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    GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus


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    GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus Empty GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus

    Post  Carol Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:11 am

    GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus
    Date: Sunday, 15-Mar-2020 11:34:56

    By Mike Adams

    Two days ago, Alex Jones called me, “The Oracle” on his show and the name sort of stuck. It turns out that when you run good mathematical projection models, you really can sort of “see the future” to the astonishment of many. In truth, I’m just running the numbers and reporting what the math tells me. There’s really no voodoo involved.

    That math, by the way, leads me to some rather sobering predictions and warnings that I will share with you here. I probably should have shared these two weeks ago, but nobody would have believed me then.

    I confess I’ve been holding back on reporting what I know will happen. We have a joke around here that I’ll share. We talk about the “Alex Jones model,” which is sort of the best case scenario as Alex is hoping this won’t be a disaster. Then there’s the “Mike Adams model” which is far more pessimistic, followed by the “Steve Quayle model” which is apocalyptic, and finally there’s the “Hal Turner” model which is basically the end of civilization. We call this the “spectrum of collapse,” and we always wonder where exactly we are on that spectrum.

    Now, on to the predictions, which recent history tells me are probably overly optimistic. So keep that in mind.

    It’s also worth noting that the US was at least four weeks too late in blocking flights and embracing the reality of the pandemic. So, no matter what Trump does, America is already on track to plunge into an apocalypse-type scenario in certain regions such as NYC and Seattle. There’s no stopping it.

    Ten predictions of things to come… plan accordingly

    1. The hospitals in NYC will shortly be completely overrun. Mass death will follow. The entire city of New York is probably less than 30 days away from a cascading collapse of hospitals followed by widespread chaos and mass death. Not long after the NYC hospital system collapses, the Seattle system will also collapse, followed by San Francisco. The dead and dying will literally spill out onto the streets.

    2. The intensity of the desperation among the unprepared masses will soon shift from the “scared” stage to the “violence” stage. The fist fights and stabbings we already see in the retail stores will soon escalate to shootings and then gang-style armed, organized looting much like an armed flash mob.

    3. We will soon seen entire cities locked down in the USA, or possibly just all major roads nationwide. One way or another, tens of millions of Americans are about to be ordered to essentially “shelter in place.” This will result in lawless chaos in cities like Los Angeles, of course, and infected police will be sent home, resulting in horrifying law enforcement staffing shortages that will ultimately plunge some cities into the kind of chaos that can only be managed with National Guard troops and mandatory curfews.

    4. Unless the roads are totally locked down, within 6-8 weeks, many people in the cities will begin to flee those cities and swarm the rural areas, desperately seeking food, water, medicine and shelter. This will be a human locust wave of unprepared Leftists who, just a month ago, were mocking rural preppers as rednecks and kooks. My advice? Guard your preps with your life because oblivious liberals aren’t coming to your community to act with anything resembling morals or ethics… they’re coming to loot, steal and pillage. Beware of the knock on the door with a small child in your doorway who’s crying and asking for help. The moment you open your door, there’s a gun in your face (or a round coming your way from 200 yards away, which is considered short range for any experienced shooter, by the way). It’s the oldest trick in the book.

    5. The run on guns and ammo will expand into runs on communications radios, binoculars and other second-tier prepper items. Right now, most people are thinking “toilet paper” or “guns.” In another week, that thinking will expand into a far more diverse range of preparedness items, including “fishing poles” or “water filters.” By the way, did you ever get that night vision monocular you were looking at last year? It sure would be a good time to own some high-end night vision devices, eh?

    6. There is a possibility that President Trump may use the nationwide lockdown situation that’s unfolding to dispatch the military police to arrest all the anti-America traitors with names like Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Obama and so on. It would be the ideal time to drain the swamp and lock up all the treasonous actors who are actually communist sympathizers trying to bring down America from within. (We say GO FOR IT, Trump.)

    7. As I’ve predicted in an earlier story, some Amazon fulfillment warehouses will also go under lockdown in certain regions (namely Seattle, San Fran, NYC, Boston, Virginia, Denver, etc.). This means people who rely on Amazon deliveries will be out of luck unless Trump declares Amazon to be critical infrastructure for the nation. But if he does that, he should also declare Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to be “critical infrastructure” and order them all to stop banning the independent media voices that predicted all this in the first place. It might be a great time to arrest the criminal CEOs of the tech giants, seize their domain names and restore the First Amendment to America under the banner of “restoring the free flow of information” to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. It also wouldn’t hurt to throw Jack Dorsey behind bars and charge him with complicity in this biological weapons attack on America, since Twitter has banned myself, Zero Hedge and numerous other accounts who are trying to help STOP the spread of the virus.

    8. It’s very likely that Trump will declare UPS, Fedex and the USPS to be critical infrastructure so that they keep rolling, although it’s not clear what exactly they will be shipping if warehouse and distribution hub workers can’t come to work and fill the trucks with anything. This relates to the Amazon fulfillment prediction, above. It also brings up the question of grocery stores: Who will work at the food distribution hubs that fill the delivery trucks that supply the grocery chains? Anchorage Daily News actually published a really good story on that exact topic. Here’s a taste of what it says:

    The companies that feed America and provide basic staples are bracing for labor shortages as the coronavirus pandemic intensifies, which could leave them without enough workers to manufacture, deliver and unpack groceries in stores in the coming months. As the virus spreads, supermarkets and distribution facilities face a difficult choice: how to keep shelves stocked with essentials while keeping their workers safe.

