Ashera Mon Dec 21, 2020 5:54 pm

    Cobra? Your channels are crapped...

    Ashera wrote:Showdown in Bremen... (Hillary had an idea of that)

    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC Okcorr10

    (I should fight my Self and accept getting social diagnostically classified as schizophrenic? Those are east-zone manners!)

    Posts : 1978
    Join date : 2010-04-16
    Location : British Columbia Canada

    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC Empty THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC

    Post  Jenetta Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:19 am

    Well I knew about the Jupiter Saturn conjunction on
    December 21st/2020 though not the exact time of it nor did I know about the worldwide meditation then....and it probably at that moment 10:22 a.m. Los Angeles time same as where I live in B.C. wouldn't have appealed to me to meditate at that time because just at that instant the electrical grid went down and stayed that way for two nights and three days which caused me to do a bit of cursing since it was very cold and spent most of the time feeding the woodstove. Plus I hadn't as yet had my first coffee of the day(21st)...and as the Mamas and Papas say there is a time to sow and a time to reap and if the kitty is yowling and the water is yet not boiled (to get a cup of coffee) then meditation will have to wait. By the end of the second night and the end of the third day (23rd) I was ready to kick B.C. Hydro to kingdom come despite the snowfall and windstorm.
    Did see the Christmas Star (conjunction) in the middle of the first night off grid and in some ways it looked like a huge snowflake full of prisms. Very lovely.

    Harp Harp Harp Harp

    Posts : 4201
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Location : Atargatis Atreides

    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC Empty Re: THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC

    Post  Ashera Fri Dec 25, 2020 2:20 am

    What do I care I Jupiter, what do I care Saturn? These cosmic buggers... Who is the Ganymed of who? Did Caesar ever himself assume that he was Jupiter? Or Satan?

    Your spá is wrong because it does not meet the substance. The only thing you cause is a parallel world ruled by eigendynamic shadows (fx. Kaiser Augustus, the Son of God). Enough with that sticked on schizophrenia!

    I do not doubt that my body is partly of demiurgic matter but what drives me, the innermost force, is my fire from within*. And I snapped my body away, with the help of Allah, and ice.

    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC Fire_a10

    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC Vril212

    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC Vril-l10

    I am a Völva
    I know well my spá
    For future use afar!

    THE EVENT | December 21st 2020 - meditation will begin at 3:30 pm UTC Volva10

    22 June 2013 (Facebook Year in Review 2013)
    Scientifically seen Charles S. Peirce was the first who noticed a connection between weather phenomena and the arousal states of the "collective psyche", while working as meteorologist. He was logician and measurement egineer... but, at the end of the 19th century it was not possible to discuss such matters scientifically without getting straight jacked... until the end of the 20th century not much had changed, and even anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, who saw the connection too, left it at hints.

    (Mechanism ruled and still rules; and this is the idea of "objective space" at any layer of existence. I do not say that it sometimes is not useful but it truly explains nothing )

    * One must carefully distinguish this from inflammation or fever. The creative fire is no disease, and really understood and differentiated, can even fight fever. I had no secondary infection but was infected as a "test"... I was anyway "hot" ("shamanic heat", vala). Without the fire from within you hardly will survive the procedure, and this includes all "social diagnostics". I am not initiate, but I am initiated.

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 3:24 am