    8.5 A sort of related prediction to #8 above is that before long some truckers will refuse to drive into the high-infection zones, meaning deliveries of food, fuel, medicine and other supplies will cease.

    9. People who are on prescription medications and who take flu shots will die in much larger numbers because medications strip your body of essential minerals (like zinc and magnesium) and nutrients (like antioxidants) that your body needs to fight the coronavirus. And flu shots weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to respiratory invasions. Thus, we are about to witness a global moment of the mass culling of “pharma junkies” and “vaccine addicts.” Consider it a global IQ test, and if you take the flu shot every year, you’re too stupid to pass the test. (Trust me, that’s exactly how Bill Gates views the masses. This whole thing is an engineered event to rid the world of what globalists call “useless eaters,” which probably includes at least half of the people you know.)

    10. The United States of America as we know it today will not survive the next two years. Something will change the landscape in a dramatic way, either a geopolitical breakup of the nation, the suspension of elections followed by civil war, a foreign invasion of the USA during our summer of chaos, or other similar events that will end the nation as we know it.

    Already we must ask does the federal government have any capacity to get anything done at all? If the CDC can’t even make test kits available to test for disease — even with a $6.5 billion budget — we must all begin to ask whether we would be better off if the entire federal government just ceased to exist. It serves very little purpose other than to steal money from the taxpayers and lie to us about what it’s doing with that money.

    Sure, we understand the importance of national defense when facing global enemies like China and Russia, but no informed person has any faith remaining in the CDC, the FDA or even the Trump administration’s handling of this exploding epidemic. Even now, Trump is saying that people who show no symptoms won’t be tested… huh? For the record, about 25% of all coronavirus infections come from people who show no symptoms. So if you don’t test those people, you might as well just condemn the whole damn country to get infected. That seems to be the federal government’s current strategy for a kind of national suicide.

    The bottom line? Prepare to hunker down for an extended period of time. If you still live in a high-density city, prepare for the zombie apocalypse of turd-flinging homeless addicts who can no longer get their fix. Expect the pharmacies to be looted and gutted almost immediately (I should have made that prediction #11), and if you depend on any critical medications, it might be a good idea to try everything you can (that’s legal) to get an extra supply.

    This sure is a bad time to be on prescription drugs, it turns out. Or to live in a city full of liberals who have near-zero preparedness skills.

    Here’s my analysis of Trump’s emergency declaration order and why it won’t stop this pandemic:

    If you want to live, read If you want to die, hang out in NYC for the next 2-3 weeks and see what happens…

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32046
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus Empty Re: GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus

    Post  Carol Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:54 am

    March 15th

    Jim Stone:


    "I'm a truck driver and this is what I'm seeing so far...

    Since retiring from the military 10 years ago I started driving a truck over the road.

    While a slow down after the holidays is typical, I've never seen anything like this before. We should be up to full operating capacity by now.

    My dedicated lane has all but vanished. Instead of 12-13 loads coming out of the shipper per day, we are down to 1-3.

    Proctor & Gamble distributors have lines of trucks waiting for product. Some of those trucks have been waiting for days as P&G can't meet production levels due to a shortage of raw materials.

    Back hauls are so random it's becoming ridiculous. Our usual customers aren't shipping products.

    The truck stops are full of trucks that can't find loads.

    My dispatchers are starting to panic with load boards being empty.

    Amazon warehouses are nearly empty, when at this same time last year they were at capacity and using trailers on their lots for storage.

    The supply chain is broken and only getting worse by the day."


    Yesterday I posted rumors that Target, Wal Mart, Dollar general, Krogers, were all cutting back what they were going to sell in stores, that some stores will be closing completely, and today, WE HAVE THIS.

    It is confirmation of what I said, and even lists the same stores. So here is the clarified scenario now:

    Obviously they were told to stop sending excess shipments to their stores and close a few, because the Federal government was taking over distribution and wanted as much available to them as possible when they did. Additionally, they are going to be "providing security" at the stores that stay open, and to reduce the workload, they are going to close some.

    So this is one case where rumor turned out to be true. WARNING: THE FOLLOWING POST IS NOT RUMOR, READ IT AND TAKE NOTE!


    If these rumors are true, Coronavirus is a probable front for making people desperate and pulling a "Ukraine"

    Keep in mind, this is all hearsay and rumor, and could be patent B.S. - but what if it's not?

    There are some VERY spooky rumors going around that stores like Dollar General have placed their last orders and will soon be closing. Said rumors are also circulating for Wal Mart, and confirmed partially true, - Wal Mart is indeed suddenly implementing a new policy for at least some stores where extra supplies cannot be ordered anymore, it will be just the regular trucks and that is all. There are also rumors that Kroger will be shutting down with some confirmation in the fact that some of them are not restocking anymore. This could simply be because occasionally such stores close and re-locate, but it also ought to at least be noticed. Additionally, there are rumors are that Target has only what is in warehouses and when it's gone it is gone. Obviously not EVERYTHING will be gone, but I'd bet some categories won't be re-stocked. TP is made in the U.S. and the factories are running, and happy now.

    But there are other spookier unconfirmed rumors that existing stock is going to be allowed to run out, and not replenished even when replenishments are available. This would obviously be done if the government plans to take over and force everyone to go to the state for handouts. BOOM: OVERNIGHT COMMUNISM, accomplished via Coronavirus.

    Time will have to tell what is actually going to happen, but one thing is certain: at least two very well known chains are going to be restricting what is available, and if there's a political motive behind all of this - a power grab in the name of the virus, DOOM ON.

    I don't personally think there would be any legit reason behind having the basics run out, but anything is possible when leftists have motives. We are entering the "wait and see" period, the answers will all arrive soon.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32046
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus Empty Re: GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus

    Post  Carol Mon Mar 16, 2020 12:38 pm

    Read with discernment.

    March 16, 2020
    It’s getting biblical folks as Pope vanishes, Mecca shuts down for the first time in history

    By Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports

    The events that are now unfolding have gone beyond black swan and become biblical in their proportions.

    In the Islamic world, Mecca has shut down for the first time in history.

    Among the Christians, the pope has vanished and Queen Elizabeth has gone into hiding (see the very revealing letter to the editor following this report that may explain the real reason she is hiding).

    Meanwhile, the Jews are being liberated for the first time in 5,780 years as they oust Satan-worshipping Benjamin Netanyahu from power.

    The trigger for these events was a refusal by the Chinese people, on February 16th, 2020, to pay any further tribute to the ancient Satanic bloodline families. This happened when Chinese leaders told the United States Corporation they would not ship any more physical stuff unless they are paid with things that actually exist in the real world. In other words, they broke the ancient Satanic money magic illusion.

    The so-called pandemic that ensued was a combination of a biological and electromagnetic warfare retaliatory attack on China. Although the attack apparently caused mass casualties in Wuhan, it failed to intimidate or bow the Chinese people.

    Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian publicly asked:

    “When did patient zero begin in the U.S.? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be the U.S. army that brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! The U.S. owes us an explanation!”

    For a government spokesperson to say such things is tantamount to a declaration of war (See the late-breaking news below for the answer by the U.S. white hats).

    What people are now witnessing is a desperate battle by the ancient ruling Satanic bloodlines to scare people back into submission with pandemic fear porn. For example, when I looked at the first 40 stories on the international news Reddit feed, 35 of them were about the so-called pandemic.

    One Pentagon source observed:

    “The extremely long list of celebrities and first ladies (Spain, Canada) all coming out to announce that they allegedly have Covid-19. So many in fact it’s absolutely ludicrous, considering that they never frequent the subway or mingle with the unwashed and the deplorable. The list included over 157 people, which doesn’t compute with the true statistics of non-celebrities diagnosed with it.”

    Let’s stop for a minute to think rationally about this so-called pandemic. Every year about 15 million people die from respiratory ailments. Even conservative estimates say the flu kills over 300,000 people annually. And yet here we have extreme hysteria over a few thousand deaths of people whose average age is 80-years old.

    What is really going on is a global slave revolt against ancient Satanic bloodline ruling families who are now being systematically hunted down by special forces, according to multiple sources.

    Already, many of the ancient bloodline families are trying to negotiate surrender terms, P3 and WDS sources say. “Old black nobility families are ready to surrender,” confirms Vincenzo Mazzara of the P3. The Rothschilds and other families hiding in Switzerland and New Zealand are also negotiating surrender, WDS sources say.

    We are also hearing tales from the Gnostic Illuminati and the P3 Freemasons of a war that has been raging for thousands of years. They say planet Earth was placed under quarantine thousands of years ago after a powerful entity… fled to the surface and enslaved a group of humans. This entity is what is referred to in the Bible as Satan, according to them. The people they enslaved are what we refer to as the Jews, they say.

    A more rational, scientific explanation is that an ancient group of human slavers has been running a monotheistic scam to enslave a huge percentage of the world’s population. These families split into squabbling factions we know as Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, and Jews. That is why the ongoing revolt against their collective rule can be called biblical.

    “We have been stuck on this planet for thousands of years and all we can do is repeat the same old strategies over and over again,” one senior Satanist admits. That is why they have tried bird flu, ebola, zika, and other pandemic scares one after the other in recent years to keep the population intimidated, he admits.

    This has been going on at least since the engineered “Spanish Flu” pandemic of 1918, which only killed young soldiers who had been vaccinated.

    For another example, take a look at the “CBS 60 MINUTES” documentary on the swine flu epidemic of 1976 in the U.S. It went on air only once and was never shown again. Listen to the testimony of people who experienced Guillain-Barré paralysis because of the swine flu vaccine. They sued the U.S. government for damages. The 500 cases of Guillain-Barré paralysis, including 25 deaths – were not due to the swine flu itself – but as a direct result of the vaccine. At the time President Gerald Ford, on advice from the CDC, called for vaccinating the ENTIRE population of the United States.

    So please do not let them carry out (mandatory) mass vaccinations on the pretext of a (fake) “deadly pandemic” because that will cause a real pandemic.

    Let’s take a closer look at what’s happening to their financial system. The chart at the link below shows what’s happening now in red, as compared to what happened in previous bear markets. It’s clear this is no ordinary financial crisis.

    This quote from Zero Hedge illustrates how the Feds monetary illusion has evaporated:

    “After firing the biggest emergency “shock and awe” bazooka in Fed history, one which was meant to restore not just partial but full normalcy to asset and funding markets, E-mini futures are not only not higher, but tumbling by the -5% limit down”

    CIA sources say the Dow Jones Industrial average will have to fall to at least one-third of its peak value in order to be in line with historical trends.

    With the U.S. no longer getting ships full of real goods in exchange for its illusory “money of account” fractional reserve lending “digital credit” money, it is a mathematical certainty that stores will become empty and major U.S. banks will go bust.

    Now let’s look at reports about the ongoing secret war from the Pentagon and CIA. Here is a summary of the action from one Pentagon source:

    “The Zionists are on their deathbeds as Harvey Weinstein gets sentenced to 23 years in prison in NY, paving the way for convictions in LA.

    Since Prince Andrew is a naval officer who aided Jeffrey Epstein but refused to cooperate with the DOJ, and the queen was locked out of Windsor Castle, UK royals may be renditioned by the U.S. military since they are also military officers.

    Italy is apparently under U.S. military protection while the country is under lockdown…its army chief succumbed to coronavirus infection, and the Vatican needs to be cleansed of gays, Satanists, and pedofiles.

    Anti-family, anti-Christian Hollywood is under assault as Disney theme parks and movie theaters close, and film productions shut down. Tom Hanks and his wife got infected with the coronavirus, Nicole Kidman moves back down under, and Stephen Spielberg may be exposed for his crimes with children.“

    Even more shocking is this report that came from the CIA just as this blog was about to go live:

    “This morning at 4:30 a.m., Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was served a criminal indictment by the U.S. for corporate and financial crimes. Media owners were instructed to brainwash everyone that Trudeau and his wife are infected with the coronavirus and they won’t be leaving their house for a while.

    Tom Hanks was arrested 48 hours ago for pedophilia and he is currently being held in a hotel room in Australia, unwilling to fly back to the USA. The next celebrity arrests will be Celine Dion, Madonna, Charles Barkley, and Kevin Spacey. All will claim coronavirus infections.

    Italy’s airports have been completely shut down, as over 80 Vatican and financial officials have been served the same criminal indictments for financial crimes, pedophilia, child trafficking, and sexual abuse.

    The United Arab Emirates have completed mass arrests of their own Royal Family and affiliates.

    Convicted Hollywood rapist Harvey Weinstein agreed to a deal in exchange for his testimony against hundreds of top Hollywood celebrities for their involvement in the drug business, pedophilia, and child trafficking. Instead of a 55-year sentence, he only received a 23-year sentence. In exchange, he provided testimony against some of the biggest and most powerful names, including Prince Andrew of the U.K., former president Bill Clinton, former vice president Joe Biden, Tom Hanks, Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Sheen, Bob Saget, Kevin Spacey, John Travolta, Steven Spielberg, John Podesta, NXIVM and PIZZAGATE sex trafficking clubs, and hundreds more who all were directly involved with Jeffrey Epstein.

    Jeffrey Epstein was similarly allowed to make a deal and have his suicide in prison faked in exchange for his testimony.

    CEOs of some major world corporations have been indicted or arrested, and some have been forced to resign — all in the last 30-60 days — such as the CEOs of the NBA, Harley Davidson, the Bill Gates Foundation, Intel, McDonald’s, Cesar Awards, Disney, and the Vatican Chief of Police among others. Approximately 700-800 more resignations are coming in the next 3 months.

    The lab-engineered ‘novel coronavirus’ is the cover story for a mandatory vaccination agenda. Now it has become the biggest covert U.S. Intelligence operation the world has ever seen. This massive – 158,000 arrests – operation will capture and remove the biggest evil and corrupt politicians, celebrities, and CEOs, including global elites and bankers such as George Soros, U.N. officials, and the founders of ‘GRETA Inc.’

    President Trump will win the 2020 election, and arrests of former U.S. presidents will occur in early 2021. All major arrests will be portrayed by the media as accidental or as conspiracy theories. All arrested individuals will be given “Rommel Death”, meaning that they will have a choice between their death bring portrayed to the public as a suicide or an accidental death in return for assurances that his or her reputation will remain intact. Alternatively, they can choose to face a criminal trial that would result in public disgrace.

    Some top religious leaders will be arrested or forced to resign, and some will suddenly ‘get sick.’ The Vatican will be the first, and the Pope will be removed in 2020. The distribution of extracted human Adrenochrome will be revealed, and Hollywood and the Vatican will be exposed as being directly responsible.

    There will be a 2-month complete shutdown of the world’s most common operations, such as schools, the stock exchange, some banks, airports, shipping, travel, events, galas, expos, sport games, sport championships, music award ceremonies, NBA/NHL/Baseball games, and ship cruises. There will be food shortages and staged electricity power loss. Gas prices will go down, food costs will go up, insurance will go up, gold and silver stocks will fall, and many corporations will either go bankrupt or take a significant financial loss, such as in the case of what’s about to happen to Air Canada, Disney, and Coca-Cola.”

    Other unconfirmed tidbits from intelligence agency sources are as follows:

    “Nancy Pelosi died within the last 24 hours.
    The coronavirus will most likely be reported as the cause of death when the public announcement is made.“

    “Steven Mnuchin will be removed very soon. He is an agent of the Khazarian cabal. The time has come to cut him loose as he knows too much about their inside dealings, including thefts from the U.S. Treasury. Will he succumb to the coronavirus?”

    “Boeing Company will go under. It is finished. All aircraft service centers will be shut down globally. Maintenance facilities will be closed globally. Aircraft sales have already stopped. Leases canceled. Boeing will bring down Lockheed-Martin. They have their tentacles circling the globe. This will bring down the cabal”.

    “Oil can drop to $5 a barrel as nobody wants it anymore. New technologies are ready to be released.”

    It is finally happening, humanity is waking up from a long and terrible nightmare.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : The Matrix

    GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus Empty Re: GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:01 pm

    Carol, this is sobering stuff, even if it's only partially true. The sentence about the Jews being liberated after nearly 6,000 years has a ring of truth, which I've hinted at in my threads. Reading the Bible straight-through is NOT Nice!! The Jews had a hell of a time!! Yet they were supposedly 'God's Chosen People'. Paul speaks in 'Prisoner' language as he distances himself from 'Torah' Judaism. What if Earth and Humanity had a Strict, Yet Loving, God, who the people rebelled against, and overthrew approximately 6,000 years ago, with the 'Help' of 'Benevolent' Aliens, who promised 'Freedom' yet ruled 'Purgatory Incorporated' from the shadows with an 'Iron Fist'??

    Meanwhile, the Jews are being liberated for the first time in 5,780 years as they oust Satan-worshipping Benjamin Netanyahu from power.

    I lean toward Idealistic and Progressive Christianity, yet the fine-print is devastatingly problematic, which is probably why I've made a nuisance of myself on The Mists. Sherry Shriner thought the Cabal was bad, but that the Ashtar Command or New-Age Alien Agenda was even worse. I have no idea how much of the above posts or Sherry Shriner's shows to believe, but I use this sort of thing in my ongoing Religious and Political Science-Fiction. I should probably take up Painting instead, but the predicament of Earth and Humanity is too diabolical and nasty for me to just look the other way, saying, "I Like Things Just the Way They Are." Humanity as a whole might need to 'Take-Over' rather than a Savior in Shining Armor taking-over (who might be yet another Puppet of the Dark-Side). Sherry Shriner said, "Donald Trump will be led down a path he won't wish to travel." I wonder what she had in mind?? The Horror.

    There is some sentiment and indication that eventually everyone will contract COVID-19 and many will die, so what if the world attempted 'business as usual' while the experts and officials worked overtime to end the pandemic?? This might sound counterintuitive, but with millions (or billions) of unemployed people becoming increasingly desperate, would the inevitable riots (or even wars) become much more destructive than the sickness and death caused by COVID-19?? What about testing everyone periodically, and immediately moving the infected to dedicated 'Isolation Hospitals'??

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:24 am; edited 2 times in total

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    GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus Empty Re: GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus

    Post  Micjer Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:26 pm

    Interesting part to me was the Spanish Flu was proven to be a bacteria, not a virus, probably caused from an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine that was cultured in horses, and given to soldiers training at Fort Riley, Kansas.

    From January 21 – June 4, 1918, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured in horses by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley.
    During the remainder of 1918 as those soldiers – often living and traveling under poor sanitary conditions – were sent to Europe to fight, they spread bacteria at every stop between Kansas and the frontline trenches in France.
    One study describes soldiers “with active infections (who) were aerosolizing the bacteria that colonized their noses and throats, while others—often, in the same “breathing spaces”—were profoundly susceptible to invasion of and rapid spread through their lungs by their own or others’ colonizing bacteria.” (1)
    The “Spanish Flu” attacked healthy people in their prime. Bacterial pneumonia attacks people in their prime. Flu attacks the young, old and immunocompromised.
    When WW1 ended on November 11, 1918, soldiers returned to their home countries and colonial outposts, spreading the killer bacterial pneumonia worldwide.
    During WW1, the Rockefeller Institute also sent the antimeningococcic serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide.

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    GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus Empty Re: GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus

    Post  Swanny Mon Mar 16, 2020 5:32 pm

    The Spanish Flu was definitely a bio weapon used to depopulate

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    GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus Empty Re: GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus

    Post  Micjer Fri Apr 17, 2020 3:57 pm

    Carol wrote:Read with discernment.

    March 16, 2020
    It’s getting biblical folks as Pope vanishes, Mecca shuts down for the first time in history

    By Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports

    The events that are now unfolding have gone beyond black swan and become biblical in their proportions.

    In the Islamic world, Mecca has shut down for the first time in history.

    Among the Christians, the pope has vanished and Queen Elizabeth has gone into hiding (see the very revealing letter to the editor following this report that may explain the real reason she is hiding).

    Meanwhile, the Jews are being liberated for the first time in 5,780 years as they oust Satan-worshipping Benjamin Netanyahu from power.

    The trigger for these events was a refusal by the Chinese people, on February 16th, 2020, to pay any further tribute to the ancient Satanic bloodline families.  This happened when Chinese leaders told the United States Corporation they would not ship any more physical stuff unless they are paid with things that actually exist in the real world.  In other words, they broke the ancient Satanic money magic illusion.

    The so-called pandemic that ensued was a combination of a biological and electromagnetic warfare retaliatory attack on China.  Although the attack apparently caused mass casualties in Wuhan, it failed to intimidate or bow the Chinese people.

    Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian publicly asked:

    “When did patient zero begin in the U.S.?  How many people are infected?  What are the names of the hospitals?  It might be the U.S. army that brought the epidemic to Wuhan.  Be transparent!  Make public your data!  The U.S. owes us an explanation!”

    For a government spokesperson to say such things is tantamount to a declaration of war (See the late-breaking news below for the answer by the U.S. white hats).

    What people are now witnessing is a desperate battle by the ancient ruling Satanic bloodlines to scare people back into submission with pandemic fear porn.  For example, when I looked at the first 40 stories on the international news Reddit feed, 35 of them were about the so-called pandemic.

    One Pentagon source observed:

    “The extremely long list of celebrities and first ladies (Spain, Canada) all coming out to announce that they allegedly have Covid-19.  So many in fact it’s absolutely ludicrous, considering that they never frequent the subway or mingle with the unwashed and the deplorable.   The list included over 157 people, which doesn’t compute with the true statistics of non-celebrities diagnosed with it.”

    Let’s stop for a minute to think rationally about this so-called pandemic.  Every year about 15 million people die from respiratory ailments.  Even conservative estimates say the flu kills over 300,000 people annually.  And yet here we have extreme hysteria over a few thousand deaths of people whose average age is 80-years old.

    What is really going on is a global slave revolt against ancient Satanic bloodline ruling families who are now being systematically hunted down by special forces, according to multiple sources.

    Already, many of the ancient bloodline families are trying to negotiate surrender terms, P3 and WDS sources say.  “Old black nobility families are ready to surrender,” confirms Vincenzo Mazzara of the P3.  The Rothschilds and other families hiding in Switzerland and New Zealand are also negotiating surrender, WDS sources say.

    We are also hearing tales from the Gnostic Illuminati and the P3 Freemasons of a war that has been raging for thousands of years.  They say planet Earth was placed under quarantine thousands of years ago after a powerful entity… fled to the surface and enslaved a group of humans.  This entity is what is referred to in the Bible as Satan, according to them.  The people they enslaved are what we refer to as the Jews, they say.

    A more rational, scientific explanation is that an ancient group of human slavers has been running a monotheistic scam to enslave a huge percentage of the world’s population.  These families split into squabbling factions we know as Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, and Jews.  That is why the ongoing revolt against their collective rule can be called biblical.

    “We have been stuck on this planet for thousands of years and all we can do is repeat the same old strategies over and over again,” one senior Satanist admits.  That is why they have tried bird flu, ebola, zika, and other pandemic scares one after the other in recent years to keep the population intimidated, he admits.

    This has been going on at least since the engineered “Spanish Flu” pandemic of 1918, which only killed young soldiers who had been vaccinated.

    For another example, take a look at the “CBS 60 MINUTES” documentary on the swine flu epidemic of 1976 in the U.S.  It went on air only once and was never shown again. Listen to the testimony of people who experienced Guillain-Barré paralysis because of the swine flu vaccine.  They sued the U.S. government for damages.  The 500 cases of Guillain-Barré paralysis, including 25 deaths – were not due to the swine flu itself – but as a direct result of the vaccine.  At the time President Gerald Ford, on advice from the CDC, called for vaccinating the ENTIRE population of the United States.

    So please do not let them carry out (mandatory) mass vaccinations on the pretext of a (fake) “deadly pandemic” because that will cause a real pandemic.

    Let’s take a closer look at what’s happening to their financial system.  The chart at the link below shows what’s happening now in red, as compared to what happened in previous bear markets.  It’s clear this is no ordinary financial crisis.

    This quote from Zero Hedge illustrates how the Feds monetary illusion has evaporated:

    “After firing the biggest emergency “shock and awe” bazooka in Fed history, one which was meant to restore not just partial but full normalcy to asset and funding markets, E-mini futures are not only not higher, but tumbling by the -5% limit down”

    CIA sources say the Dow Jones Industrial average will have to fall to at least one-third of its peak value in order to be in line with historical trends.

    With the U.S. no longer getting ships full of real goods in exchange for its illusory “money of account” fractional reserve lending “digital credit” money, it is a mathematical certainty that stores will become empty and major U.S. banks will go bust.

    Now let’s look at reports about the ongoing secret war from the Pentagon and CIA.  Here is a summary of the action from one Pentagon source:

    “The Zionists are on their deathbeds as Harvey Weinstein gets sentenced to 23 years in prison in NY, paving the way for convictions in LA.

    Since Prince Andrew is a naval officer who aided Jeffrey Epstein but refused to cooperate with the DOJ, and the queen was locked out of Windsor Castle, UK royals may be renditioned by the U.S. military since they are also military officers.

    Italy is apparently under U.S. military protection while the country is under lockdown…its army chief succumbed to coronavirus infection, and the Vatican needs to be cleansed of gays, Satanists, and pedofiles.

    Anti-family, anti-Christian Hollywood is under assault as Disney theme parks and movie theaters close, and film productions shut down.  Tom Hanks and his wife got infected with the coronavirus, Nicole Kidman moves back down under, and Stephen Spielberg may be exposed for his crimes with children.“

    Even more shocking is this report that came from the CIA just as this blog was about to go live:

    “This morning at 4:30 a.m., Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was served a criminal indictment by the U.S. for corporate and financial crimes.  Media owners were instructed to brainwash everyone that Trudeau and his wife are infected with the coronavirus and they won’t be leaving their house for a while.

    Tom Hanks was arrested 48 hours ago for pedophilia and he is currently being held in a hotel room in Australia, unwilling to fly back to the USA.  The next celebrity arrests will be Celine Dion, Madonna, Charles Barkley, and Kevin Spacey.  All will claim coronavirus infections.

    Italy’s airports have been completely shut down, as over 80 Vatican and financial officials have been served the same criminal indictments for financial crimes, pedophilia, child trafficking, and sexual abuse.

    The United Arab Emirates have completed mass arrests of their own Royal Family and affiliates.

    Convicted Hollywood rapist Harvey Weinstein agreed to a deal in exchange for his testimony against hundreds of top Hollywood celebrities for their involvement in the drug business, pedophilia, and child trafficking.  Instead of a 55-year sentence, he only received a 23-year sentence.  In exchange, he provided testimony against some of the biggest and most powerful names, including Prince Andrew of the U.K., former president Bill Clinton, former vice president Joe Biden, Tom Hanks, Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Sheen, Bob Saget, Kevin Spacey, John Travolta, Steven Spielberg, John Podesta, NXIVM and PIZZAGATE sex trafficking clubs, and hundreds more who all were directly involved with Jeffrey Epstein.

    Jeffrey Epstein was similarly allowed to make a deal and have his suicide in prison faked in exchange for his testimony.

    CEOs of some major world corporations have been indicted or arrested, and some have been forced to resign — all in the last 30-60 days — such as the CEOs of the NBA, Harley Davidson, the Bill Gates Foundation, Intel, McDonald’s, Cesar Awards, Disney, and the Vatican Chief of Police among others.  Approximately 700-800 more resignations are coming in the next 3 months.

    The lab-engineered ‘novel coronavirus’ is the cover story for a mandatory vaccination agenda.  Now it has become the biggest covert U.S. Intelligence operation the world has ever seen.  This massive – 158,000 arrests – operation will capture and remove the biggest evil and corrupt politicians, celebrities, and CEOs, including global elites and bankers such as George Soros, U.N. officials, and the founders of ‘GRETA Inc.’

    President Trump will win the 2020 election, and arrests of former U.S. presidents will occur in early 2021.  All major arrests will be portrayed by the media as accidental or as conspiracy theories.  All arrested individuals will be given “Rommel Death”, meaning that they will have a choice between their death bring portrayed to the public as a suicide or an accidental death in return for assurances that his or her reputation will remain intact.  Alternatively, they can choose to face a criminal trial that would result in public disgrace.

    Some top religious leaders will be arrested or forced to resign, and some will suddenly ‘get sick.’  The Vatican will be the first, and the Pope will be removed in 2020.  The distribution of extracted human Adrenochrome will be revealed, and Hollywood and the Vatican will be exposed as being directly responsible.

    There will be a 2-month complete shutdown of the world’s most common operations, such as schools, the stock exchange, some banks, airports, shipping, travel, events, galas, expos, sport games, sport championships, music award ceremonies, NBA/NHL/Baseball games, and ship cruises.  There will be food shortages and staged electricity power loss.  Gas prices will go down, food costs will go up, insurance will go up, gold and silver stocks will fall, and many corporations will either go bankrupt or take a significant financial loss, such as in the case of what’s about to happen to Air Canada, Disney, and Coca-Cola.”

    Other unconfirmed tidbits from intelligence agency sources are as follows:

    “Nancy Pelosi died within the last 24 hours.  
    The coronavirus will most likely be reported as the cause of death when the public announcement is made.“

    “Steven Mnuchin will be removed very soon.  He is an agent of the Khazarian cabal. The time has come to cut him loose as he knows too much about their inside dealings, including thefts from the U.S. Treasury. Will he succumb to the coronavirus?”

    “Boeing Company will go under.  It is finished.  All aircraft service centers will be shut down globally.  Maintenance facilities will be closed globally.  Aircraft sales have already stopped.  Leases canceled.  Boeing will bring down Lockheed-Martin.  They have their tentacles circling the globe.  This will bring down the cabal”.

    “Oil can drop to $5 a barrel as nobody wants it anymore.  New technologies are ready to be released.”

    It is finally happening, humanity is waking up from a long and terrible nightmare.
    Crazy Happy

    Went back to check his accuracy.

    Benjamin Fulford is the National Enquirer of the whistle blowers.

    He only tells the truth when a lie won't fit.

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    Post  Carol Fri Apr 17, 2020 5:20 pm

    At least his reports broaden one's perspective when it comes to various variables in play. Some perhaps accurate and others not.. but it's better then the fake news CNN.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Micjer Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:55 pm


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    Post  mudra Sat Apr 18, 2020 4:22 am

    Carol wrote:At least his reports broaden one's perspective when it comes to various variables in play. Some perhaps accurate and others not.. but it's better then the fake news CNN.

    " Better than fake news CNN "

    Fake news CNN is for the dumbing of the masses but there exist fake news Conspiracy world
    for the dumbing of the Alt media. Pied  pipers of hemmeling go wherever they see fit. They are not there to widen your point of view but rather to confuse and blurr it.For me Benjamin Fulford is one of them.

    The term " fake news " itself is such that one will assume " if its on mainstream its false and if its on alt media its true". What can possibly go wrong with such a limited point of view. For a lie to work it has to be surrounded by nuggets of truth. Some are good at giving out more lies than actual truths.

    In U3 it is so subtil that it takes constant alertness to walk one self through the various smoke screens and find the pearls of truth that hide behind them and what makes this even more complex is that everyone is understanding the world around them through their own filters.

    If we could all remove all of our filters completely we would possibly be able to perceive things in a very similar way as it is and undistorted.

    Love from me
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Post  Vidya Moksha Sun Apr 19, 2020 3:40 am

    It has been interesting to see the news feeds. I knew the BBC were bad, but they have really shown their true purpose lately, such fear -mongering. It seems they are doing their best to further the 'globalist' agenda. I think the UK, US probably have the worst news service (in english anyway, im guessing the French news is pretty biased too.)

    I am still shocked at the 'world response'. I never realised the one world government actually existed, I always thought it was a plan. Seems the 'plan' was enacted / implemented a long while ago.

    I was surprised by zerohedge, I thought they would have given a better alternate perspective, but they have also fallen into the mainstream narrative of doom and fear. quoting the official 'death figures', which anyone who has even a little knowledge should know are completely fake.

    Mike Adams - natural news - was way off too, another fear mongerer.

    I always though Fulford was just a loonie, but I do enjoy reading his news, if only for the smiles.

    We knew about Wilcock, and he has shown himself up once again. He's just a muppet. ( a 'comedy' puppet).

    David Icke thinks its ALL conspiracy. With few facts, just his continual assertion. (Not saying he's wrong, but I do like real facts not just conjecture).

    So where is the real news these days? Completely censored? I have found a couple of folk on facebook (!) of all places.. but there isnt too much reliable news at the moment.

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    Post  lilac Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:37 pm

    Dear Vidya,
    I have mostly been a lurker on this forum since I am usually way too busy with my job. I have been enjoying your recent posts, especially the edible forest, but also I like your "straight facts" attitude. I have listened to many youtubers over the years and have sadly needed to throw quite a few overboard. I have a theory that some of these people began with good intentions, but somewhere along the line, they were compromised. I listened to David Wilcock for years and loved his info, but something has gone very wrong there. I think that Corey is a bad apple that has infected many good people.

    So, since you bring it up, I am inspired to recommend some researchers that I still listen to. I need to stress that I think it's best to "float" things and never swallow the whole package. Life is a mine field these days.

    James Corbett, You Are Free TV, Amazing Polly, Patriot Phoenix, Jason Liosatos, George Webb, Tony Heller. For a good laugh: Ricky Gervais. Red Ice was kicked off of youtube, but also great info.
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Post  Vidya Moksha Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:34 pm

    Hi lilac

    thank you for your kind words and your list.

    James Corbett is a smart guy, I appreciate his work. I read Tony Heller daily, and have been following his work for many years, he is much needed in this age of pseudo-science.

    Red Ice I know and used to follow, but havent seen for a while now.

    The rest I dont know but will certainly check them out, thanks for the recommendation.

    I dont watch you tube, which limits my feed, so few folk seem to take the time to compile well written, well researched articles these days, and use of you tube makes them lazy in many regards. I think its a tool to dumb down society in general.

    Pseudo-spirituality is big business these days, sadly, and Wilcock et al are part of that game. Its easy enough to spot the key words that give them away, set alarm bells ringing, and I switch off to them. I dont know Corey, but saw enough not to bother looking further.

    I was out of the loop for a good few years, and its amazing how much the quality of my life increased when I wasnt keeping abreast of the world news. It makes you realise just how much we create our own universe.  I started looking again when I decided to stop travelling (after 15 years on the road) and look for land to create a forest garden. I wanted to keep abreast of the political situation, especially if clinton won the US election (I thought a world war would be both likely and imminent).. So I was a tad relieved when Trump got in, (for purely selfish reasons, I dont like to see the zionist cause helped so much) I thought it would give me the necessary breathing space while I work to amass enough coins to realise my dream.

    And now I see the world in lockdown.. which does hamper my plans somewhat, though everything for a reason eh? maybe i needed a bigger pile of gold after all Wink

    I look forward to the day when my main contribution in here is my forest garden thread.

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